Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday September 24, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 24, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Sept 24, 1886 Girard brought me the money on my note discounted [?] noon and I have my trunk all packed to go to Arkville tomorrow morning. I telegraphed Whittredge I would come in the morning train. [?] note to Eastman but forgot to mail it with the letters. I took my [?] down to Rondout for a short ride as the weather was mild and [?] I paid Dempseys bill and sent checks to Turck, to Mantustock [and?] to Meyer for their bills. My father did not care to ride farther than Rondout and back. The man came from Canfields and put the [?] stove in order, but like every thing else it is wearing out and I think [?] not go more than this winter. It had to be tinkered in rather a makeshift manner. I feel badly about leaving home, as I always do, but I seem to be so necessary here now that I feel depressed [going?] away. Mrs Knight is coming tomorrow to spend Sunday with [?] for pictures which will be a great encouragement and that [?] will be inclined to be kind and companionable. I think [a little?] release from the daily brooding over our affairs will give me [a?] little encouragement and enterprise. All effort seems burdensome [?] and that is wrong, for life is made up of effort. If I could [?] look hopefully forward again it would be a blessing.

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