Collection Information
Size: 8 Microfilm reels, circa 1000 items on 8 microfilm reels
Summary: The microfilmed Katharine Livingston Bayard Johnson papers contain correspondence, photographs, sketches, a scrapbook, and printed material. Much of the collection is material sent to family members in the United States from Johnson in France. A family genealogy was compiled by Robert Bayard Severy, Johnson's great-nephew.
Microfilmed on Reels 573-577 are correspondence; 11 sketchbooks; records of books read by Johnson; and miscellany, including a genealogy of the Bayard family prepared by Robert Severy (1976). Materials microfilmed on Reels 1079-1080 include one letter from Johnson to William Bellamy (1891), and a scrapbook collected by Johnson containing sketches by Anna Cabot Lowell Quincy; etchings by A.W. Warren; pressed flowers; and photographs, including several tintypes (circa 1868-1874) of Johnson, friends and relatives. Microfilmed on Reel 3471 are a photograph of a self-portrait of Johnson and an exhibition catalog (1898).