Collection Information
Size: 2 Reels, ca. 35 items (on 2 microfilm reel)
Summary: Typescripts, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and building plans.
Reel NDA 10: Clippings, photographs, building plans, and blueprints relating to the mural decoration of Fort Ord, California, Enlisted Men's Club for the Federal Art Project by artists Carlton Lehman and Merlin Hardy; and a report from Florence Kerr and a document relating to work of the supervisors of WPA and FAP projects [The report and document are under the microfilm title Florence Kerr];
and a FAP publication, WPA GOVERNMENT AID DURING THE DEPRESSION TO PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND OTHER SERVICE WORKERS, 1936, by Grace Overmyer [Microfilm title Grace Overmyer].
Reel NDA 14: Typescript of an article by Adele Stackpole, "Relief Again? What Will You Get for What They Give?" in which she is critical of the WPA; and CALIFORNIA'S MEDICAL STORY IN FRESNO, anon., 1939, which includes illustrations of Bernard Zakheim's murals for the medical school in Fresno; a clipping, and articles by him and his wife; and group photograph of supervisors, artists and assistants in the FAP in San Francisco, April 1936.[Microfilm titles Adele Stackpole, Bernard Zakheim, and WPA-FAP, San Francisco]