Undated letters, unidentified writers Select: Undated letters, unidentified writers Partially dated letters, identified by first names Select: Partially dated letters, identified by first names Undated letters, identified by first names mainly to Julia from Nina [Starkweather?] Select: Undated letters, identified by first names mainly to Julia from Nina [Starkweather?] Correspondence, A, undated Select: Correspondence, A, undatedScope and Contents note(mainly from Letty H. Alexander, also S.P. Avery) Correspondence, B-C, undated Select: Correspondence, B-C, undatedScope and Contents note(J. Jay Barber, Fred E. Bartlett, Geo. F. Brownell, Geo. H. Bogert, W. Gedney Bunce, Howard Russell Butler, F.S. Church) Correspondence, D-E, undated Select: Correspondence, D-E, undatedScope and Contents note(Louis P. Dessar, Thos. W. Dewing, Walter McEwen) Correspondence, F-G, undated Select: Correspondence, F-G, undatedScope and Contents note(Ben Foster, Sara Hallowell, D. F. Hasbrouck, Childe Hassam, Albert Herter, Alfred C. Howland, Henry S. Hubbell) Correspondence, I, J, K, undated Select: Correspondence, I, J, K, undatedScope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Hugh Bolton Jones, Ed. G. Kennedy, Chas. M. Kurtz) Correspondence, Kurtz, undated Select: Correspondence, Kurtz, undatedScope and Contents note(Kurtz family and some "L" correspondents) Correspondence, M, undated Select: Correspondence, M, undatedScope and Contents note(Macaulay Stevenson, Cornelia F. Maury, Jervis McEntee, Gari Melchers, Wm. Morgan, H. Mowbray, Hermann Dudley Murphy, [E.?] Muybridge) Correspondence, N, O, undated Select: Correspondence, N, O, undatedScope and Contents note(Theodore C. Noé, Ogden [Wood?]) Correspondence, P, undated Select: Correspondence, P, undatedScope and Contents note(David C. Preyer) Correspondence, R, undated Select: Correspondence, R, undatedScope and Contents note(F.K.M. Rehn, Robert Reid, Chas. Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, Sa-Sm, undated Select: Correspondence, Sa-Sm, undatedScope and Contents note(Augusta St. Gaudens, Semple family, F. Hopkinson Smith) Correspondence, Sn-Sz, undated Select: Correspondence, Sn-Sz, undatedScope and Contents note(Otto Stark, Starkweather family, Edward J. Steichen, Jean Stevenson [Mrs. Macauley Stevenson], Stephenson family) Correspondence, T-V, undated Select: Correspondence, T-V, undatedScope and Contents note(Grosvenor Thomas, Patty Thum) Correspondence, Wa, undated Select: Correspondence, Wa, undatedScope and Contents note([Henry] Watrous) Correspondence, We-Z, undated Select: Correspondence, We-Z, undatedScope and Contents note(Lyman H. Weeks, Irving B. Wiles, Wallace Wood, G.J. Zolnay) Correspondence, undated, 1848-1869 Select: Correspondence, undated, 1848-1869Scope and Contents note(arranged chronologically, Kurtz family) Correspondence, 1870-1879 Select: Correspondence, 1870-1879Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family) Correspondence, 1883[?] Select: Correspondence, 1883[?]Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, A. D. Smith) Correspondence, Jan.-Dec. 1880 Select: Correspondence, Jan.-Dec. 1880Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family) Correspondence, 1881, undated Select: Correspondence, 1881, undatedScope and Contents note(many notes from artists explaining the iconography etc. of their pictures for representation in Academy Notes, Harry Chase, Henry Farrar, George Fuller, R. S. Gifford, T. Hovenden, F.K.M. Rehn, H.W. Robbins, J. H. Witt) Correspondence, Feb. 1-5, (sic) [Feb. 1-March 10 1881] Select: Correspondence, Feb. 1-5, (sic) [Feb. 1-March 10 1881]Scope and Contents note(J.F Cropsey, Jervis McEntee, F. A. Silva, Wm. Sartain, Geo. B. Wood, J. Carroll Beckwith, Thomas Eakins, Geo C. Lambdin, Worthington Whittredge, J.G. Brown, James C. Beckwith, Thomas Moran, F. A. Bridgman, F. D. Millet) Correspondence, March 11-31 (sic) [March 11-April 5], 1881 Select: Correspondence, March 11-31 (sic) [March 11-April 5], 1881Scope and Contents note(Geo. C. Lambdin, Rosina Emmet, S. R. Koehler, W. Whittredge, J. F. Cropsey) Correspondence, April 1-30, 1881 Select: Correspondence, April 1-30, 1881Scope and Contents note(Stephen Parrish, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May-Dec., 1881 Select: Correspondence, May-Dec., 1881Scope and Contents note(Eastman Johnson, Starkweather family) Correspondence, Jan.-Dec., 1882 Select: Correspondence, Jan.-Dec., 1882Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, Jan.-April, 1883 Select: Correspondence, Jan.-April, 1883Scope and Contents note(Rosina Emmet, Jervis McEntee, F. A. Bridgman, Charles Sprague Pearce, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May-July, (sic) [May-Aug. 8], 1883 Select: Correspondence, May-July, (sic) [May-Aug. 8], 1883Scope and Contents note(William Sartain, L.B. di Cesnola, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, Aug.-Sept., 1883 Select: Correspondence, Aug.-Sept., 1883Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. I. Seney, Jervis McEntee, Ed. H. Blashfield, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, Nov.1883 Select: Correspondence, Nov.1883Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, telegrams from artists authorizing sales of their pictures at Louisville Exposition) Correspondence, Dec. 1883 Select: Correspondence, Dec. 1883Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, James D. Smillie, Julia Stephenson, Thomas B. Clarke, A. Parton) Correspondence, Jan. 1884 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 1884Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, Feb. 1884 Select: Correspondence, Feb. 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, The Tribune, Washington & Jefferson College) Correspondence, Mar. 1884 Select: Correspondence, Mar. 1884Scope and Contents note(Clara McChesney, J. Jay Barber, Chas. Lanman) Correspondence, April, 1884 Select: Correspondence, April, 1884Scope and Contents note(J. Jay Barber, Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, D. Huntington) Correspondence, May 11-15, 1884 Select: Correspondence, May 11-15, 1884Scope and Contents note(Frank Waller, F. K. M. Rehn, A.T. Bricher, A.P. Ryder, Carleton Wiggans) Correspondence, May 16-20, 1884 (sic) [May 16-31, 1884] Select: Correspondence, May 16-20, 1884 (sic) [May 16-31, 1884]Scope and Contents note(A.T.Bricher, Jervis McEntee, Arthur Parton) Correspondence, June 1-5, 1884 Select: Correspondence, June 1-5, 1884Scope and Contents note(A.H. Wyant) Correspondence, June 6-10, 1884 Select: Correspondence, June 6-10, 1884Scope and Contents note(Percival DeLuce, Frank Waller, Wm. L. Sonntag, W.S. Macy, Arthur Parton, Thomas B. Clarke) Correspondence, June 10-15, 1884 Select: Correspondence, June 10-15, 1884Scope and Contents note(Thos. Hovenden) Correspondence, June 16-20, 1884 Select: Correspondence, June 16-20, 1884Scope and Contents note(Herter Brothers) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1884 (sic) [June 21-July 10,1884] Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1884 (sic) [June 21-July 10,1884]Scope and Contents note(Thomas B. Clarke, Bruce Crane, Julia Stephenson, A.T. Bricher, S. R. Koehler, D. Huntington) Correspondence, July 11-15, 1884 Select: Correspondence, July 11-15, 1884Scope and Contents note(Eastman Johnson, A.T. Bricher, H. Bolton Jones) Correspondence, July 16-20, 1884 Select: Correspondence, July 16-20, 1884Scope and Contents note(Wm. T. Richards, Thomas B. Clarke, T. Moran, L.E. Wilmarth, Julia Stephenson, Eastman Johnson) Correspondence, July 21-25 1884 Select: Correspondence, July 21-25 1884Scope and Contents note(Bertha von Hillern, Maria J. C. Becket, E. L. Henry) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1884 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1884Scope and Contents note(Wm. T. Richards) Correspondence, Aug. 1-5, 1884 Select: Correspondence, Aug. 1-5, 1884Scope and Contents note(A. D. Vorce & Co. Fine Arts, Jasper F. Cropsey) Correspondence, August 6-15, 1884 (sic) [August 6-31, 1884] Select: Correspondence, August 6-15, 1884 (sic) [August 6-31, 1884]Scope and Contents note(Charles Warren Eaton, E. Wood Perry, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1884 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1884Scope and Contents note(E. Wood Perry, Julia Stephenson, Bertha von Hillern, S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, September 11-20, 1884 Select: Correspondence, September 11-20, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Edward Gay) Correspondence, September 21-30, 1884 (sic) [September 21-October 10, 1884] Select: Correspondence, September 21-30, 1884 (sic) [September 21-October 10, 1884]Scope and Contents note(Francis A. Silva, E. Wood Perry, Julia Stephenson, Thomas B. Clark) Correspondence, October 11-15, 1884 (sic), [October 11-22, 1884] Select: Correspondence, October 11-15, 1884 (sic), [October 11-22, 1884]Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Arthur Parton, Patty Thum, F.A. Silva, Thomas B. Clarke, A.T.Bricher) Correspondence, October 23-25, 1884 Select: Correspondence, October 23-25, 1884Scope and Contents note(D. B. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, October 26-28, 1884 Select: Correspondence, October 26-28, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, October 28-31, 1884 Select: Correspondence, October 28-31, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, J.Jay Barber) Correspondence, November 1-2, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 1-2, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, J. Jay Barber) Correspondence, November 3-5, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 3-5, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Thomas B. Clarke) Correspondence, November 6-16, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 6-16, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Geo. Pullman, E. Wood Perry) Correspondence, November 11-15, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 11-15, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, November 16-17, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 16-17, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, November 21-23, 1884 (sic) [November 21-December 22, 1884] Select: Correspondence, November 21-23, 1884 (sic) [November 21-December 22, 1884]Scope and Contents note(F. E. Bartlett, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, December 21-25, 1884 Select: Correspondence, December 21-25, 1884Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, December 26-28, 1884 (sic) [December 26-December 31, 1884] Select: Correspondence, December 26-28, 1884 (sic) [December 26-December 31, 1884] Correspondence, 1885, undated Select: Correspondence, 1885, undatedScope and Contents note(William Morgan, E. Wood Perry, Alf Trumble) Correspondence, Jan. 1-5, 1885 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 1-5, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, Jan. 6-10, 1885 (sic) [Jan. 6-14] 1885 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 6-10, 1885 (sic) [Jan. 6-14] 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, Jan. 16-20, 1885 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 16-20, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, Jan. 21-31, 1885 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 21-31, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Alf. Trumble, Wm. Semple, Geo. McKinstry, Frederick J. Waugh) Correspondence, Feb. 1-10, (sic) [Feb. 1-28] 1885 Select: Correspondence, Feb. 1-10, (sic) [Feb. 1-28] 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Bruce Crane, Walter Shirlaw, Patty Thum) Correspondence, March 1-5, 1885 Select: Correspondence, March 1-5, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson, G. H. McCord) Correspondence, March 6-15, 1885 Select: Correspondence, March 6-15, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick Keppel) Correspondence, March 16-31, 1885 Select: Correspondence, March 16-31, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Andrew Cowan, Harper & Brothers, Washington & Jefferson College) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1885 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1885 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1885Scope and Contents note(Wm. Henry Goodyear-Metropolitan Museum, Edwin Linton -Washington & Jefferson College, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1885 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1885Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, James. D. Smillie, Wm. Semple, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1885 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Henry Goodyear Metropolitan Museum -L.P.DiCesnola, Julia Stephenson, Patty Thum, Wm. Semple, James D. Smillie) Correspondence, May 11-20, (sic) [May 11-31, 1885] Select: Correspondence, May 11-20, (sic) [May 11-31, 1885]Scope and Contents note(James D. Smillie, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Otto H. Bacher, Percy Moran, Julia Stephenson, J. C. Nicoll, Alf. Trumbull, Geo. Wharton Edwards) Correspondence, June 1-20, 1885 Select: Correspondence, June 1-20, 1885Scope and Contents note(James D. Smillie, Charles Melville Dewey, Julia Stephenson, Metropolitan Museum-W. Forman, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1885 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson, Wm. Semple, Cecilia Beaux, J. & R. Lamb, Patty Thum, S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, July 1-5, 1885 Select: Correspondence, July 1-5, 1885Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, July 6-10, 1885 Select: Correspondence, July 6-10, 1885Scope and Contents note(W. C. Bauer, Geo. C. Lambdin, Alf Trumble, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, A. Parton, W. Whittredge, Edward Moran, Bruce Crane, Patty Thum) Correspondence, July 11-20, (sic) [July 11-27, 1885] Select: Correspondence, July 11-20, (sic) [July 11-27, 1885]Scope and Contents note(James D. Smillie, Charles M. Kurtz, E. H. Blashfield, Max Weyl, J. Alden Weir) Correspondence, July 26-30, 1885 Select: Correspondence, July 26-30, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, E. H. Blashfield, Starkweather family, Alf. Trumble, J. Jay Barber) Correspondence, August 1-5, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 1-5, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 1-10, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 1-10, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Wm. Henry Goodyear), S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, August 11-15, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 11-15, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, United States Indian Service (Geo. A. McKinstry) Correspondence, August 16-20, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 16-20, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, J. H. Dolph) Correspondence, August 20-24, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 20-24, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, August 25-31, 1885 Select: Correspondence, August 25-31, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, J. Francis Murphy, Alf. Trumble, Mrs. J. F. Cropsey, Nina Batchelor, Patty Thum, Alf. Trumble) Correspondence, September 1-3, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 1-3, 1885Scope and Contents note(Henry Mosler, Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Harry Chase) Correspondence, September 4-5, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 4-5, 1885Scope and Contents note(Alfred Fredericks, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson, J. H. Dolph) Correspondence, September 6-8, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 6-8, 1885Scope and Contents note(Wm. Bliss Baker, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, September 9-10, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 9-10, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson, E. Wood Perry, J. Jay Barber) Correspondence, September 11-12, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 11-12, 1885Scope and Contents note(F.K.M. Rehn, Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 13-14, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 13-14, 1885Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, American Art Association-Thomas Ellis Kirby, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, September 15-17, 1885 Select: Correspondence, September 15-17, 1885Scope and Contents note(Alfred Trumble, Alfred Fredericks, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Stephenson) Correspondence, September 18-20 (sic) [September 18-25, 1885] Select: Correspondence, September 18-20 (sic) [September 18-25, 1885]Scope and Contents note(Metropolitan Museum of Art-Wm. Henry Goodyear, Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Morgan, Starkweather family, Geo. A. McKinstry) Correspondence, September 26-30 (sic) [September 26- October 6,1885] Select: Correspondence, September 26-30 (sic) [September 26- October 6,1885]Scope and Contents note(J. B. Bristol, Julia Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, E. Wood Perry, W. R. Forman, E. H. Blashfield, Charles Melville Dewey, J. Francis Murphy, J. H. Dolph, American Art Association) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1885 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1885Scope and Contents note(American Art Association-K. Timpson, D. B. Kurtz, J. Jay Barber, J. H. Dolph, E. Wood Perry, Thos. Ellis Kirby, J. B. Bristol, Mrs. J. F. Cropsey) Correspondence, October 21-31, 1885 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1885Scope and Contents note(Mrs. J. F. Cropsey, American Art Association-K. Timpson, E. Wood Perry, C. Harry Eaton, Francis Hopkinson Smith, Alfred Kappes, John A. Elder, Harry Chase) Correspondence, November 1-15, 1885 Select: Correspondence, November 1-15, 1885Scope and Contents note(Julia Stephenson Kurtz, J. B. Bristol, M. F.H.DeHaas, Wm. Semple, S. R. Koehler, D. B. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 16-30, 1885 Select: Correspondence, November 16-30, 1885Scope and Contents note(Carlton T. Chapman, American Art Association-Katharine Timpson, Patty Thum, D. W. Tryon, F.A. Silva, Wm. Semple, Henry A. Ferguson, Charles Melville Dewey, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 1-15, 1885 Select: Correspondence, December 1-15, 1885Scope and Contents note(Patty Thum, Henry A. Ferguson, F. K. M. Rehn, J. Francis Murphy, Wm. Semple, American Art Association-Katharine Timpson) Correspondence, Dec. 16-31, 1885 Select: Correspondence, Dec. 16-31, 1885Scope and Contents note(William Semple, National Academy of Design-T. Addison Richards, George Wharton Edwards, Jennie Brownscombe, Charles M. Kurtz, D. B. Kurtz) Undated Correspondence Select: Undated CorrespondenceScope and Contents note(Alice Barber, Elliott Daingerfield, F. S. Lamb) Correspondence, Jan. 1-12, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 1-12, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, American Art Association-Katharine Timpson and Thos. E. Kirby, Patty Thum) Correspondence, Jan. 17-29, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 17-29, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Patty Thum, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 1-12, 1886 Select: Correspondence, February 1-12, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia Kurtz) Correspondence, February 13-16, 1886 Select: Correspondence, February 13-16, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D. B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 17-26, 1886 Select: Correspondence, February 17-26, 1886Scope and Contents note(Louis Richard, J. N. Marble, Wm. R. Warner & Bro., Medals & Badges) Correspondence, March 6-31, 1886 Select: Correspondence, March 6-31, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D. B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Southern Exposition Company-J. M. Wright) Correspondence, April 1-15, 1886 Select: Correspondence, April 1-15, 1886Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Carl Brenner, Southern Exposition (J. M. Wright) Correspondence, April 15-30, 1886 Select: Correspondence, April 15-30, 1886Scope and Contents note(Herbert A. Levy, L. M. Wiles, F.K.M.Rehn, D.B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, T.W. Wood, R. E. Brown, F.S. Church, C.M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 1-22, 1886 Select: Correspondence, May 1-22, 1886Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Southern Exposition at Louisville-Maj. Wright) Correspondence, May 24-30, 1886 Select: Correspondence, May 24-30, 1886Scope and Contents note(L. S. Silva, Wm. Semple, Kurtz family, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts-Geo. Corliss, G. W. Conant, D. B. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 1-8, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 1-8, 1886Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Cassell & Co., Ltd, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 9-10, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 9-10, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, William Semple, S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, June 11-14, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 11-14, 1886Scope and Contents note(William Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Louis Kurtz, F. S. Church, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 15-16, (sic) [June 15-17] 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 15-16, (sic) [June 15-17] 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, William Semple, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 19-23, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 19-23, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Irving R. Wiles, Charles M. Kurtz, William Semple) Correspondence, June 22-28, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 22-28, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, William Semple) Correspondence, June 29-July 5, 1886 Select: Correspondence, June 29-July 5, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, William Semple) Correspondence, July 6-10, 1886 Select: Correspondence, July 6-10, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D. B. Kurtz, Mary E. Williams) Correspondence, July 11-14, 1886 Select: Correspondence, July 11-14, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D. B. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 15-20, 1886 Select: Correspondence, July 15-20, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Elizabeth Coffin, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 21-27, 1886 Select: Correspondence, July 21-27, 1886Scope and Contents note(P. Thum, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, J. F. Weir) Correspondence, July 28-31, 1886 Select: Correspondence, July 28-31, 1886Scope and Contents note(E. L. Henry, D.B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 1-6, 1886 Select: Correspondence, August 1-6, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, William Semple) Correspondence, August 7-9, 1886 Select: Correspondence, August 7-9, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, American Art Association-Katharine Timpson, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, A. H. Wyant) Correspondence, August 10-21, 1886 Select: Correspondence, August 10-21, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick J. Waugh, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 22-25 [August 22-Sept. 7], 1886 Select: Correspondence, August 22-25 [August 22-Sept. 7], 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Alice Barber, Wm. St. J. Harper, Mary E. Williams, Thos. A. Wilmurt, D.F. Hasbrouck, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, Sept. 10-11, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Sept. 10-11, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, W. M. Brown, T. Addison Richards, D. B. Kurtz, S. R. Koehler) Correspondence, Sept. 12-17, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Sept. 12-17, 1886Scope and Contents note(Jervis McEntee, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Edward Moran, [Jean Leon] Gerome Ferris) Correspondence, Sept. 20-24, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Sept. 20-24, 1886Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, S.R. Koehler) Correspondence, Sept. 25-30, 1886 Select: Correspondence, Sept. 25-30, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Emil Carlsen, Edward Gay, S.P. Avery, A. A. Willits) Correspondence, October 2-7, 1886 Select: Correspondence, October 2-7, 1886Scope and Contents note(H.E. Brown, D.B. Kurtz, S.R. Koehler, Julia S. Kurtz, D.F. Hasbrouck) Correspondence, October 8-15, 1886 Select: Correspondence, October 8-15, 1886Scope and Contents note(J.H. Dolph, Frederick W. Freer, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Herbert A. Levy, Wm. Morgan) Correspondence, October 16-24, 1886 Select: Correspondence, October 16-24, 1886Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D. F. Hasbrouck, Wm. Morgan, Thos. P. Anshutz, Mary Kollock) Correspondence, October 25-31, 1886 Select: Correspondence, October 25-31, 1886Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D. F. Hasbrouck, Halsey C. Ives, Irving R. Wiles, Julia S. Kurtz,Henry R. Poore, Thomas P. Anshutz, George H. Smillie, S. P. Avery, J.B. Bristol) Correspondence, November 1-11, 1886 Select: Correspondence, November 1-11, 1886Scope and Contents note(E.Wood Perry, Jr., Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. H. Clements, D.B. Kurtz, D. F. Hasbrouck, Wm. H. Lippincott, J. S. Kurtz, James D. Smillie) Correspondence, November 13-22, 1886 Select: Correspondence, November 13-22, 1886Scope and Contents note(L.P. di Cesnola, Edward Moran, Charles M. Kurtz, E. Wood Perry, Wm. H. Lippincott, D. Huntington, Doll & Richards, Joseph Lauber, Alf. Trumble, H. W. Ranger) Correspondence, November 23-30, 1886 Select: Correspondence, November 23-30, 1886Scope and Contents note(William Semple, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz Correspondence, December 2-13, 1886 Select: Correspondence, December 2-13, 1886 Correspondence, December 14-29, 1886 Select: Correspondence, December 14-29, 1886Scope and Contents note(Earle's Galleries, W.T. Walters) Correspondence, January 1-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, January 1-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, D.B. Kurtz, J. Francis Murphy, Stephenson family Correspondence, January 11-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, January 11-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(Wm. Stephenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 1-28, 1887 Select: Correspondence, February 1-28, 1887Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Patty Thum, D.B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Robert Ogden-office of John Wanamaker) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Patty Thum, Robert Ogden, D.B. Kurtz, Carl Brenner, L.P. di Cesnola, Stephenson family members) Correspondence, March 11-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, March 11-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(J.M. Wright [for Southern Exposition], M. Knoedler, Wm. Semple, Chas. Sedelmeyer, John Wanamaker, A. Fischhof, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 1-15, 1887 Select: Correspondence, April 1-15, 1887Scope and Contents note(Chas. Sedelmeyer, Wm. Semple, J.M. Wright, Eliz. R. Coffin, James B. Townsend, The World) Correspondence, April 16-30, 1887 Select: Correspondence, April 16-30, 1887Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, R.J. Menefee) Correspondence, May 1-7, 1887 Select: Correspondence, May 1-7, 1887Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 8-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, May 8-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert Ogden for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, May 11-25, 1887 Select: Correspondence, May 11-25, 1887Scope and Contents note(Robert Ogden, Mrs. D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, R.J. Menefee, Edw. Stratton Holloway, D. F. Hasbrouck) Correspondence, May 26-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, May 26-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, J. M. Wright) Correspondence, June 1-5, 1887 Select: Correspondence, June 1-5, 1887Scope and Contents note(William Semple, Andrew Cowan, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Robert Ogden) Correspondence, June 6-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, June 6-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 11-15, 1887 Select: Correspondence, June 11-15, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 16-20, 1887 Select: Correspondence, June 16-20, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1887 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 1-5, 1887 Select: Correspondence, July 1-5, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, D.B.Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Francis Richards, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 6-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, July 6-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. M. Brown, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, July 11-30, 1887 Select: Correspondence, July 11-30, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Andrew Redheffer, Charles M. Kurtz, W.W. Thum, S. Wilder) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 1-5, 1887 Select: Correspondence, September 1-5, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Eugène Fischhof for firm of Chas. Sedelmeyer) Correspondence, September 6-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, September 6-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Louis Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, September 11-15, 1887 Select: Correspondence, September 11-15, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 16-30, 1887 Select: Correspondence, September 16-30, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker], Wm. Semple) Correspondence, October 1-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, October 1-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, James Grant [for John Wanamaker], Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 11-15, 1887 Select: Correspondence, October 11-15, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Eugène Fischhof, James Grant for John Wanamaker], Wm. Thum) Correspondence, October 16-20, 1887 Select: Correspondence, October 16-20, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick Dielman, D.B.Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 21-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Cassel & Co.) Correspondence, November 1-5, 1887 Select: Correspondence, November 1-5, 1887Scope and Contents note(G. Klackner, M. H. Wyatt for Chas. Sedelmeyer, Charles M. Kurtz, William Semple, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 6-10, 1887 Select: Correspondence, November 6-10, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Fred. P. Kaiser) Correspondence, November 11-20, 1887 Select: Correspondence, November 11-20, 1887Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S.Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1887 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1887Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, William Semple) Correspondence, December 1-15, 1887 Select: Correspondence, December 1-15, 1887Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Kurtz family) Correspondence, December 16-31, 1887 Select: Correspondence, December 16-31, 1887Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Kurtz family, C. C. Ripley) Correspondence, January 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, January 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, T. Addison Richards, Stephenson family, D. B. Kurtz, Louis Kurtz) Correspondence, January 11-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, January 11-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 21-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, January 21-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, James Grant [for John Wanamaker], Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, February 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, February 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Walter L. Palmer, R.M. Shurtleff, Eugène Fischhof for Chas. Sedelmeyer, Chas. Sedelmeyer, James G. Tyler, C.Y. Turner) Correspondence, February 11-15, 1888 Select: Correspondence, February 11-15, 1888Scope and Contents note(James Grant for John Wanamaker, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, J.F. Cropsey) Correspondence, February 16-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, February 16-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(F. E. Bartlett, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 21-29, 1888 Select: Correspondence, February 21-29, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Geo. H. Story, Julia S. Kurtz, Walter L. Palmer, A.T. Bricher, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, H. Siddons Mowbray, Patty Thum) Correspondence, March 11-15, 1888 Select: Correspondence, March 11-15, 1888Scope and Contents note(D. B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, A.P. Ryder, N. H. Carpenter for Art Institute of Chicago, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 16-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, March 16-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Thomas B. Clarke, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, S. Wilder, F.S. Church) Correspondence, March 21-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, March 21-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 1-5, 1888 Select: Correspondence, April 1-5, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, S. Wilder, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 6-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, April 6-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(T.W. Wood, D.B. Kurtz, Charles, M. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Louis P. Dessar, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1888 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Emily Lakey) Correspondence, May 11-24, 1888 Select: Correspondence, May 11-24, 1888Scope and Contents note(Thomas Carter, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family, D. B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family) Correspondence, May 25-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, May 25-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, June 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, June 11-17, 1888 Select: Correspondence, June 11-17, 1888Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family, Irving R. Wiles, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 18-30, 1888 Select: Correspondence, June 18-30, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, July 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(J.B. Bristol, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family members, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, James Grant for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, July 11-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, July 11-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Kurtz family, Chas. G. Loring) Correspondence, July 21-25, 1888 Select: Correspondence, July 21-25, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, James Grant for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, D.B. Kurtz, Chas. Sedelmeyer) Correspondence, August 1-5, 1888 Select: Correspondence, August 1-5, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 6-19, 1888 Select: Correspondence, August 6-19, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 20-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, August 20-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, D. B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant for John Wanamaker, H.W. Robbins) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, September 11-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, September 11-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant for John Wnaamaker, Alfred C. Howland) Correspondence, Sept. 21-30, 1888 Select: Correspondence, Sept. 21-30, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 1-5, 1888 Select: Correspondence, October 1-5, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 6-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, October 6-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, E. H. Blashfield, James Grant, Kurtz family) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 21-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 1-15, 1888 Select: Correspondence, November 1-15, 1888Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Stephenson family, James Grant, Charles M.Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, J. D. Woodward) Correspondence, November 16-30, 1888 Select: Correspondence, November 16-30, 1888Scope and Contents note(James Grant, D. B. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1888 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1888Scope and Contents note(James Grant, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 11-15, 1888 Select: Correspondence, December 11-15, 1888Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, James Grant, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 16-20, 1888 Select: Correspondence, December 16-20, 1888Scope and Contents note(James Grant, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 21-31, 1888 Select: Correspondence, December 21-31, 1888Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, James Grant, Patty Thum, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 1-4, 1889 Select: Correspondence, January 1-4, 1889Scope and Contents note(James Grant, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 5-10, 1889 Select: Correspondence, January 5-10, 1889Scope and Contents note(James Grant, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, January 11-16, 1889 Select: Correspondence, January 11-16, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant, Kurtz family) Correspondence, January 17-22, 1889 Select: Correspondence, January 17-22, 1889Scope and Contents note(James Grant, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family) Correspondence, January 24-30, 1889 Select: Correspondence, January 24-30, 1889Scope and Contents note(J. G. Craig, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 2-11, 1889 Select: Correspondence, February 2-11, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 12-19, 1889 Select: Correspondence, February 12-19, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 20-28, 1889 Select: Correspondence, February 20-28, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, W.Kurtz) Correspondence, March 2-9, 1889 Select: Correspondence, March 2-9, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, James Grant) Correspondence, March 11-19, 1889 Select: Correspondence, March 11-19, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Doll and Richards, J.B. Botto) Correspondence, March 20-25, 1889 Select: Correspondence, March 20-25, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Herbert A. Levy) Correspondence, March 27-31, 1889 Select: Correspondence, March 27-31, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, C. Parsons for Harper & Brothers, Charles M. Kurtz, J. C. Nicoll) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1889 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, J. C. Nicoll, Patty Thum, Wm. Semple, Laura Sedgwick Collins, Stephenson family) Correspondence, April 11-26, 1889 Select: Correspondence, April 11-26, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, M.De Forest Bolmar, D. B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Kurtz family, Patty Thum) Correspondence, May 3-16, 1889 Select: Correspondence, May 3-16, 1889Scope and Contents note(John R. Tait, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 17-25, 1889 Select: Correspondence, May 17-25, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, James Grant for John Wanamaker, C.E. Haynes-Minneapolis publisher) Correspondence, May 25-31, 1889 Select: Correspondence, May 25-31, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Patty Thum, William Semple Correspondence, June 1-7, 1889 Select: Correspondence, June 1-7, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. H. Smillie, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, June 8-17, 1889 Select: Correspondence, June 8-17, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 18-30, 1889 Select: Correspondence, June 18-30, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, C.E. Haynes-Minneapolis publisher, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, July 9-25, 1889 Select: Correspondence, July 9-25, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. S. Botelieller-Acting Secretary of the Treasury, D. F. Hasbrouck) Correspondence, July 12-18, 1889 Select: Correspondence, July 12-18, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Collector's Office, Custom-House, New York City) Correspondence, July 19-21, 1889 Select: Correspondence, July 19-21, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1889 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 1-9, 1889 Select: Correspondence, August 1-9, 1889Scope and Contents note(George M. Ciprico, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Laura Sedgwick Collins, Stephenson family, J. H. Dolph) Correspondence, August 10-18, 1889 Select: Correspondence, August 10-18, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family) Correspondence, August 19-25, 1889 Select: Correspondence, August 19-25, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Charles Barnard) Correspondence, August 26-31, 1889 Select: Correspondence, August 26-31, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, G.A. McKinstry, Kurtz family) Correspondence, September 1-9, 1889 Select: Correspondence, September 1-9, 1889Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Wm. Semple, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 10-15, 1889 Select: Correspondence, September 10-15, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 16-25, 1889 Select: Correspondence, September 16-25, 1889Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, C. E. Haynes, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 26-30, 1889 Select: Correspondence, September 26-30, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Thomas Carter, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 1-26, 1889 Select: Correspondence, October 1-26, 1889Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, M. Knoedler & Co., Kurtz family, William Schaus, Patty Thum) Correspondence, November 1-19, 1884 Select: Correspondence, November 1-19, 1884Scope and Contents note(C.W. Conant, Margaret Lackland Ives, Stephenson family, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, George W. Chambers, Patty Thum) Correspondence, November 20-30, 1889 Select: Correspondence, November 20-30, 1889Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, T. Addison Richards-National Academy of Design) Correspondence, December 1-26, 1889 Select: Correspondence, December 1-26, 1889Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Patty Thum, D.F. Hasbrouck, Sam. P. Avery, James Grant for John Wanamaker, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, undated, 1890s? Select: Correspondence, undated, 1890s?Scope and Contents note(J. B. Botto, W.H. Howe, Clara T. McChesney, Robt. G. Morris, Walter Newbery, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, Jan., 1890 Select: Correspondence, Jan., 1890Scope and Contents note(D.F. Hasbrouck, Stephenson family, Kurtz family, Laura Sedgwick Collins, Patty Thum, Thos. W. Wood) Correspondence, February, 1890 Select: Correspondence, February, 1890Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, F.E. Bartlett, Halsey C. Ives, Kurtz family, Wallace Wood) Correspondence, March, 1890 Select: Correspondence, March, 1890Scope and Contents note(H.C. Ives, Harry Ruseland, E.L. Henry, Patty Thum, Stephenson family) Correspondence, April, 1890 Select: Correspondence, April, 1890Scope and Contents note(J.G. Craig, Chas. Sedelmeyer, Laura Sedgwick Collins, H.C. Ives, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, May, 1890 Select: Correspondence, May, 1890Scope and Contents note(J. Douglas Moultray-New Zealand artist, H.C. Ives, Albert Bierstadt, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, A.T. Bricher, Kurtz family, Robert C. Ogden for firm of John Wanamaker, Charles Sedelmeyer, Laura Sedgwick Collins) Correspondence, June, 1890 Select: Correspondence, June, 1890Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz for The Tabard Club, D.B. Kurtz, Geo. A. McKinstry, F.E. Bartlett, Kurtz family, Thomas Brower Peacock, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 4-16, 1890 Select: Correspondence, July 4-16, 1890Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.F. Hasbrouck, D.B. Kurtz Correspondence, July 17-29, 1890 Select: Correspondence, July 17-29, 1890Scope and Contents note(Laura Sedgwich Collins, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, H.C. Ives) Correspondence, August 1-20, 1890 Select: Correspondence, August 1-20, 1890Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Charles P. Tower, H.C. Ives) Correspondence, August 24-31, 1890 Select: Correspondence, August 24-31, 1890Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Wm. Morgan, Kurtz family, Charles Barnard) Correspondence, September, 1890 Select: Correspondence, September, 1890Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, Kurtz family, Charles Barnard, W.P. Hanna on behalf of New Zealand artist J. Douglas Moultray) Correspondence, October, 1890 Select: Correspondence, October, 1890Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, Lita Rice, A.G. Bullock, Oscar Hammerstein) Correspondence, November 1890 Select: Correspondence, November 1890Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Barnard, D.B. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, H.W. Ranger, Kurtz family) Correspondence, December, 1890 Select: Correspondence, December, 1890Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Patty Thum, B.Wells Champney) Correspondence, Jan. 1-31, 1891 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 1-31, 1891Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, A.Dolph, Stephenson, family, Charles Barnard, D. de Vivo, Clara McChesney, D.B. Kurtz, Countess Ella Norraikoff, Wm. Semple, Alice Lakey) Correspondence, Feb. 1-27, 1891 Select: Correspondence, Feb. 1-27, 1891Scope and Contents note(James D. Moffat-Washington and Jefferson College, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Wm. Semple, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, H. c. Ives, L. P. di Cesnola-Metropolitan Museum of Art, Stephenson family) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1891 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1891Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family, S.P. Avery, H.C. Ives, F. Rondel, C. de Vivo, T.W. Wood) Correspondence, April 1-12, 1891 Select: Correspondence, April 1-12, 1891Scope and Contents note(H. C. Ives, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, Frederick Keppel, Horace R. Johnson, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, April 15-27, 1891 Select: Correspondence, April 15-27, 1891Scope and Contents note(H.C. Ives, J. M. Bowles, Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Wm. Semple, Julia S. Kurtz, Frederick Keppel) Correspondence, May 1-18, 1891 Select: Correspondence, May 1-18, 1891Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, Stephenson family, H. C. Ives, D.B. Kurtz, D.F. Hasbrouck, Kurtz family) Correspondence, May 19-30, 1891 Select: Correspondence, May 19-30, 1891Scope and Contents note(H. C. Ives, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, Alice Lakey, Robert Gordon Hardie, Kurtz family, Fred. Schell-Harper & Bros., Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, June 1-11, 1891 Select: Correspondence, June 1-11, 1891Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, Kurtz family, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker) Correspondence, June 13-30, 1891 Select: Correspondence, June 13-30, 1891Scope and Contents note(Horace Seeley, Patty Thum, Sam. P. Avery, H. C. Ives, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 5-17, 1891 Select: Correspondence, July 5-17, 1891Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family, J. H. Dolph, Patty Thum) Correspondence, July 22-31, 1891 Select: Correspondence, July 22-31, 1891Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Patty Thum, H.C. Ives, Elliott Daingerfield) Correspondence, August 2-17, 1891 Select: Correspondence, August 2-17, 1891Scope and Contents note(Marcus Benjamin, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Marie Waloh) Correspondence, August 22-31, 1891 Select: Correspondence, August 22-31, 1891Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, H. W. Ranger, Stephenson family, J.H. Dolph) Correspondence, September 1-19, 1891 Select: Correspondence, September 1-19, 1891Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, C.S. Howell, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 20-30, 1891 Select: Correspondence, September 20-30, 1891Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Alf. Trumble- The Collector, C.C. Starkweather-Tock) Correspondence, October 2-12, 1891 Select: Correspondence, October 2-12, 1891Scope and Contents note(James Grant for John Wanamaker, Chas. P. Tower, J.H. Lewis, Mrs. H.C. Ives, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, W.M.R. French-The Art Institute of Chicago, C. C. Starkweather) Correspondence, October 14-18, 1891 Select: Correspondence, October 14-18, 1891Scope and Contents note(Sam. P. Avery, Rev.J.D. Spriggs, Chas. P. Tower, Julia S. Kurtz, A. McKinstry) Correspondence, October 19-29, 1891 Select: Correspondence, October 19-29, 1891Scope and Contents note(F. E. Bartlett, C. C. Starkweather, Charles M. Kurtz, Montague Marks- The Art Amateur, Marcus Benjamin-D. Appleton & Co., C. de Vivo, Robert C. Ogden for John Wanamaker, Stephenson family, G. Forbes Kelly, firm of Chas. Sedelmeyer, Rev. J.D. Spriggs) Correspondence, November 1-14, 1891 Select: Correspondence, November 1-14, 1891Scope and Contents note(Frederick Keppel, Geo. Forbes Kelly- Current Art, C.C. Starkweather, Marcus Benjamin, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 15-19, 1891 Select: Correspondence, November 15-19, 1891Scope and Contents note(D.F. Hasbrouck, Marcus Benjamin, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Sam. P. Avery) Correspondence, November 20-23, 1891 Select: Correspondence, November 20-23, 1891Scope and Contents note(Marcus Benjamin, Julia S. Kurtz, W.T. Price, Morton Casseday, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Antoinette Van Huesen Wakeman, T.C. No1-firm of S.P. Avery) Correspondence, November 25-30, [November 25-December 6] 1891 Select: Correspondence, November 25-30, [November 25-December 6] 1891Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, J. Douglas Moultray, George M. Ciprico, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 7-11, 1891 Select: Correspondence, December 7-11, 1891Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, H.W. Ranger, Charles M. Kurtz, Holmes Smith-Assistant to Director of St. Louis Museum School of Fine Arts, Tock-C.C. Starkweather, Kurtz family, Mrs. H.C. Ives) Correspondence, December 12-19, 1891 Select: Correspondence, December 12-19, 1891Scope and Contents note(C.C. Starkweather, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Clara McChesney) Correspondence, December 21-22, 1891 Select: Correspondence, December 21-22, 1891Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, Marcus Benjamin-editor, D. Appleton & Co., Montague Marks-editor, The Art Amateur) Correspondence, December 29-31, 1891 Select: Correspondence, December 29-31, 1891Scope and Contents note(J. Douglas Moultray, Kurtz family, Marcus Benjamin, Sam. P. Avery) Correspondence, December 23-28, 1891 Select: Correspondence, December 23-28, 1891Scope and Contents note(E. Fischhof for firm of Chas. Sedelmeyer, Charles M. Kurtz, J.H. Dolph, Geo. McKinstry, D.F. Hasbrouck, F. Hopkinson Smith) Correspondence, probably, , 1892 Select: Correspondence, probably, , 1892Scope and Contents note(H.C. Ives) Correspondence, January 6-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 6-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, J. H. Dolph) Correspondence, January 11-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 11-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, F.Y.M. Rehn, C.C. Starkweather, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 1-5, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 1-5, 1892Scope and Contents note(Herbert A. Levy, Wm. Semple, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, R.C. McLean-editor of The Inland Architect, Julia S. Kurtz, Chas. P. Tower, A.L. Wyant, Holmes Smith, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 21-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 21-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Swain Gifford, Thos. W. Wood, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, January 26-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, January 26-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, George McKinstry, R. Mc. Shustleff, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 1-5, 1892 Select: Correspondence, February 1-5, 1892Scope and Contents note(J.R. Murphy-Fine Arts Dept., World's Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. McKinstry, E.W. Perry, Thomas W. Wood, R. Swain Gifford, Tock-C.C. Starkweather) Correspondence, February 6-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, February 6-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, J.R. Murphy-Dept. of Fine Arts, World's Fair, Laura Sedgwick Collins) Correspondence, February 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, February 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, J.R.Murphy-Dept. of Fine Arts, World's Fair, F.E. Bartlett, James W. Ellsworth, Laura Daintry, H.C. Ives) Correspondence, February 21-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, February 21-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Marcus Benjamin, D.B. Kurtz, J. Douglas Moultray, Tock-C.C. Starkweather, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 26-29, 1892 Select: Correspondence, February 26-29, 1892Scope and Contents note(E. Frischhof for Chas. Sedelmeyer, Julia S. Kurtz, Mrs. A.L. Campbell, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Swain Gifford, C. de Vivo, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 11-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, March 11-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Sam. P. Avery, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Emery H. Barton, D. B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 21-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, March 21-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, J.R. Murphy-Dept. of Art, World's Fair, F.D. Millet, Philo A. Otis) Correspondence, March 26-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, March 26-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Clara T.McChesney, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, M. Louise McLaughlin, C. Durand Chapman, H.C. Ives) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, H. C. Ives, D.B. Kurtz, George H. Galt) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, H. C. Ives, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1892 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, C.S. Harrington-National Academy of Design, Walter Gay, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(J.W. Beck-Fine Arts Committee, Charles M. Kurtz, M. Durand-Ruel, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, H.F. Farney) Correspondence, May 11-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, May 11-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(H.C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, May 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, May 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(W. Lewis Fraser, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Chas. T. Yerkes, J.P. Davis, C.C. Starkweather, Stanford W. White) Correspondence, May 21-30, 1892 Select: Correspondence, May 21-30, 1892Scope and Contents note(Jas. R. Ortgies, C. de Vivo, C. Harry Eaton, J.C. Nicole of Durand-Ruel, Louis C. Tiffany, Mrs. C.A. Plimpton, D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Brayton Ives, J. Alden Weir, Chas. Edw. Brentwood-sp.? Chicago Society of Artists, Charles H. Springer) Correspondence, June 1-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, June 1-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(Jas. R. Ortgies, Geo. R. Davis, Irving R. Wiles, Kurtz family, George F. Foster-Sec. Frederick A. Stokes Co., Tock-C.C. Starkweather, E.A. Engler-Washington University, Marcus Benjamin, R.J. Menefee, Starkweather family, Stephenson family, John Tracey) Correspondence, June 16-30, 1892 Select: Correspondence, June 16-30, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, Kurtz family, Marcus Benjamin, Charles A. Platt, Clarence E. Young-World's Congress Auxiliary of Columbian Exposition, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, July 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(B.B. Vallentine- Evening Telegram, J. Douglas Moultray, D.F. Hasbrouck, Starkweather family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 11-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, July 11-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, Charles M. Kurtz, Clarence E. Young, Kurtz family) Correspondence, July 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, July 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, Starkweather family) Correspondence, July 21-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, July 21-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Dr. John Dickey, Starkweather family) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, Sam. Coleman) Correspondence, August 1-5, 1892 Select: Correspondence, August 1-5, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Marcus Benjamin, H.W. Mesdag, Charles Geron (translation by Kurtz on frame 33)) Correspondence, August 6-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, August 6-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, H.C. Ives, T.P. McElrath for New York Press Club, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 16-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, August 16-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, C.C. Starkweather, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 26-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, August 26-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, L.J. Wall-Pres. Aug.Gast Litho.Co., Horace Seely, Halsey C. Ives, Geo. H. Story-Metropolitan Museum of Art) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, C.C. Starkweather, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, September 11-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, September 11-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.F. Hasbrouck, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, September 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, September 21-30, 1892 Select: Correspondence, September 21-30, 1892Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, T.L. Flood The Chautauquan) Correspondence, October 2-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, October 2-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Emily J. Lakey, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz Correspondence, October 21-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Henry Baldwin for Montague Marks editor of the The Art Amateur, Halsey C. Ives, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family) Correspondence, November 1-5, 1892 Select: Correspondence, November 1-5, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Henry Blackborn?, Halsey C. Ives, R.F. Knoedler, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 6-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, November 6-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Halsey C. Ives, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 11-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, November 11-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, H.W. Mesdag, Morton M. Casseday, Kentucky Agent for National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, John J. Enneking, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1892 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, R.C. McLean -editor of Inland Architect) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1892 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1892Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Kurtz family, Starkweather family, Charles M. Kurtz, John J. Enneking, G.P. Engelhard-Pres., The Graphic) Correspondence, December 11-15, 1892 Select: Correspondence, December 11-15, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Edward Gay, Julia S. Kurtz, Marcus Benjamin, James Grant for John Wanamaker, Montague Marks- The Art Amateur) Correspondence, December 16-20, 1892 Select: Correspondence, December 16-20, 1892Scope and Contents note(C.C. Ripley-Pres. of Kansas City Art Assoc., Charles M. Kurtz, A.L. Wyant, Hubert Vos, Julia S. Kurtz, Frances R. King-Hall for Seabrooke Comic Opera Company, Halsey C. Ives, D.F. Hasbrouck, Montague Marks) Correspondence, December 21-25, 1892 Select: Correspondence, December 21-25, 1892Scope and Contents note(Clara McChesney, Halsey C. Ives, Sam. P. Avery, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. McKinstry, D.W. Tryon, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 26-31, 1892 Select: Correspondence, December 26-31, 1892Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, H. Boltan Jones, John J. Enneking, David L. Haight for The University Club to Prof. J.F. Weir, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, John Singer Sargent, D. W. Tryon, Halsey C. Ives, J.F. Weir, Clara McChesney, Frederic P. Vinton-Sec., Boston Committee, J.F. Weir) Miscellaneous Letters, 1893? Select: Miscellaneous Letters, 1893?Scope and Contents note(F.E. Bartlett, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Starkweather family) Correspondence, January 1-5, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 1-5, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Sarah Hallowell, Wm. Morgan, Wm. McKinstry, Hubert Vos, Halsey C. Ives, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Charles Barnard, D.F. Hasbrouck, J.D. Pierce for Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts) Correspondence, January 6-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 6-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(J. G. Brown, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. B. Tuthill, F.D. Millet, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, January 11-15, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 11-15, 1893Scope and Contents note(D. F. Hasbrouck, Geo. Inness, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Reichard & Co, Sara Hallowell, Wm. T. Evans) Correspondence, January 16-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 16-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(D.F. Hasbrouck, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. Maynard, Sara Hallowell, Elliott F. Shepard, Starkweather family, W. Walton, Frederic P. Vinton) Correspondence, January 21-25, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 21-25, 1893Scope and Contents note(F. L. Hiffinson, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, George Barrie) Correspondence, January 26-28, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 26-28, 1893Scope and Contents note(H. Bolton Jones, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, John F. Weir) Correspondence, January 29-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, January 29-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Julia S. Kurtz, H. Siddons Mowbray, Hawthorne Hill- The Engineering Magazine, Wm. Tuthill) Correspondence, February 1-5, 1893 Select: Correspondence, February 1-5, 1893Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Clara McChesney, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. B. Tuthill, Wm. Kurtz-photographer, Mrs. Charles Barnard, D. W. Tryon) Correspondence, February 6-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, February 6-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. B. Tuthill, Halsey C. Ives, H. Bolton Jones?, Wm. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 11-15, 1893 Select: Correspondence, February 11-15, 1893Scope and Contents note(C. Harry Eaton, H. Bolton Jones?, Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Julia S. Kurtz, John J. Enneking) Correspondence, February 16-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, February 16-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(R. Bartholemy, Halsey C. Ives, H. Thompson, Julia S. Kurtz, J. H. Twachtman, Starkweather family, Charles M. Kurtz, Walter Shirlaw, Stephenson family) Correspondence, February 21-28, 1893 Select: Correspondence, February 21-28, 1893Scope and Contents note(R. Swain Gifford, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, D. W. Tryon, Vinnie Ream Hoxie, John J. Enneking, Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. Barrie, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 1-5, 1893 Select: Correspondence, March 1-5, 1893Scope and Contents note(Christine S. Breelin?, Julia S. Kurtz, Starkweather family, James. W. Ellsworth, Edward Moran, H. Bolton Jones, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 6-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, March 6-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(J. Alden Weir, Walter McEwan, H.W. Mesdag, Julia S. Kurtz, J.M. Bowles-editor of Modern Art, Daniel C. French, James Ellsworth) Correspondence, March 11-15, 1893 Select: Correspondence, March 11-15, 1893Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, James William Pattison, Ellis Wainwright) Correspondence, March 15-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, March 15-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(J.S. Dickerson-editor of The Graphic, Starkweather family, Thos. Hovenden, Julia S. Kurtz, E. H. Wuertz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 21-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, March 21-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(J. S. Dickinson, Thomas Hovenden, Julia S. Kurtz, Ellis Wainwright, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, H. Bolton Jones) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, D.B. Kurtz, Thos. Hovenden, Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, J. M. Bowles, Robert C. Ogden, Kurtz family, Douglas Volk, E. Frischhof, Durand-Ruel, Wm. McKinstry) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1893 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1893Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, J. C. DeLeon, R.J. Mcmenefee) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(J. M. Bowles, Rhoda Holmes Nicholls, Mary M. Bartlett, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D. W. Tryon, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, May 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Robert C. Ogden, Kurtz family, Henry Blackburn, Howard Seeley) Correspondence, May 21-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, May 21-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(J. S. Dickerson, D.B. Kurtz, Sam. P. Avery, Ellis Wainwright) Correspondence, June 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, June 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Eastman Johnson, Ellis Wainwright, Walter MacEwen, Charles M. Kurtz, Marcus Benjamin, Stephenson family, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. McKinstry) Correspondence, June 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, June 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Geo. H. Bogert, Eastman Johnson, F. E. Bartlett, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Stephenson family, Geo. H. Bogert, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1893 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1893Scope and Contents note(Wm. H.? Howe, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. McKinstry) Correspondence, July 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, July 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, W.H. Howe, Julia S. Kurtz, Carlton WIggins, Wm. Tuthill, Walter L. Dean, D. F. Hasbrouck, Eastman Johnson, Thos. Hovenden) Correspondence, July 11-15, 1893 Select: Correspondence, July 11-15, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, T. W. Dewing, Julia S. Kurtz, W.H. Howe, Harrison S. Morris, Kurtz family) Correspondence, July 16-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, July 16-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Ellis Wainwright, W. H. Howe) Correspondence, July 21-25, 1893 Select: Correspondence, July 21-25, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Fred. Wood, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(R. Swain Gifford, Ch. Sedelmeyer, Eastman Johnson) Correspondence, August 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, August 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, W.H. Howe, Chas. Nagel, Ellis Wainwright, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes?, Robert C. Ogden, Stephenson family) Correspondence, August 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, August 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, N. Grindicelli, Commissioner of Fine Arts for France, Columbian Exposition, Chas. Nagel, Charles Ward Rhodes, D. F. Hasbrouck, Irving R. Wiles, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 21-25, 1893 Select: Correspondence, August 21-25, 1893Scope and Contents note(Mary G. Bartlett, J. Francis Murphy, Charles Ward Rhodes, Stephenson family, A. B. Farquhar-Ex. Commissioner of World's Fair Board, John J. Boyle, Starkweather) Correspondence, August 26-30, 1893 Select: Correspondence, August 26-30, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles Sedelmeyer, W. E. Safford, Emery H. Barton, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Clara T. McChesney, D.B. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, September 11-30, 1893 Select: Correspondence, September 11-30, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Charles Sedelmeyer, Douglas Volk, Starkweather family, Stephenson family, Howard Seeley) Correspondence, October 1-5, 1893 Select: Correspondence, October 1-5, 1893Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, letter fragment, Oct., 1893? probably after Jan. 1?, Morton M. Casseday, Eastman Johnson, E.G. Kennedy-H. Wunderlich & Co., Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, October 6-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, October 6-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(W.B. Conkey-publisher for 1893 Chicago Fair, Chas. G. Loring, Stephenson family, J. M Bowles, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.B. Kurtz, The Art Club of Philadelphia) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Emery H. Barton, Morton M. Casseday, W. Schuyler, Starkweather family, Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, Holmes Smith-St. Louis School and Museum of Fine Arts, Douglas Volk) Correspondence, October 21-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(Marcus Benjamin, Charles Ward Rhodes, Stephenson family, Douglas Volk, Chas. G. Loring, Montague Marks, Mary G. Bartlett, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, November 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Stephenson family, Mary G. Bartlett, Julia S. Kurtz, Holmes Smith, Edwin H. Blashfield) Correspondence, November 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, November 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Robert C. Ogden, H. von Baerley, John McEwen, Frank Gaiennie, Ellis Wainwright, W.M.R. French-Art Institute of Chicago, Chas. G. Loring, Walter Satterlee, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1893 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1893Scope and Contents note(Chas. G. Loring, Stephenson family, D.F. Hasbrouck, Chas. G. Lroing, I.M. Gaugengigl) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(N. Yamataka-Imperial Japanese Commissioner for the World's Columbian Exposition, Stephenson family, Mary G. Bartlett, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 11-20, 1893 Select: Correspondence, December 11-20, 1893Scope and Contents note(Geo. Barrie, Irving R. Wiles, L.A. Coonley, Stephenson family) Correspondence, December 21-31, 1893 Select: Correspondence, December 21-31, 1893Scope and Contents note(William T. Evans, Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, P.A. Gross, Geo. H. Story, N. Yamataka, Benoni Irwin, John D. Pierce, W.M.R. French, D.B. Kurtz, and Charles M. Kurtz letter partially undated, 30 December, probably should be 1892) Letters, some incomplete, 1894? Select: Letters, some incomplete, 1894?Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, Jan. 1-15, 1894 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 1-15, 1894Scope and Contents note(J. Spencer Dickenson, Frank Gaiennie, Stephenson family, Geo. Barrie, Ellis Wainwright, D.B. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, Jan. 16-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, Jan. 16-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Wm. Semple, G. P. Engelhard, W. M. R. French, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Clara T. McChesney, M. Knoedler & Co., Patty Thum) Correspondence, February 1-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, February 1-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, The Southern Magazine, Stephenson family, Morton M. Casseday, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, February 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, J. Harrison Mills, Wm. Semple) Correspondence, February 21-28, 1894 Select: Correspondence, February 21-28, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Clara T. McChesney, John D. Pierce, Stephenson family, A. Guinchard & F. Fourniret-Export firm) Correspondence, March 1-5, 1894 Select: Correspondence, March 1-5, 1894Scope and Contents note(St. Louis Exposition, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. H. Howe, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, T. Vernette Morse- The Arts magazine, J. C. Nicoll, D.W. Tryon) Correspondence, March 6-7, 1894 Select: Correspondence, March 6-7, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. H. Holt, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.B. Kurtz, E.M. Scott, Stephenson family, Patty Thum) Correspondence, March 8-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, March 8-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Frederick Dielman, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, William Merrit Chase, R. Swain Gifford, Eastman Johnson, Geo. W. Maynard, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, March 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, March 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Holmes Smith, Harrison A. Morris-Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Charles M. Kurtz, A. Guinchard & F. Fourniret) Correspondence, March 21-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, March 21-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, John D. Pierce for Harrison S. Morris) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Kurtz family, Stephenson family, firm of A. Guinchard & F. Fourniret) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1894 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, F. Hopkinson Smith, Kurtz family, Charles Ward Rhodes, P.A. Gross, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1893 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1893Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, St. Louis Exposition, Stephenson family, Stephenson family) Correspondence, May 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, May 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Stephenson family, A.B. Stanton, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Charles Ward Rhodes?, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, May 21-25, 1894 Select: Correspondence, May 21-25, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Julia S. Kurtz, Morton M. Casseday) Correspondence, May 26-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, May 26-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, A. Bartholemy, Walter McEwen, Stephenson family) Correspondence, June 1-5, 1894 Select: Correspondence, June 1-5, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, A. Bartholemy) Correspondence, June 6-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, June 6-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Julia S. Kurtz, Sara Hallowell, M. Knoedler & Co., Wm. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Robt. J. Wickenden, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, June 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Walter McEwen, Charles Ward Rhodes, C.P. Tower-editor of The Paper Mill, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Walter Smythe for Sir Arthur Sullivan, Emil K. Kegel) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1894 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz, P.A. Gross, A. Guin chard & F. Fourniret) Correspondence, July 1-5, 1894 Select: Correspondence, July 1-5, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Morton Casseday, Julia S. Kurtz, Carl Marr, Ellis Wainwright, Hamilton Hamilton) Correspondence, July 6-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, July 6-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, F. Hopkinson Smith, Kurtz family, Charles Ward Rhodes, Mary MacMonnies) Correspondence, July 21-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, July 21-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, Chas. Sedelmeyer, Marcus Benjamin, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 1-5, 1894 Select: Correspondence, August 1-5, 1894Scope and Contents note(Wm. H. Howe, Kurtz family, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.B. Kurtz, V. Raffaëlli, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, August 6-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, August 6-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Arthur Parton, John P. Davis, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.F. Hasbrouck, D. B. Kurtz, Clara McChesney, Starkweather family, Frederick Dielman, E.G. Kennedy, Robert C. Ogden, Morton M. Casseday, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August 11-15, 1894 Select: Correspondence, August 11-15, 1894Scope and Contents note(Benoni Irwin, Charles M. Kurtz, W. Scott Thurber, Irving R. Wiles, D.W. Tryon, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, W. Scott Thurber, Geo. F. Brownell, Durand-Ruel, Charles L. Freer, Howard Mansfield, Boussod Valadon & Co., Ellis Wainwright, Starkweather family, A. Bartholemy, W.T. Bishop) Correspondence, August 16-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, August 16-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Ellis Wainwright, Patty Thum, Frederick Dielman) Correspondence, August 21-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, August 21-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(? Bill, H.W. Mills, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Swain Gifford, Emma Schuchman?, A. Bartholemy) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. H. Story, William Schaus, Oscar Mattiegen, Commissioner of Fine Arts for Denmark) Correspondence, September 11-15, 1894 Select: Correspondence, September 11-15, 1894Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Harrison B. Morris, H. W. Mills, Halsey C. Ives, M. De Forest Bolmer, J. H. Gest-Cincinnati Museum Assoc., Reichard & Co., Wm. Macbeth, A. Preyer & Co., Julia S. Kurtz, Cornelia F. Maury, T. S. Noble) Correspondence, September 16-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, September 16-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(J.B. Bristol, E.G. Kennedy, J. Francis Murphy, Maria Brooks, J.G. Brown, Benoni Irwin, P.B. Gross, Elizabeth R. Coffin, L. P. di Cesnola) Correspondence, September 21-30, 1894 Select: Correspondence, September 21-30, 1894Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, A.J.? Conant, Cornelia F. Maury, P.A. Gross, A. Bartholemy, Mary Greton Bartlett, H. H. Moore) Correspondence, October 1-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, October 1-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(P.A. Gross, Botto, Emery H. Barton, Helene Trotz?, Patty Thum, Kurtz family, M. De Forest Bolmer, D.B. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, J.G. Brown, Geo. H. Holt) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, F. de Vuillefroy, Reid Bishop, Maria Brooks, J.H. Gest, Emil K. Kegel for L. Crist Delmonico, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 21-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, October 21-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Ripley Hitchcock-D. Appleton & Co., Wm. M. Stevenson, Emery H. Baton, Emil K. Kegel, Elizabeth Gardner, Patty Thum, Morton Casseday) Correspondence, November 1-5, 1894 Select: Correspondence, November 1-5, 1894Scope and Contents note(W.M.R. French-Art Institute of Chicago, Harrison S. Morris, Wm. M. Stevenson, B.W. Woodward, D.F. Hasbrouck, D.B. Kurtz, Lily Semple, Stephenson family, W.M.R. French) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1894 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1894Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Morton Casseday, Ellen A. Holmes, Halsey C. Ives, A. Preyer & Co., Manhattan Storage & Warehouse, Emery H. Barton, Charles M. Kurtz, L.C. Atkinson, Kurtz family, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 6-15, 1894 [sic] Select: Correspondence, November 6-15, 1894 [sic]Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, H.S. Stevenson, A. McKinstry, Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, November 16-20, 1894 Select: Correspondence, November 16-20, 1894Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Patty Thum, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.F. Hasbrouck, Chas. Sedelmeyer) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1894 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1894Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Brimmer & Kalb, Printers and Photographers, J.H. Tiotz?, R.D. Bristol for The Bancroft Company, St. Louis Artists's Guild, D.B. Kurtz, Mrs. L.A. Coonley) Correspondence, December 11-31, 1894 Select: Correspondence, December 11-31, 1894Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, Geo. F. Root, Art Committee of Union League Club in Chicago, Morton Casseday, Charles M. Kurtz, Ellis Wainwright, A. Barthelemy, Patty Thum, F.W. Gookin) Correspondence, Letters, 1895? Select: Correspondence, Letters, 1895?Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, E.A. Hornel, Louis p. Dessar, Armand di Forasd?, P.A. Gross, Benoni Irwin, E.G. Kennedy, Mrs. Newman, Ogden Wood) Correspondence, January 1-15, 1895 Select: Correspondence, January 1-15, 1895Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, Patty Thum, G.A. McKinstry, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 15-25, 1895 Select: Correspondence, January 15-25, 1895Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Alexander Reid, Stephenson family, F.W. Gookin) Correspondence, January 26-31, 1895 Select: Correspondence, January 26-31, 1895Scope and Contents note(C. de Vivo, D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, February 1-15, 1895 Select: Correspondence, February 1-15, 1895Scope and Contents note(D.F. Hasbrouck, Stpehenson family, firm of A. Guinchard & F. Fourniret, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 16-28, 1895 Select: Correspondence, February 16-28, 1895Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Morton Casseday, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Alexander Reid, James Paterson letter dated March 5, 1896) Correspondence, March 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, March 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Ellis Wainwright, Henry Romeike, Frederick Keppel, Stephenson family, F.W. Gookin, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 21-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, March 21-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Starkweather family) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(L. Frolich, Harrison S. Morris, D.B. Kurtz, Holmes Smith, Geo. H. Story, Stephenson family, Patty Thum, B.W. Woodward, J. Harrison Mills for Artists' Packing & Shipping Co., Geo. H. Story) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, Harrison S. Morris, F.W. Gookin, Central Art Association, George F. Brownell, B.W. Woodward, Morton Casseday, D.B. Kurtz, Louis Windmüller) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Charles Sprague Pearce, D.B. Kurtz, Elizabeth R. Coffin) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Alexander Reid, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. B. Paterson, Elizabeth R. Coffin, L. Frolich) Correspondence, May 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, May 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(James Paterson, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, William Grant, Durand-Ruel, Alexander Reid) Correspondence, May 21-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, May 21-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, John M. Beatty, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, L Frolich, F. Hopkinson Smith, D.B. Kurtz, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family) Correspondence, June 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, June 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Alxander Reid, Stephenson family, H.? Hollins, James Guthrie) Correspondence, June 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, June 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Alexander Reid, D.B. Kurtz, Starkweather family, L. Frolich, Stephenson family, Dicksee & Co., Charles Melville Dewey, R. Macaulay Stevenson) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Louis P. Dessar, Mrs. P.A. Gross, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Dicksee & Co., Clara T. McChesney, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, Mary Graton Bartlett, E.G. Kennedy, Rene Geriss ?, A. Guinchard & F. Fourniret) Correspondence, July 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, July 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(R. Macaulay Stevenson, Stephenson family, Louis P. Dessar, John Bishop & Co. shipping agents, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family) Correspondence, July 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, July 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(R. Macaulay Stevenson, Stephenson family, Starkweather family, Morton Casseday, Fritz Thaulow) Correspondence, July 21-31, 1895 Select: Correspondence, July 21-31, 1895Scope and Contents note(Wm. B. Paterson, Alexander Reid, Charles M. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Kurtz family, Starkweather family, Edmond Bruwaert-French Consul General, Wordsworth Thompson) Correspondence, August 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, August 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Arthur Hoeber, Alexander Reid, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Charles M. Kurtz, James Grant, J.D. Pierce-Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, J.H. Gest-Assistant Director, Cincinnati Museum Association, Starkweather family, Harrison S. Morris, J. M. Bowles- Modern Art, D.B. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, August 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, August 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(George Hornel, Harrison S. Morris, Arthur Melville, H. M. Barry-American Fine Arts Society, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Alexander Reid) Correspondence, August 21-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, August 21-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Wm. B. Paterson, Stephenson family, Franklin Engraving and Electrotyping Co., Commercial Printing Company, Julia S. Kurtz, C.B. Woodward Printing Co., R. Macaulay Stevenson) Correspondence, September 1-19, 1895 Select: Correspondence, September 1-19, 1895Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Alexander Reid, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, Edmond Bruwaert) Correspondence, September 20-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, September 20-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(J.M. Bowles, Louis P. Dessar, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Xharles M. Kurtz, James Paterson, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. B. Paterson, Adolf Paulus-Secession München) Correspondence, October 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, October 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Oscar Mattieger, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, J. M. Bowles, W.E. Fischel, Charles M. Kurtz, Sara Hallowell, Harper & Bros., James Paterson, Alexander Reid, Angelo da Mero) Correspondence, October 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, October 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Wm. B. Paterson, Stephenson family, Georgie L. Horton-Cleveland School of Art, T. Vernette Morse-Central Art Association, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, October 20-25, 1895 Select: Correspondence, October 20-25, 1895Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Eanger. I. Couse, Alexander Reid, Art Association of Indianapolis, Charles M. Kurtz, H.L. Newmann, George Wetherbee) Correspondence, October 26-31, 1895 Select: Correspondence, October 26-31, 1895Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, Vilhelmine Frölich, Adolf Paulus, Alexander Reid, Jean-Mrs. R. Macaulay Stevenson, Morton Casseday, Frank E. Hornel, Halsey C. Ives, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 1-5, 1895 Select: Correspondence, November 1-5, 1895Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Wm. B. Paterson, Stephenson family, Charles Sprague Pearce, Alexander Reid) Correspondence, November 6-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, November 6-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Art Association of Indianapolis, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Julia S. Kurtz, James Paterson, Wm. B. Paterson, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, The Cleveland School of Art, John M. Beatty, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, November 11-15, 1895 Select: Correspondence, November 11-15, 1895Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family) Correspondence, November 16-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, November 16-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, R. Macauley Stevenson, Robert Koehler (for Minneapolis Studio Club), Wm. C. Cornwell for Buffalo Society of Artists) Correspondence, November 20-30, 1895 Select: Correspondence, November 20-30, 1895Scope and Contents note(Alexander Reid, Theo. Cooley-Chief, Art Dept., Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Oscar Matthiesen, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Halsey C. Ives, F.W. Bookin, Alexander Reid, Ellis Wainwright) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1895 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1895Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, Halsey C. Ives, W.M.R. French, Central Art Association) Correspondence, December 11-20, 1895 Select: Correspondence, December 11-20, 1895Scope and Contents note(Jean Stevenson-Mrs. R. Macauley, John Lavery, R. McCauley Stevenson, Daniel Catlin, Stephenson family, Halsey C. Ives, A.H. Griffith (Detroit Museum of Art)) Correspondence, December 21-31, 1895 Select: Correspondence, December 21-31, 1895Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Geo. F. Brownell-Buffalo Club, L. A. Coonley, Alexnader Reid, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence: Charles M.Kurtz, , 1896 (?) Select: Correspondence: Charles M.Kurtz, , 1896 (?)Scope and Contents note(S.P. Avery, Geo. F. Brownell, Kurtz family, L. Delacham, James Guthrie, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Emil K. Kegel, Charles M. Kurtz, Frank H. Richardson, Stephenson family, Wm. Victor Wallace) Correspondence, January 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, January 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(J.M. Bowles, Halsey C. Ives, A. H. Griffith, D.B. Kurtz, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, John Lavery, T. Vernette Morse- The Arts, Theodore Cooley-Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition, E. Farrier, Alexander Reid) Correspondence, January 16-31, 1896 Select: Correspondence, January 16-31, 1896Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, E. Wood, The Studio, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, John R. Tait, H. W. Mills) Correspondence, February 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, February 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(James Fairsman, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, Howard Mansfield, Alexander Reid, R. Macauley Stevenson) Correspondence, February 16-29, 1896 Select: Correspondence, February 16-29, 1896Scope and Contents note(Joseph Lathrop, J. Francis Murphy, W.M.R. French, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, Stephenson family, Harrison S. Morris, J. M. Bowles, Art Institute of Chicago, J.H. Gest-Cincinnati Museum Association) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1896 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1896Scope and Contents note(Alexander Reid, Halsey C. Ives, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, Charles Ward Rhodes, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 11-20, 1896 Select: Correspondence, March 11-20, 1896Scope and Contents note(R. Macaulay Stevenson, Stephenson family, Harrison S. Morris, D.B. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 21-31, 1896 Select: Correspondence, March 21-31, 1896Scope and Contents note(L. A. Coonley, J. H. Gest-Cincinnati Museum Association, J. H. Mills-Artists' Packing & Shipping Co., Mary Bacon Ford, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Halsey C. Ives, James Paterson, Harrison S. Morris, Geo. F. Brownell, J. M. Bowles) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1896 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1896Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, L.A. Coonley, Mary Bacon Ford, Richard W. Brooke, Buffalo Society of Artists, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, John W. Beatty, Emil K. Kegel, Chas. S. Stuart, H. W. Mills) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1896 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1896Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, John W. Beatty, Harrison S. Morris, Alexander Reid, Shirley Moore, N.H. Carpenter-Art Institute of Chicago, Stephenson family, T. Vernette Morse-Central Art Association, Wm. Victor Wallace, S.M.D. Woodman) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1896 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1896Scope and Contents note(William T. Evans, Harrison S. Morris, T.S. Noble, Cincinnati Museum Association, Charles M. Kurtz, Mary E. Hurst, Stephenson family, Edward Penfield-Harper & Brothers, Reginald H. Mardon, Kenyon Cox, Emma E. Lampert) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1896 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1896Scope and Contents note(Colin C. Cooper, Charles M. Kurtz, John W. Beatty, Emery H. Barton, Sarah B. Menefee, Stephenson family) Correspondence, May 11-30, [sic] May 11-June 15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, May 11-30, [sic] May 11-June 15, 1896Scope and Contents note(Emil Carlsen, Mr. & Mrs. Macaulay Stevenson, Sarah B. Menefee, Charles M. Kurtz, John W. Beatty, L. A. Coonley, H. Irving Way, Starkweather family, Julia S. Kurtz, D.B. Kurtz, Chelsea Arts Club, Sam. P. Avery, Stephenson family, Geo. Giddens, Augustus Koopman, Louis P. Dessar, Allen B. Pond) Correspondence, June 16-30, [sic] June 16- July 31, 1896 Select: Correspondence, June 16-30, [sic] June 16- July 31, 1896Scope and Contents note(Laura B. Starr, John W. Beatty?, C. Klackner, D.C. Thomson-Goupil Gallery, Augustus Koopman, Harrison S. Morris, E.A. Walton, Fritz Thaulow, Alexander Harrison, Henry Farrer, Emil K. Kegel, Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Frank Russell Green, Allen B. Pond, Robert Minor, Ellen Thompson, Sara Hallowell, Emil K. Kegel, Angelo del Mero, Alfred C. Howland, L. Delachaux, Carl Gutherz, Emil K. Kegel, Aug. H. Becker, Chas. Warren Eaton, Edward McDowell, Frank Gaiennie-St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, Wallace Bryant, Mrs. Macaulay Stevenson, Maria Brooks, Henry Farrer, William Macbeth, B.W. Woodward, Wallace Bryant, J.D. Pierce for Harrison S. Morris, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Sam'l.G. Kennedy, Insurance Co., Thomas Shields Clarke, F.W. Bookin, J. Francis Murphy, Henry Farrer, Morton Casseday, J.F. Haseltine for C.C. Cooper, William Macbeth, Wm. P. Burpee, R. Swain Gifford, Frank Russell Green, H.W. Mills-Artists' Packing & Shipping Co.) Correspondence, August 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, August 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(Frank Russell Green, Halsey C. Ives, H.W. Mills, Wm. Macbeth, James Paterson, Maria Brooks, Frank Gaiennie, H.W. Mills, Stuart Park, Morton Casseday, Charles M. Kurtz, W.M. R. French, Wm. Macbeth, J. Francis Murphy, Harrison S. Morris, R. Macaulay Stevenson, George H. Bogert, H. Bolton Jones, Fred E. Bartlett, Charles M. Kurtz, R.F. Downing & Co, Customs Agents, W.M.R. French, J.H. Gest, Elizabeth C. Dessar, Doll & Richards Fine Arts, Frank Reauch) Correspondence, August 16-30, 1896 Select: Correspondence, August 16-30, 1896Scope and Contents note(D.B. Kurtz, F.W. Gookin, Alexander Reid, H. Bolton Jones, Theo. Cooley-Chief, Tennessee Centennial) Correspondence, September 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, September 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(Morton Casseday, F.W. Gookin, W.M.R. French, Geo. Barrie, T. Vernette Morse, D.B. Kurtz, Edward Penfield-Harper & Bros.) Correspondence, September 16-30, 1896 Select: Correspondence, September 16-30, 1896Scope and Contents note(Theo. Cooley, Frank Reaugh, Charles M. Kurtz, R. Spaulding-Durand-Ruel, C.S. Farrington-National Academy of Design, Henry Mosler, F.W. Gookin, A.W. Shields, Harry Watrous, D.B. Kurtz, Mrs. Macaulay Stevenson, Marcus Benjamin-United States National Museum, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Alexander Reid, James Paterson, E.A. Walton, Emery H. Barton, J. Frank Currier, William T. Evans) Correspondence, October 1-15 [sic], October 1-31, 1896 Select: Correspondence, October 1-15 [sic], October 1-31, 1896Scope and Contents note(Emil K. Kegel-L. Crist Delmonico, Adolf Paulus-Münchens "Secession," Irving R. Wiles, Stuart Park, W.H. Coffin, D.B. Kurtz, Louis Paul Dessar, R. Macaulay Stevenson, J. Francis Murphy, Charles M. Kurtz, Morton Casseday, Halsey C. Ives, B.B. Vallentine, Sarah B. Menefee, B.W. Woodward, United States Consulate at Munich, C. Klackner, Starkweather family, George Henry, Alexander Reid, Sara Hallowell, S.P. Avery, F.J.M. Rehn) Correspondence, November 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, November 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(W.G. Fischel, Charles M. Kurtz, T. Vernette Morse-Central Art Association, Charles Ward Rhodes, John M. Beatty, P.A. Gross, B.W. Woodward, Maria Brooks, Demeten-H.L. Neumann, Kunsthandlung, Münchens, Adolf Paulus, Wm. H. Howe, Mrs. Adela Irwin, L.H. Meakin, John Lavery) Correspondence, November 16-30, 1896 Select: Correspondence, November 16-30, 1896Scope and Contents note(Wm. H. Howe, Charles Ward Rhodes, Stephenson family, Carl Gutherz, Halsey C. Ives, John W. Beatty, J.H. Dolph, Theo. Cooley, Wm. B. Paterson, Chas H. Ault-Picture Exhibition Company of Cleveland, D.B. Kurtz, Ludwig Dill, Geo. F. Brownell, William Hall) Correspondence, December 1-15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, December 1-15, 1896Scope and Contents note(Elizabeth R. Coffin, Adolf Paulus, Alexander Reid, Stephenson family, Harrison S. Morris, John W. Beatty, D.B. Kurtz, J.M. Bowles, Theo. Cooley, F.W. Gookin, T. Vernette Morse, J.H. Dolph, George H. Galt- National Academy of Design) Correspondence, December 16-31 [sic] December 16-January 15, 1896 Select: Correspondence, December 16-31 [sic] December 16-January 15, 1896Scope and Contents note(W.G. Fischel, Charles Ward Rhodes, John Lavery, D.B. Kurtz, B.W. Woodward, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Stephenson family, D.B. Kurtz, John W. Beatty, Harrison S. Morris, Sam. P. Avery, J.G. Brown, Frank B. Carpenter, Theo. Cooley, Jean Stevenson-Mrs. Macaulay, W.E. Frischel, Halsey C. Ives, B. Paterson, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 16-31 [sic] January 16-February 13, 1897 Select: Correspondence, January 16-31 [sic] January 16-February 13, 1897Scope and Contents note(John W. Beatty, F.W. Gookin, Alexander Reid, H.S. Bisbing, D.B. Kurtz, Jean Stevenson-Mrs. Macaulay, W.E.Frischel, T. Vernette Morse, W.W. Stewart, C. Klackner, Halsey C. Ives, Theo. Cooley, Harrison S. Morris, Charles Ward Rhodes, Geo. F. Brownell, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, February 16-28, 1897 Select: Correspondence, February 16-28, 1897Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Harrison S. Morris, Theo. Cooley, W.M.R. French, John W. Beatty, Angelo del Vero) Correspondence, March 1-10, 1897 Select: Correspondence, March 1-10, 1897Scope and Contents note(includes numerous condolence telegrams from family, friends and colleagues W. McEwan, Stuart Park, Frederick Keppel & Co., Stephenson family, Theo. Cooley, Charles Ward Rhodes, Montague Marks, Starkweather family, Cornelia F. Maury, Kurtz family) Correspondence, March 15-16, 1897 Select: Correspondence, March 15-16, 1897Scope and Contents note(all of the letters in this group express condolences on death of Kurtz's daughter) Correspondence, March 17-20, 1897 Select: Correspondence, March 17-20, 1897Scope and Contents note(mostly family sympathy letters Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, March 21-25, 1897 Select: Correspondence, March 21-25, 1897Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, John Terris, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Geo. H. Story-Metropolitan Museum of Art, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Adolf Paulus, see also: frames 1134-1170 for C.M.Kurtz letter of March 21, 1897 filmed with November 16-30, 1897 letters) Correspondence, March 26-31, 1897 Select: Correspondence, March 26-31, 1897Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, F.W. Gookin, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Macbeth, Geo. H. Story, P.A. Gross, Louis Mullgardt, Mary Greton Bartlett, Charles Ward Rhodes, Allen B. Pond, Patty Thum, Wm. Murphy, Geo. F. Brownell, Frederick E. Bartlett) Correspondence, May 1-31, 1897 Select: Correspondence, May 1-31, 1897Scope and Contents note(D.F. Hasbrouck, Adela Irwin, Halsey C. Ives, Elizabeth R. Coffin,? Charlton, (Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition), Julia S. Kurtz, Louis Froelich) Correspondence, June-July, 1897 Select: Correspondence, June-July, 1897Scope and Contents note(Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Starkweather family, Elizabeth Nourse, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Emil K. Kegel, Sara Hallowell, Sarah B. Menefee, Alexander Reid, J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Jean Stevenson-Mrs. R. Macaulay) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1897 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1897Scope and Contents note(Jean Stevenson-Mrs. R. Macaulay Stevenson, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Carle J. Blenner, Julia S. Kurtz, R. Swain Gifford, Ogden? Wood, Halsey C. Ives, L.A. Coonley Ward) Correspondence, September 1-30, 1897 Select: Correspondence, September 1-30, 1897Scope and Contents note(Maria Brooks, Thos. Royall, Sara Hallowell, Patty Thum, Emil Carlsen, Wm. Victor Wallace, Henry Farrer, Charlton Swope-Louisville Art League, Robert C. Ogden) Correspondence, October 1-15, 1897 Select: Correspondence, October 1-15, 1897Scope and Contents note(Jean Stevenson-Mrs. Macaulay, Starkweather family, Edwin Lord Weeks, J.G. Brown, Charlton Swope, Frank Brangwyn, J.B. Bristol) Correspondence, October 16-25, 1897 Select: Correspondence, October 16-25, 1897Scope and Contents note(Emil K. Kegel, J.H. Dolph, Robert C. Ogden, Marvin Eddy, Charlton Swope, Sara Hallowell, G. Edwin Shiras, Patty Thum, Avery Coonley) Correspondence, October 26-31, 1897 Select: Correspondence, October 26-31, 1897Scope and Contents note(Frank Gaiennie, Carle J. Blenner, G.S. Truesdell, Ogden Wood, Emil K. Kegel, Harrison S. Morris, Sara Hallowell, Patty Thum) Correspondence, November 1-15, 1897 Select: Correspondence, November 1-15, 1897Scope and Contents note(Robert Walker-Acting Secretary, The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, Geo. W. Maynard, Theo. Cooley, Sara Hallowell, Clara T. MacChesney, Walter McEwen, Patty Thum, S. Seymour Thomas, Halsey C. Ives, A.H. Griffith-Detroit Museum of Art, Edwin Lord Weeks) Correspondence, November 16-30, 1897 Select: Correspondence, November 16-30, 1897Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, A.H. Griffith, Charlton A. Swope, Patty Thum, Charlton A. Swope, P.A. Gross, Alexander Reid, Harrison S. Morris, S. Seymour Thomas, Stephenson family, L.A. Coonley Ward, and Charles M. Kurtz-date of letter is March 21, 1897) Correspondence, December 1-19, 1897 Select: Correspondence, December 1-19, 1897Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Clara T. MacChesney, J.H. Dolph, Geo. K. Andrews, Samuel Isham, John W. Beatty, Halsey C. Ives, J.H. Dolph, Alban Jasper Conant, Starkweather family, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, December 20-31, 1897 Select: Correspondence, December 20-31, 1897Scope and Contents note(A.D. Cooper, Charles Ward Rhodes, A.A.H. Boissevain, J.J. McWhorter, Charles M. Kurtz, Louis Paul Dessar, Sam. P. Avery, W.M.R. French, A.H. Griffith, Harrison S. Morris, Lyman Horace Weeks) Correspondence, January 1-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, January 1-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(Alumnae Club, Louisville High School, Cecilia Beaux, Charles Ward Rhodes, Halsey C. Ives, Louis Paul Dessar, Sam. P. Avery, Charles M. Kurtz, W.M.R. French, A.D. Cooper, Charles F. Catlin-Trans Mississippi Exposition, Office of the Surveyor of Customs, St. Louis, Mary A. Sharpe, Sam. P. Avery, Chas. H. Wyman & Co.-Custom House Brokers, Harrison S. Morris, Samuel Isham) Correspondence, January 16-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, January 16-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(L.A. Coonley Ward, A.H. Griffith, Samuel P. Avery, A.J. Conant, Halsey C. Ives, Ogden? Wood, Charles Ward Rhodes, P.A. Gross, Harrison S. Morris, Charles M. Kurtz, Mrs. Macaulay Stevenson, Stephenson family, Geo. F. Brownell, Grosvenor Thomas, W.E. Fischel) Correspondence, February 1-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, February 1-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Frank Gaiennie, Mary W. Sharpe, John M. Beatty, Halsey C. Ives, E.H. Barton, E. Fischhof, W.M.R. French, A.H. Griffith) Correspondence, February 16-28, 1898 Select: Correspondence, February 16-28, 1898Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, W.M.R. French, Ellis Wainwright, F. Edwin Elwell, Alexander Reid, Charles Ward Rhodes, Geo. F. Brownell) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Emery H. Barton, Geo. Corlisa, Frank Gaiennie, Halsey C. Ives, J.H. Gest-Cincinnti Museum Association, Harrison S. Morris, A.T. Goshorn-Cincinnati Museum Association, W.M.R. French, A.H. Griffith, Ogden Wood) Correspondence, April 1-30, 1898 Select: Correspondence, April 1-30, 1898Scope and Contents note( Chicago Evening Post, E.W. Heysinger, Patty Thum, A.H. Griffith, B.W. Woodward, James W. Alexander, John R. Tait, Charles M. Kurtz, Otto H. Bacher, Charles Sprague Pearce, Halsey C. Ives, Colin Campbell Cooper, L.A. Coonley Ward) Correspondence, May 1-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, May 1-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Starkweather family, Frank W. Benson, Carle J. Blumner, J.H. Dolph, Mrs. C.B. Coman, Wm. Morgan, Stephenson family) Correspondence, May 16-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, May 16-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Jules Guérin, Frederick B. Williams, Halsey C. Ives, H.O. Walker, Samuel P. Avery, Mrs. L.A. Coonley Ward, Paul Charlton-Chair, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, J. Alden Weir, Zachary T. Lindsey-Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Chas. W. Eaton) Correspondence, June 1-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, June 1-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(Will H. Low, Wm. H. Howe, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, J. H. Gest, E. Frischhof) Correspondence, June 16-30, 1898 Select: Correspondence, June 16-30, 1898Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Cecilia Beaux, Harrison S. Morris, Henry Farrer, Wm. H. Howe) Correspondence, July 1-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, July 1-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(J.H. Gest, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles S. Kurtz, A.T. Bricher, Mrs. Bertha Lea Low, Robert W. Vonnoh) Correspondence, July 16-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, July 16-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, J.B. Bristol, Charles Grafly, Harrison S. Morris, Stephenson family) Correspondence, August 1-10, 1898 Select: Correspondence, August 1-10, 1898Scope and Contents note(Henry C. Lee, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Stu. Laurence, Francis Wheaton, Roswell S. Hill, Henry C. Lee, Starkweather family, W. W. Thum) Correspondence, August 11-15, 1898 Select: Correspondence, August 11-15, 1898Scope and Contents note(E. A. Anderson-Louisville Art League, E.L. Henry, Edmund C. Tarbell, Stephenson family, M. Knoedler & Co., Charles M. Kurtz, F.W. Stokes, Fred. W. ?, St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, Henry Mosley) Correspondence, August 16-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, August 16-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Edmund Tarbell, J.H. Gest-Cincinnati Museum Association, Charles Ward Rhodes, H. Siddons Mowbray, Patty Thum, Mrs. L. A. Coonley Ward, Sam. P. Avery, Charles Melville Dewey, Edmonia A. Anderson-Louisville Art League, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1898 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1898Scope and Contents note(Sam. P. Avery, C.B. Woodward Printing Co., Patty Thum, "Steve" Horatio S. Stevenson, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, L.H.Meakin-Society of Western Artists) Correspondence, September 11-30, 1898 Select: Correspondence, September 11-30, 1898Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Alexander Reid, Will H. Low, Cornelia F. Maury, Henry R. Poore, A.H. Griffith, Isabel Macdougall- The Chicago Evening Post, Harrison S. Morris, Orrin S. Parsons, Charles Francis Browne- Brush and Pencil, Geo. F. Brownell, James D. Spriggs, Theo. Cooley, James Paterson) Correspondence, October 1-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, October 1-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Sam. P. Avery, Wm. Verplanck Birney, B. W. Woodward, F. S. Church, Alex. Reid, Irving R. Wiles, Sam. P. Avery, Chas. B. McCormack, Charles M. Kurtz, Chas. Sedelmeyer, James D. Springgs, Geo. F. Brownell) Correspondence, November 1-20, 1898 Select: Correspondence, November 1-20, 1898Scope and Contents note(American Water Color Society, Patty Thum, The Lotos Club, Charles Sedelmeyer, Sam. P. Avery, Walter C. Hartson, J. Francis Murphy, Wm. H. Howe, F. S. Church, J. C. Sherlock, E. Fischhof, "Steve"-brother of R. Macauley Stevenson, James D. Spriggs) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1898 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1898Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Alex. Reid, Sam. P. Avery, James D. Spriggs, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Robert Walker-Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, F.W.Gookin, A.H Griffith) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1898 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1898Scope and Contents note(Sam. P. Avery, Sara Hallowell, Nina G. Batchelor, Chas. H. Wyman & Co-Custom House Brokers, A.H. Griffith, Ellis Wainwright, Marcus Benjamin-U.S. National Museum) Correspondence, December 11-31, 1898 Select: Correspondence, December 11-31, 1898Scope and Contents note(Geo. F. Brownell, Marcus Benjamin, J.H. Gest, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, A.H. Griffith?-Detroit Museum of Art) Correspondence, Correspondence, 1899? Select: Correspondence, Correspondence, 1899?Scope and Contents note(Geo. K. Andrews, Charles M. Kurtz, John B. Cauldwell) Correspondence, January 1-10, 1899 Select: Correspondence, January 1-10, 1899Scope and Contents note(Geo. A. McKinstry, Marcus Benjamin, R. Swain Gifford, Halsey C. Ives, T. Addison Richards) Correspondence, January 11-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, January 11-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(Emil Loir, A.H. Griffith, Elizabeth Menefee, Halsey C. Ives, American Art Association-J. Ortgres, J. C. Sherlock, John B. Cauldwell) Correspondence, February 1-15, 1899 Select: Correspondence, February 1-15, 1899Scope and Contents note(Reid Northrop, Halsey C. Ives, Harrison S. Morris, J. H. Gest, Sam. P. Avery, William T. Evans) Correspondence, February 16-28, 1899 Select: Correspondence, February 16-28, 1899Scope and Contents note(R. Swain Gifford, Dudley Smith-Greater America Exposition, Omaha, John B. Cauldwell, Charles Ward Rhodes, J.C. Sherlock, Lyman H. Weeks, General Manager, St. Louis Exposition and Musical Hall Association) Correspondence, March 1-5, 1899 Select: Correspondence, March 1-5, 1899Scope and Contents note(John B. Cauldwell-United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900, Marcus Benjamin, Letitia B. Hart, Cornelia Fellaway, Charles H. Pepper) Correspondence, March 6-20, 1899 Select: Correspondence, March 6-20, 1899Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Frank Gaiennie, John B. Cauldwell, B.W. Woodward, William Bailey Faxon, Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, March 21-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, March 21-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(J.H. Gest-Cincinnati Museum Association, John B. Cauldwell, H.K. Bush-Brown-Architectural League of New York, Alexander Reid, Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. Victor Wallace, Julia S. Kurtz, Ferdinand W. Peck) Correspondence, April 1-15, 1899 Select: Correspondence, April 1-15, 1899Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, A.L. Bridgeman-Secretary, Peary Arctic Club, Mary Bacon Ford, Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, April 16-30, 1899 Select: Correspondence, April 16-30, 1899Scope and Contents note(A.T. Bricher, Jules Guérin, Will H. Low, B.W. Woodward, Theo. Cooley, F. Hopkinson Smith, Clark Sampson-St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, Fred. W. Kost, Will S. Robinson, Thomas W. Wood, Harrison S. Morris) Correspondence, May 1-8, 1899 Select: Correspondence, May 1-8, 1899Scope and Contents note(Enid Yandell, Maria Brooks, J.C. Nicoll, Charles Ward Rhodes?, W. Elmer Schofield, R. Swain Gifford, P.A. Gross, Louis Paul Dessar, Georgia W. Fraser-art editor of Art Education, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, May 11-20, 1899 Select: Correspondence, May 11-20, 1899Scope and Contents note(Cornelia Fellaway, B.D. Woodward, John B. Cauldwell, Mary Graton Bartlett, Geo. Barrie, Geo. H. Smillie, Maria Brooks, Walter Shirlaw) Correspondence, May 21-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, May 21-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(John B. Cauldwell, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, June 1-30, 1899 Select: Correspondence, June 1-30, 1899Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, John B. Cauldwell, Chas. P. Gruppe, Charles Sprague Pearce, Charles M. Kurtz, Tocky-Starkweather) Correspondence, July 1-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, July 1-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(Kurtz family, Starkweather family, Fritz Thaulow, Georgia Gross, Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick Dielman, John B. Cauldwell, Stephenson family, Geo. Barrie, Charles Ward Rhodes, Geo. H. Story, P.A. Gross) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(Frank Russell Green, Sybil Rinehart, Geo. F. Brownell, Ikey- Charles Ward Rhodes, J. H. Gest, John H. McGibbons-United States Commission, Sam. P. Avery) Correspondence, September 1-30, 1899 Select: Correspondence, September 1-30, 1899Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Frank Gaiennie, Charles Ward Rhodes, Marcus Benjamin, J.H. Fry, B.W. Woodward, John B. Cauldwell, Halsey C. Ives, Frederick W. Gardner) Correspondence, October 1-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, October 1-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Edmund H. Murphy, Halsey C. Ives, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, November 1-30, 1899 Select: Correspondence, November 1-30, 1899Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, Charles M. Kurtz, Cornelia F. Maury, Charles M. Dewey, C. de Vivo for Eugene Fischhof) Correspondence, December 1-31, 1899 Select: Correspondence, December 1-31, 1899Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Steve Stevenson?, Frederick E. Bartlett, Kurtz family, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Lyman H. Weeks, B.W. Woodward) Correspondence, January 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, January 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, C. de Vivo, Reid Northrop, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, and Julia S. Kurtz undated letters, probably from early summer of 1899) Correspondence, February 1-28, 1900 Select: Correspondence, February 1-28, 1900Scope and Contents note(Harrison S. Morris, L.A.C. Ward, F. A. Bridgeman, R. Swain Gifford, James Grant, Halsey C. Ives, Marcus Benjamin, Charles Ward Rhodes, J. H. Gest, L.A.C. Ward, William Victor Wallace) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Mary Davis Chambers, H.K. Bush-Brown, Geo. H. Story, W.M.R. French-Art Institute of Chicago, J.H. Dolph, Alfred Fischhof, J.J. Albright) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1900 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1900Scope and Contents note(Lyman H. Weeks, Halsey C. Ives, T. C. Noé-firm of S. P. Avery) Correspondence, April 11-30, 1900 Select: Correspondence, April 11-30, 1900Scope and Contents note(W.V. Birney, Charles Ward Rhodes, Harrison S. Morris, C. de Vivo for firm of Eugene Fischhof) Correspondence, May 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, May 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes, Morton M. Casseday, J. B. Bristol, John. B. Cauldwell, Stephenson family, Henry S. Hubbell) Correspondence, June 10-20, 1900 Select: Correspondence, June 10-20, 1900Scope and Contents note(Horace Porter-United States Ambassador to France, H.O. Tanner, Harrison S. Morris, Marcus Benjamin, A. Bartholemy, Richard Lloyd Jones) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1900 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1900Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Richard Lloyd Jones, B.W. Woodward, Kurtz family, St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, Geo. W. Ochs- The New York Times, John D. Cauldwell) Correspondence, July 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, July 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(John B. Cauldwell, Geo. Barrie, Morton Casseday) Correspondence, August 1-30, 1900 Select: Correspondence, August 1-30, 1900Scope and Contents note(Richard Lloyd Jones, B. Barthélemy, Louis Paul Dessar, Henry S. Hubbell, Geo. W. Ochs, E.R. Bacon, F. Curley, Starkweather family, Charles Ward Rhodes, Theodore C. Noé) Correspondence, September 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, September 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Kurtz family, B.W. Woodward, Charles Ward Rhodes, Rodman Wanamaker, A. Barthélemy, Cornelia F. Maury) Correspondence, October 1-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, October 1-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Marcus Benjamin, New York Water Color Club, Noyes, Platt and Co., Cornelia B. Sage-Buffalo Fine Arts Academy-letter dated 1914, Louis Frohlish for Eugéne Fischhoff, T.C. Noé for Sam. P. Avery, Hensel, Bruckmann & Lorbacher Custom House Brokers, Chester Woodward) Correspondence, November 1-20, 1900 Select: Correspondence, November 1-20, 1900Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, St. Nicholas magazine, thank you notes for photographs from ship board companions) Correspondence, November 21-30, 1900 Select: Correspondence, November 21-30, 1900Scope and Contents note(notes from ship board companions, Augustus Franzein, H.K. Bush-Brown, R.J. Haight-publisher of The Monumental News, Mrs. Lydia? Coonley Ward) Correspondence, December 1-15, 1900 Select: Correspondence, December 1-15, 1900Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Anne Abbott Brownell, The Monumental News, George H. Bogart, Frederick E. Bartlett, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, December 16-31, 1900 Select: Correspondence, December 16-31, 1900Scope and Contents note(Victor D. Brenner, The Monumental News, Frederick E. Bartlett, Grace Isabel Colbron) Letters, 1901, undated Select: Letters, 1901, undatedScope and Contents note(Roger Riordan-Pan-American Exposition 1901, copy of preliminary announcement of artists participating in the Pan-American Exposition, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, January 1-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, January 1-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(F.C. Howe, Halsey C. Ives, Emery H. Barton, Charles M. Kurtz, Alfred V. Churchill, Steve-Horatio S. Stevenson, Ogden Wood, Frederick E. Bartlett) Correspondence, February 1-28, 1901 Select: Correspondence, February 1-28, 1901Scope and Contents note( The Monumental News, A. Fischhof, Halsey C. Ives, Arthur Stedman, Kurtz family, Victor D. Brenner, Henry Wolf, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(J.B. Botto, Starkweather family, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, Frederick E. Bartlett, Geo. McKinstry) Correspondence, April 1-15, 1901 Select: Correspondence, April 1-15, 1901Scope and Contents note(W.M.R. French, Charles Parsons, Emery Pottle for The Criterion, Wm. H. Coffin for Pan-American Exposition, Charles M. Kurtz, Ogden Wood, Frederic C. Howe, K. Takahashi) Correspondence, April 16-30, 1901 Select: Correspondence, April 16-30, 1901Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Geo. K. Andrews, Frederick E. Bartlett, Ogden Wood, The Criterion) Correspondence, May 1-15, 1901 Select: Correspondence, May 1-15, 1901Scope and Contents note(Burton Thompson for Missouri Society, Wm. A. Coffin, Emery Pottle, Charles Ward Rhodes, Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, May 16-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, May 16-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(John J. Emery, J.N. Marble, Reid Northrop) Correspondence, June 1-15, 1901 Select: Correspondence, June 1-15, 1901Scope and Contents note(Doubleday, Page & Co., Pan-American Exposition Press Dept., Richard Lloyd Jones, Reid Northrop, Charles Parsons, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, June 16-30, 1901 Select: Correspondence, June 16-30, 1901Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Ogden Wood, Doubleday, Page & Co.) Correspondence, July 1-30, 1901 Select: Correspondence, July 1-30, 1901Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Cornelia F. Maury, J.P.H. Cunningham, Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, J.G. Brown, Isabella Starkweather, J.E. Elwell) Correspondence, August 1-15, 1901 Select: Correspondence, August 1-15, 1901Scope and Contents note(Doubleday, Page & Co., Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, Ogden Wood) Correspondence, August 16-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, August 16-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(Charles Ward Rhodes, Harper & Bros, Marcus Benjamin, Doubleday, Page & Co., Halsey C. Ives, F.C. DeLeon, John LaFarge, J.G. Brown) Correspondence, September 1-10, 1901 Select: Correspondence, September 1-10, 1901Scope and Contents note(J.E. Elwell, Kurtz family, J.B. Botto, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. F. Brownell) Correspondence, September 11-30, 1901 Select: Correspondence, September 11-30, 1901Scope and Contents note(Morton M. Casseday, Charles de Kay for The National Arts Club, Victor J.Brenner, Tock-C.C. Starkweather, Ikey A. Barthèlemy, Wm. Victor Wallace, Cornelia F. Maury) Correspondence, October 1-15, 1901 Select: Correspondence, October 1-15, 1901Scope and Contents note(Philip R. Sawyer, J.H. Gest, Harrison S. Morris, Roger Riordan, Emery H. Barton, F.E.A. Curley) Correspondence, October 16-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, October 16-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Henry Romeike, Harrison S. Morris, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. F. Brownell) Correspondence, November 1-30, 1901 Select: Correspondence, November 1-30, 1901Scope and Contents note(Mrs. Morton M. Casseday, Philip R. Sawyer, Constantino de Vivo, Charles M. Kurtz, S.P. Annan, Harrison S. Morris, Ikey-Constantino de Vivo) Correspondence, December 1-10, 1901 Select: Correspondence, December 1-10, 1901Scope and Contents note(Tock-C.C. Starkweather, Charles M. Kurtz, Ikey-Constantino de Vivo, A. Barthélemy, Ogden Wood) Correspondence, December 11-25, 1901 Select: Correspondence, December 11-25, 1901Scope and Contents note(B.B. Vallentine, J. H. Dolph, Marcus Benjamin, ? Cuiley, Ikey-Constantino de Vivo, Eugène Fischhof, W.L. Sheldon) Correspondence, December 26-31, 1901 Select: Correspondence, December 26-31, 1901Scope and Contents note(Clara McChesney, Curator of Paintings, St. Louis Museum- Charles Ward Rhodes, Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick W. Gookin, Eugène Fischhof, Constantino de Vivo, William Victor Wallace) Correspondence, 1901? Select: Correspondence, 1901?Scope and Contents note(L. P. di Cesnola, Edith H. Ogden) Correspondence, January 1-15, 1902 Select: Correspondence, January 1-15, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, J.B. Botto, C. Brunner for Chas. Sedelmeyer, Geo. F. Brownell, Frederick E. Bartlett, Geo. McKinstry, W.B. Stevens-St. Louis World's Fair) Correspondence, January 16-22, 1902 Select: Correspondence, January 16-22, 1902Scope and Contents note(J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Reid Northrop, Kurtz family, Charles Ward Rhodes, F. Miranda, A Barthélemy, American Art Association, Geo. F. Brownell, Julia S. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 23-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, January 23-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Reid Northrop, F. Edwin Elwell for Metropolitan Museum of Art, Halsey C. Ives, Charles Ward Rhodes, Laura Sedgwick Collins, Julia S. Kurtz, John La Farge, Theo. Hausen-Consulate of Sweden and Norway, Wilfred H. Schoff for Philadelphia Comercial Museum) Correspondence, February 1-15, 1902 Select: Correspondence, February 1-15, 1902Scope and Contents note(Morton M. Casseday, A. Barthélemy, Julia S. Kurtz, René Ferry for Minerva, Frederick E. Bartlett, Alexander Roche, Morton M. Casseday, Halsey C. Ives, Theodore C. Noé for Sam. P. Avery) Correspondence, February 16-28, 1902 Select: Correspondence, February 16-28, 1902Scope and Contents note(Theodore C. Noé, Frederick Dielman, Julia S. Kurtz, Geo. McKinstry, Mercantile Library of St. Louis, Charles Ward Rhodes, Theodore C. Noé, Frederick E. Bartlett) Correspondence, March 1-15, 1902 Select: Correspondence, March 1-15, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, James Paterson, Philip B. Sawyer, Carnegie Institute) Correspondence, March 16-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, March 16-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Henry S. Hubbell, A. Barthélemy, H. S. Morris, Reil Northrop) Correspondence, April 1-30, 1902 Select: Correspondence, April 1-30, 1902Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Ikey-Charles Ward Rhodes, W.S. Chaplin-Washington University, Julia S. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Nina Starkweather?, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, May 1-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, May 1-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Holmes Smith-Society of Western Artists, A. Barthélemy, Ogden Wood, J. William Fosdick-National Society of Mural Painters, Charles Boulet de Mondel, Victor Brenner, James Paterson) Correspondence, June 1-30, 1902 Select: Correspondence, June 1-30, 1902Scope and Contents note(Theodore C. Noé Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, C. T. Brainard & Co., St. Louis Club) Correspondence, July 1-15, 1902 Select: Correspondence, July 1-15, 1902Scope and Contents note(St. Louis Club, A. Barthélemy, Geo. N. Andre, Edwin H. Wuerpel) Correspondence, July 16-25, 1902 Select: Correspondence, July 16-25, 1902Scope and Contents note(Theodore C. Noé, R. Macaulay Stevenson, C. Brunner, Charles M. Kurtz, A. Barthélemy, Grosvenor Thomas, J. B. Bennett & Sons, Picture Dealers, Chas. H. Ault) Correspondence, July 26-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, July 26-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Alexander Reid, George F. Parker-U.K. Representative to the Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, J. WHitelaw Hamilton, Starkweather family, T. Corsan Morton, James Paterson, George Pirie, Harry Spence, Chas. S. Hamblin-Art Dept., St. Louis World's Fair) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles de Kay for The Venice Campanile Fund, Theodore C. Noé, J. M. Crawford, Edwin H. Wuerpel, David Gauld, Washington & Jefferson College, F.E.A. Curley, Alexander Reid, Marvin Eddy, C. de Vivo, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, William Kennedy) Correspondence, September 1-30, 1902 Select: Correspondence, September 1-30, 1902Scope and Contents note(? Curley) Correspondence, October 1-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, October 1-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, W. Victor Wallace, Stephenson family, Marcus Benjamin, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, November 1-10, 1902 Select: Correspondence, November 1-10, 1902Scope and Contents note(Municipal Art Society, C.J. Zolnay, John Getz, Harper's Weekly, Geo. F. Brownell, Charles Nagel, F.O. Sylvester, Michel de Carnowsky, Holmes Smith-Society of Western Artists) Correspondence, November 11-20, 1902 Select: Correspondence, November 11-20, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes, Halsey C. Ives, William Victor Wallace, Durand-Ruel, New York Galleries, Henry Romeike Press Cutting Bureau, Wilson Eyre) Correspondence, November 21-25, 1902 Select: Correspondence, November 21-25, 1902Scope and Contents note(F.O. Sylvester, Wilson Eyre, Charles M. Kurtz, C.S. Hamblin-St. Louis World's Fair, William Victor Wallace, W.S. Budworth & Son, Packers and Shippers, Robert? Bringhurst, Michel de Carnowsky) Correspondence, November 26-30, 1902 Select: Correspondence, November 26-30, 1902Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, Charles M. Kurtz, Ernst Kegel) Correspondence, December 1-31, 1902 Select: Correspondence, December 1-31, 1902Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Japan Society, Chas. H. Ault, Isaac S. Taylor-St. Louis World's Fair, Michel de Carnowsky, George F. Kunz, and Alexander Reid letter dated 1901) Correspondence: Charles M. Kurtz, incomplete, , 1903? Select: Correspondence: Charles M. Kurtz, incomplete, , 1903?Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Edwin H. Wuerpel) Correspondence:, , January 1-5, 1903 Select: Correspondence:, , January 1-5, 1903Scope and Contents note(Emery H. Barton, Enid Yandell, Edw. H. Semple, Charles M. Kurtz, Starkweather family, Laura Sedgwick Collins, C.S. Hamblin) Correspondence, January 6-10, 1903 Select: Correspondence, January 6-10, 1903Scope and Contents note(Laura Sedgwick Collins, C.S. Hamblin, Camera Club of New York, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, January 11-31, 1903 Select: Correspondence, January 11-31, 1903Scope and Contents note(John Getz, Charles M. Kurtz, Harrison S. Morris, A. Barthélemy, Geo. H. Story) Correspondence, February 1-20, 1903 Select: Correspondence, February 1-20, 1903Scope and Contents note(Starkweather family, W.M.R. French-Art Institute of Chicago, Eugene Fischhof, D.C. Ball, Stephenson family, Kurtz family, Emery Pottle for The Criterion) Correspondence, February 21-28, 1903 Select: Correspondence, February 21-28, 1903Scope and Contents note(W.M.R. French, Charles M. Kurtz, Marvin Eddy, Jules R. Mersfelder, L.A. Coonley Ward, Ogden Wood?) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1903 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1903Scope and Contents note(Frederick J.V. Skiff-St. Louis World's Fair, J.H. Kingwill, Merry delle Hoyt, Charles de Kay, Missouri Society, Zorlah M. Burroughs, Starkweather family, Strobridge Lithography Co, Paul Jones, F.S. Lamb, Harrison S. Morris) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1903 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1903Scope and Contents note(Maria Brooks, J. H. Kingwill, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, C.S. Hamblin) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1903 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1903Scope and Contents note(E.E. Seavy, Thomas Allen, Gari Melchers, Julia S. Kurtz, C.S. Hamblin, Strobridge Lithography Co., Chas. H. Ault, Alexander Roche, Gottschalk Printing Co., Starkweather family) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1903 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1903Scope and Contents note(Emery Pottle for The Criterion, Julia S. Kurtz, Florence N. Levy for the American Art Annual, Dr. Skiff, Emery Pottle, Rhode C. Chase, Emery H. Barton) Correspondence, May 1-30, 1903 Select: Correspondence, May 1-30, 1903Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, F. Edwin Elwell, W.A. Brearley, Halsey C. Ives, George J. Zolnay, Morton M. Casseday, M. Knoedler & Co.) Correspondence, June 1-30, 1903 Select: Correspondence, June 1-30, 1903Scope and Contents note(St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Morton Casseday, Tock-Starkweather, Charles M. Kurtz, E.H. Wuerpel, Henry Wolf, James D. Smillie, Frederick Deilman, Washington and Jefferson College The Pandora, J.B. Botto) Correspondence, July 1-31, 1903 Select: Correspondence, July 1-31, 1903Scope and Contents note(C.E. Hutchings, Cornelia F. Maury, D.C. Ball, Stephenson family, Frank V.? Dudley, Tock-Starkweather) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1903 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1903Scope and Contents note(Edna Fischel, Metropolitan Museum of Art, W. M. R. French, Stephenson family, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, September 1-30, 1903 Select: Correspondence, September 1-30, 1903Scope and Contents note(William A. Coffin, E.H. Wuerpel, Marcus Benjamin, Frank V.? Dudley, J.B. Botto, A. Shugio on behalf of Y. Otsuka, Rodman Wanamaker) Correspondence, October-December, 1903 Select: Correspondence, October-December, 1903Scope and Contents note(Morton Casseday, Starkweather family, C.S. Hamblin, D.B.K.- Davis B. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Julia S. Kurtz, Collier's Weekly, George F. Brownell, F.O. Sylvester-Society of Western Artists) Letters, 1904, undated Select: Letters, 1904, undatedScope and Contents note(May C. Bristol, Edmund Hayes, E.H. Wuerpel, Alfred Ruckstuhl, Statement re: New York Advisory Commission of Louisiana Purchase Exposition) Correspondence, January-March, 1904 Select: Correspondence, January-March, 1904Scope and Contents note(Executive Commissioner for Russia at St. Louis Exposition, Kentucky Commission, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Julia S. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, April - May, 1904 Select: Correspondence, April - May, 1904Scope and Contents note(Joseph C. Spriggs, Leonard Alimon?, Jeanne C.Martin, Curtis Bell for Metropolitan Camera Club, Holmes Smith, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, June 1-30, 1904 Select: Correspondence, June 1-30, 1904Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Ralph H. Plumb) Correspondence, July 1-30, 1904 Select: Correspondence, July 1-30, 1904Scope and Contents note(Ralph H. Plumb, Charles Ward Rhodes, Robert C. Ogden, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August-September, 1904 Select: Correspondence, August-September, 1904Scope and Contents note(James D. Spriggs, Henry Wolf, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, A. Barthélemy, J.B. Botto, Robert Vonnoh, Marion Eddy, Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, and Charles Ward Rhodes dated August 23, 1900) Correspondence, October 1-15, 1904 Select: Correspondence, October 1-15, 1904Scope and Contents note(Edward R. Rice, John Getz, James D. Spriggs, J.C. Strauss, United States Government Board-Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Carl Hirschberg) Correspondence, October 16-25, 1904 Select: Correspondence, October 16-25, 1904Scope and Contents note(Ralph H. Plumb, Cornelia Beantley Sage, Joseph Beres-German Society of Buffalo, M.M. Blanc, Geo. F. Brownell, E. Brige Harrison, Frank V. Dudley, L.A.C.W.-Mrs. Ward, Charles M. Kurtz, Willis O. Chapin, Edward R. Rice, W.M.R. French, Halsey C. Ives?) Correspondence, October 26-31, 1904 Select: Correspondence, October 26-31, 1904Scope and Contents note(Imperial Japanese Commission, Mary May Blanc, Charles Ward Rhodes, Kurtz family, William L. Marcy, Cornelia Bentley Sage, Mary Henry Mosler) Correspondence, November 1-10, 1904 Select: Correspondence, November 1-10, 1904Scope and Contents note(E. Burgess Warren, W. L. Lathrop, Charles Ward Rhodes, Robert W. Vonnoh, Charles M. Kurtz?, Charles Ward Rhodes, W.W. Thum) Correspondence, November 11-15, 1904 Select: Correspondence, November 11-15, 1904Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Maria Brooks, J. Craig Annan, Edmund Hayes, Arthur Hoeber, C. F. von Saltza, Emery H. Barton, Ralph H. Plumb) Correspondence, November 16-20, 1904 Select: Correspondence, November 16-20, 1904Scope and Contents note(Edmund Hayes, Charles M. Kurtz, Fred F. Gottschalk, Edward B. Green, Wm. H. Coffin, J. A. Holmes-Universal Exposition Chair, Patty Thum) Correspondence, November 21-2 Select: Correspondence, November 21-2Scope and Contents note(Florence N. Levy, Geo. F. Brownell, Julia S. Kurtz, Metropolitan Museum of Art, R. H. Plumb, Geo. P. Sawyer, C.F. von Saltza, Charles M. Kurtz, Josephine Redding- The Art Interchange, William Macbeth, Cornelia Bentley Sage-Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Wm. A. Coffin, Edward Dufner, Augustus Lukeman, J.B. Botto, Henry Wolf) Correspondence, December 1-5, 1904 Select: Correspondence, December 1-5, 1904Scope and Contents note(Edmund Hayes-Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, William H. Goodyear-Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Henry Wolf, Mark Bennitt for Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Carl Hirschberg, A.H. Griffith-Detroit Museum of Art, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 6-10, 1904 Select: Correspondence, December 6-10, 1904Scope and Contents note(J.N. Adam, S. Seymour Thomas, Ruth Martin, Edward B. Green, Edward Robinson-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Edward Dufner, Edward Hayes, Commissioner General for Bulgaria, Harrison S. Morris, Ralph H. Plumb, R.W. Vonnoh, F. Morton- Brush & Pencil, Lydia Avery Coonley Ward) Correspondence, December 11-15, 1904 Select: Correspondence, December 11-15, 1904Scope and Contents note(Carleton Wiggins, Emil Carlsen, Charles Ward Rhodes, Ralph H. Plumb, Geo. B. Zing, May C. Bristol, Wm. M. Chase, A.H. Griffith, Richard Lloyd Jones- Collier's Weekly, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, December 16-20, 1904 Select: Correspondence, December 16-20, 1904Scope and Contents note(E.H. Plumb, Edmund Hayes, Allen B. Talcott, Dudley-Ogden Wood, Geo. F. Brownell, Robert David Gauley, Edmund Hayes, J.S. Royer) Correspondence, December 21-31, 1904 Select: Correspondence, December 21-31, 1904Scope and Contents note(H. S. Hubbell, F. Morton, E.B. Green, Edmund Hayes, Albert E. Tansing, Edmund Hayes, Charles M. Kurtz, Henrich F. Albert-Assistant Imperial German Commissioner General, Geo. F. Brownell, M. Cassiday) Correspondence, January 1-31, 1905 Select: Correspondence, January 1-31, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Kurtz family, E.B. Green, Charles A. Ball-Louisiana Purchase Exposition Secretary, Emil Kegel, J. B. Bristol) Correspondence, February 1-28, 1905 Select: Correspondence, February 1-28, 1905Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, George H. Storey, Henry Wolf, Chas. H. Wyman-Custom House Brokers) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1905 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Wm. H. Goodyear, R.B. Adam, A.W. Mesdag, L.A.C. Ward, Henry Wolf, Holmes Smith, D.M. Ellis-Lewis and Clark Exposition Commission, Cornelia Bentley Sage) Correspondence, April 1-20, 1905 Select: Correspondence, April 1-20, 1905Scope and Contents note(Edward B. Green, Cornelia Bentley Sage, Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1905 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Myron E. Pierce, Henry Wolf, Charles Ward Rhodes) Correspondence, May 1-10, 1905 Select: Correspondence, May 1-10, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Chas. H. Wyman-Custom House Brokers) Correspondence, May 11-15, 1905 Select: Correspondence, May 11-15, 1905Scope and Contents note(Frederick E. Bartlett, A. H. Griffith, Charles M. Kurtz, H. Skiff-Field Columbian Museum, John B. Cauldwell, Rev. J. B. McCormick-Western University of Pennsylvania, Robert C. Ogden, Will H. Low, Marcus Benjamin, Geo. McKinstry, Mrs. A.M.G. Patterson, J.N. Marble) Correspondence, May 16-25, 1905 Select: Correspondence, May 16-25, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Philip B. Sawyer, Sam. P. Avery, W.J.L. Eurmont, Alaée Hortier, Frederick Dielman) Correspondence, May 26-31, 1905 Select: Correspondence, May 26-31, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Frederick W. Gookin, Will H. Low, Zelma Baylos, B.D. Woodward, Walter B. Stevens, Thomas Reid- The Glasgow Herald) Correspondence, June 1-10, 1905 Select: Correspondence, June 1-10, 1905Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Charles Sprague Pearce) Correspondence, June 11-30, 1905 Select: Correspondence, June 11-30, 1905Scope and Contents note(George H. Storey-Metropolitan Museum of Art, George K. Andrews, Edmund Hayes, Charles M. Kurtz, J.B. Botto, E.L. Van Pelt, Emery H. Barton) Correspondence, July-August, 1905 Select: Correspondence, July-August, 1905Scope and Contents note(Holmes Smith, Marcus Benjamin, Charles Ward Rhodes, Frederick G. Gray, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Maria Riker, Alice R. Alice R. Glenny, ? Curley, Alex Reid, C.J. Zolnay, Starkweather family, G.P. Sawyer, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, September-October, 1905 Select: Correspondence, September-October, 1905Scope and Contents note(Geo. McKinstry, R. Macaulay Stevenson, Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, W.Y. Macgregor, Charles L. Freer, John Harrison Mills, Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, Russia's First Fine Arts Exposition in America, Edmund H. Wuerpel) Correspondence, November 1-30, 1905 Select: Correspondence, November 1-30, 1905Scope and Contents note(Dudley W. Rhodes, W. Gardner, J.B. Botto, Stephenson family, Alexander Roche, Peter A. Schemm, Hermon A. Kelley-Cleveland Museum of Art, James D. Spriggs) Correspondence, December 1-31, 1905 Select: Correspondence, December 1-31, 1905Scope and Contents note(Alexander Roche, Charles, M. Kurtz, John W. Alexander, Grosvenor Thomas, Halsey C. Ives, S. Kellogg, Emery H. Barton, Charles M. Kurtz, Lydia Avery Coonley Ward) Correspondence, January 1-31, 1906, undated Select: Correspondence, January 1-31, 1906, undatedScope and Contents note(Charles Caryl Coleman, Geo. E. Matthers, Alexander Roche, Halsey C. Ives, A.W. Mesdag, Stuart Park, Henry Wolf, John McGibbons-Louisiana Purchase Exposition, J.B. Botto) Correspondence, February 1-28, 1906 Select: Correspondence, February 1-28, 1906Scope and Contents note(Julia S. Kurtz, Henry Wolf, Starkweather family, Halsey C. Ives, Gustave Kobbe, Charles M. Kurtz, Dudlle-Frank V. Dudley?, John Stevenson, Jr.-Driggs-Seabury Ordnance Corporation, J. Whitelaw Hamilton) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1906 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1906Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Halsey C. Ives, Kurtz family, J. Carroll Beckwith, James D. Spriggs, Emery H. Barton, Marian De Forest) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1906 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1906Scope and Contents note(sympathy notes on death of Davis B. Kurtz, R. Lesch-Berlin Photographic Company), Geo. F. Brownell, John Stevenson, Jr., Carlton Sprague, Halsey C. Ives, Frances E. A. Curley) Correspondence, April 11-20, 1906 Select: Correspondence, April 11-20, 1906Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Carleton Sprague, Henry Wolf, Charles M. Kurtz, Alice R. Glenny, Alexander Roche, Marcus Benjamin) Correspondence, April 21-30, 1906 Select: Correspondence, April 21-30, 1906Scope and Contents note(Halsey C. Ives, Charles M. Kurtz, J.B. Botto) Correspondence, May 1-31, 1906 Select: Correspondence, May 1-31, 1906Scope and Contents note(Mrs. L.A. Coonley Ward, Charles M Kurtz, Stephenson family, W.Y. Macgregor, Julia S. Kurtz, George Houston) Correspondence, June 1-30, 1906 Select: Correspondence, June 1-30, 1906Scope and Contents note(Marcus Benjamin, Mrs. R. M. Stevenson, Starkweather family, Charles M. Kurtz, George Houston) Correspondence, July 1-30, 1906 Select: Correspondence, July 1-30, 1906Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz) Correspondence, August-October, 1906 Select: Correspondence, August-October, 1906Scope and Contents note(Carl Marr, Julia S. Kurtz, Charles M. Kurtz, Frank V.? Dudley, Stephenson family, Henry Wolf, J.P.H. Cunningham, Halsey C. Ives) Correspondence, November 1-30, 1906 Select: Correspondence, November 1-30, 1906Scope and Contents note(Henry Wolf, F.W. Stokes, Librarian, National Academy of Design, Charles M. Kurtz, Alexander Roche) Correspondence, December 1-31, 1906 Select: Correspondence, December 1-31, 1906Scope and Contents note(Henry Wolf, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Stephenson family, Henry Wolf, George Pirie, E. H. Wuerpel) Correspondence, Jan.-Feb. 1907 Select: Correspondence, Jan.-Feb. 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Chas. S. Weaver, Mrs. L.A. C. Ward) Correspondence, March 1-31, 1907 Select: Correspondence, March 1-31, 1907Scope and Contents note(Helen A. Robinson, Mrs. L.A.C. Ward, Charles M. Kurtz, Augustus Koopman, D. Heinemann, Stephenson family) Correspondence, April 1-10, 1907 Select: Correspondence, April 1-10, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, April 11-30, 1907 Select: Correspondence, April 11-30, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Frank W. Sweitzer) Correspondence, May 1-15, 1907 Select: Correspondence, May 1-15, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, May 16-31, 1907 Select: Correspondence, May 16-31, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Mrs. L.A.C. Ward, Stephenson family) Correspondence, June 1-20, 1907 Select: Correspondence, June 1-20, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, June 21-30, 1907 Select: Correspondence, June 21-30, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family) Correspondence, July 1-30, 1907 Select: Correspondence, July 1-30, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Stephenson family, Harry Watrous-National Academy of Design) Correspondence, August 1-31, 1907 Select: Correspondence, August 1-31, 1907Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, E.H. Wuerpel, Dudley-Ogden Wood) Correspondence, September 1-30, 1907 Select: Correspondence, September 1-30, 1907Scope and Contents note(Mary T. Martin, Stephenson family, Harry Watrous, Charles M. Kurtz, Dudley-Ogden Wood) Correspondence, October-November, 1907 Select: Correspondence, October-November, 1907Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Robert Barclay, Charles M. Kurtz, Cornelia Bentley Sage) Correspondence, December 1-31, 1907 Select: Correspondence, December 1-31, 1907Scope and Contents note(Stephenson family, Charles M. Kurtz, Mrs. L.A.C. Ward, Henry Wolf) Correspondence, January 1-31, 1908 Select: Correspondence, January 1-31, 1908Scope and Contents note(Charles M. Kurtz, Francis Wilson, Stephenson family, Julia S.