IX Bienal de Sao Paulo, 1967
Select: IX Bienal de Sao Paulo, 1967
IX Festival de Arte Cali, 1969
Select: IX Festival de Arte Cali, 1969
A, 1957-1969
Select: A, 1957-1969
A, 1970-1976
Select: A, 1970-1976
A, 1977-1985, 1990
Select: A, 1977-1985, 1990
Abrams Family (Harry N.); NYC, 1961-1975
Select: Abrams Family (Harry N.); NYC, 1961-1975
Ace Gallery, 1971-1974
Select: Ace Gallery, 1971-1974
Ace Gallery - Cletus Johnson, 1981
Select: Ace Gallery - Cletus Johnson, 1981
Aga Kahn, Prince Sadruddin; Geneva, Switzerland, 1968
Select: Aga Kahn, Prince Sadruddin; Geneva, Switzerland, 1968
Agence Maritime Delamare and Cie.; Paris, 1961-1964
Select: Agence Maritime Delamare and Cie.; Paris, 1961-1964
Agrait, Giuseppe; Milan, Italy, 1971-1974
Select: Agrait, Giuseppe; Milan, Italy, 1971-1974
Akira Ikeda Gallery; Japan, 1980-1983, 1992-1993
Select: Akira Ikeda Gallery; Japan, 1980-1983, 1992-1993
The Akron Art Institute; Akron, OH, 1965-1975
Select: The Akron Art Institute; Akron, OH, 1965-1975
Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Buffalo, NY, 1959-1983
Select: Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Buffalo, NY, 1959-1983
Alfieri, Bruno (Editoriale Metro); Milan, 1960-1965
Select: Alfieri, Bruno (Editoriale Metro); Milan, 1960-1965
Alfieri, Bruno (Edizionid'arte Alfieri); Venice, 1963-1968
Select: Alfieri, Bruno (Edizionid'arte Alfieri); Venice, 1963-1968
Alfieri, Bruno (Edizionid'arte Alfieri); Venice, 1969-1973
Select: Alfieri, Bruno (Edizionid'arte Alfieri); Venice, 1969-1973
Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College); Oberlin, OH, 1962-1980
Select: Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College); Oberlin, OH, 1962-1980
Alloway, Lawrence, 1958-1960, 1967
Select: Alloway, Lawrence, 1958-1960, 1967
Altoon, Roberta, 1972-1973
Select: Altoon, Roberta, 1972-1973
The American Crafts Council, circa 1960s-1970s
Select: The American Crafts Council, circa 1960s-1970s
American Federation of Arts; NYC, 1956-1964
Select: American Federation of Arts; NYC, 1956-1964
American-Israel Cultural Foundation, Inc., 1965
Select: American-Israel Cultural Foundation, Inc., 1965
Amsterdam Gallery, 1969
Select: Amsterdam Gallery, 1969
Anderson, Harry; Atherton, Calif, 1969-1979
Select: Anderson, Harry; Atherton, Calif, 1969-1979
Andreas Landshoff Productions B.V., 1973
Select: Andreas Landshoff Productions B.V., 1973
Andre Emmerich Gallery; NYC, 1956, 1960-1973
Select: Andre Emmerich Gallery; NYC, 1956, 1960-1973
Andre Emmerich Gallery, Inc.; Zurich, Switzerland, 1973-1974
Select: Andre Emmerich Gallery, Inc.; Zurich, Switzerland, 1973-1974
Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, 1958-1960
Select: Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, 1958-1960
Apraxine, Pierre, 1968-1969
Select: Apraxine, Pierre, 1968-1969
"Architecture I,", 1977
Select: "Architecture I,", 1977
"Architecture I,", 1977-1979
Select: "Architecture I,", 1977-1979
"Architecture II,", 1979-1982
Select: "Architecture II,", 1979-1982
"Architecture III: Follies,", 1982-1984
Select: "Architecture III: Follies,", 1982-1984
Archives of American Art, 1966
Select: Archives of American Art, 1966
Arlene Brandeis and Associates; Chicago, Ill, 1981
Select: Arlene Brandeis and Associates; Chicago, Ill, 1981
Art 4 '73 (Basle International Art Fair), 1972-1973
Select: Art 4 '73 (Basle International Art Fair), 1972-1973
Art Agency Co., Inc.; Tokyo, Japan, 1976
Select: Art Agency Co., Inc.; Tokyo, Japan, 1976
Art and Artists, 1966-1974
Select: Art and Artists, 1966-1974
Art and Auction, 1992-1993
Select: Art and Auction, 1992-1993
Art and Literature, 1965
Select: Art and Literature, 1965
Art-Cart, Inc.; NYC, 1962-1964
Select: Art-Cart, Inc.; NYC, 1962-1964
Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1960-1961
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1960-1961
Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1962-1964
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1962-1964
Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1964-1967
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1964-1967
Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1970-1977
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1970-1977
Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1993, 1997
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc.; NYC, 1993, 1997
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1962-1968
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1962-1968
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1968-1969
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1968-1969
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1969-1971
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1969-1971
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1972-1974
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1972-1974
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1979-1981
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1979-1981
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1981-1983
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Appraisal Requests; NYC, 1981-1983
Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Insurance Proposal; NYC, 1972-1974
Select: Art Dealers Association, Inc. - Insurance Proposal; NYC, 1972-1974
Art Fairs (Bologna, Basel, Venice), 1976
Select: Art Fairs (Bologna, Basel, Venice), 1976
The Art Gallery, 1961-1972
Select: The Art Gallery, 1961-1972
Art Gallery of New South Wales; Sydney, Australia, 1978
Select: Art Gallery of New South Wales; Sydney, Australia, 1978
The Art Gallery of Toronto (Ontario); Canada, 1964-1981
Select: The Art Gallery of Toronto (Ontario); Canada, 1964-1981
Art in America Magazine, 1957, 1974
Select: Art in America Magazine, 1957, 1974
Art in America Magazine, 1962-1968
Select: Art in America Magazine, 1962-1968 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 1)
Art in Embassies Program (State Dept.); Washington, D.C., 1964-1968
Select: Art in Embassies Program (State Dept.); Washington, D.C., 1964-1968
Art Institute of Chicago, 1959-1969
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1959-1969 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 2)
Art Institute of Chicago, 1970-1976
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1970-1976
Art Institute of Chicago - "Idea and Image in Recent Art", 1973-1974
Select: Art Institute of Chicago - "Idea and Image in Recent Art", 1973-1974
Art International; Switzerland, 1958-1969
Select: Art International; Switzerland, 1958-1969
Art International; Switzerland, 1965-1969
Select: Art International; Switzerland, 1965-1969 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 3)
Art Museum of South Texas, 1973-1974
Select: Art Museum of South Texas, 1973-1974
Art News Magazine, 1958-1965, 1970-1972
Select: Art News Magazine, 1958-1965, 1970-1972
Art Now 74, 1973-1974
Select: Art Now 74, 1973-1974
Art Press, 1972-1973
Select: Art Press, 1972-1973
Artemultiple; Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1980
Select: Artemultiple; Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1980
Artforum Magazine, 1962-1967, 1971
Select: Artforum Magazine, 1962-1967, 1971
Arthur Tooth and Sons, Ltd., 1957-1959
Select: Arthur Tooth and Sons, Ltd., 1957-1959
Artist Tenants Association, 1961
Select: Artist Tenants Association, 1961
Artists Letters, circa 1958-1965, 1989
Select: Artists Letters, circa 1958-1965, 1989
The Arts Club of Chicago; Illinois, 1966
Select: The Arts Club of Chicago; Illinois, 1966
The Arts Council of Great Britain; London, 1970
Select: The Arts Council of Great Britain; London, 1970
ARTS Magazine, 1959-1965, 1974
Select: ARTS Magazine, 1959-1965, 1974
Artschwager, Richard, 1970
Select: Artschwager, Richard, 1970
Artschwager, Richard, 1984-1989
Select: Artschwager, Richard, 1984-1989
Artschwager, Richard, 1989-1991
Select: Artschwager, Richard, 1989-1991
Artschwager, Richard - Akira Ikeda Gallery; Tokyo, 1989-1990
Select: Artschwager, Richard - Akira Ikeda Gallery; Tokyo, 1989-1990
Asher, Betty (Mrs. Leonard); L.A., 1963-1967
Select: Asher, Betty (Mrs. Leonard); L.A., 1963-1967
Ashton, Dora, 1959
Select: Ashton, Dora, 1959
Australian National Gallery, 1984
Select: Australian National Gallery, 1984
Avedisian, Edward; NYC, 1966-1968
Select: Avedisian, Edward; NYC, 1966-1968
B, 1957-1969
Select: B, 1957-1969
B, 1970-1974
Select: B, 1970-1974
B, 1975-1984
Select: B, 1975-1984
Baker, Richard Brown; NYC, 1959-1967, 1970
Select: Baker, Richard Brown; NYC, 1959-1967, 1970
The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1958-1976
Select: The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1958-1976
Barceló, Miquel, 1986-1989
Select: Barceló, Miquel, 1986-1989
Barceló, Miquel, 1990-1994
Select: Barceló, Miquel, 1990-1994
Barr, Alfred H., Jr. (Museum of Modern Art); NYC, 1958-1968
Select: Barr, Alfred H., Jr. (Museum of Modern Art); NYC, 1958-1968
Barry, Robert, 1988-1997
Select: Barry, Robert, 1988-1997
Barry, Robert - Agreement with Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, circa 1972-1975
Select: Barry, Robert - Agreement with Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, circa 1972-1975
Bart, Robert, 1965-1966
Select: Bart, Robert, 1965-1966
Basanese, Nadia - Loan, 1989-1990
Select: Basanese, Nadia - Loan, 1989-1990
Bayonne Jewish Community Center, 1966
Select: Bayonne Jewish Community Center, 1966
Begneaud, Roland, 1972
Select: Begneaud, Roland, 1972
Benenkapp, John, 1961-1966
Select: Benenkapp, John, 1961-1966
Bellamy, Richard (Green Gallery), 1963-1965
Select: Bellamy, Richard (Green Gallery), 1963-1965
Benenson, Thomas H., 1969-1974
Select: Benenson, Thomas H., 1969-1974
Benesch, Edward M.; Baltimore, MD, 1958-1960, 1967
Select: Benesch, Edward M.; Baltimore, MD, 1958-1960, 1967
Bergman, Edwin A.; Chicago, Ill., 1958-1959
Select: Bergman, Edwin A.; Chicago, Ill., 1958-1959
The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1969
Select: The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1969
Betty Chamberlain Associates, 1959-1961
Select: Betty Chamberlain Associates, 1959-1961
Bianchini Gallery, 1962-1976
Select: Bianchini Gallery, 1962-1976
Bianchini Gallery - Editions des Massons, 1974-1977
Select: Bianchini Gallery - Editions des Massons, 1974-1977
Billeter, Erika (Kunstgewerbe Museum); Zurich, Switzerland, 1965, 1974
Select: Billeter, Erika (Kunstgewerbe Museum); Zurich, Switzerland, 1965, 1974
Birmingham Museum of Art; Birmingham, Alabama, 1961, 1965
Select: Birmingham Museum of Art; Birmingham, Alabama, 1961, 1965
Bischofberger, Bruno, 1971-1982
Select: Bischofberger, Bruno, 1971-1982
Blell, Dianne, 1989-1991
Select: Blell, Dianne, 1989-1991
Blind Spot Magazine, 1993
Select: Blind Spot Magazine, 1993
Blinken, Donald (and Judy) M.; NYC, 1957-1963
Select: Blinken, Donald (and Judy) M.; NYC, 1957-1963
Bluhm, Norman, 1956-1961
Select: Bluhm, Norman, 1956-1961
BMW (Guy Loudmer, Herve Poulain), 1975-1980
Select: BMW (Guy Loudmer, Herve Poulain), 1975-1980 2 Folders
Boatto, Alberto; Rome, Italy, 1964-1965, 1970
Select: Boatto, Alberto; Rome, Italy, 1964-1965, 1970
Bolton and Fairhead Ltd.; London, England, 1964-1965
Select: Bolton and Fairhead Ltd.; London, England, 1964-1965
Bontecou, Lee, 1960-1967, 1972
Select: Bontecou, Lee, 1960-1967, 1972
Bontecou, Lee - Damaged Art Work, 1965-1966, 1968
Select: Bontecou, Lee - Damaged Art Work, 1965-1966, 1968
Bontecou, Lee - The Denver Art Museum, 1969-1970
Select: Bontecou, Lee - The Denver Art Museum, 1969-1970
Bontecou, Lee - Stadtisches Museum of Leverkusen, 1967-1968
Select: Bontecou, Lee - Stadtisches Museum of Leverkusen, 1967-1968 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 4)
Boulois, M/M Marcel; Paris, France, 1960-1969
Select: Boulois, M/M Marcel; Paris, France, 1960-1969
Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen; Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1966
Select: Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen; Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1966
Brach, Paul, 1957-1959, 1968
Select: Brach, Paul, 1957-1959, 1968
Bradley, Harry L.; Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1964-1966
Select: Bradley, Harry L.; Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1964-1966
Bright, David; Beverly Hills, Calif., 1961-1962
Select: Bright, David; Beverly Hills, Calif., 1961-1962
Briscoe, Eve, 1960
Select: Briscoe, Eve, 1960
Brodsky, Bernard; NYC, 1959-1975
Select: Brodsky, Bernard; NYC, 1959-1975
Brown, James, 1986-1989
Select: Brown, James, 1986-1989
Brown, James, 1989-1991
Select: Brown, James, 1989-1991
Brown, James, 1992-1995
Select: Brown, James, 1992-1995
Brown, James - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993-1994
Select: Brown, James - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993-1994
Brown, James - Prices, 1990-1992
Select: Brown, James - Prices, 1990-1992
Brown, James - Returned Works, 1991-1992
Select: Brown, James - Returned Works, 1991-1992
Brown, J. Carter (National Gallery of Art); Washington, D.C., 1964
Select: Brown, J. Carter (National Gallery of Art); Washington, D.C., 1964
Brown University, 1964-1965
Select: Brown University, 1964-1965
Buckwalter, Chas and Susan, 1961-1963
Select: Buckwalter, Chas and Susan, 1961-1963
Bundy Art Gallery, 1963, 1967
Select: Bundy Art Gallery, 1963, 1967
Burden, Carter and Amanda; NYC, 1965-1970
Select: Burden, Carter and Amanda; NYC, 1965-1970
Byron Gallery, 1964-1965
Select: Byron Gallery, 1964-1965
C, 1954-1969
Select: C, 1954-1969
C, 1970-1976
Select: C, 1970-1976
C, 1977-1997
Select: C, 1977-1997
Cabot, Lewis; Boston, Mass., 1969-1970
Select: Cabot, Lewis; Boston, Mass., 1969-1970
Cage, John, 1960-1961
Select: Cage, John, 1960-1961
Calle, Sophie, 1993-1996
Select: Calle, Sophie, 1993-1996
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1963-1964
Select: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1963-1964 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 5)
Canaday, John (Art Critic - N.Y. Times), 1961, 1966
Select: Canaday, John (Art Critic - N.Y. Times), 1961, 1966
Canadian Art; Ontario, Canada, 1965
Select: Canadian Art; Ontario, Canada, 1965
Cane, Louis, 1976-1982
Select: Cane, Louis, 1976-1982
Capogrossi, Giuseppe (Artist), 1958
Select: Capogrossi, Giuseppe (Artist), 1958
Carnegie Institute (Museum of Art), 1957-1976
Select: Carnegie Institute (Museum of Art), 1957-1976
Cart and Crate; Los Angeles, Calif., 1969
Select: Cart and Crate; Los Angeles, Calif., 1969
Castelli, Barbara (Bertozzi), 1997
Select: Castelli, Barbara (Bertozzi), 1997
Castelli, Leo, 1957-1961
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1957-1961
Castelli, Leo, circa 1960-1963
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1960-1963
Castelli, Leo, 1962
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1962
Castelli, Leo, 1963
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1963
Castelli, Leo, 1964
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1964
Castelli, Leo, 1965
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1965
Castelli, Leo, 1966
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1966
Castelli, Leo, 1966-1969
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1966-1969
Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1969
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1969
Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1973
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1973
Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1983
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1966-1983
Castelli, Leo, 1967
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1967
Castelli, Leo, 1968
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1968
Castelli, Leo, circa 1968-1969
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1968-1969
Castelli, Leo, 1969
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1969
Castelli, Leo, 1970
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1970
Castelli, Leo, circa 1970-1974
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1970-1974
Castelli, Leo, circa 1970s
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1970s
Castelli, Leo, circa 1970s-1980s
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1970s-1980s
Castelli, Leo, 1971
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1971
Castelli, Leo, 1971-1972
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1971-1972
Castelli, Leo, 1972
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1972
Castelli, Leo, 1973
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1973
Castelli, Leo, 1973-1976
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1973-1976
Castelli, Leo, 1974
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1974
Castelli, Leo, 1975
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1975
Castelli, Leo, circa 1975-1976
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1975-1976
Castelli, Leo, 1976
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1976
Castelli, Leo, circa 1976-1977
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1976-1977
Castelli, Leo, 1977
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1977
Castelli, Leo, circa 1977-1979
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1977-1979
Castelli, Leo, circa 1977, 1980
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1977, 1980
Castelli, Leo, 1978
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1978 (Oversized material housed in OV 235)
Castelli, Leo, 1979
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1979
Castelli, Leo, 1980, January-June
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1980, January-June
Castelli, Leo, 1980, July-December
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1980, July-December
Castelli, Leo, circa 1980
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1980
Castelli, Leo, circa 1980-1982
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1980-1982
Castelli, Leo, 1981, January-September
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1981, January-September
Castelli, Leo, 1981, October-December
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1981, October-December
Castelli, Leo, circa 1981
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1981
Castelli, Leo, circa 1981-1983
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1981-1983
Castelli, Leo, 1982, January-April
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1982, January-April
Castelli, Leo, 1982, May-December
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1982, May-December
Castelli, Leo, circa 1982-1983
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1982-1983
Castelli, Leo, 1983
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1983
Castelli, Leo, 1984
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1984
Castelli, Leo, 1985
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1985
Castelli, Leo, 1986
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1986
Castelli, Leo, 1987
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1987
Castelli, Leo, 1988
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1988
Castelli, Leo, 1990
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1990
Castelli, Leo, circa 1990-1994
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1990-1994
Castelli, Leo, circa 1990s
Select: Castelli, Leo, circa 1990s
Castelli, Leo, 1991, January-June
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1991, January-June
Castelli, Leo, 1991, July-December
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1991, July-December
Castelli, Leo, 1992, January-February
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1992, January-February
Castelli, Leo, 1992, March-July
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1992, March-July
Castelli, Leo, 1992, August-December
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1992, August-December
Castelli, Leo, 1994-1995
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1994-1995
Castelli, Leo, 1996
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1996
Castelli, Leo, 1997
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1997
Castelli, Leo, 1998
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1998
Castelli, Leo, 1999
Select: Castelli, Leo, 1999
Castelli, Leo - 30th Anniversary Congratulation Letters, 1987
Select: Castelli, Leo - 30th Anniversary Congratulation Letters, 1987
Castelli, Leo - Birthday, 1988
Select: Castelli, Leo - Birthday, 1988
Castelli, Leo - Birthday, circa 1992
Select: Castelli, Leo - Birthday, circa 1992
Castelli, Leo - Birthday, 1997
Select: Castelli, Leo - Birthday, 1997
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1966
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1966
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1976-1978
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1976-1978
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1979
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, circa 1979
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1980
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1980
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1982
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1982
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1988
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1988 2 Folders
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1991
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1991
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1992
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1992 4 Folders
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1993
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1993
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1997-1998
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1997-1998
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1998-1999
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1998-1999 2 Folders
Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1998-1999
Select: Castelli, Leo - Christmas Cards, 1998-1999
Castelli, Leo - New Year's, 1982-1983
Select: Castelli, Leo - New Year's, 1982-1983
Castelli, Leo - The New York Times , 1966
Select: Castelli, Leo - The New York Times, 1966 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 6)
Castelli, Leo - Summer, 1971
Select: Castelli, Leo - Summer, 1971
Castelli, Leo - Summer, 1973
Select: Castelli, Leo - Summer, 1973
Castelli, Leo - Travel, California, 1965
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, California, 1965
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1961
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1961
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1962-1963
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1962-1963
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1964
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1964
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1965
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1965
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1966
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1966
Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1967
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, Europe (Summer), 1967
Castelli, Leo - Travel, London, 1964
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, London, 1964
Castelli, Leo - Travel, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (May), 1962
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (May), 1962
Castelli, Leo - Travel, South America (Sept-Oct), 1967
Select: Castelli, Leo - Travel, South America (Sept-Oct), 1967
Castelli, Leo - Washington, D.C. Trip, 1962-1963
Select: Castelli, Leo - Washington, D.C. Trip, 1962-1963
Cato, Bob, 1990
Select: Cato, Bob, 1990
Cauduro, Ed; Portland, Ore., 1964-1965
Select: Cauduro, Ed; Portland, Ore., 1964-1965
Cavaglieri, Giorgio (Architect), 1962-1966
Select: Cavaglieri, Giorgio (Architect), 1962-1966
CBS Television Stations, 1964
Select: CBS Television Stations, 1964
Centre Beaubourg; Paris, France, 1974-1977
Select: Centre Beaubourg; Paris, France, 1974-1977
Centre d'Arts Plastiques Contemporains de Bordeaux, 1977-1980
Select: Centre d'Arts Plastiques Contemporains de Bordeaux, 1977-1980
Centre National d'Art Contemporain, 1972-1973
Select: Centre National d'Art Contemporain, 1972-1973
Chamberlain, John, 1960-1974, 1993
Select: Chamberlain, John, 1960-1974, 1993
Chamberlain, John - Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, 1968-1969
Select: Chamberlain, John - Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, 1968-1969
Chamberlain, John - Questions, circa 1967-1983
Select: Chamberlain, John - Questions, circa 1967-1983
Channel 13; NYC, 1963-1966
Select: Channel 13; NYC, 1963-1966
Charles Scribner's Sons; NYC, 1974
Select: Charles Scribner's Sons; NYC, 1974
The Chase Manhattan Bank; NYC, 1960
Select: The Chase Manhattan Bank; NYC, 1960
Chatham College; Pittsburgh, Penn., 1965-1966
Select: Chatham College; Pittsburgh, Penn., 1965-1966
Checkerboard Foundation - Joint Ventures, 1988
Select: Checkerboard Foundation - Joint Ventures, 1988
Cheltenham Township Art Centre, 1964
Select: Cheltenham Township Art Centre, 1964
Child Study Association of America, 1966-1969
Select: Child Study Association of America, 1966-1969
Christmas, Doug; Vancouver, Canada, 1968
Select: Christmas, Doug; Vancouver, Canada, 1968
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, 1969
Select: Christo and Jeanne-Claude, 1969
Cimaise; Paris, France, 1964
Select: Cimaise; Paris, France, 1964
Cinader, Arthur [Pollock]; Passaic, NJ, 1960-1964
Select: Cinader, Arthur [Pollock]; Passaic, NJ, 1960-1964
Cirker's Hayes Storage Warehouse, Inc., 1957-1959
Select: Cirker's Hayes Storage Warehouse, Inc., 1957-1959
City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1957-1973
Select: City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1957-1973
Clert, Iris; Paris, France (Gallery), 1960-1962
Select: Clert, Iris; Paris, France (Gallery), 1960-1962
Cleveland Contemporary, 1993
Select: Cleveland Contemporary, 1993
The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1960-1974
Select: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1960-1974
Cohen, Arthur A.; NYC, 1963-1976
Select: Cohen, Arthur A.; NYC, 1963-1976
Collectors Gallery, Inc.; Miami, Florida, 1965
Select: Collectors Gallery, Inc.; Miami, Florida, 1965
Collinet, Simone (Galerie Furstenbery); Paris, France, 1956-1961
Select: Collinet, Simone (Galerie Furstenbery); Paris, France, 1956-1961
Cologne Art Faire; Germany, 1970-1971
Select: Cologne Art Faire; Germany, 1970-1971
Colorcraft Lithographers, Inc.; NYC, 1961
Select: Colorcraft Lithographers, Inc.; NYC, 1961
Columbia Museum of Art, 1962-1969
Select: Columbia Museum of Art, 1962-1969
Columbia University, 1997
Select: Columbia University, 1997
The Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1959-1973
Select: The Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1959-1973
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 1964-1965
Select: Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 1964-1965
Contemporanea, 1973
Select: Contemporanea, 1973
The Contemporary Arts Center; Cincinnati, OH, 1966-1975, 1993
Select: The Contemporary Arts Center; Cincinnati, OH, 1966-1975, 1993
Contemporary Arts Center - Cincinnati Art Museum, 1958-1964
Select: Contemporary Arts Center - Cincinnati Art Museum, 1958-1964
Copley, William and John Ployardt, 1948
Select: Copley, William and John Ployardt, 1948
Corcoran, James (James Corcoran Gallery), 1974-1978, 1990-1997
Select: Corcoran, James (James Corcoran Gallery), 1974-1978, 1990-1997
Corcoran Gallery of Art; Washington, D.C., 1958-1960, 1969, 1971-1975
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art; Washington, D.C., 1958-1960, 1969, 1971-1975
Corcoran Gallery of Art - Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, 1962-1969
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art - Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, 1962-1969
Cordier-Ekstrom/Warren, Inc., 1961-1964
Select: Cordier-Ekstrom/Warren, Inc., 1961-1964
Cornell, Joseph, 1956-1958, 1990-1991
Select: Cornell, Joseph, 1956-1958, 1990-1991
Cornell University (Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art); NY, 1963-1965
Select: Cornell University (Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art); NY, 1963-1965
Craig, Martin (Artist), 1957-1962
Select: Craig, Martin (Artist), 1957-1962
Crone, Hans-Rainer; Hamburg, Germany, 1969
Select: Crone, Hans-Rainer; Hamburg, Germany, 1969
Crozier Fine Arts, Inc., 1992
Select: Crozier Fine Arts, Inc., 1992
D, 1961-1969
Select: D, 1961-1969
D, 1970-1990
Select: D, 1970-1990
Daedalus Concepts, 1971-1973
Select: Daedalus Concepts, 1971-1973
The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1958-1963
Select: The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1958-1963
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1965-1975, 1982
Select: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1965-1975, 1982
D'Amelio Terras, 1996-1997
Select: D'Amelio Terras, 1996-1997
Daniel Goldreyer, Ltd., 1967-1968
Select: Daniel Goldreyer, Ltd., 1967-1968
Daniel Weinberg Gallery; San Francisco, CA, 1996
Select: Daniel Weinberg Gallery; San Francisco, CA, 1996
Daphnis, Nassos, 1959-1969
Select: Daphnis, Nassos, 1959-1969
Daphnis, Nassos, 1990-1992
Select: Daphnis, Nassos, 1990-1992
Daphnis, Nassos - Damaged Art Work, 1959-1964
Select: Daphnis, Nassos - Damaged Art Work, 1959-1964
Darboven, Hanne, 1973-1976, 1980, 1990-1992
Select: Darboven, Hanne, 1973-1976, 1980, 1990-1992
Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1973-1974
Select: Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1973-1974
Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1975
Select: Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1975
Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1978-1986
Select: Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1978-1986
Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1987-1995
Select: Darboven, Hanne - Letters as Artwork, 1987-1995 (Oversized material housed in OV 233)
Darboven, Hanne - Oversized Material (Letters as Artwork), 1972-1987
Select: Darboven, Hanne - Oversized Material (Letters as Artwork), 1972-1987 (Oversized material housed in OV 235)
Das Kunstwerk; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1963-1967
Select: Das Kunstwerk; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1963-1967 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 7)
Dartmouth College (Hopkins-Center Art Galleries), 1960-1966, 1974-1976
Select: Dartmouth College (Hopkins-Center Art Galleries), 1960-1966, 1974-1976
David Gibbs and Co., Ltd.; London, England, 1959-1962
Select: David Gibbs and Co., Ltd.; London, England, 1959-1962
David Mirvish Gallery; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1968
Select: David Mirvish Gallery; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1968
Roger Davidson; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1975
Select: Roger Davidson; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1975
Davis, Douglas - Newsweek , 1972-1973
Select: Davis, Douglas - Newsweek, 1972-1973
Davis, Ron, 1968-1974
Select: Davis, Ron, 1968-1974
Davis, Ron - Damages, 1971-1974
Select: Davis, Ron - Damages, 1971-1974
Dayton Art Institute, 1957-1967
Select: Dayton Art Institute, 1957-1967
Dayton's Gallery 12; Minneapolis, Minn., 1965, 1968-1969, 1973-1975
Select: Dayton's Gallery 12; Minneapolis, Minn., 1965, 1968-1969, 1973-1975 (Oversized material housed in OV 233)
de Antonio, Emile, 1958-1975
Select: de Antonio, Emile, 1958-1975
de Bloe, Serge, 1969-1972
Select: de Bloe, Serge, 1969-1972
de Bruyn, Guy; Brussels, Belgium, 1977-1978
Select: de Bruyn, Guy; Brussels, Belgium, 1977-1978
Delaunay, Sonia, 1957-1959
Select: Delaunay, Sonia, 1957-1959
De Menil Family; Houston, Texas, 1962-1983
Select: De Menil Family; Houston, Texas, 1962-1983
Denney, Alice (Mrs. George C.); Washington, D.C., circa 1960s
Select: Denney, Alice (Mrs. George C.); Washington, D.C., circa 1960s
The Denver Art Museum, 1969-1993
Select: The Denver Art Museum, 1969-1993
Des Moines Art Center; Des Moines, Iowa, 1960-1976, 1993
Select: Des Moines Art Center; Des Moines, Iowa, 1960-1976, 1993
Detroit Institute of Arts; Detroit, Mich., 1964-1974, 1992
Select: Detroit Institute of Arts; Detroit, Mich., 1964-1974, 1992
DeWitt Stern, Gutmann and Co., Inc. (Insurance); NYC, 1957-1959
Select: DeWitt Stern, Gutmann and Co., Inc. (Insurance); NYC, 1957-1959
Diamonstein, Barbaralee, 1994
Select: Diamonstein, Barbaralee, 1994
Dibbets, Jan, 1972-1973
Select: Dibbets, Jan, 1972-1973
Dilexi Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1962-1963
Select: Dilexi Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1962-1963
Dine, Jim, 1962
Select: Dine, Jim, 1962
Documenta III, 1964
Select: Documenta III, 1964
Documenta IV, 1967-1968
Select: Documenta IV, 1967-1968
Documenta IV, 1968
Select: Documenta IV, 1968
Documenta V, 1971-1972
Select: Documenta V, 1971-1972
Documenta GmbH, 1975
Select: Documenta GmbH, 1975
Dolph, Norman; NYC, 1969-1970
Select: Dolph, Norman; NYC, 1969-1970
Domus; Milan, Italy, 1961-1966
Select: Domus; Milan, Italy, 1961-1966
Dorazio, Piero, 1956-1962
Select: Dorazio, Piero, 1956-1962
Dorfles, Gillo (Writer-Art critic); Milan, Italy, 1961-1962
Select: Dorfles, Gillo (Writer-Art critic); Milan, Italy, 1961-1962
Dotremont, Philippe; Brussels, Belgium, 1959-1963
Select: Dotremont, Philippe; Brussels, Belgium, 1959-1963
The Douglas S. Cramer Company; Los Angeles, Calif., 1981-1983
Select: The Douglas S. Cramer Company; Los Angeles, Calif., 1981-1983
Douglas Drake Gallery; Kansas City, Kansas, 1975-1976
Select: Douglas Drake Gallery; Kansas City, Kansas, 1975-1976
The Douglas Gallery, Ltd., 1968-1969
Select: The Douglas Gallery, Ltd., 1968-1969
Drouin, René, 1956-1968
Select: Drouin, René, 1956-1968
Dubuffet, Jean, 1958-1960
Select: Dubuffet, Jean, 1958-1960
Dunkelman Gallery; Canada, 1968-1972
Select: Dunkelman Gallery; Canada, 1968-1972
The Dunn International Exhibition; London, England, 1963-1964
Select: The Dunn International Exhibition; London, England, 1963-1964
Durable Dish Company, 1966-1967
Select: Durable Dish Company, 1966-1967
Dwan Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1960-1963
Select: Dwan Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1960-1963
Dwan Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1964-1968
Select: Dwan Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1964-1968
Dzubas, Friedel, 1958-1966
Select: Dzubas, Friedel, 1958-1966
E, 1958-1969
Select: E, 1958-1969
E, 1970-1982, 1990
Select: E, 1970-1982, 1990
East Hampton Gallery, 1981-1982
Select: East Hampton Gallery, 1981-1982
Editions Alecto Limited, 1966
Select: Editions Alecto Limited, 1966
Eisenstein, Julian, 1958-1960
Select: Eisenstein, Julian, 1958-1960
Eisner, Eugene, 1964-1969
Select: Eisner, Eugene, 1964-1969
Elkon, Robert, 1959-1967
Select: Elkon, Robert, 1959-1967
Epstein, Mrs. Henry (Eddie); NYC, 1957-1962
Select: Epstein, Mrs. Henry (Eddie); NYC, 1957-1962
Escobar, Marisol, 1957-1962
Select: Escobar, Marisol, 1957-1962 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Escobar, Marisol - N.W. Ayer and Son, Inc.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1959-1961
Select: Escobar, Marisol - N.W. Ayer and Son, Inc.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1959-1961
Estorick, Eric; London, England, 1958-1960
Select: Estorick, Eric; London, England, 1958-1960
Everett Ellin Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1959-1964
Select: Everett Ellin Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1959-1964
Everson Museum of Art; NY, 1968-1972
Select: Everson Museum of Art; NY, 1968-1972
Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc. (E.A.T.), 1968-1974
Select: Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc. (E.A.T.), 1968-1974
F, 1956-1969
Select: F, 1956-1969
F, 1970-1983
Select: F, 1970-1983
F, 1984-1988
Select: F, 1984-1988
Factor, Donald; Los Angeles; London, 1961-1971
Select: Factor, Donald; Los Angeles; London, 1961-1971
Falzoni, Giordano; Rome, Italy, 1966-1968
Select: Falzoni, Giordano; Rome, Italy, 1966-1968
FAR Gallery, 1964
Select: FAR Gallery, 1964
The Felluss Gallery Group, 1975
Select: The Felluss Gallery Group, 1975
Ferus Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1960-1964
Select: Ferus Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1960-1964
Ferus Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1965-1968
Select: Ferus Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1965-1968
Ferus Gallery - Roy Lichtenstein, 1961-1963
Select: Ferus Gallery - Roy Lichtenstein, 1961-1963
Ferus Gallery - Frank Stella, 1962-1963
Select: Ferus Gallery - Frank Stella, 1962-1963
Festa Printing; NYC, 1959, 1963
Select: Festa Printing; NYC, 1959, 1963
Finch College Museum; NYC, 1959, 1964-1969
Select: Finch College Museum; NYC, 1959, 1964-1969
Fischmann, Milton, 1972-1974
Select: Fischmann, Milton, 1972-1974
Fisher, Ray - Negative and Contact Sheets, 1980
Select: Fisher, Ray - Negative and Contact Sheets, 1980
Flash Art, 1972-1973
Select: Flash Art, 1972-1973
Flavin, Dan, 1967-1978
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1967-1978
Flavin, Dan, 1979-1984
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1979-1984
Flavin, Dan, 1985-1986
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1985-1986
Flavin, Dan, 1987-1988
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1987-1988
Flavin, Dan, 1989
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1989
Flavin, Dan, 1990-1992
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1990-1992
Flavin, Dan, 1993-1996
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1993-1996
Flavin, Dan, 1997-1998
Select: Flavin, Dan, 1997-1998
Flavin, Dan - Certificates, 1979-1996
Select: Flavin, Dan - Certificates, 1979-1996
Flavin, Dan - Pierre Huber, 1998
Select: Flavin, Dan - Pierre Huber, 1998
Flavin, Dan - Michael Jaspan, 1992-1996
Select: Flavin, Dan - Michael Jaspan, 1992-1996
Flavin, Dan - Pending, 1970-1984
Select: Flavin, Dan - Pending, 1970-1984
Flavin, Dan - Stoker Sale, 1990-1991
Select: Flavin, Dan - Stoker Sale, 1990-1991
Flint Institute of Arts, 1965-1966
Select: Flint Institute of Arts, 1965-1966
Florsheim, Lillian H.; Chicago, Ill., 1960-1965
Select: Florsheim, Lillian H.; Chicago, Ill., 1960-1965
Fogg Art Museum, 1964-1975
Select: Fogg Art Museum, 1964-1975
The Ford Foundation, 1958-1963
Select: The Ford Foundation, 1958-1963
Forge, Andrew, 1966, 1973
Select: Forge, Andrew, 1966, 1973
Fort Worth Art Center, 1966-1980
Select: Fort Worth Art Center, 1966-1980
Foundation Arc-en-ciel, 1979
Select: Foundation Arc-en-ciel, 1979
Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc.; NYC, 1963-1964
Select: Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc.; NYC, 1963-1964
Foundation Maeght, 1970-1971
Select: Foundation Maeght, 1970-1971
Fourcade, Xavier, 1979-1981
Select: Fourcade, Xavier, 1979-1981
Francés, Esteban, 1957-1962
Select: Francés, Esteban, 1957-1962
Fratelli Fabbri Editori, 1968-1974
Select: Fratelli Fabbri Editori, 1968-1974
Freeman, Mrs. Stanley (Betty); Beverly Hills, Calif., 1960-1966
Select: Freeman, Mrs. Stanley (Betty); Beverly Hills, Calif., 1960-1966
Freie Galerie; Germany, 1964
Select: Freie Galerie; Germany, 1964
Frenkel and Co., Inc.; NYC, 1957-1961
Select: Frenkel and Co., Inc.; NYC, 1957-1961
Friedman, B. H.; NYC, 1953-1964, 1969, 1975
Select: Friedman, B. H.; NYC, 1953-1964, 1969, 1975
Friedrich, Heiner, 1971-1979
Select: Friedrich, Heiner, 1971-1979
Froehlich, J. W., 1992-1993
Select: Froehlich, J. W., 1992-1993
Furniture Shipments, 1991-1994
Select: Furniture Shipments, 1991-1994
Futterman, A. Leon (Accountant - Steinfeld and Futterman), 1963-1966
Select: Futterman, A. Leon (Accountant - Steinfeld and Futterman), 1963-1966
G, 1956-1965
Select: G, 1956-1965
G, 1966-1969
Select: G, 1966-1969
G, 1969-1976
Select: G, 1969-1976
G, 1977-1983
Select: G, 1977-1983
Gablik, Suzi (Art critic), 1961, 1974
Select: Gablik, Suzi (Art critic), 1961, 1974
Gagosian, Larry; Los Angeles, Calif., 1982, 1992-1993
Select: Gagosian, Larry; Los Angeles, Calif., 1982, 1992-1993
Gaines, Charles, 1991-1992
Select: Gaines, Charles, 1991-1992
Galerie 22 (J. P. Wilhelm); Dusseldorf, Germany, 1959-1960
Select: Galerie 22 (J. P. Wilhelm); Dusseldorf, Germany, 1959-1960
Galerie Aronowitsch, 1976-1982
Select: Galerie Aronowitsch, 1976-1982
Galerie Beyeler; Basle, Switzerland, 1959-1983, 1993
Select: Galerie Beyeler; Basle, Switzerland, 1959-1983, 1993
Galerie Beyeler - Roy Lichtenstein, 1972-1973
Select: Galerie Beyeler - Roy Lichtenstein, 1972-1973
Galerie Bruno Bischofberger; Zurich, Switzerland, 1969, 1990
Select: Galerie Bruno Bischofberger; Zurich, Switzerland, 1969, 1990
Galerie Bruno Bischofberger - Miquel Barceló Consignment, 1995
Select: Galerie Bruno Bischofberger - Miquel Barceló Consignment, 1995
Galerie Buren; Stockholm, Sweden, 1967-1976
Select: Galerie Buren; Stockholm, Sweden, 1967-1976
Galerie Claude Bernard (Claude Bernard Haim); Paris, France, 1959-1965, 1977
Select: Galerie Claude Bernard (Claude Bernard Haim); Paris, France, 1959-1965, 1977
Galerie Daniel Cordier; Paris, France, 1958-1962
Select: Galerie Daniel Cordier; Paris, France, 1958-1962
Galerie de Gestlo, 1972-1973
Select: Galerie de Gestlo, 1972-1973
Galerie Francoise Mayer, 1968-1973
Select: Galerie Francoise Mayer, 1968-1973
Galerie Handschin, 1962
Select: Galerie Handschin, 1962
Galerie Karl Flinker; Paris, France, 1960
Select: Galerie Karl Flinker; Paris, France, 1960
Galerie Kriwin; Bruxelles, Belgium, 1973
Select: Galerie Kriwin; Bruxelles, Belgium, 1973
Galerie Louis Carré; Paris, France, 1956-1964
Select: Galerie Louis Carré; Paris, France, 1956-1964
Galerie M; Bochum; Weitmar, Germany, 1976-1979
Select: Galerie M; Bochum; Weitmar, Germany, 1976-1979
Galerie Nachst St. Stephan, 1974
Select: Galerie Nachst St. Stephan, 1974
Galerie Ricke (Rolf Ricke); Kassel and Cologne, Germany, 1965-1979
Select: Galerie Ricke (Rolf Ricke); Kassel and Cologne, Germany, 1965-1979
Galerie Rive Droite; Paris, France, 1958-1969
Select: Galerie Rive Droite; Paris, France, 1958-1969
Galerie Rudolfe Zwirner; Cologne, Germany, 1963-1973
Select: Galerie Rudolfe Zwirner; Cologne, Germany, 1963-1973
Galerie Saqqârah (Georges Marci); Gstaad, Switzerland, 1962-1968
Select: Galerie Saqqârah (Georges Marci); Gstaad, Switzerland, 1962-1968
Galerie Schmela (Alfred Schmela); Dusseldorf, Germany, 1961-1968
Select: Galerie Schmela (Alfred Schmela); Dusseldorf, Germany, 1961-1968
Galerie Springer (Rudolf Springer); Berlin, Germany, 1963-1966
Select: Galerie Springer (Rudolf Springer); Berlin, Germany, 1963-1966
Galerie Stadler, 1957-1969
Select: Galerie Stadler, 1957-1969
Galerie Thomas Borgmann, 1972-1973
Select: Galerie Thomas Borgmann, 1972-1973
Galleria Apollinaire, 1961-1967
Select: Galleria Apollinaire, 1961-1967
Galleria d'Arte del Naviglio (Carlo Cardazzo); Milan, Italy, 1956-1963
Select: Galleria d'Arte del Naviglio (Carlo Cardazzo); Milan, Italy, 1956-1963
Galleria Dell'Ariete; Milan, Italy, 1961-1975
Select: Galleria Dell'Ariete; Milan, Italy, 1961-1975
Galleria l'Elefante, 1966
Select: Galleria l'Elefante, 1966
Galleria Rubbers (Director: Natalio Jorge Povarché); Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1965-1966
Select: Galleria Rubbers (Director: Natalio Jorge Povarché); Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1965-1966
Galleria Toninelli Arte Moderna; Milan, Italy, 1961-1965
Select: Galleria Toninelli Arte Moderna; Milan, Italy, 1961-1965
Galleri Ostergren; Sweden, 1973
Select: Galleri Ostergren; Sweden, 1973
Gana Art Gallery; Seoul, Korea [Roy Lichtenstein], 1991-1992
Select: Gana Art Gallery; Seoul, Korea [Roy Lichtenstein], 1991-1992
Ganz, Sally and Victor; NYC, 1963-1974
Select: Ganz, Sally and Victor; NYC, 1963-1974
Garfield, Gil, 1969
Select: Garfield, Gil, 1969
Geldzahler, Henry, 1963
Select: Geldzahler, Henry, 1963
Gemini G.E.L., Ltd.; Los Angeles, Calif., 1967-1974
Select: Gemini G.E.L., Ltd.; Los Angeles, Calif., 1967-1974
Genova, 1972
Select: Genova, 1972
George Peabody College (Art Dept.); Nashville, Tenn., 1962-1964
Select: George Peabody College (Art Dept.); Nashville, Tenn., 1962-1964
Gertrude Kasle Gallery; Detroit, Mich., 1963-1967
Select: Gertrude Kasle Gallery; Detroit, Mich., 1963-1967
Getz, Ilse, circa 1960
Select: Getz, Ilse, circa 1960
Gian Enzo Sperone Arte Moderna; Torino, Italy, 1965-1966
Select: Gian Enzo Sperone Arte Moderna; Torino, Italy, 1965-1966
Gilbreath, Nancy, 1958-1963
Select: Gilbreath, Nancy, 1958-1963
Glaser, Mary Todd; NYC, 1967
Select: Glaser, Mary Todd; NYC, 1967
Goeteborgs Konstmuseum, 1969
Select: Goeteborgs Konstmuseum, 1969
Goldschmidt, Jeannine (Formerly Galerie Europe); Paris, France, 1960-1964
Select: Goldschmidt, Jeannine (Formerly Galerie Europe); Paris, France, 1960-1964
Goldstein, Louis, 1972
Select: Goldstein, Louis, 1972
Gollay, Benjamin; NY, 1964
Select: Gollay, Benjamin; NY, 1964
James Goodman Gallery (Formerly "G Contemporary"); Buffalo, NY, 1960-1964
Select: James Goodman Gallery (Formerly "G Contemporary"); Buffalo, NY, 1960-1964
Gosman, M/M Joseph (Mildred); Toledo, OH, 1966-1974
Select: Gosman, M/M Joseph (Mildred); Toledo, OH, 1966-1974
Gourlay, James; England, 1974-1975
Select: Gourlay, James; England, 1974-1975
Graham, John, 1961-1963
Select: Graham, John, 1961-1963
Graiver, David, 1976
Select: Graiver, David, 1976
Green, Sam M. (Art historian/Writer), 1964
Select: Green, Sam M. (Art historian/Writer), 1964
Greenberg Gallery, 1972-1983, 1990
Select: Greenberg Gallery, 1972-1983, 1990
Greenberg, M/M Ronald K.; St. Louis, MO, 1968-1972, 1988
Select: Greenberg, M/M Ronald K.; St. Louis, MO, 1968-1972, 1988
Greiner, Werner, 1969
Select: Greiner, Werner, 1969
Grosman, Tatyana (Universal Limited Art Editions), 1963-1969
Select: Grosman, Tatyana (Universal Limited Art Editions), 1963-1969
Grove Press, Inc., 1959
Select: Grove Press, Inc., 1959
Guild Hall (Moran and Woodhouse Galleries); NY, 1973-1974
Select: Guild Hall (Moran and Woodhouse Galleries); NY, 1973-1974
H, 1957-1969
Select: H, 1957-1969
H, 1969-1976
Select: H, 1969-1976
H, 1977-1984, 1990
Select: H, 1977-1984, 1990
Hahn, Oho; Paris, France, 1966, 1969
Select: Hahn, Oho; Paris, France, 1966, 1969
Hahn, Margo (Mrs. Gilber and Hahn, Jr.); Washington, D.C., 1964-1972
Select: Hahn, Margo (Mrs. Gilber and Hahn, Jr.); Washington, D.C., 1964-1972
Haim, Paul (Galerie Europe); Brussels, 1959
Select: Haim, Paul (Galerie Europe); Brussels, 1959
Hamilton Galleries, 1964-1966
Select: Hamilton Galleries, 1964-1966
Hanover Gallery; London, England, 1959-1965
Select: Hanover Gallery; London, England, 1959-1965
Hayward, Brooke (and Dennis Hopper), 1964
Select: Hayward, Brooke (and Dennis Hopper), 1964
The HCE Gallery, 1961-1962, 1964
Select: The HCE Gallery, 1961-1962, 1964
Heath's Gallery; Atlanta, GA, 1969-1972
Select: Heath's Gallery; Atlanta, GA, 1969-1972
Heide, Lubell and Co., Inc.; NYC, 1965-1967
Select: Heide, Lubell and Co., Inc.; NYC, 1965-1967
Heller, Ben; NYC, 1956-1976, 1982
Select: Heller, Ben; NYC, 1956-1976, 1982
Helman, Joseph and Bobby; St. Louis, 1966-1973
Select: Helman, Joseph and Bobby; St. Louis, 1966-1973
Henri Gallery; Alexandria, VA., 1966
Select: Henri Gallery; Alexandria, VA., 1966
Herbots, Rik H., 1992-1993
Select: Herbots, Rik H., 1992-1993
Herskowitz, Robbie and Jerome - John Chamberlain Delivery, 1994
Select: Herskowitz, Robbie and Jerome - John Chamberlain Delivery, 1994
Herzog, Frank C., 1993
Select: Herzog, Frank C., 1993
Heyn, Louis L., M.D., 1962-1963
Select: Heyn, Louis L., M.D., 1962-1963
Higgins, Edward, 1960-1963
Select: Higgins, Edward, 1960-1963
Higgins, Edward, 1969
Select: Higgins, Edward, 1969
Higgins, Edward - Roderick Cameron Commission, 1961-1962
Select: Higgins, Edward - Roderick Cameron Commission, 1961-1962
Hilles, Mrs. (Susan M.) Frederick W.; New Haven, CT, 1960-1968
Select: Hilles, Mrs. (Susan M.) Frederick W.; New Haven, CT, 1960-1968
Hillman, Alex L.; NYC, 1960
Select: Hillman, Alex L.; NYC, 1960
Hirshhorn, Joseph, 1962-1967
Select: Hirshhorn, Joseph, 1962-1967
Hokin, M/M (Grace) Edwin E.; Ill., 1958-1962, 1984
Select: Hokin, M/M (Grace) Edwin E.; Ill., 1958-1962, 1984
Holderbaum, James; Princeton, NJ, 1958-1959, 1963
Select: Holderbaum, James; Princeton, NJ, 1958-1959, 1963
Holland, B.C. (Holland-Goldowsky Gallery); Chicago, Ill., 1959-1964
Select: Holland, B.C. (Holland-Goldowsky Gallery); Chicago, Ill., 1959-1964
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966-1983
Select: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966-1983
Hoppner, Peter, 1970
Select: Hoppner, Peter, 1970
Houston Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston Contemporary Arts Association), 1957-1965
Select: Houston Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston Contemporary Arts Association), 1957-1965
Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 1962-1965, 1994
Select: Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 1962-1965, 1994
Huebler, Doug, 1971-1974, 1991
Select: Huebler, Doug, 1971-1974, 1991
I, 1960-1980
Select: I, 1960-1980
I. Internationale der Zeichnung; Germany, 1964
Select: I. Internationale der Zeichnung; Germany, 1964
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1963-1964
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1963-1964 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1964-1966
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1964-1966 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1966-1967
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1966-1967
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1967-1969
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1967-1969
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1971-1978
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie; Paris, France, 1971-1978
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie - Shipments; Paris, France, 1963-1964
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie - Shipments; Paris, France, 1963-1964
Ileana Sonnabend Galerie - Shipments; Paris, France, 1965-1966
Select: Ileana Sonnabend Galerie - Shipments; Paris, France, 1965-1966
Imai, Toshimitsu (Artist), 1957-1964
Select: Imai, Toshimitsu (Artist), 1957-1964
Indiana University; Bloomington, Ind., 1959-1970, 1991
Select: Indiana University; Bloomington, Ind., 1959-1970, 1991
Institute of Contemporary Art; Boston, Mass., 1958-1968
Select: Institute of Contemporary Art; Boston, Mass., 1958-1968
Institute of Contemporary Art (University of Pennsylvania); Philadelphia, PA, 1964-1975
Select: Institute of Contemporary Art (University of Pennsylvania); Philadelphia, PA, 1964-1975
Institute of Contemporary Arts; London, 1964, 1968
Select: Institute of Contemporary Arts; London, 1964, 1968
Institute of Contemporary Arts; Washington, D.C., 1964
Select: Institute of Contemporary Arts; Washington, D.C., 1964
Instituto Torcuato Di Tella; Argentina, 1963-1966
Select: Instituto Torcuato Di Tella; Argentina, 1963-1966
Instituto Torcuato Di Tella; Argentina, 1967-1970
Select: Instituto Torcuato Di Tella; Argentina, 1967-1970
Instituut Voor Kunstgeschiedenis Der Rijksuniversiteit, 1972
Select: Instituut Voor Kunstgeschiedenis Der Rijksuniversiteit, 1972
International Contemporary Art Fair; Paris, France, 1976-1977
Select: International Contemporary Art Fair; Paris, France, 1976-1977 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Irwin, Bruce, 1969-1970
Select: Irwin, Bruce, 1969-1970
Isaac Delgado Museum of Art; New Orleans, La., 1965-1970
Select: Isaac Delgado Museum of Art; New Orleans, La., 1965-1970
The Israel Museum; Jerusalem, Israel, 1965-1974, 1985
Select: The Israel Museum; Jerusalem, Israel, 1965-1974, 1985
J, 1957-1984
Select: J, 1957-1984
Jack Glenn Gallery, 1970-1974
Select: Jack Glenn Gallery, 1970-1974
Jacobs, Joan; Los Angeles, Calif., 1967-1974
Select: Jacobs, Joan; Los Angeles, Calif., 1967-1974
Jaffe, William B.; NYC, 1960-1968
Select: Jaffe, William B.; NYC, 1960-1968
Jakobson, John and Barbara; NYC, 1966-1976
Select: Jakobson, John and Barbara; NYC, 1966-1976
Janie C. Lee Gallery; Dallas, TX, 1969-1974
Select: Janie C. Lee Gallery; Dallas, TX, 1969-1974
Janie C. Lee Gallery; Houston, TX, 1974-1983
Select: Janie C. Lee Gallery; Houston, TX, 1974-1983
Janss, Edwin and Virginia, Jr.; Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1961-1964
Select: Janss, Edwin and Virginia, Jr.; Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1961-1964
Janss, William C. and Anne; Los Angeles, Calif., 1961-1965
Select: Janss, William C. and Anne; Los Angeles, Calif., 1961-1965
The Jared Sable Gallery, 1973-1974
Select: The Jared Sable Gallery, 1973-1974
Javacheff, Christo, 1962-1965
Select: Javacheff, Christo, 1962-1965
Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Marion; NYC, 1962-1983
Select: Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Marion; NYC, 1962-1983
J.B. Speed Art Museum; Louisville, KY, 1964-1967
Select: J.B. Speed Art Museum; Louisville, KY, 1964-1967
Jefferson Place Gallery (Alice Denney), 1959-1961
Select: Jefferson Place Gallery (Alice Denney), 1959-1961
Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Ltd.; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1967
Select: Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Ltd.; Toronto, Canada, 1964-1967
The Jewish Museum; NYC, 1963-1970
Select: The Jewish Museum; NYC, 1963-1970 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 8)
The Jewish Museum - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1963-1964
Select: The Jewish Museum - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1963-1964 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 9)
The Jewish Museum - Robert Rauschenberg Exhibition, 1962-1963
Select: The Jewish Museum - Robert Rauschenberg Exhibition, 1962-1963
Jill Kornblee Gallery; NYC, 1965-1967
Select: Jill Kornblee Gallery; NYC, 1965-1967
J.J. Williams, Inc., 1963-1964
Select: J.J. Williams, Inc., 1963-1964
John Berggruen Gallery, 1972-1978
Select: John Berggruen Gallery, 1972-1978
Johns, Jasper, 1958-1967
Select: Johns, Jasper, 1958-1967
Johns, Jasper, 1968-1970
Select: Johns, Jasper, 1968-1970
Johns, Jasper, 1981-1988
Select: Johns, Jasper, 1981-1988
Johns, Jasper, 1989-1996
Select: Johns, Jasper, 1989-1996
Johns, Jasper - Columbia Museum of Art; Columbia, SC, 1959-1961
Select: Johns, Jasper - Columbia Museum of Art; Columbia, SC, 1959-1961
Johns, Jasper - Damages, 1963-1968
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages, 1963-1968
Johns, Jasper - Damages: 4 Americans Show, 1962-1963
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: 4 Americans Show, 1962-1963
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Fire Loss, 1967-1968
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Fire Loss, 1967-1968
Johns, Jasper - Damages: M Painting, 1962
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: M Painting, 1962
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Seattle World's Fair, 1962-1963
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Seattle World's Fair, 1962-1963
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Target Construction Painting, 1967
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Target Construction Painting, 1967
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Targets , 1967
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Targets, 1967
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Two Flags Painting, 1960-1963
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Two Flags Painting, 1960-1963
Johns, Jasper - Damages: United States Information Agency, 1964-1968
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: United States Information Agency, 1964-1968
Johns, Jasper - Damages: Voices Painting, 1968-1969
Select: Johns, Jasper - Damages: Voices Painting, 1968-1969
Johns, Jasper - Dymaxion Map , 1967
Select: Johns, Jasper - Dymaxion Map, 1967
Johns, Jasper - Jasper Johns Book, 1962-1963
Select: Johns, Jasper - Jasper Johns Book, 1962-1963
Johns, Jasper - Leo Steinberg Article, 1962
Select: Johns, Jasper - Leo Steinberg Article, 1962
Johns, Jasper - Map Painting, 1970-1972
Select: Johns, Jasper - Map Painting, 1970-1972
Johns, Jasper - National Gallery of Art, 1989-1990
Select: Johns, Jasper - National Gallery of Art, 1989-1990
Johns, Jasper - Stedelijk Museum, 1968-1969
Select: Johns, Jasper - Stedelijk Museum, 1968-1969
Johns, Jasper - Universal Limited Art Editions (Tatyana Grosman), 1960-1961
Select: Johns, Jasper - Universal Limited Art Editions (Tatyana Grosman), 1960-1961
Johnson, Philip, 1961-1964
Select: Johnson, Philip, 1961-1964
Jouffroy, Alain; Paris, France, 1961-1962
Select: Jouffroy, Alain; Paris, France, 1961-1962
Judd, Donald, 1965-1973
Select: Judd, Donald, 1965-1973
Judd, Donald, 1978-1982
Select: Judd, Donald, 1978-1982
Judd, Donald - Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1968-1969
Select: Judd, Donald - Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1968-1969
Judd, Donald - "Documenta IV", 1971
Select: Judd, Donald - "Documenta IV", 1971
K, 1957-1969
Select: K, 1957-1969
K, 1970-1984
Select: K, 1970-1984
Kardon, Robert and Janet; Philadelphia, Pa., 1966-1974
Select: Kardon, Robert and Janet; Philadelphia, Pa., 1966-1974
Karetsas, Mara, circa 1980s-1990s
Select: Karetsas, Mara, circa 1980s-1990s
Karp, Ivan C., 1964-1965
Select: Karp, Ivan C., 1964-1965
Kasmin, Ltd.; London, England, 1963-1968
Select: Kasmin, Ltd.; London, England, 1963-1968
Kaufmann, Ruth, 1996
Select: Kaufmann, Ruth, 1996
Kaye, Harold; London, England, 1963-1966
Select: Kaye, Harold; London, England, 1963-1966
Kelly, Ellsworth, 1973-1974
Select: Kelly, Ellsworth, 1973-1974
Kelly, Ellsworth, 1979-1988, 1991
Select: Kelly, Ellsworth, 1979-1988, 1991
Kelsey, John; Pasadena, Calif., 1969
Select: Kelsey, John; Pasadena, Calif., 1969
Kestner-Gesellschaft Hannover; Germany, 1968-1972
Select: Kestner-Gesellschaft Hannover; Germany, 1968-1972
Kiesler, Frederick, 1958-1966
Select: Kiesler, Frederick, 1958-1966
Kiesler, Frederick - Austrian Exhibition, 1974
Select: Kiesler, Frederick - Austrian Exhibition, 1974
Kiesler, Frederick - Guggenheim, 1964-1966
Select: Kiesler, Frederick - Guggenheim, 1964-1966
Kinley, Monika, 1969-1970
Select: Kinley, Monika, 1969-1970
Klapheck, Konrad, 1962-1967
Select: Klapheck, Konrad, 1962-1967
Klein, Yves, 1961-1962
Select: Klein, Yves, 1961-1962
Kline, Franz - Estate (Appraisals), 1962-1963
Select: Kline, Franz - Estate (Appraisals), 1962-1963
Koh Gallery; Tokyo, Japan, 1979-1981
Select: Koh Gallery; Tokyo, Japan, 1979-1981
Kohn, Gabriel, 1958-1961
Select: Kohn, Gabriel, 1958-1961
Kosuth, Joseph, 1971-1973
Select: Kosuth, Joseph, 1971-1973
Kosuth, Joseph, 1988-1994
Select: Kosuth, Joseph, 1988-1994
Kosuth, Joseph - Damaged Artwork, 1991-1994
Select: Kosuth, Joseph - Damaged Artwork, 1991-1994
Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois; Champaign/Urbana, 1958-1973
Select: Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois; Champaign/Urbana, 1958-1973
Kraushar, M/M Leon, 1962-1967
Select: Kraushar, M/M Leon, 1962-1967
Kricke, Norbert, 1959, 1963-1967
Select: Kricke, Norbert, 1959, 1963-1967
Kroller-Muller Museum, 1972-1981
Select: Kroller-Muller Museum, 1972-1981
Krueger, Jack, 1969-1970
Select: Krueger, Jack, 1969-1970
Kunsthalle Bern; Switzerland, 1962, 1968-1972
Select: Kunsthalle Bern; Switzerland, 1962, 1968-1972
Kunsthalle Bern - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1970-1972
Select: Kunsthalle Bern - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1970-1972
Kunstmuseum Dusseldorf; Germany, 1970
Select: Kunstmuseum Dusseldorf; Germany, 1970
Kunstmuseum Luzern/Basel, 1971-1981
Select: Kunstmuseum Luzern/Basel, 1971-1981
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen; Germany, 1963, 1967-1980
Select: Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen; Germany, 1963, 1967-1980
L, 1948-1969
Select: L, 1948-1969
L, 1970-1976
Select: L, 1970-1976
L, 1977-1983
Select: L, 1977-1983
La Biennale di Venezia, 1968, 1978-1979
Select: La Biennale di Venezia, 1968, 1978-1979
Lambert, Baron Leon; Brussels, Belgium, 1962-1975
Select: Lambert, Baron Leon; Brussels, Belgium, 1962-1975
Lambert, Francoise, 1973-1974, 1982
Select: Lambert, Francoise, 1973-1974, 1982
Landsman, Stanley, 1969
Select: Landsman, Stanley, 1969
Landsman, Stanley, Infinity Light , 1967
Select: Landsman, Stanley, Infinity Light, 1967
Lane, Alvin S.; NYC, 1962-1972
Select: Lane, Alvin S.; NYC, 1962-1972
Langlais, Bernard (Artist), 1960-1965
Select: Langlais, Bernard (Artist), 1960-1965 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Larry Aldrich Museum; Ridgefield, Conn., 1960-1969
Select: Larry Aldrich Museum; Ridgefield, Conn., 1960-1969
Larry Gagosian Gallery; Beverly Hills, CA, 1996-1997
Select: Larry Gagosian Gallery; Beverly Hills, CA, 1996-1997
Leavin, Margo (Margo Leavin Gallery), 1972-1974
Select: Leavin, Margo (Margo Leavin Gallery), 1972-1974
Lee, Mrs. (Micki) Herbert C.; Belmont, Mass., 1961-1982
Select: Lee, Mrs. (Micki) Herbert C.; Belmont, Mass., 1961-1982
Lefebvre-Foinet, Lucien (Art shipping and handling); Paris, France, 1956-1965
Select: Lefebvre-Foinet, Lucien (Art shipping and handling); Paris, France, 1956-1965
Leshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; NYC, 1986-1993
Select: Leshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; NYC, 1986-1993
Levin, Sam J.; St. Louis, MO, 1961-1964
Select: Levin, Sam J.; St. Louis, MO, 1961-1964
Lewis, Sidney and Frances; Richmond, VA, 1969
Select: Lewis, Sidney and Frances; Richmond, VA, 1969
Lichtenstein, Roy, 1962-1969
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy, 1962-1969
Lichtenstein, Roy, 1969-1974
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy, 1969-1974
Lichtenstein, Roy, 1980-1986
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy, 1980-1986
Lichtenstein, Roy, 1989-1993, 1998
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy, 1989-1993, 1998
Lichtenstein, Roy - Book Preparation by Diane Waldman, 1968-1972
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Book Preparation by Diane Waldman, 1968-1972
Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, 1964-1968
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, 1964-1968
Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Brush Stroke Head IV Sculpture, 1989-1990
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Brush Stroke Head IV Sculpture, 1989-1990
Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Reflections on Senorita Painting, 1990-1994
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Reflections on Senorita Painting, 1990-1994
Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Stolen Paintings, 1967-1968
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Damages, Stolen Paintings, 1967-1968
Lichtenstein, Roy - Larry Gagosian (Gagosian Gallery), 1990
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Larry Gagosian (Gagosian Gallery), 1990
Lichtenstein, Roy - Tate Gallery Exhibition, 1967-1968
Select: Lichtenstein, Roy - Tate Gallery Exhibition, 1967-1968
LIFE Magazine, 1963, 1965
Select: LIFE Magazine, 1963, 1965
Lipanje Puntin Arte Contemporanea, 1997
Select: Lipanje Puntin Arte Contemporanea, 1997
Lipman, Howard and Jean; NYC, 1962-1972
Select: Lipman, Howard and Jean; NYC, 1962-1972
Lippincott Environmental Arts, Inc., 1967
Select: Lippincott Environmental Arts, Inc., 1967
List, Vera and Albert A.; NYC, 1965-1977
Select: List, Vera and Albert A.; NYC, 1965-1977
List, Vera and Albert A. - List Art Posters Project (American Federation of Arts); NYC, 1964-1967
Select: List, Vera and Albert A. - List Art Posters Project (American Federation of Arts); NYC, 1964-1967
Locksley, Gordon (Locksley-Shea Gallery); Minneapolis, Minn., 1971-1974
Select: Locksley, Gordon (Locksley-Shea Gallery); Minneapolis, Minn., 1971-1974
Locksley, Gordon (The Red Carpet Gallery); Minneapolis, Minn., 1967
Select: Locksley, Gordon (The Red Carpet Gallery); Minneapolis, Minn., 1967
L'Oeil (Art magazine), 1965
Select: L'Oeil (Art magazine), 1965
Lo Giudice Gallery, 1971-1973
Select: Lo Giudice Gallery, 1971-1973
Los Angeles County Museum, 1962-1975
Select: Los Angeles County Museum, 1962-1975
Louisiana Museum; Hunleback, Denmark, 1964-1967
Select: Louisiana Museum; Hunleback, Denmark, 1964-1967
Ludwig, Peter, 1971-1973
Select: Ludwig, Peter, 1971-1973
Lye, Len (Artist), 1960-1961
Select: Lye, Len (Artist), 1960-1961
M, 1957-1960
Select: M, 1957-1960
M, 1961-1969
Select: M, 1961-1969
M, 1969-1974
Select: M, 1969-1974
M, 1975-1983, 1990
Select: M, 1975-1983, 1990
Mabou Mines, 1970-1972
Select: Mabou Mines, 1970-1972
Magnelli, Alberto (Artist), 1957-1962
Select: Magnelli, Alberto (Artist), 1957-1962
Main Street Gallery; Chicago, Ill, 1960-1961
Select: Main Street Gallery; Chicago, Ill, 1960-1961
Makler Gallery (Hope Makler); Philadephia, Penn, 1961-1962, 1970-1974
Select: Makler Gallery (Hope Makler); Philadephia, Penn, 1961-1962, 1970-1974
Maluf, Roberto, 1973
Select: Maluf, Roberto, 1973
Maremont, Arnold H. and Adele; Chicago/New York, 1959-1964
Select: Maremont, Arnold H. and Adele; Chicago/New York, 1959-1964
Margo Leavin Gallery, 1974-1982, 1993
Select: Margo Leavin Gallery, 1974-1982, 1993
Marki, Fritz, 1972-1973
Select: Marki, Fritz, 1972-1973
Martha Jackson Gallery, 1960-1966
Select: Martha Jackson Gallery, 1960-1966
Mass Mailings, 1969-1973
Select: Mass Mailings, 1969-1973
Matter, Mercedes; NYC, 1964
Select: Matter, Mercedes; NYC, 1964
Mauri, Fabio (Casa Editrice Bompiani); Rome, Italy, 1962, 1964
Select: Mauri, Fabio (Casa Editrice Bompiani); Rome, Italy, 1962, 1964
Mayer, Frederick R.; Denver, CO, 1967-1972
Select: Mayer, Frederick R.; Denver, CO, 1967-1972
Mayer, Robert and Buddy (Beatrice); Winnetka, Ill., 1961-1968
Select: Mayer, Robert and Buddy (Beatrice); Winnetka, Ill., 1961-1968
Mayer, Robert and Buddy (Beatrice); Winnetka, Ill., 1969-1974
Select: Mayer, Robert and Buddy (Beatrice); Winnetka, Ill., 1969-1974
The Mayor Gallery, 1972-1981
Select: The Mayor Gallery, 1972-1981
McDowell, Barrie; Calif., 1970
Select: McDowell, Barrie; Calif., 1970
Metropolitan Museum of Art; NYC, 1963-1980
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art; NYC, 1963-1980
Metz Train Olson and Youngren, Inc., 1967
Select: Metz Train Olson and Youngren, Inc., 1967
Meyer, Dr. Eric; Lausanne, Switzerland, 1963-1964
Select: Meyer, Dr. Eric; Lausanne, Switzerland, 1963-1964
Meyerhoff, Jane and Robert; Baltimore, Maryland, 1966
Select: Meyerhoff, Jane and Robert; Baltimore, Maryland, 1966
Michelson, Annette, 1967-1968
Select: Michelson, Annette, 1967-1968
Michener, James, 1961-1964
Select: Michener, James, 1961-1964
Mikus, Eleanore; NYC, 1973-1975
Select: Mikus, Eleanore; NYC, 1973-1975
Millares, Manolo (Artist), 1958-1959
Select: Millares, Manolo (Artist), 1958-1959
Milwaukee Art Center, 1963-1970
Select: Milwaukee Art Center, 1963-1970
Minami Gallery (Kusuo Shimizu); Tokyo, Japan, 1962-1974
Select: Minami Gallery (Kusuo Shimizu); Tokyo, Japan, 1962-1974
Ministère des Affaires Culturelles; Paris, France, 1969-1970
Select: Ministère des Affaires Culturelles; Paris, France, 1969-1970
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1958-1972
Select: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1958-1972
Minskoff, Edward; NYC, 1992-1993
Select: Minskoff, Edward; NYC, 1992-1993
Miscellaneous Artists, circa 1962-1965
Select: Miscellaneous Artists, circa 1962-1965
Mnuchin, Leon A.; NYC, 1963-1965
Select: Mnuchin, Leon A.; NYC, 1963-1965
Modern Master Tapestries Inc., 1972-1981
Select: Modern Master Tapestries Inc., 1972-1981
Moderna Museet; Stockholm, Sweden, 1962-1974
Select: Moderna Museet; Stockholm, Sweden, 1962-1974
Monti, Beatrice (Galleria dell Ariete, Milan), 1960-1965
Select: Monti, Beatrice (Galleria dell Ariete, Milan), 1960-1965
Moore College of Art; Philadelphia, Pa., 1967
Select: Moore College of Art; Philadelphia, Pa., 1967
Moore College of Art - Johns and Lichtenstein Loans, 1974
Select: Moore College of Art - Johns and Lichtenstein Loans, 1974
Morris, Jerrold, 1963-1964
Select: Morris, Jerrold, 1963-1964
Morris, Philip, "II Pop Artists" Portfolio and Traveling Exhibition, 1965-1968
Select: Morris, Philip, "II Pop Artists" Portfolio and Traveling Exhibition, 1965-1968
Morris, Robert, 1966-1969
Select: Morris, Robert, 1966-1969
Morris, Robert, 1969-1989
Select: Morris, Robert, 1969-1989
Morris, Robert - Damages: Detroit Institute of Art, 1970
Select: Morris, Robert - Damages: Detroit Institute of Art, 1970
Morris, Robert - Damages: Slab Painting, 1968-1969
Select: Morris, Robert - Damages: Slab Painting, 1968-1969
Morris, Robert - Damages: Stedelijk van Abbemuseum; Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1967-1968
Select: Morris, Robert - Damages: Stedelijk van Abbemuseum; Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1967-1968
Morris, Robert - Damages: Walker Art Center, 1969
Select: Morris, Robert - Damages: Walker Art Center, 1969
Moskowitz, Robert, 1961-1963
Select: Moskowitz, Robert, 1961-1963
Mulas, Ugo; Milan, Italy, 1964-1967
Select: Mulas, Ugo; Milan, Italy, 1964-1967
Muller Galerie; Stuttgart, Germany, 1964-1968
Select: Muller Galerie; Stuttgart, Germany, 1964-1968
Multiples Inc. (Marian Goodman); NYC, 1965-1980
Select: Multiples Inc. (Marian Goodman); NYC, 1965-1980
Musée Cantonal Des Beaux-Arts, 1962-1964
Select: Musée Cantonal Des Beaux-Arts, 1962-1964 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 10)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen; Rotterdam, Holland, 1980
Select: Museum Boymans-van Beuningen; Rotterdam, Holland, 1980
Museum of Contemporary Art - General; Chicago, Ill., 1968-1975, 1992
Select: Museum of Contemporary Art - General; Chicago, Ill., 1968-1975, 1992
Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Chicago Auction, 1973
Select: Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Chicago Auction, 1973
Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Richard Artschwager Exhibition, 1972-1973
Select: Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Richard Artschwager Exhibition, 1972-1973
Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Lee Bontecou Exhibition, 1971-1972
Select: Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Ill. - Lee Bontecou Exhibition, 1971-1972
The Museum of Modern Art, 1957-1961
Select: The Museum of Modern Art, 1957-1961
The Museum of Modern Art, 1962-1965
Select: The Museum of Modern Art, 1962-1965
The Museum of Modern Art, 1966-1967
Select: The Museum of Modern Art, 1966-1967
The Museum of Modern Art, 1967-1969
Select: The Museum of Modern Art, 1967-1969
The Museum of Modern Art, 1970-1997
Select: The Museum of Modern Art, 1970-1997
The Museum of Modern Art - Circulating Film and Video Library, 1995
Select: The Museum of Modern Art - Circulating Film and Video Library, 1995
N, 1958-1969
Select: N, 1958-1969
N, 1970-1984
Select: N, 1970-1984
Namuth, Hans, 1969-1986
Select: Namuth, Hans, 1969-1986
Namuth, Hans, 1986-1994
Select: Namuth, Hans, 1986-1994 (Oversized material housed in OV 235)
National Collection of Fine Arts (Smithsonian Institution); Washington, D.C., 1963-1974
Select: National Collection of Fine Arts (Smithsonian Institution); Washington, D.C., 1963-1974
National Gallery of Art - Gemini G.E.L. Exhibition, 1985
Select: National Gallery of Art - Gemini G.E.L. Exhibition, 1985
National Gallery of Canada; Ottawa, Canada, 1967-1980
Select: National Gallery of Canada; Ottawa, Canada, 1967-1980
Nauman, Bruce, 1968-1984
Select: Nauman, Bruce, 1968-1984 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Nauman, Bruce, 1985-1986
Select: Nauman, Bruce, 1985-1986
Nauman, Bruce, 1987-1997
Select: Nauman, Bruce, 1987-1997
Nauman, Bruce - Damages, 1992
Select: Nauman, Bruce - Damages, 1992
Nauman, Bruce - Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1972-1974
Select: Nauman, Bruce - Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1972-1974
Nauman, Bruce - Photographs, 1986-1994
Select: Nauman, Bruce - Photographs, 1986-1994
Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum; Kansas City, MO, 1962-1968
Select: Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum; Kansas City, MO, 1962-1968
Netsch, Walter A., Jr.; Chicago, Ill., 1961-1969
Select: Netsch, Walter A., Jr.; Chicago, Ill., 1961-1969
Neuendorf, Hans; Hamburg, Germany, 1969-1973
Select: Neuendorf, Hans; Hamburg, Germany, 1969-1973
New Communication Group, Ltd., 1971
Select: New Communication Group, Ltd., 1971
The New Gallery, 1955-1974
Select: The New Gallery, 1955-1974
Newbill, Al, 1959
Select: Newbill, Al, 1959
Newman, Mrs. (Muriel) Albert H.; Chicago, Ill., 1962-1967
Select: Newman, Mrs. (Muriel) Albert H.; Chicago, Ill., 1962-1967
Newmann, Morton; Chicago, Ill., 1958-1966
Select: Newmann, Morton; Chicago, Ill., 1958-1966
Newport Harbor Art Museum; Calif., 1968-1983
Select: Newport Harbor Art Museum; Calif., 1968-1983
Newsweek , 1970-1973, 1983
Select: Newsweek, 1970-1973, 1983
The New York Cultural Center, 1972-1973
Select: The New York Cultural Center, 1972-1973
New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, 1969-1976
Select: New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, 1969-1976
Nicaragua, 1972-1973
Select: Nicaragua, 1972-1973
Nikkel, Vernon; Clovis, NM, 1962-1970
Select: Nikkel, Vernon; Clovis, NM, 1962-1970
The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1957
Select: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1957
Notizie Arte Contemporanea (Luciano Pistoi); Turin, Italy, 1963-1972
Select: Notizie Arte Contemporanea (Luciano Pistoi); Turin, Italy, 1963-1972
Nouvelles Images; France, 1975-1979
Select: Nouvelles Images; France, 1975-1979
O, 1960-1984
Select: O, 1960-1984
Oberlin College; Oberlin, OH, 1973-1974
Select: Oberlin College; Oberlin, OH, 1973-1974
Odoroff, Maurice; Alexandria, Va., 1958-1961
Select: Odoroff, Maurice; Alexandria, Va., 1958-1961
Oldenburg, Claes, 1965-1975
Select: Oldenburg, Claes, 1965-1975
Oldenburg, Claes, 1978-1988
Select: Oldenburg, Claes, 1978-1988
Oldenburg, Claes - Coosje van Bruggen, 1990-1991
Select: Oldenburg, Claes - Coosje van Bruggen, 1990-1991
Olen Galleries; Mobile, Alabama, 1964
Select: Olen Galleries; Mobile, Alabama, 1964
Oliva, Achille Bonito, 1973
Select: Oliva, Achille Bonito, 1973
Ollman, Arthur, 1996
Select: Ollman, Arthur, 1996
Olsen, Fred; Conn./Antigua (re: resale of Jackson Pollock's Blue Poles ), 1957-1960
Select: Olsen, Fred; Conn./Antigua (re: resale of Jackson Pollock's Blue Poles), 1957-1960
Onnasch Galerie; Germany, 1972-1973
Select: Onnasch Galerie; Germany, 1972-1973
Oppenheim, Jack - Museum at Large Ltd., circa 1972
Select: Oppenheim, Jack - Museum at Large Ltd., circa 1972
Orlofsky, Myron; NY, 1963-1967, 1971
Select: Orlofsky, Myron; NY, 1963-1967, 1971
Ossorio, Frederic; Greenwich, Conn., 1960
Select: Ossorio, Frederic; Greenwich, Conn., 1960
P, 1961-1969
Select: P, 1961-1969
P, 1970-1984, 1990-1991
Select: P, 1970-1984, 1990-1991
The Pace Gallery (Arnold Glimcher); Boston/NYC, 1960, 1964-1980
Select: The Pace Gallery (Arnold Glimcher); Boston/NYC, 1960, 1964-1980
Paine, Stephen D.; Boston, Mass., 1961-1973
Select: Paine, Stephen D.; Boston, Mass., 1961-1973
Palevsky, Max, 1972-1974
Select: Palevsky, Max, 1972-1974
Palumbo, Peter; London, England, 1975-1981
Select: Palumbo, Peter; London, England, 1975-1981
Pan American Union (Raphael Squirru); Washington, D.C., 1963-1965
Select: Pan American Union (Raphael Squirru); Washington, D.C., 1963-1965
Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1959-1969
Select: Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1959-1969
Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1971-1975
Select: Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1971-1975
Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1976-1983
Select: Panza, Giuseppe; Milan, 1976-1983
Pappas, George (Pennsylvania State Univ., School Arts Magazine), 1962-1965
Select: Pappas, George (Pennsylvania State Univ., School Arts Magazine), 1962-1965
Park Synagogue (Art Festival); Cleveland, OH, 1963
Select: Park Synagogue (Art Festival); Cleveland, OH, 1963
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc.; NYC, 1965-1972
Select: Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc.; NYC, 1965-1972
Betty Parsons Gallery; NYC, 1964
Select: Betty Parsons Gallery; NYC, 1964
Partnership for the Defense of the America's Cup (PACT), 1994-1995
Select: Partnership for the Defense of the America's Cup (PACT), 1994-1995
Pasadena Art Museum, 1958-1974
Select: Pasadena Art Museum, 1958-1974
Pasadena Art Museum - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1963-1965
Select: Pasadena Art Museum - Jasper Johns Exhibition, 1963-1965 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 11)
Pasadena Art Museum - Roy Lichtenstein Exhibition, 1966-1967
Select: Pasadena Art Museum - Roy Lichtenstein Exhibition, 1966-1967
Pasadena Art Museum - Andy Warhol Exhibition, 1969-1972
Select: Pasadena Art Museum - Andy Warhol Exhibition, 1969-1972
Paul Kantor Gallery; Beverly Hills, Calif., 1957-1964
Select: Paul Kantor Gallery; Beverly Hills, Calif., 1957-1964
Pei, I. M.; NYC, 1962-1969
Select: Pei, I. M.; NYC, 1962-1969
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Philadelphia, Pa., 1961-1968
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Philadelphia, Pa., 1961-1968
Penson and Company, 1958-1961
Select: Penson and Company, 1958-1961
Peter Carlson Enterprises - Ellsworth Kelly's Mirrored Concorde , 1986-1994
Select: Peter Carlson Enterprises - Ellsworth Kelly's Mirrored Concorde, 1986-1994
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Includes: The Print Club); Philadelphia, Pa., 1964-1974
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art (Includes: The Print Club); Philadelphia, Pa., 1964-1974
Philbrook Art Center; Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1964
Select: Philbrook Art Center; Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1964
Picard, Lil, 1962-1963
Select: Picard, Lil, 1962-1963
Pincus, David N.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1964-1969
Select: Pincus, David N.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1964-1969
Pollock, Jackson, 1961-1963
Select: Pollock, Jackson, 1961-1963
Poons, Larry, 1965-1966
Select: Poons, Larry, 1965-1966
Portable Gallery; NYC, 1962-1965
Select: Portable Gallery; NYC, 1962-1965
Portland Center for the Visual Arts, 1973-1980
Select: Portland Center for the Visual Arts, 1973-1980
Post Cards, 1990-1992
Select: Post Cards, 1990-1992
Posters Originals, Ltd. (Leo W. Farland); NYC, 1965-1967
Select: Posters Originals, Ltd. (Leo W. Farland); NYC, 1965-1967
Power, Alan; England, 1964-1975
Select: Power, Alan; England, 1964-1975
Powers, John and Kimiko, 1965-1978
Select: Powers, John and Kimiko, 1965-1978
Price, Dr. Winston H.; Baltimore, Maryland, 1961-1962
Select: Price, Dr. Winston H.; Baltimore, Maryland, 1961-1962
Princeton University Art Museum, 1964-1965
Select: Princeton University Art Museum, 1964-1965
Protetch, Max; Washington, D.C., 1974-1975
Select: Protetch, Max; Washington, D.C., 1974-1975
Providence Art Club; Providence, RI, 1961-1963
Select: Providence Art Club; Providence, RI, 1961-1963
Pulitzer, Joseph, Jr.; St. Louis, MO, 1958-1964, 1972-1976
Select: Pulitzer, Joseph, Jr.; St. Louis, MO, 1958-1964, 1972-1976
Quadrum, 1963-1965
Select: Quadrum, 1963-1965
Quarrell, Richard, 1969
Select: Quarrell, Richard, 1969
Quisgard, Liz, 1959-1961
Select: Quisgard, Liz, 1959-1961
R, 1951-1969
Select: R, 1951-1969
R, 1970-1976
Select: R, 1970-1976
R, 1977-1984
Select: R, 1977-1984
Rankine, Vivie; Bethesda, Maryland; Washington, D.C., 1955-1958
Select: Rankine, Vivie; Bethesda, Maryland; Washington, D.C., 1955-1958
Raspe, Dr. Gerhard; Berlin, Germany, 1967
Select: Raspe, Dr. Gerhard; Berlin, Germany, 1967
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1958-1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1958-1964
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1965-1969
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1965-1969
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1969-1973, 1980-1985
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1969-1973, 1980-1985
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1986-1992
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1986-1992
Rauschenberg, Robert - Andrew Forge (Rauschenberg Book), 1964-1967
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Andrew Forge (Rauschenberg Book), 1964-1967
Rauschenberg, Robert - Articles, Books, 1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Articles, Books, 1964
Rauschenberg, Robert - Nicolas Calas, 1961
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Nicolas Calas, 1961
Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Ace Painting, 1963
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Ace Painting, 1963
Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Quote Painting, 1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Quote Painting, 1964
Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Robert Mayer, 1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Robert Mayer, 1964
Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Story Painting, 1964-1965
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Damages: Story Painting, 1964-1965
Rauschenberg, Robert - Dante's Inferno, 1961, 1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Dante's Inferno, 1961, 1964
Rauschenberg, Robert - London Show, 1964
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - London Show, 1964
Rauschenberg, Robert - Merce Cunningham Dance Company, 1962, 1964-1966
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Merce Cunningham Dance Company, 1962, 1964-1966
Rauschenberg, Robert - Whitney Museum of American Art, Yoicks Painting, 1966, 1971-1973
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert - Whitney Museum of American Art, Yoicks Painting, 1966, 1971-1973
Ravinia Festival; Chicago, Ill., 1965
Select: Ravinia Festival; Chicago, Ill., 1965
Renn Productions, 1987-1988
Select: Renn Productions, 1987-1988
Restany, Pierre; Paris, France, 1962-1964
Select: Restany, Pierre; Paris, France, 1962-1964
Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art; Providence, RI, 1965-1969
Select: Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art; Providence, RI, 1965-1969
Richard Feigen Gallary, Inc., 1960-1969, 1993
Select: Richard Feigen Gallary, Inc., 1960-1969, 1993
The Richard Associates, 1972-1973
Select: The Richard Associates, 1972-1973
Roanoke Fine Arts Center; Roanoke, Va., 1971
Select: Roanoke Fine Arts Center; Roanoke, Va., 1971
Robert Fraser Gallery, Ltd., 1962-1965
Select: Robert Fraser Gallery, Ltd., 1962-1965
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Univ. of Rochester); NY, 1964-1965
Select: Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Univ. of Rochester); NY, 1964-1965
Rockefeller, David, 1991
Select: Rockefeller, David, 1991
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1960-1968
Select: Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1960-1968
Rolf Nelson Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1963-1964, 1969
Select: Rolf Nelson Gallery; Los Angeles, Calif., 1963-1964, 1969
ROSC (International Exhibit in Dublin 1967), 1967-1968
Select: ROSC (International Exhibit in Dublin 1967), 1967-1968
Rose Art Museum; Waltham, Mass., 1961-1970
Select: Rose Art Museum; Waltham, Mass., 1961-1970
Rose Art Museum - Seattle World's Fair, 1961-1962
Select: Rose Art Museum - Seattle World's Fair, 1961-1962 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 12)
Rosenthal, Rachel, 1963-1965
Select: Rosenthal, Rachel, 1963-1965
Rosen, Israel; Baltimore, Maryland, 1957-1961
Select: Rosen, Israel; Baltimore, Maryland, 1957-1961
Rosenblum, Robert, 1961-1967, 1978
Select: Rosenblum, Robert, 1961-1967, 1978
Rosenquist, James, 1964-1969
Select: Rosenquist, James, 1964-1969
Rosenquist, James, 1969-1973
Select: Rosenquist, James, 1969-1973 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Rosenquist, James, 1980-1992
Select: Rosenquist, James, 1980-1992 (Oversized material housed in OV 233)
Rosenquist, James, 1996
Select: Rosenquist, James, 1996
Rosenquist, James - The Denver Art Museum, 1981-1984
Select: Rosenquist, James - The Denver Art Museum, 1981-1984
Rosenquist, James - F-111 Painting, 1965-1972
Select: Rosenquist, James - F-111 Painting, 1965-1972
Rosenquist, James - Gift Wrapped Doll , 1993
Select: Rosenquist, James - Gift Wrapped Doll, 1993
Rosenquist, James - Whitney Museum of American Art, Catalog, 1972-1973
Select: Rosenquist, James - Whitney Museum of American Art, Catalog, 1972-1973
Rosenquist, James - Whitney Museum of American Art, Stadt Köln; Germany, 1970-1973
Select: Rosenquist, James - Whitney Museum of American Art, Stadt Köln; Germany, 1970-1973
Rossi, N. J. N.; Paris, France, 1969
Select: Rossi, N. J. N.; Paris, France, 1969
Rowan, Robert and Carolyn; Los Angeles, Calif., 1959-1975
Select: Rowan, Robert and Carolyn; Los Angeles, Calif., 1959-1975
Rowan, Robert; Pasadena, Calif., 1981
Select: Rowan, Robert; Pasadena, Calif., 1981
Rubin, Lawrence, 1959-1972
Select: Rubin, Lawrence, 1959-1972
Rubin, William, 1958-1971
Select: Rubin, William, 1958-1971
Ruder and Finn (Nina Kaiden); NYC, 1965-1966
Select: Ruder and Finn (Nina Kaiden); NYC, 1965-1966
Ruscha, Edward, 1962, 1972-1974
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1962, 1972-1974 (Oversized material housed in OV 236)
Ruscha, Edward, 1976-1982
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1976-1982
Ruscha, Edward, 1982-1987
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1982-1987
Ruscha, Edward, 1988-1989
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1988-1989
Ruscha, Edward, 1990-1991
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1990-1991
Ruscha, Edward, 1992
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1992
Ruscha, Edward, 1996
Select: Ruscha, Edward, 1996
Ruscha, Edward - Retrospective European Traveling Exhibition, 1988-1990
Select: Ruscha, Edward - Retrospective European Traveling Exhibition, 1988-1990
Russell, John; London, England, 1969
Select: Russell, John; London, England, 1969
Russell, Stella, 1974
Select: Russell, Stella, 1974
S, 1955-1961
Select: S, 1955-1961
S, 1962-1969
Select: S, 1962-1969
S, 1969-1973
Select: S, 1969-1973
S, 1974-1976
Select: S, 1974-1976
S, 1977-1984
Select: S, 1977-1984
The Sable-Castelli Gallery Limited; Toronto, Canada, 1974-1980
Select: The Sable-Castelli Gallery Limited; Toronto, Canada, 1974-1980
Sachs, Ernst - Insurance Appraisals, 1969-1970
Select: Sachs, Ernst - Insurance Appraisals, 1969-1970
The St. Louis Art Museum, 1972-1976
Select: The St. Louis Art Museum, 1972-1976
Sale, Courtney; Dallas, Texas, 1972-1973
Select: Sale, Courtney; Dallas, Texas, 1972-1973
Salle, David, 1982, 1988
Select: Salle, David, 1982, 1988
Salon de Mai; Paris, France, 1962, 1966
Select: Salon de Mai; Paris, France, 1962, 1966
Sander, Ludwig, 1957-1962
Select: Sander, Ludwig, 1957-1962
Sander, Ludwig, 1965-1966
Select: Sander, Ludwig, 1965-1966
San Francisco Museum of Art (Modern Art), 1964-1983, 1990
Select: San Francisco Museum of Art (Modern Art), 1964-1983, 1990
San Marino Biennale Internazionale d'Arte, 1963-1967
Select: San Marino Biennale Internazionale d'Arte, 1963-1967
Santini Bros., Inc.; NYC, 1960-1969
Select: Santini Bros., Inc.; NYC, 1960-1969
Santos, [Mariln], 1989
Select: Santos, [Mariln], 1989
Save Venice, 1972-1974
Select: Save Venice, 1972-1974
Savelli, Angelo, 1959
Select: Savelli, Angelo, 1959
Sawyer, Kenneth, 1958-1959
Select: Sawyer, Kenneth, 1958-1959
Scarpitta, Salvatore, 1959-1966
Select: Scarpitta, Salvatore, 1959-1966
Schifano, Mario, 1962-1963
Select: Schifano, Mario, 1962-1963
Schmela, Alfred (Galerie Alfred Schmela); Germany, 1969-1981
Select: Schmela, Alfred (Galerie Alfred Schmela); Germany, 1969-1981
Schreiber, Taft B., 1962-1968
Select: Schreiber, Taft B., 1962-1968
Schualar, Toya, 1992
Select: Schualar, Toya, 1992
Schueler, Jon; NYC, 1954-1959
Select: Schueler, Jon; NYC, 1954-1959
Schwartz, Barbara and Eugene; NYC, 1967-1976
Select: Schwartz, Barbara and Eugene; NYC, 1967-1976
Schwartz, Estelle, 1979-1980
Select: Schwartz, Estelle, 1979-1980
Schwarz, Arturo (Galleria Schwarz); Milan, Italy, 1961-1962
Select: Schwarz, Arturo (Galleria Schwarz); Milan, Italy, 1961-1962
Schweber, Seymour and Laura; Long Island, NY, 1962-1965
Select: Schweber, Seymour and Laura; Long Island, NY, 1962-1965
Scull, Robert and Ethel; NYC, 1961-1975
Select: Scull, Robert and Ethel; NYC, 1961-1975
Scull, Robert and Ethel - Accounts; NYC, 1959-1968
Select: Scull, Robert and Ethel - Accounts; NYC, 1959-1968
Seattle Art Museum, 1968-1982
Select: Seattle Art Museum, 1968-1982
Secretariat Du Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan; Geneva, Switzerland, 1975
Select: Secretariat Du Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan; Geneva, Switzerland, 1975
Segal, Thomas; Boston, Mass., 1977-1979
Select: Segal, Thomas; Boston, Mass., 1977-1979
Seitel, Nelson; NYC, 1960
Select: Seitel, Nelson; NYC, 1960
Seligman, Otto; Seattle, Washington, 1957
Select: Seligman, Otto; Seattle, Washington, 1957
Selle, Carol and Richard; Paris, France, 1971-1974
Select: Selle, Carol and Richard; Paris, France, 1971-1974
Serra, Richard, 1971-1974
Select: Serra, Richard, 1971-1974
Serra, Richard, 1978-1987
Select: Serra, Richard, 1978-1987
Serra, Richard, 1987-1990
Select: Serra, Richard, 1987-1990
Seuphor, Michel, 1961-1962
Select: Seuphor, Michel, 1961-1962
Shaindy Fenton, Inc.; Fort Worth, Texas, 1980-1983
Select: Shaindy Fenton, Inc.; Fort Worth, Texas, 1980-1983
Sherwood, Richard; Los Angeles, Calif., 1975-1976
Select: Sherwood, Richard; Los Angeles, Calif., 1975-1976
Shriver, (Robert) Sargent, 1959, 1967-1973
Select: Shriver, (Robert) Sargent, 1959, 1967-1973
Sidney Janis Gallery; NYC, 1954-1972
Select: Sidney Janis Gallery; NYC, 1954-1972
Simonds, Charles, 1982-1984
Select: Simonds, Charles, 1982-1984
Simonds, Charles, 1984-1985
Select: Simonds, Charles, 1984-1985
Simonds, Charles - Agreement with CIGNA Draft, 1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Agreement with CIGNA Draft, 1983
Simonds, Charles - Dwelling (CS-1), 1982-1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Dwelling (CS-1), 1982-1983
Simonds, Charles - Gates (CS-3), 1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Gates (CS-3), 1983
Simonds, Charles - Palm Springs Desert Museum, 1983-1984
Select: Simonds, Charles - Palm Springs Desert Museum, 1983-1984
Simonds, Charles - Potential Shows and Commissions, 1982-1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Potential Shows and Commissions, 1982-1983
Simonds, Charles - Stone Sprout (CS-10), 1984
Select: Simonds, Charles - Stone Sprout (CS-10), 1984
Simonds, Charles - The Tate Gallery, 1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - The Tate Gallery, 1983
Simonds, Charles - The Toledo Museum of Art, 1984
Select: Simonds, Charles - The Toledo Museum of Art, 1984
Simonds, Charles - Tomb (CS-2), 1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Tomb (CS-2), 1983
Simonds, Charles - Towers (CS-6), 1983
Select: Simonds, Charles - Towers (CS-6), 1983
Simonds, Charles - Towers and Wells (CS-4), 1984
Select: Simonds, Charles - Towers and Wells (CS-4), 1984
Singer, Dr. Joseph I.; Long Island, NY, 1964-1967
Select: Singer, Dr. Joseph I.; Long Island, NY, 1964-1967
Sisler, Mary Hayes (Mrs. William) and David Hayes; NYC, 1962-1963, 1971-1974
Select: Sisler, Mary Hayes (Mrs. William) and David Hayes; NYC, 1962-1963, 1971-1974
Sklar, Martin, 1989-1991
Select: Sklar, Martin, 1989-1991
Sklar, Martin - Appraisals, 1989
Select: Sklar, Martin - Appraisals, 1989
Sklar, Martin - Appraisals, 1990-1991
Select: Sklar, Martin - Appraisals, 1990-1991
Sklar, Martin - Loans, 1988-1991
Select: Sklar, Martin - Loans, 1988-1991
Sklar, Martin - Sculpture Show, 1989
Select: Sklar, Martin - Sculpture Show, 1989
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 1965-1975, 1993-1994
Select: Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 1965-1975, 1993-1994
Slaff, Samuel, Slaff Brothers (Leo's Lawyer); NYC, 1958, 1962-1964
Select: Slaff, Samuel, Slaff Brothers (Leo's Lawyer); NYC, 1958, 1962-1964
Slatkin, Charles E. (Artists' tapestries); NYC, 1967-1968
Select: Slatkin, Charles E. (Artists' tapestries); NYC, 1967-1968
Smith, Andrew, 1980-1982
Select: Smith, Andrew, 1980-1982
Smith College Museum of Art; Mass., 1959-1964
Select: Smith College Museum of Art; Mass., 1959-1964
Smith, David, 1956-1960
Select: Smith, David, 1956-1960
Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D.C., 1966
Select: Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D.C., 1966
Smithsonian Institution - Smithsonian Associates; Washington, D.C., 1969-1984
Select: Smithsonian Institution - Smithsonian Associates; Washington, D.C., 1969-1984
Snyder, Robert (Robert Snyder Films); Los Angeles, Calif., 1962-1967
Select: Snyder, Robert (Robert Snyder Films); Los Angeles, Calif., 1962-1967
Soho Journal; NYC, 1993
Select: Soho Journal; NYC, 1993
Solinger, David M., 1961
Select: Solinger, David M., 1961
Solomon, Alan, 1962-1968
Select: Solomon, Alan, 1962-1968
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; NYC, 1961-1975
Select: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; NYC, 1961-1975
Sonnabend, Ileana, 1961
Select: Sonnabend, Ileana, 1961
Sonnabend, Ileana, 1962
Select: Sonnabend, Ileana, 1962
Sonnabend, Ileana, 1963
Select: Sonnabend, Ileana, 1963
Sonnabend, Ileana, 1964-1974, 1982
Select: Sonnabend, Ileana, 1964-1974, 1982
Sonnabend, Ileana - Shipments, 1966-1967
Select: Sonnabend, Ileana - Shipments, 1966-1967
Sonsbeek; Arnhem, Holland, 1969-1971
Select: Sonsbeek; Arnhem, Holland, 1969-1971
Southampton Art Gallery East; NYC, 1964-1966
Select: Southampton Art Gallery East; NYC, 1964-1966
South County State Bank, 1963
Select: South County State Bank, 1963
Spagnoli, Luisa, 1969-1970
Select: Spagnoli, Luisa, 1969-1970
The Spoleto Festival, 1972
Select: The Spoleto Festival, 1972
Staatliche Kunsthalle; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1962-1963
Select: Staatliche Kunsthalle; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1962-1963 (Removed material housed in Box 191, Folder 13)
Staatliche Kunsthalle; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1980
Select: Staatliche Kunsthalle; Baden-Baden, Germany, 1980
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart; Germany, 1975, 1981-1983
Select: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart; Germany, 1975, 1981-1983
Stable Gallery, 1959-1960
Select: Stable Gallery, 1959-1960
Stadtische Kunsthalle; Dusseldorf, Germany, 1969-1974
Select: Stadtische Kunsthalle; Dusseldorf, Germany, 1969-1974
Städtisches Museum Leverkusen; Schloss Morsbroich, Germany, 1961-1967
Select: Städtisches Museum Leverkusen; Schloss Morsbroich, Germany, 1961-1967
Staempfi Gallery; NYC, 1959-1963
Select: Staempfi Gallery; NYC, 1959-1963
Staff Correspondence, circa 1990s
Select: Staff Correspondence, circa 1990s
Starn, Doug and Mike; Brooklyn, NY, 1992-1993
Select: Starn, Doug and Mike; Brooklyn, NY, 1992-1993
Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1961-1966
Select: Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1961-1966
Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1967-1969
Select: Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1967-1969
Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1971-1993
Select: Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1971-1993
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum; Eindhoven, 1966-1968
Select: Stedelijk van Abbemuseum; Eindhoven, 1966-1968
Steinberg, Leo, 1960-1962
Select: Steinberg, Leo, 1960-1962
Stella, Frank, 1960-1974
Select: Stella, Frank, 1960-1974
Stella, Frank, 1985
Select: Stella, Frank, 1985
Stella, Frank - Damages: Abajo (Green) , 1966
Select: Stella, Frank - Damages: Abajo (Green), 1966
Stella, Frank - Damages: Chorocua I , 1966-1968
Select: Stella, Frank - Damages: Chorocua I, 1966-1968
Stella, Frank - Damages: Insurance Claims, 1963-1965
Select: Stella, Frank - Damages: Insurance Claims, 1963-1965
Stella, Frank - Damages: Moultonbouro IV Painting, 1967-1969
Select: Stella, Frank - Damages: Moultonbouro IV Painting, 1967-1969
Stella, Frank - Damages: Sanbornville , 1967
Select: Stella, Frank - Damages: Sanbornville, 1967
Stella, Frank - Marquis de Portago Painting, 1973-1974
Select: Stella, Frank - Marquis de Portago Painting, 1973-1974
Stone, Allan; NYC, 1961-1963, 1966
Select: Stone, Allan; NYC, 1961-1963, 1966
Streep, Jon; NYC, 1962-1963
Select: Streep, Jon; NYC, 1962-1963
Streeter, Tal, 1964
Select: Streeter, Tal, 1964
Ströher, Karl; Germany, 1969
Select: Ströher, Karl; Germany, 1969
Studio International, 1967-1969
Select: Studio International, 1967-1969
Sturtevant, Elaine, 1961-1962
Select: Sturtevant, Elaine, 1961-1962
Sundell, Nina (Castelli), 1957-1962, 1968, 1973-1976, 1981-1982
Select: Sundell, Nina (Castelli), 1957-1962, 1968, 1973-1976, 1981-1982
Supplier Addresses, 1960-1963
Select: Supplier Addresses, 1960-1963
Swenson, Gene, 1963-1965
Select: Swenson, Gene, 1963-1965
Sylvester, David; London, England, 1965
Select: Sylvester, David; London, England, 1965
T, 1957-1969
Select: T, 1957-1969
T, 1970-1984
Select: T, 1970-1984
Tanglewood Press (Rosa Esman); NYC, 1965-1968
Select: Tanglewood Press (Rosa Esman); NYC, 1965-1968
Tapié, Michel, 1956-1957
Select: Tapié, Michel, 1956-1957
La Tartaruga Galleria d'Arte (Plinio de Martiis); Rome, Italy, 1958-1966
Select: La Tartaruga Galleria d'Arte (Plinio de Martiis); Rome, Italy, 1958-1966
Tate Gallery; London, 1960-1981, 1997
Select: Tate Gallery; London, 1960-1981, 1997
Taubman, A. Alfred; Oak Park, Mich., 1962-1963
Select: Taubman, A. Alfred; Oak Park, Mich., 1962-1963
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, 1975-1978
Select: Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, 1975-1978
Templon, Daniel; Paris, France, 1973-1974, 1992
Select: Templon, Daniel; Paris, France, 1973-1974, 1992
Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1973-1974, 1962-1969
Select: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1973-1974, 1962-1969
Thomas Ammann Fine Art - Andy Warhol, 1988
Select: Thomas Ammann Fine Art - Andy Warhol, 1988
Time Magazine, 1957-1965
Select: Time Magazine, 1957-1965
Timoner, Roman, 1970
Select: Timoner, Roman, 1970
Tinguely, Jean, 1962
Select: Tinguely, Jean, 1962
Titelman, Frank M.; Altoona, Pa., 1962-1969
Select: Titelman, Frank M.; Altoona, Pa., 1962-1969
Tokyo Gallery (Takahashi Yamamoto); Tokyo, Japan, 1967-1968
Select: Tokyo Gallery (Takahashi Yamamoto); Tokyo, Japan, 1967-1968
Tokyo International Art Fair 1981, 1980-1982
Select: Tokyo International Art Fair 1981, 1980-1982
Tono, Yoshiaki; Tokyo, Japan, 1959-1969, 1983
Select: Tono, Yoshiaki; Tokyo, Japan, 1959-1969, 1983
Tremaine, Burton and Emily; Meriden, Conn., 1959-1975
Select: Tremaine, Burton and Emily; Meriden, Conn., 1959-1975
Trimble, Constance, 1964