Aach, Herb
Select: Aach, Herb
Biographical Information, 1965 February
Select: Biographical Information, 1965 February
Altoon, John
Select: Altoon, John
Biographical Information, circa 1967
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1967
General Correspondence, 1966-1968
Select: General Correspondence, 1966-1968
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1968
Photos of the Artist, circa 1966
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1966
Photos of Installations, 1966
Select: Photos of Installations, 1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966
Anthony, William
Select: Anthony, William
Biographical Information, circa 1971
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1971
Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1972
Antonakos, Stephen
Select: Antonakos, Stephen
Biographical Information, 1965-1970
Select: Biographical Information, 1965-1970
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Brocton Art Center Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: Brocton Art Center Correspondence, 1970-1971
General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1971 (4 folders)
Heath and Company Correspondence, 1968-1969
Select: Heath and Company Correspondence, 1968-1969
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971 (4 folders)
Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971 (2 folders)
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1971 (3 folders)
Press Releases, 1967-1970
Select: Press Releases, 1967-1970
Installation Instructions, 1967 January
Select: Installation Instructions, 1967 January
Photos of the Artist, circa 1970
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1970
Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1968
Select: Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1968
Photos of Installations, 1965-1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1965-1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970 (2 folders)
Transparencies and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Transparencies and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Slides of Works of Art, 1965-1969
Select: Slides of Works of Art, 1965-1969
Arnold, Anne
Select: Arnold, Anne
Biographical Information, circa 1965
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1964-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1971 (2 folders)
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1965-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1965-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Announcements and Catalogs, 1960-1969
Select: Announcements and Catalogs, 1960-1969
Lists of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Select: Lists of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Baer, Jo
Select: Baer, Jo
Photos of the Artist and Works of Art, 1965
Select: Photos of the Artist and Works of Art, 1965
Baynard, Ed
Select: Baynard, Ed
Biographical Information, circa 1975
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1975
Articles and Clippings, 1974-1975
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1974-1975
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1974
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1974
Photos of Works of Art, 1974
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1974
Bechtle, Robert
Select: Bechtle, Robert
Biographical Information, 1969
Select: Biographical Information, 1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1969
Bennett, John
Select: Bennett, John
Biographical Information, 1968-1971
Select: Biographical Information, 1968-1971
General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1965-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1971
Photos of Installations, 1966-1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1966-1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1968
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1968
Slides and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Select: Slides and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Bishop, James
Select: Bishop, James
Biographical Information, circa 1968-1972
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968-1972
General Correspondence, 1968-1972
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1972
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1972
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1972
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1965-1972
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965-1972
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1972
Photos of Installations, 1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Bladen, Ronald
Select: Bladen, Ronald
Biographical Information, circa 1965
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
"Cathedral Evening" Correspondence, 1969-1976
Select: "Cathedral Evening" Correspondence, 1969-1976
General Correspondence, 1965-1977
Select: General Correspondence, 1965-1977 (2 folders)
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971 (4 folders)
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1975
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1975
Gallery Plans and Instructions, circa 1969
Select: Gallery Plans and Instructions, circa 1969
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1976
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1976 (3 folders)
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1976
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1976 (5 folders)
Press Releases, 1967, 1971
Select: Press Releases, 1967, 1971
Photos of the Artist, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1968-1969
Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1967-1971
Select: Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1967-1971
Photos of Installations, 1966-1973
Select: Photos of Installations, 1966-1973 (4 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1975
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1975 (3 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1971
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1971
Bosson, Jack
Select: Bosson, Jack
General Correspondence, 1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1971
Brainard, Joe
Select: Brainard, Joe
Biographical Information, circa 1971
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1971
General Corresopndence, 1970-1971
Select: General Corresopndence, 1970-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Articles and Clippings, circa 1975
Select: Articles and Clippings, circa 1975
Photos of Works of Art, 1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1972
Brecht, George
Select: Brecht, George
Biographical Information, circa 1967
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1967
General Correspondence, 1959, 1964-1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1959, 1964-1965
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1965-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1965-1971 (2 folders)
Theft Correspondence, 1969-1971
Select: Theft Correspondence, 1969-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1966-1972
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1966-1972
Articles and Clippings, 1965-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1971
Press Releases, 1969
Select: Press Releases, 1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1969
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1966
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1966
Carpogrossi, Guiseppe
Select: Carpogrossi, Guiseppe
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950
Carsman, Jon
Select: Carsman, Jon
Photos of Works of Art, 1975
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1975
Carswell, John
Select: Carswell, John
Biographical Information, circa 1965
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965
General Correspondence, 1965-1966
Select: General Correspondence, 1965-1966
Articles and Clippings, 1966
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966
Chamberlain, Wynn
Select: Chamberlain, Wynn
Biographical Information, circa 1965
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965
General Correspondence, circa 1965
Select: General Correspondence, circa 1965
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1966
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1966
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1966
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1966
Press Releases, 1965-1966
Select: Press Releases, 1965-1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Negatives and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1964
Select: Negatives and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1964
Select: Chryssa
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Civitico, Bruno
Select: Civitico, Bruno
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1969
D'Arcangelo, Allan
Select: D'Arcangelo, Allan
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
General Correspondence, 1963-1964
Select: General Correspondence, 1963-1964
General Correspondence, 1965-1966
Select: General Correspondence, 1965-1966
General Correspondence, 1967-1969
Select: General Correspondence, 1967-1969
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Articles and Clippings, undated, 1963-1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, undated, 1963-1965
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1967
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1967
Articles and Clippings, 1967-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1967-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1963-1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1963-1968 (9 folders)
Press Releases, 1963-1968
Select: Press Releases, 1963-1968
Photos of the Artist, circa 1965
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1965
Photos of Installations, circa 1966
Select: Photos of Installations, circa 1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1963-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1963-1969 (2 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s (2 folders)
Daniel, Mell
Select: Daniel, Mell
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
General Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1970-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1970-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1970-1971
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1970
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1970
Dash, Robert
Select: Dash, Robert
Photos of Works of Art, 1971-1976
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1971-1976
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Davis, Gene
Select: Davis, Gene
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1971
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1971
General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1970 (3 folders)
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971 (2 folders)
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Photos of the Artist, circa 1970s
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1970s
Photos of Installations, 1968-1972
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968-1972
Photos of Installations--"Micro Paintings", 1969
Select: Photos of Installations--"Micro Paintings", 1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1976
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1976 (3 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s (2 folders)
Dibbets, Jan
Select: Dibbets, Jan
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Dodd, Lois
Select: Dodd, Lois
Photos of Works of Art, 1975-1976
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1975-1976
Drummond, Sally
Select: Drummond, Sally
Biographical Information, circa 1965-1967
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965-1967
General Correspondence, 1965, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1965, 1968-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1967-1968
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1967-1968
Consignment and Loan Information, 1966-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1966-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1962-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1962-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1962-1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1962-1969
Dunn, Anne
Select: Dunn, Anne
General Correspondence, 1965-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1965-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1970-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1970-1971
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1972
Ellenberg, Mark
Select: Ellenberg, Mark
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Filco, Stanley
Select: Filco, Stanley
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1969
Flanagan, Barry
Select: Flanagan, Barry
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1967-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1967-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1971 (2 folders)
Press Releases, 1969
Select: Press Releases, 1969
Installation Materials, circa 1960s
Select: Installation Materials, circa 1960s
Photos of Installations, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968-1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1969 (4 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Flavin, Dan
Select: Flavin, Dan
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Fontana, Lucio
Select: Fontana, Lucio
General Correspondence, 1962
Select: General Correspondence, 1962
Frazier, Paul
Select: Frazier, Paul
Biographical Information, circa 1965-1967
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965-1967
General Correspondence, 1966-1969
Select: General Correspondence, 1966-1969
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1968
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1968
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1968
Photos of Installations, 1965
Select: Photos of Installations, 1965
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1969
Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Friedberg, Richard
Select: Friedberg, Richard
Biographical Information, circa 1973
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1973
Photos of Installations and Works of Art, 1973
Select: Photos of Installations and Works of Art, 1973
Slides of Works of Art, 1972-1973
Select: Slides of Works of Art, 1972-1973
Georges, Paul
Select: Georges, Paul
Articles and Clippings, 1972-1976
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1972-1976
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1972-1976
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1972-1976
Slides and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Slides and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Gianakos, Stylianos
Select: Gianakos, Stylianos
Biographical Information, circa 1968
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968
General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1968-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1968-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1969
Photos of the Artist, 1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1969
Photos of Installations, 1968 September
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968 September
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1969 (2 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1968
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1968
Gilardi, Piero
Select: Gilardi, Piero
Biographical Information, circa 1968
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968
General Correspondence, 1967-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1967-1970 (2 folders)
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1967-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1967-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1967-1968
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1967-1968
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1968
Leonardo Interview, 1967
Select: Leonardo Interview, 1967
Press Releases, circa 1967
Select: Press Releases, circa 1967
Photos of Installations, 1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1968
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1968 (2 folders)
Negatives, Slides, and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1967-1968
Select: Negatives, Slides, and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1967-1968
Giorno, J.
Select: Giorno, J.
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966
Goodman, Jerome
Select: Goodman, Jerome
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Gorchov, Ron
Select: Gorchov, Ron
Photos of Works of Art, 1972-1974
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1972-1974 (2 folders)
Slides of Works of Art, circa 1973
Select: Slides of Works of Art, circa 1973
Gorski, Daniel
Select: Gorski, Daniel
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1981
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1981
Gottlieb, Adolf
Select: Gottlieb, Adolf
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Grosvenor, Robert
Select: Grosvenor, Robert
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
"Critical Reviews", 1967-1969
Select: "Critical Reviews", 1967-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1970
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1970
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1970
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1970 (2 folders)
Press Releases, circa 1968-1969
Select: Press Releases, circa 1968-1969
Blueprints--List Water Piece, 1966
Select: Blueprints--List Water Piece, 1966
Photos of the Artist, 1968
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1968
Photos of Installations, 1967-1970
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967-1970
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1970
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1970 (3 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Haber, Ira Joel
Select: Haber, Ira Joel
Biographical Information, circa 1971
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1975
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1975
Photos of Installations, 1971-1972
Select: Photos of Installations, 1971-1972
Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1972 (2 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Hartung, Hans
Select: Hartung, Hans
General Correspondence, 1961-1964
Select: General Correspondence, 1961-1964
Articles and Clippings, 1957-1961
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1957-1961
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1957-1961
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1957-1961
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1961
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1961
Henry, Dale
Select: Henry, Dale
Biographical Information, circa 1970s
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970s
General Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1970-1971
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Hesse, Eva
Select: Hesse, Eva
Biographical Information, circa 1970s
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970s
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1971
General Correspondence, undated
Select: General Correspondence, undated
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970 (3 folders)
Consignment and Loan Information, 1965-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1965-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1970
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1970
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1970
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1970
Photos of the Artist, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1968-1969
Photos of Installations, 1966-1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1966-1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1970 (6 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Hokanson, Hans
Select: Hokanson, Hans
Biographical Information, circa 1960s
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1960s
Sketches of Works of Art, circa 1964
Select: Sketches of Works of Art, circa 1964
General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Articles and Clippings, 1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1966
Insley, Will
Select: Insley, Will
Biographical Information, circa 1970-1976
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970-1976
General Correspondence, 1972-1974
Select: General Correspondence, 1972-1974
Articles and Clippings, 1973-1975
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1973-1975
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1974
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1974
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1975
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1975
Insho, Domoto
Select: Insho, Domoto
Biographical Information, circa 1962
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1962
Articles and Clippings, 1962
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1962
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, circa 1962
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, circa 1962
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Isham, Sheila
Select: Isham, Sheila
General Correspondence, 1972-1973
Select: General Correspondence, 1972-1973
Jacquette, Yvonne
Select: Jacquette, Yvonne
Biographical Information, 1971
Select: Biographical Information, 1971
General Correspondence, 1971-1973
Select: General Correspondence, 1971-1973
Lists of Works of Art, 1971-1976
Select: Lists of Works of Art, 1971-1976
Articles and Clippings, 1965-1975
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965-1975
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1976
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1976 (2 folders)
Photos of Installations, circa 1970s
Select: Photos of Installations, circa 1970s
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1973
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1973 (3 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Jensen, Bill
Select: Jensen, Bill
Articles and Clippings, 1973
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1973
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1973
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1973
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1973
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1973
Judd, Donald
Select: Judd, Donald
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1968
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1968
Katz, Alex
Select: Katz, Alex
Biographical Information, circa 1965
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1965
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1972
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1972
Bienal de Arte Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: Bienal de Arte Correspondence, 1970-1971
Brusberg Gallery Corresopndence, 1969-1970
Select: Brusberg Gallery Corresopndence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1962-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1962-1971 (4 folders)
"Katz Retrospective" Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: "Katz Retrospective" Correspondence, 1970-1971 (3 folders)
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971 (2 folders)
Print Accounts Correspondence, circa 1970-1973
Select: Print Accounts Correspondence, circa 1970-1973
Consignment and Loan Information, 1962-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1962-1971
"Alex Katz is Painting a Poet"--by Lucy Lippard, circa 1970
Select: "Alex Katz is Painting a Poet"--by Lucy Lippard, circa 1970
Articles and Clippings, 1962-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1962-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1962-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1962-1971 (2 folders)
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1962-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1962-1971 (11 folders)
Press Releases, 1965-1970
Select: Press Releases, 1965-1970
Photos of the Artist, 1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1969
Photos of Installations, 1968-1971
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968-1971 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1957-1971
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1957-1971 (3 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1957-1971
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1957-1971 (8 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Kilstrom, Kenneth
Select: Kilstrom, Kenneth
Biographical Information, 1964
Select: Biographical Information, 1964
General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1965
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1965
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1966
Slides of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Slides of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Krushenick, Nicholas
Select: Krushenick, Nicholas
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
General Correspondence, 1963-1966
Select: General Correspondence, 1963-1966
Articles and Clippings, 1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1965
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965
Photos of Works of Art, 1963
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1963
Photos and Slides of Works of Art, 1963-1965
Select: Photos and Slides of Works of Art, 1963-1965
Kuehn, Gary
Select: Kuehn, Gary
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1969-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1969-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1970
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1970
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1970
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1968
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1968
Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Kuriloff, Aaron
Select: Kuriloff, Aaron
Biographical Information, 1964-1965
Select: Biographical Information, 1964-1965
General Correspondence, 1963-1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1963-1965
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1965
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1965
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1965
Photos of Installations, 1964-1965
Select: Photos of Installations, 1964-1965
Photos of Works of Art, 1963-1965
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1963-1965 (3 folders)
Slides of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Slides of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Larsen, Jack
Select: Larsen, Jack
Biographical Information, 1972
Select: Biographical Information, 1972
General Correspondence and Exhibition Information, 1974
Select: General Correspondence and Exhibition Information, 1974
Articles and Clippings, 1974
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1974
Photo and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1974
Select: Photo and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1974 (Oversized Material Housed in Box 27, Oversized Photo of Work of Art)
Lenk, Thomas
Select: Lenk, Thomas
Biographical Information, 1967-1969
Select: Biographical Information, 1967-1969
General Correspondence, 1968-1969
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1969
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971 (2 folders)
Press Releases, 1968
Select: Press Releases, 1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1966 Scope and Contents note (Oversized material housed in Box 28)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1965
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1965
Levine, Les
Select: Levine, Les
Biographical Information, circa 1967-1969
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1967-1969
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1966-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1966-1971
"Iris Print out Portrait" Correspondence, 1969
Select: "Iris Print out Portrait" Correspondence, 1969
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1964-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1964-1971
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1972
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1972 (2 folders)
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1972
Interview, Brydon Smith--"Slipcover, A Place", 1966
Select: Interview, Brydon Smith--"Slipcover, A Place", 1966
Press Releases, 1966-1970
Select: Press Releases, 1966-1970
Photos of the Artist, 1966-1968
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1966-1968
Photos of Installations, 1966-1972
Select: Photos of Installations, 1966-1972 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1972
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1972
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1967
Lists of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Lists of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Longo, Vincent
Select: Longo, Vincent
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
McCauley, Nancy
Select: McCauley, Nancy
General Correspondence, 1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1965
Photos and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1965
Select: Photos and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1965
Mangold, Robert
Select: Mangold, Robert
Biographical Information, circa 1968
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
General Correspondence, 1964-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1967-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1974
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1974 (2 folders)
Exhibition Announcements and Clippings, 1963-1974
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Clippings, 1963-1974 (4 folders)
Press Releases, 1963-1971
Select: Press Releases, 1963-1971
"Robert Mangold and the Implications of Monochrome"--by Lucy Lippard, circa 1965
Select: "Robert Mangold and the Implications of Monochrome"--by Lucy Lippard, circa 1965
Photos of the Artist, 1963-1968
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1963-1968
Photos of Installations, 1967-1972
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967-1972 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1972 (3 folders)
Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1969
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1969 (2 folders)
Mangold, Sylvia
Select: Mangold, Sylvia
Biographical Information, circa 1975
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1975
Lists of Works of Art, 1975-1976
Select: Lists of Works of Art, 1975-1976
Articles and Clippings, 1973-1976
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1973-1976
Exhibition Announcements and Clippings, 1973-1976
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Clippings, 1973-1976
Photos of Installations, 1969-1973
Select: Photos of Installations, 1969-1973
Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1973
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1968-1973
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1974-1975
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1974-1975
Martin, Knox
Select: Martin, Knox
Biographical Information, 1963-1966
Select: Biographical Information, 1963-1966
General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1965
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1967
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1967
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1967
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1967
Press Releases, circa 1960s
Select: Press Releases, circa 1960s
Photos of Installation at Yale, circa 1966
Select: Photos of Installation at Yale, circa 1966
Photos of Installation at Yale, circa 1966
Select: Photos of Installation at Yale, circa 1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1962-1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1962-1966
Photos of Works of Art, Duplicates, 1962-1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, Duplicates, 1962-1966
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Metcalf, James
Select: Metcalf, James
Biographical Information, circa 1960
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1960
General Correspondence, 1961
Select: General Correspondence, 1961
Morris, Robert
Select: Morris, Robert
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1968
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1968
Neu, Renee
Select: Neu, Renee
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Neuberger, Babette
Select: Neuberger, Babette
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950
Ohlson, Doug
Select: Ohlson, Doug
Biographical Information, circa 1969
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1969
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1964-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1971
Gallery/Installation Floor Plans, 1969
Select: Gallery/Installation Floor Plans, 1969
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1973
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1973
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1973
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1973 (2 folders)
Press Releases, circa 1960s
Select: Press Releases, circa 1960s
Photos of the Artist, 1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1969
Photos of Installations, 1967-1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967-1969 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1964-1969 (2 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Olivotto, Germano
Select: Olivotto, Germano
Photos of Works of Art, 1967
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967
Parker, Raymond
Select: Parker, Raymond
Biographical Information, 1965-1966
Select: Biographical Information, 1965-1966
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
General Correspondence, 1969-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1969-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1970-1971
Consignment and Loan Information, 1970-1972
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1970-1972
Articles and Clippings, 1968-1974
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1968-1974
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1974
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1974
Photos of Installations, 1970-1974
Select: Photos of Installations, 1970-1974
Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1974
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1969-1974 (2 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Parsons, Betty
Select: Parsons, Betty
Photos of Installations, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Installations, circa 1960s
Photos and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Pavlos
Biographical Information, circa 1967
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1967
Articles and Clippings, 1967-1968
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1967-1968
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1968
Photos of Installations, 1967
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1967
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1967
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1967
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, 1967
Pfahler, Georg Karl
Select: Pfahler, Georg Karl
General Correspondence, 1964-1966
Select: General Correspondence, 1964-1966
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1967
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1965-1967
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1970
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1970
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1965-1966
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1965-1966
Negatives of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Select: Negatives of Works of Art, 1964-1965
Picard, Lil
Select: Picard, Lil
Photos of Works of Art, 1961
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1961
Rauschenberg, Robert
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert
Photos of Works of Art, 1950
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1950
Reino, Alejandro
Select: Reino, Alejandro
General Correspondence, 1974-1977
Select: General Correspondence, 1974-1977
Ryan, Anne
Select: Ryan, Anne
Biographical Information, circa 1968
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968
Journal (Copy), 1938-1942
Select: Journal (Copy), 1938-1942
General Correspondence, 1967-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1967-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969
Articles and Clippings, 1968
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1968
Biographical Information, circa 1968
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1968
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968
Photos of the Artist, circa 1940-1953
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1940-1953
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1950s
Negatives and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1968
Select: Negatives and Slides of Works of Art, circa 1968
Ryman, Robert
Select: Ryman, Robert
Biographical Information, 1969-1972
Select: Biographical Information, 1969-1972
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1968-1973
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1973
Guggenheim Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Guggenheim Correspondence, 1969-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1971
Outside Exhibition Correspondence, 1966-1968
Select: Outside Exhibition Correspondence, 1966-1968
Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1969-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1967-1974
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1967-1974
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1970
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1967-1970 (Oversized Material Housed in Box 28, Oversized Exhibition Catalog)
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1970-1972
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1970-1972
Photos of the Artist, circa 1960s-1970s
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1960s-1970s
Photos of Installations, 1967-1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967-1969 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969
Photos of Works of Art and Installations, 1961-1971
Select: Photos of Works of Art and Installations, 1961-1971
Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1966-1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, Installations, Robert Ryman, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, Installations, Robert Ryman, circa 1960s
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Sanejouand, J.M.
Select: Sanejouand, J.M.
Exhibition Catalog, circa 1968
Select: Exhibition Catalog, circa 1968
Schneeman, George
Select: Schneeman, George
Photos of Installations, 1973
Select: Photos of Installations, 1973
Shostak, Ed
Select: Shostak, Ed
Biographical Information, circa 1973
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1973
Simon, Sidney
Select: Simon, Sidney
Biographical Information, circa 1970
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970
Photos of Installations, circa 1970
Select: Photos of Installations, circa 1970
Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965-1969
Slavin, Arlene
Select: Slavin, Arlene
Articles and Clippings, 1975
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1975
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1975
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1975
Photos of the Artist, circa 1970s
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1970s
Photos of Works of Art, 1972-1974
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1972-1974
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1970s
Slonem, Hunt
Select: Slonem, Hunt
Photos of Works of Art, 1971-1977
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1971-1977
Smith, Leon Polk
Select: Smith, Leon Polk
Photos of Works of Art, 1972
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1972
Smith, Tony
Select: Smith, Tony
Biographical Information, 1968-1969
Select: Biographical Information, 1968-1969
General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1971
Photos of the Artist, 1966-1967
Select: Photos of the Artist, 1966-1967
Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1967-1969
Select: Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1967-1969
Photos of Installations, 1967-1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1967-1968 (2 folders)
Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1961-1969 (4 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s (2 folders)
Sonenberg, Jack
Select: Sonenberg, Jack
Biographical Information, 1973-1974
Select: Biographical Information, 1973-1974
General Correspondence, 1973-1974
Select: General Correspondence, 1973-1974
Exhibtion Announcement, circa 1974
Select: Exhibtion Announcement, circa 1974
Photos of Works of Art, 1973
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1973
Stadler, Albert
Select: Stadler, Albert
Articles and Clippings, 1973
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1973
Stefanelli, Joseph
Select: Stefanelli, Joseph
Biographical Information, circa 1963
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1963
General Correspondence, 1963-1966
Select: General Correspondence, 1963-1966
Articles and Clippings, 1963
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1963
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1957-1962
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1957-1962
Steiner, Michael
Select: Steiner, Michael
Biographical Information, circa 1964
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1964
General Corresopndence, 1964-1965
Select: General Corresopndence, 1964-1965
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964
Photos of Works of Art, 1965
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1965
Stella, Frank
Select: Stella, Frank
Articles and Clippings, circa 1966
Select: Articles and Clippings, circa 1966
Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1963
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1963
Strick, Racelle
Select: Strick, Racelle
Biographical Information, 1970
Select: Biographical Information, 1970
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1969
Sugarman, George
Select: Sugarman, George
Biographical Information, 1969
Select: Biographical Information, 1969
General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1971
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1969
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1969
Lists of Works of Art Returned to Sugarman, 1970
Select: Lists of Works of Art Returned to Sugarman, 1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1966-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1966-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1966-1969 (2 folders)
Photos of the Artist, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1960s
Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1969
Select: Photos of Construction of Works of Art, 1969
Photos of Installations, 1964-1968
Select: Photos of Installations, 1964-1968
Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1969 (5 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Sultan, Altoon
Select: Sultan, Altoon
General Correspondence, 1976-1977
Select: General Correspondence, 1976-1977
Swain, Robert
Select: Swain, Robert
Biographical Information, 1968
Select: Biographical Information, 1968
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1969-1970
General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1968-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1968-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1968-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1968-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1968-1969
Photos of the Artist, cirac 1960s
Select: Photos of the Artist, cirac 1960s
Photos of Installations, 1968-1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1968-1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967-1969 (2 folders)
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Tadasky
Biographical Information, 1965-1969
Select: Biographical Information, 1965-1969
General Correspondence, 1968-1969
Select: General Correspondence, 1968-1969
Articles and Clippings, 1964-1969
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1964-1969
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1969
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1964-1969
Select: Tinguely
Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1961
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1960-1961
Tisa, Ken
Select: Tisa, Ken
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Tobey, Mark
Select: Tobey, Mark
Photos of Works of Art, 1958
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1958
Twombly, Cy
Select: Twombly, Cy
Photos of Works of Art, 1959
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1959
Uncini, Guisseppe
Select: Uncini, Guisseppe
Photos of Works of Art, 1971
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1971
Viner, Frank Lincoln
Select: Viner, Frank Lincoln
Photos of Works of Art, 1967
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1967
Weinstein, Jeffrey S.
Select: Weinstein, Jeffrey S.
Biographical Information, 1974
Select: Biographical Information, 1974
Widmier, Hank
Select: Widmier, Hank
Articles and Clippings, 1972
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1972
Wurmfeld, Sanford
Select: Wurmfeld, Sanford
Biographical Information, circa 1970s
Select: Biographical Information, circa 1970s
Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
Select: Artist's Copy of Correspondence, 1970
General Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1969-1970
Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: Museum and Gallery Correspondence, 1969-1970
Consignment and Loan Information, 1967, 1970
Select: Consignment and Loan Information, 1967, 1970
Articles and Clippings, 1969-1971
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1969-1971
Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1969-1971
Select: Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs, 1969-1971
Photos of the Artist, circa 1969
Select: Photos of the Artist, circa 1969
Photos of Installations, 1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1969
Photos of Works of Art, 1969
Select: Photos of Works of Art, 1969
Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1969
Select: Negatives and Transparencies of Works of Art, circa 1969
"According to the Letter"
Select: "According to the Letter"
Artists' Biographical Information, 1962
Select: Artists' Biographical Information, 1962
General Correspondence, 1962-1963
Select: General Correspondence, 1962-1963
Printed Materials, 1963
Select: Printed Materials, 1963
"American Indian Rugs"
Select: "American Indian Rugs"
Photos of Installations, 1972
Select: Photos of Installations, 1972
"Direct Representation"
Select: "Direct Representation"
General Information, 1969
Select: General Information, 1969
General Correspondence, 1969-1970
Select: General Correspondence, 1969-1970
Printed Material, 1969
Select: Printed Material, 1969
Photos of Installations, 1969
Select: Photos of Installations, 1969
Photos and Negatives of Works of Art, 1969
Select: Photos and Negatives of Works of Art, 1969
"Eccentric Abstraction"
Select: "Eccentric Abstraction"
Printed Materials, 1966
Select: Printed Materials, 1966
Photos of Installations, circa 1966
Select: Photos of Installations, circa 1966
Photographs and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1966
Select: Photographs and Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1966
"18th and 19th Century Miniatures from the Royal Courts, India"
Select: "18th and 19th Century Miniatures from the Royal Courts, India"
Exhibition Announcement, circa 1960s
Select: Exhibition Announcement, circa 1960s
"Games Without Rules"
Select: "Games Without Rules"
Printed Materials, 1966
Select: Printed Materials, 1966
"Hard Center"
Select: "Hard Center"
Exhibition Checklist, circa 1963
Select: Exhibition Checklist, circa 1963
General Correspondence, 1963-1964
Select: General Correspondence, 1963-1964
Articles and Clippings, 1963
Select: Articles and Clippings, 1963
Printed Materials, 1963
Select: Printed Materials, 1963
Photos of Works of Art, circa 1963
Select: Photos of Works of Art, circa 1963
"Six Women"
Select: "Six Women"
Exhibition Announcement, 1965
Select: Exhibition Announcement, 1965
Miscellaneous Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s-1970s
Select: Miscellaneous Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s-1970s
Miscellaneous Photos of Installations, circa 1960s
Select: Miscellaneous Photos of Installations, circa 1960s
Miscellaneous Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Select: Miscellaneous Negatives of Works of Art, circa 1960s
Unidentified Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s-1970s
Select: Unidentified Photos of Works of Art, circa 1960s-1970s
Photo of Works of Art by Jack Lenk
Select: Photo of Works of Art by Jack Lenk (Oversized Material from Box 12, F10)
Exhibition Catalog from Robert Ryman Scanned to Box 15, Folder 40
Select: Exhibition Catalog from Robert Ryman Scanned to Box 15, Folder 40 Oversized Material from box 15, folder 40.