A, 1976-2006 Select: A, 1976-2006 B, circa 1970-2009 Select: B, circa 1970-2009 Baxter, Douglas, 2001-2005 Select: Baxter, Douglas, 2001-2005 Brenson, Michael, 1997-2003 Select: Brenson, Michael, 1997-2003 Brignole, Domingo, 1982-2003 Select: Brignole, Domingo, 1982-2003 C, circa 1970-2003 Select: C, circa 1970-2003 Casteleiro, Manuel F., circa 1999 Select: Casteleiro, Manuel F., circa 1999 Colby College, 1999-2008 Select: Colby College, 1999-2008 Creative Time, 2000-2005 Select: Creative Time, 2000-2005 D, circa 1970-2007 Select: D, circa 1970-2007 David, George and Marie Douglas David, circa 1999-2004 Select: David, George and Marie Douglas David, circa 1999-2004 De Ferrari, Gabriella, 1997-2008 Select: De Ferrari, Gabriella, 1997-2008 Doran, Happy, circa 1980-2009 Select: Doran, Happy, circa 1980-2009 E-F, circa 1980-2009 Select: E-F, circa 1980-2009 Fanton, Jonathan, 1988-circa 2005 Select: Fanton, Jonathan, 1988-circa 2005 Farley, Katherine, circa 1997-2001 Select: Farley, Katherine, circa 1997-2001 Fogg Museum, 1976-2003 Select: Fogg Museum, 1976-2003 G, 1975-2007 Select: G, 1975-2007 Gray, Francine Du Plessix, circa 1990-2004 Select: Gray, Francine Du Plessix, circa 1990-2004 Gund, Agnes, 1981-2009 Select: Gund, Agnes, 1981-2009 H, 1974-2011 Select: H, 1974-2011 Harvard University Art Museums, 1985-2011 Select: Harvard University Art Museums, 1985-2011 I, 1973-2006 Select: I, 1973-2006 J-K, circa 1970-2010 Select: J-K, circa 1970-2010 Jeppson, Gabriella, circa 1980-2008 Select: Jeppson, Gabriella, circa 1980-2008 Jeppson, Nathaniel, circa 1970-2005 Select: Jeppson, Nathaniel, circa 1970-2005 L, 1964-2008 Select: L, 1964-2008 Lauder, Ronald and Carole Jo Lauder, circa 1990-2004 Select: Lauder, Ronald and Carole Jo Lauder, circa 1990-2004 Lewitt, Sol and Carol, 1998-2007 Select: Lewitt, Sol and Carol, 1998-2007 M, 1975-2011 Select: M, 1975-2011 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003-2007 Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003-2007 Montoya, Manuel, 2003-2004 Select: Montoya, Manuel, 2003-2004 Mowry, Robert, 2002-2008 Select: Mowry, Robert, 2002-2008 Museum of Modern Art (New York), 1995-2003 Select: Museum of Modern Art (New York), 1995-2003 N, 1976-2009 Select: N, 1976-2009 New School University, 1996-2011 Select: New School University, 1996-2011 Novograd, Nancy, circa 1990-circa 2000 Select: Novograd, Nancy, circa 1990-circa 2000 O, circa 2000-2005 Select: O, circa 2000-2005 P-Q, 1975-2006 Select: P-Q, 1975-2006 R, 1975-2005 Select: R, 1975-2005 S, 1976-2009 Select: S, 1976-2009 Segal, Martin, 1980-2002 Select: Segal, Martin, 1980-2002 T-V, 1970-circa 2011 Select: T-V, 1970-circa 2011 United Technologies Corporation, 2000-2004 Select: United Technologies Corporation, 2000-2004 W-Y, 1975-2010 Select: W-Y, 1975-2010 Unidentified (First Names Only)
Select: Unidentified (First Names Only) A-B, circa 1970-2010 Select: A-B, circa 1970-2010 C-D, circa 1974-2005 Select: C-D, circa 1974-2005 E-F, circa 1970-2004 Select: E-F, circa 1970-2004 G-H, circa 1980-2004 Select: G-H, circa 1980-2004 I-J, circa 1977-2005 Select: I-J, circa 1977-2005 K, circa 1990-2006 Select: K, circa 1990-2006 L-M, 1968-2007 Select: L-M, 1968-2007 N,P, circa 1970-2010 Select: N,P, circa 1970-2010 R, circa 1990-2007 Select: R, circa 1990-2007 S-T, circa 1974-circa 2010 Select: S-T, circa 1974-circa 2010 W, 1998-2002 Select: W, 1998-2002 Illegible, undated, circa 1975-2004 Select: Illegible, undated, circa 1975-2004 Correspondence, Address and Name Lists, Digital Documents, 1987-circa 2000 Select: Correspondence, Address and Name Lists, Digital Documents, 1987-circa 20000.001 Gigabytes62 computer files