Collection Information
Size: 0.9 Linear feet
Summary: Biographical material, research files, financial records, photographs, artwork, printed material and a scrapbook documenting the life of sculptor and educator William Ehrich.
Biographical material includes forms of identification, resumes, family genealogical records, travel notes, one award, and biographical notes. Research files include William Ehrich's 1955 trip to Germany and files compiled by Roger Ehrich and others regarding William Ehrich and WPA artists. Financial records include receipts, purchase orders, inventories, and mortgage records pertaining to Ehrich receiving money from a local art patron to purchase a home. Photographs are of Ehrich, Ehrich with his students, his sculpture and exhibitions. Artwork includes Ehrich's sketchbooks and sketches of anatomy. Printed material includes newspaper clippings. One scrapbook contains Ehrich's professional correspondence.