Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday November 7, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 7, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Nov 7, 1881 Had a new idea about the new stable and went down to the Strand to see Mantustock the carpenter who came up this afternoon and after looking the matter over I engaged him to commence it at once. Attended Dr. Crispells funeral from his house this afternoon. There were a great many people there. It began to rain just before the service but cleared before we went to the cemetery. I observed that they have begun to work on our cemetery lot. Attended a meeting of the Literary Club at Mr. Lindsleys. Sara and I walked down. It rained a little. Mr. Van Slyck who was to read his essay did not come. He had sent word that on account of the threatening weather he did not think there would be any one there. However about 30 came, some from Kingston and among them a Mr. Mc Kinney a Baptist clergyman from Kingston who talked pretty well. We got on the Irish question and Mr. Rafting the Irish school master was the advocate of his countrymen. We had quite an interesting talk. Mr. McK. is a little in the art way and sketches a little. I asked him to call here. Recd. a letter from Booth today, happy in his daughters happiness but troubled about his domestic affairs and the slanders circulated about him. He and Edwina went to Philadelphia today and are not to return to N.Y. until April. Also a letter from Mrs. Bayard Taylor regarding the illustration to the Pennsylvania Farm ballads and expressing her surprise and sorry that mine was not used.

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