African Spring, undated
Select: African Spring, undated
Alcebiades, undated
Select: Alcebiades, undated
Baby Portraits, undated
Select: Baby Portraits, undated Scope and Contents Portraits of Jillian and Sheila King.
The Babysitter, undated
Select: The Babysitter, undated Scope and Contents Includes correspondence and an exhibition brochure.
Baryshnikov and McBride, undated
Select: Baryshnikov and McBride, undated
Berthe, Hans, 1975-1976, undated
Select: Berthe, Hans, 1975-1976, undated Scope and Contents Includes correspondence and sketches.
Birds, undated
Select: Birds, undated
Boys Playing, 1983
Select: Boys Playing, 1983 Scope and Contents Includes sales record.
Brammer, Mary, 1979
Select: Brammer, Mary, 1979
Brandt Children, undated
Select: Brandt Children, undated
Brave New World, 1974-1980
Select: Brave New World, 1974-1980 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence and a brochure.
Bristlecone Pine Trees, circa 1977
Select: Bristlecone Pine Trees, circa 1977 Scope and Contents Includes color transparencies, negative, and descriptive text.
Buffalo, 1974-1980
Select: Buffalo, 1974-1980 Scope and Contents Includes casting record, news clippings, and a 35-mm slide.
Buffalo Calf-Lying, 1981-1983
Select: Buffalo Calf-Lying, 1981-1983 Scope and Contents Includes sales record and a 35-mm slide.
Buffalo Calf-Standing, 1977-1981
Select: Buffalo Calf-Standing, 1977-1981 Scope and Contents Includes sales record.
Bull and Bear, 1965-1966
Select: Bull and Bear, 1965-1966 Scope and Contents Includes news clipping.
Burro with Twins, undated
Select: Burro with Twins, undated
Burros, 1974-1975
Select: Burros, 1974-1975 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence.
Calliope, 1975-1982
Select: Calliope, 1975-1982 Scope and Contents Includes casting records and news clipping.
Canyon de Chelly, circa 1980
Select: Canyon de Chelly, circa 1980 Scope and Contents No photographs. Includes a casting record.
Carmichael, Leonard, 1975-1977, undated
Select: Carmichael, Leonard, 1975-1977, undated Scope and Contents Includes correspondence, check stubs, receipt, news clipping, and negatives.
Carson, Rachel, 1982-1987
Select: Carson, Rachel, 1982-1987 Scope and Contents Includes sales record, correspondence, and a brochure.
Cats, circa 1982
Select: Cats, circa 1982 Scope and Contents Found here are files for Sheba, Mehitabel, Kittens Playing, and Cats. Includes negatives and a 35-mm slide.
Children Playing, Relief, undated
Select: Children Playing, Relief, undated
Children's Portraits, undated
Select: Children's Portraits, undated Scope and Contents Portraits of Josephine Coatsworth and three others. Includes a 35-mm slide.
Communication, undated
Select: Communication, undated
Communion Table, Wheaton Presbyterian Church (MD), undated
Select: Communion Table, Wheaton Presbyterian Church (MD), undated
Compassion, 1969
Select: Compassion, 1969 Scope and Contents Includes news clippings and correspondence.
Concha, 1975
Select: Concha, 1975 Scope and Contents Includes news clippings, biographical information, and publicity for unveiling.
Crofter's Daughter, undated
Select: Crofter's Daughter, undated Scope and Contents Includes negatives.
Dancers, 1983
Select: Dancers, 1983 Scope and Contents Includes invoice for photographs, negatives, and 35-mm slides.
Dancing on the Beach, undated
Select: Dancing on the Beach, undated Scope and Contents Includes negatives.
Desert Patterns, 1983
Select: Desert Patterns, 1983 Scope and Contents No photographs. Includes negatives and sales record.
Dog (Boxer), undated
Select: Dog (Boxer), undated
Dryden, Hugh, undated
Select: Dryden, Hugh, undated Scope and Contents Includes notes, correspondence, and publication.
Dymoniet, undated
Select: Dymoniet, undated Scope and Contents Includes sales record.
Elephants, 1961
Select: Elephants, 1961 Scope and Contents Includes news clipping and correspondence.
End of Siesta, 1977-1981
Select: End of Siesta, 1977-1981 Scope and Contents No photographs. Includes casting paperwork and sales record.
Ewald Medal, 1986-1987
Select: Ewald Medal, 1986-1987 Scope and Contents No photographs. Includes notes and correspondence.
Fermi, Enrico, 1977-1981, undated
Select: Fermi, Enrico, 1977-1981, undated Scope and Contents Includes newsletter and correspondence.
Filly at Sunset, 1974-1976
Select: Filly at Sunset, 1974-1976 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence.
Flight, 1968-1988
Select: Flight, 1968-1988 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence, news clippings, notes, negatives, color transparency, and 35-mm slides.
Flower Seller, undated
Select: Flower Seller, undated
Folk Singer (Folk Music), undated
Select: Folk Singer (Folk Music), undated
Fountains, undated
Select: Fountains, undated Scope and Contents Includes sketch and 35-mm slides.
From the Sea (Lg), 1976
Select: From the Sea (Lg), 1976 Scope and Contents Includes sales record and correspondence.
Fuller, Buckminster, 1976
Select: Fuller, Buckminster, 1976 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence.
Future Winner, 1981-1984
Select: Future Winner, 1981-1984 Scope and Contents No photographs. Includes sales record.
Ghayroka (4 hrs. & 8 hrs.), 1978-1982
Select: Ghayroka (4 hrs. & 8 hrs.), 1978-1982 Scope and Contents Includes sales record, correspondence, and casting certificates.
The Gift, 1978
Select: The Gift, 1978 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence.
Gilpin, Laura, 1973-1986
Select: Gilpin, Laura, 1973-1986 Scope and Contents Includes biographical material, news clippings, exhibition and publicity material, 35-mm slides, and negatives.
Giraffe Family, 1982
Select: Giraffe Family, 1982 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence.
Gordios, undated
Select: Gordios, undated
Graham, Susan, undated
Select: Graham, Susan, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Greeting, 1988
Select: Greeting, 1988 Scope and Contents note Includes notes, correspondence, publicity, negative, 35-mm slides, and color transparencies. See also Letitia.
Guitar Players, 1965, undated
Select: Guitar Players, 1965, undated Scope and Contents note Includes news clippings and publicity.
Hank's Pleasure, 1978-1980
Select: Hank's Pleasure, 1978-1980 Scope and Contents note No photographs. Includes sales record and casting records.
Happiness, 1982-1989, undated
Select: Happiness, 1982-1989, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, casting records, invoice, and 35-mm slides.
Happiness (Terra Cotta), undated
Select: Happiness (Terra Cotta), undated
Happy Afternoon, 1982, undated
Select: Happy Afternoon, 1982, undated Scope and Contents note No photographs. Includes correspondence, casting records, 35-mm slides.
High Noon at the Ranch, undated
Select: High Noon at the Ranch, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Horses (Terra Cotta), 1963
Select: Horses (Terra Cotta), 1963
Intermission, undated
Select: Intermission, undated
Iris Flowers, 1963
Select: Iris Flowers, 1963
Isadora Reflected, 1988
Select: Isadora Reflected, 1988 Scope and Contents note Includes notes, correspondence, and invoice.
Kelsey, Frances, undated
Select: Kelsey, Frances, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives and 35-mm slides.
Knox, Andrew (and pet snake), 1968-1985
Select: Knox, Andrew (and pet snake), 1968-1985 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence.
Lamb (font cover, Good Shepherd Methodist Church, Waldorf, MD), 1969, undated
Select: Lamb (font cover, Good Shepherd Methodist Church, Waldorf, MD), 1969, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, Guild for Religious Architecture merit award certificate, and 35-mm slide.
Letitia, undated
Select: Letitia, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, correspondence, and negatives. See also Greeting.
Life Cry, 1975, undated
Select: Life Cry, 1975, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence.
Lioness with Cubs, 1983-1984, undated
Select: Lioness with Cubs, 1983-1984, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, clippings, sketch, casting paperwork, 35-mm slides, and negatives.
Listening to Music, undated
Select: Listening to Music, undated
Llamas, 1968-1970, undated
Select: Llamas, 1968-1970, undated Scope and Contents note Includes clippings.
Louisville Zoo, undated
Select: Louisville Zoo, undated
Maid to Please and New Born Floa, 1974, undated
Select: Maid to Please and New Born Floa, 1974, undated Scope and Contents note No photographs. Includes notice of edition curtailment, note, and printed material.
Making Friends, 1981, undated
Select: Making Friends, 1981, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records.
Marit, Marina, 1981
Select: Marit, Marina, 1981
Medical Examiner's Building, undated
Select: Medical Examiner's Building, undated Scope and Contents note Includes statement and negatives.
Meem, John G. and Faith, 1980-1982, undated
Select: Meem, John G. and Faith, 1980-1982, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sketch, correspondence, castings records, and clippings.
Memories of Assisi, 1983, undated
Select: Memories of Assisi, 1983, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record and 35-mm slide.
Menorah, undated
Select: Menorah, undated Scope and Contents note Includes news clipping.
Miller, Nel, undated
Select: Miller, Nel, undated
Miscellaneous Maquettes, circa 1960-1980
Select: Miscellaneous Maquettes, circa 1960-1980
Mithra, 1978-1984, undated
Select: Mithra, 1978-1984, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, correspondence, and notice of edition curtailment.
Moment in Time, undated
Select: Moment in Time, undated
Moniet el Nefous and Tatumi, undated
Select: Moniet el Nefous and Tatumi, undated Scope and Contents note Includes news clippings and negative.
Moscow, Alan, 1966, undated
Select: Moscow, Alan, 1966, undated Scope and Contents note Includes biographical notes and publication.
Moses (SM), 1983, undated
Select: Moses (SM), 1983, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, notes, and correspondence.
Mother and Child, 1964, undated
Select: Mother and Child, 1964, undated Scope and Contents note Includes news clippings and negatives.
Motherhood, undated
Select: Motherhood, undated
Mullitz, Natalaie, 1966, undated
Select: Mullitz, Natalaie, 1966, undated Scope and Contents note Includes publication.
Music, undated
Select: Music, undated
Musk Oxen, 1981-1986, undated
Select: Musk Oxen, 1981-1986, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records and news clippings.
Neutra, Richard, n.d,. 1969-1985
Select: Neutra, Richard, n.d,. 1969-1985 Scope and Contents note Includes news clippings, notes, and correspondence.
New Born Foal, undated
Select: New Born Foal, undated Scope and Contents note No photographs. Includes sales record.
New Step, undated
Select: New Step, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence and 35-mm slide.
Night Flight, undated
Select: Night Flight, undated
Nightwatchers, 1974, undated
Select: Nightwatchers, 1974, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting paperwork, correspondence, negative, and 35-mm slide.
North Americans, 1980-1984, undated
Select: North Americans, 1980-1984, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records.
O'Keeffe, Georgia, Correspondence and Printed Material, 1967-1989
Select: O'Keeffe, Georgia, Correspondence and Printed Material, 1967-1989
O'Keeffe, Georgia, Photographic Material, undated
Select: O'Keeffe, Georgia, Photographic Material, undated
On the Plains, undated
Select: On the Plains, undated
Oppenheimer, Robert, 1967-1975, undated
Select: Oppenheimer, Robert, 1967-1975, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, invoices, a loan agreement, printed materials, and a publication.
Orihi Antelope (Antelope and Fawn), 1982, undated
Select: Orihi Antelope (Antelope and Fawn), 1982, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records, 35-mm slides, and negatives.
Orihi Antelope (Lg.), 1981, undated
Select: Orihi Antelope (Lg.), 1981, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records, 35-mm slides, and negatives.
Papas, Sophocles, undated
Select: Papas, Sophocles, undated
Paperweights (Bull, Odontoglossum Orchid, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Pony, Rooster, Tiger), 1982-1983
Select: Paperweights (Bull, Odontoglossum Orchid, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Pony, Rooster, Tiger), 1982-1983 Scope and Contents note No photographs. Includes sales records.
The Pet Show (Le Bonheur Concern for Children Award), 1983, undated
Select: The Pet Show (Le Bonheur Concern for Children Award), 1983, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sketches, correspondence, clippings, publicity, negatives, and 35-mm slides.
Phoenix, 1981-1986, undated
Select: Phoenix, 1981-1986, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, notes, invitation to unveiling, foundry certificate of casting, clippings, 35-mm slides, color transparencies, and negatives.
Phoenix (Plexiglass), undated
Select: Phoenix (Plexiglass), undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Polingaysi (Elizabeth White), 1974-1983, undated
Select: Polingaysi (Elizabeth White), 1974-1983, undated Scope and Contents note Includes publicity, printed material, and correspondence.
Puzzle, 1973-1985, undated
Select: Puzzle, 1973-1985, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records and correspondence.
Question, undated
Select: Question, undated
Quick Lightning, 1971-1980, undated
Select: Quick Lightning, 1971-1980, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, printed material, and casting record.
Rashad (Arabian Stallion), undated
Select: Rashad (Arabian Stallion), undated
Real Wind, undated
Select: Real Wind, undated Scope and Contents note Includes news clippings, negatives, and notes.
Rios, Jesus, 1975-1988, undated
Select: Rios, Jesus, 1975-1988, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, printed matter, and negatives.
Ripley, S. Dillon, 1976-1978, undated
Select: Ripley, S. Dillon, 1976-1978, undated Scope and Contents note Includes check stubs, news clippings, correspondence, and notes.
Rising Above the Clouds, undated
Select: Rising Above the Clouds, undated
Ritzenberg, Katie, undated
Select: Ritzenberg, Katie, undated Scope and Contents note Includes printing plate and 35-mm slide.
Rocky Mountain Goats, undated
Select: Rocky Mountain Goats, undated Scope and Contents note Includes note.
Rudel, Julius, 1977-1983, undated
Select: Rudel, Julius, 1977-1983, undated Scope and Contents note Includes notes, invoices, correspondence, sketches, news clippings, negatives, and slides.
Sabellina and Samantha, 1976-1989, undated
Select: Sabellina and Samantha, 1976-1989, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence and casting paperwork.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Springfield, Va. (Family), 1969, undated
Select: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Springfield, Va. (Family), 1969, undated Scope and Contents note Includes notes, illustrated cover of Lutheran Forum magazine, miscellaneous printed material, and negatives.
Saveressing, Frances, undated
Select: Saveressing, Frances, undated
Segovia, Andrés, undated
Select: Segovia, Andrés, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Sentinels, undated
Select: Sentinels, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Simmental Calf, undated
Select: Simmental Calf, undated
Sixty Miles per Hour, 1975-1980, undated
Select: Sixty Miles per Hour, 1975-1980, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record, correspondence, casting paperwork, 35-mm slides, and negatives.
Somewhere a Bird, undated
Select: Somewhere a Bird, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives, clides, and color transparencies.
Song, undated
Select: Song, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives and slides.
Southwest Wind, undated
Select: Southwest Wind, undated
Spring Time Leap, 1976, undated
Select: Spring Time Leap, 1976, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence and 35-mm slide.
Stovall, Lou, undated
Select: Stovall, Lou, undated
Sung, Dato David L.F., 1970-1975, undated
Select: Sung, Dato David L.F., 1970-1975, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, notes, and printed material.
Swains, undated
Select: Swains, undated
Teller, Edward, 1980-1981, undated
Select: Teller, Edward, 1980-1981, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence and notes.
Tennis Players, 1967-1970, undated
Select: Tennis Players, 1967-1970, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, notes, news clippings, and printed material.
Thanksgiving, undated
Select: Thanksgiving, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sales record and correspondence.
Theater Guild, 1982
Select: Theater Guild, 1982
Time Figure, undated
Select: Time Figure, undated
Tonto Bars Hank, 1980, undated
Select: Tonto Bars Hank, 1980, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting paperwork and printed material.
Twilight, undated
Select: Twilight, undated
Unicorn with Maiden, undated
Select: Unicorn with Maiden, undated Scope and Contents note Includes negatives.
Vantage Point, undated
Select: Vantage Point, undated Scope and Contents note Includes printed material.
Water Buffalo, 1982, undated
Select: Water Buffalo, 1982, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records and 35-mm slide.
Who Goes There, 1981, undated
Select: Who Goes There, 1981, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records.
Whoopee!, 1982, undated
Select: Whoopee!, 1982, undated Scope and Contents note Includes casting records and slide.
Witness to the Long Walk, undated
Select: Witness to the Long Walk, undated
Wonder is the Beginning of Wisdom, undated
Select: Wonder is the Beginning of Wisdom, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence, negatives, color transparencies, and 35-mm slide. See also Yugoslavia.
Work Horse, 1984, undated
Select: Work Horse, 1984, undated Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence and negatives.
Yugoslavia, 1971-1981, undated
Select: Yugoslavia, 1971-1981, undated Scope and Contents note Includes sketches, correspondence, notes, printed material, 35-mm slides, and negatives. See also Wonder is the Beginning of Wisdom.