Collection Information
Size: 1 Microfilm reel, circa 300 items on 1 microfilm reel
Summary: The microfilmed American Artists' Committee of One Hundred records contain letters from chairman William Anderson Coffin regarding membership, other artists, some personal matters, and the Allied Bazaar of 1916. Among the correspondents are Leon Bonnat and Edmond Thoumy Paris.
Biographical/Historical Note
The American Artists' Committee of One Hundred was a relief organization formed by New York painters and sculptors to provide aid to the families of French soldier-artists, chiefly through the sales of artwork and donations. William Anderson Coffin was chairman.
Lent 1973 by New York Historical Society.
Related Materials
The Archives of American Art also holds the William Anderson Coffin papers, 1886-1924. The New York Historical Society holds the William A. Coffin papers, 1915-1926 which mainly consist of records of the American Artists' Committee of One Hundred of which Coffin was chairman.
Language Note
English .
Location of Originals
- Originals and microfilm master negative in New York Historical Society, Manuscript Division.