189 linear feet (179 boxes) of material consisting of architectural drawings, artifacts, audio material, clippings, correspondence, deeds, maps, memorabilia, oral histories, photographs, postcards, posters, publications, scrapbooks, and slides that document the individuals, institutions, events, and projects that have shaped Hyde Park's urban and social landscape. The collection includes material relating to several artists and arts organizations, including the 57th Street Art Fair and the Hyde Park Art Center; drawings by Clay Kelly; an oral history by Polly Scribner Ames; a collection of Christmas cards designed by Maude Hutchins, wife of University of Chicago President Robert Maynard Hutchins; and recent published material and clippings on Gertrude Abercrombie and Margaret Burroughs. Series III, Subseries 4 consists of writing and photographs pertaining to Lorado Taft, dating from 1892–1988, including reminiscences about Taft at his Eagle’s Nest artist colony in Oregon, Illinoi; photographs of his sculptures and the work of other artists, many undated, including poor-quality photocopied photographs.