Adrian Arleo, 2010
Select: Adrian Arleo, 2010
Paul Andrews, undated
Select: Paul Andrews, undated
Bennett Bean, 2006
Select: Bennett Bean, 2006
Jennie Frederick, 2000-2001
Select: Jennie Frederick, 2000-2001
Mary Giles, 2006
Select: Mary Giles, 2006
Geoffrey Gorman, Artist Statement and Digital Photographs of Artworks, 2010-2011
Select: Geoffrey Gorman, Artist Statement and Digital Photographs of Artworks, 2010-2011 .062 Gigabytes19 computer files Scope and Contents Description of "Saffrana and Mezira" artwork, as well as a resume, artist statement, and images of works of art.
Cynthia Hickok, 2010
Select: Cynthia Hickok, 2010
Diane Borden Jones, 2000
Select: Diane Borden Jones, 2000
Christine Joy, 2000-2001
Select: Christine Joy, 2000-2001
Donna Kaplan, undated
Select: Donna Kaplan, undated
Lewis Knauss, 1998
Select: Lewis Knauss, 1998
Nancy Koenigsberg, 2001
Select: Nancy Koenigsberg, 2001
K. S. Koo, 1994-1999
Select: K. S. Koo, 1994-1999
Markku Kosonen, undated
Select: Markku Kosonen, undated
Gyongy Laky, 1994-1998
Select: Gyongy Laky, 1994-1998
Patti Lechman, undated
Select: Patti Lechman, undated
Sung Soon Lee, 1991-2000
Select: Sung Soon Lee, 1991-2000
Meg Little, 1997
Select: Meg Little, 1997
Donna Look, undated
Select: Donna Look, undated
Martha Matthews, 1997
Select: Martha Matthews, 1997
Susan Monde, 1999
Select: Susan Monde, 1999
Marilyn Moore, 2001
Select: Marilyn Moore, 2001
Lawrence Morrell, undated
Select: Lawrence Morrell, undated
Merrill Morrison, 2001
Select: Merrill Morrison, 2001
Judy Mulford, 2001
Select: Judy Mulford, 2001
Rise Nagin, 1997
Select: Rise Nagin, 1997
Mark Newport, circa 1995
Select: Mark Newport, circa 1995
Laura Foster Nicholson, 1996-1997
Select: Laura Foster Nicholson, 1996-1997
Martha Donovan Opdahl, 1999
Select: Martha Donovan Opdahl, 1999
Jacque Parsley, undated
Select: Jacque Parsley, undated
Katie Pasquini, undated
Select: Katie Pasquini, undated
Bonnie Phillips, 2000
Select: Bonnie Phillips, 2000
Nancy Pobanz, circa 1998
Select: Nancy Pobanz, circa 1998
Ann Coddington Rast, 1992-2000
Select: Ann Coddington Rast, 1992-2000
Michael F. Rohde, 2000
Select: Michael F. Rohde, 2000
Sachiko, 2004
Select: Sachiko, 2004
Arturo Alonzo Sandoval, 1997
Select: Arturo Alonzo Sandoval, 1997
Nancy Scheinman, 2010
Select: Nancy Scheinman, 2010 1 Electronic discs (CD) Scope and Contents Both the CD and CD cover are labeled, "Nancy Scheinman."Includes born-digital material, see ER01.
Nancy Scheinman, Digital Artworks and Documents, 2009-2010
Select: Nancy Scheinman, Digital Artworks and Documents, 2009-2010 .117 Gigabytes17 computer files Scope and Contents Digital material includes artist statements, a resume, and images of artwork.
Deidre Scherer, undated
Select: Deidre Scherer, undated
Cynthia Schira, undated
Select: Cynthia Schira, undated
Giselle Shepztin, undated
Select: Giselle Shepztin, undated
Hye Shin, 2000
Select: Hye Shin, 2000
Leandra Spangler, undated
Select: Leandra Spangler, undated
Hideho Tanaka, undated
Select: Hideho Tanaka, undated
Helen Frost Way, 1999
Select: Helen Frost Way, 1999
Cindy Wrobel, 2001
Select: Cindy Wrobel, 2001
Frank Connet & Jiro Yonezawa, undated
Select: Frank Connet & Jiro Yonezawa, undated
Soon Ran Youn, 2002-2004
Select: Soon Ran Youn, 2002-2004
Irina Zaytceva, Digital Photographs and Documents, 2009-2011
Select: Irina Zaytceva, Digital Photographs and Documents, 2009-2011 .373 Gigabytes68 computer files Scope and Contents Material includes a resume, artist statement, and images of artwork.
Bonnie Zimmer, 1998-1999
Select: Bonnie Zimmer, 1998-1999
Miscellaneous, 1999-2010
Select: Miscellaneous, 1999-2010