Adams, Henry J. and Abigail Gibson Adams, 1850-1855
Select: Adams, Henry J. and Abigail Gibson Adams, 1850-1855
Adams, Henry J. and Abigail Gibson Adams, 1856-1861
Select: Adams, Henry J. and Abigail Gibson Adams, 1856-1861
Amory, James S., 1839-1870
Select: Amory, James S., 1839-1870
Ashton, Thomas B., circa 1847-1852
Select: Ashton, Thomas B., circa 1847-1852
Aspinwall, William H., 1850-1867
Select: Aspinwall, William H., 1850-1867
Astor, J. J. (John Jacob), 1855
Select: Astor, J. J. (John Jacob), 1855
Astor, William B., 1855-1861
Select: Astor, William B., 1855-1861
Atlee, Samuel York, 1845-1853
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1845-1853
Atlee, Samuel York, 1854
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1854
Atlee, Samuel York, 1855
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1855
Atlee, Samuel York, 1869
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1869
Atlee, Samuel York, 1856-1867
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1856-1867
Atlee, Samuel York, 1870-1871
Select: Atlee, Samuel York, 1870-1871
Austin, Charles L., 1844-1848, 1860
Select: Austin, Charles L., 1844-1848, 1860
Austin, Frances L., circa 1848-1849
Select: Austin, Frances L., circa 1848-1849
Austin, Frances L., 1850-1873, undated
Select: Austin, Frances L., 1850-1873, undated
A, Miscellaneous: Aa-Ak, 1847-1883
Select: A, Miscellaneous: Aa-Ak, 1847-1883 Scope and Contents note A. & A. Lawrence & Co. Abbot, Elizabeth Abbot, Wyllys S. Abert, James W. Acworth, N. N. Adams, Anna G. Adams, F. G. Adams, John Quincy Addington, H. U. Akers, Paul
A, Miscellaneous: Al-Am, 1838-1873
Select: A, Miscellaneous: Al-Am, 1838-1873 Scope and Contents note Alexander, Francis Alexander, L. G. Alexander, Walter S. Allen, J. Prentiss Allen, William E. Almonde, Luigi Alward, Dennis R. Ames, Jas. T. Ammen, Daniel
A, Miscellaneous: An-Ar, 1841-1872
Select: A, Miscellaneous: An-Ar, 1841-1872 Scope and Contents note Anderson, Charles Anderson, E. M. C. Andrews, Joseph Andrews, Sarah G. Angel, B. F. Appleby Bros. Armstrong, J. S. Arnold, Stephen H.
A, Miscellaneous: As-Av, 1838-1876
Select: A, Miscellaneous: As-Av, 1838-1876 Scope and Contents note Ashhurst, Richard Astor, P. W. Atchison, S. R. Atkinson, J. Beauvington Austin, Edwin Austin, J. E. Austin, James T. Avery, Charles L.
Baker, Richard, 1863-1868
Select: Baker, Richard, 1863-1868
Baldwin, Isaac, 1844
Select: Baldwin, Isaac, 1844
Ball, Mr., 1868
Select: Ball, Mr., 1868
Baring Brothers & Co., 1850-1872
Select: Baring Brothers & Co., 1850-1872
Bayley, John Clowes, 1863-1864
Select: Bayley, John Clowes, 1863-1864
Bellows, Henry W., 1868-1870
Select: Bellows, Henry W., 1868-1870
Bennett, M. C. B., circa 1841-1846
Select: Bennett, M. C. B., circa 1841-1846
Binda, Joseph A., 1845-1858
Select: Binda, Joseph A., 1845-1858
Bishop, Thomas, 1852-1868
Select: Bishop, Thomas, 1852-1868
Bisshopp, M. A. (Lady), 1849-1850
Select: Bisshopp, M. A. (Lady), 1849-1850
Bolton, A. I., 1862-1863
Select: Bolton, A. I., 1862-1863
Bonnin, William, 1846-1859
Select: Bonnin, William, 1846-1859
Bosson, Thomas M., 1835-1840
Select: Bosson, Thomas M., 1835-1840
Bosson, William, 1831-1873
Select: Bosson, William, 1831-1873
Brewer, Gardner, 1865-1868
Select: Brewer, Gardner, 1865-1868
Bridge, Horatio & Mrs. C. M. Bridge, circa 1848-1855
Select: Bridge, Horatio & Mrs. C. M. Bridge, circa 1848-1855
Brooks, Sidney, 1843-1846
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1843-1846
Brooks, Sidney, 1847-1848
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1847-1848
Brooks, Sidney, 1849-1850
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1849-1850
Brooks, Sidney, 1851
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1851
Brooks, Sidney, 1852
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1852
Brooks, Sidney, 1853
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1853
Brooks, Sidney, 1854
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1854
Brooks, Sidney, 1854
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1854
Brooks, Sidney, 1855-1856
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1855-1856
Brooks, Sidney, 1857
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1857
Brooks, Sidney, 1858
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1858
Brooks, Sidney, 1859
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1859
Brooks, Sidney, 1860
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1860
Brooks, Sidney, 1860
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1860
Brooks, Sidney, 1861
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1861
Brooks, Sidney, 1861
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1861
Brooks, Sidney, 1862
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1862
Brooks, Sidney, 1862
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1862
Brooks, Sidney, 1863
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1863
Brooks, Sidney, 1864
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1864
Brooks, Sidney, 1865
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1865
Brooks, Sidney, 1865
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1865
Brooks, Sidney, 1866
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1866
Brooks, Sidney, 1867
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1867
Brooks, Sidney, 1868
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1868
Brooks, Sidney, 1869
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1869
Brooks, Sidney, 1870
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1870
Brooks, Sidney, 1870-1873
Select: Brooks, Sidney, 1870-1873
Brooks, Sidney, Undated Letters, circa 1843-1873
Select: Brooks, Sidney, Undated Letters, circa 1843-1873
Bross, William, 1867-1870
Select: Bross, William, 1867-1870
Bryant, William C., 1850-1871
Select: Bryant, William C., 1850-1871
Bryson, P. M., 1859-1860
Select: Bryson, P. M., 1859-1860
Burns, Walter H., 1866-1868
Select: Burns, Walter H., 1866-1868
Burrows, Philip, 1855-1862
Select: Burrows, Philip, 1855-1862
B, Miscellaneous: Bag-Ban, 1851-1870
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bag-Ban, 1851-1870 Scope and Contents note Bagot, C. E. Bailey, I. S. Bailey & Son Baker, T. F. Balestier, J. Bamps, F. A. Bancroft, Mr. Banta, Weart
B, Miscellaneous: Bar-Bay, 1839-1867
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bar-Bay, 1839-1867 Scope and Contents note Barclay, R. Barlow, John Barnard, Jas. M. Barnum, Mrs. Zenus Bartlett, Mr. Barton, Jno. M. Baruch, Maurice Bates, Joshua C. Bayley, T. I.
B, Miscellaneous: Be, 1840-1866
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Be, 1840-1866 Scope and Contents note Bebb, E. R. Beckwith, N. M. Belden, Edwin F. Bennett, D. W. B. Benton, F. D. Berney, George D. Berry, N. Bessey, Solon Betty, Joseph Bevan, Will
B, Miscellaneous: Bi, 1850-1870
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bi, 1850-1870 Scope and Contents note Bielle, Comte de Bierstadt, Mr. Bigelow, E. B. Bininger, Abraham Birchard, M. W. Bishop, C. A. Bissell, L. B. Bittinger, Edmund C. Bixby, Jno. M.
B, Miscellaneous: Bl, 1851-1862
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bl, 1851-1862 Scope and Contents note Blafield, John Blair, Will T. Blake, G. S. Blake, Oscar F. Bliss, Ira Blogden, Mrs.
B, Miscellaneous: Bo, 1835-1873
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bo, 1835-1873 Scope and Contents note Boccella, Madam Bossange, Hector Bosson, C. T. Boulden, James E. P. Boulware, William Bowles, William B. Bowman, J. Boyd, James R. Boyd, Mrs. Bozzanti, Mr.
B, Miscellaneous: Bra-Bri, 1840-1869
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bra-Bri, 1840-1869 Scope and Contents note Bracebridge, C. Holte[?] Brackett, E. M. Bradburn, G. Braine, George N. Brand, Frederick B. Brassus, M. Bravo, Gio. Bray, W. B. Brent, Henry J. Breese, Mr. Brewster, C. S. Bridges, Charles Brigham, Charles H. Brimmer, M.
B, Miscellaneous: Bro, 1844-1871
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bro, 1844-1871 Scope and Contents note Broadfield, E. J. Broadhead, J. R. Bronson, David Brooks, Fanny Brooks, Peter C. Brown, Frederick L. Brown, J. B. Brown, J. H. Brown, John Browne, J. Ross Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
B, Miscellaneous: Bu, 1847-1866
Select: B, Miscellaneous: Bu, 1847-1866 Scope and Contents note Buffum, W. A. Buonarroti, Rosina Burchard, M. W. Burguyn, Mrs. Burke, G. Burnett, George W. Burns, George Burt, J. Otis Burton, Ira M. Butler, E. S. Butler, H. Butler, William Allen
Calvert, George H., 1857-1865
Select: Calvert, George H., 1857-1865
Calvert, George H., circa 1848-1853
Select: Calvert, George H., circa 1848-1853
Cameron, James, 1846-1856
Select: Cameron, James, 1846-1856
Carbonel, E., 1850-1851
Select: Carbonel, E., 1850-1851
Casselli, Lodovico, 1857-1863
Select: Casselli, Lodovico, 1857-1863
Cassels, Walter H., 1868-1869
Select: Cassels, Walter H., 1868-1869
Chamberlain, William L., 1865-1866
Select: Chamberlain, William L., 1865-1866
Chanler, John & Elizabeth, circa 1850-1853
Select: Chanler, John & Elizabeth, circa 1850-1853
Childe, E. V., 1840-1856
Select: Childe, E. V., 1840-1856
Cholmondely, Reginald, circa 1865
Select: Cholmondely, Reginald, circa 1865
Clark, Charles H., 1870
Select: Clark, Charles H., 1870
Clark, Charles H., 1871
Select: Clark, Charles H., 1871
Clark, Charles H., 1872-1873
Select: Clark, Charles H., 1872-1873
Clarke, J. Edwards, 1839-1857
Select: Clarke, J. Edwards, 1839-1857
Clarke, J. Edwards, 1858
Select: Clarke, J. Edwards, 1858
Clarke, J. Edwards, 1859-1860
Select: Clarke, J. Edwards, 1859-1860
Clarke, J. Edwards, 1862-1881, undated
Select: Clarke, J. Edwards, 1862-1881, undated
Cogdell, John Stephen, 1843-1847
Select: Cogdell, John Stephen, 1843-1847
Cohen, Solomon, 1868
Select: Cohen, Solomon, 1868
Collie, Alexander, 1854-1863
Select: Collie, Alexander, 1854-1863
Collie, George, circa 1864-1865
Select: Collie, George, circa 1864-1865
Cook, Zebedee, 1850
Select: Cook, Zebedee, 1850
Coote, Charles, 1845-1848
Select: Coote, Charles, 1845-1848
Corbin, D. P., 1851
Select: Corbin, D. P., 1851
Crawford, Thomas, 1843-1849
Select: Crawford, Thomas, 1843-1849
Cusack, Sophia, circa 1859-1866
Select: Cusack, Sophia, circa 1859-1866
C, Miscellaneous: Cae-Cam, 1846-1863
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cae-Cam, 1846-1863 Scope and Contents note Caesar, G. Calhoun, John C. Callamore, Gilman Cambi, Segritario Cameron, E. S. Campbell, Donald Campbell, Duncan Campbell, J. Barnwell Campbell, Lewis D. Campbell, William
C, Miscellaneous: Can-Cas, 1838-1863
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Can-Cas, 1838-1863 Scope and Contents note Cannicci, Sevuo[?] G. Carlisle, J. E. Carlisle, Sarah B. Carlton, William T. Carr, D. S. Carr, Mary E. Carruth[?], Mrs. S. A. Carter, R. B. Cary, E. L. Casarette, Peter Cass, L. W. Casselli[?], Mr.
C, Miscellaneous: Ch, 1840-1869
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Ch, 1840-1869 Scope and Contents note Chambers, Henrietta R. Chambers, William B. Chapin, William C. Chapman, J. G. Chase, Salmon P. Cheney, T. A. Chickey & Garey Child, F. J. Childs, George W. Chilton, R. S. Churchill, Joseph
C, Miscellaneous: Cl, 1841-1867
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cl, 1841-1867 Scope and Contents note Claghorn, James L. Clapp, Otis Clark, M. Lewis Clark, Mr. Clarke, Ashur Clarke, N. George Cleanthe, Stamarti Clifden, Lord Clodan, J. G.
C, Miscellaneous: Coa-Com, 1845-1869
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Coa-Com, 1845-1869 Scope and Contents note Coale, George B. Cogswell, J. G. Cohen, J. H. Colby, M. Cole, Josiah Collenet & Atherton Collie, James Colomb, A. Colt, Elisha Colt, Sam Colton-Salter, G. H. Commission of the Cemetery of the Reformed Evangelic Church, Florence Commissioner of Patents
C, Miscellaneous: Con-Coz, 1843-1873
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Con-Coz, 1843-1873 Scope and Contents note Conner, H. W. Converse, Julius Cook, Zebedee Coolidge, Joseph Coombs, Margaret L. Corcoran, William W. Corry, William M. Cornish, William Costoli, Aritodemo[?] Covington, Albert Cox, L. L. Coxe, Robert E. Cozzens, Frederick
C, Miscellaneous: Cr, 1836-1871
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cr, 1836-1871 Scope and Contents note Crafts, G. I. Cranch, W. Crosby, H. G. Crosland, Camilla Crowell, Eugene Croxell, D. C.
C, Miscellaneous: Cu, 1838-1866
Select: C, Miscellaneous: Cu, 1838-1866 Scope and Contents note Cummings, Thomas S. Cunliffe, John Currie, C. George Cusack, H. Cutting, Sewall S.
Dangar, Henry C., 1866-1869
Select: Dangar, Henry C., 1866-1869
Davis, Brooks & Co., 1850-1853
Select: Davis, Brooks & Co., 1850-1853
Davis, Brooks & Co., 1849-1850
Select: Davis, Brooks & Co., 1849-1850
Dehon, Theodore, 1853-1855
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1853-1855
Dehon, Theodore, 1856
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1856
Dehon, Theodore, 1857-1858
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1857-1858
Dehon, Theodore, 1859-1860
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1859-1860
Dehon, Theodore, 1861-1864
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1861-1864
Dehon, Theodore, 1865
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1865
Dehon, Theodore, 1865-1866
Select: Dehon, Theodore, 1865-1866
Demidoff, Prince, 1849-1857, undated
Select: Demidoff, Prince, 1849-1857, undated
Demidoff, Prince, 1846-1848
Select: Demidoff, Prince, 1846-1848
Denison, I. E., circa 1854-1860
Select: Denison, I. E., circa 1854-1860
De Witt, William H., 1852-1853
Select: De Witt, William H., 1852-1853
Dix, John A., 1843-1852
Select: Dix, John A., 1843-1852
Duncan, Lucius, 1847-1864
Select: Duncan, Lucius, 1847-1864
Duncan, Mary, 1856-1858
Select: Duncan, Mary, 1856-1858
Duncan, Mary, 1867-1872
Select: Duncan, Mary, 1867-1872
Duppa, Bryan, 1844-1858
Select: Duppa, Bryan, 1844-1858
Durant, Heloise, 1864-1867
Select: Durant, Heloise, 1864-1867
Dury, F. W., 1852-1859
Select: Dury, F. W., 1852-1859
Dury, F. W., 1861-1864
Select: Dury, F. W., 1861-1864
Dury, F. W., 1865-1873
Select: Dury, F. W., 1865-1873
Dury, Louisa Gibson, 1848, 1861-1863
Select: Dury, Louisa Gibson, 1848, 1861-1863
Dury, Louisa Gibson, 1864-1871
Select: Dury, Louisa Gibson, 1864-1871
D, Miscellaneous: Da, 1840-1865
Select: D, Miscellaneous: Da, 1840-1865 Scope and Contents note Dalton, H. H. Dana, Edmund W. Davenport, D. G. A. Davis, Benjamin W. Davis, Gilbert Davis, H. Davis, J. P. Davis, N. Davis, Richard
D, Miscellaneous: De-Di, 1844-1868
Select: D, Miscellaneous: De-Di, 1844-1868 Scope and Contents note De Boigne, Anna Del Monti, Marquis Dennistown, James Dexter, Mr. D'Hautville, Frederick Grand Di Centi, Jos. Dickens, Asbury Dickens, C. T. Dickens, Serace[?] Dixwell, J. J.
D, Miscellaneous: Do-Dr, 1851-1872
Select: D, Miscellaneous: Do-Dr, 1851-1872 Scope and Contents note Doeg, William H. Douglas, Alfred Douglas, William Drake, James M. Draper, Ada A. Draper, Simeon Drinkwater, P. B.
D, Miscellaneous: Du, 1847-1873
Select: D, Miscellaneous: Du, 1847-1873 Scope and Contents note Duckworth, William Du Fresne Bros. Dunlap, L. Dunn, W. H. Durand, Asher B. Duranty & Co. Duyckinck, George L. Dyke, Henry
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1845
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1845
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1846
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1846
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1847-1849
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1847-1849
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1850-1853
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1850-1853
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1854-1855
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1854-1855
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1856-1859
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1856-1859
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1859-1864
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1859-1864
Eaton, Charles J. M., 1865-1869
Select: Eaton, Charles J. M., 1865-1869
Eckley, Sophie May, circa 1862
Select: Eckley, Sophie May, circa 1862
Estcourt, J. Sothern, 1864-1865
Select: Estcourt, J. Sothern, 1864-1865
Evans, Thomas K., 1867-1869
Select: Evans, Thomas K., 1867-1869
Everett, Edward, 1841-1843
Select: Everett, Edward, 1841-1843
Everett, Edward, 1844-1845
Select: Everett, Edward, 1844-1845
Everett, Edward, 1845
Select: Everett, Edward, 1845
Everett, Edward, 1846
Select: Everett, Edward, 1846
Everett, Edward, circa 1847-1848
Select: Everett, Edward, circa 1847-1848
Everett, Edward, 1849
Select: Everett, Edward, 1849
Everett, Edward, 1850
Select: Everett, Edward, 1850
Everett, Edward, 1851
Select: Everett, Edward, 1851
Everett, Edward, 1852
Select: Everett, Edward, 1852
Everett, Edward, 1853
Select: Everett, Edward, 1853
Everett, Edward, 1854-1855
Select: Everett, Edward, 1854-1855
Everett, Edward, 1856
Select: Everett, Edward, 1856
Everett, Edward, 1856
Select: Everett, Edward, 1856
Everett, Edward, 1857
Select: Everett, Edward, 1857
Everett, Edward, 1857
Select: Everett, Edward, 1857
Everett, Edward, 1858
Select: Everett, Edward, 1858
Everett, Edward, 1858
Select: Everett, Edward, 1858
Everett, Edward, 1859
Select: Everett, Edward, 1859
Everett, Edward, 1859
Select: Everett, Edward, 1859
Everett, Edward, 1860-1861
Select: Everett, Edward, 1860-1861
Everett, Edward, 1862
Select: Everett, Edward, 1862
E, Miscellaneous: Ea-Ec, 1855-1868
Select: E, Miscellaneous: Ea-Ec, 1855-1868 Scope and Contents note Earl, John O. Earl of Seafield Earl of Warwick Eastman, Susan S. Easton, Alfred H. Eaton, Amasu[?] M. Eaton, D. C. Eckley, D. (David)
E, Miscellaneous: Ed-Eg, 1845-1863
Select: E, Miscellaneous: Ed-Eg, 1845-1863 Scope and Contents note Eddy, C. W. Edgar, Miss L. Edwards, Alfred P. Edwards, Edward W. Edwards, I. M. Egerton, Lord F.
E, Miscellaneous: El-En, 1855-1872
Select: E, Miscellaneous: El-En, 1855-1872 Scope and Contents note Elder, Mr. & Mrs. J. Emerson, George T. Endicott, J. B. Engle, F.
Fairbairn, Peter, 1854-1856
Select: Fairbairn, Peter, 1854-1856
Fairbanks, Franklin, 1871-1873
Select: Fairbanks, Franklin, 1871-1873
Findlay, W. L., 1854-1856
Select: Findlay, W. L., 1854-1856
Firth, Ida, 1865-1866
Select: Firth, Ida, 1865-1866
Fish, Hamilton, 1857-1858
Select: Fish, Hamilton, 1857-1858
Fish, Hamilton, 1859
Select: Fish, Hamilton, 1859
Fish, Hamilton, 1860-1871
Select: Fish, Hamilton, 1860-1871
Flagg, E. B., circa 1847-1853
Select: Flagg, E. B., circa 1847-1853
Franks, Edward, 1858-1859
Select: Franks, Edward, 1858-1859
Freeman, Mr., 1848-1851
Select: Freeman, Mr., 1848-1851
Fuller, Charles F., 1855-1869
Select: Fuller, Charles F., 1855-1869
F, Miscellaneous: Fa-Fi, 1848-1873
Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fa-Fi, 1848-1873 Scope and Contents note Fairbanks, Henry Falaideau, Chevalier Falconer, W. Fallani, Sofia Fell, John A. Felton, C. C. Felton, L. B. Field, Henry M. Field, M. E. Field, Mrs. Marshall Field, Mary S. Field, Morris & Co.
F, Miscellaneous: Fl-Fo, 1849-1870
Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fl-Fo, 1849-1870 Scope and Contents note Flagg, E. B. Flash, Alexander Forbes, Alex Ford, Alfred E. Forshey, Caleb G. Foster, William Russell Fox, E. W.
F, Miscellaneous: Fr-Fu, 1845-1873
Select: F, Miscellaneous: Fr-Fu, 1845-1873 Scope and Contents note Frailey, Jas. Madison Franchi, Franco Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, D. Lewis Fred. Huth & Co. Freeman, A. W. Freeman, Florence French, A. J. French & Co. Fuller, Joseph W.
Gayarre, Charles, 1849-1852
Select: Gayarre, Charles, 1849-1852
German Bank of London, 1870-1871
Select: German Bank of London, 1870-1871
Gibson, Ann, 1819-1838
Select: Gibson, Ann, 1819-1838
Gibson, Ann, 1839-1840
Select: Gibson, Ann, 1839-1840
Gibson, Ann, 1841-1845
Select: Gibson, Ann, 1841-1845
Gibson, Ann, 1846-1850
Select: Gibson, Ann, 1846-1850
Gibson, Ann, 1851-1852
Select: Gibson, Ann, 1851-1852
Gibson, James, 1837-1860
Select: Gibson, James, 1837-1860
Gipner, C. Theodore, 1867
Select: Gipner, C. Theodore, 1867
Gipner, C. Theodore, 1868
Select: Gipner, C. Theodore, 1868
Gipner, C. Theodore, 1869-1870
Select: Gipner, C. Theodore, 1869-1870
Goldsmith, Anne, 1866-1867
Select: Goldsmith, Anne, 1866-1867
Gooch, C. C., 1850, 1863-1865
Select: Gooch, C. C., 1850, 1863-1865
Gould, Walter, 1850-1855
Select: Gould, Walter, 1850-1855
Gourdin, H., 1844-1848
Select: Gourdin, H., 1844-1848
Gourdin, H., 1849-1850
Select: Gourdin, H., 1849-1850
Gourdin, H., 1850
Select: Gourdin, H., 1850
Gourdin, H., 1852-1855
Select: Gourdin, H., 1852-1855
Gourdin, H., 1856-1857, 1866
Select: Gourdin, H., 1856-1857, 1866
Graham, J. Lorimer, 1863-1864
Select: Graham, J. Lorimer, 1863-1864
Grant, John, 1844-1845
Select: Grant, John, 1844-1845
Grant, John, 1846-1870
Select: Grant, John, 1846-1870
Grant, John, undated
Select: Grant, John, undated
Gray, Henry Peters, 1850-1859
Select: Gray, Henry Peters, 1850-1859
Gray, John A. C., 1859-1871
Select: Gray, John A. C., 1859-1871
Green, Wharton J., 1858-1860
Select: Green, Wharton J., 1858-1860
Greenway, Edward M., 1845-1860
Select: Greenway, Edward M., 1845-1860
Griswold, Charles, 1853-1865
Select: Griswold, Charles, 1853-1865
G, Miscellaneous: Gab-Gal, 1837-1873
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gab-Gal, 1837-1873 Scope and Contents note Gabbitt, Harriett Gadsby, John Gadsby, Miss Julia Gaines, Edmund P. Gaines, Myra Clark Gaines, M. I. Gale, T. W. Gallagher, W. D. Gallico, Alex Gallier, C. M. Galt, P. H.
G, Miscellaneous: Gar-Gay, 1845-1873
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gar-Gay, 1845-1873 Scope and Contents note Gardenier, Mr. Gardiner, Frederic Gardner, C. E. Gardner, John L. Garner, Thomas Garvey, Richard Gatewood, W. C. Gayley, James M.
G, Miscellaneous: Ge, 1853-1871
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Ge, 1853-1871 Scope and Contents note Gemmell[?], Mr. General Post Office, London Genin, John N. Gerry, Samuel L.
G, Miscellaneous: Gi, 1844-1870
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gi, 1844-1870 Scope and Contents note Gibson, Charles M. Gibson, Wood Gifford, J. G. Gilbert, Fred E. Gillespie, Alexander Gilmore, James Giorgi, David Giradot & Perdicary
G, Miscellaneous: Go, 1841-1872
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Go, 1841-1872 Scope and Contents note Godwin, N. B. Goldsmith, Alban Goldsmith, Anne Goodban, Edward Goodhue & Co. Goncet, M. Goranx, D. Gordon, Charles Gordon, George Gower, A. A.
G, Miscellaneous: Gra-Gre, 1837-1870
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gra-Gre, 1837-1870 Scope and Contents note Graberg, Eleanora Granger, F. Grant & Co. Graves, Mr. Great International Exhibition of 1862 Greeley, Horace Green, Duff Green, Solomon Greene & Co. Greenleaf, May L. Greenough, Mrs. Grew, Henry Sturges
G, Miscellaneous: Gri, 1846-1856
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gri, 1846-1856 Scope and Contents note Griffin, William Preston Grilli, Ferd. Grimke, James M. Grindlay, R. Melville Griswold, George
G, Miscellaneous: Gu, 1841-1855
Select: G, Miscellaneous: Gu, 1841-1855 Scope and Contents note Guione[?], Clement Guise, John W. Gurney, Russell
Haight, D. W., 1867-1873
Select: Haight, D. W., 1867-1873
Hamilton, Allen, circa 1858-1862
Select: Hamilton, Allen, circa 1858-1862
Harling, W. O., 1845-1872
Select: Harling, W. O., 1845-1872
Harris, C. H., 1867-1868
Select: Harris, C. H., 1867-1868
Harris, George, 1843-1848, 1858
Select: Harris, George, 1843-1848, 1858
Healy, George P. A., 1849-1865
Select: Healy, George P. A., 1849-1865
Hennen, Duncan & Mrs., 1850-1856
Select: Hennen, Duncan & Mrs., 1850-1856
Hewins, Amos & Charles A. Hewins, 1853-1855
Select: Hewins, Amos & Charles A. Hewins, 1853-1855
Heyward, William, circa 1849-1859
Select: Heyward, William, circa 1849-1859
Hildreth, Arthur & Caroline Gould Hildreth, circa 1867, 1871
Select: Hildreth, Arthur & Caroline Gould Hildreth, circa 1867, 1871
Hills, Margaret M., circa 1864-1865
Select: Hills, Margaret M., circa 1864-1865
Hoge, William, 1847-1852
Select: Hoge, William, 1847-1852
Hogg, William, 1872
Select: Hogg, William, 1872
Holland, C. B., 1863-1866
Select: Holland, C. B., 1863-1866
Holland, Robert, 1842-1846
Select: Holland, Robert, 1842-1846
Holloway, M. M., 1852-1862
Select: Holloway, M. M., 1852-1862
Holloway, M. M., 1862-1863
Select: Holloway, M. M., 1862-1863
Holloway, M. M., 1864-1865
Select: Holloway, M. M., 1864-1865
Hooker, J. C., 1848-1858
Select: Hooker, J. C., 1848-1858
Horn, G. W., 1850-1860
Select: Horn, G. W., 1850-1860
Hughes, George W., 1837-1847
Select: Hughes, George W., 1837-1847
Hunnewell, James F., 1862-1863
Select: Hunnewell, James F., 1862-1863
Hyde, Samuel T., 1860-1862
Select: Hyde, Samuel T., 1860-1862
H, Miscellaneous: Had-Han, 1847-1872
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Had-Han, 1847-1872 Scope and Contents note Haden, Charles Hall, E. Edwin Hall, Frederic Hall, Helen Hall, Horace Hall, Orazio Hall, S. C. Hamilton, F. H. Hammond, T. A. Hampton, C. F. Hampton, Wade Hancock, Sol.
H, Miscellaneous: Har, 1841-1868
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Har, 1841-1868 Scope and Contents note Hare, F. G. Harlan, A. Harris, I. Morrison Harrison, Gertrude Harrison, James H. Harrison, Joseph Harrison, Robert Hartman, Joseph Hartwill, Rubin Gerald
H, Miscellaneous: Has-Haz, 1838-1870
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Has-Haz, 1838-1870 Scope and Contents note Hashard et Fils Hasty, Captain Hatch, Thomas B. R. Hautmann, Anton Hawley, D. Edwin Haworth, G. Fanny Hay, Sir Adam Haydon, Dudley M. Hays, Thomas Hayter, W. G. Hazard, Joseph P.
H, Miscellaneous: He-Hi, 1838-1871
Select: H, Miscellaneous: He-Hi, 1838-1871 Scope and Contents note Henking, Charles G. Henriques, Mrs. Herrick, M. A. Herring, Silas C. Hicks, Thomas Hibbert, F. Hildeburn Brothers & Co. Hinkley, John W. Hitchcock, Henry L. Hitz, John
H, Miscellaneous: Hod-Hoo, 1838-1876
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Hod-Hoo, 1838-1876 Scope and Contents note Hodges, E. F. Hodgkinson, W. G. Hogan, John Hoge, James Hoit, A. G. Hoke, A. Holland, Lord Home, D. D. Homer, C. B. Honeywood, W. Hoodless, W. R. Hook, J. D. W. Hooper, R. C.
H, Miscellaneous: Hop-Hox, 1843-1873
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Hop-Hox, 1843-1873 Scope and Contents note Hope, S. P. Hopkins, Erastus Hopkins, Lewis S. Hosmer, Miss Howard, D. C. & E. F. Howard, Henry Howard, William Key Howland, R. S. Hoxie[?], T.
H, Miscellaneous: Hu-Hy, 1851-1872
Select: H, Miscellaneous: Hu-Hy, 1851-1872 Scope and Contents note Hudson, Eunice W. Huguet & Van Lint Hulbert, Milan Hunt, Genl. Menucan[?] Hunt, Thomas N. Hunter, Buckley & Co. Hurlbut, Mrs. A. P. Hyde, Linox[?] Hynes, W. R.
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1859
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1859
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1860
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1860
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1860
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1860
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1861-1862
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1861-1862
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1864-1865
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1864-1865
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1866-1868
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1866-1868
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1869
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1869
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1870
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1870
Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1872-1873
Select: Ibbotson, Alfred and Louisa Powers Ibbotson (Ibbotson Brothers & Co.), 1872-1873
I, Miscellaneous, 1853-1873
Select: I, Miscellaneous, 1853-1873 Scope and Contents note Ibbotson, Henry J. Indio, Augusto Irvin, J. F. Isaac, John R. Izard, Allen S.
Jones, Samuel, 1854-1855, 1871
Select: Jones, Samuel, 1854-1855, 1871
Just, William, 1867-1872
Select: Just, William, 1867-1872
J, Miscellaneous: Ja, 1835-1870
Select: J, Miscellaneous: Ja, 1835-1870 Scope and Contents note Jackson, Andrew Jackson & Graham Jackson, Herman Jackson, Jennie Jackson, J. M. Jackson Monument Committee James, Francis Janin, L. Jarves, J. J.
J, Miscellaneous: Jb-Jh, 1850-1866
Select: J, Miscellaneous: Jb-Jh, 1850-1866 Scope and Contents note J. Bulowe & Co. Jeannin, Louisa Anne Jennings, Isaac J. H. Ashbridge & Co. J. H. Brower & Co.
J, Miscellaneous: Joh, 1844-1873
Select: J, Miscellaneous: Joh, 1844-1873 Scope and Contents note Johnson, Carrie A. Johnson, H. D. Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Marc Johnson, Mary A. Johnson, W. C. Johnson, Fry & Co. Johnston, James B.
J, Miscellaneous: Jon-Ju, 1853-1868
Select: J, Miscellaneous: Jon-Ju, 1853-1868 Scope and Contents note Jones, H. L. Jones, Jacob P. Jones, Owen Jones, S. L. B. & Helen S. J. Jones, T. Josephson, H. Josephson, J. F. Juder[?], Auguste
Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, circa 1854-1858
Select: Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, circa 1854-1858
Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, 1860-1865
Select: Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, 1860-1865
Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, undated
Select: Kinney, William B. & E. Clementine Kinney, undated
Kip, William Ingraham, 1846-1865
Select: Kip, William Ingraham, 1846-1865
K, Miscellaneous: Ka-Ki, 1846-1870
Select: K, Miscellaneous: Ka-Ki, 1846-1870 Scope and Contents note Kasson, John A. Kay, W. F. Kelk, John Kennedy, Hiram Kenyon, John Kidder, H. P. Kimber, Thomas King, Charlotte E. King, Lizzie King, McMillan C. King, Rufus Kinney, E. C. Kirkup, S.[?] Kirn, H.
K, Miscellaneous: Kn-Ku, 1841-1870
Select: K, Miscellaneous: Kn-Ku, 1841-1870 Scope and Contents note Knight, William Fitzroy Koecker, Joseph D. Koslof, Marie Kublie, Alphonse
Lampson, C. M., 1864-1868
Select: Lampson, C. M., 1864-1868
Lamson, John, 1852
Select: Lamson, John, 1852
Langdon, William Chauncey, 1857-1873
Select: Langdon, William Chauncey, 1857-1873
Lanphier, W. H., 1849
Select: Lanphier, W. H., 1849
Latham, Milton S., 1867
Select: Latham, Milton S., 1867
Latham, Milton S., 1868-1869
Select: Latham, Milton S., 1868-1869
Lawrence, Abbott, circa 1836-1852
Select: Lawrence, Abbott, circa 1836-1852
Lawrence, James, 1865-1870
Select: Lawrence, James, 1865-1870
Leaf, William L., 1864-1868
Select: Leaf, William L., 1864-1868
Lenox, James, 1851-1855
Select: Lenox, James, 1851-1855
Lenox, James, 1856-1858
Select: Lenox, James, 1856-1858
Lester, C. Edwards, 1844-1846
Select: Lester, C. Edwards, 1844-1846
Litchfield, Edwin C., 1864
Select: Litchfield, Edwin C., 1864
Litchfield, Edwin C., 1865-1867
Select: Litchfield, Edwin C., 1865-1867
Litchfield, Edwin C., 1868-1870
Select: Litchfield, Edwin C., 1868-1870
Livezey, John, 1861
Select: Livezey, John, 1861
Locke, J. L. & Laura I. Locke, circa 1849-1854
Select: Locke, J. L. & Laura I. Locke, circa 1849-1854
London & Ryder (W. H. Ryder), 1859-1863
Select: London & Ryder (W. H. Ryder), 1859-1863
Long, William L., 1855-1864
Select: Long, William L., 1855-1864
Longfellow, Samuel, 1870
Select: Longfellow, Samuel, 1870
Low, Cornelius, 1842-1843
Select: Low, Cornelius, 1842-1843
Lowell, Charles, circa 1838-1843
Select: Lowell, Charles, circa 1838-1843
Loyd, Lewis, 1867-1868
Select: Loyd, Lewis, 1867-1868
Lyman, E. H. R., 1869
Select: Lyman, E. H. R., 1869
L, Miscellaneous: Lam-Lat, 1844-1872
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lam-Lat, 1844-1872 Scope and Contents note Lambeth, W. M. Lampronti, Paolo Lampson, Norman S. Latrobe, Jno. H. B.
L, Miscellaneous: Law, 1838-1870
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Law, 1838-1870 Scope and Contents note Lawrence, F. B. Lawrence, Frank C. Lawrence, Katherine Lawrence, T. B.
L, Miscellaneous: Lb-Le, 1843-1870
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lb-Le, 1843-1870 Scope and Contents note L. B. Babcock & Co. Leather, Mr. Lee, Josephine D. Leeds, Henry H. Lenthall, Mary K. Leverick, C. P. Lewis, Winslow
L, Miscellaneous: Lh-Ll, 1839-1873
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lh-Ll, 1839-1873 Scope and Contents note L'Hommedieu, Stephen Liggett, Julia Linton, David Lippincott, J. B. Lincoln, Lionel Little, A. A. Lloyd, John Whitlocke Lloyd, G. W.
L, Miscellaneous: Loc-Lon, 1851-1869
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Loc-Lon, 1851-1869 Scope and Contents note Lockwood, Julia London, D. H. Longfellow, H. W. Longworth, Nicolas
L, Miscellaneous: Lor-Low, 1850-1873
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lor-Low, 1850-1873 Scope and Contents note Lorant-Leghorn, D. Lorne, Marquis of Lothrop, Thornton Loubal[?], J. F. Louisiana, Governor & Sec. of State Low, David Low, Josiah O. Low, Samuel Lowry, William H.
L, Miscellaneous: Lu-Ly, 1854-1871
Select: L, Miscellaneous: Lu-Ly, 1854-1871 Scope and Contents note Ludlow, H. Ludlum, Sarah Luia[?], L. G. Luther, D. Lutwidge, C. R. Fletcher Lytton, R. R.
Mackie, John William, circa 1844-1847
Select: Mackie, John William, circa 1844-1847
Macquay & Pakenham, 1845, 1851-1858
Select: Macquay & Pakenham, 1845, 1851-1858
Macquay & Pakenham, 1859-1864
Select: Macquay & Pakenham, 1859-1864
Macquay & Pakenham, 1865-1867
Select: Macquay & Pakenham, 1865-1867
Malchior, Alexander, 1849-1862
Select: Malchior, Alexander, 1849-1862
Malenchini, Rocco, 1848-1850
Select: Malenchini, Rocco, 1848-1850
Marie, Peter, 1866-1867
Select: Marie, Peter, 1866-1867
Marsh, George O., circa 1853-1857
Select: Marsh, George O., circa 1853-1857
Marsh, George P., 1847-1853
Select: Marsh, George P., 1847-1853
Marsh, George P., 1854-1857
Select: Marsh, George P., 1854-1857
Marsh, George P., 1858-1861
Select: Marsh, George P., 1858-1861
Marsh, George P., 1862
Select: Marsh, George P., 1862
Marsh, George P., 1863-1864
Select: Marsh, George P., 1863-1864
Marsh, George P., 1865-1871
Select: Marsh, George P., 1865-1871
Marye, George T., 1860-1861
Select: Marye, George T., 1860-1861
Masi, Emilio, 1866-1871
Select: Masi, Emilio, 1866-1871
Maxey, Virgil, 1840-1844
Select: Maxey, Virgil, 1840-1844
Maxwell, H. D., 1844-1854
Select: Maxwell, H. D., 1844-1854
McCord, Louisa, circa 1859-1870
Select: McCord, Louisa, circa 1859-1870
McCracken, J. & R., 1843-1856
Select: McCracken, J. & R., 1843-1856
McCracken, J. & R., 1860-1864
Select: McCracken, J. & R., 1860-1864
McCracken, J. & R., 1865-1873
Select: McCracken, J. & R., 1865-1873
McHenry, James H., 1845-1860
Select: McHenry, James H., 1845-1860
McLeod, Helen, circa 1856-1857
Select: McLeod, Helen, circa 1856-1857
Merriman, Oliver A., 1849-1852
Select: Merriman, Oliver A., 1849-1852
Miles, Mr., 1852-1857
Select: Miles, Mr., 1852-1857
Miller, Andrew, 1850-1852
Select: Miller, Andrew, 1850-1852
Miller, Andrew, 1853-1858
Select: Miller, Andrew, 1853-1858
Mirandoli, N., 1848
Select: Mirandoli, N., 1848
Moffatt, Dr. W. B., 1851-1868
Select: Moffatt, Dr. W. B., 1851-1868
Morgan, J. S., 1856-1858
Select: Morgan, J. S., 1856-1858
Morgan, J. S., 1862
Select: Morgan, J. S., 1862
Morgan, J. S., 1863-1872
Select: Morgan, J. S., 1863-1872
Morgan, N. Denison, circa 1870-1873
Select: Morgan, N. Denison, circa 1870-1873
Morrill, Justin S., 1866-1873
Select: Morrill, Justin S., 1866-1873
Morris, John B., 1852-1853
Select: Morris, John B., 1852-1853
Morris, William R., 1847-1851
Select: Morris, William R., 1847-1851
Murphy, Margaret S., 1866-1868
Select: Murphy, Margaret S., 1866-1868
M, Miscellaneous: Mac, 1839-1870
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mac, 1839-1870 Scope and Contents note Macaulay, D. Macbean, William MacComb, Genl. A. MacDonald, Hercules MacDonald, James W. MacDonald, Laurence MacKay, Robert MacKay, William Mackworth, Digby Macleod, E. Macpherson, M. T.
M, Miscellaneous: Mal-Mar, 1845-1868
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mal-Mar, 1845-1868 Scope and Contents note Malcolm, J. Mallett, A. B. Mallett, E. J. Marcey, W. L. Marggraff, R. Mariotti, Lorenzo Markoe, Wilbur & Scott Marsh, Caroline C. Marsh, Susan Martin, Eugene Martin, George Martin, Mary
M, Miscellaneous: Mat-Mau, 1860-1872
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mat-Mau, 1860-1872 Scope and Contents note Mathews, Albert Mathews, L. Matthews, Arthur Mathini, Gevis.[?] Mattei, Francesco Mauck, Bligh Mauritz, Mr.
M, Miscellaneous: Mc, 1839-1870
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mc, 1839-1870 Scope and Contents note McClennan, Charles S. McCreary, Mary J. McCurdy, Charles J. C. McDuffie, George McKay, David McKeane, Thomas McLain, R. T. McLean, N. C. McNab, John
M, Miscellaneous: Me, 1844-1870
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Me, 1844-1870 Scope and Contents note Mead, Larkin G. Meade, Mrs. M. C. Meigs, W. C. Mendsen, William F. Mercantile Library Association Mercer, Samuel Meline, Louis P. Messinger, Dan Metzger, Lodovico
M, Miscellaneous: Mi, 1846-1864
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mi, 1846-1864 Scope and Contents note Midre, G. Miles, William Porcher Miller, Charles E. Miller, John Miller, Lester Miller, William S. Mills, Edgar Mills, J. K. Mills, Lewis E. Mills, Margaret S. Mills, Robert Mitchell, Donald G.
M, Miscellaneous: Mon-Moo, 1845-1870
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mon-Moo, 1845-1870 Scope and Contents note Montalant[?], A. Martin Moore, Lucius Moore, Morris Moore, William C.
M, Miscellaneous: Mor, 1846-1872
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mor, 1846-1872 Scope and Contents note Morgan, George E. Morgan, Henry J. Moro, N. M. Morris, Clarence Morris, S. C. Morris, T. H. Morse, A. C. Morse, Samuel F. B.
M, Miscellaneous: Mos-Mu, 1856-1870
Select: M, Miscellaneous: Mos-Mu, 1856-1870 Scope and Contents note Moss, A. A. Mottasse, George S. Mozier, J. Munroe, J. Murdock, Mary E. Murray, A. M.
Naesmyth, John M., circa 1863-1864
Select: Naesmyth, John M., circa 1863-1864
Naesmyth, John M., 1865-1870
Select: Naesmyth, John M., 1865-1870
Nash, Joshua, 1848-1855
Select: Nash, Joshua, 1848-1855
Nicholson, Samuel, 1863-1870
Select: Nicholson, Samuel, 1863-1870
Niemann, Edmund, 1860-1861
Select: Niemann, Edmund, 1860-1861
Niemann, Edmund, 1862
Select: Niemann, Edmund, 1862
Nourse & Co. (Michael Nourse), 1855
Select: Nourse & Co. (Michael Nourse), 1855
N, Miscellaneous: Na, 1840-1870
Select: N, Miscellaneous: Na, 1840-1870 Scope and Contents note Naden[?], Charles Naylor, Bunyon[?], & Co. Neagle, John Neill, Samuel M. Nevins, J. West Newhauser, Mr. New Orleans Times
N, Miscellaneous: Ni, 1852-1871
Select: N, Miscellaneous: Ni, 1852-1871 Scope and Contents note Nichols, James R. Nichols, W. Niles, H. T. Niles, W. W. Nist, J. P.
N, Miscellaneous: No-Ny, 1843-1868
Select: N, Miscellaneous: No-Ny, 1843-1868 Scope and Contents note Noble, James Noccioli, Carlo Northcote, C. A. Norton, Brinsley Norton, Charles Eliot Norton, Frank Norton, James S. Norton, John Nott, J. C. Notti, Mr. Nourse, Hiram Nye, Gideon
Ombrosi, James, 1849-1850
Select: Ombrosi, James, 1849-1850
O, Miscellaneous, 1847-1866
Select: O, Miscellaneous, 1847-1866 Scope and Contents note Ogden, W. H. Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Co. Oldfield, Edmund Oldham, Helen Olmstead, Lemuel G. Ostinelli, Luigi Otley, Charles Overstone, Lord Owen & Clark
Packer, Harriet S., 1868-1870
Select: Packer, Harriet S., 1868-1870
Page, Mrs. B., 1856-1858
Select: Page, Mrs. B., 1856-1858
Parker, John, 1841-1843
Select: Parker, John, 1841-1843
Peabody, Francis, 1845-1849
Select: Peabody, Francis, 1845-1849
Peabody, George, 1846-1849
Select: Peabody, George, 1846-1849
Peabody, George, 1850-1853
Select: Peabody, George, 1850-1853
Peabody, George, 1854-1858
Select: Peabody, George, 1854-1858
Peabody, George, 1859-1860
Select: Peabody, George, 1859-1860
Peabody, George, 1861-1864
Select: Peabody, George, 1861-1864
Penniman, James F., 1851-1857
Select: Penniman, James F., 1851-1857
Perkins, George R., 1869-1875
Select: Perkins, George R., 1869-1875
Phillips, S. C., 1837-1846
Select: Phillips, S. C., 1837-1846
Pickens, F. W., 1837-1857
Select: Pickens, F. W., 1837-1857
Pitman, John T., 1857-1858
Select: Pitman, John T., 1857-1858
Pitman, John T., 1858
Select: Pitman, John T., 1858
Pitman, John T., 1859-1860
Select: Pitman, John T., 1859-1860
Playfair, James, circa 1845-1847
Select: Playfair, James, circa 1845-1847
Playfair, James, 1848-1850
Select: Playfair, James, 1848-1850
Powers, Benjamin, 1831-1834
Select: Powers, Benjamin, 1831-1834
Powers, Benjamin, 1835-1837
Select: Powers, Benjamin, 1835-1837
Powers, Benjamin, 1850-1855
Select: Powers, Benjamin, 1850-1855
Powers, Benjamin, 1856
Select: Powers, Benjamin, 1856
Powers, Benjamin, 1857-1860
Select: Powers, Benjamin, 1857-1860
Powers, Catherine, 1835, 1854-1861
Select: Powers, Catherine, 1835, 1854-1861
Powers, Catherine, 1866-1870
Select: Powers, Catherine, 1866-1870
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, circa 1832, 1834
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, circa 1832, 1834
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1835
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1835
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1835
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1835
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1836
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 January-February
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 January-February
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 March-April
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 March-April
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 May
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 May
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 June-August
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1837 June-August
Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1848-1857
Select: Powers, Elizabeth Gibson, 1848-1857
Powers, Longworth, 1851-1858
Select: Powers, Longworth, 1851-1858
Powers, Longworth, 1859
Select: Powers, Longworth, 1859
Powers, Longworth, 1859
Select: Powers, Longworth, 1859
Powers, Philander, 1827-1834
Select: Powers, Philander, 1827-1834
Powers, Preston, 1865-1868
Select: Powers, Preston, 1865-1868
Powers, Sampson, 1836-1841
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1836-1841
Powers, Sampson, 1844-1845
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1844-1845
Powers, Sampson, 1847-1849
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1847-1849
Powers, Sampson, 1850-1853
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1850-1853
Powers, Sampson, 1854-1855
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1854-1855
Powers, Sampson, 1861-1866
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1861-1866
Powers, Sampson, 1867-1869
Select: Powers, Sampson, 1867-1869
Powers Family, Miscellaneous: A-M, 1831-1871
Select: Powers Family, Miscellaneous: A-M, 1831-1871
Powers Family, Miscellaneous: N-W, 1831-1871
Select: Powers Family, Miscellaneous: N-W, 1831-1871
Prall, Margaret A., circa 1850
Select: Prall, Margaret A., circa 1850
Prescott, T. O., 1848-1852
Select: Prescott, T. O., 1848-1852
Preston, John S., circa 1836-1842
Select: Preston, John S., circa 1836-1842
Preston, John S., 1845-1850
Select: Preston, John S., 1845-1850
Preston, John S., 1852-1861
Select: Preston, John S., 1852-1861
Preston, William C., circa 1836-1852
Select: Preston, William C., circa 1836-1852
Price, George W., 1859-1864
Select: Price, George W., 1859-1864
Prime, Frederick, 1848-1849, 1866
Select: Prime, Frederick, 1848-1849, 1866
P, Miscellaneous: Pag-Pap, 1854-1870
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pag-Pap, 1854-1870 Scope and Contents note Paget, Lady Paige, J. W. Paine, Jno. W. Palmer, Erastus D. Palmerini, Ferdinando Papi, Clemente
P, Miscellaneous: Par-Pay, 1844-1873
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Par-Pay, 1844-1873 Scope and Contents note Parish, Henry Park, Anna C. Parker, James Parkman, J. Parmele, Edward Parsons, T. W. Pate & Sons Patten, D. Patterson, William L. Pattison, Delia Payer, Raffael Payne, Daniel C. Paynter, Fanny
P, Miscellaneous: Pe, 1836-1862
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pe, 1836-1862 Scope and Contents note Peabody, Joseph Peacoke, Edward Pearce, Stephen Peck, Jud Pelham, Charles P. Pennock, Barclay Perkins, Charles C. Perkins, F. D. Perkins, Stephen Petrini, Ruggero
P, Miscellaneous: Ph-Po, 1846-1872
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Ph-Po, 1846-1872 Scope and Contents note Phillip, J. Boisin[?] Pierce, Mr. Pierpont, John Place, E. B. Plowden, Mr. Pochain, George W. Polhemus, A. Polidori, Fratelli Porcinai, Pasquale Porter, F. G. Poole, Theresa Potter, Edmund
P, Miscellaneous: Pra-Pri, 1838-1877
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pra-Pri, 1838-1877 Scope and Contents note Pratt, William A. Prentice, John H. Preston, Mrs. William H. Price, Eli K. Price, Mary Mulock Price, Stephen Prime, Rufus Prime, S. Irenaus[?] Pritchard, Arthur J. Pritchard, Richard O.
P, Miscellaneous: Pro-Pu, 1854-1870
Select: P, Miscellaneous: Pro-Pu, 1854-1870 Scope and Contents note Probasco, Henry Pugh, G. E. Pugh, Isaac Putnam, C.
Ray, Mary, 1853-1859
Select: Ray, Mary, 1853-1859
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1837, 1855-1857
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1837, 1855-1857
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1858-1859
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1858-1859
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1860
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1860
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1861-1863
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1861-1863
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1865
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1865
Reilly, Benjamin T., 1865-1866
Select: Reilly, Benjamin T., 1865-1866
Reilly, Boyd, 1849-1850
Select: Reilly, Boyd, 1849-1850
Reilly, Boyd, 1851-1852
Select: Reilly, Boyd, 1851-1852
Reilly, Boyd, 1853-1855
Select: Reilly, Boyd, 1853-1855
Richardson, John P., 1853
Select: Richardson, John P., 1853
Richardson, John P., 1854-1855
Select: Richardson, John P., 1854-1855
Richardson, John P., 1856-1857
Select: Richardson, John P., 1856-1857
Richardson, John P., 1858-1859
Select: Richardson, John P., 1858-1859
Richardson, John P., 1860-1861
Select: Richardson, John P., 1860-1861
Richardson, John P., 1862-1866
Select: Richardson, John P., 1862-1866
Robb, James, 1845-1848
Select: Robb, James, 1845-1848
Russell, G. R., 1862-1864
Select: Russell, G. R., 1862-1864
Rymer, Wilkie & Emma, circa 1856-1858
Select: Rymer, Wilkie & Emma, circa 1856-1858
R, Miscellaneous: Ra-Re, 1843-1873
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Ra-Re, 1843-1873 Scope and Contents note Ralston, Lizzie H. Rankin, Isaac N. Raymond, Mary A. Raymond, R. R. Raywood, Marian Reaman, G. H. Reeves, Samuel J. Revoil, B. H. Reynold, William
R, Miscellaneous: Ric, 1853-1873
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Ric, 1853-1873 Scope and Contents note Rice, Clinton Rice, Peter Rice, Thomas G. Rice, William T. Rice Rutter & Co. Richards, Samuel Richardson, Jason Richmond, George Richmond, Julia
R, Miscellaneous: Rid-Riv, 1851-1865
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rid-Riv, 1851-1865 Scope and Contents note Riddick, Washington Ridley, G. Ridpath, James Ridpath, Samuel Riggs, George S. Rinehart, William H. Ripley, John S. Rives, W. C.
R, Miscellaneous: Rob-Rog, 1857-1873
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rob-Rog, 1857-1873 Scope and Contents note Robertson, D. A. Robertson, John Robinson, Chase & Co. Rocchi, Mr. Rogers, John Rogers, Randolph
R, Miscellaneous: Rop-Rou, 1854-1871
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Rop-Rou, 1854-1871 Scope and Contents note Ropes, Joseph Rose, James Rothermel, P. F. Rothery, Mary A. Hume Rothschild, A. Routh, Eliza
R, Miscellaneous: Ru-Ry, 1846-1866
Select: R, Miscellaneous: Ru-Ry, 1846-1866 Scope and Contents note Russell, Mrs. M. B. Russell, Georgiana Russell, William Ryder, W. H. Rymer, Jno. T.
Salghetti-Drioli, Francesco, 1840-1867
Select: Salghetti-Drioli, Francesco, 1840-1867
Sargent, Ignatius, 1849-1864
Select: Sargent, Ignatius, 1849-1864
Sargent, Ignatius, 1865-1869
Select: Sargent, Ignatius, 1865-1869
Saul, James, 1844-1852
Select: Saul, James, 1844-1852
Schurster, F., 1865-1867
Select: Schurster, F., 1865-1867
Schwarz, J. G., 1840-1857
Select: Schwarz, J. G., 1840-1857
Sigourney, Henry, 1853-1854
Select: Sigourney, Henry, 1853-1854
Skottowe, Charles, circa 1845-1852
Select: Skottowe, Charles, circa 1845-1852
Slaughter, Philip, 1850-1856
Select: Slaughter, Philip, 1850-1856
Slidell, John, circa 1841-1849
Select: Slidell, John, circa 1841-1849
Smith, C. Lesingham, 1843-1846
Select: Smith, C. Lesingham, 1843-1846
Smyth, Mr., 1850-1855
Select: Smyth, Mr., 1850-1855
Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1855-1856
Select: Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1855-1856
Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1857-1858
Select: Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1857-1858
Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1859-1967
Select: Sparks, Jared & Mary, 1859-1967
Sprague, Horatio I., 1850-1853
Select: Sprague, Horatio I., 1850-1853
Spurgin, John, 1853-1866
Select: Spurgin, John, 1853-1866
Stamer, Caroline (Lady), circa 1842-1844
Select: Stamer, Caroline (Lady), circa 1842-1844
Stamer, Caroline (Lady), 1845-1853, undated
Select: Stamer, Caroline (Lady), 1845-1853, undated
Stansbury, Charles F. (Stansbury & Pitman), 1856-1862
Select: Stansbury, Charles F. (Stansbury & Pitman), 1856-1862
Stanton, Daniel, 1846-1855
Select: Stanton, Daniel, 1846-1855
Stewart, Alex T., 1866-1871
Select: Stewart, Alex T., 1866-1871
Story, W. W., 1849-1866
Select: Story, W. W., 1849-1866
Stoughton, A. B., 1853-1867
Select: Stoughton, A. B., 1853-1867
Stoughton, E. W., 1869-1870
Select: Stoughton, E. W., 1869-1870
Strong, Charles E., 1860-1862
Select: Strong, Charles E., 1860-1862
Stubs, Joseph, 1842-1858
Select: Stubs, Joseph, 1842-1858
Stubs, Mary, 1850-1852
Select: Stubs, Mary, 1850-1852
Stubs, Peter, 1843-1871
Select: Stubs, Peter, 1843-1871
Sturges, B., 1850, 1862-1864
Select: Sturges, B., 1850, 1862-1864
Surget, F., 1852-1856
Select: Surget, F., 1852-1856
S, Miscellaneous: Sal-San, 1846-1870
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sal-San, 1846-1870 Scope and Contents note Salvestrini, Pasquale Samson, George W. Sanders, J. Milton Sanders, William C. Sanderson, J. E. Sandford, F. R. Sanford, Henry Sanford, Joseph Sanford, Rollin Santavelli, Emilio Santini, A. Giusseppe
S, Miscellaneous: Sar-Sav, 1838-1869
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sar-Sav, 1838-1869 Scope and Contents note Sard, J. G. Sargent, F. W. Sargent, L. M. Sargent, Manlius[?] Sartain, John Sartori, John B. Saturday CourierSavannah Republican
S, Miscellaneous: Sc, 1841-1870
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sc, 1841-1870 Scope and Contents note Schoenberger, John H. Scholfield, W. F. Schuster, S. Schowlgwin[?], Alene Scott, Edward H. Scott, G. B. Scudder, Nannie B.
S, Miscellaneous: Se, 1840-1870
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Se, 1840-1870 Scope and Contents note Seafield, Mr. Seaman, John F. Sedgwick, Theodore Sega, James Seibert, Edward Seton, W. Seward, C. A.
S, Miscellaneous: Sh, 1846-1871
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sh, 1846-1871 Scope and Contents note Shaw, Fran. George Shaw, George B. Shaw, Gardiner Howland Sheldon, Edwin Sherman, Mrs. Genl. Shields, G. W. Shimmin, Charles F.
S, Miscellaneous: Si-Sl, 1844-1872
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Si-Sl, 1844-1872 Scope and Contents note Sickles, J. F. Silsbee, Nath. Skidley, Mr. Slaghek, L. Heukensfeldt Slater, B. N. Sloane, F. I. Slocomb, C. H.
S, Miscellaneous: Sm-So, 1837-1873
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sm-So, 1837-1873 Scope and Contents note Smith, Charles A. Smith, Edward C. Smith, Jno. Jay Smith, Martin T. Smith, P. H. Smith, Wash. Jackson Smith Brothers Snell, James Pendleton Sohier, William D. Southworth, S. S.
S, Miscellaneous: Sp-Sq, 1853-1866
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sp-Sq, 1853-1866 Scope and Contents note Spence, Mr. Spencer, Earl Spencer, H. W. Spencer, William B. Spring, Marcus Squier, Charles
S, Miscellaneous: Sta-Ste, 1846-1873
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sta-Ste, 1846-1873 Scope and Contents note Stagg, John Stapleford, Edward Stanhope, H. Scudamore Starbuck, Edward F. Stebbins, Emma Stephens, Edward B. Stephenson, George S. Stetson, Mr. Stewart, G. H. Stewart, Jas. M.
S, Miscellaneous: Sti-Sto, 1843-1870
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Sti-Sto, 1843-1870 Scope and Contents note Stiglmeier[?], Mr. Stiles, William H. Stille, C. J. Stone, A. B. Stone, Dan Stone, R. K. Stout, Arthur B. Stout, A. V.
S, Miscellaneous: Str-Sy, 1840-1868
Select: S, Miscellaneous: Str-Sy, 1840-1868 Scope and Contents note Street, Augustus R. Street, Julia Strong, G. T. Strong, J. H. Strutt, Arthur J. Strutt, Jac. George Sturynsky[?], Mr. Stuyvesant, N. M. Symmes, Joseph
Tandy, David C., 1847-1854
Select: Tandy, David C., 1847-1854
Taylor, James, 1862-1873
Select: Taylor, James, 1862-1873
Tegoborski, Mr., 1864-1866
Select: Tegoborski, Mr., 1864-1866
Terry, Luther, 1841-1858
Select: Terry, Luther, 1841-1858
Tiffany, O. C., 1847-1851
Select: Tiffany, O. C., 1847-1851
Townsend, Isaiah, 1841-1848
Select: Townsend, Isaiah, 1841-1848
Trollope, Frances & T. Adolphus, 1853-1872
Select: Trollope, Frances & T. Adolphus, 1853-1872
Tuckerman, Henry, 1846-1858
Select: Tuckerman, Henry, 1846-1858
Tuckerman, Henry, 1859-1866
Select: Tuckerman, Henry, 1859-1866
Tyler, George F., 1866-1867
Select: Tyler, George F., 1866-1867
T, Miscellaneous: Ta, 1845-1873
Select: T, Miscellaneous: Ta, 1845-1873 Scope and Contents note Taft, Judge Tappan, H. P. Taunton, Lord Taylor, Mrs. B. Ogle Taylor, C. Fred. Taylor, George C. Taylor, J. Bayard Taylor, James Taylor, M. S. Taylor, P. M. Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, William
T, Miscellaneous: Te, 1852-1856
Select: T, Miscellaneous: Te, 1852-1856 Scope and Contents note Tefft, T. A. Tennyson, F. Tetedoux, Clement
T, Miscellaneous: Th, 1837-1870
Select: T, Miscellaneous: Th, 1837-1870 Scope and Contents note Thairlwall[?], R. Thalheimer, Miss M E. Thatcher, Henry K. Thomas, John Thomas Loyd & Co. Thomas, William L. Thompson, C. G. Thomson, I. Thurston, F. G.
T, Miscellaneous: Ti, 1841-1861
Select: T, Miscellaneous: Ti, 1841-1861 Scope and Contents note Tibaldi, J. Tiffany, C. Tiffany, George Peabody Tiffany, Ormond
T, Miscellaneous: To, 1840-1864
Select: T, Miscellaneous: To, 1840-1864 Scope and Contents note Torrigiani, Carlo Tower, Sarabell Tower, T. Townsend, J. B. Townsend, Robert Townsend, William H. Townshend, Charles
T, Miscellaneous: Tr-Tw, 1847-1869
Select: T, Miscellaneous: Tr-Tw, 1847-1869 Scope and Contents note Trapier, Paul Treat, Joseph Trippet, John Tweedy, E.
Udny, John, 1845-1847
Select: Udny, John, 1845-1847
U-V Miscellaneous: U-Van, 1841-1866
Select: U-V Miscellaneous: U-Van, 1841-1866 Scope and Contents note United States Consul, Havre Utterson, Edward P. Van Buren, A. Van Buren, J. T. Van Buren, M. Vanderbilt, Cornelius Vanderlyn, John Vanderwoort, Mr. Van Rensselaer, C. Van Vleet, Miss S. J. Van Vleit, Nettie
V, Miscellaneous: Var-Vo, 1841-1858
Select: V, Miscellaneous: Var-Vo, 1841-1858 Scope and Contents note Varnum, Joseph B. Vernon, Mr. Virtue, Frances Adelaide Viti, Vito Visez, W. H. Vorni, Tanto
Wadsworth, James S., 1855-1858
Select: Wadsworth, James S., 1855-1858
Wales, George W., 1842-1872
Select: Wales, George W., 1842-1872
Wales, S. H., 1868-1869
Select: Wales, S. H., 1868-1869
Warburton, William, 1864-1866
Select: Warburton, William, 1864-1866
Ward, Lord, 1848-1849
Select: Ward, Lord, 1848-1849
Ward, Samuel G. & Anna Barker Ward, 1837-1841
Select: Ward, Samuel G. & Anna Barker Ward, 1837-1841
Ward, Samuel G. & Anna Barker Ward, 1842-1845
Select: Ward, Samuel G. & Anna Barker Ward, 1842-1845
Warren, S. D., 1853-1855
Select: Warren, S. D., 1853-1855
Watherston, Edward J., 1868
Select: Watherston, Edward J., 1868
Weed, Charles A., 1870-1871
Select: Weed, Charles A., 1870-1871
Wetmore, W. T., 1846-1849
Select: Wetmore, W. T., 1846-1849
Whilldin, Alexander, 1869-1870
Select: Whilldin, Alexander, 1869-1870
Wickliffe, R., circa 1844-1845
Select: Wickliffe, R., circa 1844-1845
Wickliffe, R., 1846-1847
Select: Wickliffe, R., 1846-1847
Williams, G. Stedman, 1870-1871
Select: Williams, G. Stedman, 1870-1871
Williamson, John & Charlotte Ann, 1866-1868
Select: Williamson, John & Charlotte Ann, 1866-1868
Wilson, Dr. W. & Mrs., circa 1854-1878
Select: Wilson, Dr. W. & Mrs., circa 1854-1878
Wilson, Dr. W. & Mrs., undated, circa 1854-circa 1878
Select: Wilson, Dr. W. & Mrs., undated, circa 1854-circa 1878
Winthrop, Robert C., 1841-1868
Select: Winthrop, Robert C., 1841-1868
Winthrop, Robert C., 1869-1871
Select: Winthrop, Robert C., 1869-1871
Wise, Charlotte E., 1853-1869
Select: Wise, Charlotte E., 1853-1869
Wise, H. A., 1852
Select: Wise, H. A., 1852
Wolcott, J. Huntington, 1863-1868
Select: Wolcott, J. Huntington, 1863-1868
Wolfe, John, 1852-1855
Select: Wolfe, John, 1852-1855
Woods, Marshall & Mrs., 1852-1870
Select: Woods, Marshall & Mrs., 1852-1870
Worcester, Thomas, 1850-1870
Select: Worcester, Thomas, 1850-1870
W, Miscellaneous: Wad-Wal, 1840-1861
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wad-Wal, 1840-1861 Scope and Contents note Wadsworth, E. A. Wales, Thomas B. Walker, Joseph Wallace & Co. Waller, Alb. Wallis & Co. Walpole, Francis Walter, L. M. Walton, J. B. Walton, W.
W, Miscellaneous: War-Wau, 1846-1873
Select: W, Miscellaneous: War-Wau, 1846-1873 Scope and Contents note Ward, John S. Ward, Joseph M. Ward, Marcus L. Ware, William Warner, Henderson Warren, G. Washington Warwick, Mr. Waugh, S. B. Wautter, Baroness
W, Miscellaneous: We, 1836-1869
Select: W, Miscellaneous: We, 1836-1869 Scope and Contents note Webster, Daniel Wedderbury, A. Weekes, H. Welles & Greene Wells, Henry Wells, I. E. Welman, C. Noel Welsch, M. W. West, Mary H. Westcott, Bayse N. Westenholm, George
W, Miscellaneous: Whe, 1841-1868
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Whe, 1841-1868 Scope and Contents note Wheeler, Charles Wheeler, Jno. H. Wheelwright, Andrew C. Wheelwright, C. H.
W, Miscellaneous: Whi, 1847-1873
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Whi, 1847-1873 Scope and Contents note Whilldin, L. M. Whipple, John A. White, Edward B. White, Elizabeth G. White, Edwin & Harriet Whiting, D. P. Whiting, William B. Whitman, S.
W, Miscellaneous: Wig-Wil, 1847-1872
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wig-Wil, 1847-1872 Scope and Contents note Wiggins, Charles Wilde, John P. Wilde, R. H. & Mrs. Wiley, L. M. Wilkin, Alex Wilkinson, John Williams, G. P. Williams, John S. Williams, Virgil Willits, Charles C. Wilson, Alex G. Wilson, John S.
W, Miscellaneous: Win-Wit, 1846-1852
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Win-Wit, 1846-1852 Scope and Contents note Winchester, W. T. Winthrop, B. R. Winthrop, William Witmer, Theo. B.
W, Miscellaneous: Wo, 1836-1873
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wo, 1836-1873 Scope and Contents note Wolcott, G. H. Wolf, Leo. Wood, George Wood, J. Warrenton Woodburn, W. Woodbury, Levi Woodcock, Charles Worcester, E. D. Worcester, John Dean Worthington, Mrs. Lewis
W, Miscellaneous: Wr-Wy, 1848-1870
Select: W, Miscellaneous: Wr-Wy, 1848-1870 Scope and Contents note Wray, I. M. Wright, William S. Wurtz, George W. Wyatt, M. Digby Wynne, R.
Young, Jno. J., 1854-1859
Select: Young, Jno. J., 1854-1859
Y-Z, Miscellaneous, 1841-1855
Select: Y-Z, Miscellaneous, 1841-1855 Scope and Contents note Yates, A. E. Young, Henry Zannetti, Professore
Unidentified Correspondents, 1849-1854
Select: Unidentified Correspondents, 1849-1854
Unidentified Correspondents, 1855-1868
Select: Unidentified Correspondents, 1855-1868
Unidentified Correspondents, Undated, circa 1840-1873
Select: Unidentified Correspondents, Undated, circa 1840-1873
Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, 1838-1842
Select: Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, 1838-1842
Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, 1844-1847
Select: Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, 1844-1847
Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, Transcripts, 1838-1842
Select: Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, Transcripts, 1838-1842
Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, Transcripts, 1844-1847
Select: Bound Copies of Letters Written by Hiram Powers, Transcripts, 1844-1847
Envelopes, circa 1860s
Select: Envelopes, circa 1860s