Albright, Ernest and Madeleine, Chinese Shar-Pei, 1977
Select: Albright, Ernest and Madeleine, Chinese Shar-Pei, 1977
Aldrich Museum (1980), Ridgefield, CT, 1979-1981
Select: Aldrich Museum (1980), Ridgefield, CT, 1979-1981
Anne Letters, circa 1950s
Select: Anne Letters, circa 1950s
Anti-Defamation League of B-Nai B-Rith, 1991-1992
Select: Anti-Defamation League of B-Nai B-Rith, 1991-1992
Arizona Lecture and Tours (1987), 1987-1988
Select: Arizona Lecture and Tours (1987), 1987-1988
Art Contact, Venezuela-Coconut Grove, Florida, 1978-1980
Select: Art Contact, Venezuela-Coconut Grove, Florida, 1978-1980
Arthur Smith Antiques, 1989-1990
Select: Arthur Smith Antiques, 1989-1990
Artists for American Indians, American Indian Heritage Foundation, 1991
Select: Artists for American Indians, American Indian Heritage Foundation, 1991
Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Syrna Beach, FL, 1982-1988
Select: Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Syrna Beach, FL, 1982-1988
Bace, Bill "Artist Christmas Tree Ornament Benefit and Reception for Friends in Deed,", 1992
Select: Bace, Bill "Artist Christmas Tree Ornament Benefit and Reception for Friends in Deed,", 1992
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1968, 1980-1989
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1968, 1980-1989
Benetton, John, undated
Select: Benetton, John, undated
Berger, Larry, 1990
Select: Berger, Larry, 1990
Bianchi, Lynn, undated
Select: Bianchi, Lynn, undated
Brack, Mrs. C. Bernard, undated
Select: Brack, Mrs. C. Bernard, undated
Bush, Martin H. "ACA Galleries,", 1989-1992
Select: Bush, Martin H. "ACA Galleries,", 1989-1992
Bushnell, George E., Jr., undated
Select: Bushnell, George E., Jr., undated
Carol and Carol, 1982
Select: Carol and Carol, 1982
Chuzy, Marian, 1992
Select: Chuzy, Marian, 1992
Clark, Michael and Krausmann, Pamela, 1975
Select: Clark, Michael and Krausmann, Pamela, 1975
Commonwealth of Virginia, 1991
Select: Commonwealth of Virginia, 1991
Contracts and Sales Agreement, 1990
Select: Contracts and Sales Agreement, 1990
Cook, Edith N., undated
Select: Cook, Edith N., undated
Copyrights, 1981-1982
Select: Copyrights, 1981-1982
Corporation Art Collections, 1987
Select: Corporation Art Collections, 1987
Correspondence, Receipts, Address Lists, circa early 1990s
Select: Correspondence, Receipts, Address Lists, circa early 1990s
Crozier Fine Arts, Inc., 1989
Select: Crozier Fine Arts, Inc., 1989
Darling, Reg, 1990
Select: Darling, Reg, 1990
Denver Art Museum, 1992
Select: Denver Art Museum, 1992
Edwards, Julie and Blake, 1986
Select: Edwards, Julie and Blake, 1986
Everson Museum of Art, 1989
Select: Everson Museum of Art, 1989
Farrell, Kenneth, 1992
Select: Farrell, Kenneth, 1992
Fire Island Pines Arts Project, 1989-1991
Select: Fire Island Pines Arts Project, 1989-1991
Franz Bader, Inc., 1967
Select: Franz Bader, Inc., 1967
Fund for Democracy and Development, 1992
Select: Fund for Democracy and Development, 1992
Hightove, John, 1989
Select: Hightove, John, 1989
Homayoun, Martyn, 1979
Select: Homayoun, Martyn, 1979
House and Garden , Kit Chambers, Nassau, Bahamas, 1980
Select: House and Garden, Kit Chambers, Nassau, Bahamas, 1980
Huck, Carla, 1993
Select: Huck, Carla, 1993
Images Gallery, 1992
Select: Images Gallery, 1992
Ivey's Florida, Orlando/Jacksonville, 1980
Select: Ivey's Florida, Orlando/Jacksonville, 1980
Jack, "Wells, Rich, Greene Inc,", undated
Select: Jack, "Wells, Rich, Greene Inc,", undated
Jackson Christmas Card, undated
Select: Jackson Christmas Card, undated
Jackson, Joan, 1989
Select: Jackson, Joan, 1989
Jacksonville Arts and Design, 1987
Select: Jacksonville Arts and Design, 1987
Leichtung, Jon, 1990
Select: Leichtung, Jon, 1990
Lejwicks, Grejon, undated
Select: Lejwicks, Grejon, undated
Levine and Levine Graphics, 1980-1981
Select: Levine and Levine Graphics, 1980-1981
Lilly, David, 1990
Select: Lilly, David, 1990
Lilly, J. A., Manuscript Satyricon for Roz Avrett, 1991
Select: Lilly, J. A., Manuscript Satyricon for Roz Avrett, 1991
Lilly, J. A., Satyricon, 1990
Select: Lilly, J. A., Satyricon, 1990
Lilly, J. A., Satyricon, Digital Documents, 1993
Select: Lilly, J. A., Satyricon, Digital Documents, 1993 0.001 GigabytesTwo computer files
Loose Letters Unidentified, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Select: Loose Letters Unidentified, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Lowell to Lowell (from), undated
Select: Lowell to Lowell (from), undated
Marcus, Roy, undated
Select: Marcus, Roy, undated
McLean, Harvey D., undated
Select: McLean, Harvey D., undated
McNay Art Institute, M. Koogler (1980), San Antonio, TX, 1979-1980
Select: McNay Art Institute, M. Koogler (1980), San Antonio, TX, 1979-1980
Miami-Dade Public Library, 1987-1991
Select: Miami-Dade Public Library, 1987-1991
Miller, Monica, 1991
Select: Miller, Monica, 1991
Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ, 1981-1982
Select: Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ, 1981-1982
Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 1991
Select: Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 1991
National Arts Club, 1990
Select: National Arts Club, 1990
Nesbitt, Lenore Carrero, 1987
Select: Nesbitt, Lenore Carrero, 1987
Nesbitt, Lowell, to his Parents, 1940-1980
Select: Nesbitt, Lowell, to his Parents, 1940-1980
Nesbitt, Lowell, from his Parents, 1940-1950
Select: Nesbitt, Lowell, from his Parents, 1940-1950
New York Philharmonic, 1987
Select: New York Philharmonic, 1987
Pell, Senator Claiborne, 1990
Select: Pell, Senator Claiborne, 1990
Personal and Professional "Old Correspondence,", 1979
Select: Personal and Professional "Old Correspondence,", 1979
Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, OK, 1981-1991
Select: Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, OK, 1981-1991
Phillips, Preston, 1992
Select: Phillips, Preston, 1992
Pomare, Filipe, 1991
Select: Pomare, Filipe, 1991
Puchkoff, Carrie, Resume, undated
Select: Puchkoff, Carrie, Resume, undated
Radford University, 1989
Select: Radford University, 1989
Rich, Matthew, 1989
Select: Rich, Matthew, 1989
Terra, undated
Select: Terra, undated
Towe, Teri Noel, Attorney, 1990-1992
Select: Towe, Teri Noel, Attorney, 1990-1992
Vanderlip, Dianne Perry, undated
Select: Vanderlip, Dianne Perry, undated
Wandel, Peter, 1990
Select: Wandel, Peter, 1990
Watson, Sliris (?) and Wid, 1992
Select: Watson, Sliris (?) and Wid, 1992
Wilson, Bill, 1988
Select: Wilson, Bill, 1988