MYSTERY SOLVED: The Mystery of Bob Thompson, Nancy Dannenberg, Daniele and A.B. Spellman with two unidentified figures, at Jazz at Slugs, New York, 1964

A group of siz people sit around a table at a table. On the left, three are engaged in a conversation, the man in the center is looking at the camera, and the man on the right is sleeping on the shoulder of the woman next to him, who is looking off to the side.
Bob Thompson, Nancy Dannenberg, Daniele and A.B. Spellman with two unidentified figures, at Jazz at Slugs, New York, 1964. Raymond Ross, photographer.

The Mystery:

What: A group of six sits around a table, enjoying drinks and good company

Where: Jazz at Slugs, in New York

When: 1964

Who: (L to R) Bob Thompson, Nancy Dannenberg, Daniele Spellman, A.B. Spellman, unidentified woman, unidentified man

Help us solve this mystery: Who is the sleeping man? And who is the woman whose shoulder he is sleeping on?

About the People in the Photo:

Bob Thompson (1937-1966) was an African American figurative painter who worked primarily in New York City.

Daniele Spellman is a French-born multi-media artist and printmaker, currently based in California.

A.B. Spellman (b. 1935) is an African American poet, music critic, and arts administrator, considered part of the Black Arts movement.

The Solution:

Bob Thompson, Nancy Dannenberg, Daniele and A.B. Spellman, Bronwyn des Agnes, and unidentified man, at Jazz at Slugs, New York, 1964. Raymond Ross, photographer. Bob Thompson papers.

What: A group of six sits around a table, enjoying drinks and good company

Where: Jazz at Slugs, in New York

When: 1964

Who: (L to R) Bob Thompson, Nancy Dannenberg, Daniele Spellman, A.B. Spellman, Bronwyn Des Agnes, unidentified man

How to Get In Touch:

If you have leads, clues, or ideas of who the unknown individuals may be, email us at Your email should include:

  1. Your first and last name
  2. Your organization, if applicable
  3. Your preferred mode of contact, should we need to reach you (e.g. email address or phone number)
  4. The photo name (for which you are identifying the unknown individual)
  5. The name of the individual you believe is the unidentifiable figure in the photo or any information you may have that could help us identify the individual
  6. Your level of certainty in the information you provided

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