Collection Information
Size: 34 Items, (on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Official records containing project proposals; applications; final reports; and correspondence concerning the Pan-American Union.
Federal Music Project (Pa.)
Size: 34 Items, (on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Official records containing project proposals; applications; final reports; and correspondence concerning the Pan-American Union.
Federally funded music project of the Works Progress Administration. The Pan American Union worked with the Federal Music Project and developed projects like the music-copying project. The Philadelphia unit of the copying project reproduced scores of Latin-American compositions which were deposited in the Edwin A. Fleischer collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
The lender, Theodore A. Seder, is the curator of the Edwin A. Fleisher Music Collection where many of the reproduced manuscripts are housed.
English .
35mm microfilm reel NDA 27 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
The Archives of American art does not own the original papers. Use is limited to the microfilm copy.
Federal Music Project records, 1934-1943. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.