Anonymous, 1968
Select: Anonymous, 1968
A, circa 1967
Select: A, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Abernathy, Harry; Abernathy, Inez; Abrahams, Archie; Abrahamson (Abramson), Hershel; Abramovitz, Albert; Acamphora, Nicholas; Acramonte, Humbert; Adams, Bertrand R.; Adams, Charles W.; Adelman, Lillian; Adelman, Paul; Adler, Fred; Adler, Joseph; Afroyim, Beys; Aidone, Mary; Aiken, Elizabeth; Albinio, Nicholas; Alger, John; Allan, Harry; Alland, Alexander; Allen, Anne; Allen, Eleanor C.; Almgren, Jenny E.; Aloisi, Anna; Alshets, Simon; Alston, Charles H.; Alter, Eli; Amantea, Nicholas; Amenya, Yosei; Amero, Emilio; Anchel, Harold; Andrews, Robert; Angell, Blanche; Annunziata, Nicola; Archer, Robert; Artman, Jean; Aucello, Salvatore; Ault, Beatrice; Austin, Helen; Ausubel, Sheva; Autorino, Lucille; Avery, Milton; Azzaretti, Faust
Abraham, Arthur, 1967-1968
Select: Abraham, Arthur, 1967-1968
Adams, Bert, 1967-1968
Select: Adams, Bert, 1967-1968
Allen, John, 1967-1968
Select: Allen, John, 1967-1968
Anderson, Carlos, 1967-1968
Select: Anderson, Carlos, 1967-1968
Ault, George C., 1967-1968
Select: Ault, George C., 1967-1968
Ba-Bj, circa 1967
Select: Ba-Bj, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Bader, Herman; Badin, Ferdinand; Baker, Grace Green; Baker, Oliver M.; Balvage, Thomas J.; Banaseqicz, Ignatius; Bannarn, Henry; Barber, Herbert C.; Barbieri, Fred; Barbieri, Grace; Barbu, Elena; Bard, Philip; Barish, Anna; Barron, Joseph; Barry, Don; Basky, Frank; Bate, Isabel; Bayard, Lucie; Baylinson, Abraham; Beach, Beata; Bechter, Fred H.; Beck, Morris; Becker, Fred; Beer, Doris R.; Bell, Enid; Belthorne, Vincent; Benge, Jessie M.; Bennern, Henry; Bentley, John W.; Bentz, John; Berge, Virginie; Berler, Monroe; Berlin, Paul; Berlow, Philip; Berner, Mary; Bernstein, Aline; Bernstein, David; Bernstein, Meyer; Bernstein, Morris; Besedick, Frank; Bethune, Norman; Beulah, Grace; Bialostosky, Ruth; Biasetti, Leonida; Bibol, Philip; Biel, Joseph; Bills, Richard; Binney, Ida; Bjorn, Aleth C.
Bl-Bz, circa 1967
Select: Bl-Bz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Black, Arnold; Black, Howard; , Blanch, Lucile (Lucille); Blazy, Sterling; Bloch, Julius; Block, Fanny; Bluestein, Selma; Blumenfeld, Maurice; Blumenstiel, Helen; Bondi, Andrew; Bordeaux, Sadie; Borelli, Francis; Borisov, Saul; Borrazzo, Salvatore; Botts, Hugh; Bowen, John; Bowes, Julian; Bowler, Harold; Boyd, Julia; Brady, Warren; Bragg, Diana; Brandfield, Dayton; Brantham, Eric; Braun, Clayton; Braunfield, J.; Braunstein, Ben; Braverman, Barnet; Breckenridge, Alexander W.W.; Breidvik, Mons; Breinin, Raymond; Brennecke, Muriel; Breslow, Louis; Briggs, Judson; Brodeur, C.E.; Brodsky, George; Bromberg, Louis; Brown, E.; Brown, Helen; Browne, Byron; Browne, Ross; Brunder, Thelma; Budash, Frank; Burchess, Arnold; Burling, Dennie; Burlingame, Dennis; Burliuk, David; Burstyn, Jerome; Burzy, Vincent; Busa, Peter; Busenbark, Ernest; Byer, Alexander
Baker, Don, 1967-1968
Select: Baker, Don, 1967-1968
Baziotes, William, 1967-1971
Select: Baziotes, William, 1967-1971
Benn, Ben, 1963-1968
Select: Benn, Ben, 1963-1968
Bennett, Gwendolyn, 1967-1968
Select: Bennett, Gwendolyn, 1967-1968
Ben-Shmuel, Ahron, 1967-1968
Select: Ben-Shmuel, Ahron, 1967-1968
Benson, John W., 1936-1968
Select: Benson, John W., 1936-1968
Black, Harold, 1967-1968
Select: Black, Harold, 1967-1968
Block, Dorothy, 1967-1968
Select: Block, Dorothy, 1967-1968
Block, Lucienne, 1968
Select: Block, Lucienne, 1968
Bolotowsky, Ilya, 1967-1968
Select: Bolotowsky, Ilya, 1967-1968
Bolton, Clarence, 1967-1968
Select: Bolton, Clarence, 1967-1968
Borne, Mortimer, 1967-1968
Select: Borne, Mortimer, 1967-1968
Bosa, Louis, 1967-1968
Select: Bosa, Louis, 1967-1968
Botto, Otto, 1967-1968
Select: Botto, Otto, 1967-1968
Bouche, Louis, 1967-1968
Select: Bouche, Louis, 1967-1968
Bowden, Harry C., 1967-1968
Select: Bowden, Harry C., 1967-1968
Braverman, Ernest, 1967-1968
Select: Braverman, Ernest, 1967-1968
Bruback (Trubach?), E., circa 1967
Select: Bruback (Trubach?), E., circa 1967
Burke, David, 1967-1968
Select: Burke, David, 1967-1968
Burke, Selma, 1967-1968
Select: Burke, Selma, 1967-1968
Burlin, Paul, 1967-1968
Select: Burlin, Paul, 1967-1968
C-Ch, circa 1967
Select: C-Ch, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Cabanaugh, John; Coloenesco, Aurelio; Campbell, Blendon; Campbell, Rollington; Campton, James S.; Campton, Louis S.; Candell, Victor; Capaldo, Ernest; Capelli, Giancinto; Carano, Vincent; Carles, Jeanne; Carlomango, William; Carlotte, Ida; Carman, Albert; Carney, Wilfred (William); Carpenter, Margaret; Cartier, Ferdinand; Cary, Lucian; Cassell, Lillian M.; Castaing, Camille; Cavalito, Albina (Cavallito, Albino); Cedarquist, Arthur; Celetano, Daniel; Cerney, George; Chalman, Walter V.; Chaney, Ruth; Charlot, Jean; Chase, Ethel; Chavez, Edward A.; Chernoff, Vadim; Chianese, Ralph; Choate, F.
Ci-Cz, circa 1967
Select: Ci-Cz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Clark, Mae A.; Cleary, Joseph W.; Clum, Harold; Coffey, Neva (Nova); Cohen, George; Cole, Robert B.; Colgan, Joseph; Collins, Pat; Colman (Coleman), Fred; Concha, Margaret; Conklin, Bella; Contini, Adolph; Cooperman, Abe; Copen, Herman; Corbino, Jon; Cordaro, Aurelio; Corso, Antonio; Costa, Francis; Coussirat, Elizabeth; Coville, Earl; Cramer, Percy W.; Crichlow, Ernest; Crimi, Charles; Crimi, Nancy; Crockwell, Douglass; Cross, Lincoln A.; Crowe, Jack Claude; Cunning, John; Cupani, Lawrence; Curtiss, Marion; Custer, Bernardine
Calapai, Letterio, 1967-1970
Select: Calapai, Letterio, 1967-1970
Campanella, Vincent R., 1967-1968
Select: Campanella, Vincent R., 1967-1968
Caseau, Charles, 1967-1968
Select: Caseau, Charles, 1967-1968
Cavallon, Giorgio, 1967-1968
Select: Cavallon, Giorgio, 1967-1968
Chapman, Paul, 1968
Select: Chapman, Paul, 1968
Cogan, Martin, 1967
Select: Cogan, Martin, 1967
Cook, Gladys, 1967
Select: Cook, Gladys, 1967
Cooper, Hilda, 1967
Select: Cooper, Hilda, 1967
Cornelius, Charles O., circa 1968
Select: Cornelius, Charles O., circa 1968
Cosgrave John O'Hara, 1968
Select: Cosgrave John O'Hara, 1968
Crimi, Alfred, 1936-1967
Select: Crimi, Alfred, 1936-1967
D, circa 1967
Select: D, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Dal Pino, Anthony; Dana, John; Daniels, Jacob Paul; Danshuk, George; Danziger, Isador; Darling, Mollie; Davenport, Millia; Davidson, Miriam; Davis, Charles W.; Davis, Wyatt; Day, Selma; Daz, H. (Day, Horace?); Deane, Margaret; de Aragon, Tiny; de Brennecke, Nina; de Cordoba, Mercedes (Mathilde); Decoursey (De Coursey), Nell; de Felipe, Juan; Delaney, Joseph; de Lasser, Yolande; Delman, Ben; Denner, Paul; de Rocco, Jovan; de Santis, Marcelloe; de Strange, Isabelle; de Vault, David S.; de Vegh, Geza; Devine, Daniel; de Wolfe, Henry; Dey, Maurice; Dezon, Sylvia; Diener, Irving; Dieterich, John; Dirk, Nathaniel; Doherty, James; Doktor, Raphael; Donaldson, Alice; Donnelly, John; Donovetsky, Ivan; Doran, Walter; Dorfman, David; Douglas, Laura Glenn; Dowling, William; Downer, Kenneth; Dreher, George; Driggs, Elsie G.; Drozdoff, Leo; Duany, Hester; du Bois, Guy Pene; Duci, Fortunato; Dukler, Samuel; Dunham, Francis; Dunne, Liam; Durant, Helen; Durin, Dorothy; Dyer, A.; Dyer, Briggs
Davis, Hubert, 1967-1968
Select: Davis, Hubert, 1967-1968
Dean, Bob (Robert), 1967-1968
Select: Dean, Bob (Robert), 1967-1968
de Kooning, Willem, 1967-1968
Select: de Kooning, Willem, 1967-1968
de Marco, Jean, 1968
Select: de Marco, Jean, 1968
de Martini, Joseph, 1967-1968
Select: de Martini, Joseph, 1967-1968
Diller, Burgoyne Andrew, 1968
Select: Diller, Burgoyne Andrew, 1968
Doi, Isami, 1967-1968
Select: Doi, Isami, 1967-1968
Drewes, Werner, 1967-1968
Select: Drewes, Werner, 1967-1968
Dwight, Mabel, 1968
Select: Dwight, Mabel, 1968
E, circa 1967
Select: E, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Earl, F.; Eberhardt, Patrick; Edwards, Paul; Egelson, James; Egri, R.; Eisman, Harry; Eldred, Thomas; Ellender, Raphael; Elliot, R.; Emanuel, Akiba; Emanuel, Herzl; Ennis, George Pearce; Ensel (Ensell), Henry; Essner, Evelyn
Englander, Florence A., 1967
Select: Englander, Florence A., 1967
Epstein, Esther, 1967
Select: Epstein, Esther, 1967
Epstein, Molly, 1967-1968
Select: Epstein, Molly, 1967-1968
Ettinger, Stephen, 1968
Select: Ettinger, Stephen, 1968
F, circa 1967
Select: F, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Faber, Arthur; Fabry, Alois V. Jr.; Fastofsky, Joseph; Fatti, Alfeo; Fausett, W. Dean; Faye, Harold; Feinstein, David; Fenga, Michael; Ferrar, Louis M.; Ficini, Gino; Fidaroff (Fidoroff), Simon; Fields, Michael; Finestone, Bernard; Finley, Clemens; Fischer, Ulrich; Fischl, Alexander; Fishbein, Florence; Fitzgerald, Mary; Fletcher, D.; Floegel, Alfred; Flogsted, Louis; Fogg, Adalaide; Foley, Anna T; Foley, William; Fontanella, Henry F.; Ford, Mildred; Forgostein, Harold; Forman, Bessie; Forrester, Inglebord Emma; Forster, Mabel; Fowler, Catherine; Fox, Eva C.; Fox, Matthew; Foy, Hans; Frank, Bena V.; Frank, Herman; Frankel, Josephine Levy; Frankes, P.; Freed, Edward M.; French, Jared; Friedland, Jack; Friedman, Arnold; Friedman, Marc; Friedman, Samuel H.; Frisch, Sari; Froelich, Walter; Frutkoff, Louis S.; Fugarino, Paul; Fulda, Elizabeth; Fumagalli, Frank
Farnan, William, 1967-1968
Select: Farnan, William, 1967-1968
Fastovsky, Isaac, 1967-1968
Select: Fastovsky, Isaac, 1967-1968
Feinsmith, Bernard, 1967-1968
Select: Feinsmith, Bernard, 1967-1968
Filmus, Tully, 1967-1968
Select: Filmus, Tully, 1967-1968
Fleri, Joseph C., 1967-1968
Select: Fleri, Joseph C., 1967-1968
Fogel, Seymour, 1967-1968
Select: Fogel, Seymour, 1967-1968
Fortess, Karl E., 1967-1968
Select: Fortess, Karl E., 1967-1968
Fox, Milton, 1968-1968
Select: Fox, Milton, 1968-1968
Frankel, Max, 1967-1968
Select: Frankel, Max, 1967-1968
Freeman, Don, 1967-1968
Select: Freeman, Don, 1967-1968
G-Gl, circa 1967
Select: G-Gl, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Gaige, Richard; Galos, Ben; Ganso, Emil; Garfinkel, Sara; Leonard, Garfinkle; Garret, Adams; Gausser, E.; Gee, Yun; Gelb, Donald; Gelfand, Sydney; Gelman, Aaron; Genovese, Emanuel; Gerchik, Paul; Gernon, Dorothy; Gerstenfeld, Leonard; Gibbes, Winifred; Gibbo, Pearl; Gilbert, Wilson-Dorothy; Gilman, Aaron; Gilsleider, Edna J.; Giordano, Antonio (Antonia?); Girolami, George; Glassgold, Adolph; Glassgold, Harry; Glenn, Joseph; Glicenstein, Enrico; Glover, Joseph
Gm-Gz, circa 1967
Select: Gm-Gz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Godfrey, Robert W.; Godsoe, Robert U.; Godwin, Earl; Goeller, Charles; Goldat, Isaac; Goldberg, Isidore; Goldfein, Abraham; Good, Minetta; Goodman, Job; Goodrich, Gertrude; Gordon, Benjamin; Gordon, Jean; Goreleigh, Rex; Gorelick, Boris; Gorid, Nicholas; Gottesman, Beatrice; Gottlieb, Abraham; Graham, F. Wynn; Grambs, Blanch; Granet, Henry; Graves, Morris C.; Gray, Marian; Green, Arthur; Green, Russell; Greenberg, Janet; Greenberg, Morris A.; Greene, Simon; Greenwald, Samuel; Gregory, Peter E.; Griffith, Herbert T.; Groth, John; Grubstein, Milton; Gussow, Bernard; Guteman, Ernest; Guyer, Irving
Geety, Weston Morley, 1966
Select: Geety, Weston Morley, 1966
Geist, Sidney, 1939
Select: Geist, Sidney, 1939
Gellert, Hugo, 1968
Select: Gellert, Hugo, 1968
Gerbino, Rosario, 1967-1968
Select: Gerbino, Rosario, 1967-1968
Getz, Arthur, 1968
Select: Getz, Arthur, 1968
Gikow, Ruth, 1967-1968
Select: Gikow, Ruth, 1967-1968
Gilbert, Blanche, 1967-1968
Select: Gilbert, Blanche, 1967-1968
Gilien, Theodore, 1967-1968
Select: Gilien, Theodore, 1967-1968
Glickman, Maurice, 1967-1968
Select: Glickman, Maurice, 1967-1968
Goertz, August F., 1961-1968
Select: Goertz, August F., 1961-1968
Gorky, Arshile, 1968
Select: Gorky, Arshile, 1968
Gottlieb, Harry, 1967-1968
Select: Gottlieb, Harry, 1967-1968
Gould, Allan, 1967-1968
Select: Gould, Allan, 1967-1968
Graham, John, circa 1967-1968
Select: Graham, John, circa 1967-1968
Greene, Balcomb, 1967-1968
Select: Greene, Balcomb, 1967-1968
Greene, Minna (Mina), 1967-1968
Select: Greene, Minna (Mina), 1967-1968
Greenwald, Sol, 1967-1968
Select: Greenwald, Sol, 1967-1968
Grossman, Elia, 1967-1968
Select: Grossman, Elia, 1967-1968
Grunbaum, James, 1967-1968
Select: Grunbaum, James, 1967-1968
Gugliemi (Guglielmi), Louis, 1937-1967
Select: Gugliemi (Guglielmi), Louis, 1937-1967
Guston, Phillip, 1937-1940
Select: Guston, Phillip, 1937-1940
H-He, circa 1967
Select: H-He, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Hager, Lee; Hagopian, Charles; Hague, Raoul; Hain, Rosalyn; Halfant, Jules; Halls, Richard M.; Hamilton, Fred; Hammer, Amelia; Hannah, Rile; Hansen, Esther; Hantman, Murray; Hartman, Bertram; Hartman, Rosella; Hasenfratz, Lillian; Hauser, Alonzo; Hayes, Anastasie; Heald, Edna; Heckman, Albert; Heins, John P.; Heinz, Charles L.; Heliker, John E.; Heller, Helen West; Henning, Charles; Henoch, Hanley; Herlick, George; Herman, Andrew; Herrett, Emery
Hf-Hz, circa 1967
Select: Hf-Hz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Hicks, William; Hill, Carl; Himmel, Kaiman; Hirsch, Joseph; Hitesaw, Frank; Hobart, Helen; Hoffman, Melita; Holland, Robert D.; Holzhauer, Emil; Hondius, Gerritt; Hood, Hazel H.; Hopf, Ernest; Horn, Axel (Pinches); Horowitz, Frank; Howard, Mary; Howitz, Robert H.; Howland, Isabella; Hubbard, Athelina S.; Hubitschung, A.; Hunt, Courtney E.; Hunt, Thomas; Huntington, Robert; Hussar, Laci; Huston, Gene B.
Hannah, Muriel, 1967-1968
Select: Hannah, Muriel, 1967-1968
Hantman, Josephine Levy, 1968
Select: Hantman, Josephine Levy, 1968
Harari, Hananiah, 1968
Select: Harari, Hananiah, 1968
Harriton, Abraham, 1967-1968
Select: Harriton, Abraham, 1967-1968
Harsanyi, Charles, 1967-1968
Select: Harsanyi, Charles, 1967-1968
Hart, Agnes L., 1967-1968
Select: Hart, Agnes L., 1967-1968
Hartl, Leon, 1967-1968
Select: Hartl, Leon, 1967-1968
Haucke, Friedrich, 1967-1968
Select: Haucke, Friedrich, 1967-1968
Havens, Leonard M., 1973
Select: Havens, Leonard M., 1973
Hebald, Milton, 1967-1968
Select: Hebald, Milton, 1967-1968
Hecht, Zoltan, 1936-1968
Select: Hecht, Zoltan, 1936-1968
Henkel, August H., 1967-1968
Select: Henkel, August H., 1967-1968
Henry, Charles Trumbo, 1967-1968
Select: Henry, Charles Trumbo, 1967-1968
Hermes, Allen, 1967-1968
Select: Hermes, Allen, 1967-1968
Hoffman, Seth, 1967-1968
Select: Hoffman, Seth, 1967-1968
Holmes, Henry, 1967-1968
Select: Holmes, Henry, 1967-1968
Holty, Carl R., 1968
Select: Holty, Carl R., 1968
Hutchison, Mary, 1967-1968
Select: Hutchison, Mary, 1967-1968
I, circa 1967
Select: I, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Irving, Ethel Helen; Irwin, Howard Lee; Ishigaki, Eitaro
Imlar, Edgar, 1967-1968
Select: Imlar, Edgar, 1967-1968
J, circa 1967
Select: J, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Jack, Mabel W.; Jacobs, Edward Deso; Jacobs, M. Lewis; Jacobs, Milton; Jacobson, Sidney; Jacoby, Carl; Jacoby (Jacobi), Samuel; Jakobson, Ruth; Janni, Pino; Jehu, Pauline; Jenkins, Leonard; Jerome, Mildred; Jewell, Emily; Joel, Robert (Spicer); Johnson, Arthur; Jonas, Robert; Jones, Alice; Julme, James S.; Juszko, Jeno
Jacobi, Eli, 1967-1968
Select: Jacobi, Eli, 1967-1968
Johnson, William H., circa 1967
Select: Johnson, William H., circa 1967
Johnson, J. Theodore, 1967-1968
Select: Johnson, J. Theodore, 1967-1968
Jones, Wendell, 1968
Select: Jones, Wendell, 1968
Joseph, Ronald, 1967-1968
Select: Joseph, Ronald, 1967-1968
Jules, Mervin, 1968
Select: Jules, Mervin, 1968
Julius, Oscar H., 1967-1968
Select: Julius, Oscar H., 1967-1968
K-Ke, circa 1967
Select: K-Ke, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Kachinsky, Alexander; Kadowaki, Roy; Kadulin, Vladimir; Kallem, Henry; Kallman, I. Donskoy; Kaminsky, Dora; Kantor, Israel; Kantor, Joseph; Kantor, Morris; Karfunkle, David; Karlin, Agnes; Karlin, Gertrude (Karlan); Kasselau, Charles; Katz, David; Katz, Hilda; Katz, Hyman W.; Katz, Israel; Katzieff, Julius; Kaufman, Edward; Kaufman, Edwin; Kaufmann, Mortimer J.; Keene, Charles; Keller, Charles; Kempton, Martha; Kent, Florence; Kerkam, Earl (Erl); Kerner, Benjamin; Kerrwood, Arthur J.; Kessel, Dmitri
Kf-Kz, circa 1967
Select: Kf-Kz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Kieran, Dorothy; King, Alexander; Klein, Ray; Kleinman, Gladys; Kliban, Lucy; Klitgaard, Georgina; Klitgaard, Kat; Knapp, Leon; Knauff, Carl; Knight, Harry; Knotts, Benjamin; Koerner, Daniel; Kooltis, S.; Kopman, Benjamin; Korneth, Karl; Korodi, F.; Kosakoff, David; Koss, William; Kotin, Albert; Kovesi, Dezso; Kovner, Samuel; Kraska, Stanley; Krause, Erik Hans; Krause, Romnuald (Kraus, Romuald); Kriesberg, Irving; Kronfeld, Morris; Kufeld, Yankel
Kadish, Reuben, 1967-1968
Select: Kadish, Reuben, 1967-1968
Kaz, Nathaniel, 1967-1968
Select: Kaz, Nathaniel, 1967-1968
Kelly, Albert S., circa 1968
Select: Kelly, Albert S., circa 1968
Kent, Rockwell, 1940
Select: Kent, Rockwell, 1940
Killam, Walt, 1967-1968
Select: Killam, Walt, 1967-1968
Klein, Frank A., 1968
Select: Klein, Frank A., 1968
Klonis, Stewart, 1967-1968
Select: Klonis, Stewart, 1967-1968
Konrad, Adolph, circa 1968
Select: Konrad, Adolph, circa 1968
Kovner, Saul, 1967-1968
Select: Kovner, Saul, 1967-1968
Kroc, William, 1967-1968
Select: Kroc, William, 1967-1968
Kruse, Alexander, 1967-1968
Select: Kruse, Alexander, 1967-1968
Kuniyoshi, Yasho, circa 1967
Select: Kuniyoshi, Yasho, circa 1967
L-Le, circa 1967
Select: L-Le, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Lacey, Dorothy; Lances, Leo; Lane, Harry; Lane, Rosalia; Laning, Edward; Lansford, Alonzo M.; Laredo, Victory; Larsen, Peter; Larzelere, Fanchon; Lauro, Joseph; Lawler, Paul; Lawrence, William; Lawson, Ernest; Lazzari, Pietro; Leaf, Reuben; Lebduska, Lawrence; Leboit, Joseph; Lebreitstein, Alice; Lechay, James; Lechay, Myron; Le Fevere, Jules Z.; Lemberg, Gertrude; Lenbach, Joseph; Lenhard, Josef; Lenhard, Walmsley; Lessing, Charles; Lever, Hayley; Levine, Morris J.; Levinson, Abraham F.; Levinson, Benjamin; Levow, Irving; Levy, Martha; Lewis, Golda (Oleniker, Sahny); Lewis, Monty
Lf-Lz, circa 1967
Select: Lf-Lz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Liberte, L. Jean; Lieberman, Jacob E.; Lieberman, William; Lifschitz, Rae; Liguori, Charles; Lindenthaler, Charles; Lindermayor, John; Lindsey, Richard; Linshinsky, Rubin; Lipscomb, Isabel; Liroff, Gladys; Litchfield, Nell; Lomedico, Thomas G.; Lomoff, Joseph; Lonergan, Nora; Longchamps, Gaston; Loughridge, George; Lowell, Nat; Lowengrund, Margaret; Lowry, Mina; Lowther, Phillips; Luban, Boris; Lubin, Joseph; Lubovsky, Maxim; Lubrano, Joseph; Lucker, Paul; Ludins, Ryah; Luisi, Nicholas; Lumbard, Howard N.; Lunnon, James; Lurie, Nan; Luttrell, M.
Lawrence, Jacob, Jr., 1967-1968
Select: Lawrence, Jacob, Jr., 1967-1968
Lawson, Irene, 1967-1968
Select: Lawson, Irene, 1967-1968
Lee, Doris, 1968
Select: Lee, Doris, 1968
Lefcourt, Irwin, 1968
Select: Lefcourt, Irwin, 1968
Lehman, Harold, 1967-1968
Select: Lehman, Harold, 1967-1968
Levi, Julian E., 1937-1967
Select: Levi, Julian E., 1937-1967
Lewison, Florence, 1968
Select: Lewison, Florence, 1968
Lightfoot, Elba, 1967-1968
Select: Lightfoot, Elba, 1967-1968
Linding, Herman, 1967
Select: Linding, Herman, 1967
Liss, Abe, circa 1967
Select: Liss, Abe, circa 1967
Livingston, Rolland (Crawford, R.), 1967-1968
Select: Livingston, Rolland (Crawford, R.), 1967-1968
Locke, Charles, 1967-1968
Select: Locke, Charles, 1967-1968
Lonsbury, Earl, circa 1967
Select: Lonsbury, Earl, circa 1967
Lo Pinto, Ferdinand, 1938-1967
Select: Lo Pinto, Ferdinand, 1938-1967
Ludins, Eugene, 1967-1968
Select: Ludins, Eugene, 1967-1968
Ludwig, Helen, 1967-1969
Select: Ludwig, Helen, 1967-1969
Lush, Viola (Vivian), 1967-1968
Select: Lush, Viola (Vivian), 1967-1968
M-Mc, circa 1967
Select: M-Mc, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Mac Baisey, Lionel; Mack, Harry; Macraleigh, Conrad; Mahl, Clare; Malkin, May; Mandelman, Beatrice; Manfredi, Joseph; Mangor, Elizabeth; Maniaci, Nino; Manning, Virginia; Mantell, Ann; Maralian, Arsen; Marder, Ida; Margoles, Isidor; Margolies, Samuel; Markham, Kyra; Markow, Jack; Markowska, Jennie; Marsh, Gregory; Marsh, Reginald; Marshack, Daniel; Marshall, Frederick; Martin, Fletcher; Marvel, Josiah P.; Maslow, Bess; Mastrangelo, Charles E.; Matthews, Arthur; Mattox, Charles; Mattson, Charles A.; Mattson, Henry; Maxey, Stevens; May, Ada W.; Mayer, Bena Frank; Mayer, Herbert; Mayer, Julius; Mayer, Ralph; Mayne, Nicholas; Mazel, Fanny; Mazo, Dorothy; McAusland, Helen; McBride, Hubbell; McCausland, Elizabeth; McCliment, Susan; McCown (McGown), Eugene; McKearin, Helen A.; McMahon, Audrey; McManus, Mildred; McNulty, William J.
Md-Mz, circa 1967
Select: Md-Mz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Means, Elliott; Meloy, Henry J.; Meltzer, Doris; Melvy, Henry; Merkley, Arthur G.; Merritt, Daniel Chase; Meyer, Herman; Meyerowitz, William; Meyers, Joseph; Meyerson, Sylvia; Middleton, Owen; Mierisch, Dorothea; Milavsky, Bertha; Miller, Ben; Miller, Frances T.; Miller, Hugh; Miller, Natalie V.; Mims, Thomas; Mira, Alfred; Mitchell, Bruce; Mitchell, Marie; Mohlin, Clarence; Mommer, Paul (Peter Paul); Morgan, Florence; Morosoff, Vladimir; Morse, Sam; Morton, Jay; Mose, Eric; Mosseller, Lillian M.; Mougel, Max; Mousseau, Roland; Muhlback, Ferdinand; Murphy, M. Lois; Murray, George; Murrell, Sara; Myers, Jerome
MacIver, Loren, 1938-1968
Select: MacIver, Loren, 1938-1968
Malinow, Harry, 1967-1968
Select: Malinow, Harry, 1967-1968
Mark, Bendor (Marcus, Bernard), 1971-1972
Select: Mark, Bendor (Marcus, Bernard), 1971-1972
Mattei, Antonio, 1967-1968
Select: Mattei, Antonio, 1967-1968
McCormick, Linda (Matteo, L.), 1967-1968
Select: McCormick, Linda (Matteo, L.), 1967-1968
McGee, Dorothy, 1968
Select: McGee, Dorothy, 1968
McNeil, George, 1940-1968
Select: McNeil, George, 1940-1968
Mecklem, Austin, 1967-1968
Select: Mecklem, Austin, 1967-1968
Meltsner, Paul, 1967-1968
Select: Meltsner, Paul, 1967-1968
N, circa 1967
Select: N, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Nadell, Rose; Nagai, Thomas; Nakagawa, Kikudo (Kokota); Nakamizo, Fuji; Nakian, Reuben; Nalband, K.; Nankivell, Frank; Nash, Ginerva; Nason, Alfred; Nastasi, Frank; Neal, Rose A.; Neigherbauer, R.; Nelson, Bruce; Nelson, Gideon; Nesin, George; Netter, Cecile; Netzer, Edward J.; Newman, Benjamin; Niberg, Abbey; Nichols, John; Nicolosi, Joseph; Nisanoff, Louis; Noble, Carl; Nooney, Ann
Nadelman, Elie, 1967-1968
Select: Nadelman, Elie, 1967-1968
Nelson, Ralph, 1967-1968
Select: Nelson, Ralph, 1967-1968
Newell, James Michael, circa 1968
Select: Newell, James Michael, circa 1968
Nisanoff, Carol Weinstock, 1967-1968
Select: Nisanoff, Carol Weinstock, 1967-1968
Noguchi, Isamu, 1936-1937
Select: Noguchi, Isamu, 1936-1937
Norman, Geoffrey R., circa 1938
Select: Norman, Geoffrey R., circa 1938
O, circa 1967
Select: O, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Oley, Moses; Ominsky, Frank; Oppenheimer, Paul; Ostrowsky, Ella; O'Temple, Marc; Owen, William
Olmsted, Anna W., 1968
Select: Olmsted, Anna W., 1968
P, circa 1967
Select: P, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Pagliuca, Anthony; Paleologue, Jean; Palter, Rebecca; Paltorack, N.; Pantufhoff, Igor; Parker, Cushman; Pass, Morris; Patterson, Claude A.; Pecci, Mario; Peck, Augustus; Pell, Jacob; Pels, Albert; Perkins, Arlene; Perkins, Harnly (Harnley); Perner, Concetta; Peroutka, Joseph; Perper, Marc; Perry, Roland; Peszel, Jean; Peters, Carl W.; Phelps, William D.; Phillip, Robert; Phillips, G.; Phillips, L.; Piccoli, Girolamo; Pierce, Waldo; Pimentel, Palmyra; Pine, Geri; Pious, Robert; Plogsted, Louis; Poirier, Emily; Polos, Theodore C.; Polowetski, Charles; Portugal, Fred; Potter, Albert; Pratt, Herbert W.; Preachen (Preacher), William; Pulver, Joseph
Pandolfini, Joseph, 1967-1968
Select: Pandolfini, Joseph, 1967-1968
Pechar, Stanley, 1967-1968
Select: Pechar, Stanley, 1967-1968
Pereira, Irene Rice, 1967-1968
Select: Pereira, Irene Rice, 1967-1968
Pettrich, Valentino, 1938
Select: Pettrich, Valentino, 1938
Poirier, Elsie J., 1967-1968
Select: Poirier, Elsie J., 1967-1968
Pollak, Frances M., circa 1968
Select: Pollak, Frances M., circa 1968
Poor, Anne, 1968
Select: Poor, Anne, 1968
Pougialis, Constantine, 1967-1968
Select: Pougialis, Constantine, 1967-1968
Prestopino, Gregorio, 1967-1968
Select: Prestopino, Gregorio, 1967-1968
Purvey, James, 1968
Select: Purvey, James, 1968
Quirt, Walter, 1967-1968
Select: Quirt, Walter, 1967-1968
R-Ri, circa 1967
Select: R-Ri, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Rabinowitz, Isaac; Rabkin, Esay; Raboy, Mac; Rajer, Joseph; Rajev, J.; Rappaport, Harry; Ratzker, Max; Rebajes, Ramon Sebastian; Rehman, Harriet H.; Reid, Oliver Richard; Reina, Salvatore; Reinhardt, A.D. (Steward); Reiss, Hilda; Reno, Paul; Resnick, Benjamin; Resnick, Max; Revzan, Daniel; Reznikoff, Max; Reznikoff, Misha; Ribbecke, Robert N.; Richardson, A. De Leon; Richardson, Fred; Richman, Lillian; Richman, Virginia; Richter, Lillian; Richter, Mischa; Richter, Nathan; Rico, Dan; Rites, Marion; Riza, Janet
Rj-Rz, circa 1967
Select: Rj-Rz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Robbins, David; Robbins, Hulda D.; Robinson, J.H.D.; Rodvogin, Harris; Rogers, Julia; Rohde, Gilbert; Rohland, Caroline S.; Rohowsky, Meyer; Rollins, Lloyd L.; Rollins, Victor; Romaine, Dorothy; Ronay, Stephen; Rose, Eleanor; Rose, Herman; Rosen, Judith; Rosen, Paula; Rosenbluth, Harry; Rosenthal, Martin; Rosenwald, Janet; Ross, Fred; Ross, Louis; Roszak, Theodore J.; Rothenberg, Joseph; Roy, Suzanne; Rubenstein, Jules; Rubenstein, Morris; Rubin, Lewis; Ruelos, Eleanor; Ruggles, Philo B.; Ruhl, John; Ruiz de Rivera, Jose; Rush, Rosa; Rutledge, John; Ryan, Charles B.; Ryan, James H.
Raskin, Saul, 1967-1968
Select: Raskin, Saul, 1967-1968
Rein, Harry, 1967-1968
Select: Rein, Harry, 1967-1968
Ribak, Louis, 1967-1971
Select: Ribak, Louis, 1967-1971
Riefstahl, Elizabeth, circa 1968
Select: Riefstahl, Elizabeth, circa 1968
Robus, Hugo, circa 1968
Select: Robus, Hugo, circa 1968
Rosenborg, Ralph, 1967-1968
Select: Rosenborg, Ralph, 1967-1968
Rothkowitz, Marcus, 1937-1967
Select: Rothkowitz, Marcus, 1937-1967
Rothkranz, L., 1967-1968
Select: Rothkranz, L., 1967-1968
Rowe, William B., 1968
Select: Rowe, William B., 1968
S-Sc, circa 1967
Select: S-Sc, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Sabalauskas (Sabaslauskas), Joseph; Sackerman, Gilbert; Safferson, Matthew; Sambugnac, Alexander; Samuels, Irving K.; Samuels, Jeff; Sanborn, Gordon; Sanders, William; Sandler, Selita; Sanger, William; Santillo, Lorenzo; Sarkadi, Leo; Savage, Augusta C.; Saviano, Thomas; Sawyer, Archibald D.; Scarano, Gerard; Scaravaglione, Concetta; Schardt, Bernard; Schewe, Theodore; Schiff, Luba; Schlein, Charles; Schmid, M.; Schneider, Samuel A.; Schoonmaker, Eugene; Schrader, Gustav; Schwandt, Marion W.; Schwartz, Manfred; Scibetta, Angelo; Scoon, Carolyn; Scott, Cyril Kay; Scott, Phyllis Crawford; Scrymser, Christabel
Sd-So, circa 1967
Select: Sd-So, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Seabrooke, Georgette; Seegert, Helen; Sehlmeyer, Caroline; Seibert, Leonard; Seltzer, Leo; Semons, Lillian; Serlin, Louis; Sever, Alfredo; Shack (Schack), William; Shahn, Tillie G.; Shampanier, Abram; Sharp, John; Shearwood, William P.; Sherlock, Genevieve M.; Shiren, Alvin; Shirley, Margot; Shoulberg, Harry; Shulgold, William; Shulman, Morris; Shutz, Viola; Silvay, Van; Silver, N.; Silverman, Gisella; Sklar, Sarah; Skolfield, Raymond; Slifkin, Abraham; Sloan, Howard A.; Small, Gerard; Smith, Inez; Smith, Judson; Snader, Arthus; Snipper, Martin; Soini, William; Soles, William; Solomon, Joe; Soroka, Albert; Sorter, David; South, John; Sovensky, Isidor
Sp-Sz, circa 1967
Select: Sp-Sz, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Spagna, Vincent; Spangenbergh, G.; Spear, Devah; Spector, George; Spellens, Irving; Spreckley, Nathaniel; Springer, Ruth; Springhorn, Carl; Spurbeck, John; Squeres, C.; Stahlback (Stalback), A.; Staloff, Jack; Starr, Maxwell B.; Stearn, Frank; Stefano, Berthe; Stein, Hirch; Steinberg, Abraham; Steinberg, Isidore; Steinfeld, Lawrence; Steinlauf, Saul; Stelbach, Anna; Sterling, James; Sternberg, Harry; Sterud, Olga; Stott, Joseph; Sutton, Karl W.; Swerdloff, Sam; Swisher, Allan; Swock, Louis E.; Szilvasy, May
Sanger, William, 1937
Select: Sanger, William, 1937
Sarlin, Louis, 1967-1968
Select: Sarlin, Louis, 1967-1968
Schachtman, Joseph, 1938
Select: Schachtman, Joseph, 1938
Schaefer, Paul H., 1967
Select: Schaefer, Paul H., 1967
Schankenberg, Henry, 1968
Select: Schankenberg, Henry, 1968
Schanker, Louis, 1937-1938
Select: Schanker, Louis, 1937-1938
Schlazer, Michael, 1967-1968
Select: Schlazer, Michael, 1967-1968
Schmitz, Carl L., 1967-1968
Select: Schmitz, Carl L., 1967-1968
Schnitzer, Max, 1942-1967
Select: Schnitzer, Max, 1942-1967
Seitz, William C., 1967-1968
Select: Seitz, William C., 1967-1968
Shahn, Ben, 1938-1967
Select: Shahn, Ben, 1938-1967
Sherman, Effim H., 1967-1968
Select: Sherman, Effim H., 1967-1968
Shibley, Gertrude, 1968
Select: Shibley, Gertrude, 1968
Shields, Francis, 1967-1968
Select: Shields, Francis, 1967-1968
Sievan, Maurice, 1967-1968
Select: Sievan, Maurice, 1967-1968
Smith, Herndon E., circa 1968
Select: Smith, Herndon E., circa 1968
Soriano, Esteban, 1967-1968
Select: Soriano, Esteban, 1967-1968
Soyer, Raphael, circa 1967
Select: Soyer, Raphael, circa 1967
Spiegel, Doris, 1967-1968
Select: Spiegel, Doris, 1967-1968
Springweiler, Erwin, 1967-1968
Select: Springweiler, Erwin, 1967-1968
Stavenitz, Alex R., circa 1968
Select: Stavenitz, Alex R., circa 1968
Stea, Cesare, circa 1968
Select: Stea, Cesare, circa 1968
Stein, Harold, 1967-1968
Select: Stein, Harold, 1967-1968
Stella, Joseph, 1937-1967
Select: Stella, Joseph, 1937-1967
Stern, Louis Lionel, 1967-1968
Select: Stern, Louis Lionel, 1967-1968
Stillman, Ary, 1967-1968
Select: Stillman, Ary, 1967-1968
Swantees, Ethel Lucille, 1967-1968
Select: Swantees, Ethel Lucille, 1967-1968
Swinden, Albert, circa 1968
Select: Swinden, Albert, circa 1968
T, circa 1967
Select: T, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Talbot, David; Tamotzuu, Chuzo; Tanzer, Julius; Tarantino, John; Taylor, Douglas; Taylor, Frieda L.; Teller, Sara; Tercuzzi, John H.; Terrell, Elizabeth; Thal, Victor; Thaon, Joseph Francis; Theobold, Samuel; Thorp (Thorpe), George; Tobias, Abraham J.; Tobias, Mary; Tomlin, Bradley Walker; Tofel, Jennings; Tolegian, Manuel J.; Toohey, John; Topolosky, A.; Townsend, Lee; Tranum, Carl K.; Trent, Victor Pedtrotti; Tschacbasov, Nathan; Tuccio, Amelia
Takis, Nicholas, 1967-1968
Select: Takis, Nicholas, 1967-1968
Tamayo, Rufino, 1967-1968
Select: Tamayo, Rufino, 1967-1968
Taskey, Harry Leroy, 1967-1968
Select: Taskey, Harry Leroy, 1967-1968
Tishler, Harold, 1967-1968
Select: Tishler, Harold, 1967-1968
Trekur, Michael, 1967-1968
Select: Trekur, Michael, 1967-1968
Tromka, Alexander, 1967-1968
Select: Tromka, Alexander, 1967-1968
Trubach, Ernest, 1967-1968
Select: Trubach, Ernest, 1967-1968
Turner, Raymond, 1967-1968
Select: Turner, Raymond, 1967-1968
Twining, Yvonne, 1967-1968
Select: Twining, Yvonne, 1967-1968
Tworkov, Jack, 1967-1968
Select: Tworkov, Jack, 1967-1968
Tyler, Hugh, 1967-1968
Select: Tyler, Hugh, 1967-1968
Ulreich, Edward B., 1967-1968
Select: Ulreich, Edward B., 1967-1968
Usui, Bumpei, 1967-1968
Select: Usui, Bumpei, 1967-1968
V, circa 1967
Select: V, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Vaghjian, Edward; Vagis, Polygnotos; Valenta, Yaroslav Henry; Van de Kieft, Gerard; Van Felix, Maurice; Van Raalte, David; Vogel, Joseph; Volpe, M.A.; Volpe, Nicholas; Volz, Herman; Von-Paulin, M. Rosenschield
Van Aalten, Jacques, 1967-1968
Select: Van Aalten, Jacques, 1967-1968
Van Beek, William, 1967-1968
Select: Van Beek, William, 1967-1968
Velonis, Anthony, circa 1968
Select: Velonis, Anthony, circa 1968
Vidar, Frede, 1967-1968
Select: Vidar, Frede, 1967-1968
Von Groschwitz, Gustave, 1967-1968
Select: Von Groschwitz, Gustave, 1967-1968
Von Mickwitz, Katherine, 1967-1968
Select: Von Mickwitz, Katherine, 1967-1968
Von Urban, Charles, 1967-1968
Select: Von Urban, Charles, 1967-1968
W, circa 1967
Select: W, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Wald, Sylvia; Wallace, Alfred; Wallace, Frederick; Walsh, Bernard; Walters, Carl; Walton, Kalamein; Warren, Alonzo; Warren, Wilbert; Webb, Albert; Wein, Elsie; Weinstock, Sol; Weiss, Hugo; Weiss, Julius; Weiss, N.; Wenger, Frank; Westmacott, Bernard; Whitaker, R.; White, Theodore; Wicker, Dorothy; Widlicka, Leopold; Wiegand, Hilmar; Wilks, Louis; Williams, Alexander; Wiltz, Arnold; Winograd, Illeana; Witten, Bunty; Wittmer, George; Wolfsohn (Wolfson), Arthur; Wong, Har Ling; Wood, Robert S.; Woolf, Rose
Walinska, Anna, 1967-1968
Select: Walinska, Anna, 1967-1968
Ward, Edgar Meville, II, circa 1967
Select: Ward, Edgar Meville, II, circa 1967
Warneke, Heinz, 1967-1968
Select: Warneke, Heinz, 1967-1968
Warsager, Hyman, circa 1968
Select: Warsager, Hyman, circa 1968
Washburn, Kenneth, 1968
Select: Washburn, Kenneth, 1968
Wein, Albert, 1967-1968
Select: Wein, Albert, 1967-1968
Weisman, David, 1967-1968
Select: Weisman, David, 1967-1968
Weiss, Ernest A., 1967-1968
Select: Weiss, Ernest A., 1967-1968
Weissbuch, Oscar, 1967-1968
Select: Weissbuch, Oscar, 1967-1968
Weller, Paul, 1967-1968
Select: Weller, Paul, 1967-1968
West, John T., 1967-1968
Select: West, John T., 1967-1968
Wheelock, Warren, 1967-1968
Select: Wheelock, Warren, 1967-1968
White, Victor, 1968
Select: White, Victor, 1968
Williams, Mildred E., 1967-1968
Select: Williams, Mildred E., 1967-1968
Williamson, Scott, 1967-1968
Select: Williamson, Scott, 1967-1968
Wilson, Ben, 1967-1968
Select: Wilson, Ben, 1967-1968
Wilson, Reginald, 1967-1968
Select: Wilson, Reginald, 1967-1968
Wilson, Sol, 1967-1968
Select: Wilson, Sol, 1967-1968
Winter, Charlotte, 1967-1968
Select: Winter, Charlotte, 1967-1968
Woiceske, Ronan W., 1967-1968
Select: Woiceske, Ronan W., 1967-1968
Wolfe, Jack, 1967-1968
Select: Wolfe, Jack, 1967-1968
Wolff, Adolf, 1967-1968
Select: Wolff, Adolf, 1967-1968
X-Y, circa 1967
Select: X-Y, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Xceron, Jean; Ximenez, Alfredo; Yainoto, Kanamo; Yoffe, Vladimir; Youngs, Jesse M.
Yamasaki, Chikamachi, 1967-1968
Select: Yamasaki, Chikamachi, 1967-1968
Yurchenko, Basil, 1967-1968
Select: Yurchenko, Basil, 1967-1968
Z, circa 1967
Select: Z, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Forms for the following artists: Zaidenberg, A.; Zakine, Eugene; Zemachson (Zemackson), Samuel; Ziegler, Lee Woodward; Zito, Emilio
Zaidenberg, Arthur, 1967-1968
Select: Zaidenberg, Arthur, 1967-1968
Zeeman, Bernard E., 1967-1968
Select: Zeeman, Bernard E., 1967-1968
Zilzer, Gyula, 1967-1968
Select: Zilzer, Gyula, 1967-1968
Zion, Ben, 1967-1968
Select: Zion, Ben, 1967-1968
Zitter, Hirsch, 1967-1968
Select: Zitter, Hirsch, 1967-1968
Zucker, Jacques, 1967-1968
Select: Zucker, Jacques, 1967-1968
Zunser, C. Shomer, 1967-1968
Select: Zunser, C. Shomer, 1967-1968
Zwerkoff, John, 1967-1968
Select: Zwerkoff, John, 1967-1968
Computer Coding Forms of Employment Histories, 1967-1968
Select: Computer Coding Forms of Employment Histories, 1967-1968
Computer Data Printouts, 1967-1968
Select: Computer Data Printouts, 1967-1968
Computer Printouts of Employment Histories, 1967-1968
Select: Computer Printouts of Employment Histories, 1967-1968