Siah Armajani, circa 1985
Select: Siah Armajani, circa 1985
Works by Rebecca Allen, circa 1985
Select: Works by Rebecca Allen, circa 1985 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
A, circa 1978-1997
Select: A, circa 1978-1997
Richard Baim, circa 1985
Select: Richard Baim, circa 1985
Rick Balabuck, circa 1983
Select: Rick Balabuck, circa 1983
Eugenia Balcells, circa 1980s
Select: Eugenia Balcells, circa 1980s
Colette and Charles Bangert, circa 1978-1986
Select: Colette and Charles Bangert, circa 1978-1986
Manuel Barbadillo, circa 1987
Select: Manuel Barbadillo, circa 1987
Horst Barting, 1986
Select: Horst Barting, 1986
Klaus Basset, circa 1986-1987
Select: Klaus Basset, circa 1986-1987
Stephen C. Beck, circa 1991-1996
Select: Stephen C. Beck, circa 1991-1996 Includes three Videocassettes (BetacamSP)
Beck and Jung, circa 1986
Select: Beck and Jung, circa 1986
Thomas Bayrle, 1986
Select: Thomas Bayrle, 1986
Lorna Bieber, circa 1990
Select: Lorna Bieber, circa 1990
Timothy Binkley, circa 1993
Select: Timothy Binkley, circa 1993
Peer Bode, circa 1986
Select: Peer Bode, circa 1986 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Peer Bode, circa 1986
Select: Peer Bode, circa 1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Peer Bode, Invented eye / Memory tracts , 1986
Select: Peer Bode, Invented eye / Memory tracts, 1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Jean Louis Boissier, circa 1995
Select: Jean Louis Boissier, circa 1995
Jean Louis Boissier, Flora Petrinsularis , 1994?
Select: Jean Louis Boissier, Flora Petrinsularis, 1994? 2 Videocassettes (VHS) Scope and Contents VHS tapes are duplicates.
Nhatvar Bhavsar, 1976
Select: Nhatvar Bhavsar, 1976 1 Sound cassette
Jay Bolotin, circa 1990s
Select: Jay Bolotin, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Meghan Boody, circa 1983-1994
Select: Meghan Boody, circa 1983-1994
Nolan Bowie, circa 1997
Select: Nolan Bowie, circa 1997
Russ Bramie, circa 1985
Select: Russ Bramie, circa 1985
Michael Brewster, circa 1980
Select: Michael Brewster, circa 1980
Benjamin Britton, circa 1991-1997
Select: Benjamin Britton, circa 1991-1997 Includes 3 Videocassettes (BetacamSP)
Benjamin Britton, "Moon", multimedia project, 1998 June 7
Select: Benjamin Britton, "Moon", multimedia project, 1998 June 7 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Footage of Benjamin Britton's interactive art installation Lascaux , 1994
Select: Footage of Benjamin Britton's interactive art installation Lascaux, 1994 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Benjamin Britton, circa 1994-1997
Select: Benjamin Britton, circa 1994-1997 3 Videocassettes (U-matic)1 Videocassettes (BetacamSP) Includes four computer discs, 3.5"; Transfer Not Possible.
Charlotte C. Brown, circa 1984
Select: Charlotte C. Brown, circa 1984
Susan Brown, circa 1985
Select: Susan Brown, circa 1985
Raymond C. Bryan, circa 1988
Select: Raymond C. Bryan, circa 1988
Raymond C. Bryan, Footage of "The Dad and Zen of Metal Art and Computer Music", 1988
Select: Raymond C. Bryan, Footage of "The Dad and Zen of Metal Art and Computer Music", 1988 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Nancy Burson, circa 1985
Select: Nancy Burson, circa 1985
B, circa 1983-1993
Select: B, circa 1983-1993
Patrice Caire, circa 1992-1995
Select: Patrice Caire, circa 1992-1995
Works by Patrice Caire, circa 1994
Select: Works by Patrice Caire, circa 1994 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Louis Fernando Camino, "DM Imagenes", circa 1986
Select: Louis Fernando Camino, "DM Imagenes", circa 1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Jim Campbell, circa 1995
Select: Jim Campbell, circa 1995 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Enrique Castro-Sid, circa 1976-1986
Select: Enrique Castro-Sid, circa 1976-1986
Christian Cavadia, circa 1983-1986
Select: Christian Cavadia, circa 1983-1986
Doris Chase, circa 1985-1997
Select: Doris Chase, circa 1985-1997
Miguel Chevalier, circa 1987
Select: Miguel Chevalier, circa 1987
Ronald L. Coleman, circa 1983
Select: Ronald L. Coleman, circa 1983
Roger Coquart, circa 1980-1986
Select: Roger Coquart, circa 1980-1986
Edmond Couchot, 1992
Select: Edmond Couchot, 1992 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Luc Courchesne, circa 1994-1996
Select: Luc Courchesne, circa 1994-1996 2 Videocassettes (VHS)1 Videocassettes (BetacamSP)
Kevin Crawford, circa 1990s
Select: Kevin Crawford, circa 1990s
Larry Cuba, circa 1986
Select: Larry Cuba, circa 1986 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
C, circa 1982-1987
Select: C, circa 1982-1987
Peter D'Agostino, circa 1986-1993
Select: Peter D'Agostino, circa 1986-1993 Includes one Videocassette (VHS); one computer disc 3.5". Transfer Not Possible for 3.5" computer disc.
Peter D'Agostino, String Cycles , 1989-1995
Select: Peter D'Agostino, String Cycles, 1989-1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Char Davies, circa 1997
Select: Char Davies, circa 1997
Douglas Davis, circa 1985-1986
Select: Douglas Davis, circa 1985-1986
Sonia Delaunay, circa 1977
Select: Sonia Delaunay, circa 1977 Includes two sound cassettes
Works by Amber Denker and Robert Longo, 1984-1986
Select: Works by Amber Denker and Robert Longo, 1984-1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Frank Dietrich, circa 1983
Select: Frank Dietrich, circa 1983
Chris Dodge, circa 1996
Select: Chris Dodge, circa 1996 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Diana Dominguez, 1997
Select: Diana Dominguez, 1997 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Juan Downey, circa 1985
Select: Juan Downey, circa 1985 Includes one Videocassette (U-matic)
Paul Earls, circa 1987-1996
Select: Paul Earls, circa 1987-1996
Tom Eatherton, circa 1983
Select: Tom Eatherton, circa 1983
David Em, circa 1980-1986
Select: David Em, circa 1980-1986
Evans and Sutherland, circa 1995
Select: Evans and Sutherland, circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
E, circa 1983-1986
Select: E, circa 1983-1986
Gary Falk, circa 1983-1986
Select: Gary Falk, circa 1983-1986
Eudice Feder, circa 1983-1986
Select: Eudice Feder, circa 1983-1986
John Fekner, 1986
Select: John Fekner, 1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Sandro Filippucci, circa 1991
Select: Sandro Filippucci, circa 1991
Perle Fine, circa 1982-1984
Select: Perle Fine, circa 1982-1984
Melik Finkle, circa
Select: Melik Finkle, circa 1 Sound cassette
Rob Fisher, circa
Select: Rob Fisher, circa Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Rob Fisher, Osaka Hilton International Lobby Sculpture, 1987
Select: Rob Fisher, Osaka Hilton International Lobby Sculpture, 1987 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
VHS IS audio only DUPLICATE OF Rob Fisher, Osaka Hilton International Lobby Sculpture, circa 1987
Select: VHS IS audio only DUPLICATE OF Rob Fisher, Osaka Hilton International Lobby Sculpture, circa 1987 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Scott Fisher, circa 1992-1995
Select: Scott Fisher, circa 1992-1995
Kit Fitzgerald, circa 1984
Select: Kit Fitzgerald, circa 1984
Monika Fleschmann, circa 1995
Select: Monika Fleschmann, circa 1995 Includes three Videocassettes (VHS) and two Videocassettes (BetacamSP)
by Peter Foldes
Select: Hunger by Peter Foldes 1 Film reel16mm
Dr. Herbert W. Franke, circa 1980-1985
Select: Dr. Herbert W. Franke, circa 1980-1985
Bruce Fordham, circa 1988
Select: Bruce Fordham, circa 1988 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Terry Fugate-Wilcox, circa 1984-1986
Select: Terry Fugate-Wilcox, circa 1984-1986
F, circa 1983-1993
Select: F, circa 1983-1993
Colette Gaiter-Smith, circa 1985-1986
Select: Colette Gaiter-Smith, circa 1985-1986
Jeremy Gardiner, circa 1984-1987
Select: Jeremy Gardiner, circa 1984-1987
Paul Garrin, circa 1993-1997
Select: Paul Garrin, circa 1993-1997 Includes one Videocassette (U-matic) and one Videocassette (BetacamSP)
Laurence Gartel, circa 1986
Select: Laurence Gartel, circa 1986
Eben Gay, circa 1995
Select: Eben Gay, circa 1995
Thierry Gehrin, Janviero , 1995
Select: Thierry Gehrin, Janviero, 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Sarah Geitz, circa 1980-1985
Select: Sarah Geitz, circa 1980-1985 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Rachel Gellman, circa 1985
Select: Rachel Gellman, circa 1985
Darcy Gerbarg, circa 1981-1989
Select: Darcy Gerbarg, circa 1981-1989
Darcy Gerbarg, circa 1981-1989
Select: Darcy Gerbarg, circa 1981-1989
Guillermo Gómez-Peña, circa 1997
Select: Guillermo Gómez-Peña, circa 1997
Ned Greene, circa 1986
Select: Ned Greene, circa 1986
Richard Greene, circa 1987
Select: Richard Greene, circa 1987 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Works by Shalom Gorewitz, 1979-1986
Select: Works by Shalom Gorewitz, 1979-1986 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
G, circa 1975-1995
Select: G, circa 1975-1995
Richard Hamilton, circa 1974-1984
Select: Richard Hamilton, circa 1974-1984
Richard Helmick, circa 1985-1986
Select: Richard Helmick, circa 1985-1986
Barbara Halpern, circa 1981-1984
Select: Barbara Halpern, circa 1981-1984
Perry Hoberman (with Scott Fisher), circa 1995
Select: Perry Hoberman (with Scott Fisher), circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Jim Hockenhull, circa 1981-1982
Select: Jim Hockenhull, circa 1981-1982
David Hockney, circa 1986
Select: David Hockney, circa 1986 Includes three Videocassettes (VHS)
Harry Holland, circa 1983-1986
Select: Harry Holland, circa 1983-1986 Includes two computer discs 5.25"; Transfer Not Possible.
Jenny Holzer, circa 1983-1986
Select: Jenny Holzer, circa 1983-1986
H, circa 1980-1987
Select: H, circa 1980-1987
Toshio Iwai, circa 1995-1996
Select: Toshio Iwai, circa 1995-1996
J, circa 1986-1997
Select: J, circa 1986-1997
Eduardo Kac, circa 1994-1996
Select: Eduardo Kac, circa 1994-1996 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Lynda Kahn, circa 1985
Select: Lynda Kahn, circa 1985
Alyce Kaprow, circa 1983-1986
Select: Alyce Kaprow, circa 1983-1986
Lila Katzen, circa 1975-1978
Select: Lila Katzen, circa 1975-1978
Tatsuo Kawaguchi, circa 1990s
Select: Tatsuo Kawaguchi, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Jon Kessler, circa 1985-1986
Select: Jon Kessler, circa 1985-1986
(Sister) Corita Kent, circa 1978-1984
Select: (Sister) Corita Kent, circa 1978-1984
Isaac Victor Kerlow, circa 1986-1996
Select: Isaac Victor Kerlow, circa 1986-1996
Frederick Kiesler, circa 1977-1985
Select: Frederick Kiesler, circa 1977-1985
Russell A. Kirsch, circa 1985
Select: Russell A. Kirsch, circa 1985
Milton Komisar, circa 1982-1987
Select: Milton Komisar, circa 1982-1987 1 Sound cassette1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Ken Knowlton, circa 1986
Select: Ken Knowlton, circa 1986
Willem de Kooning, circa 1970s
Select: Willem de Kooning, circa 1970s
Piotr Kowalski, circa 1986-1987
Select: Piotr Kowalski, circa 1986-1987
Victoria Kramer, circa 1985
Select: Victoria Kramer, circa 1985
Myron W. Krueger, circa 1983-1988
Select: Myron W. Krueger, circa 1983-1988 Includes two Videocassettes (VHS)
Myron W. Krueger, 1990-1991
Select: Myron W. Krueger, 1990-1991 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Myron W. Krueger, Videoplace , 1990
Select: Myron W. Krueger, Videoplace, 1990
Myron W. Krueger, "Videodesk" Teletutoring, 1991 September
Select: Myron W. Krueger, "Videodesk" Teletutoring, 1991 September
K, circa 1978-1995
Select: K, circa 1978-1995
Ben Laposky, circa 1987
Select: Ben Laposky, circa 1987
Ruth Leavitt, circa 1977-1986
Select: Ruth Leavitt, circa 1977-1986
Bob Lehman, circa 1985
Select: Bob Lehman, circa 1985 Includes two Videocassettes (VHS)
Les Levine, circa 1984-1986
Select: Les Levine, circa 1984-1986
Ellen K. Levy, circa 1984-1986
Select: Ellen K. Levy, circa 1984-1986
Donald Lipski, circa 1983-1986
Select: Donald Lipski, circa 1983-1986
Margot Lovejoy, circa 1986
Select: Margot Lovejoy, circa 1986
L, circa 1978-1993
Select: L, circa 1978-1993
Muriel Magenta, circa 1991
Select: Muriel Magenta, circa 1991 Includes two Videocassettes (VHS)
Robert Mallary, circa 1981-1990
Select: Robert Mallary, circa 1981-1990
Gudrun Von Maltzan, circa 1992
Select: Gudrun Von Maltzan, circa 1992
Ed Manning, circa 1986
Select: Ed Manning, circa 1986
Aaron Marcus, circa 1972-1983
Select: Aaron Marcus, circa 1972-1983
Nelson L. Max, circa 1981-1986
Select: Nelson L. Max, circa 1981-1986
Ethereal Flight
by Nelson L. Max
Select: Ethereal Flight by Nelson L. Max 1 Film reel16mm
Thessy Mehrain, circa 1990s
Select: Thessy Mehrain, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Steve Miller, circa 1983-1994
Select: Steve Miller, circa 1983-1994
Manfred Mohr, circa 1981-1987
Select: Manfred Mohr, circa 1981-1987 1 Sound cassettes (microcassette)
Vera Molnar, circa 1979-1987
Select: Vera Molnar, circa 1979-1987
Cliff Moorhead, circa 1995
Select: Cliff Moorhead, circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
David Morris, circa 1983-1986
Select: David Morris, circa 1983-1986
Stephen Nachmanovitch, circa 1987
Select: Stephen Nachmanovitch, circa 1987
Monique Nahas and Herve Huitric, circa 1983-1990
Select: Monique Nahas and Herve Huitric, circa 1983-1990
Joseph Nechvatal, circa 1986
Select: Joseph Nechvatal, circa 1986
Georg Nees, circa 1969-1986
Select: Georg Nees, circa 1969-1986
Le Roy Neiman, circa 1978-1984
Select: Le Roy Neiman, circa 1978-1984
Barbara Nessim, circa 1982-1994
Select: Barbara Nessim, circa 1982-1994
Mike Newman, circa 1983
Select: Mike Newman, circa 1983
Michael Noll, circa 1970-1987
Select: Michael Noll, circa 1970-1987
N, circa 1986-1987
Select: N, circa 1986-1987
Edmund M. Oppenheimer, circa 1983
Select: Edmund M. Oppenheimer, circa 1983
Michael O' Rourke, circa 1986
Select: Michael O' Rourke, circa 1986
O, circa 1983
Select: O, circa 1983
Nam June Paik, circa 1986-1990s
Select: Nam June Paik, circa 1986-1990s Includes one Videocassette (D-2) and one Videocassette (VHS)
Nam June Paik, circa 1990s
Select: Nam June Paik, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)1 Videocassettes (D-2)
Nam June Paik, circa 1995
Select: Nam June Paik, circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (Betacam)
Philip Pearlstein, circa 1984-1987
Select: Philip Pearlstein, circa 1984-1987
"Philip Pearlstein Draws the Artist", 1985
Select: "Philip Pearlstein Draws the Artist", 1985 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
John Pearson, circa 1983-1987
Select: John Pearson, circa 1983-1987
James Pallas, circa 1977-1986
Select: James Pallas, circa 1977-1986 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Stephen Pevnick, circa 1986-1987
Select: Stephen Pevnick, circa 1986-1987 Includes two Videocassettes (VHS)
Stephen Pevnick, The Rainfall project: A computer run fountain for urban spaces, 1987
Select: Stephen Pevnick, The Rainfall project: A computer run fountain for urban spaces, 1987 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Liz Phillips, circa 1980-1993
Select: Liz Phillips, circa 1980-1993 Includes one Videocassette (U-matic)
Joe Pierpont, circa 1980-1985
Select: Joe Pierpont, circa 1980-1985 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, circa 1983-1985
Select: Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, circa 1983-1985
Thomas Porett, circa 1985-1988
Select: Thomas Porett, circa 1985-1988 Includes one Videocassette (VHS) and one sound cassette
Tomas Porett, Excerpts of Ikons and works in progress, circa 1984
Select: Tomas Porett, Excerpts of Ikons and works in progress, circa 1984 1 Videocassettes (VHS) Includes one Videocassette (VHS) and one sounds cassette
Thomas Porett, Mosaic Transforms , circa 1985
Select: Thomas Porett, Mosaic Transforms, circa 1985 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Thomas Porett, Mosaic Transforms , undated
Select: Thomas Porett, Mosaic Transforms, undated
Thomas Porett, Mystery Street , circa 1985
Select: Thomas Porett, Mystery Street, circa 1985
Footage of Thomas Porett's untitled video art, 1993
Select: Footage of Thomas Porett's untitled video art, 1993 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
P, circa 1993
Select: P, circa 1993
Charles Quinn, circa 1990-1995
Select: Charles Quinn, circa 1990-1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Alan Rath, circa 1985-1986
Select: Alan Rath, circa 1985-1986
Robert Rauschenberg, circa 1983-1986
Select: Robert Rauschenberg, circa 1983-1986
Brian Reffin Smith, circa 1985-1986
Select: Brian Reffin Smith, circa 1985-1986
Beverly Reiser, circa 1985-1986
Select: Beverly Reiser, circa 1985-1986
Ron Resh, circa 1980-1983
Select: Ron Resh, circa 1980-1983
George Rhoads, circa1980s
Select: George Rhoads, circa1980s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Mischa Riss, circa 1986
Select: Mischa Riss, circa 1986 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Tony Robbin, circa 1983-1987
Select: Tony Robbin, circa 1983-1987
Ron Rocco, circa1985-1987
Select: Ron Rocco, circa1985-1987
David Rokeby, circa 1996
Select: David Rokeby, circa 1996 2 Videocassettes (VHS)
Interview with David Rokeby and footage of unidentified artwork, circa 1995
Select: Interview with David Rokeby and footage of unidentified artwork, circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Stefan Roloff, circa 1986-1987
Select: Stefan Roloff, circa 1986-1987 Includes four Videocassettes (VHS)
Mary Ross, circa 1985-1986
Select: Mary Ross, circa 1985-1986 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Erika Rothenberg, circa 1985
Select: Erika Rothenberg, circa 1985
Ondrej Rudavsky, circa 1990s
Select: Ondrej Rudavsky, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Ondrej Rudavsky, Connections , 1997
Select: Ondrej Rudavsky, Connections, 1997 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Ondrej Rudavsky, Footage of Connections , 1997
Select: Ondrej Rudavsky, Footage of Connections, 1997 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Kathleen Hartz Ruiz, circa 1985-1986
Select: Kathleen Hartz Ruiz, circa 1985-1986
RUSH Dance Company, circa 1986
Select: RUSH Dance Company, circa 1986
Silvio Russo, circa 1985-1986
Select: Silvio Russo, circa 1985-1986
R, circa 1984-1995
Select: R, circa 1984-1995
Daryl Sapien, Pixellage , 1984 February
Select: Daryl Sapien, Pixellage, 1984 February 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Alan Saret, circa 1985-1986
Select: Alan Saret, circa 1985-1986
Joseph Scala, circa 1976-1986
Select: Joseph Scala, circa 1976-1986
Tom Schmitt, circa 1983-1985
Select: Tom Schmitt, circa 1983-1985 Includes two computer discs 5.25"; Transfer Not Possible.
Leslie Schutzer, circa 1985-1986
Select: Leslie Schutzer, circa 1985-1986
Lillian Schwartz, circa 1983-1986
Select: Lillian Schwartz, circa 1983-1986
Jill Scott, circa 1991
Select: Jill Scott, circa 1991 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Patricia Search, circa 1983-1988
Select: Patricia Search, circa 1983-1988
Jim Seawright, circa 1986-1987
Select: Jim Seawright, circa 1986-1987
Margaret Selby, circa 1990s
Select: Margaret Selby, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Joan Shafran, circa 1983-1986
Select: Joan Shafran, circa 1983-1986
Tom Shannon, circa 1996
Select: Tom Shannon, circa 1996 Includes one Videocassette (BetacamSP)
Paul Sharits, circa 1986-1987
Select: Paul Sharits, circa 1986-1987
Paul Sharits, Rapture , 1986
Select: Paul Sharits, Rapture, 1986 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Jeffrey Shaw, circa 1995
Select: Jeffrey Shaw, circa 1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Sonia Lady Sheriden, circa 1978-1986
Select: Sonia Lady Sheriden, circa 1978-1986
Byron Sletten, circa 1986-1987
Select: Byron Sletten, circa 1986-1987
Frank Smullin, circa 1982-1983
Select: Frank Smullin, circa 1982-1983
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, circa 1990-1995
Select: Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, circa 1990-1995 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Joel A. Slayton, circa 1986
Select: Joel A. Slayton, circa 1986
Alan Sondheim, circa 1980-1983
Select: Alan Sondheim, circa 1980-1983
Vibeke Sorensen, circa 1983-1997
Select: Vibeke Sorensen, circa 1983-1997 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Vibeke Sorensen, Computer Animation Video Art, circa 1980s
Select: Vibeke Sorensen, Computer Animation Video Art, circa 1980s 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Bill Spinhoven, circa 1994
Select: Bill Spinhoven, circa 1994
Nicole Stenger, circa 1985-1989
Select: Nicole Stenger, circa 1985-1989
Nicole Stenger, Popureve , 1989
Select: Nicole Stenger, Popureve, 1989 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
S, circa
Select: S, circa
Takis, circa 1987
Select: Takis, circa 1987 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Works by Keiichi Tanaka, Erina Kashihara, Rei Fukuda, Takashi Kokubo and Chrise Hinze, 1989-1991
Select: Works by Keiichi Tanaka, Erina Kashihara, Rei Fukuda, Takashi Kokubo and Chrise Hinze, 1989-1991 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Helene Taterka, circa 1983-1986
Select: Helene Taterka, circa 1983-1986
Nell Tenhaaf, circa 1995-1997
Select: Nell Tenhaaf, circa 1995-1997 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Twyla Tharp, circa 1980s
Select: Twyla Tharp, circa 1980s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Jean Tinguely, circa 1987
Select: Jean Tinguely, circa 1987
Michael N. Tolson, circa 1990s
Select: Michael N. Tolson, circa 1990s 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Joan Truckenbrod, circa 1981-1989
Select: Joan Truckenbrod, circa 1981-1989
Tsai, Wen-Ying, circa 1983-1986
Select: Tsai, Wen-Ying, circa 1983-1986
Ralph J. Turner, circa 1986
Select: Ralph J. Turner, circa 1986
T, circa 1983
Select: T, circa 1983
Stan Vanderbeek, circa 1979-1987
Select: Stan Vanderbeek, circa 1979-1987
Poem Field No.1
by Stan Vanderbeek, circa 1967
Select: Poem Field No.1 by Stan Vanderbeek, circa 1967 1 Film reel16mm
Ray Varnbuhler, circa 1985-1986
Select: Ray Varnbuhler, circa 1985-1986
Woody and Steina Vasulka, circa 1980-1993
Select: Woody and Steina Vasulka, circa 1980-1993 Includes two Videocassettes (VHS) an one Videocassette (U-matic)
Works by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 1979-1982
Select: Works by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 1979-1982 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Works by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 1979-1982
Select: Works by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 1979-1982
Works by Woody Vasulka, 1973-1987
Select: Works by Woody Vasulka, 1973-1987 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Works by Steina Vasulka, 1977-1989
Select: Works by Steina Vasulka, 1977-1989 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Works by Woody and Steina Vasulka, 198-
Select: Works by Woody and Steina Vasulka, 198- 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Work fragments by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 198-
Select: Work fragments by Woody Vasulka and Steina Vasulka, 198-
Works by Woody Vasulka, 1989-1993
Select: Works by Woody Vasulka, 1989-1993 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Jane Veeder, circa 1984
Select: Jane Veeder, circa 1984
Jane Veeder, Floater , 1983 June 9
Select: Jane Veeder, Floater, 1983 June 9 1 Videocassettes (U-matic)
Roman Verostko, circa 1989, 1994
Select: Roman Verostko, circa 1989, 1994
Ted Victoria, circa 1993
Select: Ted Victoria, circa 1993 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Julius Vitali, circa 1980-1985
Select: Julius Vitali, circa 1980-1985
Richard F. Voss, circa 1986
Select: Richard F. Voss, circa 1986
V, circa 1986-1991
Select: V, circa 1986-1991
Jun Jieh Wang, circa 1994
Select: Jun Jieh Wang, circa 1994
Linda Wargo and Mike Mages, Polaroids , 1984 August
Select: Linda Wargo and Mike Mages, Polaroids, 1984 August 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Andy Warhol, circa 1982-1986
Select: Andy Warhol, circa 1982-1986
Chris Wayne, circa 1987-1989
Select: Chris Wayne, circa 1987-1989
Monica Wehrenberg, circa 1980-1986
Select: Monica Wehrenberg, circa 1980-1986
Peter Weibel, circa 1987
Select: Peter Weibel, circa 1987 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
Grahame Weinbren, circa 1994
Select: Grahame Weinbren, circa 1994 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
Iain Whitecross, circa 1986
Select: Iain Whitecross, circa 1986
Mark Wilson, circa 1984-1987
Select: Mark Wilson, circa 1984-1987
Dean Winkler, circa 1983-1985
Select: Dean Winkler, circa 1983-1985 Includes one Videocassette (VHS)
W, circa 1986-1990
Select: W, circa 1986-1990
Jud Yalkut, 2000
Select: Jud Yalkut, 2000 1 Videocassettes (VHS)
YLEM (Artists Using Science and Technology), circa 1983-1987
Select: YLEM (Artists Using Science and Technology), circa 1983-1987
Hyun-Jung Yu, Door as generation , circa 1995
Select: Hyun-Jung Yu, Door as generation, circa 1995
Y, 1986-1988
Select: Y, 1986-1988
Edward Zajac, circa 1964-1987
Select: Edward Zajac, circa 1964-1987
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska, circa 1984-1985
Select: Hanna Zawa-Cywinska, circa 1984-1985
Paul Zelevansky, circa 1976-1986
Select: Paul Zelevansky, circa 1976-1986