Projects by Bruce Bassett
Select: Projects by Bruce Bassett
A House for Someone Unlike Me with Sidney Lifchez
Select: A House for Someone Unlike Me with Sidney Lifchez
Finished Version, 1984
Select: Finished Version, 1984 2 Videocassettes (VHS)(1 videocassette: U-Matic, 2 duplicate videocassettes: VHS)1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
15-minute Version, 1984
Select: 15-minute Version, 1984 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Camera Tapes 1-22, 1984
Select: Camera Tapes 1-22, 1984 (22 of 25 videocassettes: VHS)
Camera Tapes 23-25, 1984
Select: Camera Tapes 23-25, 1984 3 of 25 videocassettes: VHS)
IBM Project
Select: IBM Project
The Massey Ferguson Project, 1983
Select: The Massey Ferguson Project, 1983 (3 film reels: color negative, internegative, and soundtrack) Scope and Contents note (Color negative can contains film lab records)
Color negative reel, 1983
Select: Color negative reel, 1983 1 Film reelno picture, only sound present16mm
Internegative reel, 1983
Select: Internegative reel, 1983 1 Film reel16mm
Soundtrack reel, 1983
Select: Soundtrack reel, 1983 1 Film reelContains Magnetic Track16mm
Interactive Marketing Project, 1982
Select: Interactive Marketing Project, 1982 1 Sound tape reel
Computer Search and Retrieval Instructions, undated
Select: Computer Search and Retrieval Instructions, undated (1 sound tape reel and paper file)
Interviews, 1982
Select: Interviews, 1982 (1 sound cassette, 2 annotated, empty cassette cases)
Unidentified Video, Reels 3, 1986 June 17
Select: Unidentified Video, Reels 3, 1986 June 17 1 Videoreels (1 inch)
Unidentified Video, Reel 4, 1986-06-17
Select: Unidentified Video, Reel 4, 1986-06-17 1 Videoreels (1 inch)
Isamu Nogochi Project
Select: Isamu Nogochi Project
Sound Rolls 1-3, 1978 September 12-15
Select: Sound Rolls 1-3, 1978 September 12-15
Momo Taro, 1979 January 4
Select: Momo Taro, 1979 January 4 1 Sound tape reel
Detroit Fountain, circa 1978-1979
Select: Detroit Fountain, circa 1978-1979 1 Sound cassette
Honolulu Rolls 2, 5, and 7, circa 1978-1979
Select: Honolulu Rolls 2, 5, and 7, circa 1978-1979 4 Sound cassettes Scope and Contents note (2 cassettes are marked "roll 2")
First Half, Soundtrack, undated
Select: First Half, Soundtrack, undated 1 Film reelContains Magnetic Sound
Unidentified Video, undated
Select: Unidentified Video, undated 1 Videoreels (2 inch) Scope and Contents note (Label reads "1-12 Lipchitz, 13-24 Noguchi")
Rodin-related Interviews
Select: Rodin-related Interviews
Jean Bernard, undated
Select: Jean Bernard, undated 2 Sound cassettes
Jean Dubos, undated
Select: Jean Dubos, undated (1 side of 1 sound cassette)
Ernest Menten, undated
Select: Ernest Menten, undated 2 Sound cassettes(3 sides of 2 sound cassettes)
Jean Dubos and Ernest Menten, undated
Select: Jean Dubos and Ernest Menten, undated (1 side of 1 sound cassette)
Pierre Vivant, 1981 January 22
Select: Pierre Vivant, 1981 January 22 (1 side of 1 sound cassette)
Cecile Goldscheider of the Musée Rodin, 1979
Select: Cecile Goldscheider of the Musée Rodin, 1979 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents note (In French)
Kirk Varnadoe, 1980 May 14
Select: Kirk Varnadoe, 1980 May 14 1 Sound cassette
Pierre Vivant, undated, June 1979
Select: Pierre Vivant, undated, June 1979 7 Sound tape reels Scope and Contents note (Identified within recordings as camera reels 315, 316, 318, 320, 322, 326, 357; location of camera reels unknown)
Pierre Vivant, 1981 May 10-11
Select: Pierre Vivant, 1981 May 10-11 2 Sound cassettes
Unidentified Sound Cassette, undated
Select: Unidentified Sound Cassette, undated 1 Sound cassette
Sculptors at Storm King , 1992-2000
Select: Sculptors at Storm King, 1992-2000 5 Videocassettes (VHS) Scope and Contents note (Includes multiple versions; also known as Peter Stern's Storm King)
Peter Stern Interview, 2000
Select: Peter Stern Interview, 2000 1 Videocassettes (VHS)silent
Book of Kells, 2000
Select: Book of Kells, 2000 2 Videocassettes(2 videocassettes: VHS, 1 videocassette: Betacam SP)
Citibank Commerical, undated
Select: Citibank Commerical, undated 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Matteo Ricci, 1991
Select: Matteo Ricci, 1991 1 Film reel16mm
Projects by Others
Select: Projects by Others
Buffalo Rock, Ottawa, IL , undated
Select: Buffalo Rock, Ottawa, IL, undated 1 Film reel16mm
Eames and Lipchitz, undated
Select: Eames and Lipchitz, undated 1 Videocassettes (VHS) Scope and Contents note (Contains films by Charles and Ray Eames and copy of Bassett's Lipchitz film)
John F. Kennedy News Films
Select: John F. Kennedy News Films
President Kennedy's News Conference #12, 1961 June 28
Select: President Kennedy's News Conference #12, 1961 June 28 1 Film reel16mm Scope and Contents note (Contains transcript)
Conversation with President Kennedy, 1962 February 7
Select: Conversation with President Kennedy, 1962 February 7
Conversation with President Kennedy reel 1, 1963
Select: Conversation with President Kennedy reel 1, 1963 1 Film reel16mm
Conversation with President Kennedy, reel 2, 1963
Select: Conversation with President Kennedy, reel 2, 1963 1 Film reel16mm
Man is My Name by Pierre Dominique Gaisseau, 1969-1970
Select: Man is My Name by Pierre Dominique Gaisseau, 1969-1970 1 Film reel16mm
The Man with Two Sides to His Head by Anthony Cave Brown
Select: The Man with Two Sides to His Head by Anthony Cave Brown
Draft of Screenplay, undated
Select: Draft of Screenplay, undated
Research, undated
Select: Research, undated
NBC Experiment in Television: Dream on Monkey Mountain, part 2, 1970
Select: NBC Experiment in Television: Dream on Monkey Mountain, part 2, 1970 1 Film reel(oversized reel in Box 67)
The Artist at Work "Jack Lipchitz Master Sculptor - Crescent", n.d.
Select: The Artist at Work "Jack Lipchitz Master Sculptor - Crescent", n.d. 1 Film reel16mm