Collection Information
Size: 0.01 Items, ca. 600 items (on 3 partial microfilm reels)
Summary: Scrapbooks, clippings, photograph, letters, and drawings.
REEL D10: Note to Miss Fry, 1903, from Elliott and an article, "The Red Rose" by Mary Tracy Earle, reprinted from "The Lamp," May 1903, about the studio which Elliott shared with Jesse Wilcox Smith and Violet Oakley.
REELS P4-P5: Scrapbooks, 1848-1947, containing reproductions of Elliott's illustrations from THE TIMES, LADIES HOME JOURNAL, HARPER'S WEEKLY, SATURDAY EVENING POST, WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, and other publications; clippings about Elliott; sketches; a photograph of Elliott; and 4 drawings by her father, Jasper Green.