Collection Information
Size: 6 Items, (on 1 partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Correspondence between Francis Henry Taylor, director of the Worcester Art Museum, and Charles Sawyer, curator of the Addison Gallery of American Art regarding the WPA Federal Art Projects in New England. Included are: a letter from Sawyer to Taylor, Sept. 11, 1935, regarding "the Government art projects. ... I am anxious to keep these projects from getting into the wrong hands, but I am not, on the other hand, anxious to get involved in the political complications of the 'New Deal.' In another exchange, Taylor thanks Sawyer for sending him a copy of his letter, July 8, 1937, to Richard Morrison, Ass't to Holger Cahill, in which Sawyer compares the FAP to the PWAP, comments on the organization of the FAP,
and recommends that an "advisory committee, regionally organized, within each state, might be definitely useful to you...if they were...informed of what the Federal Art Project was trying to do." In a letter of Aug. 30, 1937, Sawyer encloses a copy of a letter he received from Morrison regarding FAP funding. Also included are a carbon of a letter from Taylor to Sawyer, Sept. 14, 1937, regarding his opinion that the Advisory committee not get involved in WPA funding; and a letter from Sawyer to Taylor, Oct. 28, 1937, enclosing Sawyer's letter to Morrison (never sent) regarding a controversy over a loan of murals in a WPA exhibition. [Microfilm title: Addison Gallery of American Art papers].