Collection Information
Size: 120 Items, (on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Correspondence; vital information; exhibition announcements and catalogs.
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club (New York, N.Y.)
Size: 120 Items, (on partial microfilm reel)
Summary: Correspondence; vital information; exhibition announcements and catalogs.
Women's art club organized 1896. in New York City as a club for women artists, craftswomen and musicians through the bequest of art collector Catherine Lorrillard Wolfe.
Lent for microfilming 1965 by Sara Boal, president of the Cartherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club.
English .
35mm microfilm reel D176 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
The Archives of American art does not own the original papers. Use is limited to the microfilm copy.
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club records, 1941-1965. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.