Select: 1941-1944 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Ondine box, Fanny Cerrito, and article on Hedy Lamarr for View magazine; various entries for 1944 written in 1947; as well as writings, "Windows and Fanny Cerrito, Discovery - 1940" and "Fanny Cerrito Album" (with some comments by Marianne Moore).
Select: 1945 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: a phone conversation with Mina Loy, Bacall box, "Clowns, Elephants and Ballerinas" project for Dance Index, 3rd swan box, principle of "metaphysique d'ephemera," Christian Science (abbreviated as C.S.), and meeting with Salvador Dali.
Select: 1946 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: owl box, natural history boxes, Lauren Bacall box, Jennifer Jones Clown Box, reminiscences and evocations (instances when one thing reminds him of another thing), and "the beauty of the commonplace."
Select: 1947 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Soap Bubble Set series, Homage to Romantic Ballet, C.S. treatment, Gerard de Nerval, GC 44, meeting with Louise Bourgeois in the library, "Aeolus" perfume spread for Vogue, and parrot box; as well as entries for 1944.
Select: 1948 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "lattice" bird box, Bacall box, fixing up cellar for a workshop, Jean Cocteau's film La Belle et la Bete, C.S., and GC 44; as well as writings, "A White Crested Cockatoo (for Blanche DuBois)," dedicated to Tennessee Williams, and "The Sign of the Sparrow," reminiscencing about Mr. Goldsmith's bookshop.
Select: 1949 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Raquel Meller (Spanish singer of Gypsy love songs), Rose Hobart film, GC 44, and Hans Christian Andersen.
Select: 1950 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Vermeer, a "mechanism" for the new "hotel" windows, Dove Cote #2, de Kooning's statement about the "architecture" of the bird boxes, work space, parakeet box, Aviary series, Raquel Meller, new Soap Bubble Sets, Parmigianino box, work for Vogue, "Moutarde Dijon" box, Night Songs exhibition, and windowed constellation boxes.
January-May, 1951
Select: January-May, 1951 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Night Songs exhibition, bird boxes, the Ondine experience of years ago, Sand Fountains, Figaro cover for Vogue, Garden Center, dream (night of April 16th), GC 44, "Windows and Fanny Cerrito," and the habit of accumulating.
June-September, 1951
Select: June-September, 1951 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new Hotel box, bird box, Ondine, "Hotel Pelican," Vermeer box, Chocolate Menier, Gozzoli box, trip to Westhampton (September), "Hotel de l'Univers," "Hotel Observatoire," GC 44, observations of the night sky, Matta letter, and Lesson Sermons.
October-December, 1951
Select: October-December, 1951 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "compartment" letter to Matta, Adirondack vacation of 1921 or 1922, "Sonia Sekula box," Colombier box, Sailor's star box, "Hotel Savoi" cockatoo, "Hotel de l'Univers #2," "Hotel s. Lumiere (Gozzoli de Medici)," "Hotel Observatoire," and variant of Medici Slot Machine; as well as a version of letter to de Kooning and an article excerpt, "No Artist Can Be His Own Universe" by Sidney J. Harris (copied by Cornell).
January-February, 1952
Select: January-February, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Giuditta Pasta (19th-century Italian opera singer), feelings about romantic ladies of the past, show at the Egan Gallery, Mozart, Schumann, and Beethoven.
March-April, 1952
Select: March-April, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Westhampton Fall '51 entries, works in progress like Portrait of Ondine, Crystal Cage, and The Floral Still Life, GC 44 experiences, and the "ephemera of faces seen but once."
May-June, 1952
Select: May-June, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: making cellar into a more dignified workroom, a discovery in the bookshop, Colombier wooden balls, sand fountains, and The Celestial Aviary; as well as writing, "Dog-Day Jottings."
July-August, 1952
Select: July-August, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the Cerrito album, "wandering," and the living present as an antidote to too much speculation about the past.
September-October, 1952
Select: September-October, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new versions of Rose Hobart film, trip to Westhampton; as well as a version of letter to Elizabeth Pollett.
November-December, 1952
Select: November-December, 1952 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Night Sky box, evocations of former train trips to the city, Nostalgia of Sea collage, Bird with Shoe-Button Eyes, Little Dancer, reading Emily Dickinson (abbreviated as E.D.), and time of "Climate of Eden" activity; as well as an entry labeled "non-diary."
January-February, 1953
Select: January-February, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: rediscovery of E.D., GC 44, Nedick's store windows, the "Aviary" experiences, Night Voyage exhibit, "Figurehead Soap Bubble Set," Claire Bloom box, and new Medici box; as well as a version of letter to Geraldine Page.
March-April, 1953
Select: March-April, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: diary keeping, "delight in the commonplace," working on Pinturicchio Boy, dream of Zizi Jeanmarie, the New York Public Library, Antiques Fair, Delacroix, and Rothko.
May-June, 1953
Select: May-June, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Pasta, the opera "Cenerentola" (Cinderella), the Raquel Meller period, the Somnambula LP, Magritte's "Empire of Lights," inspiration for developing boxes of the architectural type with poster walls and heads of youth, preoccupation with working in another medium or format, work on Medici prince, "find" of Racine (1808), Bibliomania project, and diary keeping.
July, 1953
Select: July, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: wanderlust, "pull" between working on boxes and "explorations," "Sylphide-Apotheose (for Giuditta Pasta)," "Colombier Dove-cotes," and Elizabeth Bowen; version of letter to Mr. Huth regarding his (Cornell's) influences; version of thank-you letter to record company for Somnambula recording.
August, 1953
Select: August, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: windows (boxes, the outlook from the Westhampton cabin, and views from subway door-opening), need for recording the present mood and impossibility of capturing the "exact flavor of days," Celestial Theater, Adelaide Crapsey, De Severac-Chabrier preoccupations, and 2nd trip to Westhampton.
September-October, 1953
Select: September-October, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: going over Rilke's letters, GC 44 and Cerrito 1940 experiences, new Parmigianino box, Valerie dossier, Auriga box, a visit to the Morgan Library, and "a Parrot for Juan Gris."
November-December, 1953
Select: November-December, 1953 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: GC 44, Little Dancer, Berenice experiences, Dickinson poem, Adolphe Adams (composer), "Gris" cockatoo, and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite.
January, 1954
Select: January, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Julie Harris in Mademoiselle Colombe, GC 44 experience, work in cellar on Medici Princess, "cellar mood," and backyard scene of birds in the quince tree.
February, 1954
Select: February, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Maria Malibran, Pauline Viardot-Garcia, the Cerrito experiences, sense of the past coming to life via books and experiences with browsing, deep desire to reach young people through art work, Dessert du Roi box, and the film, Children of Paradise.
March, 1954
Select: March, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Audrey Hepburn preoccupation and the effect of extreme temperatures.
April, 1954
Select: April, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: sorting newspaper clippings, "The Caliph of Bagdad" heard over the radio, the "dragging McCarthy hearings," Auriga, Andromeda, GC 44, and Vermeer box.
May, 1954
Select: May, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: 2 Juan Gris cockatoos, music (including "Caliph of Bagdad," Fourth Symphony of Mahler, Schubert octet, Haydn "Bird" quartet, and Beethoven #1 Quartet), GC 44 and Lawrence homestead "pilgrimmages," Ludwig suitcase material, Soap Bubble sets, and Raquel Meller.
June, 1954
Select: June, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: reading Ondine by Giraudoux, appreciation of Ondine experiences via Cerrito-Fourth Ave., "coincidence" of working on Dovecote and listening to "Somnambula," new collage application to Gozzoli "Prince," Berenice and GC 44 experiences, refurbishing the yellow Vermeer box, and Pink Girl and Donkey on Corona billboard; as well as commentary on the relationship between diary keeping and box construction.
July, 1954
Select: July, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: modus operandi of listening to music, burning desire to reach young people, more flexible modus operandi of images vs. objects (boxes), C.S., and leg ailment.
August, 1954
Select: August, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Maria" brochure, Berlioz, Beethoven, Little Dancer dream of GC 44; commentary on the creation process and the finished product.
September, 1954
Select: September, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Sun box, experiences in browsing, three-dimensional work and other projects in progress, Cockatoo box, Corona girl and donkey, windfall of scrapbook material from Brousseau, Juan Gris, family tension, and Malibran period.
October, 1954
Select: October, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Ann - a memory by De Quincey, bird boxes, city wanderings of Whitman period, Dovecote Colombier, Julie Lespinasse, E.D. and inspiration for the Dovecote series, "harvesting" in secondhand bookstores, "warm atmosphere" of cellar workroom, Nicolas Berdyaer's Dream and Reality, and "explorations" such as Cerrito, Pasta, and Malibran.
November, 1954
Select: November, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Malibran, "Corona house," sense of the past in the present, and his frustration with the medium of boxes.
December, 1954
Select: December, 1954 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: mobile effects in Bird Boxes, smile of counter girl (E.D. type), and "Night Songs" exhibition at Egan Gallery in 1950.
January, 1955
Select: January, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Schumann's Spring Symphony, Andromeda, "Aviary" follow-up, Zizi's canary, Lesson Sermon, and the Iolas Gallery; as well as reflections on diary keeping.
February, 1955
Select: February, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Maria" brochure, Tilly Losch, Vermeer, Fourth Avenue, Lucile Grahn, making film with Stan Brakhage, and "Little Malibran" sighting.
March, 1955
Select: March, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Lucile Grahn, Berenice feeling, Cerrito "findings," Corona backyards seen from the El, GC 44 bike rides, Hotel de L'Etoile, Hotel Du Bon Port, Andromeda, and "Le Caliph of Bagdad" cockatoo box (for Boieledieu-Adam); as well as reflections on diary keeping.
April, 1955
Select: April, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Hotel Andromeda," Eluard sparking, Carlotta Grisi, Einstein, Corona houses, Cerrito popping off the page of an old Harvard catalogue on theater, working in cellar with urge for town, and reaction to panorama over Flushing Creek.
May, 1955
Select: May, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Hotel Andromeda, Juan Gris Cockatoo, sorting and preparing "Maria" brochures, Vermeer boxes, "secrets of childhood" box, and dismantling of Parmigianino box; as well as dried flowers.
June, 1955
Select: June, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Paul and Virginia" box, work on Cerrito, Lucile Grahn white wall box, and "foreign feeling about boxes."
July, 1955
Select: July, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Eurydice" at counter, Pasta cockatoo, preoccupation with "Bel Canto Pet," Cerrito filing, exhibition at Stable Gallery, Gwen Van Dam, "owl for Gwendoline," Motherwell call, and Lesson Sermon.
August, 1955
Select: August, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: gallery presentation of Vermeer boxes, metamorphosis of Soap Bubble Set, Hurricane Connie and its aftermath, "Nostalgia of the Sea," Room 43 experience of first meeting Gwen, compartment work in jetsam pharmacy, assembly of "L'Humeur Vagabonde," Sheree North, visit by Stan Brakhage, and "Midsummer Portrait" scenario.
September, 1955
Select: September, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: cellar work, "The Typewriter" (play starring Gwen Van Dam), windfall of books and LPs, Durer box, Jeanne's box, Parmigianino girl, Gwen's planet box, "Dien Bien Phu," "Cote d'Emerande," domestic tension, GC 44, Third Avenue El project with Stan Brakhage, and Lucile Grahn.
October, 1955
Select: October, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: sun boxes, Dukas box, encounter with Botticellian girl, Fanny Cerrito, and "Eurydice" in Bickford's.
November, 1955
Select: November, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the urge to do more with color, Pasta cockatoo, GC 44 College Point diner experience, home tension, film shooting in Union Square, Spanish teenagers evoking Raquel Meller and Malibran, Suzanne Miller, Chopin sparking, and "The Lamp-Maker."
December, 1955
Select: December, 1955 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: talks with Suzanne and evocation of old buildings from William Whitman days.
January, 1956
Select: January, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: butterfly collage of Jackie, Whitney Colombier, Haydn's "Lark" Quartet, working on film Aviary, apricot fee, "Lampmaker" parrot, and Little Durer compartment.
February, 1956
Select: February, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: 1940 Malibran extravaganzas, disappearance of Third Avenue El, cellar jotting, generous payment for "Christmas Research" for Vogue, golden days of gallery trotting, appreciation of stars, frustration with "explorations," Mahler #7, and Morgan Library.
March, 1956
Select: March, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: apricot fee, orange dahlia (for Sheree North), Delacroix, Vermeer, check from Stable Gallery, film work with Rudy Burckhardt, reviewing box of Cerrito material, working on bird boxes, Lois Smith sparking, and dream about Andover.
April, 1956
Select: April, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: creative listening, "correspondence" between Satie music and bird box, Portraits of Women, Cocteau clipping file, Acadian Songs and Dance, and Julie de Lespinasse.
May, 1956
Select: May, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Ondine, Linda Howard, Satie, Antiques Fair, Pasta experience in Woolworth's, Children's Room (NYPL), Rilke, and Fanny Cerrito "exploration"; as well as commentary on diary keeping.
June, 1956
Select: June, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Suzanne Miller and film Fable for Fountains, Satie music, bus to College Point, GC 44, Schubert #3, lamp maker parrot, and Grahn.
July, 1956
Select: July, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Allegra Kent, Taglioni's "Le Papillon," new Lucile Grahn box, Fifene experience, cellar mood vs. city wanderlusting, Cockatoo for Pasta, seeing the film La Strada, Allegra box, and "Le Retour de la Sylphide."
August, 1956
Select: August, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Joseph Weitz visit to cellar, Lois Smith, Portraits of Women, Frumkin visit, Etchika Choureau (French actress), evocation of Lawrence homestead and GC 44, phenomenon of overemotionalism, Chopin "Etudes," Wanamaker's demolition, Bird Room project, "find" in biography of Merrimee about 12 year-old ballerina, Sylvia Lijou, clue to Cerrito experience, and Pasta and cabbages.
September, 1956
Select: September, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: box for Holderlin, "grand tour" of the book stalls and "trouvaille" of three old French books, Hotel Salamander, Hotel Valencia, many Cerrito NYC experiences, and GC 44.
October, 1956
Select: October, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: bike ride, Hotel Valencia alias Salamander, Grahn, St. Saens Egyptian piano concerto, intangible "visitations," and "holidays of the mind."
November, 1956
Select: November, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: work on collage, Jackie, "Alpine Game," film work with Rudy Burckhardt, and work on Aviary film.
December, 1956
Select: December, 1956 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: reminder of girl and donkey on poster in Corona Houses folio, dream of Nyack, Jackie Lane (English starlet), new variant of Forgotten Game, Hummingbird collage, "Little Malibran," "Andromeda," and difficulty of reaching people through exhibiting art work in galleries.
January-February, 1957
Select: January-February, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: constellations, Helen Keller on TV, revision of sun image box, work on new cube box, Rose Fried (art dealer), Pepys sun diary sparking, Melissa Hayden in "The Nutcracker," Delacroix warmth, and Debussy.
March-April, 1957
Select: March-April, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Bird Box, consolation of Liszt, cellar working, Medici Princess, new kind of collage, sparkings from clippings, appreciation of Jackie butterfly collage, new owl box, dream of Broadway during William Whitman days, cellar carpentry on Medici boxes, Pinturicchio Boy, reading of "Ruth" by Claire Bloom, Dukas, Pasta's Parrot, new night skies and small Colombier, Durer box, new "spirit-level" Soap Bubble Set, and creative reading in Night Songs folder.
May-June, 1957
Select: May-June, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Pasta Parrot, Grahn, Claire Bloom, Jackie collages, Sun Box, diary entries, increasing difficuly of overcharged emotions, feeling for reaching young people through art work, Chamber Street fee, grace de fee teenager, and the new Vermeer girl.
July-August, 1957
Select: July-August, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Judy Tyler, Vermeer girl, Oswaldo box "Il Signor il Sole," Sheree North, Judy Tyler box #2 "Suzy's Sun," and Schumann.
September-October, 1957
Select: September-October, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: fee d'or, Jackie butterfly, "Little Loredana," sailor's wife inspiration for Humeur Vagabonde, Gerard de Nerval, "atelier working," and working through tedium; as well as commentary on diary keeping.
November-December, 1957
Select: November-December, 1957 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Pasta, "Fable" film, impact of last movement of Gerschwin's Concerto in F, neighborhood "teener" as "little Cerrito," inordinate love of city, and appreciation of film work done; as well as commentaries on boxes and scribblings.
January-February, 1958
Select: January-February, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Gozzoli, GC 44 sorting, Pasta and cabbages, new global box called Trade Winds, the impact of familiar faces, breaking the gallery "slavery," and feeling of emptiness in readying for Stable exhibit.
March, 1958
Select: March, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: scribblings, "Le Dame Blanche" of Boieldieu, new series of Colombier, depression about Robert and others like him, the image of the apricot fee, the maiden with the crossed hands, sylphide hunt in photo magazines, dream of Mary Baker Eddy, Union Square shootings with Rudy, and film The Children's Party.
April, 1958
Select: April, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the maiden with the crossed hands, former obsession with church attendance, Dukas "search," carpentry on new compass boxes, Little Durer box, beautiful "trouvaille" on 4th Avenue, Judy Tyler, "Le Seigneur des Enseignes" collage, Rose Fried, sense of "audience" to reach, and B. Voohr.
May-June, 1958
Select: May-June, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Hotel de L'Etoile," fresh views of Seurat, Bonnard model, Joan Collins in "Land of the Pharoahs," being in collage mood and difficulty of achieving spontaneity in boxes, rabbit collage, Mary Welch, and new reworking of cockatoo and fish collage.
July, 1958
Select: July, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Pinturicchio Boy, Medici Princess, a Pasta Parrot off to C.H. Ford, Rubber Mouse King (one of Robert Cornell's creations), Matta, Vermeer girl, break-up of J. Tyler "mourning," box carpentry for new Moon Chart with Portuguese glasses, and much "traveling" in thoughts.
August, 1958
Select: August, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: love for own work and obsession with boxes, Sheree North working, Gerard de Nerval, GC 44, "Miss Melon," star boxes, feeling of being close to a "world of Novalis," American Gothic, Parmigianino, refurbished Whitney Annual "Orion" which became Andromeda, and the girl with folded hands.
September, 1958
Select: September, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: refurbishing Durer box, artificiality of boxes, attic working with Dennis, Oswaldo inspiration, and how little of real life gets into boxes.
October-November, 1958
Select: October-November, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Serafina's Garden shooting, Nostalgia of the Sea, Sailor's Children, Linda Vandal, France Nuyen (actress) in The World of Suzie Wong on Broadway, swan collage, Little Durer waiting to go into Whitney Annual, Jenny Jones in Love Letters, Juan Gris "frog serenade," and "revelations" peculiar to work in boxes.
December, 1958
Select: December, 1958 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: hunger for human touch on Main Street, France Nuyen "Voyageur's" Hotel, personal feeling of working with old wood for boxes, Sun Box, College Point diner, GC 44, diversity of experience, Beguin collage, new Sand Fountain with mirror effect, seeing Allegra Kent in Hildebrand's, Shirley MacLaine "exploration," mail to Aaron Siskind, E.D. "illumination," new Hotel Colombier, Brereton reading, and jottings.
January, 1959
Select: January, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Brereton's "French Poets," "Berenice tenement," gulls for Grahn, Forgotten Game, Mylene Demongeot (French actress), Global Parrot, and Ondine "exploration"; reflections on process of box making and final product of boxes.
February, 1959
Select: February, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: collage "headquarters" (8th Ave + 43rd St), seeing France Nuyen walking up 8th Ave, Debussy coming to life, dream with strong flavor of GC 44, fees aux lapins, sister phenomena of being asleep and awake, Ridgewood bus ride of a year ago, "la fee aux tenebres," doll box, new Sand Fountain box, and cellar working with an "atelier" feeling.
March, 1959
Select: March, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Renata Scotto debut as "the young Malibran," Berlioz sparking, two cascades sand box for Paul Valery, Claire Bloom, Debussy world of "Pelleas," cellar stalemate, creative filing, and sparkings from objects and brochures.
April, 1959
Select: April, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: routine meals as "mystique d'appetit," Sun Box for Judy, urge for presenting projects to the young, Duchamp, Claire Bloom, Mylene Demongeot, new "Scarlatti Parrot," new type of "Colombier," dream about Raquel Meller 1925, and resumption of collage work after months of dormancy.
May, 1959
Select: May, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: dream of France Nuyen, Judy Tyler Sun, Elsa Martinelli box, Vermeer, changing the Scarlatti Parrot #2, changed frame of mind about "the past," "The Peering Maiden," preoccupation with Grahn dossier, Duse box, Hotel Pelican, and working on new Dien Bien Phu and Pasta bird box.
June, 1959
Select: June, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Ludwig II box, Irving Blum visit, Grahn, and Shirley MacLaine; as well as incomprehensible writings.
July, 1959
Select: July, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Shirley MacLaine collage work, Trade Winds box, "slumbering" works, Ristori biography found at Weiser's, Cerrito, Pasta file, catching up the Ondine trail, "Hotel Tudor" Sun Box renamed "Cherubino," appreciation of diverse moods in a single day, Ostend Sun box, L'Humeur Vagabonde '55, Sailor's Children, the "Cherubino" experience, another box in the chain of Space Boxes started for Ferus Gallery, sparking to work with children more, and "ringside" seat by the window in diner.
August, 1959
Select: August, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: bringing back the feeling of GC 44, Robert's example of courage, brand new compartment box, Demongeot, Gerard de Nerval, Sheree North experience, sailor's children, mother and two children, an obsession to reach people, aftermath writing, Robert's drawing of a horse, "The Candle Lantern" for Shirley MacLaine, and Cerrito as an important kind of technique.
September-October, 1959
Select: September-October, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Edwin Bergman's purchase of his art work, Grahn, Cherubino (sometimes abbreviated as Cher.), Stern collage, inspiration of Magritte's "Empire of Lights," Gwen, Feigen and Jean Wade.
November, 1959
Select: November, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: trouvaille of Caroline von Gunderode, "second sleeps," Cherubino experience, Valery renewal, Mozart #19, star hotel, Hotel Bon Port, and Irving Blum visit.
December, 1959
Select: December, 1959 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: a dream of Gerard de Nerval, pock-marked girl providing "drama," "the once seen," romantic character of "La Boheme," "angel scribble" episode involving stationery girl, "teener" librarian, Little Durer, review of maiden with the crossed hands, Judy Barsky from Bennington College, Juan Gris, Golding's book on Cubism, and bewilderment over refusal of Xmas gift by counter girl.
January, 1960
Select: January, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Cerrito, Rimbaud sparking, Mylene Demongeot, Sheree North, Basch color portrait, death of Albert Camus and a possible Homage, loneliness as being necessary to produce certain phenomena, obsessive desire to do an "In Memoriam" with boxes, sparking to get beyond boxes, "L'Ete" sea piece at the Stable Gallery, Pascale Petit (for Cherubino), maiden with clasped hands, Vermeer girl, Constable's sketches and their implications for his own work, new Andromeda box, and lighted Bird box.
February, 1960
Select: February, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "fee aux lapins," lavender fee, rainbow fairy, Cherubino, newly fixed Uccello box, "creative library" supplementing boxes, journals of Delacroix, sources of inspiration, and the drying up of happy hunting grounds.
March, 1960
Select: March, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Coppelia" as an archetype of fragile youth (Jane Fonda type), reminder of E.D. "readymade," Cherubino, Parmigianino #2 (Allegra), cellar working on Andromeda Sand Fountain, interest in all types of "teeners," and the "Kneeling Maiden"; as well as commentary on boxes and naturalness of work.
April, 1960
Select: April, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Debussy file, Cherubino and her boyfriend, "M.M." experience, Voohr collage, Beatrix collage, Fischer Beer's experience of last fall, remembering "Nymph-light," and first attempt at recalling Daphne Dream of 2/23/59.
May, 1960
Select: May, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: blooming of M.M., fee aux lapins, phone call from Ed Bergman (collector), and gently drawing in the net of memory "before it fades."
June, 1960
Select: June, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: set of dreams, Juan Gris, Debussy guitar music, remembrance of encounter with fee aux lapins, Carlotta experience, Yvette Mimieux, Feigen visit, "Hotel des Etrangers" box, and missed opportunities to reach young people because of home situation.
July, 1960
Select: July, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Betty Biehn experience, Caroline von Gunderode, the curious "Carlotta" turn in the Cerubino experience, and "teeners."
August, 1960
Select: August, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: going through Vermeer books, starting tiny sun box, picking out Hartley Coleridge from garage overflow of books, "creative browsing," remembered joy of a particular find, Little Malibran in diary notes and connection to new Cherubino experience, and "Maria" brochure; as well as commentary on diary keeping.
September, 1960
Select: September, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Debussy's obsession with objects, Little Durer file, scraping new Durer from Judy Tyler discard, GC 44, Mozart horn concerto, and Dutch Still Life.
October, 1960
Select: October, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Cinderella in Fisher Beer's, coincidence of bird sunset collage and tree catching last sun in storm setting, collage shopping, the "light of other days," the "once seen," Cherubino, being waited on by Cassiopeia, and jaunt to College Point.
November, 1960
Select: November, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new Grand Hotel de l'Observatoire, GC 44 Floral Still Life, experiences of Cherubino, lack of feeling for working on boxes, scribblings in the small hours, and the "in and out" of daily demands.
December, 1960
Select: December, 1960 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the Whitney Annual, William Whitman days of wandering, difficulty of catching multi-colored experience with "cataloging," glass cutting, attic review, regret over piece let go to Feigen, "Portraits of Youth," Val, Suzanne Miller, E.D. flavoring in cellar, and Debussy "Preludes."
January-February, 1961
Select: January-February, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: GC 44 experiences, the feeling in acquiring things, Hydra (Durer) plate, Elizabeth Moran (helper), M.M. (not Marilyn), Le Grande Meaulnes (by Alain Fournier), blond "teener" in "Il Sole" store, "fee aux lapins" experience again, speaking to Cherubino for the first time since refusal of gift, and finding little of the glow of former times in review of Ondine; as well as commentaries on art work and scribbling.
March, 1961
Select: March, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: futility of ever getting down experience on paper, "Jenny Jones" schoolgirl on bus, Cerrito/Ondine thread, postcard from Matta, "missing child" collage, Crystal Tower, and the little "all or nothing" dramas of the commonplace.
April, 1961
Select: April, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Mylene, Pamela Bianco, the endlessly mysterious processes of the mind and workings of the spirit, renewing acquaintances with Barr, Pernas, and Porter from the Museum of Modern Art, fee encounter, "Deer in Landscape," Judy and Amy working in cellar, and the "figurehead" collage.
May, 1961
Select: May, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: first church attendance in months, air crash in Africa, Cherubino experience, sparking of "Old Fashioned Flowers," book browsing, Pascale Petit, Ferus "space box," Juan Gris #7, "The Iris Nest" collage, Tina (fairy princess) collage, Mylene file, and cellar workings with Basch theme color portrait.
June, 1961
Select: June, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "The Pleides," recollection of first meeting Gwen in 1955, and gratitude for dove pipes from Gwen; as well as commentary on diaries.
July, 1961
Select: July, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Coulter girl, Cherubino, Alfred Goldsmith dream, "angel scribbler," Mahler #4, Wordsworth's insights into nature, feelings of inadequacy, a "Book of Hours," Jackie collage, new Space Box, and Diana collage.
August, 1961
Select: August, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: often needless indulgence in magazines, bewilderingly diverse worlds being opened up by a certain young miss, childhood scene "pushing through," sparking for a December show combining Cherubino and Cassiopeia, and David Herbert visit.
September, 1961
Select: September, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: being waited on by Cassiopeia (often abbreviated as Cass.), array of material for another Aviary, The Balcony (play), M.M. and her sister throng, collage browsing, and the Bickford waitress becoming "the maiden."
October, 1961
Select: October, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Cass., E.B. Ward, too much "cataloging," the death of Maya Deren, recurrent images from old Fourth Ave browsing days, Antiques Fair, "corrected" sense of people, Assemblage exhibit, compartment boxes, and so-called Humeur Vagabonde series.
November, 1961
Select: November, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Crystal Cage Palace, Schubert, Mahler, Goethe, stars at midnight evoking Cass. and Cher., and Robert's beautiful mood at home.
December, 1961
Select: December, 1961 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the Rose Teener, overemotionalism with books in Woolworth's, yield from a volume on mineral rocks, "milking" each December day for the Christmas spirit, collage creation, healing truth of C.S., Lee Bontecou (sometimes abbreviated as L.B.), and first visit to Castelli gallery.
January, 1962
Select: January, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Tina experiences, the stars, Nathalie Bontecou's first visit to cellar, explaining the "explorations" to Lee, recorded music experienced as life, Magritte inspiration for collage, and "atelier" dream; as well as a version of letter to Lee Bontecou.
February, 1962
Select: February, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: variant of Trade Winds, another L.B. "muse" accomplishment, and "reflections in a mirror."
March, 1962
Select: March, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Laurent LeSage, Medici variant in Whitney Annual, "Penny Arcade," one month anniversary of Tina, lost opportunity with Lee, Castelli visit, dream of Tina, Patty Duke in the play, Isle of Children, and inspiration for new boxes for Duke and her co-star.
April, 1962
Select: April, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Patty Duke thank you note, cataloging, "The Penny Arcade" (for Deidre) (Duke's character in the play), symbolism of penny arcade, miserable encounter with Cherubino, and call from Eleanor Ward at the Stable Gallery.
May, 1962
Select: May, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "The Language of Flowers," astronaut nude collage, and piano solo by Shearing.
June, 1962
Select: June, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Lee and Nathalie Bontecou, Beethoven, Mahler, "Little Malibran," impossibilty of putting down experince, "sun-pipe" box, category of "filles," Tina visiting via Gerard de Nerval, and Robert and Prince Pince (one of Robert's creations).
July, 1962
Select: July, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Parrot Box, "doe-eyed fee," Kandinsky color and poems, Miss Universe on TV, Cassiopeia, Patty Duke in The Miracle Worker, Raquel Meller, nostalgia in dreams, and attitude towards the feminine muse culminating in Cerrito, Malibran, Pasta, Berenice, and "once-seens."
August, 1962
Select: August, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Rose Fried file, Dukas, Cass. and Cher., Space Boxes, Science and Health, Lesson Sermons, "single sheet" entries as suggested by Delacroix, Jeanne Eagels, Rainbow collage, and M.M.
September, 1962
Select: September, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: M.M., writing Carson McCullers, Bronx Zoo incident with father circa 1909, Suzi (often abbreviated as SZ or Szi), Cher., Tina, and Jackie dream.
October, 1962
Select: October, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Dore Ashton, fine burst in cellar, original Cerrito experiences, "explorations," sunset collage for Whitney Annual 1963, dream of being in Paris, Cuban crisis, blue figure constellation box sent off to Ferus Gallery, Lois Smith's "sister," the "miracle of the unexpected," and "Holderlin-Home" collage.
November, 1962
Select: November, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: workshop glints, being in the midst of dream and reality, "twilight searcher," "lb. cake fee," evocations of GC 44 period with its rides, recalling coffee shop "friends," Tina, Sheree North, Nedick's closing, Cher., M.M. passing, and new moon collage.
December, 1962
Select: December, 1962 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Moses Soyer exhibition, cataloging, Parmigianino girl, "Little Malibran," "la fee aux lapins," "The Fairy Garden," spirituality of Tina experience, "girl in blue," dipping into Nerval, penning to SZ, camaraderie of fee, and Loie Fuller (dancer); as well as a version of letter to Kress Store manager regarding gift for salesgirl.
January, 1963
Select: January, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "la fee ignorante" (in the sense of unknowing), Ondine/Cerrito, "the elusive ineffable," dipping into La Loie Fuller via Frank Kermode, "crossroads" experience, E.D. quality in "hummingbird moon" collage, onus of Robert with no help forthcoming, present "fee" Joni, Corinne Marchand in Chloe from 5 to 7, "girl in blue" integrated into own experience, and penning that denotes a "clearing."
February, 1963
Select: February, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Rose Fried, Sheila Jordan, M.M. being overdone, Joni "business," bringing Tina from the ashes of Joyce, Julie Andrews cellar playing, Sue Everett, showgirl Marilyn Miller, Deidre world teeming again, and phenomenon of seeming to be in two worlds at once.
March, 1963
Select: March, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "A Happening," Cass., Columbine (whose name is Lou), neighbor children Clara and Malcolm, dubious practice of cataloging on the spot en route, "Caliph of Bagdad," Rose Fried visit for box, Corona houses, El rides, feeling nothing for cellar working, Jules Pascin, and Juan Gris color.
April, 1963
Select: April, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: recurrent dream phenomenon, deer-sylph, Tina visit, Patty Duke, Borges book, first call from Lee in long time, S. de Maria visit, Freud, hypothesis that life experience in waking hours can be equated with the dream state, the fairyland disappearing with the coffee shop, Robert Henri's "Nude in Movement," 50th Anniversary of Armory Show, first time own films being shown as a group, "Arches of the Sky," Pasta, Mary Badham in To Kill a Mockingbird, and Gerard de Nerval.
May, 1963
Select: May, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Dante, the influx of grace imparted by a counter girl, waitress, or face in the crowd, Robert's "Mouse King," Columbine (Valerie Borges), "girl in blue" as a state of mind, letter from Baur at Whitney, thoughts about Robert relative to his condition, and Cerrito.
June, 1963
Select: June, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Columbine, Marilyn M., "story in search of a title," "dark Coppelia," the Space-sylph, visit by C.H. Ford, Andy Warhol, Robert Indiana, and James Rosenquist, and revelations of the commonplace.
July, 1963
Select: July, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Debussy Etruscan dream, Soap Bubble Space box for the Columbine girl, "cat dream", De la Mare's observation about dreams needing to be recorded at once, Proust, Sun Box Cass #3, "new abstract" boxes, "L'Abeille" nursery box, Cerrito, "guises of the sylph," "the little world" of the cellar, the past becoming the present, cloud christening of the Oswaldo Sun Box, and "Picasso" by Gertrude Stein.
August, 1963
Select: August, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: hopeless atelier working, "arches of the sky" from "bel canto" days, sparking to work in romantic mood of dark starried blue glass and/or collage, collage for Jeanne Eagels (played by Kim Novak in TV movie), "missing girl," "Dutch Still Life," and "Ice" collages, Joni, Jeanne Eagels "spell," Perriton Maxwell, "How to Make a Rainbow" on a rainy day, recalling the so-called Tina experience, "having to get away" feeling from home, and Bamboo collage for Sadie Thomspon (Eagels's character in the play, Rain).
September, 1963
Select: September, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Jeanne Eagels preoccupation, Portrait of Tina, Joni - Cass. - girls sans nom - Columbine, "the new girl gone," Peggy, working on the Tina "Coiffure" collage, difficulty of filing business on account of difficuly of life experience, "the movie palace" dream, the empty room locomotive of Magritte, and obsession with nostalgia.
October, 1963
Select: October, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: collating Christian Science Monitors, Lesson Sermon sheet, refurbishing original "hummingbird" collage, and Columbine.
November, 1963
Select: November, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: J.E. esprit missing, letter to Stan, "Novembral for Peggy," Dore Ashton, "commonplace" coincidences piling up, assassination of President Kennedy, and "Daphne" collage.
December, 1963
Select: December, 1963 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Star Hotel," "nymph-basin," "swimmer's sister," The Chinese Vase, "Hommage a Mme. Lespinasse," Juan Gris, and "girl in blue."
January, 1964
Select: January, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Morgan Library librarian, Camelopardalis, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Strand Bookstore, "naiads of sunset," Lucile Grahn, The Movies in the Age of Innocence by Edward Wagenknecht, thinking back to Assemblage exhibit, domestic situation slowing down work, and Carolee.
February, 1964
Select: February, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the 'garden center' world of 1944, Tony Curtis visit, carp poem, new Whitney Museum possibility, development of "explorations," and shift into Pasta from Malibran via Delacroix "Journals."
March, 1964
Select: March, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Althea Hayter, Rose Fried, Terrain Vague, Joni, Lou, Leontyne Price, Diane Waldman, and "confidante."
April, 1964
Select: April, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Debussy paperback, evening with confidante, collage working, "girl in yellow room," "Miss Thompson," reading Hawthorne, and desire to communicate in notes made on the spot in "crowded" state of mind.
May, 1964
Select: May, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Diary of a Madman by Gogol, confidante, fee ignorante, Tina's sister, Christine (Kaufman), being in semi- or complete retirement, and dipping into Panofsky Iconology.
June, 1964
Select: June, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "rapport" with confidante, Terry Schutte visit, check from Ferus, first day of working with Henry Widmer, Jr., and "Penny Arcade" collage.
July, 1964
Select: July, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Jeanne Eagels Experience (Autumnal), finding fees in oriental philosophy, "Signor Contrapuncto," "Sparrows in a Basket" collage, and distance between boxes and life.
August, 1964
Select: August, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: appearance of new girl (Josephine Raymond Tina-type), dispatch of "sun" book to confidante, "Tina" turmoil, moon landing a week ago, and "Joni" business.
September, 1964
Select: September, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the "bamboo" collage awaiting Mr. Baur via David Solinger, the so-called Jeanne Eagels autumnal, the "miracle of the unexpected," Anna Moffo, and a kind of GC 44 mood.
October, 1964
Select: October, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: a touch of Rimbaud in Robert's recount of dream, catching up the "Pleiades" thread, "The Burning Window" collage, and rapport with new collage "Where Does the Sun Go at Night?"
November, 1964
Select: November, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: being in court for dismissal of Joyce, Pat Lewis, Durer Times Square collages, and Penny Arcade.
December, 1964
Select: December, 1964 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new check-out girl in Dilbert's as Cassiopeia, Blum, and Joyce.
January, 1965
Select: January, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "The Sylph" and Tina.
February, 1965
Select: February, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: bewilderment of Tina experience, Robert, Mother, and Helen, and Allan Stone and Claire Chester taking six boxes for show.
March, 1965
Select: March, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Joyce, "eterniday," Prince Pince, relationship between Joyce's and Robert's passing, the impact of the painting "St. Dorothy and the Christ Child," "miracle of grace," Joyce's martyrdom, Memorial Collection, and Jeanne Eagels.
April, 1965
Select: April, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: trip to Westhampton, Satie, Dukas, "Hotel of the Golden bee," putting dove holes into Durer game, working on Robert's violin players (mice), Robert's services in Nyack, and Joyce's dependency during trial.
May, 1965
Select: May, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: overemotionalism, Joyce's plot, familar phenomenon of see-sawing, and "The Umbrella."
June, 1965
Select: June, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Allan Stone, Diane Waldman, Susan Harrison, "Don Pascale," "rapport" with Alex, "Room at the Foot of the Waterfall," and Robert's metaphysical work from the other side.
July, 1965
Select: July, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Beethoven, "oceanic" collage, "Arcadian" awakening, "Etruscan" sparking, encountering maiden with crossed hands dossier, collating material for collage, and cartes-de-visite of Edouard de Reszke (19th-century Polish opera singer).
August, 1965
Select: August, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: call from Mr. Copeland, "Galuppi," "lunch with R," Jeanne Eagels, Japanese ceramics, trip to Westhampton, failure of connecting with young audience, sense of Robert's presence, and recovery of Robert's drawings in cabin.
September, 1965
Select: September, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: building of the Jeanne Eagels mythos, Anna Moffo, visit with Mr. Copeland, different appearances of Joyce in baby blue dress, Emily Dickinson, "Colombier," and American Gothic.
October, 1965
Select: October, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: visit to Flushing Cemetery with Larry Jordan and phenomenon/mystique that explains the Tina/Joyce business.
November, 1965
Select: November, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Mr. Offergold, Xmas Memorial at Schoelkopf Gallery, "Penny Arcade," Mylene phenomenon, Walter Hopps, appreciation of strange rapport with Joyce, curious working of the dream process, Ingrid Thulin in The Silence, Edith Wharton short stories edited by Wayne Andrews, and "voyage" from Westhampton.
December, 1965
Select: December, 1965 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Robert Schoelkopf's visit, Pat Lewis, working on "Pascal's triangle" variant of l'Abeille, dream of Mother and her lady friends, S.S. business as a dream that is told, Sontag novel, confidante, one year anniversary of the tragedy of Joyce, calls to Carolee and Sontag, and call from Yayoi.
January, 1966
Select: January, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Jean-Paul Belmondo as Cerrito's great-great-grandson, Carolee, Sontag, "eterniday" as being always one day ahead of conventional time, "Penny Arcade" sun motif, Sontag's book of essays Against Interpretation, Sontag's novel The Benefactor, Andre Breton, Henrietta Sontag lithos, working on Tournesol, "L'Invitation en Voyage," Giacometti, and Julien Levy.
February, 1966
Select: February, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "A Valentine" for Susan Sontag, David's collage, Joyce file, Sharon Lewis, GC 44, "veilleuses" - croup lamp, and objet donne; as well as versions of letter to Susan Sontag.
March, 1966
Select: March, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: S.S., Jeanne Moreau, Sontag's citation of Henrietta Sontag, silver bracelet in "matrix" Juan Gris box, "Bibliomania," and use of "Hamadryad" in "Figurehead" collage.
April, 1966
Select: April, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: wheel and birds collage, working with plate glass from Queensboro Mirrors, "girl in blue smock," Jacques Brel (Belgian singer and songwriter), Sand Fountain, Cerrito, Ondine, "Tina-time," "Nocturne of Faure" by Evelyne Crochet (pianist), call to Christine and Tony Curtis, The Floral Still Life, and "Francesca" collage.
May, 1966
Select: May, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "dark Coppelia," collage sparking in new vein beyond S.S.S., Francesca (often abbreviated as FR), call from Walter Hopps, R's passing 15 months ago, Bellini find, and Bellini touches in "Penny Arcade."
June, 1966
Select: June, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Bellini's rabbit, beautiful dream of A., collage development, Mahler, FR "exploration," Allan Stone call, shock of Kress closing, new leads "of angelic" child collage, working on Colombier, Copeland visit, Nancy as Mahler #3 girl, and Joyce "night" owl collage.
July, 1966
Select: July, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Danish Romantic Ballet, "clock" collage, the first "Seven Angelic" collages, witnessing Suzi + Joyce + Christine "incidents" July 4th weekend, Barbara and Sheldon Roskin visit, reluctance to pen, business of "hours slipping by," Claudia Cardinale (Italian actress), the "Pleiades," Hammerklavier, and being in a double-state.
August, 1966
Select: August, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Szi "business," FR, "girl with feather," instinctive sense of Robert's closeness, "Cocoon" collage, framing R's mouse king, FR. crisis, Rimbaud, Hans Christian Andersen, loss of wallet, trip to Westhampton, and "Medici Boy" for Whitney grand opening.
September, 1966
Select: September, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Allan Stone visit, many-faceted aspects of FR., cognizance of body in shower, Frances posing under the quince tree for Hubert, Penny Arcade series stemming from Bellini, fading of Susan Sontag preoccupation, and bailing out Joyce in fall of 1964.
October, 1966
Select: October, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: visit of Leila Smitters and daughter, "Cocagne," Wayne Andrews, FR, being in Westhampton during the time Mother is in hospital, writing with Mother's pen, sense of presence in her room, "signs," "eterniday," "skittish dreaming," Debussy dream, Nyack rites for Mother, will proceedings, dream of Mother's stroke, and the so-called Francescan business, Piero della Francesca, Francesca Cerrito.
November, 1966
Select: November, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Mother's interest in Keats, Monroe Wheeler, the sense of "eterniday," volume of Beatrix Potter, and Thanksgiving with Allegra.
December, 1966
Select: December, 1966 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: The Professionals with Claudia Cardinale and Burt Lancaster, "bank teller," "Copenhagen" Pops record, record player in cellar, "(Sleeping) Beauty for Ashes" for Allegra and Bert, FR, and "The Exquisite Enigma."
January, 1967
Select: January, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Mozart, first time speaking to Susan Sontag in months, "The Cut on the Nose," FR, pondering the spread of diaries on the kitchen table, and Pasadena show.
February, 1967
Select: February, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: being in a new phase of life, Jeanne Eagels collages, Joyce type, Mother, Robert, Gwen (Van Dam) Smillie, 5 year anniversary of Val., and regrettable scribbling.
March, 1967
Select: March, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: flavor of LP records, a "new/old" day, first visit to Guggenheim Museum, Diane Waldman, elusiveness of satisfactory recording, dreamings and awakenings, Geraldine Farrar, "Maria" and "Bel Canto Pet," and Raquel Meller.
April, 1967
Select: April, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Waldman, Guggenheim, impersonal corporation aspects of Museums, Alberniz, Robert, and strong sense of "visitation."
May, 1967
Select: May, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Vale of Hyacinth collage, feelings stemming from Robert's original drawings, short-lived energies, consciousness of getting down nothing with so much penning, Confidante, and "Dream of Gerontius."
June, 1967
Select: June, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: last time to Guggenheim for own show, "The Crystal Candle-Stick," "awakening" sequence, Cockatoo Hyacinth, review of magazines, new context of life, serene cellar atmosphere, torture of communication, Demongeot, Jeanne Eagels, The Alchemy/Chemistry of Collage, and collage as "language."
July, 1967
Select: July, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Czech-sun stamp collage, living room files, "Penny Arcade (Little Girl Lost)," collation in "mystical state," "Bandit's Galop," the death of Vivien Leigh, J.E. experience, and Robert's drawings.
August, 1967
Select: August, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Indo-Hollandaise-Hotel" box, traveling Guggenheim exhibit, Ravel/Robert rapport, Mother, and dream of Robert.
September, 1967
Select: September, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Loretta and her mother, cellar burst, Malibran preoccupation, Columbine, "halfway" dream, Jeanne Eagels, and justification of the J.E. "autumnal."
October, 1967
Select: October, 1967 Scope and Contents note Folders 58-59 includee references to: Prince Pince-Nez, cognizance of diary entries being misinterpreted, Susan Sontag's new novel, "the child of the high seas," Cherubino period, Caroline, "Loretta" #2, "Rabbit-Collage," neighborhood children, collage burst, the new "Ravel-Rabbit" series, John Ashbery, and hallucinative dreaming.
October, 1967
Select: October, 1967
November, 1967
Select: November, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: hallucination in sleep, neighborhood child being struck in the face by a toy, Borges collage for Carolyn, dream of Mother, Marilyn Monroe sparking, "Cat's tear," "clock time" collage, and neighbor known as S's sister.
December, 1967
Select: December, 1967 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: merciful hallucination, Guggenheim exhibit becoming more a hindrance than a help, "Fee aux lapins," "Child of the High Seas," phenomenon of "time," "The Christmas Angel," difficulty of this notation business, and going in and out of states too difficult to record.
January, 1968
Select: January, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Velasquez, Laurence Whistler poems, "Enigma" file, Castor and Pollux, Gemini, dream of Robert, Sandburg reading, Cousin Ethel Storms's funeral in Nyack, Howard Hussey's notes on Robert's drawings, Diane Waldman, and new "Rabbit" collage.
February, 1968
Select: February, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the so-called T experience, Sofonisba "Medici" version of the Infanta "blues," receiving gold medal in India Triennale, penning "pattern," "Rabbit" collage becoming "Mushroom Omelette" collage, and Leila.
March, 1968
Select: March, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new context of life, Ravel paperback, fascination of the hallucinatory, call from Don Windham, Diane Waldman, the new "Saltimbanque girl" collage, Satie, Debussy, Inez Garson visit, "Ravel-Satie Rabbit," and "bathrobe journeying."
April, 1968
Select: April, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "catharsis" penning, "Pleides" file, Chamfort, evening dreamings, "The Foundling," Diane Waldman, Guggenheim, and these very difficult times (Martin Luther King's assassination and the protracted war in Vietnam).
May, 1968
Select: May, 1968 Scope and Contents note Folders 5-6 include references to: New Delhi award, quince tree, visit to Mother's birthplace (Kent St.), addiction to records, Columbine, "The Offering," trip to Asbury Park about 1914, and "Tina" experience.
May, 1968
Select: May, 1968
June, 1968
Select: June, 1968 Scope and Contents note Folders 7-8 include references to: sense of treasure in the commonplace, Robert's "toy pony" drawings, shooting of Andy Warhol, assassination and funeral of Robert Kennedy, complex situation of numerous boxes being on loan in various areas, "Ravel-Rabbit" collage, "Petit Poucet," sparking to put down distant memories before they fade, Rossini, Penny Arcade, and J. Eagels.
June, 1968
Select: June, 1968
July, 1968
Select: July, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Robert Schoelkopf visit, record buying, "Mushroom Omelette," trying to remember Fanny, "Penny Arcade" concept, "difficult diary," Eagels "exploration," and present states of perplexity.
August, 1968
Select: August, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: new cubist collage, Barbara Feldon, Satie, Sadie Thompson, "the child with the cat's tear," Mother's birthday, Kay Francis obituary, living in eternity, "Moon" collage, and Schumann.
September, 1968
Select: September, 1968 Scope and Contents note Folders 11-12 include references to: Sassetta's "Journey of the Magi," Ed Halper (collector) visit, "Un Suspiro," "modus operandi," Floral Still Life section of GC 44, "penny arcade," and Mylene Demongeot.
September, 1968
Select: September, 1968
October, 1968
Select: October, 1968 Scope and Contents note Folders 13-14 include references to: John Ashbery, passing of Marcel Duchamp, "Penny Arcade," living alone, constellations, Schubert, Judy Joy, Hilton Kramer, Petit Poucet, kitchen table penning, dreaming, bringing FR up to date, J.E., and Ruth and Charles Henri Ford.
October, 1968
Select: October, 1968
November, 1968
Select: November, 1968 Scope and Contents note Folders 15-16 include references to: cellar working phenomenon, Dorothy Coulter visit, "states of mind," eterniday, Gemini, "Anne of Cleves" collage, election of Nixon, Violette le Duc film, the point of this scribbling business, dream "business," "constructive dreaming," and "petering out" with the file collecting.
November, 1968
Select: November, 1968
December, 1968
Select: December, 1968 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Suzanne de M., Basch's "Prodigal Son," Leila, and semi-hallucinatory kind of dreaming.
January, 1969
Select: January, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 18-19 include references to: perplexity regarding diary, book-keeping for box, wanderlusting, Rimbaud, inspiration to construct a new vertical box, uselessness of penning, West Side Story, Debussy cello, and a kind of "mental montage."
January, 1969
Select: January, 1969
February, 1969
Select: February, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 20-21 include references to: Carolyn, conversation with Duchamp, hero-worship of Delacroix, object as phenomenon in its own right, "King of Bavaria" from Swann's Way, salient aspects of clearing, new Moon piece, and collage as biographical document.
February, 1969
Select: February, 1969
March, 1969
Select: March, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "The Soubrette," "Aurigola" snip-collage, head business, depressing war news, Jeanne Eagels file, "Storm That Never Came" collage, Giraudoux, the pull between cellar work and TV, Eve Propp ("helper," often abbreviated as E. or E.P.) visit, new figurehead boxes, and dreaming in great detail.
April, 1969
Select: April, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Sartre's Nausea, Albert Camus, ancient Peruvian clay toy collage, Sue Raney, Arturo B. Michelangeli, "Lunga Durata," Susannah Amanda, and Salamandre film.
May, 1969
Select: May, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: E.P., "Semester Sunrise" TV show, putting pen to paper with a difference, "back-stage" to dream, "Crystal Palace," "Voyage to the Vermilion Tower," marathon penning, and "Portrait of E."
June, 1969
Select: June, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Schubert, Rimbaud, dreams of a spiritual nature, E's Wednesday visits, hallucinatory dreaming, "Spanish Journey," "The Shipwrecked Bouquet," and couch-dreaming.
July, 1969
Select: July, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Claire Bloom, summer constellations, Auriga box, E collage, new phase of rapport, "Don't Blow Yr Cool," and "Spanish Journey."
August, 1969
Select: August, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 27-28 include references to: E's queries about too many things, "girl without a name," reading in Christian Science Reading Room, "back-yard/cellar window" collage, "under the quince tree" business, Allegra Kent visit, "Chirico Coffee-Pot" collage, Mother's birthday, and visit of Hans Namuth and Anita Tiburzi.
August, 1969
Select: August, 1969
September, 1969
Select: September, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 29-30 include references to: "atmosphere" being flavored by mental state, Allegra experience and its aftermath in creativity, visit of P. Adams Sitney, "sleep throughs," "The All-Surprising Light," Howard Hussey, finishing touches on "Little Bear" box, backyard penning, "Tower of Pisa" dream (originally filed in December 1972 file), and Eve.
September, 1969
Select: September, 1969
October, 1969
Select: October, 1969 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Jan and Eve, Sir Walter Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor, "Little Bear Space Box," two spates of hallucinations, Philippa box, Eve's perceptiveness about Robert's drawing, and bedside penning.
November, 1969
Select: November, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 32-33 include references to: "deep well" of the psyche, Brian O'Doherty, Ashbery visit, the Rorschachs, Betsy von Furstenberg, "The Uses of Infinity," and Jeanne Eagels.
November, 1969
Select: November, 1969
December, 1969
Select: December, 1969 Scope and Contents note Folders 34-35 include references to: "flash of Perseus" business, Sunrise Semester, the so-called "nil" experiences, Don Windham visit, Betsy file, "Double Portrait-Winter," Susan Sontag dream, Elizabeth Thode, Joni, and the miracle of Leila.
December, 1969
Select: December, 1969
January, 1970
Select: January, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: de Severac, Ashbery gift, sensitivity to business world or city scene, Rorschachs, "Jack Dempsey's little girl," Harry Roseman, Leila, and broken connection with Eve.
February, 1970
Select: February, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Medici Boy, GC 44 exhumed from the garage, "eye of Nil," Brian O'Doherty, "The Music Box Aviary," Francesca recalled, L. preoccupation, and hallucinatory dreaming.
March, 1970
Select: March, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: the movie The Chalk Garden, L. visit deferred, Francesca, "Isle of safety," and H. Roseman working.
April, 1970
Select: April, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Leila, pensees "green," post-hallucinative state, being in two states at the same time, and Penny Arcade.
May, 1970
Select: May, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Eagels, Betsy's voice, Tina in Woolworth's, breaking the "siege," Delacroix, Mallarme, and "reluctant" diary.
June, 1970
Select: June, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: bizarre hallucination and disorientation of time and space, clutter piled up, Robert's drawings, relationship to past, workings of the psyche, and Carol.
July, 1970
Select: July, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Robin, Teeny, Don Windham, "Hotel Abeille," Pasta Parrot, Robert Offergeld, Louis Gottschalk, a new kind of time, and Samson.
August, 1970
Select: August, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: cabin in Westhampton, passing of Frances Farmer, Dream and Reality, Sandy Simmons, mystical aspect of the girl, and la mignonne.
September, 1970
Select: September, 1970 Scope and Contents note Folders 44-45 include references to: the Dukas phenomenon, "tocque" imagery of L., "The Healer of Hallucinations," Lois Smith, Solways visit, business of "explorations" being broken, Pasta, and Satie.
September, 1970
Select: September, 1970
October, 1970
Select: October, 1970 Scope and Contents note Folders 46-47 include references to: "The Mushroom Omelette," notes needing to be unscrambled, appeal of commonplace faces in the crowd, armchair astronomics, "The White Doe," and Nyack house dream.
October, 1970
Select: October, 1970
November, 1970
Select: November, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: image of Leila, "The Case/Dream of the Marvelous/Fabulous Fortune-Teller," Jackie Lane, "recouvrements" (concept of retrieving the irretrievable), and "(The) Slim Margin of Paradise."
December, 1970
Select: December, 1970 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Betsy, "The Cinnamon Screen," finding Weber/Debussy/Seroff in Joni file like Xmas present, passing of Dorothy Sayer, and bed musing.
January, 1971
Select: January, 1971 Scope and Contents note Folders 50-51 include references to: Leila, Sitney and Mekas visit, hallucinations of a type that could be remembered, and neurotic sensibility (making of almost every decent moment a pretext for scribbling it down).
January, 1971
Select: January, 1971
February, 1971
Select: February, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Corianne Marchand in Chloe from 5 to 7, "the sea in the veins," Marge Barker, and a finding in the Yeats book about Baudelaire.
March, 1971
Select: March, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Schubert" dreaming, an immense soul-searching morning, discoveries for/regarding Leila, "headquarters" by stove, and the crows and the orange skin.
April, 1971
Select: April, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Harry Torczyner visit, "Char." returning to the fold, "Chariot d'Or," mixed hallucination, Leila, and cardinal.
May, 1971
Select: May, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Eagels "peace," Laurel/Ophelia, nasty hallucination, Robert's "Rabbit," marathon muddling through, the so-called "Laurel" ramblings, and Gabriel Faure.
June, 1971
Select: June, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: futility of attempts at "making sense" in copy, honoring Robert, the past serving the present and the future, "too-muchness" of memory/nostalgia, and Ophelia's "owl."
July, 1971
Select: July, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "a new heaven and a new earth," revelation in Breslin's, Betsy's "no-o," the Ostend, Bonnie Mirasola, "acrobate" context, the first "oeuf a la Russe" Rorschach, Brian O'Doherty, sun and moon collage, "a dress the color of time," Cygnus, "La Prestidigitateuse," "The Violinist," "Suzy Wong" file, Gogol "dreams," and a past immersed in books.
August, 1971
Select: August, 1971 Scope and Contents note Folders 3-4 include references to: Rimbaud, Mother's letters, heritage of the quince, "Tea for the Tillerman" by Cat Stevens, Leila's arranging and sorting, Mother's birthday, the "edge of August," Rorschach ink drawings, "la funambule" (tightrope walker), new context of life, dwelling in "eterniday," St. Sebastian collage, Judith Richheimer, catharsis penning, and constellations.
August, 1971
Select: August, 1971
September, 1971
Select: September, 1971 Scope and Contents note Folders 5-6 include references to: being "stabbed by youth," Jackie Bisset file, Dulcinea passages from Don Quixote, "girls on bicycles," Judith as "la funambule," visit by Judith and her mother, Giraudoux, phenomenon of dreaming in context, obsessive craving for sweets, "Leo-Garden" collage, working in the "deep well," John Lennon and Yoko Ono on Dick Cavett, and Judith as "La Prestidigitateuse."
September, 1971
Select: September, 1971
October, 1971
Select: October, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "The Sign of Jonah," "Arches of the Sky," dream sorting and arranging, workings of the mind, Picasso, and Queens College Life Class.
November, 1971
Select: November, 1971 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Anne Baxter in The Razor's Edge, Virginia Dorazio visit, caches of material stashed around to draw upon, sudden "yield" of Mother's Xmas cards, Cooper Union, "Auriga" box in Beckman collection, "a dream of pennies," and resistance of life experience to recording.
December, 1971
Select: December, 1971 Scope and Contents note Folders 9-10 include references to: "The Landscape," Leila's call, Egan's 1949, visit of Octavio Paz with his wife and Dore Ashton, Caroline, devastating poignancy about condition of life, visit of Miss Thode, Joni dreaming, and "The Velvet Gentleman."
December, 1971
Select: December, 1971
January, 1972
Select: January, 1972 Scope and Contents note Folders 11-12 include references to: Artemis, 1st Xmas with family in 4 years, rolling back the years in an incredible surprise renewal, dream of Mary Baker Eddy, exhaustively reviewing Betsy (Laurel) material, Francesca, and mounting Robert's "Rabbit" and "Standing Bear."
January, 1972
Select: January, 1972
February, 1972
Select: February, 1972 Scope and Contents note Folders 13-14 include references to: "Penny Arcade exploration," "erotic" dreaming, "Famagouste," "in and out" of experience, equating hallucinations with "spirits" (with small "s"), Suzanne, a sudden inspiriting, "Mushroom Omelette," "Oeuf a la Russe," "Artemis" experience, organization of diaries, and "The Story of A."
February, 1972
Select: February, 1972
March, 1972
Select: March, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: purity of the "fille" aspect, recalling the "Sailor's Wife" of circa 1953, Mouse King Rorschach, preoccupation with "jeune fille" phenomenon, and a "borderline" atmosphere.
April, 1972
Select: April, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Lois, sequence of dream images after hour-long conversation with L., Lenke Hancock Wood, Aviary, a group of young people putting kitchen in order, and Helen Schiavo.
May, 1972
Select: May, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "Awake Dreaming," "A Confidence for Kittens," and going to dictionary and getting stuck on the "O"s.
June, 1972
Select: June, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Dream and Reality, Dorothy Dream context, conversation with a confidante, inner chambers of imagery, Edmund Wilson obituary, and "les dechirees - torn-ups - things torn up right and left."
July, 1972
Select: July, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Raymond Roussel, "acrobat" dream, first day of locust song, impossibility of "coherency" in this state, "oeufs a la Russe," prospect of the body restored after operation, and staying in Westhampton.
August, 1972
Select: August, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: "amnesiac" feeling, Grandfather's letters, mixed happenings, "old story, but new situation," Dorothy, Bibliomania, Assemblage Greeting in Collage, "post-op" context, and Allegra.
September, 1972
Select: September, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: J "taking over" from Laurel, Edith Wharton, Wayne Andrews, "The Grassy Slope," and "deus ex machina" type of dreaming.
October, 1972
Select: October, 1972 Scope and Contents note Folders 22-24 include references to: arrival from Westhampton, trip to Northport, Lois, Gwen and family, status quo of art work, "Girl by a Tree" collage, Laurel, Marion Davies biography, Chaplin biography, "The Roving Gondola," and Allegra.
October, 1972
Select: October, 1972
October, 1972
Select: October, 1972
November, 1972
Select: November, 1972 Scope and Contents note Includes references to: Lois, "a Cheeseburger for Paula," bottom falling out of dream business, Leila "storms," Daniel file (Joni), and "Caprice d'Ecureuil."
December, 1972
Select: December, 1972 Scope and Contents note Folders 26-27 include references to: "Tower of Pisa" dream of 9/13/69, first bus trip to Main St. since May, "The Harvest of Memory," Chirico revealed in the Ondine (Cerrito) "exploration," Nancy Grove, dream-haunting, memory-haunting, secondhand book locales of long ago, and the ad infinitum of dreaming.
December, 1972
Select: December, 1972