A, 1957-1975 Select: A, 1957-1975 American Federation of Arts, 1959-1966 Select: American Federation of Arts, 1959-1966 Art Dealers Association of America, 1967-1971 Select: Art Dealers Association of America, 1967-1971 Art Institute of Chicago, 1961-1964 Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1961-1964 Art International , 1960-1962Select: Art International, 1960-1962 B, 1957-1978 Select: B, 1957-1978 C, 1959-1976 Select: C, 1959-1976 Carnegie Institute, 1961 Select: Carnegie Institute, 1961 D, 1957-1977 Select: D, 1957-1977 Dwan Gallery, 1959-1964 Select: Dwan Gallery, 1959-1964 E, 1959-1978 Select: E, 1959-1978 F, 1956-1972 Select: F, 1956-1972 G, 1958-1976 Select: G, 1958-1976 Guggenheim Museum, 1965-1967 Select: Guggenheim Museum, 1965-1967 H, 1957-1975 Select: H, 1957-1975 I, 1960-1971 Select: I, 1960-1971 J, 1958-1974 Select: J, 1958-1974 K, 1958-1974 Select: K, 1958-1974 L, 1958-1975 Select: L, 1958-1975 M, 1957-1972 Select: M, 1957-1972 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961-1964 Select: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961-1964 Museum of Modern Art, 1957-1976 Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1957-1976 N, 1957-1975 Select: N, 1957-1975 O, 1959-1970 Select: O, 1959-1970 P, 1959-1974 Select: P, 1959-1974 The Print Club, 1959-1962 Select: The Print Club, 1959-1962 Q, 1964-1965 Select: Q, 1964-1965 R, 1959-1971 Select: R, 1959-1971 Racolin, Alexander, 1963-1965 Select: Racolin, Alexander, 1963-1965 S, 1957-1975 Select: S, 1957-1975 Smith College Museum of Art, 1959-1960 Select: Smith College Museum of Art, 1959-1960 Stendahl Galleries, 1957-1959 Select: Stendahl Galleries, 1957-1959 T, 1959-1973 Select: T, 1959-1973 U, 1959-1968 Select: U, 1959-1968 University of Nebraska Art Galleries, 1959-1961 Select: University of Nebraska Art Galleries, 1959-1961 V, 1959-1976 Select: V, 1959-1976 W, 1957-1979 Select: W, 1957-1979 Walker Art Center, 1960-1974 Select: Walker Art Center, 1960-1974 Whitney Museum of American Art, 1959-1971 Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1959-1971 X-Z, 1959-1969 Select: X-Z, 1959-1969