Artist Statements, circa 1990s
Select: Artist Statements, circa 1990s
Book Projects, 1971-2007
Select: Book Projects, 1971-2007
Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, 1980-2004
Select: Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, 1980-2004
Contacts and Mailing Lists, 1990s-circa 2005
Select: Contacts and Mailing Lists, 1990s-circa 2005
Etchings Created by Schwarcz at La Jolla Art Center, 1957
Select: Etchings Created by Schwarcz at La Jolla Art Center, 1957
Exhibition, James Renwick Alliance, 1999-2009
Select: Exhibition, James Renwick Alliance, 1999-2009
Exhibition, June Schwarcz: Forty Years/Forty Pieces (1999), 1996-1999
Select: Exhibition, June Schwarcz: Forty Years/Forty Pieces (1999), 1996-1999
Exhibition, June Schwarcz: Forty Years/Forty Pieces (1999), Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1999
Select: Exhibition, June Schwarcz: Forty Years/Forty Pieces (1999), Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1999
Exhibitions, General, 1975-2011
Select: Exhibitions, General, 1975-2011
Fellowship, Fleishhacker Foundation Eureka Fellowship, 2007-2008
Select: Fellowship, Fleishhacker Foundation Eureka Fellowship, 2007-2008
Fellowship, Western States Art Federation, 1993
Select: Fellowship, Western States Art Federation, 1993
Fellowship, General, 1956-1962
Select: Fellowship, General, 1956-1962
KQED, Spark Art Series, 2007
Select: KQED, Spark Art Series, 2007 Scope and Contents Includes 1 electronic disc.
Membership, American Craft Council, 1961-2011
Select: Membership, American Craft Council, 1961-2011
Membership, Enamel Arts Foundation, 2008-2013
Select: Membership, Enamel Arts Foundation, 2008-2013
Membership, Enamelist Society, 2003-2009
Select: Membership, Enamelist Society, 2003-2009 Scope and Contents Includes two electronic discs.
Membership, World Crafts Council, 1972-1978
Select: Membership, World Crafts Council, 1972-1978
Memorial Essay for Margery Anneberg By Schwarcz, 1997
Select: Memorial Essay for Margery Anneberg By Schwarcz, 1997
Museum Collections, 1958-2010
Select: Museum Collections, 1958-2010
Notebook, Enamel Information, circa 1991
Select: Notebook, Enamel Information, circa 1991
Notebooks, Daily Notes, circa 2000-2007
Select: Notebooks, Daily Notes, circa 2000-2007 Scope and Contents 3 books
Notebooks, Projects, circa 1977-circa 2000
Select: Notebooks, Projects, circa 1977-circa 2000 Scope and Contents 4 books
Notebooks, Travel, 1988-1996
Select: Notebooks, Travel, 1988-1996 Scope and Contents 9 books, 4 partial books
Notes, Class Projects, 1981-2001
Select: Notes, Class Projects, 1981-2001
Notes, Influences, circa 1990s
Select: Notes, Influences, circa 1990s
Portfolio, Candidate for Craftsmanship Medal, American Institute of Architects, 1958
Select: Portfolio, Candidate for Craftsmanship Medal, American Institute of Architects, 1958
Project Patterns and Related Materials, circa 2000s
Select: Project Patterns and Related Materials, circa 2000s
Supplies and Procedures, Copper Samples, circa 2000s
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Copper Samples, circa 2000s
Supplies and Procedures, Electroplating, 1967-2011
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Electroplating, 1967-2011
Supplies and Procedures, Enamel Suppliers, 1978-2007
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Enamel Suppliers, 1978-2007
Supplies and Procedures, Enamel and Plating Supply Lists, 1987-1999
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Enamel and Plating Supply Lists, 1987-1999
Supplies and Procedures, Enamel and Other Instructions, 1959-1987
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Enamel and Other Instructions, 1959-1987
Supplies and Procedures, Material and Recipe Notes, 1953-1975
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Material and Recipe Notes, 1953-1975
Supplies and Procedures, Metal Techniques, circa 1980-2007
Select: Supplies and Procedures, Metal Techniques, circa 1980-2007
Travel Records, 1970-1991
Select: Travel Records, 1970-1991
Typescript Draft, Contemporary Crafts as Art, circa 1960s
Select: Typescript Draft, Contemporary Crafts as Art, circa 1960s