Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1964-1991
Select: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1964-1991
Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 1971
Select: Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 1971
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1971-1973
Select: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1971-1973
American Federation of Arts, 1956-1967
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1956-1967
Argus Gallery, 1962-1964
Select: Argus Gallery, 1962-1964
Art Association of Indianapolis, 1962-1966
Select: Art Association of Indianapolis, 1962-1966
Art Dealers Association, 1961-1984
Select: Art Dealers Association, 1961-1984
Art Institute of Chicago, 1955-1969
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1955-1969
Art Rental Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1957-1967
Select: Art Rental Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1957-1967
Art South, 1986-1987
Select: Art South, 1986-1987
Arte Centro, Milan, 1970-1973
Select: Arte Centro, Milan, 1970-1973
Artists' Choice Museum, 1978-1984
Select: Artists' Choice Museum, 1978-1984
Arts Club of Chicago, 1959-1965
Select: Arts Club of Chicago, 1959-1965
Axiom Gallery, London, 1964-1970
Select: Axiom Gallery, London, 1964-1970
Ball State University, 1959, 1971-1973
Select: Ball State University, 1959, 1971-1973
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1959-1967
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1959-1967
Bayonne Jewish Community Center, 1963-1967
Select: Bayonne Jewish Community Center, 1963-1967
Bognar Gallery, 1965-1966
Select: Bognar Gallery, 1965-1966
Brookhaven Laboratory, 1963
Select: Brookhaven Laboratory, 1963
Brooklyn Museum, 1956-1963
Select: Brooklyn Museum, 1956-1963
Carnegie Institute, 1955-1967
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1955-1967
Chase Manhattan Bank, 1971-1989
Select: Chase Manhattan Bank, 1971-1989
Chemical Bank, 1985-1986
Select: Chemical Bank, 1985-1986
Christie's, 1984
Select: Christie's, 1984
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1962-1966
Select: Cincinnati Art Museum, 1962-1966
Collectors Gallery, 1965
Select: Collectors Gallery, 1965
Columbia Museum of Art, 1956-1963
Select: Columbia Museum of Art, 1956-1963
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1959-1960
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1959-1960
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1956-1967
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1956-1967
Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1958-1965
Select: Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1958-1965
David Mirvish Gallery, 1970-1973
Select: David Mirvish Gallery, 1970-1973
Dayton Art Institute, 1959-1964
Select: Dayton Art Institute, 1959-1964
Denver Art Museum, 1957-1963
Select: Denver Art Museum, 1957-1963
Devlin Gallery, 1962-1964
Select: Devlin Gallery, 1962-1964
Dord Fitz Gallery, 1960-1964
Select: Dord Fitz Gallery, 1960-1964
Dwan Gallery, 1960-1963
Select: Dwan Gallery, 1960-1963
Esther Bear Gallery, 1962-1966
Select: Esther Bear Gallery, 1962-1966
Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1959-1964
Select: Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1959-1964
Feigen / Feigen Palmer Gallery, 1964-1966
Select: Feigen / Feigen Palmer Gallery, 1964-1966
Felix Landau Gallery, 1962-1967
Select: Felix Landau Gallery, 1962-1967
Finch College Museum of Art, 1971-1972
Select: Finch College Museum of Art, 1971-1972
Franklin Siden Gallery, 1963-1966
Select: Franklin Siden Gallery, 1963-1966
Galeria Colibri, San Juan, 1969
Select: Galeria Colibri, San Juan, 1969
Galerie Darthea Speyer, 1970-1971
Select: Galerie Darthea Speyer, 1970-1971
Galleria La Bertesca, 1974-1975
Select: Galleria La Bertesca, 1974-1975
German Galleries, 1971-1972
Select: German Galleries, 1971-1972
Gertrude Kasle Gallery, 1965-1974
Select: Gertrude Kasle Gallery, 1965-1974
Gimpel Fils Gallery, 1961-1963
Select: Gimpel Fils Gallery, 1961-1963
Gres Gallery, 1959-1962
Select: Gres Gallery, 1959-1962
Guggenheim Museum, 1961-1987
Select: Guggenheim Museum, 1961-1987
Gump's Gallery, 1962-1966
Select: Gump's Gallery, 1962-1966
H.O. Gerngross and Co., 1972-1973
Select: H.O. Gerngross and Co., 1972-1973
Hamilton Galleries, 1966-1967
Select: Hamilton Galleries, 1966-1967
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1974-1984
Select: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1974-1984
Holland Gallery, 1960-1966
Select: Holland Gallery, 1960-1966
Houston Contemporary Arts Association, 1956-1962
Select: Houston Contemporary Arts Association, 1956-1962
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1959-1966
Select: Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1959-1966
Instituto Torcuato di Tella, 1963
Select: Instituto Torcuato di Tella, 1963
Jack Glenn Gallery, 1971-1972
Select: Jack Glenn Gallery, 1971-1972
James L. Lodge Gallery, 1975-1986
Select: James L. Lodge Gallery, 1975-1986
Jefferson Place Gallery, 1959-1961
Select: Jefferson Place Gallery, 1959-1961
John Berggruen Gallery, 1972
Select: John Berggruen Gallery, 1972
Kansas City Art Institute, 1962
Select: Kansas City Art Institute, 1962
Katonah Gallery, 1962-1970
Select: Katonah Gallery, 1962-1970
Keene Bookshop and Gallery, 1958-1959
Select: Keene Bookshop and Gallery, 1958-1959
Knoedler, 1969-1970
Select: Knoedler, 1969-1970
Krannert Art Museum, 1960-1967
Select: Krannert Art Museum, 1960-1967
Lee Gallery, 1974-1975
Select: Lee Gallery, 1974-1975
Louisiana State University, 1964
Select: Louisiana State University, 1964
Manufacturers Hanover Corporation, 1967, 1986-1987
Select: Manufacturers Hanover Corporation, 1967, 1986-1987
Martha Jackson Gallery, 1960-1962
Select: Martha Jackson Gallery, 1960-1962
McCleaf Gallery of Philadelphia, 1969-1971
Select: McCleaf Gallery of Philadelphia, 1969-1971
McNay Art Institute, 1972-1976
Select: McNay Art Institute, 1972-1976
Meredith Long Gallery, 1974-1977
Select: Meredith Long Gallery, 1974-1977
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1955-1962
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1955-1962
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1957-1963
Select: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1957-1963
Moore College of Art, 1971
Select: Moore College of Art, 1971
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1971-1985
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1971-1985
Museum of Modern Art, 1954-1991
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1954-1991
Museum of Modern Art Lending Services, Consignment Sheets, 1953-1966
Select: Museum of Modern Art Lending Services, Consignment Sheets, 1953-1966
Museum of Modern Art Lending Services, Sales Confirmations, 1956-1966
Select: Museum of Modern Art Lending Services, Sales Confirmations, 1956-1966
National Association of Fine Arts Dealers, 1962
Select: National Association of Fine Arts Dealers, 1962
National Collection of Fine Arts, 1966
Select: National Collection of Fine Arts, 1966
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1956-1966
Select: National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1956-1966
New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1983-1987
Select: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1983-1987
New School of Art Center, 1955-1965
Select: New School of Art Center, 1955-1965
New Vision Centre Gallery, 1964-1968
Select: New Vision Centre Gallery, 1964-1968
New York Cultural Center, 1967-1973
Select: New York Cultural Center, 1967-1973
New York University, 1959-1967
Select: New York University, 1959-1967
Newberry Farms Gallery, 1976
Select: Newberry Farms Gallery, 1976
Newport Jazz Festival, 1958
Select: Newport Jazz Festival, 1958
Nicholas Wilder Gallery, 1966-1976
Select: Nicholas Wilder Gallery, 1966-1976
North Carolina Museum of Art, 1957-1959
Select: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1957-1959
Nova Gallery, 1961-1964
Select: Nova Gallery, 1961-1964
Obelisk Gallery, 1970-1971
Select: Obelisk Gallery, 1970-1971
Olympia Gallery, 1975-1976
Select: Olympia Gallery, 1975-1976
Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, 1972-1979
Select: Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, 1972-1979
Parrish Art Museum, 1965
Select: Parrish Art Museum, 1965
Pasadena Art Museum, 1972
Select: Pasadena Art Museum, 1972
Paul Facchetti Gallery, 1961-1964
Select: Paul Facchetti Gallery, 1961-1964
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1960-1973
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1960-1973
Philbrook Art Center, 1964-1967
Select: Philbrook Art Center, 1964-1967
Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 1963-1964
Select: Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 1963-1964
Purdue University, 1964-1966
Select: Purdue University, 1964-1966
Quay Gallery, 1970-1971
Select: Quay Gallery, 1970-1971
Reed College, 1965-1967
Select: Reed College, 1965-1967
Richard Gray Gallery, 1967-1968
Select: Richard Gray Gallery, 1967-1968
Rose Art Museum, 1958-1966
Select: Rose Art Museum, 1958-1966
Ruth S. Schaffner Gallery, 1974
Select: Ruth S. Schaffner Gallery, 1974
San Francisco Museum of Art, 1963-1966
Select: San Francisco Museum of Art, 1963-1966
Simonne Stern Gallery, 1970-1971
Select: Simonne Stern Gallery, 1970-1971
Southern Illinois University, 1964
Select: Southern Illinois University, 1964
State University College, New York, 1955-1964
Select: State University College, New York, 1955-1964
Storm King Art Center, 1972-1986
Select: Storm King Art Center, 1972-1986
Swearingen-Byck Gallery, 1971-1973
Select: Swearingen-Byck Gallery, 1971-1973
Syracuse University, 1962-1981
Select: Syracuse University, 1962-1981
Union College, 1962-1964
Select: Union College, 1962-1964
United States Information Agency, 1961-1965
Select: United States Information Agency, 1961-1965
University of Colorado, 1958-1963
Select: University of Colorado, 1958-1963
University of Illinois, 1956-1965
Select: University of Illinois, 1956-1965
University of Kentucky, 1958-1960
Select: University of Kentucky, 1958-1960
University of Minnesota, 1955-1967
Select: University of Minnesota, 1955-1967
University of Nebraska, 1956-1964, 1988
Select: University of Nebraska, 1956-1964, 1988
University of New Mexico, 1963-1965
Select: University of New Mexico, 1963-1965
University of Notre Dame, 1963-1967
Select: University of Notre Dame, 1963-1967
University of Texas, 1971-1976
Select: University of Texas, 1971-1976
Vassar College, 1954-1964
Select: Vassar College, 1954-1964
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1958-1966, 1989-1990
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1958-1966, 1989-1990
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1959-1965
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1959-1965
Walker Art Center, 1955-1963
Select: Walker Art Center, 1955-1963
Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 1962-1967
Select: Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 1962-1967
Washington University, 1959-1960
Select: Washington University, 1959-1960
Watson Gallery, 1987
Select: Watson Gallery, 1987
Weatherspoon Art Gallery, 1970-1991
Select: Weatherspoon Art Gallery, 1970-1991
West Publishing Company Collection, 1987-1990
Select: West Publishing Company Collection, 1987-1990
Westmoreland County Museum of Art, 1966-1970
Select: Westmoreland County Museum of Art, 1966-1970
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1955-1967
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1955-1967
Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, 1983-1984
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, 1983-1984
Woodward Foundation, 1963-1971
Select: Woodward Foundation, 1963-1971
Worcester Art Museum, 1965-1973
Select: Worcester Art Museum, 1965-1973
Yale University, 1959-1967
Select: Yale University, 1959-1967