Collection Information
Size: 19 Items, (on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Letters to Newnam written in response to queries regarding portraits Newnam is painting or selling. Included are letters, 1937, from Victor Morris Tyler, Morris Tyler, and Constance Rourke regarding a Henry Inman portrait of John J. Audubon which Newnam wishes to copy; from Mildred Steinbach,1952, Asst. Librarian at the Frick Art Reference Library regarding portraits by Thomas Eakins of Frank Linton and Samuel Meyers; from Hannah J. Howell, 1952-3, Librarian at the Frick Art Reference Library regarding photographs of Gilbert Stuart's portraits of Edward Penington and Mrs. Penington; from Raymond Rubicam, 1955, regarding his purchase of a portrait by William K. Hewitt of his great uncle Jonathan Rubicam; also included is a photograph of the portrait; from Howell, 1957, thanking Newnam for a photo of a painting by Gustavus Hesselius; letters and a photograph regarding a portrait of Baroness Brudenell, 1966 and 1970; and a letter from Marguerite Coolbaugh, 1978, regarding a photograph of Abraham Lincoln.