Archives of American Art Journal: Fall 2023, Volume 62, Number 2

Front cover of Fall 2023 journal issue featuring a black and white image of a person with hand-drawn "x" marks on them.

The Fall 2023 issue of the Archives of American Art Journal highlights the Archives’ substantial and varied collection of oral histories featuring the voices of artists and other art-world professionals. Through direct engagement with oral histories of and by such diverse personalities as gallerist Martha Jackson, historian Albert Murray, and painter Jay DeFeo, contributing authors demonstrate how oral evidence can expand and enrich conventional narratives of American art. Artist Wendy Red Star’s suite of paper weavings for the issue, which were informed by the Archives’ 1989 oral history with painter Joan Mitchell, highlights how historical archives inspire today’s leading artists. Finally, drawing on her experience conducting more than 500 oral histories with figures in the American art world over nearly 50 years, Avis Berman reflects on the generative interactions between interviewers and their subjects.  

Karen Maynor, Photograph of Andy Warhol writing a note on vacuum cleaner at “Art in Process V” exhibition, 1972.
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