Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 March Select: Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 MarchScope and ContentsRegarding the pricing and and shipping of two watercolors, "Boat Landing, Bermuda" and "North Road, Bermuda." Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 May Select: Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 MayScope and ContentsClarification of J.A. Spoor as the purchaser of "Lost on the Grand Banks." Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 June Select: Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 JuneScope and ContentsReturning a letter to M. Knoedler and Company. Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 July Select: Letter to M. Knoedler, 1900 JulyScope and ContentsConstructing a frame in the same style as the one for "Hound and Hunter." Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 September Select: Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 SeptemberScope and ContentsMissing TitleFollowing up on a frame order.Shipping two works to the Carnegie Institute for an exhibition.Sending new work to M. Knoedler for framing.Offering to display "Gulf Stream" at M. Knoedler's after the Carnegie exhibition. Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 October Select: Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 OctoberScope and ContentsMissing TitleRegarding delivery of two watercolors to the Century Association for their monthly meeting.Pricing "Gulf Stream."Commissioning two frames for new works. Telegram from M. O'Brien and Son and letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 November Select: Telegram from M. O'Brien and Son and letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 NovemberScope and ContentsMissing TitleTelegram from M. O'Brien and Son on the falling through of a sale. Regarding shipping a new canvas and checking another canvas for damages.Following up on a painting sale, frame orders, and the completion of two new "wonderful paintings." Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 December Select: Letters to M. Knoedler, 1900 DecemberScope and ContentsMissing TitleRegarding shipping "Fog" with a pricing rationale.Sending new paintings to be framed (including "Breaking the Bar, Cannon Rock"), checking on Century Association watercolors, and an update on new works.Final pricing for "Fog" and "Breaking the Bar," finding the market value of his works, and offering M. Knoedler publication rights to "Fog."Acknowledgement and decline of offer to ship work to France.Sending work to the Union League, update on works and "Gulf Stream."Framing and shipping instructions for work sent to the Union League. Letter to M. Knoedler, 1904 August Select: Letter to M. Knoedler, 1904 AugustScope and ContentsRegarding a circular on "Early Morning."