Academy of Political Sciences - Aldrich, Richard, 1906-1913, undated
Select: Academy of Political Sciences - Aldrich, Richard, 1906-1913, undated (D118, fr. 8-43) Scope and Contents note Academy of Political Sciences Adams, B. H. Adams, Herbert Adams, Samuel Hopkins Aetna Real Estate Aldrich, Richard
Alexandre, Arsène, 1897-1906, undated
Select: Alexandre, Arsène, 1897-1906, undated (D118; fr. 44-98)
Allan, Alice R. B. - Anderson Auction Company, 1907-1913
Select: Allan, Alice R. B. - Anderson Auction Company, 1907-1913 (D118; fr. 99-132) Scope and Contents note Allan, Alice R. B. American Academy in Rome American Art Association American Express CompanyAmerican Magazine Anderson, H. B. Anderson Auction Company
Andrew, George T. (John T. Andrew & Son), 1906-1913
Select: Andrew, George T. (John T. Andrew & Son), 1906-1913 (D118; fr. 133-384)
Angus, R. B. - Atterbury, Grosvernor, 1897-1913
Select: Angus, R. B. - Atterbury, Grosvernor, 1897-1913 (D118; fr. 385-447) Scope and Contents note Angus, R. B. Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Armstrong, Miss May H. Armstrong, Sir Walter Atterbury, Grosvenor
Balcarres, Lord - Bates, A. E., 1904-1913, undated
Select: Balcarres, Lord - Bates, A. E., 1904-1913, undated (D118; fr. 449-477) Scope and Contents note Balcarres, Lord Baldry, A. L. Baldwin, H. & Jessie Bank of Montreal Barbour, Thomas J. Barse, George R. Bartlett, Paul Wayland Bates, A. E.
Bates, C. E., 1913, undated
Select: Bates, C. E., 1913, undated (D118; fr. 478-512)
Beard, Ruth - Bell, Marion Mason, 1903-1914, undated
Select: Beard, Ruth - Bell, Marion Mason, 1903-1914, undated (D118; fr. 513-555) Scope and Contents note Beard, Ruth Beatty, John W. Beauregard, H. E. Beaux, Cecelia Behr, Evelyn Schley Bell, C. H. Bell, Malcolm Bell, Marion Mason
Bemm, Frederick O., 1903-1904
Select: Bemm, Frederick O., 1903-1904 (D118; fr.556-617)
Bénédité Family - Berenson, Bernard, 1896-1908, undated
Select: Bénédité Family - Berenson, Bernard, 1896-1908, undated (D118; fr. 714-771) Scope and Contents note Bénédité Family Beniot, Camille Berenson, Bernard
Beruete, Aureliano de, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Beruete, Aureliano de, 1904-1914, undated (D118; fr. 772-820)
Betts, Courtland - Blanc, Edouard, 1896-1914
Select: Betts, Courtland - Blanc, Edouard, 1896-1914 (D118; fr. 821-834) Scope and Contents note Betts, Cortland Biddy, C. Howard Binkerd, Robert S. Blackburn, Kate Blackeslee, T. J. Blair & Company Blanc, Edouard (fr. 618-632)
Blanc, M., 1897, undated
Select: Blanc, M., 1897, undated (D118; fr. 633-703)
Blashfield, Edwin Howland - Boddy, Alexander A., 1898-1912, undated
Select: Blashfield, Edwin Howland - Boddy, Alexander A., 1898-1912, undated (D118; fr. 704-713) Scope and Contents note Blashfield, Edwin Howland Blay, Gaston Bliss, Anna B. Blommers, Bernardus J. Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard Boddy, Alexander A., (fr. 835-836)
Bode, Wilhelm, 1903-1907
Select: Bode, Wilhelm, 1903-1907 (D118; fr. 837-950)
Bodenhausen, Baron E. von - Bowles, J. M., 1897-1911, undated
Select: Bodenhausen, Baron E. von - Bowles, J. M., 1897-1911, undated (D118; fr. 951-987) Scope and Contents note Bodenhausen, Baron E. von Bogart, William Bolling, Anna P. Boronda, Lester D. Bouchot, Henri Boutet de Monvel, Louis M. Boutroux, E. Bowles, J. M.
Bradley, William H., 1896-1913
Select: Bradley, William H., 1896-1913 (D118; fr. 988-1035)
Brangwyn, Frank - Breck, Joseph, 1903-1912
Select: Brangwyn, Frank - Breck, Joseph, 1903-1912 (D118; fr. 1036-1053) Scope and Contents note Brangwyn, Frank Breck, Joseph
Bredius, Abraham, 1903-1914
Select: Bredius, Abraham, 1903-1914 (D118; fr. 1054-1140)
Brennan, Alfred - Brownell, Adelia & William Crary, 1896-1913, 1928, undated
Select: Brennan, Alfred - Brownell, Adelia & William Crary, 1896-1913, 1928, undated (D118; fr. 1141-1193) Scope and Contents note Brennan, Alfred Brewer, Cyrus & Co. Brewster, William T. Britton, James Brockett, Helen F. Brogi, Sig. Bromhead, H. W. Brown, A. V. V. Brown, Thomas Brown, J. Romaine Brownell, Mathilda Brownell, Adelia & William Crary
Brunetière, Ferdinand & Sylvie - Burlingham, Charles C., 1897-1913
Select: Brunetière, Ferdinand & Sylvie - Burlingham, Charles C., 1897-1913 (D118; fr. 1194-1229) Scope and Contents note Brunetière, Ferdinand & Sylvie Brush, George De Forest Bryn Mawr College Burger, W. M. Burlingham, Charles C.
Burlington Magazine , 1905-1911
Select: Burlington Magazine, 1905-1911 (D118; fr. 1230-1360)
Burroughs, Bryson - Byrne, James, 1896-1914, undated
Select: Burroughs, Bryson - Byrne, James, 1896-1914, undated (D118; fr. 1361-1386) Scope and Contents note Burroughs, Bryson Burroughs, Caroline B. Burroughs, Edith Woodman Bush-Brown, Margaret Lesley Butler, Howard Russell Butler, Nicholas Murray Byrne, Helen M. Byrne, James
Caffin, Charles H. - Carter, Morris, 1901-1914
Select: Caffin, Charles H. - Carter, Morris, 1901-1914 (D118; fr. 1388-1418) Scope and Contents note Caffin, Charles H. Cagnola, Guido Canadian Art Club Candee, Da Forest Cantalamessa, Hector Cardon, C. Leon Carli, H. A. Carrel, Alexis Carrington, Fitzroy Carter, Morris
Cary, Edward and Elizabeth Luther, 1906-1911, undated
Select: Cary, Edward and Elizabeth Luther, 1906-1911, undated (D118; fr. 1419-1469)
Cassatt, Mary, 1904-1909, undated
Select: Cassatt, Mary, 1904-1909, undated (D118; fr. 1477-1497)
Case, William Warren - Caw, James L., 1896-1909
Select: Case, William Warren - Caw, James L., 1896-1909 (D118; fr. 1470-1519) Scope and Contents note Case, William Warren Cassierer, Bruno Castaigne, A. Cather, Willa Cattell, Mr. Caw, James L.
Chadwick, F. E. - Chambolle, 1896-1913
Select: Chadwick, F. E. - Chambolle, 1896-1913 (D118; fr. 1520-1555) Scope and Contents note Chadwick, F. E. Chamberlain, Arthur B. Chambers, John Armstrong Chambolle
Champeau, Lawrence X., 1911-1914, undated
Select: Champeau, Lawrence X., 1911-1914, undated (D118; fr. 1556-1600)
Chapman, John Jay, 1897-1914, undated
Select: Chapman, John Jay, 1897-1914, undated (D118; fr. 1601-1652)
Chassériau, A. - Colvin, Sidney, 1897-1912
Select: Chassériau, A. - Colvin, Sidney, 1897-1912 (D118; fr. 1653-1679) Scope and Contents note Chassériau, A. (fr. 1498-1499) Chew, Beverly Chicago Art Institute Child, Edwin Burrage Chivers, Cedric Church, S. H. Clifford, William Colby, F. G. Coles, Ann Cadwallader Colnaghi, Martin A. Columbia University Colvin, Sidney
Comte, Jules, 1904-1911
Select: Comte, Jules, 1904-1911 (D118; fr. 1680-1763)
Conway, Sir Martin, 1904-1916
Select: Conway, Sir Martin, 1904-1916 (D118; fr. 1768-1840)
Cook, Herbert - Cooper, William A., 1904-1912, undated
Select: Cook, Herbert - Cooper, William A., 1904-1912, undated (D118; fr. 1841-1885) Scope and Contents note Cook, Herbert Cook, Theodore A. Cooper, William A.
Coppi, Signor - Coudert, Frederic R., 1904-1926
Select: Coppi, Signor - Coudert, Frederic R., 1904-1926 (D118; fr. 1886-1925) Scope and Contents note Coppi, Signor Cordier, Oscar Cortissoz, Royal Cossio, Manuel B. Costantini, Prof. Coudert, Frederic R.
Coudor, Lucien - Cowles, Gardner & Genevieve, 1896-1920
Select: Coudor, Lucien - Cowles, Gardner & Genevieve, 1896-1920 (D118; fr. 1926-1937) Scope and Contents note Coudor, Lucien Countryman, Gratia Cowles, Gardner & Genevieve
Cox, Kenyon, 1903-1914
Select: Cox, Kenyon, 1903-1914 (D119; fr. 1-242)
Coxe, Reginald C. - Cushing, Howard, 1897-1913
Select: Coxe, Reginald C. - Cushing, Howard, 1897-1913 (D119; fr. 243-289) Scope and Contents note Coxe, Reginald C. Crittenden, Lillian & Walter H. Crowe, Eyre Culin, S. Curtis, Charles B. Curtis, Ralph Cushing, Howard
Cust, Lionel, 1903-1905, undated
Select: Cust, Lionel, 1903-1905, undated (D119; fr. 290-326)
Davey, Emma Stiles - Dodd, Frank H., 1898-1916
Select: Davey, Emma Stiles - Dodd, Frank H., 1898-1916 (D119; fr. 328-367) Scope and Contents note Davey, Emma Stiles Davies, Gerald S. Davis, Charles Q. De la Croix, Jeanne Dell, Robert Dick, Elizabeth Dimier, Louis Dodd, Frank H.
Dodgson, Campbell - Doubleday, Page & Co., 1904-1914
Select: Dodgson, Campbell - Doubleday, Page & Co., 1904-1914 (D119; fr. 368-386) Scope and Contents note Dodgson, Campbell Dotson, J. T. Doubleday, Page & Co.
Downes, William H., 1904-1911
Select: Downes, William H., 1904-1911 (D119; fr. 387-436)
Dunn, Gano - Duveen, Henry, 1904-1914
Select: Dunn, Gano - Duveen, Henry, 1904-1914 (D119; fr. 437-477) Scope and Contents note Dunn, Gano Dunne, Walter Dun's Reviews Durand-Gréville, E. Durel, A. Duret, Theodore Duveen, Henry
Eaton, Mary - Ends of the Earth Club, 1906-1914, undated
Select: Eaton, Mary - Ends of the Earth Club, 1906-1914, undated (D119; fr. 479-492) Scope and Contents note Eaton, Mary Eden, Henry J. Emmett, Grenville T. Ends of the Earth Club
Ferguson, Edith - Forepaugh, Alice, 1896-1913, undated
Select: Ferguson, Edith - Forepaugh, Alice, 1896-1913, undated (D119; fr. 494-527) Scope and Contents note Ferguson, Edith Field, Mr. Firmin, M. Fletcher, Jefferson B. Florian, Mr. Foote, Mary Forepaugh, Alice
Foster, Ben, 1903-1904, undated
Select: Foster, Ben, 1903-1904, undated (D119; fr. 528-549)
Foundation France-Americaine - Freer, Charles L., 1903-1924
Select: Foundation France-Americaine - Freer, Charles L., 1903-1924 (D119; fr. 550-588) Scope and Contents note Foundation France-Americaine Fraser, W. A. Frazer, Julia Freer, Charles L.
French, Daniel Chester - French Line, 1907-1914
Select: French, Daniel Chester - French Line, 1907-1914 (D119; fr. 589-629) Scope and Contents note French, Daniel Chester French, William M. French-American Book Plan French Line
French Service Organizations, 1914-1918, undated
Select: French Service Organizations, 1914-1918, undated (D123; fr. 1612-1649)
Friedlander, Max, 1903-1912, undated
Select: Friedlander, Max, 1903-1912, undated (D119; fr. 630-676)
Frimmel, Theodore von - Frost, George A., 1896-1904, undated
Select: Frimmel, Theodore von - Frost, George A., 1896-1904, undated (D119; fr. 677-719) Scope and Contents note Frimmel, Theodore von Frizzoni, Gustavo Fromuth, Charles H. Frost, George A.
Fry, Roger, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Fry, Roger, 1904-1914, undated (D119; fr. 720-787)
Fullerton, W. M. - Furman, Virginia D. H., 1897, 1925
Select: Fullerton, W. M. - Furman, Virginia D. H., 1897, 1925 (D119; fr. 788-793) Scope and Contents note Fullerton, W. M. Furman, Virginia D. H.
Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 1903-1904, undated
Select: Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 1903-1904, undated (D119; fr. 795-924)
Garnsey, Elmer G. - Gillet, Louis, 1897-1914, undated
Select: Garnsey, Elmer G. - Gillet, Louis, 1897-1914, undated (D119; fr. 925-962) Scope and Contents note Garnsey, Elmer G. Gary, Elbert Gatringer, Joseph Geffroy, Gustave Gibson, D. C. Gilbert, Cass Gillet, Louis
Gillis Press (Walter Gillis), 1903-1906
Select: Gillis Press (Walter Gillis), 1903-1906 (D119; fr. 963-1199)
Giraudon, A. - Gluck, Gustave, 1896-1906
Select: Giraudon, A. - Gluck, Gustave, 1896-1906 (D119; fr. 1200-1211) Scope and Contents note Giraudon, A. Gluck, Gustave
Goodrich, Joseph King, 1910-1912
Select: Goodrich, Joseph King, 1910-1912 (D119; fr. 1212-1241)
Goodyear, William H. - Gronau, Georg, 1904-1912, undated
Select: Goodyear, William H. - Gronau, Georg, 1904-1912, undated (D119; fr. 1242-1286) Scope and Contents note Goodyear, William H. Gordon, Richard Graham, Florence Gregory, Eliot Gronau, Georg
Guiffrey, Jean & Jules, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Guiffrey, Jean & Jules, 1904-1914, undated (D119; fr. 1287-1414)
Gutekunst, G. - Harriman, Elizabeth, 1895-1929, undated
Select: Gutekunst, G. - Harriman, Elizabeth, 1895-1929, undated (D119; fr. 1415-1453) Scope and Contents note Gutekunst, G. Halford, G. V. Halsey, R. J. Hambridge, Jay Hamerton, E. Hamilton, E. W. D. Hamp, Pierre Hapgood, Isabel F. Hardy, Katherine E. Hardy, Walter B. Harriman, Elizabeth
Hart, Charles Henry - Hill, James J., 1898-1914, undated
Select: Hart, Charles Henry - Hill, James J., 1898-1914, undated (D119; fr. 1454-1498) Scope and Contents note Hart, Charles Henry Hauser, A. Havemeyer, L. W. Hay, Clare S. Healy, A. Augustus Heim, Aimee L. F. Heinemann, William Herrick, Robert Hesler, Albert Hess, Tessie Hill, James J.
Hillard, Mary, 1908-1914
Select: Hillard, Mary, 1908-1914 (D119; fr. 1499-1600)
Hind, Lewis, 1902-1908
Select: Hind, Lewis, 1902-1908 (D119; fr. 1601-1634)
Hirth, Friedrich - Historischer Verlung Baumgartel, 1904-1909
Select: Hirth, Friedrich - Historischer Verlung Baumgartel, 1904-1909 (D119; fr. 1635-1639) Scope and Contents note Hirth, Friedrich Historischer Verlung Baumgartel
Hofstede de Groot, C., 1904
Select: Hofstede de Groot, C., 1904 (D119; fr. 1644-1705)
Holmes, C. J., 1904-1911
Select: Holmes, C. J., 1904-1911 (D119-120; 1706-1849, D120: 1-115)
Holmes, Richard R. - Holt, Henry & Co., 1897-1912
Select: Holmes, Richard R. - Holt, Henry & Co., 1897-1912 (D120; fr. 116-125) Scope and Contents note Holmes, Richard R. Holroyd, Sir Charles Holsmann, Wilhelm Holt, Henry & Co.
Horne, Herbert P., 1904-1912, undated
Select: Horne, Herbert P., 1904-1912, undated (D120; fr. 126-196)
Hotel Continental - Hulin de Loo, Georges, 1897-1914
Select: Hotel Continental - Hulin de Loo, Georges, 1897-1914 (D120; fr. 197-262) Scope and Contents note Hotel Continental (Reel D118, fr. 1764-1767) Houlton Book Company Howells, Mildred Hubbard, Elbert Hubbard, Gardiner G. Hulin de Loo, Georges
Huneker, James - Hymans, Henri, 1904-1910
Select: Huneker, James - Hymans, Henri, 1904-1910 (D120; fr. 263-296) Scope and Contents note Huneker, James Huntington, Archer W. Hutt, Henry Hymans, Henri
Ingersoll-Smouse, Florence - Ingres, M., 1908-1913
Select: Ingersoll-Smouse, Florence - Ingres, M., 1908-1913 (D120; fr. 298-327) Scope and Contents note Ingersoll-Smouse, Florence Ingres, M.
Isham, Samuel - Ito, Soken, 1903-1904, 1913, undated
Select: Isham, Samuel - Ito, Soken, 1903-1904, 1913, undated (D120; fr. 328-372) Scope and Contents note Isham, Samuel Ito, Soken
Jaccaci, August Florian to his son Thayer Jaccaci, 1903-1904, undated
Select: Jaccaci, August Florian to his son Thayer Jaccaci, 1903-1904, undated (D120; fr. 374-471)
Jackson, Emily - Justi, Carl K., 1904-1913, undated
Select: Jackson, Emily - Justi, Carl K., 1904-1913, undated (D120; fr. 472-511) Scope and Contents note Jackson, Emily Jackson, A. V. Williams James, A. H. Johnson, Bettina Eastman Johnson, John G. Johnston, W. A. Justi, Carl K.
Kaemmerer, Ludwig - Kessler, Graf, 1904-1913, undated
Select: Kaemmerer, Ludwig - Kessler, Graf, 1904-1913, undated (D120; fr. 513-548) Scope and Contents note Kaemmerer, Ludwig Kelly, Annie Kendall, William Sergeant Kennedy, E. G. Kent, Henry W. Kent, Jessie Adams Kessler, Graf
Kleinberger, F. - Kristeller, Paul, 1904-1910
Select: Kleinberger, F. - Kristeller, Paul, 1904-1910 (D120; fr. 549-585) Scope and Contents note Kleinberger, F. Knaufft, Ernest Kraus, Filiph Kristeller, Paul
La Farge, C. Grant, 1896, 1911
Select: La Farge, C. Grant, 1896, 1911 (D120; fr. 586-589)
La Farge, John, 1900-1911, undated
Select: La Farge, John, 1900-1911, undated (D120; fr. 590-1443)
La Farge, Margaret - La Farge, Oliver, 1898-1914
Select: La Farge, Margaret - La Farge, Oliver, 1898-1914 (D120; fr. 1714-1738) Scope and Contents note La Farge, Margaret La Farge, Oliver
LaFenestre, Georges, 1904-1909, undated
Select: LaFenestre, Georges, 1904-1909, undated (D121; fr. 2-30)
LaFond, Paul, 1904-1913
Select: LaFond, Paul, 1904-1913 (D121; fr. 31-266)
Lamb, Charles R. - Lange, Ellis E., 1897-1910
Select: Lamb, Charles R. - Lange, Ellis E., 1897-1910 (D121; fr. 267-289) Scope and Contents note Lamb, Charles R. Lambert, John, Jr. Lange, Ellis E.
Lanier, Henry & Robert, 1897-1912
Select: Lanier, Henry & Robert, 1897-1912 (D121; fr. 290-337)
Lasneret, Alfred - Lawson, Ernest, 1906-1926
Select: Lasneret, Alfred - Lawson, Ernest, 1906-1926 (D121; fr. 352-386) Scope and Contents note Lasneret, Alfred Lathrop, Francis Laurinburg Normal & Industrial Institute Lawson, Ernest
Legal and Investment Correspondence, 1906-1914, undated
Select: Legal and Investment Correspondence, 1906-1914, undated (D123; fr. 512-554)
Leichtman Brothers - Linson, Corwin Knapp & Lyman S., 1897-1913
Select: Leichtman Brothers - Linson, Corwin Knapp & Lyman S., 1897-1913 (D121; fr. 387-426) Scope and Contents note Leichtman Brothers Library of Congress Lincoln National Bank Linson, Corwin Knapp & Lyman S.
Lippman, Adeline - Lockwood, Wilton, 1907-1912, undated
Select: Lippman, Adeline - Lockwood, Wilton, 1907-1912, undated (D121; fr. 427-449) Scope and Contents note Lippman, Adeline Lippman, F. W. Liscomb, Christine Lizotte, May Lockwood, Wilton
Loeser, Charles, 1903-1904, undated
Select: Loeser, Charles, 1903-1904, undated (D121; fr. 450-475)
Low, Will. H., 1903-1907
Select: Low, Will. H., 1903-1907 (D121; fr. 476-491)
Lowell, Orson - Ludwig, Gustav, 1904, undated
Select: Lowell, Orson - Ludwig, Gustav, 1904, undated (D121; fr. 492-511) Scope and Contents note Lowell, Orson Ludington, Katharine Ludwig, Gustav
Macbeth, D. - McCarter, Henry, 1896-1913, undated
Select: Macbeth, D. - McCarter, Henry, 1896-1913, undated (D121; fr. 556-596) Scope and Contents note Macbeth, D. McCarther, Henry
McClure, S. S. ( McClure's Magazine), 1903-1910, undated
Select: McClure, S. S. ( McClure's Magazine), 1903-1910, undated (D121; fr. 597-618)
McCraigh, Elizabeth - MacVeagh, Charles, 1904-1914, undated
Select: McCraigh, Elizabeth - MacVeagh, Charles, 1904-1914, undated (D121; fr. 619-644) Scope and Contents note McCraigh, Elizabeth McFarland, J. H. McIlvaine, Clarence McKay, William McKinlay, D. A. & Co. Macoll, D. S. MacVeagh, Charles
Madet, Dr. A., 1926-1929
Select: Madet, Dr. A., 1926-1929 (D121; fr. 645-691)
Mann, Morgan - Mansfield, Bessie, 1903-1914
Select: Mann, Morgan - Mansfield, Bessie, 1903-1914 (D121; fr. 692-759) Scope and Contents note Mann, Morgan Mansfield, Bessie
Mansfield, Helen C. - Marbury, Elizabeth, 1904-1914
Select: Mansfield, Helen C. - Marbury, Elizabeth, 1904-1914 (D121; fr. 760-810) Scope and Contents note Mansfield, Helen C. Mansfield, Howard Manzi, Mr. Marbury, Elizabeth
Marcel, Pierre - Marillier, H. C., 1904-1913
Select: Marcel, Pierre - Marillier, H. C., 1904-1913 (D121; fr. 811-850) Scope and Contents note Marcel, Pierre Marguiller, A. Marillier, H. C.
Markoe, Frances L. - Masi, Guiseppe, 1903-1909
Select: Markoe, Frances L. - Masi, Guiseppe, 1903-1909 (D121; fr. 851-901) Scope and Contents note Markoe, Frances L. Marks, Alfred Martin, W. Masi, Guiseppe
Marx, Roger, 1904-1908, undated
Select: Marx, Roger, 1904-1908, undated (D122; fr. 860-914)
Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr., 1904-1914, undated
Select: Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr., 1904-1914, undated (D121; fr. 912-1028)
Mather, Katherine - Mena, Maria Christina, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Mather, Katherine - Mena, Maria Christina, 1904-1914, undated (D121; fr. 1029-1041) Scope and Contents note Mather, Katherine Mayo, Lina L. Mead, William R. Meade, Larkin G. Mena, Maria Christina
Menotti, Mario - Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1904-1907, undated
Select: Menotti, Mario - Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1904-1907, undated (D121; fr. 1042-1075) Scope and Contents note Menotti, Mario Merrill, L. K. Metropolitan Museum of Art
Meynell, Everett, 1903, undated
Select: Meynell, Everett, 1903, undated (D121; fr. 1076-1090)
Michel, Andre - Millet, Francis Davis, 1904-1912
Select: Michel, Andre - Millet, Francis Davis, 1904-1912 (D121; fr. 1091-1135) Scope and Contents note Michel, Andre Michou, R. Miller, Jacob W. Millet, Francis Davis
Mirande - Mitchell, J. K., 1897-1921, undated
Select: Mirande - Mitchell, J. K., 1897-1921, undated (D121; fr. 1136-1160) Scope and Contents note Mirande Mirbeau, Octave Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co. Mitchell, J. A. Mitchell, J. K.
Moes, Ernst W., 1904-1908
Select: Moes, Ernst W., 1904-1908 (D121; fr. 1161-1201)
Monnet, J. B. - Morgan, J. P., 1907-1921
Select: Monnet, J. B. - Morgan, J. P., 1907-1921 (D121; fr. 1202-1245) Scope and Contents note Monnet, J. B. Moore, Helen Moore, Marion O. More, Paul Elmer Morgan, Ann Morgan, J. P.
Morris, Harrison - Morse, Edward L., 1903-1909
Select: Morris, Harrison - Morse, Edward L., 1903-1909 (D121; fr. 1246-1275) Scope and Contents note Morris, Harrison Morris, Mr. Morrow, William Morse, Edward L.
Morton, J. L. - Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, 1898-1913
Select: Morton, J. L. - Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, 1898-1913 (D121; fr. 1276-1335) Scope and Contents note Morton, J. L. Moseley, Julia Daniels Mosle, A. H. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company
Nast-Kolb & Schumacher - Newman, May, 1904-1913
Select: Nast-Kolb & Schumacher - Newman, May, 1904-1913 (D121; fr. 1337-1372) Scope and Contents note Nast-Kolb & Schumacher Neumann, Carl New Amsterdam Gas Company New York Public Library (1358-1359, also Reel D120: 1444-1455) New York Trust Company Newman, May
Newport, Mary Morgan - Norton, C. E. & Richard, 1897-1911, undated
Select: Newport, Mary Morgan - Norton, C. E. & Richard, 1897-1911, undated (D121; fr. 1373-1432) Scope and Contents note Newport, Mary Morgan Norris, Charles G. North German Lloyd Street Company Norton, C. E. & Richard
O'Donovan, E. W. - Osborn, Alice, 1906-1920, undated
Select: O'Donovan, E. W. - Osborn, Alice, 1906-1920, undated (D121; fr. 1434-1465) Scope and Contents note O'Donovan, E. W. Of, George F. Ogden & Clarkson Ogier, E. Olinsky, Ivan Oppenheim, Bertha Oppenheim, Nathan Osborn, Alice
Pach, Walter - Parsons, Mabel, 1897-1913, undated
Select: Pach, Walter - Parsons, Mabel, 1897-1913, undated (D121; fr. 1467-1497) Scope and Contents note Pach, Walter Page, Helen Page, Marie K. Painter, M. W. Palmer, Frederick Parish, Susan L. Parson, Arthur Jeffray Parsons, Mabel
Paper Company correspondence, 1903-1910
Select: Paper Company correspondence, 1903-1910 (D123; fr. 1655-1696)
Parsons, Samuel, 1897-1912
Select: Parsons, Samuel, 1897-1912 (D121; fr. 1498-1547)
Paton, David, 1910-1912, undated
Select: Paton, David, 1910-1912, undated (D121; fr. 1548-1631)
Paton, Peggie, 1911
Select: Paton, Peggie, 1911 (D121; fr. 1632-1649)
Paton, William Agnew, 1907-1913, undated
Select: Paton, William Agnew, 1907-1913, undated (D121; fr. 1650-1808)
Peabody, Malvina A. - Pennell, Elizabeth R., 1897, 1904-1906, undated
Select: Peabody, Malvina A. - Pennell, Elizabeth R., 1897, 1904-1906, undated (D121; fr. 1809-1828) Scope and Contents note Peabody, Malvina A. Peacock, Mr. Peck, Howard Peixotto, Ernest & Mary Pennell, Elizabeth R.
Pennington, Harper, 1903-1911
Select: Pennington, Harper, 1903-1911 (D121-122; fr. 1829-1836, Reel D122: fr. 1-125)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts - Peterson, Antoinette R., 1897-1907
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts - Peterson, Antoinette R., 1897-1907 (D122; fr. 126-151) Scope and Contents note Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Reel D121: fr. 1814) Perkins, F. Mason Peterson, Antoinette R.
Pfister Binding Company, 1907-1915
Select: Pfister Binding Company, 1907-1915 (D122; fr. 152-279)
Philbin, Eugene A. - Phillips, Claude, 1904-1910
Select: Philbin, Eugene A. - Phillips, Claude, 1904-1910 (D122; fr. 280-300) Scope and Contents note Philbin, Eugene A. Phillips, Claude
Phillips, John S., 1912-1914, undated
Select: Phillips, John S., 1912-1914, undated (D122; fr. 301-326)
Pick, Robert F. - Pope, Arthur, 1897-1913, undated
Select: Pick, Robert F. - Pope, Arthur, 1897-1913, undated (D122; fr. 327-359) Scope and Contents note Pick, Robert F. Pillot, Mrs. Pine, John B. Pinkham, Lydia E. Piping Rock Club Pope, Arthur
Pope, Theodate, 1906-1913
Select: Pope, Theodate, 1906-1913 (D122; fr. 360-485)
Pope, Theodate, undated
Select: Pope, Theodate, undated
Potter, Bessie - Pupin, Michael, 1896-1921
Select: Potter, Bessie - Pupin, Michael, 1896-1921 (D122; fr. 486-534) Scope and Contents note Potter, Bessie Powell, Bradford Powell, William H. Prangey, Col. Prichard, W. S. Prime, Lena E. Prinet, Rene X. Pritchard, A. G. & Co. Proctor, Margaret D. Proctor, A. Phimister Pupin, Michael
Raffaelli, Jean Francois - Randall-MacIver, 1907, undated
Select: Raffaelli, Jean Francois - Randall-MacIver, 1907, undated (D122; fr. 536-542) Scope and Contents note Raffaelli, Jean Francois Randall-MacIver
Rankin, William, 1906-1914, undated
Select: Rankin, William, 1906-1914, undated (D122; fr. 543-702)
Rawlinson, W. J. - Rhinelander, Edith, 1904-1913, undated
Select: Rawlinson, W. J. - Rhinelander, Edith, 1904-1913, undated (D122; fr. 703-729) Scope and Contents note Rawlinson, W. J. Reinach, Solomon Reuterdahl, Henry Reymond, Marcel Rhinelander, Edith
Ricci, Corrado, 1904
Select: Ricci, Corrado, 1904 (D122; fr. 730-754)
Richards, C. B. & Co. - Richter, J. Paul, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Richards, C. B. & Co. - Richter, J. Paul, 1904-1914, undated (D122; fr. 755-807) Scope and Contents note Richards, C. B. & Co. Richmond, George H. Richter, J. Paul
Robinson - Robinson, H. E., 1897-1912, undated
Select: Robinson - Robinson, H. E., 1897-1912, undated (D122; fr. 808-856) Scope and Contents note Robinson, (?) Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, H. E.
Rochement, Ruth de - Rogers, John B. & Co., 1904-1913
Select: Rochement, Ruth de - Rogers, John B. & Co., 1904-1913 (D122; fr. 857-979) Scope and Contents note Rochement, Ruth de Rogers, Winthrop L. Rogers, John B. & Co.
Rooses, Max, 1904
Select: Rooses, Max, 1904 (D122; fr. 980-1010)
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit - Russell, E. E. M., 1904-1913, undated
Select: Roosevelt, Edith Kermit - Russell, E. E. M., 1904-1913, undated (D122; fr. 1011-1023) Scope and Contents note Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Rudd, Henry W. Rushforth, G. McNeil Russell, (?) Russell, E. E. M.
Ruzicka, Rudolph, 1913-1914
Select: Ruzicka, Rudolph, 1913-1914 (D122; fr. 1024-1080)
Saladin, H. - Schmidt, W., 1904-1910
Select: Saladin, H. - Schmidt, W., 1904-1910 (D122; fr. 1082-1126) Scope and Contents note Saladin, H. Salvatore, Victor D. Schermerhorn, Alfred E. Schiller, Max Schley, George B. Schmidt, W.
Schuyler, M. - Shipman, B. J., 1898-1914, undated
Select: Schuyler, M. - Shipman, B. J., 1898-1914, undated (D122; fr. 1127-1166) Scope and Contents note Schuyler, M. Scribner, Charles Scudder, Janet Seaman, Stephen Seymour, George D. Shean, Charles M. Sheldon, Christine L. Sherman, Frederic F. Shipman, B. J.
Sickert, Bernhard, 1903-1908
Select: Sickert, Bernhard, 1903-1908 (D122; fr. 1167-1598)
Sickert, Robert - Sincerbeaux, Charles S., 1909-1912
Select: Sickert, Robert - Sincerbeaux, Charles S., 1909-1912 (D122; fr. 1599-1624) Scope and Contents note Sickert, Robert Sincerbeaux, Charles S.
Siren, Oswald, 1908-1914
Select: Siren, Oswald, 1908-1914 (D122; fr. 1625-1840)
Siren, Oswald, Lecture Tour, 1913-1914
Select: Siren, Oswald, Lecture Tour, 1913-1914 (D123; fr. 1-117)
Six, J. - Smith, Gertrude Robinson, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Six, J. - Smith, Gertrude Robinson, 1904-1914, undated (D123; fr. 118-146) Scope and Contents note Six, J. Sizeranne, Robert de la Slade, Charles M. H. Slater, Ellen Smith, Gertrude Robinson
Smith, A. Hammond - Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 1908-1914
Select: Smith, A. Hammond - Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 1908-1914 (D123; fr. 147-159) Scope and Contents note Smith, A. Hammond Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Snyder, Carl, 1903-1904
Select: Snyder, Carl, 1903-1904 (D123; fr. 160-743)
Solinas, G. - Spielmann, M. H., 1903-1913, undated
Select: Solinas, G. - Spielmann, M. H., 1903-1913, undated (D123; fr. 744-784) Scope and Contents note Solinas, G. Somerset Laundry Spielmann, M. H.
Spofford, Ellen B. - Starkweather, C. C., 1896-1910
Select: Spofford, Ellen B. - Starkweather, C. C., 1896-1910 (D123; fr. 785-826) Scope and Contents note Spofford, Ellen B. Sprague, Mr. Squiers, Edward C. Starkweather, C. C.
Stead, Amelia F. T. - Stimson, Daniel M., 1897-1913, undated
Select: Stead, Amelia F. T. - Stimson, Daniel M., 1897-1913, undated (D123; fr. 827-865) Scope and Contents note Stead, Amelia F. T. Steffens, J. Lincoln Steinman, E. Stephens, F. G. Stern, Walter T. Sterners, (?) Stillwell, Lewis B. Stimson, Daniel M.
Stone, Herbert S. - Sturgis, Russell, 1896-1913
Select: Stone, Herbert S. - Sturgis, Russell, 1896-1913 (D123; fr. 871-885) Scope and Contents note Stone, Herbert S. Story, Richard Straight, Dorothy Strean, Maria J. Sturgis, Russell
Swift, Eliza, Frederick, & Lexie - Swift, Samuel, 1907-1913, undated
Select: Swift, Eliza, Frederick, & Lexie - Swift, Samuel, 1907-1913, undated (D123; fr. 886-937) Scope and Contents note Swift, Eliza, Frederick & Lexie Swift, Samuel
Tack, Augustus V., 1910-1913, undated
Select: Tack, Augustus V., 1910-1913, undated (D123; fr. 939-966)
Tallman, C. H. - Texas Company, 1897-1913, undated
Select: Tallman, C. H. - Texas Company, 1897-1913, undated (D123; fr. 967-999) Scope and Contents note Tallman, C. H. Tarbell, Ida M. & Clara Tavernier, Paul Taylor, Anne Taylor, Carl Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander Terry, Mrs. Charles, Jr. Texas Company
Thomas, Linda - Tracy, Marguerite, 1904-1914
Select: Thomas, Linda - Tracy, Marguerite, 1904-1914 (D123; fr. 1000-1044) Scope and Contents note Thomas, Linda Thomson, D. Croal Tiffany & Company Tone, Aileen Tonides, J. Townsend, C. H. Townsend, James W. Tracy, Marguerite
Trowbridge, Alexander B. - Twombly, Florence, 1904-1914, undated
Select: Trowbridge, Alexander B. - Twombly, Florence, 1904-1914, undated (D123; fr. 1045-1069) Scope and Contents note Trowbridge, Alexander B. Trumbull, Anni E. Tschudi, Hugo von Tuffier, (?) Twombly, Florence
U. S. Express Company - Valentiner, William R., 1904-1914, undated
Select: U. S. Express Company - Valentiner, William R., 1904-1914, undated (D123; fr. 1071-1126) Scope and Contents note U. S. Express Company Vachon, Marius Valentiner, William R.
Van der Hoeven, W. - Van Ness, Iola, 1904-1912
Select: Van der Hoeven, W. - Van Ness, Iola, 1904-1912 (D123; fr. 1127-1149) Scope and Contents note Van der Hoeven, W. Van Dyke, John C. Van Horne, Sir William Van Ingen, W. B. Van Ness, Iola
Van Rensselaer, M. G., undated
Select: Van Rensselaer, M. G., undated (D123; fr. 1150-1269)
Vaux, C. B. - Venturi, A., 1896-1904
Select: Vaux, C. B. - Venturi, A., 1896-1904 (D123; fr. 1270-1299) Scope and Contents note Vaux, C. B. Venturi, A.
Veth, Jan - Von Glehn, Wilfrid, 1904-1913, undated
Select: Veth, Jan - Von Glehn, Wilfrid, 1904-1913, undated (D123; fr. 1300-1329) Scope and Contents note Veth, Jan Vigouroux, John Von Glehn, Wilfrid
Waern, Cecelia - Walton, William, 1906-1913, undated
Select: Waern, Cecelia - Walton, William, 1906-1913, undated (D123; fr. 1331-1385) Scope and Contents note Waern, Cecelia Wagner, William Van Wallis, Whitworth Walton, William
Ward, Humphrey - Warner, S. L., 1904-1912, undated
Select: Ward, Humphrey - Warner, S. L., 1904-1912, undated (D123; fr. 1386-1446) Scope and Contents note Ward, Humphrey Ward, De Wit C. Ward Memorial book Warner, S. L.
Watts, G. F. - Weitenkampf, Frank, 1898-1913, undated
Select: Watts, G. F. - Weitenkampf, Frank, 1898-1913, undated (D123; fr. 1447-1487) Scope and Contents note Watts, G. F. Wauters, A. J. Weale, W. H. J. Weeks, E. L. Weir, J. Alden Weisbach, Werner Weitenkampf, Frank
West Point Army Mess - Winter, Edwin W., 1897-1909, undated
Select: West Point Army Mess - Winter, Edwin W., 1897-1909, undated (D123; fr. 1488-1534) Scope and Contents note West Point Army Mess Westminster, Duke of Wharton, Mrs. Wheelock, Ellen Whibley, Charles White, Elizabeth C. White, William Allen White Star Line Whitney, Helen Hay Willett, Henry Williams, C. C. Williams, Jesse Lynch Windsor Trust Company Winter, Edwin W.
Witt, Robert C. - Wood, C. E. S., 1896-1914, undated
Select: Witt, Robert C. - Wood, C. E. S., 1896-1914, undated (D123; fr. 1535-1564) Scope and Contents note Witt, Robert C. Woermann, Karl Wolfe, Elsie de Wood, C. E. S.
Wood, L. Hollingsworth - Wright, Thomas, 1904-1913
Select: Wood, L. Hollingsworth - Wright, Thomas, 1904-1913 (D123; fr. 1565-1602) Scope and Contents note Wood, L. Hollingsworth Woodberry Society Woodbury, Mrs. Marcia O. Wright, Charles Lennox Wright, Thomas
Ymamura, Jishichi - Zogbaum, R. F., 1907-1914, undated
Select: Ymamura, Jishichi - Zogbaum, R. F., 1907-1914, undated (D123; fr. 1604-1611) Scope and Contents note Ymamura, Jishichi Young, A. Murray Zogbaum, R. F.
Unidentified letters, 1896-1913, undated
Select: Unidentified letters, 1896-1913, undated (D124; fr. 43-86)
Miscellaneous Business Correspondence, A-Z, 1903-1914, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Business Correspondence, A-Z, 1903-1914, undated (D124; fr. 96-237)
Correspondence about Printing and Publishing Noteworthy Paintings , 1904-1907
Select: Correspondence about Printing and Publishing Noteworthy Paintings, 1904-1907 (unfilmed)