Lithuanian Research and Studies Center

The Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, the largest Lithuanian scholarly organization outside of Lithuania, preserves documents of archival, historical, scholarly, and cultural significance to Lithuanian history and promotes and facilitates its study. It holds extensive files of materials documenting Lithuanian American artists, especially those associated with Ciurlonis Lithuanian Art Gallery. Records in this web resource were compiled from in-person examination of materials.  


5620 S. Claremont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60636-1039
United States

Collections in this Repository

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.

Photograph of an artist's easel side table with paints and other materials
Donating Papers

The Archives of American Art collects primary source materials—original letters, writings, preliminary sketches, scrapbooks, photographs, financial records and the like—that have significant research value for the study of art in America.


Find out how to give your papers, records, recordings, or other primary source material to the Archives of American Art.