Collection Information
Size: 2 Microfilm reels
Summary: Published reviews written by Scarborough, and clippings.
Scarborough, John, 1939-1982
Photographer, Art critic
Size: 2 Microfilm reels
Summary: Published reviews written by Scarborough, and clippings.
Art critic, photographer; Houston, Tex.
Microfilmed as part of the Archives of American Art's Texas project. Lent for microfilming 1983 by Gay Elliott McFarland Scarborough, widow of Scarborough.
English .
35mm microfilm reels 3124-3125 available for use through interlibrary loan.
The Archives of American art does not own the original papers. Use is limited to the microfilm copy.
John Scarborough printed material, 1968-1982. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.