Exhibitions, Unidentified, and Other Artwork, circa 1978-1980s
Select: Exhibitions, Unidentified, and Other Artwork, circa 1978-1980s Scope and Contents Folder contains slides of artwork found in a folder labeled "Group show 8-9 1984" although artwork does not appear to be from that exhibition; and slides of unidentified exhibitions at Art Space, including 3 slides originally housed with other records related to Darryl Curran.
Ackerman, Susan Jane, 1981-circa 1982
Select: Ackerman, Susan Jane, 1981-circa 1982
Belnick, Julie, circa 1983-circa 1986
Select: Belnick, Julie, circa 1983-circa 1986
Berk, Barbara, 1978
Select: Berk, Barbara, 1978
Berman, Zeke, 1982
Select: Berman, Zeke, 1982
Blake-Elahi, Lucy, circa 1984
Select: Blake-Elahi, Lucy, circa 1984
Blunk, J.B., 1978-1982
Select: Blunk, J.B., 1978-1982
Bravo, Ray, 1982-1983
Select: Bravo, Ray, 1982-1983
Bromberg, Faith, circa 1977
Select: Bromberg, Faith, circa 1977
Burke, Jonathan, circa 1983-circa 1984
Select: Burke, Jonathan, circa 1983-circa 1984
Capell, Marlene, circa 1988-1991
Select: Capell, Marlene, circa 1988-1991
Chaffee, Marta, 1980-1990
Select: Chaffee, Marta, 1980-1990
Chapkis, Nora, circa 1984-1989
Select: Chapkis, Nora, circa 1984-1989
Coleman, John, circa 1981
Select: Coleman, John, circa 1981
Colvill, Tracy, circa 1981-1989
Select: Colvill, Tracy, circa 1981-1989 Scope and Contents Includes 2 slides of Colvill.
Colvill, Tracy, circa 1981-circa 1989
Select: Colvill, Tracy, circa 1981-circa 1989
Cowin, Eileen, circa 1980
Select: Cowin, Eileen, circa 1980
Daniel, Michiel, 1980-1983
Select: Daniel, Michiel, 1980-1983
Davy, Woods, 1981-1983
Select: Davy, Woods, 1981-1983
Di Franco, Sebastian, circa 1969-circa 1982
Select: Di Franco, Sebastian, circa 1969-circa 1982
Doolin, James, 1973
Select: Doolin, James, 1973
DuBroy, Denise, circa 1986-circa 1988
Select: DuBroy, Denise, circa 1986-circa 1988
Edelstein, Bruce, circa 1982-1984
Select: Edelstein, Bruce, circa 1982-1984
Erickson, Carol Puck, 1979
Select: Erickson, Carol Puck, 1979
Falkner, Lucia, circa 1981 -1984
Select: Falkner, Lucia, circa 1981 -1984
Farber, Jim, circa 1980
Select: Farber, Jim, circa 1980
Farrington, Jim, circa 1984-1990
Select: Farrington, Jim, circa 1984-1990
Finer, Judith Hartle, 1982-1984
Select: Finer, Judith Hartle, 1982-1984
Fly, Tony, circa 1983-circa 1986
Select: Fly, Tony, circa 1983-circa 1986
Foley, Kyoko Asano, circa 1982-1984
Select: Foley, Kyoko Asano, circa 1982-1984
Frailey, Stephen, 1980
Select: Frailey, Stephen, 1980 Scope and Contents Slides are by Patrick Nagatani of Frailey's polaroids in Art Space Exhibition, October-November 1980.
Frame, John, 1980
Select: Frame, John, 1980
French, Ellen, 1979-1982
Select: French, Ellen, 1979-1982
Gabrielson, Walter, circa 1978
Select: Gabrielson, Walter, circa 1978
Galgiani, Phillip, 1978
Select: Galgiani, Phillip, 1978
Genelin, Susan, circa 1984-circa 1987
Select: Genelin, Susan, circa 1984-circa 1987
Germain, Harriet, circa 1976-circa 1983
Select: Germain, Harriet, circa 1976-circa 1983
Ghelerter, Robin, 1983-1984
Select: Ghelerter, Robin, 1983-1984
Goddard, Dennis, circa 1982-circa 1984
Select: Goddard, Dennis, circa 1982-circa 1984
Godfrey, Richard, 1980-1983
Select: Godfrey, Richard, 1980-1983
Goldberg, Jan, circa 1981
Select: Goldberg, Jan, circa 1981
Goldman, Amy, 1979-1985
Select: Goldman, Amy, 1979-1985
Green, Phyllis, 1980-1982
Select: Green, Phyllis, 1980-1982 Scope and Contents Includes slides of installation at Art Space, 1982, and UCLA.
Grusky, Lenne, circa 1982-1988
Select: Grusky, Lenne, circa 1982-1988
Hammond, Thekla Hathaway, 1981-1985
Select: Hammond, Thekla Hathaway, 1981-1985
Hassinger, Maren, 1977-1983
Select: Hassinger, Maren, 1977-1983 Scope and Contents Includes image of Hassinger by Adam Avila.
Herweck, Roy, circa 1984
Select: Herweck, Roy, circa 1984
Hines, David, circa 1979-1989
Select: Hines, David, circa 1979-1989
Holmes, Pamela, 1984-1989
Select: Holmes, Pamela, 1984-1989
Holmstrom, Eva, 1980-1984
Select: Holmstrom, Eva, 1980-1984
Iles, Cindy, 1984
Select: Iles, Cindy, 1984
Ingram, Carol, 1982-1988
Select: Ingram, Carol, 1982-1988
Kao, Norman, circa 1984-circa 1985
Select: Kao, Norman, circa 1984-circa 1985
Kay, Gertrude, circa 1976
Select: Kay, Gertrude, circa 1976
Kezur, David, circa 1985-circa 1986
Select: Kezur, David, circa 1985-circa 1986
Kispal, Magdalene, circa 1985
Select: Kispal, Magdalene, circa 1985
Kleinberg, Jack, 1979-1988
Select: Kleinberg, Jack, 1979-1988
Koment, Ellen, 1981-1990
Select: Koment, Ellen, 1981-1990
Kwak, Hoon, 1981-1938
Select: Kwak, Hoon, 1981-1938
Lamosse, Jeanné, circa 1982-1990
Select: Lamosse, Jeanné, circa 1982-1990
Lieberman, Irene, circa 1988-circa 1989
Select: Lieberman, Irene, circa 1988-circa 1989
Lowry, Janice, circa 1980-1984
Select: Lowry, Janice, circa 1980-1984
Lowry, Janice, 1987-1989
Select: Lowry, Janice, 1987-1989
Lowry, Janice, Installation, circa 1985-circa 1989
Select: Lowry, Janice, Installation, circa 1985-circa 1989
Lubner, Lorraine, 1985-1989
Select: Lubner, Lorraine, 1985-1989
Lubner, Martin, 1980-1987
Select: Lubner, Martin, 1980-1987
Magnus, Barbara, 1990-1991
Select: Magnus, Barbara, 1990-1991
Marinoff, Deborah, 1985-1987
Select: Marinoff, Deborah, 1985-1987
Marks, Pamela, 1982-1985
Select: Marks, Pamela, 1982-1985
Maxim, David, 1978-1980
Select: Maxim, David, 1978-1980
Meyer, Douglas, 1980-1984
Select: Meyer, Douglas, 1980-1984 Scope and Contents Includes slides of October 1981 exhibition at Art Space.
Meyer, Douglas, 1986-1987
Select: Meyer, Douglas, 1986-1987
Miller, Melinda, circa 1979-1984
Select: Miller, Melinda, circa 1979-1984
Miller, Melinda, circa 1983-circa 1986
Select: Miller, Melinda, circa 1983-circa 1986
Mitchell, Valerie, 1989-1992
Select: Mitchell, Valerie, 1989-1992
Miura, Shigeo, 1982-1986
Select: Miura, Shigeo, 1982-1986
Miura, Shiego, 1988-1990
Select: Miura, Shiego, 1988-1990
Miura, Shiego, Exhibition Installations, 1985-1986
Select: Miura, Shiego, Exhibition Installations, 1985-1986
Mock, Cathy, circa 1987-1990
Select: Mock, Cathy, circa 1987-1990
Moen, David, 1980-1988
Select: Moen, David, 1980-1988
Mooslin, Nancy, circa 1979-circa 1984
Select: Mooslin, Nancy, circa 1979-circa 1984
Morris, Ann, 1977-1987
Select: Morris, Ann, 1977-1987 Scope and Contents Includes images of installations at Art Space, 1977 and 1981.
Murillo, Patricia, 1977-1978
Select: Murillo, Patricia, 1977-1978
Nagatani, Patrick, circa 1981-circa 1984
Select: Nagatani, Patrick, circa 1981-circa 1984
Nelson, Robert, circa 1979-circa 1984
Select: Nelson, Robert, circa 1979-circa 1984
Nessim, Freda, 1982-1988
Select: Nessim, Freda, 1982-1988
Neuwirth, Geraldine, circa 1990
Select: Neuwirth, Geraldine, circa 1990
Noah, Barbara, 1978-1981
Select: Noah, Barbara, 1978-1981
Oginz, Richard, 1980-1984
Select: Oginz, Richard, 1980-1984
Oshiro, Daniel, 1984-1987
Select: Oshiro, Daniel, 1984-1987
Pann, Cheri, 1985-1992
Select: Pann, Cheri, 1985-1992
Pann, Cheri, 1985-1992
Select: Pann, Cheri, 1985-1992
Pennington, David, circa 1981-1988
Select: Pennington, David, circa 1981-1988
Pennington, David, Exhibition Installations, circa 1987
Select: Pennington, David, Exhibition Installations, circa 1987
Peterson, Kerrie, 1985-1988
Select: Peterson, Kerrie, 1985-1988
Rabbin, Herb, 1980-1984
Select: Rabbin, Herb, 1980-1984
Raboff, Fran, 1971-1977
Select: Raboff, Fran, 1971-1977
Raboff, Laura, 1971-1990
Select: Raboff, Laura, 1971-1990 Scope and Contents Includes photo of Raboff in wolf mask at 2nd Street studio, Berkeley.
Rangell, Paul, circa 1980
Select: Rangell, Paul, circa 1980
Rapeport, Stuart, circa 1980
Select: Rapeport, Stuart, circa 1980
Reagan, Lark, circa 1989
Select: Reagan, Lark, circa 1989
Roberts, John A., 1981
Select: Roberts, John A., 1981
Robinson, Maura, 1989
Select: Robinson, Maura, 1989
Rush, Kent, circa 1978-circa 1989
Select: Rush, Kent, circa 1978-circa 1989
Rush, Kent, circa 1978-circa 1989
Select: Rush, Kent, circa 1978-circa 1989
Rush, Kent, Installation at Art Space, 1981 October
Select: Rush, Kent, Installation at Art Space, 1981 October
Saindon, Carol, 1978-1986
Select: Saindon, Carol, 1978-1986
Sanchez, Dominique, 1981-1982
Select: Sanchez, Dominique, 1981-1982
Sanders, Audrey, 1980-1984
Select: Sanders, Audrey, 1980-1984
Schairer, Mary, circa 1984-1987
Select: Schairer, Mary, circa 1984-1987
Schairer, Mary, 1989-1991
Select: Schairer, Mary, 1989-1991
Schrager, 1977-1979
Select: Schrager, 1977-1979
Serisawa, Mary, circa 1985
Select: Serisawa, Mary, circa 1985
Shuler, Dustin, circa 1983
Select: Shuler, Dustin, circa 1983
Simonian, Judith, 1977
Select: Simonian, Judith, 1977
Slawson, Dunnieghe, 1973-1992
Select: Slawson, Dunnieghe, 1973-1992
Stanton, Tom, circa 1980
Select: Stanton, Tom, circa 1980
Starbuck, Marg, 1982-1986
Select: Starbuck, Marg, 1982-1986
Starbuck, Marg, 1987-1989
Select: Starbuck, Marg, 1987-1989
Steketee, Craig, 1981-1984
Select: Steketee, Craig, 1981-1984
Tatro, Ron, 1982-1987
Select: Tatro, Ron, 1982-1987
Themann, Mark, 1983-1984
Select: Themann, Mark, 1983-1984
Thompson, Margaret, 1983-1984
Select: Thompson, Margaret, 1983-1984
Tinguely, Miriam, circa 1989-1990
Select: Tinguely, Miriam, circa 1989-1990
Tomlinson, Robert, 1982-1986
Select: Tomlinson, Robert, 1982-1986
Tomlinson, Robert, 1982-1986
Select: Tomlinson, Robert, 1982-1986
Veeck, Loraine, 1988-1989
Select: Veeck, Loraine, 1988-1989
Villiers, Charles, circa 1980
Select: Villiers, Charles, circa 1980
Walding, Clark, 1984
Select: Walding, Clark, 1984
Warner, Miki, circa 1988-1989
Select: Warner, Miki, circa 1988-1989
Weber, Stephanie, circa 1979-1980
Select: Weber, Stephanie, circa 1979-1980
Wethli, Mark C., 1973-1981
Select: Wethli, Mark C., 1973-1981
Wilson, Brad, 1984-1985
Select: Wilson, Brad, 1984-1985
Duplicates Slides for Artists A-L, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Select: Duplicates Slides for Artists A-L, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Duplicates Slides for Artists L-N, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Select: Duplicates Slides for Artists L-N, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Duplicates Slides for Artists O-W, circa 1970s-circa 1990s
Select: Duplicates Slides for Artists O-W, circa 1970s-circa 1990s