Adams, Charlotte, 1880-1881 Select: Adams, Charlotte, 1880-1881 Allen, Frederick H., 1880 Select: Allen, Frederick H., 1880 Amoore, H. E., 1879-1881 Select: Amoore, H. E., 1879-1881 Amoore, H. E., 1880-1881 Select: Amoore, H. E., 1880-1881 Andrew, George T., 1880-1886 Select: Andrew, George T., 1880-1886 Andrews, Robert D., 1879 Select: Andrews, Robert D., 1879 Angell, Henry C., 1880-1881 Select: Angell, Henry C., 1880-1881 Assing, Ottilie, 1867-1868 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1867-1868 Assing, Ottilie, 1869-1874 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1869-1874 Assing, Ottilie, 1875-1878 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1875-1878 Assing, Ottilie, 1879 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1879 Assing, Ottilie, 1880 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1880 Assing, Ottilie, 1881-1884 Select: Assing, Ottilie, 1881-1884Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Attwood, Gilbert, 1875-1879 Select: Attwood, Gilbert, 1875-1879 A, Miscellaneous: A-Al, 1873-1887 Select: A, Miscellaneous: A-Al, 1873-1887Scope and Contents noteAdams Express Company Adler, Felix Adsit, Mrs. C. D. Allen, J. A. Allen, O. H. Allen, Walter A, Miscellaneous: Am, 1875-1889 Select: A, Miscellaneous: Am, 1875-1889Scope and Contents noteAmand-Durand American Architect and Building News American Art Association American Bank Note Company American Numismatic and Archeological Society American Photo-Engraving Company American Polytechnic Company American Tract Society A, Miscellaneous: An-Ap, 1879-1889 Select: A, Miscellaneous: An-Ap, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteAnderson, A. A. Anderson, Dr. William John Andrew & Son Co. Andrews, Ellen Andrews, Frances Anthony, A. V. S. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. Appleton, T. G. D. Appleton & Co. A, Miscellaneous: Ar-Av, 1875-1889 Select: A, Miscellaneous: Ar-Av, 1875-1889Scope and Contents noteArdrey, James G. Armstrong & Company Art Interchange Astor, Mrs. [William] Atkinson, Edward Avery, Sam. P. Bacher, Otto H., 1880-1884 Select: Bacher, Otto H., 1880-1884 Baker, W. S., 1873-1882 Select: Baker, W. S., 1873-1882 Bartle, George P., 1885-1886 Select: Bartle, George P., 1885-1886 Bartlett, Francis, 1881, 1886 Select: Bartlett, Francis, 1881, 1886 Bartlett, Truman Howe, 1880-1881 Select: Bartlett, Truman Howe, 1880-1881 Bartlett, Truman Howe, 1881-1887 Select: Bartlett, Truman Howe, 1881-1887 Beckwith, J. Carroll, 1881, 1883 Select: Beckwith, J. Carroll, 1881, 1883 Bellows, A. F., 1879-1883 Select: Bellows, A. F., 1879-1883 Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1879-1880 Select: Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1879-1880 Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1880 Select: Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1880 Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1880-1881 Select: Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1880-1881 Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1881 Select: Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 1881 Bezold, Welhelm von, 1875 Select: Bezold, Welhelm von, 1875 Bezold, Welhelm von, 1875-1877 Select: Bezold, Welhelm von, 1875-1877 Bishop, W. H., 1879-1880 Select: Bishop, W. H., 1879-1880 Blake, W. P., 1880-1881 Select: Blake, W. P., 1880-1881 Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1880-1885 Select: Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1880-1885 Brennan, A., 1879-1880 Select: Brennan, A., 1879-1880 Bridgman, F. A., 1880-1886 Select: Bridgman, F. A., 1880-1886 Brown, George L., 1879-1885 Select: Brown, George L., 1879-1885 Brown, H. Louisa, 1887-1889 Select: Brown, H. Louisa, 1887-1889 Bunner, Andrew F., 1880-1881 Select: Bunner, Andrew F., 1880-1881 B, Miscellaneous: Ba, 1836, 1870-1895 Select: B, Miscellaneous: Ba, 1836, 1870-1895Scope and Contents noteBaba, Tatui Bacon, Edwin M. Baer, William J. Bagley, George B. Balch, F. A. Baldwin, Caleb Ballue, A. B[annan?], S. Z. Bannister, E. M. Barnard, Edward M. Barry, August Barton, E. M. Bastian, Huber Bates, Geo. A. Bates, Miss S. A. Bauch, A. Baudry, Miss R. M. Baxter, Sylvester Bayer, Mrs. H. H. Baylies, W. S. Beavan, John B, Miscellaneous: Be, 1870-1895 Select: B, Miscellaneous: Be, 1870-1895Scope and Contents noteBecket, Maria J. C. Beesley, J. Bell, William Belmont, August Benjamin, William Evarts Bergandorff, Carl Berger & Wirth Bergerat, E. Berlin, Dr. F. Bernheim Baur & Co. Bette, Paul B, Miscellaneous: Bi-Bl, 1879-1886 Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bi-Bl, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteBigelow, M. T. Blackshear, T. B. Blair & Son Bliss, Chas. M. Bloor, A. J. Blum, J. Blum, Robert Blume, Andreas B, Miscellaneous: Bo, 1871-1890 Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bo, 1871-1890Scope and Contents noteBobbett, Walter Bollé, Carl Bonn, J. H. Bonpiani, Sofia Booth, George Boston Art Club Boston Public Library Borrman, S. L. Boyd, Mrs. H. H. B, Miscellaneous: Br-Bu, 1842, 1870-1889 Select: B, Miscellaneous: Br-Bu, 1842, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteBradford, William Brandis Manufacturing Co.Ad. Braun and Cie. Breton, Sidney G. Brigham, William F. Brinch, William Brinkley, Captain F. Brinton, D. G. Brock, F. B. Brooks, Noah Brown, J. Appleton Brown, J. G. Brown, Marie A. Brownell, William C. Bruce, W. J. B[rueck?], H. V. B[ruer?], Edward B. Bruere, Theodore B[uehn?], Ferdinand Bulloch, A. G. Bunce, A. B. Burns, M. J. Burrage, William Clarence Cadart, Veuve A., 1879-1880 Select: Cadart, Veuve A., 1879-1880 Carlsen, Emil, 1881-1887 Select: Carlsen, Emil, 1881-1887 Cassell and Company, 1882-1884 Select: Cassell and Company, 1882-1884 Cassell and Company, 1885 January-June Select: Cassell and Company, 1885 January-June Cassell and Company, 1885 July Select: Cassell and Company, 1885 July Cassell and Company, 1885 July-December Select: Cassell and Company, 1885 July-December Cassell and Company, 1886 Select: Cassell and Company, 1886 Cassell and Company, 1886-1889 Select: Cassell and Company, 1886-1889 Cesnola, Luigi P. di, 1878-1880 Select: Cesnola, Luigi P. di, 1878-1880 Champney, J. Wells, 1877-1885 Select: Champney, J. Wells, 1877-1885 Chase, Harry, 1880-1881 Select: Chase, Harry, 1880-1881 Chase, William Merritt, 1879-1881 Select: Chase, William Merritt, 1879-1881 Cheney, Ednah D., 1879-1880 Select: Cheney, Ednah D., 1879-1880 Cheney, Ednah D., 1886-1890, 1904 Select: Cheney, Ednah D., 1886-1890, 1904 Clark, Jr., William J., 1879-1888 Select: Clark, Jr., William J., 1879-1888 Clarke, J. Edwards, 1874-1886 Select: Clarke, J. Edwards, 1874-1886 Clarke, Joseph Thatcher, 1880-1881 Select: Clarke, Joseph Thatcher, 1880-1881 Clarke, Thomas B., 1881-1887 Select: Clarke, Thomas B., 1881-1887Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Clement, Clara Erskine, 1878-1880 Select: Clement, Clara Erskine, 1878-1880 Clement, Clara Erskine, 1880 Select: Clement, Clara Erskine, 1880 Closson, William Baxter, 1880-1881 Select: Closson, William Baxter, 1880-1881 Closson, William Baxter, 1882-1885 Select: Closson, William Baxter, 1882-1885 Closson, William Baxter, 1885-1886 Select: Closson, William Baxter, 1885-1886 Closson, William Baxter, 1886-1890 Select: Closson, William Baxter, 1886-1890 Cole, J. Foxcroft, 1879-1889 Select: Cole, J. Foxcroft, 1879-1889 Cole, Timothy, 1880-1882 Select: Cole, Timothy, 1880-1882 Cole, Timothy, 1892-1894 Select: Cole, Timothy, 1892-1894 Cole, Timothy, 1895-1898 Select: Cole, Timothy, 1895-1898 Colman, Samuel, 1879-1888 Select: Colman, Samuel, 1879-1888 Cook, Clarence, 1871-1878 Select: Cook, Clarence, 1871-1878 Cook, Clarence, 1879 Select: Cook, Clarence, 1879 Cook, Clarence, 1880 Select: Cook, Clarence, 1880 Cook, Clarence, 1880-1887 Select: Cook, Clarence, 1880-1887 Corliss, George, 1879-1880 Select: Corliss, George, 1879-1880 Corliss, George, 1880-1881 Select: Corliss, George, 1880-1881 Corliss, George, 1881 Select: Corliss, George, 1881 Corliss, George, 1881-1884 Select: Corliss, George, 1881-1884 Corliss, George, 1884-1890 Select: Corliss, George, 1884-1890 Cross, Charles R., 1876-1877, 1883 Select: Cross, Charles R., 1876-1877, 1883 Crum and Ringler, 1879-1880 Select: Crum and Ringler, 1879-1880 C, Miscellaneous: Ca, 1879-1889 Select: C, Miscellaneous: Ca, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteCabot, Edw. C. (Cabot & Chandler) Cabot, J. E. (Cabot & Chandler) Call, Dr. Norman Carmalt, W. H. Carpenter, H. Bernard Carter, Charles M. Castellani, Alessandro C, Miscellaneous: Ce-Ch, 1870-1890 Select: C, Miscellaneous: Ce-Ch, 1870-1890Scope and Contents noteCentennial Congress of Liberals Century Co. Century Magazine Chadwick, Charles W. Champier, Victor Champney, Edwin G. Chandler, Frank W. Channing, Eva Chapman, J. Linton Chase, J. Eastman Chérié, A. Chicago World Chick, Edward E.Child, Lydia Maria Christele, Charles Church, F. S. C, Miscellaneous: Cl-Col, 1871-1895 Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cl-Col, 1871-1895Scope and Contents noteClaghorn, J. Raymond Clark, Charles E. Clark, David H. Clark, T. M. Clement, E. H. Clements, Gabrielle D. Cleveland, H. W. S. Coale, Samuel A., Jr. Codman, C. H. and Abby Collor, W. C. Coltman, Ora A. Colvin, Sidney C, Miscellaneous: Con-Cr, 1874-1889 Select: C, Miscellaneous: Con-Cr, 1874-1889Scope and Contents noteConely, William B. Coolidge, Cassius M. Corwin, Charles A. Cox, Kenyon Coyriere, E. Miriam Cram, George W. Cronemeyer, G. Crosman, J. C. Cross, K. A. Crotzer, H. W. Crowninshield, F. C, Miscellaneous: Cu, 1879-1887 Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cu, 1879-1887Scope and Contents noteCund, Thomas Cundall, H. M. Cundall, Joseph Currier, E. W. Curtis, Albert W. Curtis, Charles B. Davidson, Thomas, 1879-1880 Select: Davidson, Thomas, 1879-1880 Davidson, Thomas, 1880-1881 Select: Davidson, Thomas, 1880-1881 Davis, John P., 1880-1885 Select: Davis, John P., 1880-1885 de Katow, A., 1879-1881 Select: de Katow, A., 1879-1881 De Kay, Charles, 1885-1886 Select: De Kay, Charles, 1885-1886 Dewing, Thomas Wilmer, 1880-1886 Select: Dewing, Thomas Wilmer, 1880-1886 Dorety, Joseph H., 1881-1883 Select: Dorety, Joseph H., 1881-1883 Drake, William H., 1879-1880 Select: Drake, William H., 1879-1880 Dunbar, W. H. (Dunbar and Co.), 1879-1880 Select: Dunbar, W. H. (Dunbar and Co.), 1879-1880 Dunham, O. M., 1882-1884 Select: Dunham, O. M., 1882-1884 Durand, John, 1879-1881 Select: Durand, John, 1879-1881 Durand, John, 1882-1896 Select: Durand, John, 1882-1896 D, Miscellaneous: Da-Den, 1878-1897 Select: D, Miscellaneous: Da-Den, 1878-1897Scope and Contents noteDallin, Cyrus EdwinDalziel, Charles Dana, William Jay Dana, William P. W. Danderhof, Charles A. Daniels, J. H. Dawson, Henry B. Degeon, René Dengler, Franz HaverDennis, Caroline C. Dermett, William S. D, Miscellaneous: Des-Dex, 1879-1889 Select: D, Miscellaneous: Des-Dex, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteDespard, Matilda Despard, W. D. Deutsch Verlags-Anstalt Deutscher Frauenstimmerechts-Derein Devens, Charles Devoe, Frederick W. & Co. Dewson, Edward Dewson, Francis A. Dexter, Arthur D, Miscellaneous: Di, 1879-1889 Select: D, Miscellaneous: Di, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteDidier, Eugene L. Die Kunst Fur Alle Diehl, Conrad Dillaye, Blanche Dimitry, John Dingelstedt & Co. D, Miscellaneous: Do-Dy, 1877-1900 Select: D, Miscellaneous: Do-Dy, 1877-1900Scope and Contents noteDoane, W. C. Dodd, Mead & Company Dodge, C. Dodson, Sarah P. B. Donlevy, Alice Douglas, Lewis H. Drake, A. W. Dreer, Ferd. J. Dreer Du Fais, J. L. Dunbar, Charles F. Duncan, Florence I. Duncan, W. H. Duplessis, George Dyall, Charles Edelheim, Carl, 1878-1889 Select: Edelheim, Carl, 1878-1889 Emmet, Rosina, 1880-1881 Select: Emmet, Rosina, 1880-1881 Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1877-1879 Select: Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1877-1879 Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1879-1880 Select: Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1879-1880 Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1880-1884 Select: Estes, Dana (Estes and Lauriat), 1880-1884 E, Miscellaneous: Ea-Ed, 1879-1889 Select: E, Miscellaneous: Ea-Ed, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteEarle, L. C. Earll, R. Edward Eckman, W. H. Eddy, William A. Edwards, Ernest Edwards-Ficken, H. E, Miscellaneous: Ei-Em, 1866-1896 Select: E, Miscellaneous: Ei-Em, 1866-1896Scope and Contents noteEinlasskarte zur Humboldt-Feier Elias, Moses Eliot, Charles W. Eliot, Dr. S. Elliot, Lucius A. Ely, Lydia Emerton, Sibyl C. E, Miscellaneous: En-Ev, 1870-1887 Select: E, Miscellaneous: En-Ev, 1870-1887Scope and Contents noteEnglehorn, J. Engelmann, Dr. Wilhelm Enneking, John J. Eppler, John George Ernst, C. W. Erxleben, August Esposizione Nazionale in Milano Evans, George W. Falconer, John M., 1879 Select: Falconer, John M., 1879 Falconer, John M., 1880 Select: Falconer, John M., 1880 Falconer, John M., 1880-1881 Select: Falconer, John M., 1880-1881 Falconer, John M., 1881 Select: Falconer, John M., 1881 Falconer, John M., 1881-1882 Select: Falconer, John M., 1881-1882 Falconer, John M., 1882-1883 Select: Falconer, John M., 1882-1883 Falconer, John M., 1884-1887 Select: Falconer, John M., 1884-1887 Falconer, John M., 1887-1893 Select: Falconer, John M., 1887-1893 Farrer, Henry, 1878-1879 Select: Farrer, Henry, 1878-1879 Farrer, Henry, 1880-1881 Select: Farrer, Henry, 1880-1881 Farrer, Henry, 1881 Select: Farrer, Henry, 1881 Farrer, Henry, 1882-1889 Select: Farrer, Henry, 1882-1889 Ferris, Stephen James, 1879 Select: Ferris, Stephen James, 1879 Ferris, Stephen James, 1880-1881 Select: Ferris, Stephen James, 1880-1881 Ferris, Stephen James, 1881-1882 Select: Ferris, Stephen James, 1881-1882 Fillebrown, F. E., 1885-1887 Select: Fillebrown, F. E., 1885-1887 Filmer, John, 1880-1881 Select: Filmer, John, 1880-1881 Francke, Kuno, 1888-1889 Select: Francke, Kuno, 1888-1889 Fraser, W. Lewis, 1883-1890 Select: Fraser, W. Lewis, 1883-1890 Frauenstein, G., 1879-1889 Select: Frauenstein, G., 1879-1889 French, W. M. R., 1879-1889 Select: French, W. M. R., 1879-1889 F, Miscellaneous: Fa, 1879-1886 Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fa, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteFalb, Joseph Falke, J. Farmer, Ella A. Farny, H. F. Fausel, D. F, Miscellaneous: Fe-Fi, 1879-1891 Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fe-Fi, 1879-1891Scope and Contents noteFehr, Lina Fell, Anne Palmer (Mrs. E. Nelson) Fellows, F. Wayland Fenn, Harry Field, Kate Finsch, Dr. Otto First Japanese Manufacturing and Trading Company Fish, William R. Fisher, A. J. Fiske, Charles H. F, Miscellaneous: Fl-Fo, 1833-1887 Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fl-Fo, 1833-1887Scope and Contents noteFletcher, A. C. Folwell, Dr. William W. Foote, E. K. Foote, Catherine Forbes, Edwin Forbes Co. Ford, H. C. Ford, Nellie M. Forrer, R. Foster, Dwight Fowler, Frank F, Miscellaneous: Fr-Fu, 1874-1886 Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fr-Fu, 1874-1886Scope and Contents noteFrench, Daniel C. French, Harry W. Fuchs & Lang Fuchsel, Herman Fuller, George Fuller, Spencer Gaugengigl, Ignaz M., 1881-1886 Select: Gaugengigl, Ignaz M., 1881-1886 Gesellschaft fur vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1878-1881 Select: Gesellschaft fur vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1878-1881 Gesellschaft fur vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1883-1889 Select: Gesellschaft fur vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1883-1889 Gifford, R. Swain, 1879 Select: Gifford, R. Swain, 1879 Gifford, R. Swain, 1880 Select: Gifford, R. Swain, 1880 Gifford, R. Swain, 1881-1887 Select: Gifford, R. Swain, 1881-1887 Greenleaf, Edward H., 1878-1881 Select: Greenleaf, Edward H., 1878-1881 Greenleaf, Edward H., 1881-1889 Select: Greenleaf, Edward H., 1881-1889 Guy, S. J., 1886 Select: Guy, S. J., 1886 G, Miscellaneous: Ga-Gi, 1870-1889 Select: G, Miscellaneous: Ga-Gi, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteGarrett, Edmund H. Garrison, F. J. Gazette Des Beaux-Arts Geare, R. I. Georges, F. Gerber, Carl Gest, J. H. Giani, Carl Gibson, Henry C. Gilder, Joseph B. Gilder, R. W. Gill, James D. G, Miscellaneous: Go, 1879-1887 Select: G, Miscellaneous: Go, 1879-1887Scope and Contents noteGoddard, D. A. Goepel, Christian Gonse, Louis Goode, George Brown Goodnough, Walter S. Gookin, Fred W. Gookins, James F. Goupil & Co. G, Miscellaneous: Gra, 1877-1895 Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gra, 1877-1895Scope and Contents noteGraffield, W. Graham, William The Graphic Graul, Richard Gravesande, Ch. Storm van's Gravuretype Co. G, Miscellaneous: Gre-Gu, 1864-1888 Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gre-Gu, 1864-1888Scope and Contents noteGreene, E. B. Greenough, W. C. Griffin, R. H. Griffis, William Elliot Griggs, L. D. Grundmann, Otto Gullick, Thomas J. Gummere, Barker Gutekunst, F. Hannah, George, 1886-1887 Select: Hannah, George, 1886-1887 Harfin, Jean F., 1884-1886 Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1884-1886 Harfin, Jean F., 1887 Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1887 Harfin, Jean F., 1887-1888 Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1887-1888 Harfin, Jean F., 1889 January-May Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1889 January-May Harfin, Jean F., 1889 June-October Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1889 June-October Harfin, Jean F., 1889 November-1890 Select: Harfin, Jean F., 1889 November-1890 Harney, George Julian, 1870-1873 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1870-1873 Harney, George Julian, bulk 1874-1877 Select: Harney, George Julian, bulk 1874-1877 Harney, George Julian, 1878 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1878 Harney, George Julian, 1879-1880 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1879-1880 Harney, George Julian, 1881-1883 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1881-1883 Harney, George Julian, 1883-1886 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1883-1886 Harney, George Julian, 1887-1889 Select: Harney, George Julian, 1887-1889Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Harper and Brothers, 1878-1881 Select: Harper and Brothers, 1878-1881 Hart, Charles Henry, 1873-1879 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1873-1879 Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 January-March Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 January-March Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 March-July Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 March-July Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 July-November Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1880 July-November Hart, Charles Henry, 1881 February-June Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1881 February-June Hart, Charles Henry, 1881 June-September Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1881 June-September Hart, Charles Henry, 1882-1883 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1882-1883 Hart, Charles Henry, 1884-1886 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1884-1886 Hart, Charles Henry, 1886-1887 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1886-1887 Hart, Charles Henry, 1887 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1887 Hart, Charles Henry, 1888-1890 Select: Hart, Charles Henry, 1888-1890 Heinemann, E., 1886-1887 Select: Heinemann, E., 1886-1887 Hill, J. Henry, 1880 Select: Hill, J. Henry, 1880 Hill, J. Henry, 1881-1889 Select: Hill, J. Henry, 1881-1889 Hodges, William R., 1879-1880 Select: Hodges, William R., 1879-1880 Hodges, William R., 1880 Select: Hodges, William R., 1880 Hodges, William R., 1881-1886 Select: Hodges, William R., 1881-1886 Hoskin, Robert, 1880-1884 Select: Hoskin, Robert, 1880-1884 Hoskin, Robert, 1885 Select: Hoskin, Robert, 1885 Hoskin, Robert, 1886 January-April Select: Hoskin, Robert, 1886 January-April Hoskin, Robert, 1886 April-July Select: Hoskin, Robert, 1886 April-July Hoskin, Robert, 1886 July-1890 Select: Hoskin, Robert, 1886 July-1890 Hunt, T. F., 1880-1886 Select: Hunt, T. F., 1880-1886 H, Miscellaneous: Ha-Hay, 1870-1889 Select: H, Miscellaneous: Ha-Hay, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteHaeger, A. D. Hahn, David F. Hahn, George R. Hale, Ellen Day Hallowell, Sara T. Halm, George R. Halsey, F. R. Hamor, J. Hanshatten, Aug. Hapgood, M. P. Harris, G. W. Harrison, Birge Hartley, Joseph Hartmann, C. Sadakichi Hawley, E. H. Haynes, H. W. H, Miscellaneous: He, 1880-1890 Select: H, Miscellaneous: He, 1880-1890Scope and Contents noteHealy, A. Augustus Heinzen, K. F. Heliotype Printing Co. Helmboldt, H. F. Helmboldt, Mathilde Henry, Louise Hess, Georg Hess, Selmar Hetherington, Fred A. Hewes, H. G. Hewitt, Lydia Ely H, Miscellaneous: Hi-Ho, 1870-1891 Select: H, Miscellaneous: Hi-Ho, 1870-1891Scope and Contents noteHiersemann, Karl W. Higginson, F. W. Hingst, A. Hirshfield, H. Hitchcock, J. R. W. Hoe, Robert, Jr. R. Hoe & Co. Hoffman, R. Hollingsworth, A. L. Hooper, Lucy H. Hoppin, Courtland Horgan, S. H. Houghton, Osgood & Co. Houston, Frances C. Howland, Henry S. Hovenden, Thomas Howison, G. H. Howland, Henry S. H, Miscellaneous: Hu-Hy, 1870-1889 Select: H, Miscellaneous: Hu-Hy, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteHubbard, David G. Hubbard, Gardiner G. Huff, W. A. Huish, Marcus Hullen, John Humpheys, Mary Gay Hunt, David Hunt, Jane Hussey, M. B. Hutton, Laurence Hyde, William H. Ives, Halsey C., 1879-1888 Select: Ives, Halsey C., 1879-1888 I, Miscellaneous, 1879-1885 Select: I, Miscellaneous, 1879-1885Scope and Contents noteIllustrated London News Ingersoll, H. C. Ingersoll, William H. Inness, George Ipsen, L. S. Irwin, Theodore Janes, Margaret P., 1881, 1887-1889 Select: Janes, Margaret P., 1881, 1887-1889 Johnson, Thomas, 1880 Select: Johnson, Thomas, 1880 Johnson, Thomas, 1881-1884 Select: Johnson, Thomas, 1881-1884 Juengling, Frederick, 1879-1880 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1879-1880 Juengling, Frederick, 1880 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1880 Juengling, Frederick, 1880-1881 February Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1880-1881 February Juengling, Frederick, 1881 February-March Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1881 February-March Juengling, Frederick, 1881 March-May Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1881 March-May Juengling, Frederick, 1881 June-1882 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1881 June-1882 Juengling, Frederick, 1882-1884 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1882-1884 Juengling, Frederick, 1884-1885 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1884-1885 Juengling, Frederick, 1885-1886 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1885-1886 Juengling, Frederick, 1886 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1886 Juengling, Frederick, 1886-1887 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1886-1887 Juengling, Frederick, 1887 Select: Juengling, Frederick, 1887 J, Miscellaneous: Ja-Je, 1870-1887 Select: J, Miscellaneous: Ja-Je, 1870-1887Scope and Contents noteJackson, John Jackson, L. A. Jaeger, F. Jaeger, Gustel Jaeger, William Jaeschke, Gustav Jameson & Morse Janetzky & Company Jarves, J. Jackson Jeffries, B. Joy Jewitt, Llewellyn J, Miscellaneous: Jo-Ju, 1876-1892 Select: J, Miscellaneous: Jo-Ju, 1876-1892Scope and Contents noteJohns, Frederick Charles Eneu Johnson and Company Johnson, John G. Johnston, John Taylor Jones, H. Bolton Jones, McDuffre & Stratton Juglaris, Thomas Junken, E. F. W. Jurge & Co. Justi, Carl Kelly, George F., 1881-1887 Select: Kelly, George F., 1881-1887 Kende, S., 1889 Select: Kende, S., 1889 Keppel, Frederick, 1882-1889 Select: Keppel, Frederick, 1882-1889 Kimberly, D., 1880-1881 Select: Kimberly, D., 1880-1881 Kimmel and Voigt, 1879 Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1879 Kimmel and Voigt, 1879-1880 Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1879-1880 Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 January-March Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 January-March Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 April-June Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 April-June Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 July-December Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1881 July-December Kimmel and Voigt, 1883-1885 Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1883-1885 Kimmel and Voigt, 1885-1886 Select: Kimmel and Voigt, 1885-1886 Koehler, Amalie, 1878-1883 Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1878-1883 Koehler, Amalie, 1884 Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1884 Koehler, Amalie, 1884-1887 Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1884-1887 Koehler, Amalie, 1889 January-August Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1889 January-August Koehler, Amalie, 1889 August-December Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1889 August-December Koehler, Amalie, 1889-1890 Select: Koehler, Amalie, 1889-1890Scope and Contentsincludes undated correspondence Koehler, Hans J., 1876-1884 Select: Koehler, Hans J., 1876-1884 Koehler, Hans J., 1887 Select: Koehler, Hans J., 1887 Koehler, Hans J., 1880-1890 Select: Koehler, Hans J., 1880-1890 Koehler, Hedwig J., 1877-1884 Select: Koehler, Hedwig J., 1877-1884 Koehler, Hedwig J., 1884-1887 Select: Koehler, Hedwig J., 1884-1887 Koehler, Hedwig J., 1887-1888 Select: Koehler, Hedwig J., 1887-1888 Koehler, Hedwig J., 1889-1890 Select: Koehler, Hedwig J., 1889-1890 Koehler, Robert, 1878-1879, 1887 Select: Koehler, Robert, 1878-1879, 1887 Koehler, Robert, 1887-1888 Select: Koehler, Robert, 1887-1888 Koehler, Robert, 1889-1890 Select: Koehler, Robert, 1889-1890 Koehler, Walter J., 1870-1881 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1870-1881 Koehler, Walter J., 1882 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1882 Koehler, Walter J., 1882-1883 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1882-1883 Koehler, Walter J., 1883-1884 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1883-1884 Koehler, Walter J., 1884-1887 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1884-1887 Koehler, Walter J., 1887-1890 Select: Koehler, Walter J., 1887-1890 Kruell, Gustav, 1879-1880 Select: Kruell, Gustav, 1879-1880 Kruell, Gustav, 1880 Select: Kruell, Gustav, 1880 Kruell, Gustav, 1880-1881 Select: Kruell, Gustav, 1880-1881 Kruell, Gustav, 1881-1884 Select: Kruell, Gustav, 1881-1884 Kruell, Gustav, 1884-1885 Select: Kruell, Gustav, 1884-1885 K, Miscellaneous: Ka, 1870-1889 Select: K, Miscellaneous: Ka, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteKaeppel, Gottlob Kaiser, Ferd. P. Kann, Em. Kappes, A. Karst, John K, Miscellaneous: Ke-Kim, 1879-1886 Select: K, Miscellaneous: Ke-Kim, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteKeller, George Kellogg, William Kelly & Co. Kennard, M. P. Kennedy, W. S. Kenyon, W. W. Keuffel & Esser Kilburn, S. S. Kimball, C. F. Kimball, David K. K, Miscellaneous: Kin-Kr, 1870-1889 Select: K, Miscellaneous: Kin-Kr, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteKing, F. S. King, Jas. S. King, Moses King, W. W. Kingsley, Elbridge Kinney, Louise W. Kirby, Thomas E. Kirkpatrick, Frank L. Klackner, C. Klein, Jacob Knowlton, W. J. Koecker, L. R. Kramer, John Kress, Charles K, Miscellaneous: Ku, 1882-1888 Select: K, Miscellaneous: Ku, 1882-1888Scope and Contents noteKudlich, H. C. Kunz, George F. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, W. Laffan, William Mackay, 1874-1880 Select: Laffan, William Mackay, 1874-1880 Lange, Johs. D., 1868 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1868 Lange, Johs. D., 1868-1869 January Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1868-1869 January Lange, Johs. D., 1869 February-March Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1869 February-March Lange, Johs. D., 1869 April-June Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1869 April-June Lange, Johs. D., 1869 July-December Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1869 July-December Lange, Johs. D., 1870 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1870 Lange, Johs. D., 1870-1871 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1870-1871 Lange, Johs. D., 1871 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1871 Lange, Johs. D., 1872-1874 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1872-1874 Lange, Johs. D., 1874-1875 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1874-1875 Lange, Johs. D., 1876-1879 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1876-1879 Lange, Johs. D., 1879-1880 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1879-1880 Lange, Johs. D., 1881-1882 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1881-1882 Lange, Johs. D., 1883-1884 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1883-1884 Lange, Johs. D., 1884-1886 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1884-1886 Lange, Johs. D., 1887 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1887 Lange, Johs. D., 1888-1889 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1888-1889 Lange, Johs. D., 1889-1890 Select: Lange, Johs. D., 1889-1890Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Lathrop, George P., 1879-1886 Select: Lathrop, George P., 1879-1886 Lee, John W. M., 1885-1889 Select: Lee, John W. M., 1885-1889 Lehrs, M., 1888-1890 Select: Lehrs, M., 1888-1890 Lorge, F. A., 1873-1881 Select: Lorge, F. A., 1873-1881 Lorge, F. A., 1884-1889 Select: Lorge, F. A., 1884-1889 Loring, Charles G., 1877-1880 Select: Loring, Charles G., 1877-1880 Loring, Charles G., 1881 Select: Loring, Charles G., 1881 Loring, Charles G., 1881-1885 Select: Loring, Charles G., 1881-1885 Loring, Charles G., 1886-1889 Select: Loring, Charles G., 1886-1889 Low, Will H., 1881-1885 Select: Low, Will H., 1881-1885 L, Miscellaneous: La-Lan, 1870-1890 Select: L, Miscellaneous: La-Lan, 1870-1890Scope and Contents noteLabsap, [F.?] LaFarge, John Lamansky, S. Lamb, Charles R. Lambdin, Alfred Lambros, Spyr P. Landreth, Olin H. Lane, William C. Lange, Alvine (Mrs. J. D.) Langley, S. P. Lanman, Charles Lansil, Walter F. L, Miscellaneous: Lau-Le, 1881-1888 Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lau-Le, 1881-1888Scope and Contents noteLauber, Joseph Lawrence, Frank LeClear, Thomas Leaming, Thomas Lee, Jno. W. M. Leggo Bros. & Co. Lehuricht, Hermann Leibl, W. Leitz, Emil Lent, Frank T. Leveridge, C. A. Leypoldt, F. L, Miscellaneous: Li, 1873-1896 Select: L, Miscellaneous: Li, 1873-1896Scope and Contents noteL'Illustration Limpert, Ludwig Lindeman, Dr. Phil Linton, W. J. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Lippincott, William H. Lippmann, F. Littlefield, Mrs. S. E. L, Miscellaneous: Lo-Ly, 1879-1886 Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lo-Ly, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteLongfellow, W. P. P. Lord, Grace V. Lorr, C. Lovejoy, Son & Co. Lovewell, R. Low, John G. Low, Lyman H. Lowell, William S. Lowenthal, E. J. Lutzow, Carl von Lyman, Jos., Jr. MacAlister, James, 1879-1888 Select: MacAlister, James, 1879-1888 Macleod, William, 1879-1880 Select: Macleod, William, 1879-1880 Macleod, William, 1881 Select: Macleod, William, 1881 Macleod, William, 1881-1885 Select: Macleod, William, 1881-1885 Mansfield, John W., 1883-1885 Select: Mansfield, John W., 1883-1885 Martin, Henry A., 1877-1882 Select: Martin, Henry A., 1877-1882 Mason, Otis T., 1879-1881 Select: Mason, Otis T., 1879-1881 Mayer, Frank B., 1879-1886 Select: Mayer, Frank B., 1879-1886 McLaughlin, George, 1879-1880 Select: McLaughlin, George, 1879-1880 McLaughlin, George, 1880 Select: McLaughlin, George, 1880 McLaughlin, George, 1881-1882 Select: McLaughlin, George, 1881-1882 McLaughlin, George, 1883-1886 Select: McLaughlin, George, 1883-1886 Meder, Ferdinand, 1888-1890 Select: Meder, Ferdinand, 1888-1890 Meehan, Thomas, 1878-1879, 1886-1887 Select: Meehan, Thomas, 1878-1879, 1886-1887 Merritt, Anna Lea, 1879 Select: Merritt, Anna Lea, 1879 Merritt, Anna Lea, 1880-1881 Select: Merritt, Anna Lea, 1880-1881 Meyer, Carl Herm, 1873-1879 Select: Meyer, Carl Herm, 1873-1879 Middleton-Wake, Charles H., 1894-1895 Select: Middleton-Wake, Charles H., 1894-1895 Miller, Charles Henry, 1880-1889 Select: Miller, Charles Henry, 1880-1889 Miller, William, 1880-1881 Select: Miller, William, 1880-1881 Miller, William, 1881-1882 Select: Miller, William, 1881-1882 Miller, William, 1884-1886 Select: Miller, William, 1884-1886 Miller, William, 1886-1888 Select: Miller, William, 1886-1888 Miller, William, 1889-1890 Select: Miller, William, 1889-1890 Millet, F. D., 1880-1884 Select: Millet, F. D., 1880-1884 Millet, J. B., 1881-1886 Select: Millet, J. B., 1881-1886 Mitchell, Francis B., 1883-1886 Select: Mitchell, Francis B., 1883-1886 Mitchell, J. A., 1880-1881 Select: Mitchell, J. A., 1880-1881 Moran, Peter, 1879-1889 Select: Moran, Peter, 1879-1889 Morse, Edward Sylvester, 1879-1880 Select: Morse, Edward Sylvester, 1879-1880 Morse, Edward Sylvester, 1881-1889 Select: Morse, Edward Sylvester, 1881-1889 Moses, H. H., 1873-1879, undated Select: Moses, H. H., 1873-1879, undated Moss Engraving Co., 1880 March-July Select: Moss Engraving Co., 1880 March-July Moss Engraving Co., 1880 July-November Select: Moss Engraving Co., 1880 July-November Moss Engraving Co., 1880 December Select: Moss Engraving Co., 1880 December Moss Engraving Co., 1881 Select: Moss Engraving Co., 1881 Moss Engraving Co., 1881, 1885 Select: Moss Engraving Co., 1881, 1885 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1880-1889 Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1880-1889 M, Miscellaneous: Ma-Mag, 1870-1885 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Ma-Mag, 1870-1885Scope and Contents noteMacDonald & Sons MacDonough, J. Machal, Morris Macmillan & Co. Macomber, F. G. Maes, Camillus Magazine of Art M, Miscellaneous: Man-Mat, 1877-1886 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Man-Mat, 1877-1886Scope and Contents noteMandel, P. H. Manhattan Photo-Engraving Company Marks, Montague Marquand, Allan Marshall, William E. Martin, Mary Bacon Mason, Charles J. Mason, George C. Mason, Perry Matchett, W. F. Mathews, Arthur F. M, Miscellaneous: May, 1879-1883 Select: M, Miscellaneous: May, 1879-1883Scope and Contents noteMaycock, Mark M. Robert Mayer & Co. Maynard, George W. M, Miscellaneous: Mc, 1867-1889 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mc, 1867-1889Scope and Contents noteMcCann, Hugh A. McCauley, C. A. H. McCoy, John W. McCutcheon, S. G. McDaniel, Elizabeth S. (Mrs. I. L.) McEntee, Jervis McLaughlin, Jas. W. McLaughlin, Mary Louise McLellan, Charles H. M, Miscellaneous: Me-Mi, 1859, 1870-1889 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Me-Mi, 1859, 1870-1889Scope and Contents noteMechanical Company Meigs, Jabez B. Meissner & Buch Menger, Louis R. Meyer, Amandus Meyer, F. Meyer, Julius Michiels, Alfred Mitchell, Francis B. Miles, John C. Miller, France Miller, L. W. Miller, M.D. Miller, W. E. Millspaugh, J. H. Minot, Charles Sedwick M, Miscellaneous: Mol-Moo, 1879-1885 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mol-Moo, 1879-1885Scope and Contents noteMolleson Bros. Momgian, L. Momotaro Sato & Company Monks, J. A. S. Mooney, John Moor, Jacob B. Moore, Charles H. Moore, R. E. M, Miscellaneous: Mor-Mu, 1876-1889 Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mor-Mu, 1876-1889Scope and Contents noteMoran, Mrs. M. Nimmo Moran, Paul Moran, Thomas Morse, Miss E. L. Mosler, Henry Moss, Frank Muller, Richard A. Munroe, Jas. V. Murphy, J. Francis Murray, David Murray, John Murrell, D. G. Neal, David, 1881-1885 Select: Neal, David, 1881-1885 Nicoll, J. C., 1880-1883 Select: Nicoll, J. C., 1880-1883 Nicoll, J. C., 1884-1892 Select: Nicoll, J. C., 1884-1892 Niemeyer, John H., 1880-1888 Select: Niemeyer, John H., 1880-1888 N, Miscellaneous, 1874-1889 Select: N, Miscellaneous, 1874-1889Scope and Contents noteNashville Art Association Neely, J., Jr. Nelson, Anson Neuman & Hallman Newbury, Spencer Norcross, Laura Norton, C. B. Norton, C. E. Nutting, W. F. Osborne, Charlotte, 1888-1890 Select: Osborne, Charlotte, 1888-1890 O, Miscellaneous, 1871-1889 Select: O, Miscellaneous, 1871-1889Scope and Contents noteOakey, Miss M. A. Orange Judd Company Orell Fussli & Co. Osborne, J. W. Osborne, Sidney Otis, A. B. Palmer, George H., 1872-1873 Select: Palmer, George H., 1872-1873 Parrish, Stephen, 1880 Select: Parrish, Stephen, 1880 Parrish, Stephen, 1880-1881 Select: Parrish, Stephen, 1880-1881 Parrish, Stephen, 1882-1893 Select: Parrish, Stephen, 1882-1893 Pearce, Charles Sprague, 1880-1881, 1887 Select: Pearce, Charles Sprague, 1880-1881, 1887 Perkins, Charles C., 1871-1876 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1871-1876 Perkins, Charles C., 1877 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1877 Perkins, Charles C., 1877-1878 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1877-1878 Perkins, Charles C., 1879 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1879 Perkins, Charles C., 1879-1880 January Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1879-1880 January Perkins, Charles C., 1880 February-June Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1880 February-June Perkins, Charles C., 1880 July-September Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1880 July-September Perkins, Charles C., 1880 October-1881 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1880 October-1881 Perkins, Charles C., 1881-1896 Select: Perkins, Charles C., 1881-1896 Perkins, Charles C. (Undated), circa 1871-circa 1896 Select: Perkins, Charles C. (Undated), circa 1871-circa 1896 Photo-Electrotype Co., 1880-1881, 1889 Select: Photo-Electrotype Co., 1880-1881, 1889 Photo-Engraving Co., 1879-1880 Select: Photo-Engraving Co., 1879-1880 Photo-Engraving Co., 1880-1881 Select: Photo-Engraving Co., 1880-1881 Photo-Gravure Company, 1885-1888 Select: Photo-Gravure Company, 1885-1888 Pickering, Edward C., 1875-1878 Select: Pickering, Edward C., 1875-1878 Pinches, Thoe. G., 1879-1880 Select: Pinches, Thoe. G., 1879-1880 Platt, Charles A., 1881, 1885 Select: Platt, Charles A., 1881, 1885 Prang, Louis (L. Prang and Co.), 1868-1889 Select: Prang, Louis (L. Prang and Co.), 1868-1889 Pratt, Waldo S., 1880-1881 Select: Pratt, Waldo S., 1880-1881 Pratt, Waldo S., 1881 Select: Pratt, Waldo S., 1881 Preston, Margaret J. (Mrs. J. T. L. Preston), 1879-1882 Select: Preston, Margaret J. (Mrs. J. T. L. Preston), 1879-1882 Prime, William C., 1879-1881 Select: Prime, William C., 1879-1881 Putnam, Frederic W., 1879-1881 Select: Putnam, Frederic W., 1879-1881 P, Miscellaneous: Pa, 1880-1889 Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pa, 1880-1889Scope and Contents notePaar, Hermann Palmer, Alice W. Palmer, J. E., Jr. Palmer, Walter L. Paris, Walter Park, John G. Parton, Arthur Pascoe, Charles E. Paul, C. Kegan P, Miscellaneous: Pe, 1865-1888 Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pe, 1865-1888Scope and Contents notePeabody & Stearns Peckham, Rosa F. Peet, Stephen D. Peirce, Edith L. Penfold, F. C. Perkins, Edward Perry, Winthrop H. Peschan, F. W. E. Petromann, Theodor P, Miscellaneous: Ph-Pi, 1879-1887 Select: P, Miscellaneous: Ph-Pi, 1879-1887Scope and Contents notePhiladelphia Centennial Exposition Phillips, Barnet Phillips, Henry, Jr. Phillips, J. W., Jr. Phinney, Emma E. Pierce, Charles F. Pierce, S. E. Pierson, postmaster P[iph?], H. Pitman, Benn P, Miscellaneous: Po, 1870-1887 Select: P, Miscellaneous: Po, 1870-1887Scope and Contents notePoillon, Wm. Pollock, Charles Poore, Harry R. Porter, George M. Powell, J. W. Powers & Weightman P, Miscellaneous: Pr-Pu, 1872-1890 Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pr-Pu, 1872-1890Scope and Contents notePreston, John Aiken Prud'homme, John F. E. Publishers' Weekly Putnam, G. P. Quantin, A., 1881 Select: Quantin, A., 1881 Riordan, Roger, 1880-1881 Select: Riordan, Roger, 1880-1881(3 folders) Riordan, Roger, 1881 Select: Riordan, Roger, 1881 Riordan, Roger, 1885-1888 Select: Riordan, Roger, 1885-1888 Rotch, Arthur, 1880-1883 Select: Rotch, Arthur, 1880-1883 Rowlands, Walter, 1877-1888 Select: Rowlands, Walter, 1877-1888 Rowlands, Walter, 1889-1890 Select: Rowlands, Walter, 1889-1890 R, Miscellaneous: Ra-Rie, 1869-1889 Select: R, Miscellaneous: Ra-Rie, 1869-1889Scope and Contents noteRamsdell, H. Powell Rand, George D. Randebruch, J. F. Rattermann, H. A. Redaction Der Illustrirten Zeitung in Leipzig Reddon-Learing, Laura Reed, Thomas R. Reinhart, Charles S. Rewling, Dr. G. Rice, Richard A. Richards, T. Addison Richards, William V. Richardson, F. H. Richardson, Thomas O. Riedler, Maxim R, Miscellaneous: Rim-Rob, 1873-1888 Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rim-Rob, 1873-1888Scope and Contents noteRimmer, Caroline Hunt Riotte, C. N. Ritchie, G. W. H. Robbins, E. O. Robert, Mrs. A. J. Robinson, Charles Robinson, Frank T. Robinson, Henry H. R, Miscellaneous: Rog-Ros, 1872-1900 Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rog-Ros, 1872-1900Scope and Contents noteRogers, Fairman Rondot, Natalie Ropp, Alfred Rosenberg, Adolf Ross, Jno. Joline R, Miscellaneous: Rou-Ry, 1879-1890 Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rou-Ry, 1879-1890Scope and Contents noteRouam, J. Round, W. M. F. Rueter, H. H. Russell, C. H., Jr. Russell, F. P. Russell, Samuel H. Russell & Richardson Ryan, John T. Savage, A. Duncan, 1879-1880 Select: Savage, A. Duncan, 1879-1880 Savage, A. Duncan, 1880-1881 Select: Savage, A. Duncan, 1880-1881 Savage, A. Duncan, 1881 Select: Savage, A. Duncan, 1881 Savage, A. Duncan, 1881-1885 Select: Savage, A. Duncan, 1881-1885 Schem, A. J., 1872-1878 Select: Schem, A. J., 1872-1878 Schoenhof, Carl, 1881-1889 Select: Schoenhof, Carl, 1881-1889 Schoff, Stephen A., 1878-1879 Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1878-1879 Schoff, Stephen A., 1880-1881 Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1880-1881 Schoff, Stephen A., 1883-1886 January Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1883-1886 January Schoff, Stephen A., 1886 February-June Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1886 February-June Schoff, Stephen A., 1886 July-December Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1886 July-December Schoff, Stephen A., 1887-1889 Select: Schoff, Stephen A., 1887-1889 Schunemann-Poss, Freidrich, 1867-1874 Select: Schunemann-Poss, Freidrich, 1867-1874 Schweinfurth, Julius A., 1879-1880 Select: Schweinfurth, Julius A., 1879-1880 Scribner and Co. (Charles Scribner's Sons), 1878-1880 Select: Scribner and Co. (Charles Scribner's Sons), 1878-1880 Seeman, E. A., 1874-1878 Select: Seeman, E. A., 1874-1878 Seeman, E. A., 1879 Select: Seeman, E. A., 1879 Seeman, E. A., 1880, 1890 Select: Seeman, E. A., 1880, 1890 Sewall, Henry F., 1885-1889 Select: Sewall, Henry F., 1885-1889 Shirlaw, Walter, 1881-1886 Select: Shirlaw, Walter, 1881-1886 Smillie, James D., 1879 Select: Smillie, James D., 1879 Smillie, James D., 1880 Select: Smillie, James D., 1880 Smillie, James D., 1880-1881 Select: Smillie, James D., 1880-1881 Smillie, James D., 1881 Select: Smillie, James D., 1881 Smillie, James D., 1881-1885 Select: Smillie, James D., 1881-1885 Smillie, James D., 1885-1886 Select: Smillie, James D., 1885-1886 Smillie, James D., 1886 March-June Select: Smillie, James D., 1886 March-June Smillie, James D., 1886 July-December Select: Smillie, James D., 1886 July-December Smillie, James D., 1887 Select: Smillie, James D., 1887 Smillie, James D., 1888-1889 Select: Smillie, James D., 1888-1889 Smillie, James D., 1890, 1895 Select: Smillie, James D., 1890, 1895 Smithsonian Institution, 1881-1890 Select: Smithsonian Institution, 1881-1890 Spaulding, Henry G., 1876-1880 Select: Spaulding, Henry G., 1876-1880 Sprague, Julia A., 1886-1890 Select: Sprague, Julia A., 1886-1890Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Stetson, Charles Walter, 1882-1885 Select: Stetson, Charles Walter, 1882-1885 Sturgis, Russell, 1879 Select: Sturgis, Russell, 1879 Sturgis, Russell, 1880 Select: Sturgis, Russell, 1880 Swett, Susan, 1880-1881 Select: Swett, Susan, 1880-1881 S, Miscellaneous: Sa, 1877-1890 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sa, 1877-1890Scope and Contents noteSabin, J. F. Sachtleben, A. Saffield, Thomas Sampson, Alden Sandham, Henry Sargent, C. S. Sartain, Emily Sartain, John Saunders, Frederick S, Miscellaneous: Sc-Sch, 1870-1891 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sc-Sch, 1870-1891Scope and Contents noteScribner & Welford Schell, Fred B. Schilling, Alex Schlosser, H. Schmidt, Delius Schraubstadter, Carl, Jr. Schreiber, W. L. Schultz, H. E. Schulze, Paul Schumm, George Schuricht, Herrmann Schuster, Rudolph Schwarz, L. Schwazenbach, Jos. S, Miscellaneous: Scu-Sel, 1880-1890 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Scu-Sel, 1880-1890Scope and Contents noteScudder, Miss Sears, George Edward Sears, J. M. Sedelmeyer, Charles Seitz, Emil Selinger, John S, Miscellaneous: Sen-Sha, 1871-1889 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sen-Sha, 1871-1889Scope and Contents noteSenat, Prosper L. Sentz, Theodor P. M. Shanks & Co. Share, H. P. Sharp, John S. Sharp, William Shaw, Annie C. Shaw, C. H. S, Miscellaneous: Shi-Sl, 1870-1882 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Shi-Sl, 1870-1882Scope and Contents noteShinn, Earl Shuman, Roger M. Shoninger, Jos. Sigmund, J. C. Sihler, K. Elizabeth Silliman, B. Skeel, Lucy Slack, Charles W. Sloan, Charles F. S, Miscellaneous: Sm, 1879-1887 Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sm, 1879-1887Scope and Contents noteSmart, W. G. H. Smillie, George H. Smith, Benj. E.Smith, Francis Hopkinson Smith, Frank Hill Smith, Marshall J., Jr. Smith, Mary Stuart Smith, Thomas C. Smith, Walter Smithson, T. W. Smithwick, John G. S, Miscellaneous: So-Sp, 1877-1886 Select: S, Miscellaneous: So-Sp, 1877-1886Scope and Contents noteSolberg, Thorvald Somerville, James M. Spemann, W. Spencer, H. L. S, Miscellaneous: St-Su, 1872-1889 Select: S, Miscellaneous: St-Su, 1872-1889Scope and Contents noteStanton, J. M. Stanwood, Edward Steiger, E. Stevens, Samuel Stone, F. D. Stornay, J. O. Stuart, Jas. R. Sturgis, John H. Sutro, Emil Sutton, James Tait, John Robinson, 1879-1880 Select: Tait, John Robinson, 1879-1880 Tait, John Robinson, 1881 Select: Tait, John Robinson, 1881 Tait, John Robinson, 1881, 1884 Select: Tait, John Robinson, 1881, 1884 Tait, John Robinson, 1885 Select: Tait, John Robinson, 1885 Tait, John Robinson, 1886-1887 Select: Tait, John Robinson, 1886-1887 Terquem, Emil, 1879-1883 Select: Terquem, Emil, 1879-1883 Tileston and Hollingsworth, 1879-1881 Select: Tileston and Hollingsworth, 1879-1881 Tracy, John M., 1870, 1881 Select: Tracy, John M., 1870, 1881 T, Miscellaneous: Ta-Th, 1884-1889 Select: T, Miscellaneous: Ta-Th, 1884-1889Scope and Contents noteTallmadege, Frederick S. Taphy, W. A. Teel, George A. Temple, F. L. Teubner, H. Thayer, Abbott H. T, Miscellaneous: Ti-To, 1871-1886 Select: T, Miscellaneous: Ti-To, 1871-1886Scope and Contents noteTietze, R. G. Tilden, Geroge T. Tillinghast, C. B. Tobey, S. E. Tombola Townley, D. T, Miscellaneous: Tr-Ty, 1870-1890 Select: T, Miscellaneous: Tr-Ty, 1870-1890Scope and Contents noteTrafton, Edwin H. Trinity Historical Society Trotter, Newbold H. Trouvelot, George True, F. W. Trumble, Alfred Tuckerman, H. T. Turner, C. Y. Turnure, Arthur B. Tyndale, T. H. Unger, William, 1879-1880 Select: Unger, William, 1879-1880 U, Miscellaneous, 1870-1886 Select: U, Miscellaneous, 1870-1886Scope and Contents noteUlrich, Charles F. United States Centennial Commission United States Treasurey Department Van Brunt, Henry, 1879-1880 Select: Van Brunt, Henry, 1879-1880 Van Elten, Kruseman, 1880-1887 Select: Van Elten, Kruseman, 1880-1887 Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1879-1880 Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1879-1880 Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1880 July-September Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1880 July-September Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1880 October-December Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1880 October-December Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 January-April Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 January-April Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 May-August Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 May-August Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 September-November Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1881 September-November Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1882-1884 Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1882-1884 Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1885-1886 Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1885-1886 Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1886-1889 Select: Van Rensselaer, Mariana G., 1886-1889 Vinton, Frederic P., 1879-1881 Select: Vinton, Frederic P., 1879-1881 Vinton, Frederic P., 1883-1892 Select: Vinton, Frederic P., 1883-1892 Volkmer, Charles, 1880-1883 Select: Volkmer, Charles, 1880-1883 Von Lutzow, Carl, 1869-1890 Select: Von Lutzow, Carl, 1869-1890 V, Miscellaneous: V-Va, 1859, 1877-1885 Select: V, Miscellaneous: V-Va, 1859, 1877-1885Scope and Contents noteD. V. [initials only] Valentine, Edward V. Van Cleef, Aug. Vanderhoof, Charles A. Van Nostrand, D. Van Rensselaer, Schuyler Vaux, Calvert V, Miscellaneous: Ve-Vol, 1878-1888 Select: V, Miscellaneous: Ve-Vol, 1878-1888Scope and Contents noteVerestchagin, Vassili Vignal, E. Vogel, Hermann Volkmann, Meta V, Miscellaneous: Von-Voy, 1879-1886 Select: V, Miscellaneous: Von-Voy, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteVon Hillern, Bertha Von Hoesslin, George Von Tschudi, Hugo Von Waldheim, R. Vorholz, A. Voynl, L. Ware, William Rotch, 1877-1879 Select: Ware, William Rotch, 1877-1879 Ware, William Rotch, 1880-1888 Select: Ware, William Rotch, 1880-1888Scope and ContentsIncludes undated correspondence. Wells, Kate Gannett, 1881, undated Select: Wells, Kate Gannett, 1881, undated Wellstood, William, 1879 Select: Wellstood, William, 1879 Wellstood, William, 1879-1880 Select: Wellstood, William, 1879-1880 Wellstood, William, 1880 Select: Wellstood, William, 1880 Wendt, Mathilde F., 1870-1881 Select: Wendt, Mathilde F., 1870-1881 Wheeler, Dora, 1881 Select: Wheeler, Dora, 1881 Whipple, H. C., 1877, 1885-1890 Select: Whipple, H. C., 1877, 1885-1890 Whitney, Elias J., 1880-1881, 1889 Select: Whitney, Elias J., 1880-1881, 1889 Wight, P. B., 1879-1880 Select: Wight, P. B., 1879-1880 Wight, P. B., 1880, 1882 Select: Wight, P. B., 1880, 1882 Wilson, John, 1879-1886 Select: Wilson, John, 1879-1886 Winthrop, T. L., 1880-1881 Select: Winthrop, T. L., 1880-1881 W, Miscellaneous: Wa-Wal, 1870-1887 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wa-Wal, 1870-1887Scope and Contents noteWagner, H. Dumont Wager-Fisher, Mary Waldheim, H. Walker, Charles A. Walker, Howard Wall, Mary Minton Wallace, W. Henry Waller, Frank Wallis, George Walter, James Walther, August W, Miscellaneous: War-Wel, 1873-1889 Select: W, Miscellaneous: War-Wel, 1873-1889Scope and Contents noteWard, Edgar M. Ward, Ella F. Ward, J. Humphrey Warder, R. H. Waterston, R. C. Watkins, J. Elfreth Wehle, Charles Weigel, T. O. Weir, John F. Welch, Joseph Welch, Bigelow, and Company Wells, Charles L. W, Miscellaneous: Wes-Whe, 1871-1886 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wes-Whe, 1871-1886Scope and Contents noteWesselhoft, William P. West, Charles E. Westcott, Thompson B. Westerman & Co. Weyprecht, Louis J. Wheeler, Candace Wheeler, Dunham Wheeler, William A. W, Miscellaneous: Whi-Who, 1879-1889 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Whi-Who, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteWhite, George Merwanjee Whitehouse, F. C. Whitman, E. F. Whitmore, W. H. W[holst?], W. W, Miscellaneous: Wi-Wilm, 1870-1887 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wi-Wilm, 1870-1887Scope and Contents noteWibiral, F. Wickersham, Morris S. Wiese, F. Wigand, Otto C. Wight, William W. Wiles, L. M. Williams, George P. Williams, Ichabod T. Wilmurt, Thomas A. W, Miscellaneous: Wils-Wis, 1879-1889 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wils-Wis, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteWilson, Anna M. Wilson, Edward S. Wilson, George Wilson, Solon D. Winslow, W. Henry Wiseman, Robert R. W, Miscellaneous: Wo-Wy, 1879-1889 Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wo-Wy, 1879-1889Scope and Contents noteWolf, Henry Wood, T. W. Woodward, Wilbur W. Worsnop, C. Arthur Wright, George Wright, Margaret Bertha H. Wunderlich & Co. Wyatt, J. Noel Y, Miscellaneous, 1879-1886 Select: Y, Miscellaneous, 1879-1886Scope and Contents noteYale, Leroy M. Young, Charles L., Jr. Young, Jennie L. Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1858, 1870-1873 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1858, 1870-1873 Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1874-1877 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1874-1877 Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1878 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1878 Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1879-1888 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1879-1888 Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1889-1890 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible, 1889-1890 Unidentifiable and Illegible (Undated), circa 1870-circa 1890 Select: Unidentifiable and Illegible (Undated), circa 1870-circa 1890