Volume 4, 1898-1907
Select: Volume 4, 1898-1907 Scope and Contents note Portraits of Napoleon owned by John Leonard Dudley, Jan. 1903Loan Exhibition of Pictures by Eminent American Painters, Jan. 5-16, 1904Loan Exhibition of Pictures by American Figure Painters, March 2-15, 1904Loan Exhibition of Pictures by Robert Henri, William Glackens, George Luks, Arthur B. Davies, and Maurice Prendergast, Jan. 5-16, 1904Loan Exhibition of Pictures by Some Boston Artists, April 5-15, 1904Loan Exhibition of Pictures by Old Masters, from Durand-Ruel, April 9-30, 1904Loan Exhibition of Paintings, Water Colors and Drawings by John La Farge, May 3-14, 1904Municipal Art Society Exhibit of Poster Designs, April 2-14, 1906Opening Exhibition of American Paintings from the Collection of Mr. William T. Evans, Nov. 8-18, 1906Exhibition by Some American Artists, Dec. 18, 1906-Jan. 1, 1907Modern German Paintings from the Collection of Hugo Reisinger, Jan. 12-Feb. 1, 1907Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Municipal Art Society of New York, March 13-31, 1907Wood-Engravings of Timothy Cole made for CenturyMagazine, May, 1907Exhibitions of Artists' Preliminary Sketches, May 1907Fall Exhibition of Sketches by Members, Oct. 16-Nov. 16, 1907
Volume 5, 1906-1911
Select: Volume 5, 1906-1911 Scope and Contents note Exhibition of Some American Artists, Dec. 18, 1906-Jan. 18, 1907Exhibition of Artists' Preliminary Sketches, May 1907Fall Exhibition of Sketches by Members, Oct. 16-Nov. 16, 1907Contemporary Paintings, Feb. 1-15, 1908Contemporary Art, Jan. 4-25, 1908Special Exhibition of Members' Work, April 2-25, 1908Paintings Loaned by C. C. Ruthrauff, April 25-May 15, 1908Members' Special Exhibition, April 15-May 8, 1908Members' Fall Sketch Exhibition, Oct. 21-Nov. 7, 1908John W. Alexander Retrospective, Feb. 23-March 17, 1909Fourth Annual Book Exhibition, Nov. 3-26, 1909Louis Mark of Budapest, March 2-28, [1910?]Alfred East of London, April 6-30, 1910Exhibition of Former Students of the Art Students League, May 4-Oct. 10, 1910Third Annual Exhibition of Advertising Art, Oct. 20-Nov. 1,1910First Annual Exhibition of Artist Life Members, Jan. 5-Feb. 3, 1911Walter Shirlaw Memorial Exhibition, March 8-April 5, 1911Group Exhibition of Paintings by William R. Derrick, Reynolds Beal, Gifford Beal, and Frederick J. Waugh, April 1911
Volume 5, cont.
Select: Volume 5, cont.
Volume 6, 1911-1917
Select: Volume 6, 1911-1917 Scope and Contents note Special Prize Exhibition, Jan. 3-28, 1912Otto Walter Beck, Jan. 31-Feb. 18, 1912Etchings of E. T. Hurley, Feb. 21-March 10, 1912Exhibition of Paintings, Embroideries and Tapestries from the Collection of Mr. Emerson McMillan, April 4-21, 1912Sculpture Exhibition, May 8-June 1, 1912Third Special Exhibition of the Society of Illustrators, Oct.-Nov. 1912Exhibition of Works by the Late Frederick Warren Freer, Feb. 12-March 9, 1913Work of Painter, Sculptor, and Architect Members, Jan. 7-Feb. 1, 1914Contemporary Art, Feb. 5-March 7, 1914Portraits, March 3-24, 1915Work of Painter Members, Jan. 5-18, 1916Forty-ninth Annual Exhibition of the American Water Color Society, Feb. 3-27, 1916Loan Exhibition of Portraits of Academicians and Associates Selected from the Permanent Collection of the National Academy of Design, March 2-25, 1916One Hundred American Paintings by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, March 28-April 14, 1916Exhibition of American Prints, March 28-April 14, 1916Members' Summer Sketch Exhibition, June-Aug. 1916Annual Exhibition of the Work of Artist Members, Jan. 4-26, 1917Fiftieth Annual Exhibition of the American Water Color Society, Feb. 1-24, 1917Etchings by Contemporary Artists, under the auspices of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Feb. 28-March 23, 1917Paintings by Boston Artists, March 29-April 28, 1917Members' Annual Sketch Exhibition, May-Sept. 1917
Volume 7, 1917-1924
Select: Volume 7, 1917-1924 Scope and Contents note The Netherlands Exhibition, Oct. 3-31, 1917Annual Exhibition of the Work of Artist Members, Jan. 3-Feb. 1, 1918Fifty-first Annual Exhibition of the American Water Color Society, Feb. 7-March 1, 1918Summer Sketch Exhibition, June-Oct. 1918Retrospective Exhibition of Work of Artist Life Members, Jan. 8-31, 1919Special Exhibition of the Society of Illustrators, April 2-May 3, 1919Members' Annual Sketch Exhibition, May-Oct. 1919Annual Exhibition of Painter and Sculptor Members, Jan. 7-30, 1920Special Exhibition of the Society of Illustrators, March 31-April 16, 1920Members' Summer Exhibition of Sketches and Small Sculpture, Jun-Oct. 1920Exhibition of Art Expression by Club Members, Dec. 1-29, 1920Annual Prize Exhibition, Jan. 5-27, 1921First Annual Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York, March 2-13, 1921Humorists Exhibition, Dec. 7-30, 1921Annual Prize Exhibition of Painter and Sculptor Members, Jan. 5-28, 1922Exhibition of Paintings by Charles C. Curran, Franklin deHaven, George Glenn Newell, Harry Watrous, Feb. 15-March 5, 1922Loan Exhibition of American Paintings Owned by Club Members, April 5-30, 1922Annual Prize Exhibition of Painter and Sculptor Members, June 5-28, 1922Summer Exhibition of Members' Work, May-Oct. 1922Special Exhibition of Members' Work, Dec. 6-29, 1922Annual Prize Exhibition, Jan. 10-Feb. 10, 1923Humorists Exhibition, Feb. 14-March 3, 1923Group Exhibition: Hayley Lever, Leon Dabo, William R. Derrick, Charles P. Gruppe, Charles Robert Patterson, April 1923Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 12-29, 1923Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 9-Feb. 2, 1924Exhibition of Sculpture, March 5-29, 1924Exhibition of Books Illustrating the History of Printing, April 30-May 15, 1924
Volume 7, cont.
Select: Volume 7, cont.
Volume 8, 1924-1932
Select: Volume 8, 1924-1932 Scope and Contents note Exhibition of Art Expression by Club Members, Dec. 1-29, 1924Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 7-31, 1925Autograph Letters with Accompanying Portraits of Authors, Statesmen, Artists, etc., Feb. 23-March 7, 1925Second Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 10-27, 1924Special Exhibition of Lithographs, Woodblocks, and Linoleum Cuts, April 8-May 9, 1925Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 3-20, 1925Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 13-Feb. 6, 1926Special Group Exhibition, Feb. 10-27, 1926Special Exhibition of Copies of Old Masters, March 3-27, 1926Special Exhibition of Architecture, Sculpture, and Decorative Painting, April 7-May 7, 1926Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Brooklyn Society of Etchers, May 1926Exhibition of Volkbehr Collection of Incunabula, Aug. 23-Sept. 30, 1926Summer Exhibition, 1926Fourth Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 2-22, 1926Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 5-29, 1927Exhibition and Auction of Works of Art by Artist Members, Feb. 11-27, 1927Invited Exhibition of Distinguished American Painters, March 2-21, 1927Fifth Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 7-24, 1927Norse Pictorial Weavings by Mrs. Berthea Aske Bergh, April 6-29, 1928Members' Annual Exhibition, Feb. 8-29, 1928Sixth Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Feb. 13-March 8, 1928Exhibition of Decorative Arts, March 8-31, 1928Junior Artist Members, April 4-20, 1928Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 8-Feb. 1, 1929Loan Exhibition of Italian Primitives from the Collection of Richard M. Hurd, March 1929Junior Artist Members, April 3-26, 1929Summer Exhibition of Painter Life Members, May 1-Oct. 1, 1929Exhibition of Decorative Arts, Dec. 4-26, 1929Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 8-Feb. 1, 1930Seventh Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Feb. 5-28, 1930Junior Artist Members, March 5-28, 1930Members' Exhibition, April 16-Sept. 30, 1930Eighth Annual Exhibition of Living American Etchers, Dec. 3-26, 1930New York Water Color Club Exhibition, April 1-25, 1931Gramercy Park Centenary Celebration Exhibition, May 2-29, 1931Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 7-Feb. 6, 1931Junior Artists, March 4-27, 1931Members' Exhibition, June 3-Oct. 1, 1931Members' Exhibition, Jan. 6-13, 1932Exhibition of Drawings by Artist Members, Feb. 3-27, 1932Junior Artist Members, March 2-26, 1932Exhibition and Auction of Works of Art by Artist Members, March 13-April 15, 1932Exhibition by a Group of New York Art Schools, April 20-30. 1932Members' Exhibition, May 4-Oct. 1, 1932
Volume 8, cont.
Select: Volume 8, cont.
Volume 9, 1933-1937
Select: Volume 9, 1933-1937 Scope and Contents note Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 4-27, 1933Junior Artist Members, March 1-31, 1933Society of Illustrators, April 5-22, 1933Members Exhibition, May 3-Oct. 1, 1933Memorial Exhibition, Group of Former Painter and Sculptor Members: Max Bohm, Emil Carlsen, Charles Hawthorne, Robert Henri, Karl Bitter, Solon Borglum, Daniel Chester French, Edmund Quinn, Jan. 31-March 2, 1934Junior Artist Members, March 7-29, 1934Thirty-second Annual Exhibition of the Society of Illustrators, April 4-27, 1934Members' Exhibition of Small Paintings and Sculpture, May 2-30, 1934Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 9-Feb. 1, 1935Members' No-Jury Exhibition, Feb. 6-March 2, 1935Junior Artist Members, March 6-29, 1935Loan Exhibition of Works of Art owned by Artist Members, April 3-27, 1935Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 8-31, 1936Junior Artist Members, March 4-27, 1936Exhibition of Neighboring Art Organizations, April 1-May 1, 1936First Annual Exhibition of Pictorial Photography, by Pictorial Forum, May 6-30, 1936Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 6-29, 1937Exhibition by the Younger Artists Group, March 3-26, 1937Second Exhibition of Neighboring Art Organizations, March 31-April 28, 1937
Volume 10, 1937-1940
Select: Volume 10, 1937-1940 Scope and Contents note Members' Exhibition of Small Paintings, in Black and White, Dec. 8-25, 1937Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 12-Feb., 1938Third Exhibition of Neighboring Art Organizations, March 14-April 2, 1938Exhibition of the Younger Artists Group, April 6-20, 1938Exhibition of a Group of Former Painter and Sculptor Members, Jan. 12-27, 1939Members' Annual Exhibition, Feb. 1-25, 1939Flower Paintings, March 1-31, 1939Fourth Annual Exhibition of Neighboring Art Organizations, April 5-21, 1939Annual Junior Members' Exhibition, May 10-24, 1939Selected Works by Deceased Artists from the National Arts Club's Permanent Collection, June-Oct. 1939Special Exhibition of the Paintings of Junior Members, Oct. 18-28, 1939Christmas Sale of Paintings, Drawing, Photographs, and Sculpture by Junior Members, Dec. 4-25, 1939Members' Annual Exhibition, Jan. 3-19, 1940Distinguished Exhibition of the Work of Living American Painters, Non-Members, Jan. 24-Feb. 9, 1940Ceramics, Feb. 14-29, 1940Annual Junior Members' Exhibition, April 3-19, 1940Flower and Still Life Paintings, April 24-May 3, 1940