1% for Beauty, 1965, 1969
Select: 1% for Beauty, 1965, 1969
2nd Sculpture Competition (1974), 1971-1974
Select: 2nd Sculpture Competition (1974), 1971-1974
80th Anniversary of the Fine Arts Federation, 1974-1975
Select: 80th Anniversary of the Fine Arts Federation, 1974-1975
[Annual] Meeting (Apr. 24, 1969) [sound recording], 1969
Select: [Annual] Meeting (Apr. 24, 1969) [sound recording], 1969 (1 sound tape reel: 7-in. 1 1/2 mm)
Annual Meetings, 1969-1974
Select: Annual Meetings, 1969-1974 (5 folders)
Art Commission (1975), 1969-1975
Select: Art Commission (1975), 1969-1975
Art Commission, Names Proposed to Mayor, 1969-1974
Select: Art Commission, Names Proposed to Mayor, 1969-1974
Board Meetings, 1965, 1974
Select: Board Meetings, 1965, 1974 (2 folders)
Chronological File: Meetings, Notices, Minutes, 1959-1974
Select: Chronological File: Meetings, Notices, Minutes, 1959-1974
Correspondence, 1962-1979
Select: Correspondence, 1962-1979
Correspondence, 1962-1979
Select: Correspondence, 1962-1979 (4 folders)
Correspondence, President Giorgio Cavaglieri, 1971-1974
Select: Correspondence, President Giorgio Cavaglieri, 1971-1974
Landmarks Preservation Commission, 1974-1975
Select: Landmarks Preservation Commission, 1974-1975
Legal Matters, 1964-1974
Select: Legal Matters, 1964-1974
Lists of Board Members and Delegates, 1974-1975
Select: Lists of Board Members and Delegates, 1974-1975
Lists of Delegates, 1960s-1975
Select: Lists of Delegates, 1960s-1975 (2 folders)
Meeting, 1977-1978
Select: Meeting, 1977-1978
Minutes, 1969-1977
Select: Minutes, 1969-1977 (3 folders)
"New Life for Plazas" Urban Design Unit, 1975-1976
Select: "New Life for Plazas" Urban Design Unit, 1975-1976
Nominating Committee, 1970-1976
Select: Nominating Committee, 1970-1976 (3 folders)
Secretary Hobson's Records (1968-1969), 1956, 1963-1975
Select: Secretary Hobson's Records (1968-1969), 1956, 1963-1975
Semi-Annual Meetings, 1969-1975
Select: Semi-Annual Meetings, 1969-1975
Villard Houses, 1975
Select: Villard Houses, 1975