Catalog Essays
Select: Catalog Essays
"Andrew Tisma: Spiritual Sculptor", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Andrew Tisma: Spiritual Sculptor", circa 1984-2000
"Caustic Jelly Post Portraits of buZ blurr", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Caustic Jelly Post Portraits of buZ blurr", circa 1984-2000
"First International Female Artistamp Exhibition", circa 1984-2000
Select: "First International Female Artistamp Exhibition", circa 1984-2000
"Formidable Blue Stamp of Yves Klein", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Formidable Blue Stamp of Yves Klein", circa 1984-2000
"Guy Bleus: Global Administration", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Guy Bleus: Global Administration", circa 1984-2000
"James W. Felter: Artistamp Activist", circa 1984-2000
Select: "James W. Felter: Artistamp Activist", circa 1984-2000
"Learning from Friedman: Rubber Stamp Activity", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Learning from Friedman: Rubber Stamp Activity", circa 1984-2000
"May Wilson: Grandmother to the Avant-Garde", circa 1984-2000
Select: "May Wilson: Grandmother to the Avant-Garde", circa 1984-2000
"Open world of Dobrica Kamperelic", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Open world of Dobrica Kamperelic", circa 1984-2000
"Robert Watts: The Complete Postage Stamp Sheets, 1961-1986", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Robert Watts: The Complete Postage Stamp Sheets, 1961-1986", circa 1984-2000
"Rubber Stamps of Ray Johnson", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Rubber Stamps of Ray Johnson", circa 1984-2000
"Sugar-Coated Bullets of Pawel Petasz", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Sugar-Coated Bullets of Pawel Petasz", circa 1984-2000
"Tam Rubberstamp-Archive of Ruud Janssen", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Tam Rubberstamp-Archive of Ruud Janssen", circa 1984-2000
"The Treatment of Vision: Arman's Cachets ", circa 1984-2000
Select: "The Treatment of Vision: Arman's Cachets", circa 1984-2000
"Yugoslavian Networkers: Towards the Open World on an Unpaved Super Highway", circa 1984-2005
Select: "Yugoslavian Networkers: Towards the Open World on an Unpaved Super Highway", circa 1984-2005
Miscellaneous Essays
Select: Miscellaneous Essays
"Across Vanishing Borders: Mail Art and the Internet", 2000
Select: "Across Vanishing Borders: Mail Art and the Internet", 2000
"Architecture (For Guy Bleus)", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Architecture (For Guy Bleus)", circa 1984-2000
"Archives and Memory", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Archives and Memory", circa 1984-2000
"Archiving and Documenting the Underground", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Archiving and Documenting the Underground", circa 1984-2000
"Archivist of the Underground: Jean Brown, 1911-1994", 1994
Select: "Archivist of the Underground: Jean Brown, 1911-1994", 1994
"Artistamps by Joki", 1993
Select: "Artistamps by Joki", 1993
"Before Punk and Zines: Bay Area Dada", 1999
Select: "Before Punk and Zines: Bay Area Dada", 1999
"Big Brother Meets Art Brut: Photocopier Works by Artists", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Big Brother Meets Art Brut: Photocopier Works by Artists", circa 1984-2000
"Bunny Dead: The Mysterious Life and Death of Ray Johnson and the Rise of the New York Correspondence School of Art", 1995
Select: "Bunny Dead: The Mysterious Life and Death of Ray Johnson and the Rise of the New York Correspondence School of Art", 1995
"buZ blurr: Caustic Jelly Post", circa 1984-2000
Select: "buZ blurr: Caustic Jelly Post", circa 1984-2000
"Chaos and the Network (for Ruggero Maggi)", 2000
Select: "Chaos and the Network (for Ruggero Maggi)", 2000
"Collaging Information: The Artist, The Librarian, The Artist/Librarian", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Collaging Information: The Artist, The Librarian, The Artist/Librarian", circa 1984-2000
"Crossing the Cactus Curtain: Politics and Isolation Test and the Commitment of Latin American Artists", 1992
Select: "Crossing the Cactus Curtain: Politics and Isolation Test and the Commitment of Latin American Artists", 1992
"Dada Never Preached: The Underground Heroism of Perry 'Indian Ralph' Mancusi", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Dada Never Preached: The Underground Heroism of Perry 'Indian Ralph' Mancusi", circa 1984-2000
"Dada to DIY: The Rise of Alternative Cultures in the Twentieth Century", 1998
Select: "Dada to DIY: The Rise of Alternative Cultures in the Twentieth Century", 1998
"Debate on Mail Art (In Response to Clemente Padin)", 1999
Select: "Debate on Mail Art (In Response to Clemente Padin)", 1999
"Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress", 1992
Select: "Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress", 1992
"Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress, Artist Statement by John Held, Jr.", 1992
Select: "Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress, Artist Statement by John Held, Jr.", 1992
"Do-It-Yourself Postage Stamps", 1994
Select: "Do-It-Yourself Postage Stamps", 1994
"Do-It-Yourself Stamp Culture", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Do-It-Yourself Stamp Culture", circa 1984-2000
"Fake Picabia Bros. 1992-2000", 2000
Select: "Fake Picabia Bros. 1992-2000", 2000
"From Moticos to Mail Art", 1990
Select: "From Moticos to Mail Art", 1990
"Guglielmo Achille Cavellini", 1990
Select: "Guglielmo Achille Cavellini", 1990
"Heart of a Networker", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Heart of a Networker", circa 1984-2000
"History of Rubber Stamp Art", 1999
Select: "History of Rubber Stamp Art", 1999
"Impressions in Flux", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Impressions in Flux", circa 1984-2000
"In Search of the Photograph that Kills", 1999
Select: "In Search of the Photograph that Kills", 1999
"Introduction to Faux Post", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Introduction to Faux Post", circa 1984-2000
"Julie Hagan Bloch: Eraser Carving for the John Held, Jr. Papers, Archives of American Art", 2000
Select: "Julie Hagan Bloch: Eraser Carving for the John Held, Jr. Papers, Archives of American Art", 2000
"Justice, Human Rights, and the Printed Word (Eastern European, Yugoslavian, and Cuban Alternative Publishing)", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Justice, Human Rights, and the Printed Word (Eastern European, Yugoslavian, and Cuban Alternative Publishing)", circa 1984-2000
"Last Shadow Performance", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Last Shadow Performance", circa 1984-2000
"Mail Art at the End of the Century", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Mail Art at the End of the Century", circa 1984-2000
"Mail Festas and Marathons: Crosscurrents in Contemporary Mail Art", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Mail Festas and Marathons: Crosscurrents in Contemporary Mail Art", circa 1984-2000
"Most Famous Unknown Artist" (Ray Johnson), circa 1984-2000
Select: "Most Famous Unknown Artist" (Ray Johnson), circa 1984-2000
"Networking: Origin of Terminology in Mail Art", 1995
Select: "Networking: Origin of Terminology in Mail Art", 1995
"Notes from the Rim: Interviews, Travel Diaries, and Essays", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Notes from the Rim: Interviews, Travel Diaries, and Essays", circa 1984-2000
"Notes Toward a History of Artisamps", 1996
Select: "Notes Toward a History of Artisamps", 1996
"Obvious Front 'Industrial Strength Art'", 2000
Select: "Obvious Front 'Industrial Strength Art'", 2000
"One Day in the Life of the Eternal Network: (Nov. 10, 1992)", 1992
Select: "One Day in the Life of the Eternal Network: (Nov. 10, 1992)", 1992
"Open World of Netland", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Open World of Netland", circa 1984-2000
"Open World/People in Bondage: A Performance by John Held, Jr. and Alice Lee Regarding the Yugoslavian Situation", 1993
Select: "Open World/People in Bondage: A Performance by John Held, Jr. and Alice Lee Regarding the Yugoslavian Situation", 1993
"Picasso Gaglione: Black Mail Post", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Picasso Gaglione: Black Mail Post", circa 1984-2000
"Picasso of the Underground: Bill Gaglione Flutters ont he Margins of the Art World Helping to Create a Thriving Alternative Culture", 1994
Select: "Picasso of the Underground: Bill Gaglione Flutters ont he Margins of the Art World Helping to Create a Thriving Alternative Culture", 1994
"Postal Static: Mailbox Magic and Madness", 1990
Select: "Postal Static: Mailbox Magic and Madness", 1990
"Ray Johnson and the Mail Art Show", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Ray Johnson and the Mail Art Show", circa 1984-2000
"Ray Johnson Miscellany", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Ray Johnson Miscellany", circa 1984-2000
"Resolutions of the Networker Writers Congress", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Resolutions of the Networker Writers Congress", circa 1984-2000
"Shadow Project: A Collaboration Between the Mail Art Network and Peace Activists in Contemplation of an Uncertain Age", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Shadow Project: A Collaboration Between the Mail Art Network and Peace Activists in Contemplation of an Uncertain Age", circa 1984-2000
"Sound of One Sandal Flapping" (Sanford Berman), circa 1984-2000
Select: "Sound of One Sandal Flapping" (Sanford Berman), circa 1984-2000
"Soviet Impressions: Rubber Stamps in the USSR", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Soviet Impressions: Rubber Stamps in the USSR", circa 1984-2000
"Surrealist Digest: The Rubbersamps of E.M. Plunkett", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Surrealist Digest: The Rubbersamps of E.M. Plunkett", circa 1984-2000
"They Will Go Underground", circa 1984-2000
Select: "They Will Go Underground", circa 1984-2000
"Tim Mancusi: The Complete Artist Postage Stamps", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Tim Mancusi: The Complete Artist Postage Stamps", circa 1984-2000
"Undercurrents: A Keynote Address", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Undercurrents: A Keynote Address", circa 1984-2000
"Unexpected Communication: The Mail Art of Piermario Ciani", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Unexpected Communication: The Mail Art of Piermario Ciani", circa 1984-2000
"(What Is) International Networker Culture (Anyway)?", circa 1984-2000
Select: "(What Is) International Networker Culture (Anyway)?", circa 1984-2000
"What is the Social Responsibility of the Artist? A Catalog", circa 1984-2000
Select: "What is the Social Responsibility of the Artist? A Catalog", circa 1984-2000
"Where the Secret is Hidden (A Translation and Commentary)" by Serge Segay, Lloyd Dunn and John Held, Jr., circa 1984-2000
Select: "Where the Secret is Hidden (A Translation and Commentary)" by Serge Segay, Lloyd Dunn and John Held, Jr., circa 1984-2000
Select: Bibliographies
"Artist Postage Stamps: A Selected Bibliography,", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Artist Postage Stamps: A Selected Bibliography,", circa 1984-2000
"Bay Area Dada, 1970-1984: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1984
Select: "Bay Area Dada, 1970-1984: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1984
"California College of the Arts and Crafts Course Bibliography,", 1997
Select: "California College of the Arts and Crafts Course Bibliography,", 1997
"FeMail Art: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1991
Select: "FeMail Art: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1991
"Networker Congress 1992: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1991
Select: "Networker Congress 1992: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1991
"Preparing for Networker Congress: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1992
Select: "Preparing for Networker Congress: An Annotated Bibliography,", 1992
"Stamp Art Gallery Store Publications,", circa 1984-2000
Select: "Stamp Art Gallery Store Publications,", circa 1984-2000
Miscellaneous Box Set Texts, circa 1984-2000
Select: Miscellaneous Box Set Texts, circa 1984-2000
Box Set Texts: "Faux Fluxus/West Edition;" "Ken Friedman;" "Tim Mancusi,", 1995-1996
Select: Box Set Texts: "Faux Fluxus/West Edition;" "Ken Friedman;" "Tim Mancusi,", 1995-1996
Miscellaneous Typescripts
Select: Miscellaneous Typescripts
"Book Reviews by John Held, Jr.,", 1997-2000
Select: "Book Reviews by John Held, Jr.,", 1997-2000
"Entries for the Standard Catalogue (As Submitted to the Bugmaster General),", 1993
Select: "Entries for the Standard Catalogue (As Submitted to the Bugmaster General),", 1993
"Faux Post" NEA Application, 1995
Select: "Faux Post" NEA Application, 1995
"Mail Art Performance Party: A Proposal for Neofest at Sushi, San Diego, California,", 1991
Select: "Mail Art Performance Party: A Proposal for Neofest at Sushi, San Diego, California,", 1991
"Stamp Francisco Networker Congress Report,", 1992
Select: "Stamp Francisco Networker Congress Report,", 1992