Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday July 28, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 28, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, July 28, 1885 I had a very pleasant informal reception over at my studio this forenoon to show my picture "Desolated Shrines"[.] Nannie, Annie Lee and Mamie Livingston, Mrs. Van Deusen, Alida and Miss Powell (visiting Alida) Sara, Alice, Julia and Marion being my guests. We had a pleasant, jolly time and all seemed to enjoy it as I did very much. It seemed to be a revival of the days of long ago when dear Gertrude gathered our friends about us under this roof and the place seemed more silent and lonely than ever after they had all gone. We went down to the Point to bathe after dinner, Marion, Sara, Julia and Alices two little girls. There were a number of bathers there to our disappointment and I did not bathe. We took Park along who enjoyed it more than any one else. Annie Lee came to tea and spent the evening. They go to High Falls tomorrow. Mrs. Ludlum died today. Looking at the little sketch, in the parlor, of our camp at the head of the Rondout I find it was made nine years ago today. To my great regret it is more than probable that the West Shore Rail road will soon pass into the hands of Vanderbilt.

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