Collection Information
Size: 5.2 Linear feet
Summary: Correspondence, class lecture notes; manuscripts for published books, "History of American Art" (1960, 1969), "Drawing" (1967), "Drawing: A Work Book and A Guide to Drawing;" financial material; minutes from faculty meetings and plans for a new art building at Stanford University; exhibition catalogs and announcements; and clippings.
Correspondents include: Carrie Abramowitz, Gerald Ackerman, Mark Adams, Judith Adler, Donald R. Allen, Robert Baxter, Dennis Beall, John Berggruen, Keith Boyle, Theresa C. Brakeley, Robert C. Breer, E. Howard Brooks, Philip Brown, Robert Bush, Richard Casey, Hilda Castellons, Ruth Chapman, Mrs. (Bebe) William Cooney, Lloyd Chiswick, Kenneth L. Culver, Joan Curtis, Frederic S. Cushing, Charles Deaton, Lena Young De Grummond, Helen De Vries, Richard Dinahanian, Lamar Dodd, Elliot W. Eisner, Lorenz Eitner, Hans Elias, Albert Elsen, Jonathan Fairbanks, Ray Faulkner, Philipp Fehl, Lorser Feitelson, Jean Finch, Francoise Forster, Ruth Gannett, Neilma Gantner, Rita Gilbert, Lewis Gray, John Gruenberger, Richard L. Gunn, Edith Hamlin, Betty Hoag, James Hoekema, Dan F. Howard, Andrew W. Imbrie, Matt Kahn, Patricia Kearney, Martin and Carolyn Knesse, Joseph E. Knowles, Mauricio Lasansky, Thomas Leek, Lawrence Levine, Raymond E. Lewis, W. McNeil Lowry, Charles A. Madison, Jan Marfyak, Karla Martell, David McIntosh, Susan E. Meyer, William Meyer, Dwight Miller, Bob Moore, Maureen McManus, Nathan Oliveira, Herbert Palmer, Anthony Paterson, Harry Powers, John Powell, Stephen S. Prokopoff, Hugh Renwick, John A. Richardson, Elizabeth E. Roth, John Russell, Robert R. Sears, Marion Clark Stewart, Jan Studebaker, George P. Tomko, Beth Van Hoesen, Duane Wakeham, Robert A. Walker, Robert R. Wark, Dan W. Wheeler, and John Wilmerding.