A-American Federation of Arts
Select: A-American Federation of Arts Scope and Contents note Acheson, AliceAdams, Charles L.Adams, WaymanAddams, CliffordAiken, Charles A.Albee, GraceAlden, Henri Vere
American Federation of Arts-Bing
Select: American Federation of Arts-Bing Scope and Contents note American Federation of ArtsAnderson, KarlAnsbacher, JessieAnthony, Elizabeth M.Archipenko, AlexanderAppel, MarianneArms, John TaylorAscher, MaryAzzaretti, FaustBacon, PeggyBaer, MartinBailey, MerrillBaker, JoanBarker, GeorgeBall, Ellen LeeBallin, HugoBarbarie, JamesBarlow, MyronBarmore, CharlesBarr, Charles H.Barr, NormanBarrymore, LionelBartlett, DanaBates, KennethBaumann, GustaveBayard, Clifford A.Beach, Howard D.Beal, ReynoldsBeauchamp, JohnBeaugureau, Francis H.Behrent, Robert H.Bellows, GeorgeBennett, Francis I.Benson, Frank W.Bentley, Lester W.Berge, HenryBerge, StephensBerman, SaulBewley, Murray PercivalBiddle, George
Birmingham Museum-Brush
Select: Birmingham Museum-Brush Scope and Contents note Birmingham MuseumBlackburn, MorrisBlagden, ThomasBlakelock, RalphBlanch, Arnold,Blanch, LucilleBlondheim, AdolpheBlound, Barbara BoydBluemner, OscarBlum, EdithBlumenschein, Ernest L.Bogert, George H.Boogar, William F.Bohm, MaxBohrod, AaronBorgord, MartinBosa, LouisBower, AlexanderBoyd, Byron B.Brackman, RobertBraun, MauriceBreckenridge, HughBridgeman, FrederickBritton, HarryBritton, JamesBrown, FrankBrown, PamelaBrown, PlumaBrowne, George ElmerBrowne, Matilda [Mrs. Frederick Van Wyck]Bruce, EdwardBrush, George deForest
Brush-California Palace
Select: Brush-California Palace Scope and Contents note Buchanan, Charles L.Buck, ClaudeBurchess, ArnoldBurgdorff, FerdinandBurlin, PaulBurns, Paul C.Burrn, George E.Butler, Andrew R.Butler, Howard RussellCalder, A. StirlingCaldwell, Brown
California Palace-Chase
Select: California Palace-Chase Scope and Contents note Callcott, FrankCameron-Merk, HazelCantine, JoCarlisle, Mary H.Carlson, JohnCarroll, JohnCarter, WhitfordCary, William M.Castigan, John E.Cavacos, Emmanuel A.Carutti-Simmons, TeresaChabot, JosephChamberlain, SamuelChann, GeorgeChase, Marion M.
Select: Chase-Coykendell Scope and Contents note Cheffetz, AsaChristy, Howard ChandlerClark, Elsie SouthwickClark, RolandClymer, J. F.Cohen, MaxCole, Alphaeus P.Colman, Blanche E.Colman, KeithColman, RuthComfort, BarbaraConacher, JohnCongdon, William G.Cooper, MargaretCoughlin, MildredCoulter, MaryCouper, J. S. [Mrs. B. King]Cox, Charles M.
Select: Coykendell-Drew Scope and Contents note Crane, BruceCrespi, PachitaCurran, Charles C.Dah, Hermann M.Daingerfield, ElliottDavey, RandallDavidson, Allan A.Dawson, ArthurDay, FrancisDearth, Henry G.De Camp, JosephDe Forest, Julie Morrow (See also: Julie Mathilde Morrow)De Groot, AdelaideDehn, AdolphDehner, WaltDellenbaugh, F. S.De Maine, HarryDeruzinsky, GlebDessar, Louis PaulDewing, Thomas WilmerDickinson, Sidney E.Diederich, HuntDi Gioia, FrankDike, PhilDodge, William De LeftwichDohanos, StevanDonoho, Roger
Select: Drew-Field Scope and Contents note Du Bois, Guy PeneDu Mond, Helen S.Duncan, Charles S.Dunton, W. HerbertDustin, SilasEakins, Susan [Mrs. Thomas Eakins]Eddy, Sarah J.Edwards, George WhartonErdmann, Richard F.Esten, ThomasEtherington, RheaEtnier, Stephen M.Fagnani, JosephFarley, Richard BlossomFarnsworth, Jerry (See also: Helen Sawyer [Mrs. Farnsworth])Fassett, TrumanFausett, LynnFechin, NicholaiFenton, BeatriceFerne, HortenseField, Lester
Select: Field-Gill Scope and Contents note Fitzgerald, JamesFlagg, J. MontgomeryFlorian, Gordon W.Fosdick, J. WilliamFoster, WilletFrankl, Walter H.Fransioli, Thomas A.Franzen, AugustFredenthal, DavidFrederick, Millie BruhlFreiman, Robert J.French, Daniel ChesterFrismuth, Harriet W.Fromkes, MauriceFuchs, EmilGaertner, OttaGagnon, Clarence A.Gallagher, SearsGanso, EmilGarber, DanielGare, CalvinGaspard, LeonGee, YunGenth, LilianGilbert, GuyGilchrist, William W.
Select: Gillespie-Hanna Scope and Contents note Girard, AnnaGluckmann, GrigoryGodwin, FrankGoethe, JosephGolden, Richard DavisGonzalez, XavierGoodwin, Arthur C.Gray, MaryGreen, Florence ToppingGreen, JamesGreenbowe, F. DouglasGreene, JackGreenwood, MarionGregory, JohnGregory, WaylandGriswold, Verma delGrossman, Edwin BoothGrossman, Elia M.Grosz, GeorgeGummo, BlanchardHall, FrederickHalow, E. J.Halpert, SamuelHamilton, Wilbert DeanHammond, Ruth
Select: Hanna-Horn Scope and Contents note Hansen, ArminHart, George O.Hart, William H.Hartman, SadakichiHaskell, ErnestHassam, ChildeHaswell, Ernest B.Heaney, Charles E.Heerman, NorbertHeil, Charles EmileHeinz, Charles L.Henderson, William P.Hennings, E. MartinHenri, RobertHiggins, VictorHill, Alice StantonHill, Arthur TurnbullHill, Polly KnippHiraga, KamesukeHirschfeld, AlbertHitchcock, GeorgeHodgin, Marston DeanHoffman, Henry L.Hofman, H. O.Holzhauer, EmilHopkinson, Charles
Select: Horn-Kilton Scope and Contents note Hornby, LesterHouston, NoraHowe, William H.Howell, FelicieHussa, TheodoreHutchins, Frank TownsendHutty, AlfredInglis, John J.Ireland, LeroyIrvine, WilsonIsenburger, EricJackson, EstherJames, FrederickJohansen, John C.Joahnson, Arthur C.Jones, Francis C.Judson, AliceKalish, MaxKappel, PhilipKapustin, RazelKatz, A. RaymondKatz, EthelKerr, Gerta
Select: Kilton-Lester Scope and Contents note Kimball, RichardKing, ClintonKing, PaulKingman, DongKlitgaard, GeorgiaKroll, LeonKrongerg, LouisKupferman, lawrenceKutchin, LuciusLack, Richard F.Lamar, JulianLanders, BerthaLasky, BessieLathrop, Ida PulisLaufman, SidneyLawrence, W. GoadbyLawson, Ernest
Select: Lester-Melchers Scope and Contents note Lever, R. HayleyLewis, Jessie VossLie, JonasLinde, OssipLindemuth, ArlingtonLlopis, C. R.Lopp, H. L.Lord, HarrietLoring, WilliamLow, Mary FairchildLow, Will H.Lucioni, LuigiLuneau, O. J.Lutz, DanMacColl, E. ChaseMcCouch, Gordon M.McCreary, CarolinMcCutcheon, George BarrMcDonald, William P.McElvoy, Michael M.MacNicol, RoyMacNutt, Glenn GordonMacRae, Emma FordyceMalcolm, ThaliaMagni, RiccardoManship, JohnManship, PaulMase, Carolyn C.Mason, Roy M.Mattison, DonaldMaurice, EleanoreMayer, Henrik M.Melchers, Gari
Melchers- Metcalfe
Select: Melchers- Metcalfe Scope and Contents note Mendelowitz, DanMetcalf Estate: miscellaneous correspondence; taxes, 1925-1940; legal documents; ledger, 1925-1926; investments, 1934-1945; bills; and bank records, 1928-1929)Henrietta Metcalf [widow]: bills, 1936-1943Addison Metcalf [son]: taxes, 1930-1943; investments, 1939-1943; financial services, 1941-1943; bills, 1941-1943; and bank records, 1941-1944Addison and Rosalind Metcalf: financial statement, 1941
Rosalind Metcalf [daughter], 1932-1946
Select: Rosalind Metcalf [daughter], 1932-1946 Scope and Contents note (taxes, 1932-1943; investments, 1937-1946; financial services, 1941-1946; and bank records, 1937-1946)
Select: Metcalf-Meyerowitz Scope and Contents note Correspondence between Milch and Metcalf Family, Financial Matters, 1934-1962, undatedMeyerowitz, William
Select: Milch-Norton Scope and Contents note Millar, AddisonMiller, Richard E.Moffett, RossMolarsky, MauriceMontgomery, EdmundMora, F. LuisMoran, ThomasMorang, AlfredMoreing, David BurrMorgan, Lucy C.Morgan, WallaceMorrow, Julie Mathilde (See also: Julie Morrow De Forest)Mott-Smith, MayMuller, DanMunsell, RichardMurphy, Hermann DudleyMurphy, J. FrancisMyers, JeromeNagler, EdithNason, Thomas W.Neilson, WinthropNewking, NatalieNichols, HobartNicodemus, Chester R.Nisbet, Robert H.Noble, JohnNoecker, Harold
Select: Norton-Pittman Scope and Contents note Nuhfer, Olive H.Oberteuffer, KarlOctman, LeonardO'Hara, EliotOlinsky, Ivan G.Osborn, Frank C.Osk, RosellePalmer, Allen I.Palmer, Walter L.Parkman, PollyParshall, DeWittParshall, Douglass E.Pavlosky, VladimirPaxton, Elizabeth O.Payne, Edgar A.Payne, Elsie P.Pearson, RalphPerrine, Van DearingPeterson, JanePickman, GeorgePittman, Hobson
Select: Pittman-Reid Scope and Contents note Platt, Charles A.Pleissner, Ogden M.Plunder, FranzPollak, MaxPollak-Ottendorf, EmilPollet, JosephPoore, Henry R.Poray, StanPortnoff, AlexanderPosfay, OliverPostgate, MargaretPotter, William J.Poussette-Dart, NathanielPower-O'Malley, Michael A.Prellwitz, HenryPregel, AlexandraPresnal, W. BoleslawPrindeville, MaryProphet, Mary ElizabethPugh, MabelQuincy, EdmundRader, IsaacRaleigh, HenryRavelin, GraceRecchia, RichardRedfield, Edward W.Reich, JacquesReid, Robert
Reid-San Francisco
Select: Reid-San Francisco Scope and Contents note Reiss, Lionel S.Renne, O. A.Reynard, Grant [Tyson]Ricci, JerriRicci, Ulysses AnthonyRichmond, LeonardRitman, LouisRitschel, WilliamRobinson, JayRobinson, Robert B.Roche, MargueriteRogers, Charles B.Rohland, Caroline S.Romano, UmbertoRook, Edward F.Rose, IverRosenberg, H. M.Rosenblatt, Therese S.Rosenfeld, LesterRosin, HarryRibincam, BarclayRungius, CarlRyder, Chauncey F.Ryerson, MargerySaber, CliffordSalko, SamuelSample, PaulSamstang, GordonSandleri, John
San Francisco-Sharp
Select: San Francisco-Sharp Scope and Contents note Saporita, JohnSaunders, KendallSawyer, Helen [Mrs. Jerry Farnsworth] (See also: Jerry Farnsworth)Sawyer, Wells M.Schille, AliceSchmitt, CarlSchreiber, GeorgesSchriener, AlbertSchofield, W. ElmerSchuster, WillSchwacha, George, Jr.Schwarts, WilliamScott, JeannetteScott, JonathanSeltzer, Olaf C.Serra, DanielSexton, Leo LloydShapiro, DavidSharp, J. H.Sharp, John
Select: Sharp-Stephenson Scope and Contents note Sheets, Millard O.Sheets, NanShepler, DwightSherry, William GrantSherwood, RuthShokler, HarryShope, HenryShore, HenriettaShort, JessieSimmons, WilliamSinclair, Gerrit V.Singer, William H.Sisti, AnthonySkou, SigurdSmith, Albert D.Smith, AndreSmith, Georgine WetherellSmith, Marshall D.Soderberg, Yngve E.Solomon, MitziSpeicher, EugenerSpeight, FrancisSpencer, RobertStafford, CharlesSteadman, William E., Jr.Stebbins, Irene BoucherSteel, KennethSteene, William
Select: Sterling-Union Scope and Contents note Sterne, MauriceSterner, AlbertStevens, W. LesterStinson, J. WhitlaStrasser, RolandStrauss, BettySturtevant, HelenaSwisher, AllanSymmers, Mrs. James K.Tanner, Henry O.Taylor, JohnThayer, Abbott H.Thomas, Mrs. VernonThomas, WilfordThompson, FrederickThorne, DianaThorne, WilliamThwaites, Charles W.Tolman, RobertTrebilcock, PaulTrubach, Ernest S.Tryon, Dwight W.Turner, Helen M.Tuttle, MacowinTwachtman, John H.Ufer, WalterUllman, Eugene Paul
Select: United-Weiss Scope and Contents note Usher, LeilaVan Brunt, GeneVan Ryder, JackVance, JamesVarian, DorothyVincent, Harry A.Visson, PhilipVolk, DouglasVonnoh, RobertWoorhees, W. P.Walter, MarthaWarneke, HeinzWarner, EverettWarren, FerdinandWatkins, Franklin C.Watson, JeanWatt, Malcolm RouseWatt, William G.Waugh, Frederick J.Wearstler, Albert M.Weber, Sybilla MittellWebster, Clifford L.Weidner, RoswellWeir, J. AldenWeir, John F,
Weiss-Worcester Museum
Select: Weiss-Worcester Museum Scope and Contents note White, Henry C.White, WadeWhorf, JohnWickey, HarryWiegand, Gustave A.Wiggins, CarletonWiggins, GuyWilcox, LoisWiles, Irving R.Wilford, Loran FrederickWilkie, JamesWilkinson, E. E.Willis, RobertWingate, CarlWingmouth, StanWitkus, WilliamWood, MortonWoodward, Robert StrongWoodward, StanleyWoolf, Samuel Johnson
Worcester Museum-Z; Illegible and Unknown
Select: Worcester Museum-Z; Illegible and Unknown Scope and Contents note Wright, Alice MorganWright, Catherine MorrisWyeth, AndrewZucker, Jacques