Collection Information
Size: 1 Item, (10 p. on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: An exhibition catalog of 200 American watercolors with a foreword by Edward Bruce and a listing of each artist and the title of his work. The paintings were chosen by a jury including Charles Burchfield, John Marin, Eliot O'Hara, and Buk Ulreich. They were then bought by the U.S. government and hung in the Carville, Louisiana, Marine Hospital.
Biographical/Historical Note
Established 1934 under the Treasury Department as the Section of Painting and Sculpture. Name changed to Section of Fine Arts in 1938. In 1939, the Federal Works Agency was established and set up the Public Buildings Administration, which combined the Treasury Department's Public Buildings Branch and the Branch of Public Buildings of the National Park Service. The Section's function was to decorate new federal buildings. Unlike the other New Deal art agencies, it was not a relief project, but awarded contracts through a juried system of competition.
Provenance unknown.
Language Note
English .