"The Artist's Dream Book," Steve Seaberg (Editor), 1967
Select: "The Artist's Dream Book," Steve Seaberg (Editor), 1967
Charley Chestnut Rides the I.R.T. , Arthur Sainer, 1974
Select: Charley Chestnut Rides the I.R.T., Arthur Sainer, 1974
"Cosmos," Laurence G. Miller (student paper), 1979
Select: "Cosmos," Laurence G. Miller (student paper), 1979
Dialogue of Amargo , Federico Garcia Lorca, 1960s
Select: Dialogue of Amargo, Federico Garcia Lorca, 1960s
Dreams for Sale: A Commercial Entertainment (unidentified author), 1960s
Select: Dreams for Sale: A Commercial Entertainment (unidentified author), 1960s
Hair , Gerome Ragni and James Rado, 1966
Select: Hair, Gerome Ragni and James Rado, 1966
"Heart, Keep Thy Secret: The Story Edith Stein," Paul Sann, 1960s
Select: "Heart, Keep Thy Secret: The Story Edith Stein," Paul Sann, 1960s
The Last Triangle , H.M Koutoukas, 1960s
Select: The Last Triangle, H.M Koutoukas, 1960s
The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in his Garden (unidentified author), 1960s
Select: The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in his Garden (unidentified author), 1960s
Molly's Dream , María Irene Fornés, 1968
Select: Molly's Dream, María Irene Fornés, 1968
Only a Countess May Dance When She's Crazy , H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
Select: Only a Countess May Dance When She's Crazy, H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
"Peter Simon, Modern Healer" (unidentified author), 2000s
Select: "Peter Simon, Modern Healer" (unidentified author), 2000s
The Pinnotti Papers and One Man's Religion: A Dramatic Valentine , H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
Select: The Pinnotti Papers and One Man's Religion: A Dramatic Valentine, H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
The Promenade of Buster Keaton , Federico Garcia Lorca, 1960s
Select: The Promenade of Buster Keaton, Federico Garcia Lorca, 1960s
Spring Pageant (unidentified author), 1960s
Select: Spring Pageant (unidentified author), 1960s
"The Strange Universe of Cosmos," Tom Bentkowski, circa 1978
Select: "The Strange Universe of Cosmos," Tom Bentkowski, circa 1978
Turtles Don't Dream , H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
Select: Turtles Don't Dream, H.M. Koutoukas, 1960s
When Clowns Play Hamlet , H.M. Koutoukas, 1964
Select: When Clowns Play Hamlet, H.M. Koutoukas, 1964
Other works by H.M. Koutoukas, including Omy Queen of the Faeries , and Tidy Passions, or Kill, Kaleidoscope Kill , 1960s
Select: Other works by H.M. Koutoukas, including Omy Queen of the Faeries, and Tidy Passions, or Kill, Kaleidoscope Kill, 1960s 1 Sound tape reel
Notebook, Scott McLennon, 1976
Select: Notebook, Scott McLennon, 1976
Various Theater Scripts, 1960s-1970s
Select: Various Theater Scripts, 1960s-1970s
Various Writings, 1970s-2000s
Select: Various Writings, 1970s-2000s