6 boxes and 1 v. (6 sketchbooks, 65 drawings, 2 paintings) consisting of sketchbooks, drawings, and oil paintings, 1851-1886, documenting Mayer’s 1851 western journey. The six sketchbooks executed during his travels contain mainly pencil drawings. In the first book (v. 40) are sketches of the Missouri frontier, the Mississippi, St. Paul, and Kaposia. The next four books (v. 41-44) contain sketches made at Fort Snelling, Traverse des Sioux, and Mendota. The final book (v. 45) includes a few Minnesota sketches and a great many of Mayer’s return trip via Niagara Falls, Albany, and the Hudson River. Mayer later completed the sixty-five larger drawings and two oil portraits from the images recorded in his sketchbooks. In some cases, the sketchbook sources of the drawings are cited. Selected sketches were printed in Mayer’s With Pen and Pencil on the Frontier in 1851 (St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Society, 1932). Forms part of the Edward E. Ayer Art Collection (Newberry Library).