Addison Gallery of American Art (Sara Weeks), 1966-1968
Select: Addison Gallery of American Art (Sara Weeks), 1966-1968
Adrian, Marc, 1962-1971
Select: Adrian, Marc, 1962-1971
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1970
Select: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1970
Albers, Josef, 1943-1960
Select: Albers, Josef, 1943-1960
Alexander, Christopher, 1965
Select: Alexander, Christopher, 1965
Alfieri, Bruno, 1960
Select: Alfieri, Bruno, 1960
Alliance Graphique Internationale, 1963-1964
Select: Alliance Graphique Internationale, 1963-1964
Allphin, Willard, 1967
Select: Allphin, Willard, 1967
American Academy in Rome, 1966-1974
Select: American Academy in Rome, 1966-1974
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1972-1981
Select: American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1972-1981
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1946-1976
Select: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1946-1976
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1969-1972
Select: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1969-1972
American Federation of Arts, 1961-1968
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1961-1968
American Heritage , 1968
Select: American Heritage, 1968
American Institute of Architects, 1967-1969
Select: American Institute of Architects, 1967-1969
Aquinas College, 1970-1971
Select: Aquinas College, 1970-1971
Archives of American Art, 1965-1973
Select: Archives of American Art, 1965-1973
Arnheim, Rudolf, 1963-1974
Select: Arnheim, Rudolf, 1963-1974
Art College of Ontario, 1969-1974
Select: Art College of Ontario, 1969-1974
Art Institute of Chicago, 1942-1973
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1942-1973
Arts and Crafts Center, 1971
Select: Arts and Crafts Center, 1971
ArtsCanada, 1968-1969
Select: ArtsCanada, 1968-1969
Athens Technological Institute/Athens Center of Ekistics, 1967-1974
Select: Athens Technological Institute/Athens Center of Ekistics, 1967-1974
A, General, 1962-1979
Select: A, General, 1962-1979
A, General, 1943-1972
Select: A, General, 1943-1972
Balieu, Joost, 1962
Select: Balieu, Joost, 1962
Bank Street College of Education, Arts in Education Committee, 1968
Select: Bank Street College of Education, Arts in Education Committee, 1968
Bauhaus Archiv, 1965-1974
Select: Bauhaus Archiv, 1965-1974
Beinart, Julian, 1959-1974
Select: Beinart, Julian, 1959-1974
Belluschi, Pietro, 1963-1974
Select: Belluschi, Pietro, 1963-1974
Bennington College, 1946-1956
Select: Bennington College, 1946-1956
Benthall, Jonathan, 1973
Select: Benthall, Jonathan, 1973
Bernhard, Ruth, 1961-1962
Select: Bernhard, Ruth, 1961-1962
Beverly Tercentenary Celebration Committee, 1968
Select: Beverly Tercentenary Celebration Committee, 1968
Bill, Max, 1953-1968
Select: Bill, Max, 1953-1968
Bihalji-Meri, O., 1967
Select: Bihalji-Meri, O., 1967
Blee, Michael, circa 1943-1974
Select: Blee, Michael, circa 1943-1974
Boston 200: Office of the Boston Bicentennial, 1973
Select: Boston 200: Office of the Boston Bicentennial, 1973
Boston University, 1968-1974
Select: Boston University, 1968-1974
Brambilla, Robert, 1973-1974
Select: Brambilla, Robert, 1973-1974
Braziller, George/George Braziller, Inc., 1967-1974
Select: Braziller, George/George Braziller, Inc., 1967-1974
Brighton College of Art (Jean M. Creedy), 1965-1969
Select: Brighton College of Art (Jean M. Creedy), 1965-1969
Brockton Art Center, 1968-1969
Select: Brockton Art Center, 1968-1969
Bronowski, Jacob, 1957-1967
Select: Bronowski, Jacob, 1957-1967
B, General, circa 1943-1974
Select: B, General, circa 1943-1974
Calder, Alexander and Louisa, 1950-1973
Select: Calder, Alexander and Louisa, 1950-1973
Cambridge Art Association, 1966-1972
Select: Cambridge Art Association, 1966-1972
Cape Cod Art Association Gallery, 1969
Select: Cape Cod Art Association Gallery, 1969
Cape Cod Conservatory of Music and Arts, 1973-1974
Select: Cape Cod Conservatory of Music and Arts, 1973-1974
Carnegie-Mellon University, 1968-1971
Select: Carnegie-Mellon University, 1968-1971
Cauman, John, 1973
Select: Cauman, John, 1973
Centro y Arte y Comunicacion, 1972-1973
Select: Centro y Arte y Comunicacion, 1972-1973
Chermayeff, Serge, 1947-1967
Select: Chermayeff, Serge, 1947-1967
City of Cambridge, 1960-1966
Select: City of Cambridge, 1960-1966
Claus, Juergen, 1970-1972
Select: Claus, Juergen, 1970-1972
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1961-1973
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1961-1973
Club of Rome, 1970-1974
Select: Club of Rome, 1970-1974
Cole, & Weber, Inc., 1970
Select: Cole, & Weber, Inc., 1970
Commission on the Humanities in the Schools, 1967-1969
Select: Commission on the Humanities in the Schools, 1967-1969
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1964-1965
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1964-1965
Cornell University, 1965-1969
Select: Cornell University, 1965-1969
C, General, 1942-1974
Select: C, General, 1942-1974
Daedalus , 1959-1974
Select: Daedalus, 1959-1974
Davis, Douglas, 1973
Select: Davis, Douglas, 1973
DeCordova and Dana Museum and Park, 1961-1969
Select: DeCordova and Dana Museum and Park, 1961-1969
DeMarco, Richard, 1972-1973
Select: DeMarco, Richard, 1972-1973
Design (Elio Cenci), 1972-1973
Select: Design (Elio Cenci), 1972-1973
Domus (Gio Ponti), 1961-1973
Select: Domus (Gio Ponti), 1961-1973
Dreyfuss, Henry, 1970-1972
Select: Dreyfuss, Henry, 1970-1972
duCharme, Louis A. (Young & Rubicam, Inc.), 1970-1971
Select: duCharme, Louis A. (Young & Rubicam, Inc.), 1970-1971
D, General, 1947-1974
Select: D, General, 1947-1974
Eames, Charles and Ray, 1950-1973
Select: Eames, Charles and Ray, 1950-1973 Includes 2 film reels. Scope and Contents Includes a report to M.I.T. President Howard Johnson from Charles Eames as a member of the 1969-1970 Arts Commission with recommendations written by Eames. Correspondence includes two motion picture films: "Powers of Ten," (circa 1968) which is possibly an earlier version of the 1977 film by Charles and Ray Eames; and "Farming the Sea" (1967). Film reels stored separately in film cans numbered 39-40.
Powers of Ten by Charles Eames, 1950-1973
Select: Powers of Ten by Charles Eames, 1950-1973 1 Film reel16mm
Farming at Sea
Select: Farming at Sea 1 Film reel16mm
Education Development Center, 1972
Select: Education Development Center, 1972
Egawa, Kazuhiko, 1965
Select: Egawa, Kazuhiko, 1965
Elek, Paul (Elek Books Ltd.), 1968-1974
Select: Elek, Paul (Elek Books Ltd.), 1968-1974
Encyclopaedia Britannica , 1972
Select: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1972
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology , 1964
Select: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1964
Entwistle, Clive, 1965
Select: Entwistle, Clive, 1965
Everson Museum of Art, 1963, 1973
Select: Everson Museum of Art, 1963, 1973
Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc. (Billy Kluver), 1966-1972
Select: Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc. (Billy Kluver), 1966-1972
E, General, 1958-1974
Select: E, General, 1958-1974
Fallani, Mario, 1965-1968
Select: Fallani, Mario, 1965-1968
Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, 1971-1972
Select: Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, 1971-1972
Flocon, Albert, 1961-1974
Select: Flocon, Albert, 1961-1974
Flores, Ricardo, 1971-1971
Select: Flores, Ricardo, 1971-1971 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 33
Ford Foundation, 1968-1969
Select: Ford Foundation, 1968-1969
Frontiers of Learning Lecture Series, 1967-1968
Select: Frontiers of Learning Lecture Series, 1967-1968
R. Buckminster Fuller, 1967-1974
Select: R. Buckminster Fuller, 1967-1974
F, General, 1949-1978
Select: F, General, 1949-1978
Galerie Moos, Inc., 1970-1974
Select: Galerie Moos, Inc., 1970-1974
Galerie Parnass/R. Jahrling, 1958-1959
Select: Galerie Parnass/R. Jahrling, 1958-1959
Gibson, James J., 1964-1967
Select: Gibson, James J., 1964-1967
Giedion, Siegfried, 1951-1966
Select: Giedion, Siegfried, 1951-1966
Glaser, Esther, 1962-1965
Select: Glaser, Esther, 1962-1965
Goeritz, Matias, 1967-1973
Select: Goeritz, Matias, 1967-1973
Greene-Mercier, Zoe, 1970-1974
Select: Greene-Mercier, Zoe, 1970-1974
Gregotti, Vittoria (Edilizia Moderna ), 1964-1966
Select: Gregotti, Vittoria (Edilizia Moderna), 1964-1966
Gropius, Walter, 1937-1973
Select: Gropius, Walter, 1937-1973
Gropius Foundation/Lecture, 1969-1970
Select: Gropius Foundation/Lecture, 1969-1970
Gutman, Judith Maria, 1971
Select: Gutman, Judith Maria, 1971
G, General, 1950-1973
Select: G, General, 1950-1973
Haacke, Hans, 1968-1971
Select: Haacke, Hans, 1968-1971
Haar, Charles, 1965-1972
Select: Haar, Charles, 1965-1972
Haar, Francis, 1968-1974
Select: Haar, Francis, 1968-1974
Hampshire College, 1967
Select: Hampshire College, 1967
Hanson, Bill, 1962-1969
Select: Hanson, Bill, 1962-1969
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1967-1971
Select: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1967-1971
Harvard Business Review , 1970
Select: Harvard Business Review, 1970
Harvard University, 1947-1974
Select: Harvard University, 1947-1974
Harvard University, Fogg Art Museum, 1954-1974
Select: Harvard University, Fogg Art Museum, 1954-1974
Harvard University Press, 1963-1966
Select: Harvard University Press, 1963-1966
Hayter, S. W., 1967-1969
Select: Hayter, S. W., 1967-1969
Hélion, Jean, 1950-1972
Select: Hélion, Jean, 1950-1972
Hiler, Hilaire, 1962-1963
Select: Hiler, Hilaire, 1962-1963
Hill, Anthony, 1964-1969
Select: Hill, Anthony, 1964-1969
Hodin, J. P., 1961-1973
Select: Hodin, J. P., 1961-1973
Hofer, Philip, 1963-1973
Select: Hofer, Philip, 1963-1973
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1962-1968
Select: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1962-1968
Holter, Patra, 1971-1972
Select: Holter, Patra, 1971-1972
Holton, Gerald, 1963-1971
Select: Holton, Gerald, 1963-1971
Honkavaara, Sylvia, 1966-1971
Select: Honkavaara, Sylvia, 1966-1971
House and Garden , 1970-1973
Select: House and Garden, 1970-1973
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963-1973
Select: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963-1973
Hudson, Tom, 1963-1964
Select: Hudson, Tom, 1963-1964
H, General, 1955-1974
Select: H, General, 1955-1974
Ihara, Michio, 1973-1974
Select: Ihara, Michio, 1973-1974
Illinois Arts Council, 1969-1972
Select: Illinois Arts Council, 1969-1972
Indiana University, 1968-1973
Select: Indiana University, 1968-1973
Institute of Contemporary Art, 1960-1974
Select: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1960-1974
Institute of Design of Illinois Institute of Technology, 1969-1973
Select: Institute of Design of Illinois Institute of Technology, 1969-1973
Institute of International Education, 1970-1974
Select: Institute of International Education, 1970-1974
International Center for Integrative Studies, 1967-1973
Select: International Center for Integrative Studies, 1967-1973
International Association for Cultural Freedom, 1969-1970
Select: International Association for Cultural Freedom, 1969-1970
Internationales Design Zentrum, 1973-1974
Select: Internationales Design Zentrum, 1973-1974
International Fund for Concerned Photography, Inc., 1967-1974
Select: International Fund for Concerned Photography, Inc., 1967-1974
Itten, Johannes, 1961-1962
Select: Itten, Johannes, 1961-1962
I, General, 1936-1974
Select: I, General, 1936-1974
Jakobson, Ronan, 1970-1972
Select: Jakobson, Ronan, 1970-1972
Japan Pottery Design Center, 1972-1973
Select: Japan Pottery Design Center, 1972-1973
John Dewey Society Lecture, Ward Madden, 1966-1969
Select: John Dewey Society Lecture, Ward Madden, 1966-1969
Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1965-1970
Select: Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1965-1970
Jones, Cranston, 1961-1969
Select: Jones, Cranston, 1961-1969
J, General, 1959-1973
Select: J, General, 1959-1973
Katzen, Lila, 1971
Select: Katzen, Lila, 1971
Kepes, Gyorgy and Joan White, 1968-1971
Select: Kepes, Gyorgy and Joan White, 1968-1971
KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines, 1959-1965
Select: KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines, 1959-1965
Koch, Erik, Lord's Gallery, 1963-1973
Select: Koch, Erik, Lord's Gallery, 1963-1973
Kostrisky, George E., 1966-1969
Select: Kostrisky, George E., 1966-1969
Kowalski, Piotr, 1973-1974
Select: Kowalski, Piotr, 1973-1974
Kupferberg, C. A. (Florian Kupferberg Verlag), 1970-1971
Select: Kupferberg, C. A. (Florian Kupferberg Verlag), 1970-1971
K, General, 1950-1974
Select: K, General, 1950-1974
Lacerda, Carlos, 1972-1973
Select: Lacerda, Carlos, 1972-1973
Lehigh University, 1972
Select: Lehigh University, 1972
Loyola University, 1969-1972
Select: Loyola University, 1969-1972
L, General, 1947-1974
Select: L, General, 1947-1974
MacDonald, Angus, 1965-1971
Select: MacDonald, Angus, 1965-1971
Malina, Frank L., Leonardo , 1969-1974
Select: Malina, Frank L., Leonardo, 1969-1974
Massachusetts College of Art, 1964-1972
Select: Massachusetts College of Art, 1964-1972
M.I.T. Alumni Association, 1969
Select: M.I.T. Alumni Association, 1969
M.I.T. Center for Advanced Visual Studies, 1963-1973
Select: M.I.T. Center for Advanced Visual Studies, 1963-1973
M.I.T. General, circa 1943-1974
Select: M.I.T. General, circa 1943-1974
M.I.T. Press, 1961-1974
Select: M.I.T. Press, 1961-1974
Meyer, Howard R., 1969
Select: Meyer, Howard R., 1969
Meyer, John R., 1968
Select: Meyer, John R., 1968
Michael Berger Gallery, 1971
Select: Michael Berger Gallery, 1971
Michigan State College, 1947
Select: Michigan State College, 1947
Moholy-Nagy, László (publications about), 1948-1973
Select: Moholy-Nagy, László (publications about), 1948-1973
Mondadori Publishing Company, Inc., 1964-1969
Select: Mondadori Publishing Company, Inc., 1964-1969
Morris, Charles, 1951-1958
Select: Morris, Charles, 1951-1958
Morton, James, Urban Training Center for Christian Mission, 1965-1974
Select: Morton, James, Urban Training Center for Christian Mission, 1965-1974
Mumford, Lewis, 1961-1970
Select: Mumford, Lewis, 1961-1970
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1968-1973
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1968-1973
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, School of, 1947-1972
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, School of, 1947-1972
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1970-1974
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1970-1974
Museum of Modern Art, 1948-1973
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1948-1973
M, General, 1961-1974
Select: M, General, 1961-1974
National Academy of Design, 1972-1974
Select: National Academy of Design, 1972-1974
National Endowment for the Arts, 1972-1974
Select: National Endowment for the Arts, 1972-1974
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1974
Select: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1974
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1967-1974
Select: National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1967-1974
New England School of Art, Inc., 1971-1973
Select: New England School of Art, Inc., 1971-1973
New Orleans Museum of Art, 1972-1974
Select: New Orleans Museum of Art, 1972-1974
New York State Teachers Association, 1964-1969
Select: New York State Teachers Association, 1964-1969
New York Studio School, 1972-1973
Select: New York Studio School, 1972-1973
Nicoletti, Manfredi, 1960-1974
Select: Nicoletti, Manfredi, 1960-1974
Nusberg, Lev, 1970-1974
Select: Nusberg, Lev, 1970-1974
N, General, 1949-1973
Select: N, General, 1949-1973
Ohio State College, 1970
Select: Ohio State College, 1970
Ohio State University, 1950-1973
Select: Ohio State University, 1950-1973
Ong, Walter J., 1966-1967
Select: Ong, Walter J., 1966-1967
Ontario College of Art, 1973-1974
Select: Ontario College of Art, 1973-1974
Osborn, Robert, 1961-1973
Select: Osborn, Robert, 1961-1973
Oster, Gerald, 1965-1967
Select: Oster, Gerald, 1965-1967
Osze, Andrew, 1964-1965
Select: Osze, Andrew, 1964-1965
Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg, 1962
Select: Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg, 1962
O, General, 1961-1973
Select: O, General, 1961-1973
Palmer & Dodge (Raya S. Dreben), 1973-1974
Select: Palmer & Dodge (Raya S. Dreben), 1973-1974
Pan Am Building, 1962-1963
Select: Pan Am Building, 1962-1963
Paul Theobald and Company, 1961-1973
Select: Paul Theobald and Company, 1961-1973
Phillips Exeter Academy, 1966-1967
Select: Phillips Exeter Academy, 1966-1967
Phoenix Art Museum, 1964-1967
Select: Phoenix Art Museum, 1964-1967
Photographic Society of Japan, 1960
Select: Photographic Society of Japan, 1960
Provincetown Art Association, 1971-1973
Select: Provincetown Art Association, 1971-1973
P, General, 1951-1974
Select: P, General, 1951-1974
Rand, Paul, 1960-1965
Select: Rand, Paul, 1960-1965
Richards, I. A., 1962-1972
Select: Richards, I. A., 1962-1972
Richmond, Norman, 1962
Select: Richmond, Norman, 1962
Richter, Hans, 1963-1967
Select: Richter, Hans, 1963-1967
Rickey, George, 1962-1971
Select: Rickey, George, 1962-1971
Rockford Art Association, 1965-1968
Select: Rockford Art Association, 1965-1968
R, General, 1955-1974
Select: R, General, 1955-1974
Saidenberg Gallery, 1960-1973
Select: Saidenberg Gallery, 1960-1973
Sarabhai, Vickram, 1962-1970
Select: Sarabhai, Vickram, 1962-1970
Schnebli, Dolf, 1966-1973
Select: Schnebli, Dolf, 1966-1973
Scripps College, 1970-1973
Select: Scripps College, 1970-1973
Sert, Jose Luis, 1971-1973
Select: Sert, Jose Luis, 1971-1973
Smith College, 1965-1969
Select: Smith College, 1965-1969
Smithsonian Institution, 1968-1974
Select: Smithsonian Institution, 1968-1974
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1957-1973
Select: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1957-1973
Southeastern Community College, 1969
Select: Southeastern Community College, 1969
Southern Illinois University, 1972
Select: Southern Illinois University, 1972
Stanford University, 1964-1973
Select: Stanford University, 1964-1973
State University of New York at Binghampton, 1970-1972
Select: State University of New York at Binghampton, 1970-1972
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1971-1972
Select: State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1971-1972
Steinberg, Saul, 1961-1963
Select: Steinberg, Saul, 1961-1963
Structurist , 1973-1974
Select: Structurist, 1973-1974
Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, 1970
Select: Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, 1970
S, General, 1940-1984
Select: S, General, 1940-1984 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in in Box 28 Folder 2
S, General, 1940-1984
Select: S, General, 1940-1984
Tange, Kenzo, 1960-1971
Select: Tange, Kenzo, 1960-1971
Terrazas, Eduardo, 1970-1972
Select: Terrazas, Eduardo, 1970-1972
Thiel, Phiip, 1957-1973
Select: Thiel, Phiip, 1957-1973
Time/Life Magazines/Building, 1961-1971
Select: Time/Life Magazines/Building, 1961-1971
Tokyo Cinema Inc., 1963-1966
Select: Tokyo Cinema Inc., 1963-1966 Scope and Contents Correspondence came with film: a documentary by Tokyo Cinema, Inc., "Life is Born" (circa 1963).
Life is Born, 1963
Select: Life is Born, 1963 1 Film reel16mm
Toledo Museum of Art, 1972-1973
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1972-1973
Transigna , 1970-1971
Select: Transigna, 1970-1971
Townley, Hugh, 1965-1972
Select: Townley, Hugh, 1965-1972
Tulane University, 1971-1974
Select: Tulane University, 1971-1974
Tulbert, David (White Ox Films), 1968-1973
Select: Tulbert, David (White Ox Films), 1968-1973
T, General, 1944-1973
Select: T, General, 1944-1973
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1971-1974
Select: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1971-1974
United States Government and White House, 1964-1973
Select: United States Government and White House, 1964-1973
Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajura, 1972
Select: Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajura, 1972
Universidad de los Andes, 1971-1973
Select: Universidad de los Andes, 1971-1973
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1969-1971
Select: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1969-1971
Università Internazionale Dell'Arte di Firenze e Venezia, 1972
Select: Università Internazionale Dell'Arte di Firenze e Venezia, 1972
University Center in Virginia, Inc., 1970-1971
Select: University Center in Virginia, Inc., 1970-1971
University of California, 1952-1973
Select: University of California, 1952-1973
University of Cincinnati, 1965-1974
Select: University of Cincinnati, 1965-1974
University of Connecticut, 1971-1974
Select: University of Connecticut, 1971-1974
University of Delaware, 1968
Select: University of Delaware, 1968
University of Hartford, 1968-1971
Select: University of Hartford, 1968-1971
University of Hawaii, 1955-1977
Select: University of Hawaii, 1955-1977
University of Illinois, 1950-1973
Select: University of Illinois, 1950-1973
University of Iowa, 1972-1974
Select: University of Iowa, 1972-1974
University of Kansas, 1973-1974
Select: University of Kansas, 1973-1974
University of Manitoba, 1969-1970
Select: University of Manitoba, 1969-1970
University of Massachusetts, 1948-1974
Select: University of Massachusetts, 1948-1974
University of New Hampshire, 1962-1969
Select: University of New Hampshire, 1962-1969
University of North Carolina, 1961-1965
Select: University of North Carolina, 1961-1965
University of Oregon, 1964-1965
Select: University of Oregon, 1964-1965
University of Rhode Island, 1967
Select: University of Rhode Island, 1967
University of Rochester, 1972-1973
Select: University of Rochester, 1972-1973
University of South Florida, 1968-1974
Select: University of South Florida, 1968-1974
University of Toronto, H. Marshall McLuhan, 1959-1972
Select: University of Toronto, H. Marshall McLuhan, 1959-1972
University of Virginia (includes publication Modulus ), 1966-1973
Select: University of Virginia (includes publication Modulus), 1966-1973
University of Washington, 1951-1967
Select: University of Washington, 1951-1967
University of Wisconsin, 1963-1972
Select: University of Wisconsin, 1963-1972
U, General, 1942-1979
Select: U, General, 1942-1979
Vancouver Art Gallery, 1972-1973
Select: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1972-1973
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1969-1973
Select: Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1969-1973
V, General, 1949-1973
Select: V, General, 1949-1973
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1972-1974
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1972-1974
Walls, Michael, 1967-1971
Select: Walls, Michael, 1967-1971
Washington University, 1945-1970
Select: Washington University, 1945-1970
Weeks, Edward (Ted), 1962-1973
Select: Weeks, Edward (Ted), 1962-1973
Weiss, Jack (Low's Incorporated), 1964
Select: Weiss, Jack (Low's Incorporated), 1964
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1967-1969
Select: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1967-1969
Werner, Heinz, 1951-1969
Select: Werner, Heinz, 1951-1969
Weslyan University/Press, 1962-1969
Select: Weslyan University/Press, 1962-1969
Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo, 1970-1971
Select: Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo, 1970-1971
Wheaton College, 1947-1971
Select: Wheaton College, 1947-1971
Whyte, Lance, 1957-1967
Select: Whyte, Lance, 1957-1967
Willet Stained Glass Studios, 1967-1972
Select: Willet Stained Glass Studios, 1967-1972
Wolff, Robert Jay, 1961-1972
Select: Wolff, Robert Jay, 1961-1972
Workman, Lillian Garrett, 1965-1967
Select: Workman, Lillian Garrett, 1965-1967
Wurster, William W., 1961-1970
Select: Wurster, William W., 1961-1970
W, General, 1948-1974
Select: W, General, 1948-1974
X, General, 1973
Select: X, General, 1973
Yaddo, 1965
Select: Yaddo, 1965
Yale University, Jack Tworkov, 1965-1971
Select: Yale University, Jack Tworkov, 1965-1971
York University, 1970-1972
Select: York University, 1970-1972
Y, General, 1957-1974
Select: Y, General, 1957-1974
Zvilna, Jekabs, 1961-1974
Select: Zvilna, Jekabs, 1961-1974
Z, General, 1960-1982
Select: Z, General, 1960-1982
First Names Only, circa 1950s-circa 1974
Select: First Names Only, circa 1950s-circa 1974
Illegible/Unidentified, circa 1950s-1985
Select: Illegible/Unidentified, circa 1950s-1985
Publication of Foreign Language Editions of Books by Kepes, 1960s
Select: Publication of Foreign Language Editions of Books by Kepes, 1960s
Publication Permissions, 1973-1974
Select: Publication Permissions, 1973-1974
Oversized from S, General from Box 5, Folder 63-64
Select: Oversized from S, General from Box 5, Folder 63-64
Oversized Flores, Ricardo from Box 3, Folder 10
Select: Oversized Flores, Ricardo from Box 3, Folder 10