["About the big fish..."], circa 1900s-1920s
Select: ["About the big fish..."], circa 1900s-1920s
Advice For the Tennis Professional, 1928
Select: Advice For the Tennis Professional, 1928
"After a Walk In the Hot New Mexico Sun...,", 1912
Select: "After a Walk In the Hot New Mexico Sun...,", 1912
Arrival Of the Mail, circa 1880s-1900s
Select: Arrival Of the Mail, circa 1880s-1900s
[Artists and the "Academy"], circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [Artists and the "Academy"], circa 1910s-1930s
Billy, the Consumptive Who Whistled Second Violin, circa 1880s-1890s
Select: Billy, the Consumptive Who Whistled Second Violin, circa 1880s-1890s
Bob Brown Of Bed Rock Ark, circa 1880s-1890s
Select: Bob Brown Of Bed Rock Ark, circa 1880s-1890s
The Broken Wagon Wheel, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: The Broken Wagon Wheel, circa 1900s-1920s
Brook Story, circa 1880s-1890s
Select: Brook Story, circa 1880s-1890s
[Buck Herbert], circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [Buck Herbert], circa 1910s-1930s
The Channel Boys' Vacation, circa 1888-1891
Select: The Channel Boys' Vacation, circa 1888-1891
["Cities..."], circa 1890s-1910s
Select: ["Cities..."], circa 1890s-1910s
["English girl..."], circa 1890s-1910s
Select: ["English girl..."], circa 1890s-1910s
An Evening In Switzerland, circa 1890s-1900s
Select: An Evening In Switzerland, circa 1890s-1900s
["An Excuse For Art..."], 1931
Select: ["An Excuse For Art..."], 1931
[Fragments On Art and Artists], circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [Fragments On Art and Artists], circa 1910s-1930s
[Fragments Of Creative Writings], circa 1900s-1940s
Select: [Fragments Of Creative Writings], circa 1900s-1940s
[Fragments Of Personal Writings], circa 1900s-1930s
Select: [Fragments Of Personal Writings], circa 1900s-1930s
Funeral and Wedding At Notre Dame des Champs, circa 1890s-1900s
Select: Funeral and Wedding At Notre Dame des Champs, circa 1890s-1900s
["Good Opening For a Story..."], circa 1890s-1910s
Select: ["Good Opening For a Story..."], circa 1890s-1910s
Guide to Antwerp Cathedral, circa 1890s-1900s
Select: Guide to Antwerp Cathedral, circa 1890s-1900s
Henry Theobald, Jr., circa 1920s
Select: Henry Theobald, Jr., circa 1920s
The Hop Fiend, circa 1890s-1920s
Select: The Hop Fiend, circa 1890s-1920s
"How the Band Won the $100...", circa 1900s-1920s
Select: "How the Band Won the $100...", circa 1900s-1920s
In Regard to a Room For Moderns at the N[ational].A[cademy of].D[esign]., circa 1920s-1930s
Select: In Regard to a Room For Moderns at the N[ational].A[cademy of].D[esign]., circa 1920s-1930s
The Janitor Gives His Views On the Present Art Revolution, 1912
Select: The Janitor Gives His Views On the Present Art Revolution, 1912
Jimmy Hummingbird, Indian Boy, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Jimmy Hummingbird, Indian Boy, circa 1900s-1920s
John Gaw Meem, circa 1920s-1930s
Select: John Gaw Meem, circa 1920s-1930s
Joseph Henry Sharp, 1953
Select: Joseph Henry Sharp, 1953
The Kind-Hearted Joy, circa 1910s-1940s
Select: The Kind-Hearted Joy, circa 1910s-1940s
[Lecture at New Mexico Normal School, circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [Lecture at New Mexico Normal School, circa 1910s-1930s
[Lecture For Pen and Brush Club], 1934, April 21
Select: [Lecture For Pen and Brush Club], 1934, April 21
[Lecture to National Arts Club], 1928
Select: [Lecture to National Arts Club], 1928
[Lecture to Taos Lions Club], 1940
Select: [Lecture to Taos Lions Club], 1940
A Legend Of Taos Pueblo, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: A Legend Of Taos Pueblo, circa 1900s-1920s
["Mamby"], circa 1900s-1920s
Select: ["Mamby"], circa 1900s-1920s
Modern Art and the Academy, 1928
Select: Modern Art and the Academy, 1928
My Western Friend, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: My Western Friend, circa 1900s-1920s
[Notes For Talk On Early Days Of Taos Society Of Artists], circa 1920s-1940s
Select: [Notes For Talk On Early Days Of Taos Society Of Artists], circa 1920s-1940s
Offering to Nature, circa 1910s-1930s
Select: Offering to Nature, circa 1910s-1930s
[On Dynamic Synchronism], circa 1900s-1920s
Select: [On Dynamic Synchronism], circa 1900s-1920s
[On French Cathedrals and Cemeteries], circa 1890s-1900s
Select: [On French Cathedrals and Cemeteries], circa 1890s-1900s
[On Modernism], 1952
Select: [On Modernism], 1952
[On Nature], circa 1947
Select: [On Nature], circa 1947
[On Paris], circa 1890s-1900s
Select: [On Paris], circa 1890s-1900s
[On Pittsburgh], 1934
Select: [On Pittsburgh], 1934
[On Taos Community], circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [On Taos Community], circa 1910s-1930s
[On Visiting a French Church], circa 1890s
Select: [On Visiting a French Church], circa 1890s
[On Work Habits (Fragment)], circa 1934
Select: [On Work Habits (Fragment)], circa 1934
One Day Of a Pueblo's Life, circa 1910s-1930s
Select: One Day Of a Pueblo's Life, circa 1910s-1930s
Pablo, a Story Of a New Mexican Harvest, 1898
Select: Pablo, a Story Of a New Mexican Harvest, 1898
Paraquet and Love, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Paraquet and Love, circa 1900s-1920s
Preface For Pioneer Artists of Taos , circa 1910s-1930s
Select: Preface For Pioneer Artists of Taos, circa 1910s-1930s
Preparatory Dance, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Preparatory Dance, circa 1900s-1920s
Rhythms Of Nature, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Rhythms Of Nature, circa 1900s-1920s
The Road to Milky's, circa 1890s-1920s
Select: The Road to Milky's, circa 1890s-1920s
The Ruche, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: The Ruche, circa 1900s-1920s
Schools and the Man, circa 1880s-1890s
Select: Schools and the Man, circa 1880s-1890s
The Silver Gray Fox, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: The Silver Gray Fox, circa 1900s-1920s
["Smokin' Her Up"], circa 1900s-1920s
Select: ["Smokin' Her Up"], circa 1900s-1920s
South American Millionaire, 1906
Select: South American Millionaire, 1906
Story Of a Pebble, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Story Of a Pebble, circa 1900s-1920s
Story Of Four Paintings, circa 1920s-1940s
Select: Story Of Four Paintings, circa 1920s-1940s
Story Of Three Sioux Scouts, 1915
Select: Story Of Three Sioux Scouts, 1915
Story Of "Mustache Rouge", circa 1910s-1930s
Select: Story Of "Mustache Rouge", circa 1910s-1930s
Story Of Paintings Entitled "Moon, Morning Star, and Evening Star" and "Enchanted Forest,", circa 1930s-1950s
Select: Story Of Paintings Entitled "Moon, Morning Star, and Evening Star" and "Enchanted Forest,", circa 1930s-1950s
Taos Society of Artists: 50th Anniversary, 1965
Select: Taos Society of Artists: 50th Anniversary, 1965
"This Is a Hunting Story...", circa 1900s-1920s
Select: "This Is a Hunting Story...", circa 1900s-1920s
To Taos With a Wagon Wheel, circa 1920s-1940s
Select: To Taos With a Wagon Wheel, circa 1920s-1940s
Walter Ufer, circa 1936
Select: Walter Ufer, circa 1936
"Whoopin' Her Up": a Story Of a "Forth" in New Mexico, circa 1910s-1930s
Select: "Whoopin' Her Up": a Story Of a "Forth" in New Mexico, circa 1910s-1930s
Yellowstone Park, circa 1900s-1920s
Select: Yellowstone Park, circa 1900s-1920s
Writings by Others
Select: Writings by Others
[Ernest Blumenschein] by Ken Adams, 1948
Select: [Ernest Blumenschein] by Ken Adams, 1948
[Don Carlos' Circus] by Helen Blumenschein [?], circa 1910s-1920s
Select: [Don Carlos' Circus] by Helen Blumenschein [?], circa 1910s-1920s
The Art Of Ernest L. Blumenschein by Howard Cook, 1948
Select: The Art Of Ernest L. Blumenschein by Howard Cook, 1948
[Ralph Waldo Emerson (?)], circa 1900s-1920s
Select: [Ralph Waldo Emerson (?)], circa 1900s-1920s
A Recipe For Cooking Husbands by Amelia Gassette, 1905
Select: A Recipe For Cooking Husbands by Amelia Gassette, 1905
En Homenaje al Pintor Blumenschein by Enrique Lafuente, 1959
Select: En Homenaje al Pintor Blumenschein by Enrique Lafuente, 1959
[Shaw Dinner Homage to Blumenschein], 1932
Select: [Shaw Dinner Homage to Blumenschein], 1932
[Acrostic Poem] by [?] N., 1927
Select: [Acrostic Poem] by [?] N., 1927
[Opening Remarks For Blumenschein Event], 1948
Select: [Opening Remarks For Blumenschein Event], 1948
The Broken Wagon Wheel by Bert Phillips, 1948
Select: The Broken Wagon Wheel by Bert Phillips, 1948
[Edgar Allan Poe], circa 1910s-1930s
Select: [Edgar Allan Poe], circa 1910s-1930s
[Ernest Blumenschein] by Theodore Van Soelen, 1948
Select: [Ernest Blumenschein] by Theodore Van Soelen, 1948
[Various Articles On 1948 Blumenschein Retrospective], 1948
Select: [Various Articles On 1948 Blumenschein Retrospective], 1948