Advertisements (See also Box 106), 1982-1997, undated
Select: Advertisements (See also Box 106), 1982-1997, undated
Air Transport and Shipping Estimates, 1979-1984, undated
Select: Air Transport and Shipping Estimates, 1979-1984, undated
Application for Patent for Picture Frame, 1952 - 2001
Select: Application for Patent for Picture Frame, 1952 - 2001
Appointment Books, 1985-1986
Select: Appointment Books, 1985-1986
Appointment Books, 1987-1991
Select: Appointment Books, 1987-1991
Art Appraisals, 1974-1992, undated
Select: Art Appraisals, 1974-1992, undated
Art Consultancy and Acquisitions, 1975-1994, undated
Select: Art Consultancy and Acquisitions, 1975-1994, undated
Art Consultants, 1983-1985, undated
Select: Art Consultants, 1983-1985, undated
Artists' Slides Registries, 1987-1989, undated
Select: Artists' Slides Registries, 1987-1989, undated
Calendars (See also Box 106), 1979-1983
Select: Calendars (See also Box 106), 1979-1983
Card Files, Artists, 1977-1991, undated
Select: Card Files, Artists, 1977-1991, undated
Card Files, Clients, Local, A-S, 1972-1991, undated
Select: Card Files, Clients, Local, A-S, 1972-1991, undated (3 shoe boxes)
Card Files, Clients, Local, T-Z, 1972-1991, undated
Select: Card Files, Clients, Local, T-Z, 1972-1991, undated
Card Files, Clients, National and International, A-Z, 1972-1991, undated
Select: Card Files, Clients, National and International, A-Z, 1972-1991, undated (2 shoe boxes)
Clients Looking to Buy, 1985-1992
Select: Clients Looking to Buy, 1985-1992
Computer Disk Log Book, 1986-1991
Select: Computer Disk Log Book, 1986-1991
Press Releases, Correspondence, Digital Documents, 1988-circa 1990
Select: Press Releases, Correspondence, Digital Documents, 1988-circa 1990 0.002 GigabytesThree computer files
Address Lists, Digital Documents, 1987-1991, undated
Select: Address Lists, Digital Documents, 1987-1991, undated 0.006 Gigabytes26 computer files
Consignment Forms, undated
Select: Consignment Forms, undated
Consignments, 1971-1999, undated
Select: Consignments, 1971-1999, undated
Contacts, 1987-1990, undated
Select: Contacts, 1987-1990, undated
Select: Correspondence
Corporate, 1988-1991
Select: Corporate, 1988-1991
General, 1962, 1971-1991
Select: General, 1962, 1971-1991
General, 1992-2001, undated
Select: General, 1992-2001, undated
Japanese Dealers and Clients, 1988-1990, undated
Select: Japanese Dealers and Clients, 1988-1990, undated
National Endowment for the Arts letters, 1990
Select: National Endowment for the Arts letters, 1990
New York Gallery Opening, 1988
Select: New York Gallery Opening, 1988
Press Letters, 1989-1991
Select: Press Letters, 1989-1991
Resale Inquiries, 1984-1993, undated
Select: Resale Inquiries, 1984-1993, undated
Day Books/Dailies
Select: Day Books/Dailies
Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1987-1991
Select: Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1987-1991
Fendrick Gallery, 1978-1984
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1978-1984
Fendrick Gallery, 1984-1992
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1984-1992
Paley, Albert, 1983-1990
Select: Paley, Albert, 1983-1990
Frame Orders, circa 1975-1990
Select: Frame Orders, circa 1975-1990 (2 bound volumes)
Gallery History, 1987-1991, undated
Select: Gallery History, 1987-1991, undated
Greensted, Lisa, Fraud Case Involving, 1975, 1992-1995, undated
Select: Greensted, Lisa, Fraud Case Involving, 1975, 1992-1995, undated
Guest Books, 1984-1987
Select: Guest Books, 1984-1987
Installation Forms, undated
Select: Installation Forms, undated
Select: Insurance
Flather & Perkins, Inc., 1986-1997
Select: Flather & Perkins, Inc., 1986-1997
Huntington T. Block, 1986-1994
Select: Huntington T. Block, 1986-1994
1983 Flood Damage, 1983-1984
Select: 1983 Flood Damage, 1983-1984
Theft at New York Gallery, 1988-1989, undated
Select: Theft at New York Gallery, 1988-1989, undated
Workman's Compensation Policy, 1992-1993
Select: Workman's Compensation Policy, 1992-1993
Select: Inventory
Book Art
Select: Book Art
General, 1992
Select: General, 1992
Missing Artwork, 1979-1981
Select: Missing Artwork, 1979-1981
Inventory Cards
Select: Inventory Cards
1966-1969;1970; 1971, Albers-Nevelson, 1966-1971
Select: 1966-1969;1970; 1971, Albers-Nevelson, 1966-1971 (shoe box)
1971, Oldenburg-Wesselmann; 1972; Albers-Ruscha, 1971-1972
Select: 1971, Oldenburg-Wesselmann; 1972; Albers-Ruscha, 1971-1972 (shoe box)
1972, Sander-Youngerman; 1973-June 1974, Albers-Quilts, 1972-1974
Select: 1972, Sander-Youngerman; 1973-June 1974, Albers-Quilts, 1972-1974 (shoe box)
1973-June 1974, Rauschenberg-Youngerman;1973-June 1974, Native American Items; July 1974-June 1975, 1973-1975
Select: 1973-June 1974, Rauschenberg-Youngerman;1973-June 1974, Native American Items; July 1974-June 1975, 1973-1975 (shoe box)
July 1975-June 1976; July 1975-June 1976, Books; July 1975-June 1976, Folk Art; July 1976-June 1977, Albers-Stewart, 1975-1977
Select: July 1975-June 1976; July 1975-June 1976, Books; July 1975-June 1976, Folk Art; July 1976-June 1977, Albers-Stewart, 1975-1977 (shoe box)
July 1976-June 1977, Stovall-Youkeles; July 1977-June 1979, 1976-1979
Select: July 1976-June 1977, Stovall-Youkeles; July 1977-June 1979, 1976-1979 (shoe box)
July 1979-June 1980; July 1980-June 1981, 1979-1981
Select: July 1979-June 1980; July 1980-June 1981, 1979-1981 (shoe box)
July 1981-June 1982; July 1982-June 1983; 1984-June 1986, 1981-1986
Select: July 1981-June 1982; July 1982-June 1983; 1984-June 1986, 1981-1986 (shoe box)
July 1986-June 1987; July 1987-June 1988; July 1988-June 1989; July 1989-June 1990, 1986-1989
Select: July 1986-June 1987; July 1987-June 1988; July 1988-June 1989; July 1989-June 1990, 1986-1989 (shoe box)
July 1990-1996, 1990 - 1996
Select: July 1990-1996, 1990 - 1996 (shoe box)
Notes, 1972-1973, undated
Select: Notes, 1972-1973, undated
Select: Invoices
Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1988-1991
Select: Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1988-1991
Fendrick Gallery, 1979-Nov. to Dec. 1981
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1979-Nov. to Dec. 1981
Fendrick Gallery, Jan. to June 1982-July to Dec. 1989
Select: Fendrick Gallery, Jan. to June 1982-July to Dec. 1989
Fendrick Gallery, Jan. to June 1990-1993
Select: Fendrick Gallery, Jan. to June 1990-1993
Juries and Lectures, 1974-2001, undated
Select: Juries and Lectures, 1974-2001, undated
Lawsuit Involving Lichtenstein Print, 1972, 1990
Select: Lawsuit Involving Lichtenstein Print, 1972, 1990
Letters of Recommendation, 1987-1991
Select: Letters of Recommendation, 1987-1991
Select: Lists
Additions to Mailing Lists, 1989-1998, undated
Select: Additions to Mailing Lists, 1989-1998, undated
Albert Paley Exhibition Mailing List, 1991
Select: Albert Paley Exhibition Mailing List, 1991
Barbara Fendrick Gallery Mailing List, 1989-1990
Select: Barbara Fendrick Gallery Mailing List, 1989-1990
Craft Mailing List, 1989
Select: Craft Mailing List, 1989
ERPF List by Zip Code, undated
Select: ERPF List by Zip Code, undated
Exhibition Price Lists, circa 1973-1996, undated
Select: Exhibition Price Lists, circa 1973-1996, undated
Fendrick Gallery Mailing List, 1989-1991
Select: Fendrick Gallery Mailing List, 1989-1991 (See Box 106)
Museums Mailing List, 1988-1991, undated
Select: Museums Mailing List, 1988-1991, undated
New York Gallery Opening Exhibition Mailing List, 1989
Select: New York Gallery Opening Exhibition Mailing List, 1989
Potential Clients, 1983-1999, undated
Select: Potential Clients, 1983-1999, undated
Press Mailing Lists, 1989-1990, undated
Select: Press Mailing Lists, 1989-1990, undated
Print Prices, 1970, 1985-1991, undated
Select: Print Prices, 1970, 1985-1991, undated
State and County Art Agencies, 1978, 1989-1992, undated
Select: State and County Art Agencies, 1978, 1989-1992, undated
Select: Loans
Art-In-Embassies Program, 1982-1993, undated
Select: Art-In-Embassies Program, 1982-1993, undated
Art for Exhibitions, 1973-1990
Select: Art for Exhibitions, 1973-1990
Art for Exhibitions, 1991-1994, undated
Select: Art for Exhibitions, 1991-1994, undated
Photographs and slides, 1974-1991
Select: Photographs and slides, 1974-1991
Miscellaneous Notes, 1985-1992, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Notes, 1985-1992, undated
Select: Notebooks
Notes on Albert Paley Projects, 1986-1991
Select: Notes on Albert Paley Projects, 1986-1991
Notes on Albert Paley Project in Atlanta, 1990
Select: Notes on Albert Paley Project in Atlanta, 1990
Notes on Albert Paley Projects in Texas/Georgia, circa 1976
Select: Notes on Albert Paley Projects in Texas/Georgia, circa 1976
Notes on Meetings with Raymond Kaskey, 1993-1994
Select: Notes on Meetings with Raymond Kaskey, 1993-1994
Notes on Trips to Florida/Texas/Atlanta, 1980-1984
Select: Notes on Trips to Florida/Texas/Atlanta, 1980-1984
Notes on William Dusenbery/Sam Gilliam Projects, 1992
Select: Notes on William Dusenbery/Sam Gilliam Projects, 1992
Notes Written by Nicole Jundanian, circa 1991-1992
Select: Notes Written by Nicole Jundanian, circa 1991-1992
Untitled, undated
Select: Untitled, undated
Print Council of America Certificate (sign; see Box 106)
Select: Print Council of America Certificate (sign; see Box 106)
Select: Publicity
Articles About Fendrick Galleries, 1962-1990, undated
Select: Articles About Fendrick Galleries, 1962-1990, undated
Gallery Newsletters, 1971-1990, undated
Select: Gallery Newsletters, 1971-1990, undated
Photographs, circa 1971-1992, undated
Select: Photographs, circa 1971-1992, undated
Press Releases, 1977-1988, undated
Select: Press Releases, 1977-1988, undated
Real Estate
Select: Real Estate
New York City, 568 Broadway, 1986-1988
Select: New York City, 568 Broadway, 1986-1988
New York City, 216 LaFayette St., 1987-1990, undated
Select: New York City, 216 LaFayette St., 1987-1990, undated
Search for New Gallery Space, 1984-1986, undated
Select: Search for New Gallery Space, 1984-1986, undated
Washington, D.C., 3059 M St., NW, 1977-1989, undated
Select: Washington, D.C., 3059 M St., NW, 1977-1989, undated
Washington, D.C., 1710 Connecticut Ave., N.W., 1996
Select: Washington, D.C., 1710 Connecticut Ave., N.W., 1996
Select: Resumes
Fendrick, Barbara, 1993, undated
Select: Fendrick, Barbara, 1993, undated
Gallery Applicants, 1986-1990, undated
Select: Gallery Applicants, 1986-1990, undated
Shipping, 1988-1991, undated
Select: Shipping, 1988-1991, undated
Telephone Log Books
Select: Telephone Log Books
Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1987-1990
Select: Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1987-1990
Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1976-2000
Gilliam, Sam/Kaskey, Raymond, 1994-1995
Select: Gilliam, Sam/Kaskey, Raymond, 1994-1995
Paley, Albert, 1991-1993
Select: Paley, Albert, 1991-1993
Real Estate, 1995
Select: Real Estate, 1995
South American Trip, 1996
Select: South American Trip, 1996
Bank Loans, 1972-1979
Select: Bank Loans, 1972-1979
Employees' Salaries, 1983-1986
Select: Employees' Salaries, 1983-1986
End-of-Year Accounts, 1987-1995
Select: End-of-Year Accounts, 1987-1995
Select: Expenses
Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1989-1991
Select: Barbara Fendrick Gallery, 1989-1991
Fendrick Gallery (See also Box 105), 1977-1978
Select: Fendrick Gallery (See also Box 105), 1977-1978
Bound Financial Statements, 1974-1991
Select: Bound Financial Statements, 1974-1991
Gross Sales and Commissions, 1981-1983, 1989-1990
Select: Gross Sales and Commissions, 1981-1983, 1989-1990
Ledger Book, 1960-1970
Select: Ledger Book, 1960-1970
Money Market Account, 1988-1991
Select: Money Market Account, 1988-1991
Petty Cash, 1974, 1990
Select: Petty Cash, 1974, 1990
Select: Taxes
District of Columbia, 1972, 1992-1995
Select: District of Columbia, 1972, 1992-1995
Federal, 1969, 1988-1997
Select: Federal, 1969, 1988-1997
New York, 1989-1992
Select: New York, 1989-1992
Refunds, 1985-1989
Select: Refunds, 1985-1989
1099 Forms, 1991-1993
Select: 1099 Forms, 1991-1993
Virginia, 1991-1994
Select: Virginia, 1991-1994
W-2 Forms, 1983-1986, 1991-1994
Select: W-2 Forms, 1983-1986, 1991-1994
Financial Records, Expenses, Fendrick Gallery, 1991-1995
Select: Financial Records, Expenses, Fendrick Gallery, 1991-1995
Oversized Administrative Records
Select: Oversized Administrative Records
Calendars, 1977-1978, 1984-1986
Select: Calendars, 1977-1978, 1984-1986
Fendrick Gallery Mailing Lists, 1989, 1991
Select: Fendrick Gallery Mailing Lists, 1989, 1991
Print Council of America Certificate, undated
Select: Print Council of America Certificate, undated
Advertisements, 1982-1997, undated
Select: Advertisements, 1982-1997, undated