Abbe, George and Barbara, 1958-1970
Select: Abbe, George and Barbara, 1958-1970 Scope and Contents note (concerning book jacket design for his novel, and request for help in finding a teaching position)
Abbott and Cobb, 1947
Select: Abbott and Cobb, 1947
Abbott, William Morris, 1961
Select: Abbott, William Morris, 1961
Abercrombie & Fitch Co., 1946
Select: Abercrombie & Fitch Co., 1946
Abercrombie, Frederick S., 1943
Select: Abercrombie, Frederick S., 1943
Aberdeen Book Company, 1944
Select: Aberdeen Book Company, 1944
Abraham & Straus, 1952
Select: Abraham & Straus, 1952
Abraham Lincoln Brigade (see also: Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade), 1941-1943
Select: Abraham Lincoln Brigade (see also: Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade), 1941-1943
Abraham Lincoln High School, 1942
Select: Abraham Lincoln High School, 1942
Abraham Lincoln School, 1944
Select: Abraham Lincoln School, 1944
Abrahamson, Ben (Argus Book Shop), 1954
Select: Abrahamson, Ben (Argus Book Shop), 1954
Abroad, 1959
Select: Abroad, 1959 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with travel agent arranging trip to Europe)
A. C. A. Gallery, 1940-1944
Select: A. C. A. Gallery, 1940-1944 Scope and Contents note (includes first issue of A. C. A. Art Letter)
Academy of the Arts of the U.S.S.R., 1962-1970
Select: Academy of the Arts of the U.S.S.R., 1962-1970
Acker, Rikki (Mrs. Edward S. Acker), undated
Select: Acker, Rikki (Mrs. Edward S. Acker), undated
Adamic, Mr., 1948
Select: Adamic, Mr., 1948
Adams, Mrs. J. M., 1962
Select: Adams, Mrs. J. M., 1962
Adams, Josephine Truslow, 1941
Select: Adams, Josephine Truslow, 1941 Scope and Contents note (regarding her dismissal from the Art Department of Swarthmore College, presumably for supporting liberal causes)
Adams, Margaret, 1965-1966
Select: Adams, Margaret, 1965-1966
Adamson, J. M., undated
Select: Adamson, J. M., undated
Addison, Wilfred J., 1945
Select: Addison, Wilfred J., 1945
Addresses Book, A-Z, 2 Alphabets (see also: Notes, Addresses, Phone Calls, etc.), circa 1930s-1940s
Select: Addresses Book, A-Z, 2 Alphabets (see also: Notes, Addresses, Phone Calls, etc.), circa 1930s-1940s
Addresses, Miscellaneous (see also: Notes, Addresses, Phone Calls, etc.), circa 1930s-1940s
Select: Addresses, Miscellaneous (see also: Notes, Addresses, Phone Calls, etc.), circa 1930s-1940s
Adelson Galleries, Inc., 1967
Select: Adelson Galleries, Inc., 1967
Adirondack Moose River Committee, 1946
Select: Adirondack Moose River Committee, 1946
Adirondack Mountain Club, 1946
Select: Adirondack Mountain Club, 1946
The Adirondack Museum, 1969
Select: The Adirondack Museum, 1969
The Adirondack Record, 1945
Select: The Adirondack Record, 1945
Adirondack Wilderness Committee, 1944
Select: Adirondack Wilderness Committee, 1944
Adler, Elmer (see also: American Institute of Graphic Arts, La Casa del Libro - The Colophon , and Pynson Printers Incorporated), 1926, 1940-1949, 1954-1963
Select: Adler, Elmer (see also: American Institute of Graphic Arts, La Casa del Libro - The Colophon, and Pynson Printers Incorporated), 1926, 1940-1949, 1954-1963 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning the founding of Princeton Print Club, activities and acquisitions, invitations to events, negotiations with Kent to produce the club's annual print; Adler's collection of Kent prints; advice to Kent on planning a trip to Puerto Rico; bookplate designs; design for Tripler, Co.; Adler's obituary, with clippings about La Casa del Libro, a typographical library in Puerto Rico established by Adler)
The Adomatic Man, undated
Select: The Adomatic Man, undated
Advance, 1941
Select: Advance, 1941
Advance Glove Manufacturing Co., 1952
Select: Advance Glove Manufacturing Co., 1952
Advertising Mobilization Committee, 1942
Select: Advertising Mobilization Committee, 1942
After Long Years, 1968-1969
Select: After Long Years, 1968-1969
Agar, William and Alida, 1948-1951
Select: Agar, William and Alida, 1948-1951 Scope and Contents note (about Paul Robeson; genocide petition)
Aid to Russia Fund, 1944
Select: Aid to Russia Fund, 1944
Air France, 1950
Select: Air France, 1950
Air Mail Stamps, 1952-1953
Select: Air Mail Stamps, 1952-1953 Scope and Contents note (concerns rubber stamp designed by Kent)
Air Transport Association, 1943-1945, undated
Select: Air Transport Association, 1943-1945, undated Scope and Contents note (concerning mural commission, with information about the design, progress reports, and the technical details of installation by Harry Frachtenberg, with photographs and clippings)
Air Transport Association, Photographs and Clippings, 1943-1945, undated
Select: Air Transport Association, Photographs and Clippings, 1943-1945, undated
Al Alk, F. M., 1942
Select: Al Alk, F. M., 1942
Alameda County Industrial Union Council, 1941
Select: Alameda County Industrial Union Council, 1941
Alanson, Mr., 1942
Select: Alanson, Mr., 1942
Alaskan Development, 1940
Select: Alaskan Development, 1940 Scope and Contents note (Senate Bill S.3566 to provide for the settlement and development of Alaska, with related clippings, news releases, and transcript of committee hearings)
Albany Institute of History and Art, 1941
Select: Albany Institute of History and Art, 1941
Albertson, William, 1942
Select: Albertson, William, 1942
Albright Art Gallery (see: Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and Albright Art Gallery)
Select: Albright Art Gallery (see: Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and Albright Art Gallery)
Alcoa Aluminum Job, 1948
Select: Alcoa Aluminum Job, 1948 Scope and Contents note (advertising copy, photograph, and photostat of Kent design)
Alejos, Elidea Pinto (see also: Foster Parents' Plan), 1940-1944
Select: Alejos, Elidea Pinto (see also: Foster Parents' Plan), 1940-1944 Scope and Contents note (letters and drawings from foster child sponsored by the Kents)
Alexander, Claude H., 1943-1957
Select: Alexander, Claude H., 1943-1957
Alexander, Gross W. (see also American Russian Institute), 1959-1965
Select: Alexander, Gross W. (see also American Russian Institute), 1959-1965 Scope and Contents note (about illustrations for his book, A Message to the American People [under the aegis of the Inter-Religious Committee for World Order and Peace], including a disagreement over adapting Michelangelo's Creation of Adam; health advice, with information about Kent's visit to a geriatric institute in Bucharest)
Alfalfa Hill, 1941
Select: Alfalfa Hill, 1941
Alfred, Helen (Peace Publications), 1958-1959
Select: Alfred, Helen (Peace Publications), 1958-1959
Alfred University, 1947
Select: Alfred University, 1947
All American Dinner and Bazaar, 1941
Select: All American Dinner and Bazaar, 1941
All-American Editions, Inc., 1941
Select: All-American Editions, Inc., 1941
Allen, Arthur S. and Family (see also: Greenland), 1915, 1927-1930, 1942, undated
Select: Allen, Arthur S. and Family (see also: Greenland), 1915, 1927-1930, 1942, undated Scope and Contents note (family news; comments on Kent's book illustrations; commissions for advertising work; travel; color consulting)
Allen, Charles R., Jr., 1955-1968
Select: Allen, Charles R., Jr., 1955-1968 Scope and Contents note (family news; peace petition and fund raising for Committee to Prevent World War III)
Allen, Jerome R., Jr., 1942, 1948
Select: Allen, Jerome R., Jr., 1942, 1948
Allen, Luther, 1956-1957
Select: Allen, Luther, 1956-1957 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with a fan and beginning collector, with discussion of specific works, travel, and politics)
Allen, Ralph B., 1933-1937
Select: Allen, Ralph B., 1933-1937 Scope and Contents note (about illustrations for Allen's translations of Icelandic sagas)
Alley & Richards, Co., 1941-1942
Select: Alley & Richards, Co., 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (commission to illustrate U.S. Pipe and Foundry ads, with samples of previous ads)
Alliance Book Corporation, 1941
Select: Alliance Book Corporation, 1941
Allied Voters Against Coudert, 1942
Select: Allied Voters Against Coudert, 1942
Almanac Singers, 1941
Select: Almanac Singers, 1941
Altland, Mrs. Frank J., 1957
Select: Altland, Mrs. Frank J., 1957
B. Altman & Co., 1931, 1951
Select: B. Altman & Co., 1931, 1951
Altman, J., 1959
Select: Altman, J., 1959
Altschul, Arthur, 1941
Select: Altschul, Arthur, 1941
Amalgamated Lace Workers of America, 1941
Select: Amalgamated Lace Workers of America, 1941
The Amateur Comedy Club, Inc., 1942
Select: The Amateur Comedy Club, Inc., 1942
America First Committee, 1940
Select: America First Committee, 1940
The American Academy of Arts and Letters and The National Institute of Arts and Letters (see also: National Institute of Arts and Letters), 1940, 1966-1968
Select: The American Academy of Arts and Letters and The National Institute of Arts and Letters (see also: National Institute of Arts and Letters), 1940, 1966-1968
The American Academy of Political and Social Science, undated
Select: The American Academy of Political and Social Science, undated
American Advertising Artists and Illustrators, Joint Ethics Committee, 1945
Select: American Advertising Artists and Illustrators, Joint Ethics Committee, 1945
American Advertising Guild, 1941-1942
Select: American Advertising Guild, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes information about Advertising for Victory conference and membership; newsletters and announcements of activities)
American Airlines, Inc., 1942-1949
Select: American Airlines, Inc., 1942-1949 Scope and Contents note (concerning reservations)
American Alliance of Christians and Jews to Safeguard Tolerance, 1940
Select: American Alliance of Christians and Jews to Safeguard Tolerance, 1940
American Art Research Council, 1943
Select: American Art Research Council, 1943
American Artists Co., 1930
Select: American Artists Co., 1930 Scope and Contents note (about Hupmobile advertising campaign)
American Artists' Congress, 1935-1942, undated
Select: American Artists' Congress, 1935-1942, undated Scope and Contents note (general mailings and printed matter about the Congress, bylaws and reports; arrangements for speakers, with copy of Kent's address, and letter to Margaret Bourke-White with summary of what Kent intended to say in their joint radio broadcast, "Should Artists Organize?"; notification of election to executive board; Kent's statement on Metropolitan Museum of Art's trade relations with Germany; exhibitions sponsored by AAC; Spanish Civil War; see also Artists League of America, and The Artists Union)
American Artists Group, Inc. (Carl Zigrosser and Samuel Golden; see also: Zigrosser, Carl), 1935-1956
Select: American Artists Group, Inc. (Carl Zigrosser and Samuel Golden; see also: Zigrosser, Carl), 1935-1956 Scope and Contents note (accounting and payment of royalties; commission to design AAG logo; plans for publication of limited editions; plans for Quarterly and proposals for articles; civil rights; printing of political pamphlets; Kent's autobiography; discontinuation of Kent card line due to his political affiliations)
American Artists School, Inc., 1936-1941
Select: American Artists School, Inc., 1936-1941
American Association for the Tuberculous, 1941
Select: American Association for the Tuberculous, 1941
American Bible Society, 1938-1946
Select: American Bible Society, 1938-1946 Scope and Contents note (proposal for Kent-illustrated edition of the Bible; plan for training international statesmen)
American Binder Company, 1942
Select: American Binder Company, 1942 Scope and Contents note (concerning commission to design window shade decorations)
The American Book Collector, 1963-1966
Select: The American Book Collector, 1963-1966
American British Art Center, 1941-1942
Select: American British Art Center, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (promotional literature)
American Broadcasting Company, 1957
Select: American Broadcasting Company, 1957
American Cancer Society, Inc., 1947
Select: American Cancer Society, Inc., 1947
American Car and Foundry Co., 1941
Select: American Car and Foundry Co., 1941 Scope and Contents note (certificate of award from Art Directors Club for advertisement illustrated by Kent; correspondence concerning reproduction permission; see also: Calkins & Holden)
American Cigarette and Cigar Company, 1938-1939
Select: American Cigarette and Cigar Company, 1938-1939 Scope and Contents note (request for Kent to endorse Pall Mall cigarettes and the aesthetic merits of their packaging)
American Civil Liberties Union, 1940-1941
Select: American Civil Liberties Union, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
American College Society of Print Collectors, 1934-1937
Select: American College Society of Print Collectors, 1934-1937 Scope and Contents note (arrangements for Kent prints to be produced for the society; brochure about the society)
American Color Print Society, 1940-1941
Select: American Color Print Society, 1940-1941
American Committee for Defense of British Homes, 1940
Select: American Committee for Defense of British Homes, 1940
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, 1939-1945
Select: American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, 1939-1945 Scope and Contents note (Kent on the role of the artist in a democracy; printed matter)
American Committee for Friendship with the Soviet Union, 1940
Select: American Committee for Friendship with the Soviet Union, 1940 Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, 1937-1945
Select: American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, 1937-1945 Scope and Contents note (invitations to speak; orders for annual award medal designed by Kent; printed matter)
American Committee for Spanish Freedom (see also: Spanish Causes), 1945
Select: American Committee for Spanish Freedom (see also: Spanish Causes), 1945
American Committee for Yugoslav Relief, Inc., 1945-1946
Select: American Committee for Yugoslav Relief, Inc., 1945-1946
American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists, Inc., 1945
Select: American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists, Inc., 1945
American Committee to Save Anti-Fascist Refugees, 1940
Select: American Committee to Save Anti-Fascist Refugees, 1940
American Committee to Save Refugees, 1921
Select: American Committee to Save Refugees, 1921
American Communications Association, C.I.O., 1942
Select: American Communications Association, C.I.O., 1942
American Congress for Peace and Democracy, 1938
Select: American Congress for Peace and Democracy, 1938
American Council of Learned Societies, 1939
Select: American Council of Learned Societies, 1939
American Council on Soviet Relations, 1940-1942
Select: American Council on Soviet Relations, 1940-1942 Scope and Contents note (invitation to speak; printed matter)
American Federation of Teachers, 1940-1941
Select: American Federation of Teachers, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (about dismissal of Pennsylvania teachers who signed nominating petitions for Communist Party candidates)
American Forestry Association, 1940
Select: American Forestry Association, 1940
American Forests, 1965
Select: American Forests, 1965
American Friends of Czecho-Slovakia, 1940
Select: American Friends of Czecho-Slovakia, 1940
American Friends of Danish Freedom and Democracy, undated
Select: American Friends of Danish Freedom and Democracy, undated
American Friends of the Chinese People, 1940-1941
Select: American Friends of the Chinese People, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (request for Artists Union support)
American Friends of the Mexican People, 1940
Select: American Friends of the Mexican People, 1940
The American Guardian, 1940
Select: The American Guardian, 1940
American Guild for German Cultural Freedom (see also: Heilbut, Ivan), 1940
Select: American Guild for German Cultural Freedom (see also: Heilbut, Ivan), 1940 Scope and Contents note (concerns sponsorship of German writer, Ivan Heilbut, for immigration to the U.S.)
American Guild of Variety Artists, 1940
Select: American Guild of Variety Artists, 1940
American Institute for Economic Research, 1940
Select: American Institute for Economic Research, 1940
American Institute for Marxist Studies, 1966
Select: American Institute for Marxist Studies, 1966
American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1940-1941
Select: American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (about its book auction; dinner in honor of Elmer Adler and speech by Kent at that event)
American Jersey Cattle Club, 1940-1945
Select: American Jersey Cattle Club, 1940-1945
American Jewish Alliance, 1940
Select: American Jewish Alliance, 1940
American Labor Party (see also: Annual Labor Bazaar; Campaign, 1946; and Third Party), 1939-1950, undated
Select: American Labor Party (see also: Annual Labor Bazaar; Campaign, 1946; and Third Party), 1939-1950, undated Scope and Contents note (party registration list for Essex Co., N.Y., printed matter, reports, petitions, campaign literature for candidates at all levels; correspondence concerning meeting arrangements and art exhibitions, Kent art work for journal, fund raising, and yearbook; Kent's opinion on the timeliness of a third party in Essex Co., plans to run for Congress, and invitations to speak)
American League Against War and Fascism (see: Radical Groups--Fascism)
Select: American League Against War and Fascism (see: Radical Groups--Fascism)
American League for Peace and Democracy (see also: Rotary Club), 1938-1939, undated
Select: American League for Peace and Democracy (see also: Rotary Club), 1938-1939, undated Scope and Contents note (about Kent designs; invitation to speak; discussion of the group's position on issues and request for endorsement; Carnegie Institute's refusal to permit use of lecture room; minutes of national board)
American League to Abolish Capital Punishment, 1940
Select: American League to Abolish Capital Punishment, 1940
American Legion, undated
Select: American Legion, undated Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
American Library Association, 1941
Select: American Library Association, 1941 Scope and Contents note (transcript of Kent's address to its convention)
American Library of Color Slides, 1941-1942
Select: American Library of Color Slides, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (concerns arrangements to produce slides of Kent's work; sample catalogs)
American Life Convention, 1947
Select: American Life Convention, 1947
American Merchant Marine, 1938, 1942
Select: American Merchant Marine, 1938, 1942 Scope and Contents note (inquiry about commissioning a poster)
American National Committee of Engraving Incorporated (John Taylor Arms; see also: Arms, John Taylor), 1940-1941
Select: American National Committee of Engraving Incorporated (John Taylor Arms; see also: Arms, John Taylor), 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (membership invitation, report, information about exhibitions)
American Notes & Queries, 1941
Select: American Notes & Queries, 1941
American ORT Federation, 1941
Select: American ORT Federation, 1941 Scope and Contents note (request for endorsement from United American Artists)
American Peace Crusade, 1950-1953, undated
Select: American Peace Crusade, 1950-1953, undated Scope and Contents note (includes printed matter, reports, invitations to speak, and letters from Kent to President Truman about clemency for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg)
American Peace Mobilization and American Peace Mobilization Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War, 1940-1941
Select: American Peace Mobilization and American Peace Mobilization Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about emblem and Christmas card for the group, invitation to speak, and request for Kent's endorsement; printed matter)
American Photograph Corporation, 1959-1960
Select: American Photograph Corporation, 1959-1960
American Platform Guild, 1942
Select: American Platform Guild, 1942 Scope and Contents note (invitation)
American Polar Society, 1940-1942
Select: American Polar Society, 1940-1942 Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
American Red Cross, 1941-1942
Select: American Red Cross, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning reproduction permission)
American Reedcraft Corp., 1940
Select: American Reedcraft Corp., 1940
American Rescue Ship Mission, 1940-1941, undated
Select: American Rescue Ship Mission, 1940-1941, undated Scope and Contents note (request for Kent to donate painting for art sale benefiting the organization, and invitation to speak; printed matter)
American Russian Cultural Association, Inc., 1942-1945
Select: American Russian Cultural Association, Inc., 1942-1945 Scope and Contents note (invitation to speak; printed matter)
American Russian Institute, Inc. (see also: Alexander, Gross W.), 1942-1969
Select: American Russian Institute, Inc. (see also: Alexander, Gross W.), 1942-1969 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent's exhibition in the USSR; endorsement of the organization; speaking engagements; Kent trip to Moscow to attend bureau meeting; peace seals designed by Kent; reports on various conferences, meetings, and events; leadership of the organization; Kent's autobiography; designs for cards; printed matter)
The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1940-1941
Select: The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (invitation to write an article about Greenland)
The American School of Design, 1939
Select: The American School of Design, 1939
The American Socialist, 1957
Select: The American Socialist, 1957
American Society for Aesthetics, 1941
Select: American Society for Aesthetics, 1941 Scope and Contents note (promotional literature)
American Student Union, 1940-1941
Select: American Student Union, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (invitation to speak; information about its antiwar activities)
American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1931, 1933
Select: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1931, 1933 Scope and Contents note (about Kent's sketches for phone book covers)
American Tobacco Company, 1946
Select: American Tobacco Company, 1946 Scope and Contents note (printed matter concerning CIO strike against the company)
American Women's Voluntary Services, Inc., 1942
Select: American Women's Voluntary Services, Inc., 1942 Scope and Contents note (invitation to enter poster exhibition)
American Youth Congress, 1937-1940
Select: American Youth Congress, 1937-1940 Scope and Contents note (invitation to speak and serve on its board; printed matter)
American Youth for a Free World, 1943-1946
Select: American Youth for a Free World, 1943-1946 Scope and Contents note (request for magazine cover design; printed matter)
Ames, Bee, 1952-1953
Select: Ames, Bee, 1952-1953
Amirault, L. M., 1947
Select: Amirault, L. M., 1947
Anderson, Doug, 1965
Select: Anderson, Doug, 1965
Anderson, John and Mavoureen, 1941-1966
Select: Anderson, John and Mavoureen, 1941-1966
Andrews, Charlie, 1941-1961
Select: Andrews, Charlie, 1941-1961
Andrews, Robert Armstrong, 1953, 1961-1963
Select: Andrews, Robert Armstrong, 1953, 1961-1963 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about McCarthyism and Lattimore case; news of mutual friends; race relations; Kent's writings)
Andrews, Sperry, 1967-1971, undated
Select: Andrews, Sperry, 1967-1971, undated
Angell, George and Ruth, 1964-1970
Select: Angell, George and Ruth, 1964-1970
Angelos Restaurant, 1951
Select: Angelos Restaurant, 1951
Annin & Co., 1945
Select: Annin & Co., 1945
Annual Labor Bazaar (see also: American Labor Party), 1955
Select: Annual Labor Bazaar (see also: American Labor Party), 1955
Anti-Nazi (General), 1938-1939, undated
Select: Anti-Nazi (General), 1938-1939, undated Scope and Contents note (printed matter, notes, and correspondence on the subject)
Antioch Bookplate Company, 1942-1970
Select: Antioch Bookplate Company, 1942-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent bookplate and calendar designs, Quaker antiwar activities, and Kent's travels; royalty reports)
The Antioch Press, 1963-1965
Select: The Antioch Press, 1963-1965
Appeals for Financial Support (see also: Causes (all entries); Charities; Contributions; Free Work; Gifts, Helpees, etc.; and organizations by name), 1940-1949
Select: Appeals for Financial Support (see also: Causes (all entries); Charities; Contributions; Free Work; Gifts, Helpees, etc.; and organizations by name), 1940-1949 Scope and Contents note (printed matter and correspondence from a variety of of labor, civil liberties, civil rights, peace, social service, religious, and medical research groups)
Appeals for Financial Support, cont.
Select: Appeals for Financial Support, cont.
Appendicitis, 1949
Select: Appendicitis, 1949 Scope and Contents note (get-well cards and letters)
Applequist, Arnold, 1941
Select: Applequist, Arnold, 1941
Archangelsky, Victor, 1967-1969
Select: Archangelsky, Victor, 1967-1969
Archer, William H., 1951
Select: Archer, William H., 1951
Archives, 1963-1974
Select: Archives, 1963-1974 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with universities and libraries about the disposition of Kent's personal papers)
Archives of American Art (see also: Interviews), 1959, 1969-1970
Select: Archives of American Art (see also: Interviews), 1959, 1969-1970 Scope and Contents note (concerns Kent's personal papers)
Arctic Institute of North America, 1948, 1963, 1969
Select: Arctic Institute of North America, 1948, 1963, 1969
Ardmore Printing Co., 1941
Select: Ardmore Printing Co., 1941
Arens, Egmont, and Camille David (see also: Calkins & Holden), 1920-1965
Select: Arens, Egmont, and Camille David (see also: Calkins & Holden), 1920-1965 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about royalties; how to distill alcohol; copyright problems with Kent's Casanova illustrations)
Argosy Bookstore, 1943
Select: Argosy Bookstore, 1943
Arkwell, Mrs., 1952
Select: Arkwell, Mrs., 1952
Armenian Progressive League of America, 1941
Select: Armenian Progressive League of America, 1941
Armenian War Relief, 1942
Select: Armenian War Relief, 1942
Armitage, Merle, 1925-1963
Select: Armitage, Merle, 1925-1963 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with collector about bookplates and Kent-illustrated books; text of speech by Armitage on "The Aristocracy of Art")
Arms, John Taylor (see also: American National Committee of Engraving Incorporated), 1944-1955
Select: Arms, John Taylor (see also: American National Committee of Engraving Incorporated), 1944-1955 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent's reasons for not wishing to participate in Artists for Victory Exhibition and why paintings rather than prints should represent him at this point in his career; gift of Kent print to Arms; congratulations to Kent on his election to National Academy of Design; letter of condolence to Dorothy Arms; Kent to Society of American Artists regarding contribution of a print to the John Taylor Arms Memorial Collection)
Arnold, Henrietta and Leslie, 1942, 1945
Select: Arnold, Henrietta and Leslie, 1942, 1945
Arnold, Thurman, 1941, 1951
Select: Arnold, Thurman, 1941, 1951
Art Alliance of America, Inc., 1925
Select: Art Alliance of America, Inc., 1925
The Art Appreciation Movement, 1942
Select: The Art Appreciation Movement, 1942
Art Book Guild of America, Inc., 1950-1951
Select: Art Book Guild of America, Inc., 1950-1951 Scope and Contents note (about Kent design for the guild's logo; opinions of books sent for critique; advertisements)
The Art Digest, Inc., 1926
Select: The Art Digest, Inc., 1926
Art Directors Club, 1928-1929, 1946-1947
Select: Art Directors Club, 1928-1929, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (arrangement for exhibitions; request for Kent to write foreword to its annual exhibition catalog)
Art Directory, Inc., 1948
Select: Art Directory, Inc., 1948
Art Gallery of Toronto, 1933-1934
Select: Art Gallery of Toronto, 1933-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent exhibition and lecture; purchase of a print and painting by the museum)
Art In War, 1942
Select: Art In War, 1942 Scope and Contents note (printed matter on the subject issued by a variety of organizations)
Art Institute of Chicago (see also: Chicago Art Institute), 1927-1928, 1938, 1941
Select: Art Institute of Chicago (see also: Chicago Art Institute), 1927-1928, 1938, 1941 Scope and Contents note (invitation to participate in annual exhibition and to speak; sale of painting)
Art Movement, Inc., 1942
Select: Art Movement, Inc., 1942
Art News, 1958
Select: Art News, 1958
Art Reference Bureau (see: E. T. Howard Company)
Select: Art Reference Bureau (see: E. T. Howard Company)
The Art Students League of New York, 1926, 1943-1944
Select: The Art Students League of New York, 1926, 1943-1944
Artist Associates, 1943
Select: Artist Associates, 1943
Artists Committee for the President's Birthday, 1944
Select: Artists Committee for the President's Birthday, 1944
Artists' Conference of the Americas, 1939
Select: Artists' Conference of the Americas, 1939 Scope and Contents note (notification of election to chairmanship; printed matter)
Artists Coordination Committee, 1941
Select: Artists Coordination Committee, 1941
Artists Equity Association, 1947-1959, 1965, undated
Select: Artists Equity Association, 1947-1959, 1965, undated Scope and Contents note (mainly printed matter, including: constitution and bylaws, report of first regular membership meeting, and membership lists; also, letter from Kent in response to the question "What is a professional artist?" and charges by Kent that TB Society Christmas Seals program treats artists unfairly)
Artists Equity Association cont., 1947-1959, 1965, undated
Select: Artists Equity Association cont., 1947-1959, 1965, undated
Artists for Russia, 1942
Select: Artists for Russia, 1942
Artists for Victory, Inc., undated, 1942-1944
Select: Artists for Victory, Inc., undated, 1942-1944 Scope and Contents note (printed matter regarding membership, exhibitions, and other activities)
Artists Front to Win the War, 1935-1938
Select: Artists Front to Win the War, 1935-1938
Artists Guild, Inc., 1935-1938
Select: Artists Guild, Inc., 1935-1938 Scope and Contents note (about book illustrations and publishers; discussion of need for fair practices standards in the industry)
Artists in Defense, 1941-1944, undated
Select: Artists in Defense, 1941-1944, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence with a variety of organizations about poster designs, speaking engagements, and endorsements; printed matter regarding exhibitions and competitions)
Artists League of America (see also: American Artists' Congress; and The Artists Union), 1942-1949, undated
Select: Artists League of America (see also: American Artists' Congress; and The Artists Union), 1942-1949, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence with Philip Evergood, Harry Gottleib, Charles Keller, Lynd Ward, and other officers of ALA about: exhibitions; Kent's catalog introductions and articles for the newsletter; typography; criticisms of organization of WPA Federal Arts section; ALA's Victory Workshop; unions; artists' rights, particularly copyright and reproduction rights; discussion of ALA programs, publications, and organizational problems; Young Artists League; national politics; and printed matter, including publications of various ALA chapters)
Artists' Supplies, 1931-1966, undated
Select: Artists' Supplies, 1931-1966, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence, invoices, etc., relating to the purchase of supplies; brochures, advertisements, and samples)
The Artists Union (see also: American Artists' Congress; Artists League of America; and Seckar, Alvena), 1936-1938, undated
Select: The Artists Union (see also: American Artists' Congress; Artists League of America; and Seckar, Alvena), 1936-1938, undated Scope and Contents note (includes: invitations to speak; letters from chapters detailing their plans and activities; Kent's ideas about how to organize the union's hierarchy; appeal by Kent for the support in his dispute with U.S. government over its right to alter his mural; printed matter)
Artkino Pictures Inc., 1959-1961
Select: Artkino Pictures Inc., 1959-1961 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning ordering a copy of its film about Kent exhibition in Moscow)
Arts & Decoration, 1919
Select: Arts & Decoration, 1919
The Arts Bureau of Gartner and Bender, Inc., 1946
Select: The Arts Bureau of Gartner and Bender, Inc., 1946
Arts Council of Japanese Americans for Democracy, undated
Select: Arts Council of Japanese Americans for Democracy, undated
Asgaard Dairy Case, 1948-1949, undated
Select: Asgaard Dairy Case, 1948-1949, undated Scope and Contents note (concerns boycott of Kent's dairy due to his support of Henry Wallace for president; includes letters canceling orders, clippings, legal papers transferring ownership to remaining employees, and letters of support)
Ashley, Julia, 1941
Select: Ashley, Julia, 1941
Ashworth, John, 1945
Select: Ashworth, John, 1945
Assade, Liuba (see also: Solov, Liuba), 1962-1971
Select: Assade, Liuba (see also: Solov, Liuba), 1962-1971
Associated American Artists, Inc., 1941-1947, 1953, 1969-1970
Select: Associated American Artists, Inc., 1941-1947, 1953, 1969-1970 Scope and Contents note (concerns exhibitions, sales, and commissions)
Associated American Artists, Inc., cont.
Select: Associated American Artists, Inc., cont.
Associated Gallery of Art (see: Bruck, Lorraine)
Select: Associated Gallery of Art (see: Bruck, Lorraine)
Associated Magazine Contributors, Inc., 1946
Select: Associated Magazine Contributors, Inc., 1946
Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc., 1956
Select: Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc., 1956
Astor, Mme., 1936
Select: Astor, Mme., 1936
Atkins, Arthur, 1956
Select: Atkins, Arthur, 1956
Attorneys, 1940-1970
Select: Attorneys, 1940-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with Leonard Boudin and other lawyers concerning personal, professional, and dairy business, including: divorce from Frances, settling disputes with publishers and other clients, warnings about libelous passages in his writings, daughter Kathleen's problems collecting alimony and child support payments, taxes, estate of mother, real estate transactions, Kent's will and estate planning, visa and passport applications)
Auerbach, Pollak & Richardson, 1950-1953
Select: Auerbach, Pollak & Richardson, 1950-1953 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and statements regarding investments)
August, Charles, 1914-1915
Select: August, Charles, 1914-1915
AuSable Branch of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corp. Lawsuit (see also: Train), 1930
Select: AuSable Branch of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corp. Lawsuit (see also: Train), 1930 Scope and Contents note (correspondence, legal documents, and printed matter about preventing discontinuation of passenger service)
AuSable Valley Telephone Company, Inc., 1947-1952
Select: AuSable Valley Telephone Company, Inc., 1947-1952
Authors League of America, 1944
Select: Authors League of America, 1944
Autobiography ( It's Me, O Lord ; see also: It's Me, O Lord ; and This Is My Own ), 1953-1958
Select: Autobiography ( It's Me, O Lord; see also: It's Me, O Lord; and This Is My Own), 1953-1958 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with publishers, research letters, arrangements for illustrations, 1953-1953; also, fan mail, 1955-1958)
Autobiography ( It's Me, O Lord ), cont.
Select: Autobiography ( It's Me, O Lord), cont.
Avery, Anne (see also: Kent, Sarah Holgate), 1941-1961, 1966
Select: Avery, Anne (see also: Kent, Sarah Holgate), 1941-1961, 1966 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with companion of Sarah Holgate Kent [mother])
Avery, George E., 1937-1941
Select: Avery, George E., 1937-1941
Avery, Terry, 1969
Select: Avery, Terry, 1969
Axelrod, Betty, 1957
Select: Axelrod, Betty, 1957
Axelsen, A. B., 1956-1957
Select: Axelsen, A. B., 1956-1957
N. W. Ayer & Son, 1926-1930, 1945-1946, 1951-1952
Select: N. W. Ayer & Son, 1926-1930, 1945-1946, 1951-1952 Scope and Contents note (orders for commercial work with comments on sketches; invitations)
Aymar, Gordon C., 1928-1949
Select: Aymar, Gordon C., 1928-1949 Scope and Contents note (request to write introduction to his book about advertising illustration; also concerns Kent illustration for other books edited by Aymar)
A, Unidentified
Select: A, Unidentified Scope and Contents note (C. W. A., undated; J. H. G. A., 1959)
Bacon, Betty, 1953-1961
Select: Bacon, Betty, 1953-1961
Bacon, Prall Grant (Mrs. Marshal L. Bacon), 1954
Select: Bacon, Prall Grant (Mrs. Marshal L. Bacon), 1954
Bailey, Frank, 1944
Select: Bailey, Frank, 1944
Baily, Harold James, 1944
Select: Baily, Harold James, 1944
Bajalia, Mrs. Albert, 1945
Select: Bajalia, Mrs. Albert, 1945
G. A. Baker & Co., Inc., 1926
Select: G. A. Baker & Co., Inc., 1926
Baker, Keith, 1941
Select: Baker, Keith, 1941
Balch Autograph Collection (Albert S. Balch), undated
Select: Balch Autograph Collection (Albert S. Balch), undated
Baldwin, C. B., 1951
Select: Baldwin, C. B., 1951
Baldwin, Henry T., 1946-1953
Select: Baldwin, Henry T., 1946-1953
Baldwin, Leon C., 1948
Select: Baldwin, Leon C., 1948
Balk, Christina and Robert, undated, 1949-1956
Select: Balk, Christina and Robert, undated, 1949-1956
Balken, Nick (Edward), 1955-1960
Select: Balken, Nick (Edward), 1955-1960 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about travel to the USSR and exhibition there; Kent family news)
Balkovic, Zlatko, 1945
Select: Balkovic, Zlatko, 1945
P. Ballantine & Sons, 1943-1951
Select: P. Ballantine & Sons, 1943-1951
The Ballaton Journal, 1954
Select: The Ballaton Journal, 1954
The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1941
Select: The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1941
Bamer, Delbert, 1946
Select: Bamer, Delbert, 1946
Bancroft, Bert, 1951-1956
Select: Bancroft, Bert, 1951-1956
Banff, Canada, 1952-1968, undated
Select: Banff, Canada, 1952-1968, undated Scope and Contents note (plans and arrangements for 1952 trip; correspondence with friends about family news; comments on Kent's work; information about McCarthy investigations; printed matter on the region and Banff School of Fine Arts; see also: Reed, Gordon and Kate)
Bangor Public Library, 1949
Select: Bangor Public Library, 1949
Bang's Disease Test (Cattle), 1940-1945
Select: Bang's Disease Test (Cattle), 1940-1945
Banker, Carl, 1943
Select: Banker, Carl, 1943
Banker, Grace, 1940-1941
Select: Banker, Grace, 1940-1941
Banks, 1925, 1944-1965
Select: Banks, 1925, 1944-1965 Scope and Contents note (farm account and personal banking records)
Bannister, Estrid (see also: Good, Estrid), 1934-1963, undated
Select: Bannister, Estrid (see also: Good, Estrid), 1934-1963, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about translation of Salamina into Danish; death of Salamina [Fleicher Moller]; Salamina Fund; family news; Kent on McCathyism)
Bannister, Geoffrey, 1954-1955
Select: Bannister, Geoffrey, 1954-1955
Barbizon Plaza Hotel, 1943
Select: Barbizon Plaza Hotel, 1943
Barlow, Samuel M. and Ernesta, 1941
Select: Barlow, Samuel M. and Ernesta, 1941
Barlowe, Jerry C., 1961
Select: Barlowe, Jerry C., 1961
Barnard & Simons Co., Inc., 1945
Select: Barnard & Simons Co., Inc., 1945
A. S. Barnes & Company, 1949
Select: A. S. Barnes & Company, 1949
Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1963
Select: Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1963
Barnes, Julius H., 1945
Select: Barnes, Julius H., 1945
Barnett, Lincoln, 1968
Select: Barnett, Lincoln, 1968
Mary Gaston Barnwell Foundation, 1936-1937
Select: Mary Gaston Barnwell Foundation, 1936-1937 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning arrangements for Kent's Barnwell Address at Central High School, Philadelphia, with a transcript of his talk, "Art Is for Everyone")
Baroody, Jamil, 1944-1947
Select: Baroody, Jamil, 1944-1947
Barr, Norman and Louise, 1943-1947
Select: Barr, Norman and Louise, 1943-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about: Artists League of America, World War II, Kent family news; news of Norman Barr in the service, through his mother, Louise)
Barrett Art Gallery, 1947
Select: Barrett Art Gallery, 1947
Barrette, Clifton A., 1969
Select: Barrette, Clifton A., 1969
Barringer, Laura Graham, 1948
Select: Barringer, Laura Graham, 1948
Barrows, Alice, undated, 1941-1950
Select: Barrows, Alice, undated, 1941-1950
Barth, Lawrence, 1946-1947
Select: Barth, Lawrence, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Barth's writings on American culture and the use of psychology in political work, with copies of his articles)
Barth, Lawrence, cont.
Select: Barth, Lawrence, cont.
Bartlett, Bob, 1915
Select: Bartlett, Bob, 1915
Bartlett, Mary J., undated
Select: Bartlett, Mary J., undated
Barton, Eleanor, undated
Select: Barton, Eleanor, undated
Barton, Lyman G. and Ethel, 1954-1957, 1963-1968
Select: Barton, Lyman G. and Ethel, 1954-1957, 1963-1968
Barton, Philip B., 1951, 1961
Select: Barton, Philip B., 1951, 1961
Bartz, Fred, 1956-1971
Select: Bartz, Fred, 1956-1971
Bassett, Norman and Sally (see also: Demco Library Supplies), 1962-1968
Select: Bassett, Norman and Sally (see also: Demco Library Supplies), 1962-1968
Ted Bates Incorporated, 1943
Select: Ted Bates Incorporated, 1943
Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne, 1946
Select: Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne, 1946 Scope and Contents note (about advertising work)
Bauerberg, Dr. Paul J., undated
Select: Bauerberg, Dr. Paul J., undated
Baugild, Mary and Albert, 1946-1970
Select: Baugild, Mary and Albert, 1946-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about mutual friends and Kent collectors in the Chicago area; Kent's autobiography)
Baum, Marjorie Jane, 1947
Select: Baum, Marjorie Jane, 1947
Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Mordecai, 1950-1951
Select: Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Mordecai, 1950-1951
Baxter, Mr., 1922
Select: Baxter, Mr., 1922
Bayer, Minna, 1965-1966
Select: Bayer, Minna, 1965-1966
A. G. Beaman Agency, Limited, 1936
Select: A. G. Beaman Agency, Limited, 1936
Bean, Lawrence W., 1941, 1947
Select: Bean, Lawrence W., 1941, 1947
Bech, George, 1940
Select: Bech, George, 1940
Beck, John H., 1960
Select: Beck, John H., 1960
Beck, Mrs. L. V., 1959
Select: Beck, Mrs. L. V., 1959
Beck, Torben, 1938-1939
Select: Beck, Torben, 1938-1939
Becker, Jim and Frances, 1952-1970, undated
Select: Becker, Jim and Frances, 1952-1970, undated
Becker, Maurice, 1955-1960
Select: Becker, Maurice, 1955-1960 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning the house Kent built for his mother on Monhegan Island, Maine; request for information about getting Becker's paintings included in the Art of Today Collection (Friendship House, Moscow))
Bedacht, Max, 1947-1968, undated
Select: Bedacht, Max, 1947-1968, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about the 1948 presidential election and the need for a functioning Socialist Party in the U.S.; Kent's trip to the USSR)
Beechepies, Marie, 1949
Select: Beechepies, Marie, 1949
Beecher, John, 1941
Select: Beecher, John, 1941
Belfrage, Mary and Cedric, 1962-1965
Select: Belfrage, Mary and Cedric, 1962-1965
Belknap, Cyril, 1946
Select: Belknap, Cyril, 1946
Bell, John A., 1946
Select: Bell, John A., 1946
Bell, William and Helen, 1942-1943
Select: Bell, William and Helen, 1942-1943
Bemelman, Ludwig, 1941-1942
Select: Bemelman, Ludwig, 1941-1942
Bendix, Hans, 1941
Select: Bendix, Hans, 1941
Benezech, Monique and Jean, n.d, 1952-1970
Select: Benezech, Monique and Jean, n.d, 1952-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence including: Kent's views on the 1952 presidential election and the state of civil liberties in the U.S.; also, family news and Kent's struggle to obtain a passport)
Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, 1941
Select: Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, 1941
Bennett College, 1966
Select: Bennett College, 1966
Bennett, Melba, 1939
Select: Bennett, Melba, 1939
Bennington Drama Festival, 1946
Select: Bennington Drama Festival, 1946
Benton & Bowles, Inc. (see also: Gerard, Sanford (Jerry), 1945-1947
Select: Benton & Bowles, Inc. (see also: Gerard, Sanford (Jerry), 1945-1947 Scope and Contents note (concerning advertising illustrations for bituminous coal clients)
Benton, Charles, 1957-1966
Select: Benton, Charles, 1957-1966
Benton, William, 1957-1965
Select: Benton, William, 1957-1965
Berkshire School, 1965
Select: Berkshire School, 1965
Bernal, Professor, 1959, 1963
Select: Bernal, Professor, 1959, 1963
Berney, Matilda and Leon (Bernie), 1948-1970
Select: Berney, Matilda and Leon (Bernie), 1948-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent's autobiography, passport case, 1956 presidential election, exhibition in the USSR, and Moscow travel plans)
Bernhard, Lucian, 1966-1969
Select: Bernhard, Lucian, 1966-1969
Bernstein, Burt and Ellen, 1969-1970
Select: Bernstein, Burt and Ellen, 1969-1970
Bernstein, Irene, 1960
Select: Bernstein, Irene, 1960
Bernstein, Violet (Mrs. Irving D. Bernstein), 1949
Select: Bernstein, Violet (Mrs. Irving D. Bernstein), 1949
Berry, Frederick F., 1959
Select: Berry, Frederick F., 1959
Beseler Lantern Slide Company, 1941
Select: Beseler Lantern Slide Company, 1941
Bessemer, Auriel, 1941, 1968
Select: Bessemer, Auriel, 1941, 1968
Bessie, Alvah, 1942-1953
Select: Bessie, Alvah, 1942-1953
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, 1941
Select: Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, 1941
Bettelheim, Ralph W., 1939
Select: Bettelheim, Ralph W., 1939
Beverly Hills Library, 1941
Select: Beverly Hills Library, 1941
The Bezalel National Museum, 1954
Select: The Bezalel National Museum, 1954
Biberman, Ed, 1953, 1963
Select: Biberman, Ed, 1953, 1963
Biberman, Herbert, and Gale Sondergaard (see also: Sondergaard, Gale), 1961-1965
Select: Biberman, Herbert, and Gale Sondergaard (see also: Sondergaard, Gale), 1961-1965
Bibliographers, 1938-1941
Select: Bibliographers, 1938-1941 Scope and Contents note (requests for information about Kent and his published works)
Bibliography, The Works of Rockwell Kent , 1930
Select: Bibliography, The Works of Rockwell Kent, 1930 Scope and Contents note (includes: correspondence, lists of individuals and institutions owning Kent work, bibliography of books illustrated and/or written by Kent, invitation list, miscellaneous documents, and manuscript)
Bickford, Arthur J., 1953
Select: Bickford, Arthur J., 1953
Biddle, Fran, 1964
Select: Biddle, Fran, 1964
Biddle, George, 1955-1956
Select: Biddle, George, 1955-1956 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about reviews by Biddle and others of Kent's autobiography)
Bigelow, M. W., 1969
Select: Bigelow, M. W., 1969
Bills (see also: Paid Bills), 1945-1947
Select: Bills (see also: Paid Bills), 1945-1947 Scope and Contents note (invoices, mainly for dairy equipment)
Bills (U.S. House of Representatives)
Select: Bills (U.S. House of Representatives) Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Bingham, J. Fred, 1925
Select: Bingham, J. Fred, 1925
Biographical Encyclopedia of the World, 1941-1942
Select: Biographical Encyclopedia of the World, 1941-1942
The Biosophical Institute, 1939
Select: The Biosophical Institute, 1939
Birchman, Willis, 1941-1947, undated
Select: Birchman, Willis, 1941-1947, undated Scope and Contents note (fan mail and correspondence about Art Young)
Birnbaum, Martin, 1919, 1922
Select: Birnbaum, Martin, 1919, 1922
Birthday, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1959-1970
Select: Birthday, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1959-1970 Scope and Contents note (greeting cards, letters and telegrams of congratulation, clippings, and replies from Kent)
Birthday, cont.
Select: Birthday, cont.
Bittner-Galland, 1938
Select: Bittner-Galland, 1938
Bjarnason, Paul and Dora, 1958-1967
Select: Bjarnason, Paul and Dora, 1958-1967 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent's exhibition and trip to Moscow; other travels)
Black, Ruby (see also: Federal Fine Arts Department), 1937-1939
Select: Black, Ruby (see also: Federal Fine Arts Department), 1937-1939 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding plans to replace Kent's Puerto Rican mural; also, printed matter concerning proposed Bureau of Fine Arts and the Puerto Rican needlework industry)
Blackford, John C., 1941
Select: Blackford, John C., 1941
Blair, Martha, 1935
Select: Blair, Martha, 1935 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and legal papers concerning Blair's lease of a house from Kent)
Bligh, Thea, 1951-1965
Select: Bligh, Thea, 1951-1965 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about passport case, exhibition in the USSR and travel plans; also, family news and international politics)
Blitzstein, Marc, 1947
Select: Blitzstein, Marc, 1947
Block, Gordon A., Jr., 1938
Select: Block, Gordon A., Jr., 1938
Blodgett, Rev. F. P., 1941
Select: Blodgett, Rev. F. P., 1941
Bloom, A. Morton, 1945
Select: Bloom, A. Morton, 1945 Scope and Contents note (about World War II, and family news)
Bloom, Bessie, 1956
Select: Bloom, Bessie, 1956 Scope and Contents note (about her book on Harry Dexter White)
Charles Bloom, Inc., 1950-1951, 1954
Select: Charles Bloom, Inc., 1950-1951, 1954 Scope and Contents note (regarding textile designs)
Bloomenthal, Aleck, 1965-1966
Select: Bloomenthal, Aleck, 1965-1966
Bloomfield, Marilyn, 1948-1949
Select: Bloomfield, Marilyn, 1948-1949
Bloor, Mother Ella Reeve, 1951
Select: Bloor, Mother Ella Reeve, 1951
Blowitz, Gertrude, 1952
Select: Blowitz, Gertrude, 1952
Blue, Genevieve, undated
Select: Blue, Genevieve, undated
Blue Ribbon Books, 1936-1937, 1941
Select: Blue Ribbon Books, 1936-1937, 1941 Scope and Contents note (regarding book jacket designs)
Blum, A. Coleman, 1945
Select: Blum, A. Coleman, 1945
Blum, Jerome, 1921
Select: Blum, Jerome, 1921
Boardman, Mrs., 1942
Select: Boardman, Mrs., 1942
Boas, Franz, 1941
Select: Boas, Franz, 1941
Boehm, Otto and Paula, 1925-1939
Select: Boehm, Otto and Paula, 1925-1939
Bofman, Albert, 1957-1959, 1967
Select: Bofman, Albert, 1957-1959, 1967
Boissevain, Anne, 1943-1947
Select: Boissevain, Anne, 1943-1947
Bola, Ronald J., 1960
Select: Bola, Ronald J., 1960
Bolen, James, 1941
Select: Bolen, James, 1941
Bolotnikov, Nikita, 1965-1968
Select: Bolotnikov, Nikita, 1965-1968
Albert and Charles Boni, Inc. (see also: Creative Art), 1928-1930
Select: Albert and Charles Boni, Inc. (see also: Creative Art), 1928-1930 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning book illustration and design, commission for Kent-designed bookends)
Albert and Charles Boni, Inc. (see also: Creative Art), 1930-1938
Select: Albert and Charles Boni, Inc. (see also: Creative Art), 1930-1938
Bonittas, Myrta, 1955, undated
Select: Bonittas, Myrta, 1955, undated
Bonsel, Frederick A., 1948
Select: Bonsel, Frederick A., 1948
Book and Magazine Union (Book and Magazine Guild), 1940-1944
Select: Book and Magazine Union (Book and Magazine Guild), 1940-1944 Scope and Contents note (regarding fund-raising and war relief efforts)
The Book & Print Shop, 1957
Select: The Book & Print Shop, 1957
Book Club of America, 1944
Select: Book Club of America, 1944
Book Find Club, Inc., 1943-1944
Select: Book Find Club, Inc., 1943-1944 Scope and Contents note (printed matter about club and request for Kent to design its logo)
The Book Mobilization, 1942
Select: The Book Mobilization, 1942
Book-of-the-Month-Club, 1936-1938, 1946
Select: Book-of-the-Month-Club, 1936-1938, 1946 Scope and Contents note (about commission to illustrate membership prospectus)
The Book Service Company, 1942
Select: The Book Service Company, 1942
Bookfinders, 1964-1971
Select: Bookfinders, 1964-1971
Bookplate Clients, 1938-1962, undated
Select: Bookplate Clients, 1938-1962, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about designs for individuals and libraries, with some samples; see also: Jobs)
Bookplates, 1969-1970
Select: Bookplates, 1969-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and inquiries)
Bookplates by Others, 1940-1953, undated
Select: Bookplates by Others, 1940-1953, undated Scope and Contents note (letters from collectors requesting exchanges; samples)
Books, 1969
Select: Books, 1969 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with publishers; book orders, mainly for Wilderness)
Borressen, Peter and family, 1931, 1933
Select: Borressen, Peter and family, 1931, 1933
Bosley, Homer, 1950
Select: Bosley, Homer, 1950
Boss, Homer, 1956
Select: Boss, Homer, 1956 Scope and Contents note (notice of memorial retrospective exhibition at Museum of New Mexico)
The Boston Antique Shop, 1946
Select: The Boston Antique Shop, 1946
Boston Art Club, 1919
Select: Boston Art Club, 1919
The Boston Herald, 1941
Select: The Boston Herald, 1941
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1933
Select: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1933
Boudin, Jean (Mrs. Leonard Boudin), 1962-1968
Select: Boudin, Jean (Mrs. Leonard Boudin), 1962-1968
Boudin, Kathy, 1961-1969
Select: Boudin, Kathy, 1961-1969
Boudin, Leonard B. (see: Attorneys)
Select: Boudin, Leonard B. (see: Attorneys)
Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 1968-1972
Select: Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 1968-1972 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning exhibition; appraisal of Kent Estate)
Boyer, Frank, 1947
Select: Boyer, Frank, 1947
Boyer, Richard C., 1949
Select: Boyer, Richard C., 1949
Boyesen, Bayard and Priscilla, 1910-1921, 1935-1945, 1962
Select: Boyesen, Bayard and Priscilla, 1910-1921, 1935-1945, 1962 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about reviews of Salamina; Kent's advice about agents and publishers, with critiques of Boyesen's autobiography and plays; Kent's political activities and Boyesen's experiences in Communist Party; Boyesen Estate)
Boynton, Mary Fuertes, 1950
Select: Boynton, Mary Fuertes, 1950
Brace, Don and Ida, 1949-1954
Select: Brace, Don and Ida, 1949-1954
Bradshaw, Laurence and Eileen, 1965
Select: Bradshaw, Laurence and Eileen, 1965
Bragg Brothers, 1947
Select: Bragg Brothers, 1947
Bragman, Naomi, 1949
Select: Bragman, Naomi, 1949
Brasol, Boris and Maurice Leon, undated, 1939-1941
Select: Brasol, Boris and Maurice Leon, undated, 1939-1941 Scope and Contents note (printed matter about Brasol's association with Leon and their influence on Henry Ford's anti-Semitic and fascist ideas; also Nazi propaganda)
Brasol, Boris and Maurice Leon, cont.
Select: Brasol, Boris and Maurice Leon, cont.
Brassner, Julius, 1956
Select: Brassner, Julius, 1956 Scope and Contents note (regarding designs for glassware gift items)
Bray, Harry, 1946, 1955-1956
Select: Bray, Harry, 1946, 1955-1956
Brazil, 1937-1938
Select: Brazil, 1937-1938 Scope and Contents note (report on 1937 trip with Jerome Davis, representing the National Committee for People's Rights and the Joint Committee for the Defense of the Brazilian People, including: correspondence about the trip, notes, draft, and report; printed matter, including clippings, and transcripts of speech in Brazilian Senate; miscellaneous items concerning politics in Brazil)
Brentano's, 1944-1950
Select: Brentano's, 1944-1950 Scope and Contents note (book orders)
Brewer & Lord Insurance, 1948
Select: Brewer & Lord Insurance, 1948
Brewer & Warren, Inc., 1930-1931
Select: Brewer & Warren, Inc., 1930-1931 Scope and Contents note (regarding publication, promotion, and translation of N by E; contracts; see also: Putnam, George P.)
Brewing Industry Foundation, 1943
Select: Brewing Industry Foundation, 1943
Brewster, O. Byron, 1927-1953
Select: Brewster, O. Byron, 1927-1953 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about family; marriage of Kathleen Kent; estate of Phelps Smith; forest preservation; personal legal business, including deeds and dairy license)
Bridges, Harry, 1940-1961
Select: Bridges, Harry, 1940-1961 Scope and Contents note (includes form letters and other printed matter from Citizens Committee for Harry Bridges, Harry Bridges Defense Committee, and Harry Bridges Victory Committee; letters from Kent to public officials protesting impending deportation of Bridges; letters from Kent to Bridges about the outcome of the case and the importance of patronage to living artists)
Briehl, Walter and Marie, 1958-1967
Select: Briehl, Walter and Marie, 1958-1967 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning the Briehl's upcoming trip to the USSR, with requests for Kent's advice)
Bright, Marjorie, 1943
Select: Bright, Marjorie, 1943
Brin, Mabel, 1968
Select: Brin, Mabel, 1968
Brinton, Christian, 1919
Select: Brinton, Christian, 1919
British War Relief Society, 1941
Select: British War Relief Society, 1941
Broadcast Measurement Bureau Incorporated, 1946
Select: Broadcast Measurement Bureau Incorporated, 1946
Brock, T., 1943
Select: Brock, T., 1943
Joseph R. Brodsky Memorial Committee, 1949
Select: Joseph R. Brodsky Memorial Committee, 1949
The Brooklyn Museum and The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1927-1929
Select: The Brooklyn Museum and The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1927-1929 Scope and Contents note (about reproduction permissions; gift to the museum; lecture; Kent's views on artists' rights over reproduction of their work; see also: United American Printmakers vs. Brooklyn Museum)
Brooks, Gladys, 1963
Select: Brooks, Gladys, 1963
Browder, Earl, undated, 1936, 1941-1956
Select: Browder, Earl, undated, 1936, 1941-1956 Scope and Contents note (form letters and printed matter from Committee to Free Earl Browder; letters from Kent to public officials and friends requesting support for Browder; see also: Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor)
Brown, Allen, 1941
Select: Brown, Allen, 1941
Brown, Bob, 1959
Select: Brown, Bob, 1959
Brown, Lewis S., 1940-1951
Select: Brown, Lewis S., 1940-1951 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning Kent's attempts to help Brown get a WPA job; Brown's work on the anatomy of the horse and subsequent employment at American Museum of Natural History)
Brown, Robin, 1970-1971
Select: Brown, Robin, 1970-1971
Brown, Ruth Shirley, 1945
Select: Brown, Ruth Shirley, 1945
Brownell, Don Carlos, 1939-1945
Select: Brownell, Don Carlos, 1939-1945 Scope and Contents note (regarding Arctic and sub-Arctic development)
Browning, H. G., 1946, 1961-1967
Select: Browning, H. G., 1946, 1961-1967
Bruce's Books, 1972
Select: Bruce's Books, 1972
Bruck, Lorraine (Associated Gallery of Art), 1955
Select: Bruck, Lorraine (Associated Gallery of Art), 1955
Brush, Helen S., 1947
Select: Brush, Helen S., 1947
Bryan, Kit and Kitten, 1944-1949, undated
Select: Bryan, Kit and Kitten, 1944-1949, undated
Bryant, Doris, 1948
Select: Bryant, Doris, 1948
Bryden-Brown, Louise, 1958
Select: Bryden-Brown, Louise, 1958
Buck, Seaver B., 1933, 1955, 1967
Select: Buck, Seaver B., 1933, 1955, 1967 Scope and Contents note (arrangements for Gordon Kent to attend Berkshire School; reminiscences and family news)
W. S. Budworth & Son, 1928-1930, 1947
Select: W. S. Budworth & Son, 1928-1930, 1947 Scope and Contents note (arrangements for shipping paintings; see also: Exhibition Correspondence)
Budzislawski, Beate, 1949
Select: Budzislawski, Beate, 1949
Bufano, Beniamino, 1957
Select: Bufano, Beniamino, 1957
Buffalo Courier Express, 1942
Select: Buffalo Courier Express, 1942
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and Albright Art Gallery, 1933-1934
Select: Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and Albright Art Gallery, 1933-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning lecture and bookplate design)
Bulgaria, 1961-1970
Select: Bulgaria, 1961-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with friends in Bulgaria about family, travels, and politics)
Bulgaria, cont.
Select: Bulgaria, cont.
Bunker, M. N., 1941
Select: Bunker, M. N., 1941
Bunzel, Joseph and Trudy, 1956-1971
Select: Bunzel, Joseph and Trudy, 1956-1971 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about exhibition in the USSR, travels, and family news; copy of Bunzel's "Outline for a Social History of Art")
Burchett, Wilfred, 1968
Select: Burchett, Wilfred, 1968
Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Plattsburgh, New York, 1946, 1952
Select: Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Plattsburgh, New York, 1946, 1952
Burgess, Neil and Alice, 1945
Select: Burgess, Neil and Alice, 1945
Burgess, William, 1967
Select: Burgess, William, 1967
Burke-Wadsworth Bill, 1940
Select: Burke-Wadsworth Bill, 1940 Scope and Contents note (printed matter, and letters from Kent to public officials urging them to vote against conscription)
Burlington, Vermont, City of, 1937
Select: Burlington, Vermont, City of, 1937
Burliuk, David, 1957-1967
Select: Burliuk, David, 1957-1967 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Burliuk's collection, George Biddle, and Kent's trip to Moscow)
Burndy Library, 1963-1970
Select: Burndy Library, 1963-1970
Burnett, Mr., undated
Select: Burnett, Mr., undated
Burnham, Koert, 1940, 1950-1960, 1968-1969
Select: Burnham, Koert, 1940, 1950-1960, 1968-1969 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about colored glazes and the possibility of mineral deposits in Asgaard property)
Burns, Lt. and Mrs. Thomas Robert, 1945
Select: Burns, Lt. and Mrs. Thomas Robert, 1945
Burrage, Lucia, 1970
Select: Burrage, Lucia, 1970
Burroughs, Bryson (Metropolitan Museum of Art), 1917
Select: Burroughs, Bryson (Metropolitan Museum of Art), 1917 Scope and Contents note (see also: Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Burstyn, Mae, 1949
Select: Burstyn, Mae, 1949
Burton, Mary, 1940-1941
Select: Burton, Mary, 1940-1941
Burton, Wilfred C., 1961
Select: Burton, Wilfred C., 1961
Bushey, Warren, 1959
Select: Bushey, Warren, 1959
Butler, Frank, 1949
Select: Butler, Frank, 1949
Butler, Ron, 1962-1966
Select: Butler, Ron, 1962-1966
Butler, William J., 1964
Select: Butler, William J., 1964
Bynner, Walter (Hal), 1955-1963
Select: Bynner, Walter (Hal), 1955-1963 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Bynner's and Kent's writings; Kent's trip to Moscow)
Byrne, Mrs., undated
Select: Byrne, Mrs., undated
B, Unidentified and Illegible
Select: B, Unidentified and Illegible Scope and Contents note (George and Anna, 1969; C. [illegible], 1943)
Cable, Adeline A., 1946
Select: Cable, Adeline A., 1946
Cacchione, Peter V., 1947
Select: Cacchione, Peter V., 1947
Cafeteria Employees Union, 1941
Select: Cafeteria Employees Union, 1941
Caffin, Charles H., 1917
Select: Caffin, Charles H., 1917
Caldwell, J. B. F., 1964-1965
Select: Caldwell, J. B. F., 1964-1965
Calhoun, Bill, 1941-1971
Select: Calhoun, Bill, 1941-1971 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with an artist neighbor in the service, with news of: his training, World War II, and mutual friends in the armed forces; sample postcard, cartoon, and book cover designed by Calhoun; later letters concern family and career development)
Calkins, Ernest, 1956-1962
Select: Calkins, Ernest, 1956-1962
Calkins & Holden (Egmont Arens and Rene Clark), 1927-1933, undated
Select: Calkins & Holden (Egmont Arens and Rene Clark), 1927-1933, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about award-winning advertising series for American Car and Foundry Co., news of mutual friends, and Lakeside Press exhibition of Kent's illustrations; marriage of Egmont Arens and Camille David; solicitation of articles for New Masses ; illustrated notice about lamps designed by Arens; see also: American Car and Foundry Co.Arens, Egmont, and Camille DavidClark, Rene)
Cameo Theater, 1959
Select: Cameo Theater, 1959
Cameron, Angus, 1951-1959, 1965-1970
Select: Cameron, Angus, 1951-1959, 1965-1970 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about 1952 presidential election; election; Kent on self-expression, functionalism, and mass production; establishment of Cameron and Kahn, publishers, and their uncensored books on politically controversial subjects; Kent's design of colophon and jackets for Cameron and Kahn; printed matter about Liberty Book Club, a subsidiary of Cameron and Kahn)
Cameron, Sheila (Mrs. Angus Cameron) and children, undated, 1957-1969
Select: Cameron, Sheila (Mrs. Angus Cameron) and children, undated, 1957-1969
Campaign (Office of Civilian Defense), 1942
Select: Campaign (Office of Civilian Defense), 1942 Scope and Contents note (letters of endorsement urging appointment of Kent to post in graphic arts section of Office of Civilian Defense; see also: Office of Civilian Defense)
Campaign (Kent for Congress, American Labor Party), 1946
Select: Campaign (Kent for Congress, American Labor Party), 1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with American Labor Party officials and organizations supporting Kent's candidacy for Congress; reasons for early withdrawal from race; Clinton County, N.Y., ALP enrollment list; miscellaneous printed matter)
Campaign (Kent for Congress, American Labor Party), cont.
Select: Campaign (Kent for Congress, American Labor Party), cont.
Campaign (Kent for Congress; Kent's support of Henry Wallace), 1948
Select: Campaign (Kent for Congress; Kent's support of Henry Wallace), 1948 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and printed matter about Kent's campaign for Congress; Kent's activities in support of Henry Wallace for president, including text of undelivered radio address; clippings and advertising, press releases, schedules; see also: American Labor Party; Culture; North Country Wallace for President Committee)
Campaign Facts, 1948
Select: Campaign Facts, 1948 Scope and Contents note (printed matter concerning political issues and candidates at the local and national levels)
Campbell, Ann and Douglas, 1952, 1960
Select: Campbell, Ann and Douglas, 1952, 1960
Campbell, Mildred F., 1961
Select: Campbell, Mildred F., 1961
Campbell, S. J., 1944
Select: Campbell, S. J., 1944
Campbell-Mithun, Inc., 1954
Select: Campbell-Mithun, Inc., 1954
Campos, Pedro Albizu, 1946-1948
Select: Campos, Pedro Albizu, 1946-1948
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1951
Select: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1951
Canadian Fareastern Newsletter, 1953
Select: Canadian Fareastern Newsletter, 1953
Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 1926
Select: Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 1926
Candee, Ruth, 1941
Select: Candee, Ruth, 1941
Candide, 1927-1928
Select: Candide, 1927-1928 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with publisher and printer concerning production of the deluxe, limited edition illustrated by Kent)
Cann, J. H., 1922
Select: Cann, J. H., 1922
Cannon, Irving, 1963
Select: Cannon, Irving, 1963
Cannon, Mrs., 1947
Select: Cannon, Mrs., 1947
Cano, Louise P., 1957-1958
Select: Cano, Louise P., 1957-1958
Canter, David S., 1961
Select: Canter, David S., 1961
Canterbury Tales, 1928-1939
Select: Canterbury Tales, 1928-1939 Scope and Contents note (contract and royalty accounts; correspondence with publisher about impending bankruptcy and reprint by another firm)
Cantwell, Francis Barry, 1941
Select: Cantwell, Francis Barry, 1941
Capital Airlines, 1952
Select: Capital Airlines, 1952
Caplan, David and Nan, undated, 1957-1968
Select: Caplan, David and Nan, undated, 1957-1968
Caprile, A. (Tito), Jr., 1950
Select: Caprile, A. (Tito), Jr., 1950
Car, 1941-1966
Select: Car, 1941-1966 Scope and Contents note (insurance, repair, inspection, and registration records for personal automobile)
CARE, 1948-1951
Select: CARE, 1948-1951
H. T. Carey, Joost & Patrick, 1952
Select: H. T. Carey, Joost & Patrick, 1952
Carlen, Robert, 1958
Select: Carlen, Robert, 1958
Carlson, Willard L., 1960
Select: Carlson, Willard L., 1960
Carlson, William S., 1955, 1962-1969
Select: Carlson, William S., 1955, 1962-1969
Carnegie Institute, 1922-1949
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1922-1949 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding International Exhibitions, including: Kent poster design for 24th International Exhibition (1927), catalog text, jury duty, invitations to exhibit, insurance and shipping arrangements, 3d Honorable Mention (1938), and sales; Founders' Day Exhibition; Kent's response to question, "What do you consider your best easel painting?")
Carolin, Kathryn Reed, 1964-1965
Select: Carolin, Kathryn Reed, 1964-1965
Carothers, J. Edward, 1946
Select: Carothers, J. Edward, 1946
Carroll, Florence E., 1948
Select: Carroll, Florence E., 1948
Carroll, John and Inez, 1927-1930, 1965, undated
Select: Carroll, John and Inez, 1927-1930, 1965, undated Scope and Contents note (letters describing their European travels, with brief mention of Carroll's painting and studio in Paris)
Carson, Pirie Scott & Co., 1952
Select: Carson, Pirie Scott & Co., 1952
Carter, Barbara Kent [daughter] and Alan, 1927-1961
Select: Carter, Barbara Kent [daughter] and Alan, 1927-1961 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning vacation plans, summer employment, marriage, family news, Alan's position on Faculty of Middlebury College and formation of orchestra; Wallace campaign; letters from grandchildren; see also: Kent, Barbara)
Carter, Barbara Kent [daughter] and Alan, cont.
Select: Carter, Barbara Kent [daughter] and Alan, cont.
Carter, Dyson, 1966-1968
Select: Carter, Dyson, 1966-1968
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Percival, 1948
Select: Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Percival, 1948
Carver, Bill, 1955
Select: Carver, Bill, 1955
Carver, Francis, 1945-1954
Select: Carver, Francis, 1945-1954
Carver, Mary and Frank, 1955
Select: Carver, Mary and Frank, 1955
Cary, William H., 1968
Select: Cary, William H., 1968
La Casa del Libro, 1965
Select: La Casa del Libro, 1965 Scope and Contents note (see also: Adler, Elmer)
Casals, Pablo, 1970
Select: Casals, Pablo, 1970
Casserole, 1947
Select: Casserole, 1947
Cassevaugh, Eileen, Guy, and Family, 1954-1956
Select: Cassevaugh, Eileen, Guy, and Family, 1954-1956
The Catholic Worker, 1946
Select: The Catholic Worker, 1946
Catton, Bruce, 1966
Select: Catton, Bruce, 1966
Causes--Addresses, pamphlets (other people's)
Select: Causes--Addresses, pamphlets (other people's) Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Causes--Atomic control
Select: Causes--Atomic control Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Causes--Civil liberties (pamphlets)
Select: Causes--Civil liberties (pamphlets) Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Select: Causes--Labor Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Select: Causes--McCarthy Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Causes--Miscellaneous, 1943-1970
Select: Causes--Miscellaneous, 1943-1970 Scope and Contents note (miscellaneous correspondence, mainly form letters, and matter from a variety of organizations printed; see also: Appeals for Financial Support; Charities; Contributions; Free Work; Gifts, Helpees, etc.; Sponsorship; organizations by name)
Causes--Miscellaneous, cont.
Select: Causes--Miscellaneous, cont.
Cawley, F. B., 1956
Select: Cawley, F. B., 1956
Center Book Service, 1951-1952
Select: Center Book Service, 1951-1952
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1966-1970
Select: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1966-1970
Central Greyhound Lines, Inc., 1947
Select: Central Greyhound Lines, Inc., 1947
Central Michigan College of Education, 1955, 1957
Select: Central Michigan College of Education, 1955, 1957
Central Union Trust Co., 1925-1926
Select: Central Union Trust Co., 1925-1926 Scope and Contents note (statements and canceled checks)
The Century Magazine, 1923
Select: The Century Magazine, 1923
Chahoon, I. H. and Mary, 1946-1947
Select: Chahoon, I. H. and Mary, 1946-1947
Chaimson, Reva (Mrs. Harry Chaimson), 1950-1951
Select: Chaimson, Reva (Mrs. Harry Chaimson), 1950-1951
Chaliapin, Boris, 1961-1962
Select: Chaliapin, Boris, 1961-1962
Chamber of Commerce (AuSable, N.Y.), 1945-1948, 1960
Select: Chamber of Commerce (AuSable, N.Y.), 1945-1948, 1960 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding Publicity Committee, and arrangements to produce new brochure; see also: Dow & Peterson)
Chamberlain, Joseph Edgar, 1912-1914
Select: Chamberlain, Joseph Edgar, 1912-1914
Jacques Chambrun, Inc. (literary agent), 1934, 1945, 1961
Select: Jacques Chambrun, Inc. (literary agent), 1934, 1945, 1961
Jacques Chambrun, Inc. (literary agent), cont.
Select: Jacques Chambrun, Inc. (literary agent), cont.
The Champlain Players, 1941
Select: The Champlain Players, 1941
Chand, Kailash, 1958-1959
Select: Chand, Kailash, 1958-1959
Chandry, Mary, 1967-1968
Select: Chandry, Mary, 1967-1968
Chapin, Edward E., undated, 1954-1955, 1963-1968
Select: Chapin, Edward E., undated, 1954-1955, 1963-1968 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about mutual friends including Peter Freuchen; politics; Kent on abstract art)
Chapin, J. H., 1936
Select: Chapin, J. H., 1936
Chaplin, Charlie, 1940-1941, 1956
Select: Chaplin, Charlie, 1940-1941, 1956 Scope and Contents note (letters from Kent presenting book, requests that Chaplin learn more about conditions in POW camps for use in film)
Chappell, George S., Amy, and Ruth, 1914-1922, 1929-1952, undated
Select: Chappell, George S., Amy, and Ruth, 1914-1922, 1929-1952, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning misunderstanding about Kent paintings deposited with him in 1914, and attempts to reclaim them; see also: Owen and Chappell)
Chappell, William B., 1970
Select: Chappell, William B., 1970
Charities, 1942-1950
Select: Charities, 1942-1950 Scope and Contents note (miscellaneous correspondence and printed matter [chronological order]; see also: Appeals for Financial Support; Causes; Contributions; Free Work; Gifts, Helpees, etc.; and organizations by name)
Charney, Hal and Mary, undated
Select: Charney, Hal and Mary, undated
Charter, Steve, 1950
Select: Charter, Steve, 1950
Chase Brass and Copper Co., 1933-1934
Select: Chase Brass and Copper Co., 1933-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Kent designs for gift items, with drawing for wine cooler; catalog and price list, with Kent's order)
Chase, Greenleaf T., 1962
Select: Chase, Greenleaf T., 1962
Chase, Greta (Mrs. Greenleaf T. Chase), 1954-1970
Select: Chase, Greta (Mrs. Greenleaf T. Chase), 1954-1970
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. H. F., undated, 1935-1937
Select: Chase, Mr. and Mrs. H. F., undated, 1935-1937
Chase, Jimmie and Busto, 1947-1968, undated
Select: Chase, Jimmie and Busto, 1947-1968, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about travels and family news; see also: "Dickie")
Chase, Stephanie P., 1941
Select: Chase, Stephanie P., 1941
Chase, William Merritt (The New York School of Art), 1901
Select: Chase, William Merritt (The New York School of Art), 1901
Chattanooga Youth Club, 1941
Select: Chattanooga Youth Club, 1941
Checkbooks, 1920-1922
Select: Checkbooks, 1920-1922
Cheever, Lawrence Oakley, 1939-1940
Select: Cheever, Lawrence Oakley, 1939-1940 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning bookplates and collectors)
Chegodaev, Andrei, 1961-1967
Select: Chegodaev, Andrei, 1961-1967
Cherry-Burrell Corp., 1944-1947
Select: Cherry-Burrell Corp., 1944-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and invoices regarding dairy equipment)
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1946-1947
Select: Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (about commission for painting and plans for a trip with a company executive to locate a suitable subject ["Harry Benner, Coal Miner"])
Cheshire Academy [R.K., class of 1896], 1941-1964
Select: Cheshire Academy [R.K., class of 1896], 1941-1964 Scope and Contents note (concerning Kent lithograph of campus building for fund-raising purposes)
Chetwood-Aiken, Hugh C., 1937
Select: Chetwood-Aiken, Hugh C., 1937
Chicago & Illinois Midland Railway Company, 1941
Select: Chicago & Illinois Midland Railway Company, 1941
Chicago Art Institute, 1933-1934
Select: Chicago Art Institute, 1933-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding Kent exhibition, with plans; gift of canceled woodblock; see also: Art Institute of Chicago)
Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers' Union, 1957
Select: Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers' Union, 1957
Chicago Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc., 1957
Select: Chicago Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc., 1957
Chicago Printed String Co., 1936
Select: Chicago Printed String Co., 1936
Chicago Printing Trades Union, 1942
Select: Chicago Printing Trades Union, 1942
Chicago Public Library Employees Union, 1939
Select: Chicago Public Library Employees Union, 1939
Chicago Repertory Group, 1940-1941
Select: Chicago Repertory Group, 1940-1941
Children's Hospital Convalescent Home, 1945
Select: Children's Hospital Convalescent Home, 1945
China Aid Council, 1940-1941
Select: China Aid Council, 1940-1941
China Reconstructs, 1962
Select: China Reconstructs, 1962
Chinese News Services, Inc., 1942
Select: Chinese News Services, Inc., 1942
Christian Register, 1946
Select: Christian Register, 1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about cover design; freedom; Spain; reaction from readers to Kent's letter to the editor)
Christie, Mrs. A. S., 1911
Select: Christie, Mrs. A. S., 1911
Christmas Cards, A-Z, 1916-1955, undated
Select: Christmas Cards, A-Z, 1916-1955, undated Scope and Contents note (includes greeting cards from: E. Weyhe, 1928-1930; Kuniyoshi, 1932-1933; and Art Young, 1940; cards with original prints by Gari Melchers, 1932-1933; M. Zorach, 1932-1933; Rainey Bennett, 1940 [none of these sent by the artists]; samples of cards designed by Kent; see also: files for friends by name)
Christmas Cards Designed (Reproduction Permissions), 1941
Select: Christmas Cards Designed (Reproduction Permissions), 1941
Christmas Cards, Illegible and Unidentified, 1916-1955, undated
Select: Christmas Cards, Illegible and Unidentified, 1916-1955, undated
Christmas Presents, 1951-1955
Select: Christmas Presents, 1951-1955
Churchill, William, 1943-1944
Select: Churchill, William, 1943-1944
Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Incorporated, 1948, 1952
Select: Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Incorporated, 1948, 1952
Cincinnati Country Club, 1941
Select: Cincinnati Country Club, 1941
Cincinnati Modern Art Society, 1941
Select: Cincinnati Modern Art Society, 1941
The Citizens Committee for the Army and Navy, Inc., 1942-1943
Select: The Citizens Committee for the Army and Navy, Inc., 1942-1943
Citizens' Committee for Government Art Projects, 1941
Select: Citizens' Committee for Government Art Projects, 1941 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about organizing and lobbying to assure adequate federal appropriations for Fine Arts Division of WPA, with copy of prepared statement of CCGAP to House Subcommittee; printed matter; see also: WPA Miscellaneous)
Citizens' Non-Partisan Committee for the Serviceman's Vote, 1944
Select: Citizens' Non-Partisan Committee for the Serviceman's Vote, 1944
City Bank Farmer's Trust Co., 1927-1940
Select: City Bank Farmer's Trust Co., 1927-1940 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding trust fund for Philip J. Quilmartin, under the will of Ellen J. Banker, Rockwell Kent, Custodian; stock transfers and account statements)
The City Club, 1942, 1946
Select: The City Club, 1942, 1946
City-Wide Tenants Council, 1940-1941
Select: City-Wide Tenants Council, 1940-1941 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about designing a medal for the organization)
Civil Liberties Committee, New York City, 1941-1942
Select: Civil Liberties Committee, New York City, 1941-1942
Civil Rights Congress, 1951-1955
Select: Civil Rights Congress, 1951-1955 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about William L. Patterson Defense Fund; Paul Robeson's fight to obtain a U.S. passport)
Civil Rights Congress of New York, 1946-1955
Select: Civil Rights Congress of New York, 1946-1955
Civil Rights Federation, 1941-1943
Select: Civil Rights Federation, 1941-1943 Scope and Contents note (about speaking engagement)
Claghorn, Sarah N., 1922
Select: Claghorn, Sarah N., 1922
Clark, Rene (see: Calkins & Holden)
Select: Clark, Rene (see: Calkins & Holden)
Clark, Walter and Leonora, 1944-1962, undated
Select: Clark, Walter and Leonora, 1944-1962, undated
Clarke, Jeanette and Tillie, 1955-1966
Select: Clarke, Jeanette and Tillie, 1955-1966
Clarke, Jeanette and Tillie, cont.
Select: Clarke, Jeanette and Tillie, cont.
Clarkson, W. M. E., 1970
Select: Clarkson, W. M. E., 1970
Cleland, Thomas Maitland, 1927-1966, undated
Select: Cleland, Thomas Maitland, 1927-1966, undated Scope and Contents note (correspondence about plastic for transparent drawings; article on Cleland's graphic work; Cleland's plans for a book, and opinions on standards for museum collections; correspondence between Kent and potential benefactors in an effort to find financial support for Cleland's book and to lift him out of a serious depression; Cleland's rejection of Graphic Arts Society certificate of merit; Kent on new patron drawn to him because of his political views and the passport case; plans for "The Great Kent Collection"; Kent's Moscow trip and exhibition; politics, McCarthy, and Cleland's acquaintance with Alger Hiss; correspondence with author of article on Cleland)
Clemens, Cyril (International Mark Twain Society), 1943-1970
Select: Clemens, Cyril (International Mark Twain Society), 1943-1970
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1933-1934
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1933-1934 Scope and Contents note (receipts and letters of thanks for gifts of drawings and canceled woodblock)
Cleveland Print Club (see: Print Club, Cleveland, Ohio)
Select: Cleveland Print Club (see: Print Club, Cleveland, Ohio)
Clifton, Sue and Dave, 1959
Select: Clifton, Sue and Dave, 1959
Clinton Prison, 1958
Select: Clinton Prison, 1958
Clivette, undated
Select: Clivette, undated
The A. B. Closson, Jr., Co., 1941
Select: The A. B. Closson, Jr., Co., 1941
Clothes, 1950
Select: Clothes, 1950 Scope and Contents note (advertisements)
Cluett, Sanford L. and Camilla, 1942-1946, 1966
Select: Cluett, Sanford L. and Camilla, 1942-1946, 1966
Clyde, Ethel, 1944
Select: Clyde, Ethel, 1944
Cobb, George W., Jr., 1939-1943
Select: Cobb, George W., Jr., 1939-1943 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about tin can banks for charitable contributions decorated with art reproductions)
Cobbe, Thomas, 1944
Select: Cobbe, Thomas, 1944 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with collector concerning purchase of Kent prints, with price list of available works)
Cobble Hill Press, 1967-1968
Select: Cobble Hill Press, 1967-1968
Cobert, Samuel, 1954-1958
Select: Cobert, Samuel, 1954-1958
Cockcroft, Van and Cynthia, undated, 1940, 1963-1966
Select: Cockcroft, Van and Cynthia, undated, 1940, 1963-1966
D. Cohen & Sons, Inc., 1945, 1947
Select: D. Cohen & Sons, Inc., 1945, 1947
Cohen, Robert, 1963
Select: Cohen, Robert, 1963
Morris Cohon & Co., 1958-1961
Select: Morris Cohon & Co., 1958-1961 Scope and Contents note (about investments in Metals & Controls Corporation)
Colby College, 1963-1964
Select: Colby College, 1963-1964
Cole, Amadee J., 1946
Select: Cole, Amadee J., 1946
Cole, Mrs., 1963
Select: Cole, Mrs., 1963
Lewis Coleman (Defense Fund), 1945
Select: Lewis Coleman (Defense Fund), 1945
Coleman, Verna and Ross, 1945-1957
Select: Coleman, Verna and Ross, 1945-1957
A. Colish, Inc., 1940-1970
Select: A. Colish, Inc., 1940-1970 Scope and Contents note (concerning printing orders for: bookplates, Kent's personal stationery, jackets for books by Kent, and commissions for miscellaneous illustrations)
Colodne, Carl, 1937
Select: Colodne, Carl, 1937 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with a fan, including Colodne's poem about Kent)
Colon, Jesus and Conchita, undated, 1947
Select: Colon, Jesus and Conchita, undated, 1947
Colonial Airlines, 1945-1952
Select: Colonial Airlines, 1945-1952 Scope and Contents note (about reservations; complaints)
Colony, Horatio, 1962-1971
Select: Colony, Horatio, 1962-1971
The Colophon (Elmer Adler; see also: Adler, Elmer), 1919
Select: The Colophon (Elmer Adler; see also: Adler, Elmer), 1919
Color Magazine (see: Davis, Rev. F. Havis)
Select: Color Magazine (see: Davis, Rev. F. Havis)
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1941
Select: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1941
Colorfax Laboratories, 1952
Select: Colorfax Laboratories, 1952
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. (CBS), 1939-1961
Select: Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. (CBS), 1939-1961 Scope and Contents note (general information about beginnings of commercial broadcasting; request for archival film footage of Kent for use in documentary, The Creative Thirties)
Columbia Lecture Bureau, 1940-1942
Select: Columbia Lecture Bureau, 1940-1942 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about speaking engagements, with schedules and contracts; see also: Lecture Bureaus)
Columbia News Service, 1941
Select: Columbia News Service, 1941
Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1947
Select: Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1947
Columbia University, 1900-1906, 1939-1940, 1944, 1957
Select: Columbia University, 1900-1906, 1939-1940, 1944, 1957 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with university officials about Kent's studies and scholarship; also, transcript and copy of Professor Ware's proposal to McDowell for "Professional Schools of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Music under a University Faculty"; later correspondence concerns speech and bookplate design)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1941
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1941
Columbus Museum, 1941
Select: Columbus Museum, 1941
Colvin, Charles, 1966-1968
Select: Colvin, Charles, 1966-1968
The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company, 1934, 1941
Select: The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company, 1934, 1941
Commerce, Department of, 1951
Select: Commerce, Department of, 1951
Commissioner of Immigration, 1948
Select: Commissioner of Immigration, 1948
Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature (see: Radical Groups--Germany)
Select: Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature (see: Radical Groups--Germany)
Committee for Defense of Public Education, 1941
Select: Committee for Defense of Public Education, 1941
Committee for Defense of Students' Rights, 1941
Select: Committee for Defense of Students' Rights, 1941
Committee for Democracy in Radio, 1946
Select: Committee for Democracy in Radio, 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence with Harold Ickes requesting endorsement of its cause)
Committee for Employment of Professional Skills in the War Program, 1942
Select: Committee for Employment of Professional Skills in the War Program, 1942
Committee for People's Rights (Philadelphia), 1930-1941
Select: Committee for People's Rights (Philadelphia), 1930-1941 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about speaking engagements; invitation to participate in fund-raising events; cancellation of order for medal designed by Kent)
Committee on Discrimination in Employment, 1941
Select: Committee on Discrimination in Employment, 1941
Committee to End Sedition Laws, 1955
Select: Committee to End Sedition Laws, 1955
Common Council for American Unity, 1941
Select: Common Council for American Unity, 1941
Communist Party, undated, 1936-1943, 1966
Select: Communist Party, undated, 1936-1943, 1966
Communist Party and Activities (see: Radical Groups--Communist Party and Activities)
Select: Communist Party and Activities (see: Radical Groups--Communist Party and Activities)
Compulsory Military Service, 1945
Select: Compulsory Military Service, 1945 Scope and Contents note (miscellaneous printed matter; correspondence about Kent's plan to make compulsory military service an educational opportunity and include mandatory training in democracy, responsible citizenship, and world peace)
Comstock, E. A., 1925
Select: Comstock, E. A., 1925
Condolence Letters and Sympathy Cards, A-Z (see also: Funeral; Memorial portfolio), 1971
Select: Condolence Letters and Sympathy Cards, A-Z (see also: Funeral; Memorial portfolio), 1971
Congress for Disarmament, 1957-1958
Select: Congress for Disarmament, 1957-1958
Congress of American Artists, 1941
Select: Congress of American Artists, 1941
Congress of American-Soviet Friendship, 1942
Select: Congress of American-Soviet Friendship, 1942
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1940-1947
Select: Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1940-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about 1944 presidential election; miscellaneous printed matter; request for help in improving design of its newsletter)
Congress on International Relations in the World of Art, 1939-1940
Select: Congress on International Relations in the World of Art, 1939-1940
Connecticut College, 1915
Select: Connecticut College, 1915
Connecticut Conference on Social and Labor Legislation, 1941
Select: Connecticut Conference on Social and Labor Legislation, 1941
Connely, Mrs. L. F., 1942
Select: Connely, Mrs. L. F., 1942
Conniff, Terry (Mrs. W. Arthur Conniff), 1958
Select: Conniff, Terry (Mrs. W. Arthur Conniff), 1958
Connolly, Charles H., Jr., 1963
Select: Connolly, Charles H., Jr., 1963
Conover, Ernest R., 1945-1946
Select: Conover, Ernest R., 1945-1946
Conservation Department, 1952
Select: Conservation Department, 1952
Consolidated Tours Inc., 1957
Select: Consolidated Tours Inc., 1957
Consumer Research, 1928-1943
Select: Consumer Research, 1928-1943 Scope and Contents note (printed matter about "scientific buying")
Consumers Union, 1945
Select: Consumers Union, 1945
Contempora, Inc., 1928-1931, 1948, undated
Select: Contempora, Inc., 1928-1931, 1948, undated Scope and Contents note (concerning "Art to Industry" project, with correspondence about designs for wallpaper and home furnishings; related contracts and publicity)
Contemporary American Artists (see also: The H. W. Wilson Company), 1958
Select: Contemporary American Artists (see also: The H. W. Wilson Company), 1958
Contemporary Art, [National] Gallery of, 1927, 1930
Select: Contemporary Art, [National] Gallery of, 1927, 1930 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and publicity concerning the extraordinary influence of the National Academy of Design in determining artists' career success; drafts of statements; critique of 102d Annual Exhibition (1927); proposal for National Gallery of Contemporary Art, with declaration of organization; Florence N. Levy's request to list NGCA in American Art Annual, with an offer of cooperation and use of office space; see also: National Gallery of Contemporary Art)
Contracts, 1939-1960
Select: Contracts, 1939-1960 Scope and Contents note (with lecture bureaus, publishers, advertising clients, etc.; also concerning dairy business)
Contreras, Belisarios R., 1964
Select: Contreras, Belisarios R., 1964
Contributions, 1951-1959
Select: Contributions, 1951-1959 Scope and Contents note (receipts, correspondence, and miscellaneous printed matter; membership cards; see also: Appeals for Financial Support; Causes; Charities; Free Work; Gifts, Helpees, etc.; and organizations by name)
Cook, Dexter G., 1936, 1940
Select: Cook, Dexter G., 1936, 1940
Coolidge, Bob, 1970
Select: Coolidge, Bob, 1970
Coolidge, W. H., 1958-1959
Select: Coolidge, W. H., 1958-1959
Cooper, Lillie, 1968
Select: Cooper, Lillie, 1968
The Cooperative Bookshop, 1941-1942
Select: The Cooperative Bookshop, 1941-1942
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, State of New York, 1957
Select: Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, State of New York, 1957
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1922, 1941, 1946, 1959
Select: The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1922, 1941, 1946, 1959 Scope and Contents note (letter of protest against the jury system; reproduction permission; request for information about Kent print donated by James Rosenberg)
Corey, George H., 1942
Select: Corey, George H., 1942
Coronet Magazine, 1941, 1946
Select: Coronet Magazine, 1941, 1946
The Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 1946
Select: The Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 1946
Corwin, Norman, 1947-1952, 1958
Select: Corwin, Norman, 1947-1952, 1958
Cosmos Travel Bureau, 1960
Select: Cosmos Travel Bureau, 1960
Cottle, Gladys, 1941
Select: Cottle, Gladys, 1941
Coughlin, Father, 1938-1939
Select: Coughlin, Father, 1938-1939 Scope and Contents note (printed matter, including statistics on Jews and communism)
Coulbron, Leon, 1960
Select: Coulbron, Leon, 1960
Council for Pan American Democracy, 1939-1941, 1944
Select: Council for Pan American Democracy, 1939-1941, 1944 Scope and Contents note (printed matter)
Council on African Affairs, Inc., 1944
Select: Council on African Affairs, Inc., 1944
County [Essex Co., N.Y.] Politics, 1934
Select: County [Essex Co., N.Y.] Politics, 1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with editor of Port Henry Times and elected officials)
Courbos, John, 1915
Select: Courbos, John, 1915
Cousins, Norman, 1958
Select: Cousins, Norman, 1958
Cove, Florence E., 1941
Select: Cove, Florence E., 1941
Coventry, Ethel, 1944
Select: Coventry, Ethel, 1944
Covici, Friede, Inc., 1928-1936
Select: Covici, Friede, Inc., 1928-1936 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about the technical details of printing Kent-illustrated editions)
Cowdin, Cheever and Katherine, 1927-1945
Select: Cowdin, Cheever and Katherine, 1927-1945 Scope and Contents note (news of mutual friends; investments, real estate, and legal matters; see also: Fence Dispute)
Cox, Alice, and Edwina Crunden (see also: Crunden, Alice and Family), 1939-1951
Select: Cox, Alice, and Edwina Crunden (see also: Crunden, Alice and Family), 1939-1951
Carol Cox Book Company, 1943
Select: Carol Cox Book Company, 1943
Craft Horizons, 1948
Select: Craft Horizons, 1948
Cranbrook Institute of Science, 1935-1937
Select: Cranbrook Institute of Science, 1935-1937 Scope and Contents note (concerning Kent design for letterhead; gift of archaeological artifacts from Greenland)
Craven, Mr., 1925
Select: Craven, Mr., 1925
Craver, Isabel D. (Mrs. Bates H. Craver), 1951
Select: Craver, Isabel D. (Mrs. Bates H. Craver), 1951
Crawley, John J., 1949
Select: Crawley, John J., 1949
Creative Art, 1927-1931, undated
Select: Creative Art, 1927-1931, undated Scope and Contents note (drafts for editorials by Kent, 1927-1928; correspondence about development and management of the journal; responses from Albert Laessle, Timothy Cole, and George Biddle to the question: "Should American art students study abroad?"; plans for articles on Kent by Lee Simonson and Frank Crowninshield; editorials; see also: Albert and Charles Boni, Inc.)
Creative Printmakers Group, 1941
Select: Creative Printmakers Group, 1941
Creighton, William J., 1955
Select: Creighton, William J., 1955
Cronquist, Ralph, 1953
Select: Cronquist, Ralph, 1953
Crook, Kenneth E., 1947
Select: Crook, Kenneth E., 1947
Crosbie, Paul, 1941
Select: Crosbie, Paul, 1941
Cross, Anson Kent, 1941-1942
Select: Cross, Anson Kent, 1941-1942
Cross, Mrs. Charles, 1945
Select: Cross, Mrs. Charles, 1945
Cross, John W., 1949
Select: Cross, John W., 1949
Cross World Books, 1961
Select: Cross World Books, 1961
Crotched Mountain Foundation, 1958
Select: Crotched Mountain Foundation, 1958 Scope and Contents note (inquiry about commissioning a mural; promotional literature regarding the foundation)
Crowe Name Plate & Manufacturing Co., 1941
Select: Crowe Name Plate & Manufacturing Co., 1941 Scope and Contents note (negotiations and technical specifications for Kent drawing)
Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1961
Select: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1961
Crown Publishers, 1952
Select: Crown Publishers, 1952
Crowninshield, Frank, undated
Select: Crowninshield, Frank, undated
Crunden, Alice and family (see also: Cox, Alice, and Edwina Crunden), 1930-1936, 1942
Select: Crunden, Alice and family (see also: Cox, Alice, and Edwina Crunden), 1930-1936, 1942
Cultural Conference Committee, 1948
Select: Cultural Conference Committee, 1948
Culture, 1923, 1948-1949
Select: Culture, 1923, 1948-1949 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and proposals in support of a cultural platform for a new political party, with miscellaneous printed matter, including: "A Party Platform for the Arts"; "Rsum of Still-Born Address to World Congress for Peace, April 1949"; jury for National Council of Arts and Sciences Christmas card competition; see also: Campaign, 1948; International Workers Order; National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions; and Third Party)
Culture, Minister of (USSR), 1969
Select: Culture, Minister of (USSR), 1969
Culver, Anne and George, 1946-1947
Select: Culver, Anne and George, 1946-1947
Culver, Dr. and Marjorie, 1941
Select: Culver, Dr. and Marjorie, 1941
Culver, Jane, 1946
Select: Culver, Jane, 1946
Culver Military Academy, 1941
Select: Culver Military Academy, 1941
Cummings, Philip H., 1941, 1944
Select: Cummings, Philip H., 1941, 1944
Cunningham, W. A., 1915
Select: Cunningham, W. A., 1915
Current Theatre, Inc., 1936
Select: Current Theatre, Inc., 1936 Scope and Contents note (letters to friends endorsing the project and asking help in securing financial backers; requests to evaluate scripts)
The Currier Press, 1927-1929
Select: The Currier Press, 1927-1929 Scope and Contents note (proposals for Kent-illustrated editions)
Customs, 1933-1936, 1957
Select: Customs, 1933-1936, 1957 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and declarations forms concerning art work exhibited abroad or loaned for reproduction; disagreement over artistic vs. utilitarian nature of book illustration; also, duty paid on personal purchases when on vacation in Puerto Rico)
Cutcliff, Charles, 1962-1966
Select: Cutcliff, Charles, 1962-1966
Czechoslovak Life, undated
Select: Czechoslovak Life, undated
Czechoslovakia, 1968
Select: Czechoslovakia, 1968
C, Unidentified and Illegible
Select: C, Unidentified and Illegible Scope and Contents note (Anne K. C., undated; Mary [illegible]-Clarke [?], undated; Peggy, 1970; Ted and Minna C., 1959-1960; W. S. C., 1955)
D & J Sadlier & Co. Reg'd., 1922
Select: D & J Sadlier & Co. Reg'd., 1922
Da Fonseca, Gondin, undated
Select: Da Fonseca, Gondin, undated
Dahlgren, Olga, undated, 1953, 1969
Select: Dahlgren, Olga, undated, 1953, 1969
Daily Worker, 1941-1953
Select: Daily Worker, 1941-1953 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding subscription, letter to the editor, and comments on articles)
Dairy, 1944-1948
Select: Dairy, 1944-1948 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with suppliers of feed and equipment and Department of Agriculture; licenses, delivery route data, advertising and sales statistics; Asgaard Dairy Bulletin , 1947; see also: U.S. Trust--Disposition of Dairy)
Dairy Farmers' Union, 1941
Select: Dairy Farmers' Union, 1941
Dame, Dolores Theresa Ann, 1950
Select: Dame, Dolores Theresa Ann, 1950
Dame, Mr., 1945
Select: Dame, Mr., 1945
Bernard Dannenberg Galleries, 1970
Select: Bernard Dannenberg Galleries, 1970
Daniel, Charles, 1914-1915
Select: Daniel, Charles, 1914-1915 Scope and Contents note (letters about exhibitions, and painting sales and payments)
Danish Exhibit--World's Fair, 1940
Select: Danish Exhibit--World's Fair, 1940 Scope and Contents note (printed matter; correspondence about loan of Greenland expedition artifacts to the Danish Pavillion)
Danzig, Charles, 1963
Select: Danzig, Charles, 1963
Darcy (see: Schneiderman-Darcy Defense Committee)
Select: Darcy (see: Schneiderman-Darcy Defense Committee)
Dargan, Olive, 1948
Select: Dargan, Olive, 1948
The Darwin Anniversary Committee, 1959
Select: The Darwin Anniversary Committee, 1959
Dauber & Pine Bookshops Incorporated, 1944-1952
Select: Dauber & Pine Bookshops Incorporated, 1944-1952
Daugaard-Jensen, 1931-1934
Select: Daugaard-Jensen, 1931-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about his screen play and request for help in finding a producer; family news; proposal for Kent to do weekly radio broadcasts from Greeland, with inquiries about specialized equipment for the trip; (see also: Denmark Correspondence; and Greenland)
Daura, Pierre, 1941-1942
Select: Daura, Pierre, 1941-1942
Davidson, Jo, 1945
Select: Davidson, Jo, 1945
Davidson, Lillian (Mrs. Frank B. Davidson), 1947
Select: Davidson, Lillian (Mrs. Frank B. Davidson), 1947
Davies, Arthur B., 1911
Select: Davies, Arthur B., 1911
Davies, Rev. W. Ellis, 1946-1947
Select: Davies, Rev. W. Ellis, 1946-1947
D'Avignon, Theresa, 1941
Select: D'Avignon, Theresa, 1941
Davis, Alton F., 1957
Select: Davis, Alton F., 1957
Davis, Angela, 1970-1971
Select: Davis, Angela, 1970-1971 Scope and Contents note (printed matter and fund-raising literature)
Davis, Benjamin J., 1946
Select: Davis, Benjamin J., 1946
Davis, Rev. F. Havis ( Color Magazine) , 1952
Select: Davis, Rev. F. Havis ( Color Magazine), 1952
Frank E. Davis Fish Company, 1946
Select: Frank E. Davis Fish Company, 1946
Davis, Mrs. George A., 1952
Select: Davis, Mrs. George A., 1952
Davis, Hassoldt (Bill), 1953-1955, 1964-1965
Select: Davis, Hassoldt (Bill), 1953-1955, 1964-1965
Davis, Henry R., 1937-1963, undated
Select: Davis, Henry R., 1937-1963, undated Scope and Contents note (concerning cards and printing orders by Rapid Blue Print Co.)
Davis, Dr. Jerome, 1941, 1950, 1961-1963
Select: Davis, Dr. Jerome, 1941, 1950, 1961-1963
Davis, Robert H., 1928-1931
Select: Davis, Robert H., 1928-1931 Scope and Contents note (clippings and printed matter regarding Davis's exhibition of photographic portraits of famous people, including Kent; correspondence about Kent-illustrated books)