Collection Information
Size: 1 Volume, (100 p.).
Summary: Account book kept by Gaines, its entries listed as customer work done, or items sold, the date and price.
Gaines, John, 1677-1750
Size: 1 Volume, (100 p.).
Summary: Account book kept by Gaines, its entries listed as customer work done, or items sold, the date and price.
Chairmaker; Ipswich, Massachusetts. Examples of his work at Winterthur Museum.
Israel Sack, Inc. are dealers in American antiques, and presumably acquired the Gaines account book in the course of business.
English .
35mm microfilm reel 2812 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
Account book is a photographic reproduction; each photograph constitutes two pages of the open account book.
Use of original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C., Research Center. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm. Contact Reference Services for more information.
John Gaines account book, 1712-1759. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.