Select: General
Cecile Abish, 1969
Select: Cecile Abish, 1969
Vito Acconci, 1969-1971
Select: Vito Acconci, 1969-1971 Scope and Contents Includes several photographs of performance works, including a typescript entitled "Private Piece for Elayne Varian" (1969).
Lee Adler, circa 1967-1969
Select: Lee Adler, circa 1967-1969
Josef Albers, 1964-1971
Select: Josef Albers, 1964-1971
Eleanor Antin, 1971-1973
Select: Eleanor Antin, 1971-1973 Scope and Contents Includes multiple postcards from Antin's "100 Boots" piece, as well as photographs and printed material related to other works.
Maggy Aldrich, 1964
Select: Maggy Aldrich, 1964 Scope and Contents Oversized item housed in box 22, folder 2.
Marit Guiness Aschan, 1974
Select: Marit Guiness Aschan, 1974
Mary Ascher, 1964-1967
Select: Mary Ascher, 1964-1967
Elise Asher, 1973
Select: Elise Asher, 1973
Edward Avedisian, 1971-1974
Select: Edward Avedisian, 1971-1974
Will Barnet, 1965
Select: Will Barnet, 1965
Jack Beal, 1965
Select: Jack Beal, 1965
Siri Berg, 1972-1974
Select: Siri Berg, 1972-1974
Henryk Berlewi, 1965
Select: Henryk Berlewi, 1965 Scope and Contents Oversized item in box 22, folder 2
Nell Blaine, 1968
Select: Nell Blaine, 1968
Seymour Boardman, 1967
Select: Seymour Boardman, 1967
Mel Bochner, 1973
Select: Mel Bochner, 1973
Joe Brainard, 1965
Select: Joe Brainard, 1965 Scope and Contents Contains a copy of The Baby Book by Brainard and Kenward Elmslie
Warren Brandt, 1968, 1970
Select: Warren Brandt, 1968, 1970
Selma Brody, circa 1974
Select: Selma Brody, circa 1974
Robert Bucker, 1964
Select: Robert Bucker, 1964
Sylvia Carewe, 1959-1968
Select: Sylvia Carewe, 1959-1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 23, folder 2
Claudia Carrel, circa 1968
Select: Claudia Carrel, circa 1968
Enrique Castro-Cid, circa 1964-1970
Select: Enrique Castro-Cid, circa 1964-1970 Scope and Contents Oversized item housed in box 22, folder 2
Doris Chase, 1967-1970
Select: Doris Chase, 1967-1970 Scope and Contents Contains extensive correspondence between Chase and Elayne Varian. Oversized clippings housed in box 22, folder 2
Doris Chase, 1967-1970
Select: Doris Chase, 1967-1970 Scope and Contents Contains extensive correspondence between Chase and Elayne Varian.
Minna Citron, 1966
Select: Minna Citron, 1966
Ross Coates, circa 1968
Select: Ross Coates, circa 1968
Adele Cohen, 1973-1974
Select: Adele Cohen, 1973-1974
George Cohen, 1964
Select: George Cohen, 1964 Scope and Contents Oversized poster moved to box 22, folder 2
Rosalind G. Cohen, circa 1962
Select: Rosalind G. Cohen, circa 1962
Joseph Cornell, 1967-1973
Select: Joseph Cornell, 1967-1973 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence with the Estate of Joseph Cornell following Cornell's death.
Hanne Darboven, 1974
Select: Hanne Darboven, 1974
Jaime Davidovich, 1973
Select: Jaime Davidovich, 1973 Scope and Contents Oversized poster with handwritten note housed in OV 23, folder 3
Jeff Dell and Jeff Dell Film Service
Select: Jeff Dell and Jeff Dell Film Service
"Dodge City", ca. 1967
Select: "Dodge City", ca. 1967 1 Film reel16 mm
"Hush Hush Sweet City", circa 1967
Select: "Hush Hush Sweet City", circa 1967 1 Film reelLeader also labeled "Bob Monroe"16 mm
"Happy Birthday Felisa", 1968
Select: "Happy Birthday Felisa", 1968 1 Videocassettes (VHS)Duplicate1 Videocassettes (Digital Betacam)Duplicate
"Happy Birthday Felisa", 1968
Select: "Happy Birthday Felisa", 1968 1 Film reel16mm
Agnes Denes, circa 1969-1972
Select: Agnes Denes, circa 1969-1972 Scope and Contents Contains letters, descriptions of artworks, photocopied typescript theoretical writings, clippings, and press releases.
Jim Dine, 1974
Select: Jim Dine, 1974
Pat Diska, 1965-1966
Select: Pat Diska, 1965-1966 Scope and Contents Contains letters and a sketch by the artist
Seena Donneson, 1966, 1967, 1971
Select: Seena Donneson, 1966, 1967, 1971 Scope and Contents Oversized poster housed in OV 23, folder 4.
Jacob Drachler, circa 1966
Select: Jacob Drachler, circa 1966
Josef Drapell, 1973-1974
Select: Josef Drapell, 1973-1974
Jean Dubuffet, 1971
Select: Jean Dubuffet, 1971
Dale Eldred, circa 1967
Select: Dale Eldred, circa 1967
Ahron Elvaiah, circa 1964-circa 1970
Select: Ahron Elvaiah, circa 1964-circa 1970
Jules Engel, circa 1968
Select: Jules Engel, circa 1968
Frances Field, 1964
Select: Frances Field, 1964
Helen Frankenthaler, 1966
Select: Helen Frankenthaler, 1966
Charles Frazier, circa 1965
Select: Charles Frazier, circa 1965 Scope and Contents Contains photocopied typescript, "Excerpts from a work journal on flying sculpture"
Sue Fuller, 1967
Select: Sue Fuller, 1967
Paul Gedeohn, circa 1966-1974
Select: Paul Gedeohn, circa 1966-1974
Paul Georges, circa 1968
Select: Paul Georges, circa 1968
Robert Goodnough, circa 1973
Select: Robert Goodnough, circa 1973
Adolph Gottlieb, circa 1970
Select: Adolph Gottlieb, circa 1970
Gertrude Greene, 1958
Select: Gertrude Greene, 1958
Stephen Greene, 1963
Select: Stephen Greene, 1963
Dorothy Greene-Pepper, 1967-1968
Select: Dorothy Greene-Pepper, 1967-1968 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence and typescript entitled "Instructions for the care of molded cloth sculptures."
Nancy Grossman, circa 1969
Select: Nancy Grossman, circa 1969
Group of Six, circa 1972
Select: Group of Six, circa 1972 Scope and Contents Contains slides, photos, resumes, and published material from Stephen Greene, Phoebe Helman, Richard Stankiewicz, Richard Miller, Anthonyh Padovano, Charles Cajori, and Lennart Anderson, as well as a letter proposing an exhibition
Group of Six, circa 1972
Select: Group of Six, circa 1972
Group of Six, circa 1972
Select: Group of Six, circa 1972
Aaronel De Roy Gruber, 1965-1968
Select: Aaronel De Roy Gruber, 1965-1968 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence, clippings, slides, photographs, printed material, and a reference statement written by Elayne Varian
Lee Hall, circa 1968
Select: Lee Hall, circa 1968
Irene Hamar, 1965
Select: Irene Hamar, 1965
Hiroshi Hattori, circa 1969
Select: Hiroshi Hattori, circa 1969
Eva Hesse, 1971
Select: Eva Hesse, 1971 Scope and Contents Oversized magazine article housed in box 22, folder 2
Dick Higgins, 1968 April
Select: Dick Higgins, 1968 April Scope and Contents Contains "Something Else Newsletter," 1968 April
Charles Hinman, circa 1964
Select: Charles Hinman, circa 1964
Theo Hios, 1971
Select: Theo Hios, 1971
Raymond Hitchcock, 1967, 1970
Select: Raymond Hitchcock, 1967, 1970 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence and photographs of artwork; also a letter and photographs from Harry Weisburd
Frederic Hobbs, 1968
Select: Frederic Hobbs, 1968
Gerrit Hondius, 1970
Select: Gerrit Hondius, 1970
Budd Hopkins, circa 1969
Select: Budd Hopkins, circa 1969
Nelson Howe, 1964-1971
Select: Nelson Howe, 1964-1971 Scope and Contents Contains letters
Ralph Humphrey, 1971
Select: Ralph Humphrey, 1971
Richard Hunt, 1968
Select: Richard Hunt, 1968
Neil Jenney, 1968
Select: Neil Jenney, 1968
Ray Johnson, 1966-1968
Select: Ray Johnson, 1966-1968 Scope and Contents Contains mail art, clippings, letters, and photocopied writings
Allen Jones, circa 1964
Select: Allen Jones, circa 1964
George Bobby Jones, 1974
Select: George Bobby Jones, 1974
Judith Kamen, 1965
Select: Judith Kamen, 1965
Jacques Kaplan, 1969-1972
Select: Jacques Kaplan, 1969-1972 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence and clippings regarding "Fur Show"
Fredric Karoly, circa 1964
Select: Fredric Karoly, circa 1964
Lila Katzen, 1969-1975
Select: Lila Katzen, 1969-1975 Scope and Contents Contains clippings, press releases, photographs, and slides
Emily Kenas, circa 1965
Select: Emily Kenas, circa 1965
Elena Kepalas, 1972-1974
Select: Elena Kepalas, 1972-1974
Justin Knowles, circa 1966
Select: Justin Knowles, circa 1966
Sacha Kolin, 1971-1973
Select: Sacha Kolin, 1971-1973 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence regarding gifts and works on loan to the museum
Joseph Kosuth, circa 1967
Select: Joseph Kosuth, circa 1967 Scope and Contents Contains photographs of artworks
Kristen Kraa, circa 1964
Select: Kristen Kraa, circa 1964
Yayoi Kusama, 1964-1968
Select: Yayoi Kusama, 1964-1968 Scope and Contents Contains a letter from the artist
Gerald Laing, circa 1964
Select: Gerald Laing, circa 1964
Ellen Lanyon, circa 1962
Select: Ellen Lanyon, circa 1962
Charles Lassiter, 1965
Select: Charles Lassiter, 1965
Leonid, 1973
Select: Leonid, 1973
Josef Levi, circa 1966
Select: Josef Levi, circa 1966
Les Levine, 1968-1969
Select: Les Levine, 1968-1969 Scope and Contents Contains clippings, press releases, photographs, printed material, and poster. Oversized poster and magazine housed in OV 23, folder 5.
John Loring, circa 1967
Select: John Loring, circa 1967
Sven Lukin, 1964
Select: Sven Lukin, 1964
Howard Mehring, 1968
Select: Howard Mehring, 1968
Carlos Merida, 1965
Select: Carlos Merida, 1965
D.M. Merrick, 1968
Select: D.M. Merrick, 1968
Michael Metz, 1971
Select: Michael Metz, 1971
Evelyn Metzger, 1965
Select: Evelyn Metzger, 1965
Ursula Meyer, 1967-1968
Select: Ursula Meyer, 1967-1968
Toto Meylon, 1974
Select: Toto Meylon, 1974
Jay Milder, 1964
Select: Jay Milder, 1964
Guido Molinari, circa 1964
Select: Guido Molinari, circa 1964
Molla, circa 1965
Select: Molla, circa 1965
Symcho Moszkowicz, 1968
Select: Symcho Moszkowicz, 1968 Scope and Contents Contains photographs of the artist
Bruce Nauman, circa 1970
Select: Bruce Nauman, circa 1970
Don Nice, circa 1964
Select: Don Nice, circa 1964
Isamu Noguchi, circa 1967
Select: Isamu Noguchi, circa 1967
Earl Olsen, 1965
Select: Earl Olsen, 1965
George Ortman, circa 1971
Select: George Ortman, circa 1971
Alfonso Ossorio, 1969
Select: Alfonso Ossorio, 1969
Anthony Padovano, 1960-1972
Select: Anthony Padovano, 1960-1972 Scope and Contents Contains photographs of the artist
Barbara Phillips Perle, circa 1974
Select: Barbara Phillips Perle, circa 1974
William Pettet, 1974
Select: William Pettet, 1974
Bernard Pfriem, 1967, 1974
Select: Bernard Pfriem, 1967, 1974 Scope and Contents Oversized poster housed in OV 23, folder 6.
Select: General
Lil Picard, 1971
Select: Lil Picard, 1971 Scope and Contents Contains letters and photocopied writings
Pablo Picasso, 1965
Select: Pablo Picasso, 1965
Roberto Pignataro, 1969
Select: Roberto Pignataro, 1969 Scope and Contents Contains slides.
Paul Pollaro, 1967-1972
Select: Paul Pollaro, 1967-1972
Thomas Prentiss, circa 1967
Select: Thomas Prentiss, circa 1967
Raquel Rabinovich, circa 1966
Select: Raquel Rabinovich, circa 1966
Edward Randel, circa 1968
Select: Edward Randel, circa 1968 Scope and Contents Contains instructions and technical information about light/motion work "Hegira"
Antonio Recalcati, circa 1966
Select: Antonio Recalcati, circa 1966
Odilon Redon, 1967
Select: Odilon Redon, 1967
Philip Reisman, 1967
Select: Philip Reisman, 1967
Jeanne Reynal, circa 1964
Select: Jeanne Reynal, circa 1964
James Ridlon, 1973-1974
Select: James Ridlon, 1973-1974
Bridget Riley, 1964
Select: Bridget Riley, 1964
Esther Rolick, 1968
Select: Esther Rolick, 1968
Seymour Rosenthal, 1966
Select: Seymour Rosenthal, 1966 Scope and Contents Oversized poster in OV 23, folder 7.
Stephen Rosenthal, 1970-1975
Select: Stephen Rosenthal, 1970-1975 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence, photographs, and a typescript artist's statement
James Russell, 1965
Select: James Russell, 1965
Graham Redgrave Rust, 1965
Select: Graham Redgrave Rust, 1965
Freida Savitz, circa 1965-circa 1970
Select: Freida Savitz, circa 1965-circa 1970
Joseph Schillinger, 1966-1971
Select: Joseph Schillinger, 1966-1971 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence with Schillinger's widow, Frances Schillinger
Miriam Schapiro, 1971
Select: Miriam Schapiro, 1971
Roslyn Schomer, 1972
Select: Roslyn Schomer, 1972
Theresa Schwartz, 1966
Select: Theresa Schwartz, 1966 Scope and Contents Contains a letter, photographs, and a magazine article
James Seawright, 1966-1967
Select: James Seawright, 1966-1967
Roger Selchow, 1974
Select: Roger Selchow, 1974 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence
Thomas Sills, 1974
Select: Thomas Sills, 1974 Scope and Contents Contains a letter from the artist
Arlie Sinaiko, 1969
Select: Arlie Sinaiko, 1969
Esther Forman Singer, 1970
Select: Esther Forman Singer, 1970
Richard Smith, circa 1971
Select: Richard Smith, circa 1971
Tony Smith, 1971
Select: Tony Smith, 1971 Scope and Contents Contains photographs of installation
Robert Smithson, 1974
Select: Robert Smithson, 1974
Alan Sondheim, 1971
Select: Alan Sondheim, 1971
Jack Sonenberg, 1972-1973
Select: Jack Sonenberg, 1972-1973
Harry Soviak, 1964-1971
Select: Harry Soviak, 1964-1971
Norma Jeas Squires, 1965
Select: Norma Jeas Squires, 1965 Scope and Contents Contains photographs
Sala Staw, circa 1968-1970
Select: Sala Staw, circa 1968-1970
Harold Stevenson, 1964
Select: Harold Stevenson, 1964
Risa (Rissa Sussman), 1971
Select: Risa (Rissa Sussman), 1971 Scope and Contents Contains correspondence, contact sheets and instructions for dismantling sculpture
Joan Tausik, 1966
Select: Joan Tausik, 1966
Helen Thomas, 1973
Select: Helen Thomas, 1973
George Tooker, circa 1964
Select: George Tooker, circa 1964
Anthony Tortora, 1968
Select: Anthony Tortora, 1968
Cy Twombly, circa 1970
Select: Cy Twombly, circa 1970
Stella Waitzkin, circa 1974
Select: Stella Waitzkin, circa 1974
Judy Waterman, 1974
Select: Judy Waterman, 1974
Jeanne Whorrall, 1965
Select: Jeanne Whorrall, 1965
John Wilde, circa 1963
Select: John Wilde, circa 1963
John Willenbecher, 1964-1974
Select: John Willenbecher, 1964-1974 Scope and Contents Contains letter from the artist. Oversized poster housed in box 22, folder 2.
Neil Williams, circa 1964
Select: Neil Williams, circa 1964
New York Arts Calendar Annual
Select: New York Arts Calendar Annual
Letter Describing Donation of Artist Files, 1964
Select: Letter Describing Donation of Artist Files, 1964
Antonakos - Elliott, 1963-1964
Select: Antonakos - Elliott, 1963-1964 Scope and Contents Also contains a form for the artist Leonid
McAfee - McNeill, 1963-1964
Select: McAfee - McNeill, 1963-1964
Meigs - Mieczkowski, 1963-1964
Select: Meigs - Mieczkowski, 1963-1964
Miller - Mitchell, 1963-1964
Select: Miller - Mitchell, 1963-1964
Model - Morang, 1963-1964
Select: Model - Morang, 1963-1964
Morera - Mueller, 1963-1964
Select: Morera - Mueller, 1963-1964
Muhl - Nagare, 1963-1964
Select: Muhl - Nagare, 1963-1964
Nachumi - Nelson, 1963-1964
Select: Nachumi - Nelson, 1963-1964
Neujean - Noyer, 1963-1964
Select: Neujean - Noyer, 1963-1964
Okada - Oxtoby, 1963-1964
Select: Okada - Oxtoby, 1963-1964
Parker - Pattison, 1963-1964
Select: Parker - Pattison, 1963-1964
Pereira - Phillips, 1963-1964
Select: Pereira - Phillips, 1963-1964
Pickhardt - Pitigliani, 1963-1964
Select: Pickhardt - Pitigliani, 1963-1964
Pollack - Quirt, 1963-1964
Select: Pollack - Quirt, 1963-1964
Radulovic - Reder, 1963-1964
Select: Radulovic - Reder, 1963-1964
Reed - Rodin, 1963-1964
Select: Reed - Rodin, 1963-1964
Rodriguez - Rosso, 1963-1964
Select: Rodriguez - Rosso, 1963-1964
Rothbort - Ryman, 1963-1964
Select: Rothbort - Ryman, 1963-1964
Saleme - Sawyer, 1963-1964
Select: Saleme - Sawyer, 1963-1964
Schaeffer - Schneider, 1963-1964
Select: Schaeffer - Schneider, 1963-1964
Schoener - Seley, 1963-1964
Select: Schoener - Seley, 1963-1964
Seliger - Schurr, 1963-1964
Select: Seliger - Schurr, 1963-1964
Schwartz - Sheppard, 1963-1964
Select: Schwartz - Sheppard, 1963-1964
Sherbeck - Snow, 1963-1964
Select: Sherbeck - Snow, 1963-1964
Solotaire - Spiro, 1963-1964
Select: Solotaire - Spiro, 1963-1964
Spoerri - Stefanelli, 1963-1964
Select: Spoerri - Stefanelli, 1963-1964
Stern - Streeter, 1963-1964
Select: Stern - Streeter, 1963-1964
Subirachs - Swinson, 1963-1964
Select: Subirachs - Swinson, 1963-1964
Oversized Maggy Aldrich Poster digitized with box 3, folder 6, 1964
Select: Oversized Maggy Aldrich Poster digitized with box 3, folder 6, 1964
Oversized Henryk Berlewi Catalog digitized with box 3, folder 14, 1965
Select: Oversized Henryk Berlewi Catalog digitized with box 3, folder 14, 1965
Oversized Enrique Castro-Cid Poster digitized with box 3, folder 24, 1963
Select: Oversized Enrique Castro-Cid Poster digitized with box 3, folder 24, 1963
Oversized Doris Chase Clippings digitized with box 3, folder 25, 1969-1970
Select: Oversized Doris Chase Clippings digitized with box 3, folder 25, 1969-1970
Oversized George Cohen Poster digitized with box 3, folder 30, 1964
Select: Oversized George Cohen Poster digitized with box 3, folder 30, 1964
Oversized Eva Hesse Article digitized with box 3, folder 66, 1971
Select: Oversized Eva Hesse Article digitized with box 3, folder 66, 1971
Oversized John Willenbacher Poster digitized with box 4, folder 48, circa 1964
Select: Oversized John Willenbacher Poster digitized with box 4, folder 48, circa 1964
Oversized Sylvia Carewe Material digitized with box 3, folder 22, 1959-1968
Select: Oversized Sylvia Carewe Material digitized with box 3, folder 22, 1959-1968
Oversized Jaime Davidovich Poster digitized with box 3, folder 34, 1973
Select: Oversized Jaime Davidovich Poster digitized with box 3, folder 34, 1973
Oversized Seena Donneson Poster digitized with box 3, folder 40, 1966
Select: Oversized Seena Donneson Poster digitized with box 3, folder 40, 1966
Oversized Les Levine Material digitized with box 3, folder 97, 1968-1969
Select: Oversized Les Levine Material digitized with box 3, folder 97, 1968-1969
Oversized Bernard Pfriem Poster digitized with box 3, folder 120, 1967
Select: Oversized Bernard Pfriem Poster digitized with box 3, folder 120, 1967
Oversized Seymour Rosenthal Poster digitized with box 4, folder 15, 1966
Select: Oversized Seymour Rosenthal Poster digitized with box 4, folder 15, 1966